Пример #1
 void write(std::ostream& out, const Mat& m, const int*, int) const
     static const char* numpyTypes[] =
         "uint8", "int8", "uint16", "int16", "int32", "float32", "float64", "uint64"
     out << "array([";
     writeMat(out, m, m.cols > 1 ? '[' : ' ', '[', m.cols*m.channels() == 1);
     out << "], type='" << numpyTypes[m.depth()] << "')";
Пример #2
//#define DEBUG_MODE
int SingleSLAM::poseUpdate3D(bool largeErr) {
//get the feature points corresponding to the map points
	std::vector<Track2DNode*> nodes;
	int num = getStaticMappedTrackNodes(nodes);
	if (num < 1) {
        double* cR = m_camPos.current()->R;
        double* cT = m_camPos.current()->t;
        CamPoseItem* camPos = m_camPos.add(currentFrame(), camId,cR, cT);
        updateCamParamForFeatPts(K, camPos);

				"[camera id:%d]intra-camera pose update failed! less than five static map points (%d)",
				camId, num);
		return -1;

//choose the feature points for pose estimation
	std::vector<FeaturePoint*> featPts;
	std::vector<FeaturePoint*> mappedFeatPts;

	mappedFeatPts.reserve(nRowBlk * nColBlk * 2);

	for (size_t i = 0; i < featPts.size(); i++) {
		if (featPts[i]->mpt)

//get the 2D-3D corresponding points
	int n3D2Ds = mappedFeatPts.size();
	Mat_d ms(n3D2Ds, 2), Ms(n3D2Ds, 3), covs(n3D2Ds, 9);
	for (int i = 0; i < n3D2Ds; i++) {
		FeaturePoint* fp = mappedFeatPts[i];
		ms.data[2 * i] = fp->x;
		ms.data[2 * i + 1] = fp->y;

		Ms.data[3 * i] = fp->mpt->x;
		Ms.data[3 * i + 1] = fp->mpt->y;
		Ms.data[3 * i + 2] = fp->mpt->z;

		memcpy(covs.data, fp->mpt->cov, sizeof(double) * 9);

	Mat_d R(3, 3), t(3, 1);
	double* cR = m_camPos.current()->R;
	double* cT = m_camPos.current()->t;

	IntraCamPoseOption opt;

	Mat_d old_errs(n3D2Ds, 1);
	//get reprojection error beform pose update
	for (int i = 0; i < n3D2Ds; i++) {
		FeaturePoint* fp = mappedFeatPts[i];
		double m[2];
		project(K.data, cR, cT, fp->mpt->M, m);
		old_errs[i] = dist2(m, fp->m);
	//end of test

	intraCamEstimate(K.data, cR, cT, Ms.rows, 0, Ms.data, ms.data,
			Param::maxErr, R.data, t.data, &opt);

	Mat_d new_errs(n3D2Ds, 1);
	for (int i = 0; i < n3D2Ds; i++) {
		FeaturePoint* fp = mappedFeatPts[i];
		double m[2];
		project(K.data, R, t, fp->mpt->M, m);
		new_errs[i] = dist2(m, fp->m);

//find outliers
	int numOut = 0;
	double errThres = largeErr ? 6.0 : 2.0;
	double rm[2], var[4], ivar[4];
	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
		double* pM = nodes[i]->pt->mpt->M;
		double* pCov = nodes[i]->pt->mpt->cov;
		project(K, R, t, pM, rm);
		getProjectionCovMat(K, R, t, pM, pCov, var, Const::PIXEL_ERR_VAR);
		mat22Inv(var, ivar);
		double err = mahaDist2(rm, nodes[i]->pt->m, ivar);
		if (err < errThres) { //inlier
			nodes[i]->pt->reprojErr = err;
			seqTriangulate(K, R, t, nodes[i]->pt->m, pM, pCov,
			project(K, R, t, pM, rm);
			getProjectionCovMat(K, R, t, pM, pCov, var, Const::PIXEL_ERR_VAR);
			mat22Inv(var, ivar);
			err = mahaDist2(rm, nodes[i]->pt->m, ivar);
			//			if (err >= 1) {
			//				nodes[i]->pt->mpt->setUncertain();
			//				//test
			//				printf("poseUpdate:1\n");
			//			}
		} else {
			double repErr = dist2(rm, nodes[i]->pt->m);
			nodes[i]->pt->reprojErr = repErr;
	CamPoseItem* camPos = m_camPos.add(currentFrame(), camId, R.data, t.data);
	updateCamParamForFeatPts(K, camPos);
//	if (currentFrame() > 9)
//		MyApp::bStop = true;
//if the number of outliers are too much (may due to some distant points)
	if (currentFrame() >= 76) {
		printf("f:%d,cam:%d : n3d2d:%d, num:%d, numOut:%d\n", currentFrame(),
				camId, n3D2Ds, num, numOut);
		char dirPath[1024];
		sprintf(dirPath, "/home/tsou/slam_posefailed/%s", MyApp::timeStr);
		mkdir(dirPath, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);

		savePGM(m_img, "/home/tsou/slam_posefailed/%s/%d_img_%d.pgm",
				MyApp::timeStr, currentFrame(), camId);
		writeMat(Ms, "/home/tsou/slam_posefailed/%s/%d_pts3d_%d.txt",
				MyApp::timeStr, currentFrame(), camId);
		writeMat(ms, "/home/tsou/slam_posefailed/%s/%d_pts2d_%d.txt",
				MyApp::timeStr, currentFrame(), camId);
		writeMat(covs, "/home/tsou/slam_posefailed/%s/%d_cov3d_%d.txt",
				MyApp::timeStr, currentFrame(), camId);
		writeMat(3, 3, K, "/home/tsou/slam_posefailed/%s/%d_K_%d.txt",
				MyApp::timeStr, currentFrame(), camId);
		writeMat(old_errs, "/home/tsou/slam_posefailed/%s/%d_old_errs_%d.txt",
				MyApp::timeStr, currentFrame(), camId);
		writeMat(new_errs, "/home/tsou/slam_posefailed/%s/%d_new_errs_%d.txt",
				MyApp::timeStr, currentFrame(), camId);

		writeMat(3, 3, cR, "/home/tsou/slam_posefailed/%s/%d_oldR_%d.txt",
				MyApp::timeStr, currentFrame(), camId);
		writeMat(3, 1, cT, "/home/tsou/slam_posefailed/%s/%d_oldT_%d.txt",
				MyApp::timeStr, currentFrame(), camId);
		writeMat(R, "/home/tsou/slam_posefailed/%s/%d_R_%d.txt", MyApp::timeStr,
				currentFrame(), camId);
		writeMat(t, "/home/tsou/slam_posefailed/%s/%dT_%d.txt", MyApp::timeStr,
				currentFrame(), camId);

		logInfo("program paused for debug at camera %d!\n", currentFrame(), camId);
	return num;
Пример #3
 void write(std::ostream& out, const Mat& m, const int*, int) const
     out << "{";
     writeMat(out, m, ',', ' ', m.cols==1);
     out << "}";
Пример #4
 void write(std::ostream& out, const Mat& m, const int*, int) const
     writeMat(out, m, ' ', ' ', m.cols*m.channels() == 1);
     if(m.rows > 1)
         out << "\n";
Пример #5
 void write(std::ostream& out, const Mat& m, const int*, int) const
     out << "[";
     writeMat(out, m, m.cols > 1 ? '[' : ' ', '[', m.cols*m.channels() == 1);
     out << "]";
Пример #6
int main(void) {
	int i,j;
	FILE* in  = fopen("input.txt","r");
	// reading matrix a
	fscanf(in,"%d %d",&m,&p);
	a = read_matrix(in,m,p);

	// reading matrix b
	fscanf(in,"%d %d",&q,&n);
	b = read_matrix(in,q,n);

	if (p!=q){
		printf("incompatible matrices --not supported\n");
		return 0;

	//initializing matrix c
	c = (int**) malloc(sizeof(int *)*m);
	for (i = 0; i < m; ++i){
		c[i] = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*n);
		for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
			c[i][j] = 0;

	long long t1,t2;
	FILE* out = fopen("output.txt","w");

//	multiply(a,b,c);
//	multiply(a,b,c);
//	multiply(a,b,c);

	for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)
		for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
			c[i][j] = 0;

	fprintf(out,"result of non-threaded multiplication\n");
	t1 = curTime();
	t2 = curTime();
	fprintf(out,"elapsed time = %lld usec\n\n",t2-t1);

	for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)
		for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
			c[i][j] = 0;

	fprintf(out,"result of multiplication1 (thread for each cell)\n");
	t1 = curTime();
	t2 = curTime();
	fprintf(out,"elapsed time = %lld usec\n\n",t2-t1);
	for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)
		for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
			c[i][j] = 0;

	fprintf(out,"result of multiplication2 (thread for each row)\n");
	t1 = curTime();
	t2 = curTime();
	fprintf(out,"elapsed time = %lld usec\n\n",t2-t1);

	return 0;
Пример #7
 void write(std::ostream& out, const Mat& m, const int*, int) const
     out << "[";
     writeMat(out, m, ';', ' ', m.rows == 1);
     out << "]";