Пример #1
void writeUncompressedData(QDataStream& stream, const ImageContainer& images, int pixelFormat) {
	// Mipmap offset
	if (images.hasMipmaps()) {
		writeZeroes(stream, MIPMAP_OFFSET_16BPP);

	// Texture data, from smallest to largest mipmap
	for (int i=0; i<images.imageCount(); i++) {
		const QImage& img = images.getByIndex(i);

		// The 1x1 mipmap level is a bit special for YUV textures. Since there's only
		// one pixel, it can't be saved as YUV422, so save it as RGB565 instead.
		if (img.width() == 1 && img.height() == 1 && pixelFormat == PIXELFORMAT_YUV422) {
			convertAndWriteTexel(stream, img.pixel(0, 0), PIXELFORMAT_RGB565, true);

		const Twiddler twiddler(img.width(), img.height());
		const int pixels = img.width() * img.height();

		// Write all texels for this mipmap level in twiddled order
		for (int j=0; j<pixels; j++) {
			const int index = twiddler.index(j);
			const int x = index % img.width();
			const int y = index / img.width();
			convertAndWriteTexel(stream, img.pixel(x, y), pixelFormat, true);
Пример #2
void writeCompressedData(QDataStream& stream, const ImageContainer& images, int pixelFormat) {
	QVector<QImage> indexedImages;
	QVector<quint64> codebook;

	const int numQuads = encodeLossless(images, pixelFormat, indexedImages, codebook, 256);

	qDebug() << "Source images contain" << numQuads << "unique quads";

	if (numQuads > 256) {
		if ((pixelFormat != PIXELFORMAT_ARGB1555) && (pixelFormat != PIXELFORMAT_ARGB4444)) {
			QVector<Vec<12>> vectors;
			VectorQuantizer<12> vq;
			vectorizeRGB(images, vectors);
			vq.compress(vectors, 256);
			devectorizeRGB(images, vectors, vq, pixelFormat, indexedImages, codebook);
		} else {
			QVector<Vec<16>> vectors;
			VectorQuantizer<16> vq;
			vectorizeARGB(images, vectors);
			vq.compress(vectors, 256);
			devectorizeARGB(images, vectors, vq, pixelFormat, indexedImages, codebook);

	// Build the codebook
	quint16 codes[256 * 4];
	memset(codes, 0, 2048);
	for (int i=0; i<codebook.size(); i++) {
		const quint64& quad = codebook[i];
		codes[i * 4 + 0] = (quint16)((quad >> 48) & 0xFFFF);
		codes[i * 4 + 1] = (quint16)((quad >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
		codes[i * 4 + 2] = (quint16)((quad >> 32) & 0xFFFF);
		codes[i * 4 + 3] = (quint16)((quad >>  0) & 0xFFFF);

	// Write the codebook
	for (int i=0; i<1024; i++)
		stream << codes[i];

	// Write the 1x1 mipmap level
	if (images.imageCount() > 1)
		writeZeroes(stream, 1);

	// Write all mipmap levels
	for (int i=0; i<indexedImages.size(); i++) {
		const QImage& img = indexedImages[i];
		const Twiddler twiddler(img.width(), img.height());
		const int pixels = img.width() * img.height();

		for (int j=0; j<pixels; j++) {
			const int index = twiddler.index(j);
			const int x = index % img.width();
			const int y = index / img.width();
			stream << (quint8)img.pixelIndex(x, y);
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	if (argc != 2)
		fprintf(stderr, "%s <device>\n", argv[0]);
		fprintf(stderr, "  Create a Glidix File System on the specified device.\n");
		return 1;

	int fd = open(argv[1], O_RDWR);
	if (fd < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: could not open %s\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
		return 1;

	SDParams pars;
	if (ioctl(fd, IOCTL_SDI_IDENTITY, &pars) != 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: could not get information about %s\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
		return 1;
	diskBlockSize = pars.blockSize;
	diskTotalSize = pars.totalSize;

	lseek(fd, 0x10, SEEK_SET);
	uint64_t f = 0x400;
	write(fd, &f, 8);

	uint64_t sectionsToMake = 2;
	uint64_t bytesPerInode = 0x4000;		// 16KB
	uint64_t fsBlockSize = pars.blockSize;

	uint64_t sectionPlacement = 0x400 + sizeof(gxfsCIS) + sectionsToMake * sizeof(gxfsSD);
	uint64_t inodesPerSection = (diskTotalSize - sectionPlacement) / bytesPerInode / sectionsToMake;
	uint64_t inodeBitmapSize = inodesPerSection / 8;
	if (inodesPerSection % 8) inodeBitmapSize++;
	uint64_t blocksPerSection, blockBitmapSize;
	calculateBlocksToMake((diskTotalSize - sectionPlacement - inodesPerSection * sectionsToMake * sizeof(gxfsInode) - inodeBitmapSize)/sectionsToMake,
				fsBlockSize, &blocksPerSection, &blockBitmapSize);

	printf("GXFS Details (consistency check):\n");
	printf("\tSize of CIS:           %d\n", sizeof(gxfsCIS));
	printf("\tSize of SD:            %d\n", sizeof(gxfsSD));
	printf("\tSize of inode:         %d\n", sizeof(gxfsInode));
	printf("\tSize of dirent:        %d\n", sizeof(struct dirent));

	printf("Filesystem plan:\n");
	printf("\tSections:              %d\n", sectionsToMake);
	printf("\tData per inode:        %dKB\n", bytesPerInode/1024);
	printf("\tBlock size:            %d bytes\n", fsBlockSize);
	printf("\tInodes per section:    %d\n", inodesPerSection);
	printf("\tInode bitmap size:     %d bytes\n", inodeBitmapSize);
	printf("\tBlocks per section:    %d\n", blocksPerSection);
	printf("\tBlock bitmap size:     %d bytes\n", blockBitmapSize);

	lseek(fd, 0x400, SEEK_SET);
	gxfsCIS cis;
	memcpy(cis.cisMagic, "GXFS", 4);
	cis.cisTotalIno = inodesPerSection * sectionsToMake;
	cis.cisInoPerSection = inodesPerSection;
	cis.cisTotalBlocks = blocksPerSection * sectionsToMake;
	cis.cisBlocksPerSection = blocksPerSection;
	cis.cisBlockSize = fsBlockSize;
	cis.cisCreateTime = time(NULL);
	cis.cisFirstDataIno = 8;
	cis.cisOffSections = 0x440;		// straight after the CIS
	cis.cisZero = 0;
	write(fd, &cis, 64);

	uint64_t imap0, bmap0, itab0, btab0;

	uint64_t i;
	gxfsSD sect;
	for (i=0; i<sectionsToMake; i++)
		sect.sdOffMapIno = sectionPlacement;
		if (i == 0) imap0 = sectionPlacement;
		sectionPlacement += inodeBitmapSize;
		sect.sdOffMapBlocks = sectionPlacement;
		if (i == 0) bmap0 = sectionPlacement;
		sectionPlacement += blockBitmapSize;
		sect.sdOffTabIno = sectionPlacement;
		if (i == 0) itab0 = sectionPlacement;
		sectionPlacement += inodesPerSection * sizeof(gxfsInode);
		sect.sdOffTabBlocks = sectionPlacement;
		if (i == 0) btab0 = sectionPlacement;
		sectionPlacement += blocksPerSection * fsBlockSize;
		write(fd, &sect, 32);
		printf("Section %d: imap=%p; bmap=%p; itab=%p; btab=%p\n", i, (void*)sect.sdOffMapIno, (void*)sect.sdOffMapBlocks,
				(void*)sect.sdOffTabIno, (void*)sect.sdOffTabBlocks);

	// we need to clear the inode and block bitmaps
	for (i=0; i<sectionsToMake; i++)
		writeZeroes(fd, inodeBitmapSize);
		writeZeroes(fd, blockBitmapSize);
		lseek(fd, inodesPerSection * sizeof(gxfsInode) + blocksPerSection * fsBlockSize, SEEK_CUR);

	// mark inode 2 (index 1) and inode 3 (index 2) as used, and fill in the structure.
	// This effectively creates the root and lost+found directory.
	printf("Creating root directory (inode 2) imap0=%p...\n", (void*)imap0);
	lseek(fd, imap0, SEEK_SET);
	uint8_t b = (1 << 1) | (1 << 2);
	write(fd, &b, 1);

	lseek(fd, itab0 + sizeof(gxfsInode), SEEK_SET);
	gxfsInode inode;
	inode.inoMode = 011755;
	inode.inoSize = /*sizeof(struct dirent);*/ 25;			// for the lost+found directory.
	inode.inoLinks = 2;						// number of entries + 1
	inode.inoCTime = cis.cisCreateTime;
	inode.inoATime = cis.cisCreateTime;
	inode.inoMTime = cis.cisCreateTime;
	inode.inoOwner = 0;
	inode.inoGroup = 0;
	memset(inode.inoFrags, 0, 16*sizeof(gxfsFragment));
	// assign block 7 to the root inode.
	inode.inoFrags[0].fOff = 0;
	inode.inoFrags[0].fBlock = 7;
	inode.inoFrags[0].fExtent = 1;
	write(fd, &inode, sizeof(gxfsInode));

	printf("Creating the lost+found directory (inode 3)...\n");
	lseek(fd, itab0 + 2 * sizeof(gxfsInode), SEEK_SET);
	inode.inoMode = 011700;
	inode.inoSize = 15;
	inode.inoLinks = 1;
	inode.inoCTime = cis.cisCreateTime;
	inode.inoATime = cis.cisCreateTime;
	inode.inoMTime = cis.cisCreateTime;
	inode.inoOwner = 0;
	inode.inoGroup = 0;
	memset(inode.inoFrags, 0, 16*sizeof(gxfsFragment));
	// assign the first 7 blocks to the lost+found directory.
	inode.inoFrags[0].fOff = 0;
	inode.inoFrags[0].fBlock = 0;
	inode.inoFrags[0].fExtent = 7;
	write(fd, &inode, sizeof(gxfsInode));

	// create the directory entry for lost+found in the root directory.
	lseek(fd, btab0 + 7 * fsBlockSize, SEEK_SET);
	//struct dirent ent;
	//ent.d_ino = 3;
	//strcpy(ent.d_name, "lost+found");
	//write(fd, &ent, sizeof(struct dirent));
	char direntdata[26];
	gxfsDirHeader *dhead = (gxfsDirHeader*) &direntdata[0];
	gxfsDirent *lfent = (gxfsDirent*) &direntdata[5];
	dhead->dhCount = 1;
	dhead->dhFirstSz = 20;
	lfent->deInode = 3;
	lfent->deNextSz = 0;
	lfent->deNameLen = 10;		// strlen("lost+found")
	strcpy(lfent->deName, "lost+found");
	write(fd, direntdata, 25);

	// create the null entry in lost+found
	lseek(fd, btab0 + fsBlockSize, SEEK_SET);
	dhead->dhCount = 1;
	dhead->dhFirstSz = 0;
	lfent->deInode = 0;
	lfent->deNextSz = 0;
	lfent->deNameLen = 0;
	write(fd, direntdata, 15);

	printf("Marking the first 8 blocks as used...\n");
	lseek(fd, bmap0, SEEK_SET);
	b = 0xFF;
	write(fd, &b, 1);

	printf("Filesystem created, you may mount now.\n");
	return 0;