Пример #1
static int
xml_cb(void *_fp, int argc, char **argv, char **ColName)
	FILE *fp = (FILE *) _fp;
	char *msgid;
	if (argc < 5) {
		printf("argc -lt 4\n");
		return 0;
	/* delete < and > from the msgid */
	msgid = argv[0];
	msgid = msgid + 1;
	msgid[strlen(msgid) - 1] = '\0';
	fprintf(fp, "<item>\n  <msgid>");
	write_html(fp, msgid);
	fprintf(fp, "</msgid>\n  <author>");
	write_html(fp, argv[1]);
	fprintf(fp, "</author>\n  <groups>");
	write_html(fp, argv[2]);
	fprintf(fp, "</groups>\n  <subject>");
	write_html(fp, argv[3]);
	fprintf(fp, "</subject>\n  <date>");
	write_html(fp, argv[4]);
	fprintf(fp, "</date>\n</item>");
	return 0;
Пример #2
Html_File::create_file(void) {
  if (!tu_file_)
    tu_file_ = new TU_File(argc_, argv_, idx_, source_filename_, object_dir_, prefix_);

Пример #3
void notfound_404(struct hitArgs *args, char *info)
        "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\nServer: dweb\nConnection: close\nContent-Type: text/html",
		"<html><head>\n<title>404 Not Found</title>\n"
		"</head><body>\n<h1>Not Found</h1>\nThe requested URL was not found on this server.\n</body></html>");

	args->logger_function(LOG, "404 NOT FOUND", info, args->socketfd);
Пример #4
void forbidden_403(struct hitArgs *args, char *info)
        "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\nServer: dweb\nConnection: close\nContent-Type: text/html",
		"<html><head>\n<title>403 Forbidden</title>\n"
		"</head><body>\n<h1>Forbidden</h1>\nThe requested URL, file type or operation is not allowed on this simple webserver.\n</body>"
	args->logger_function(LOG, "403 FORBIDDEN", info, args->socketfd);
Пример #5
void ok_200(struct hitArgs *args, char *custom_headers, char *html, char *path)
	STRING *headers = new_string(255);
    string_add(headers, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nServer: dweb\nCache-Control: no-cache\nPragma: no-cache");
    if (custom_headers != NULL)
        string_add(headers, custom_headers);
    write_html(args->socketfd, string_chars(headers), html);
	args->logger_function(LOG, "200 OK", path, args->socketfd);
Пример #6
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	uint8_t byte[100];
	uint8_t message[256];
	int fd = serialport_init();

	//write(fd, "X", 1);

	int state = 0; // Wait for a recognized pattern
	int msgOffset = 0;
	int needed = 0;
	int index;		
	int logFd = open("vistalog.bin", (O_CREAT | O_RDWR), (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
	//int txtFd = open("vistalog.txt", (O_CREAT | O_RDWR), (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
		ssize_t size = read(fd, byte, 100);
		if (size < 0)
			printf("Read error\n");
		if (size == 0)

		//printf("%zu:", size);
		int rc = write(logFd, byte, size);
		if (rc == -1)
			printf("Log write failure\n");
#if 0
		int rc = write(logFd, byte, size);
		if (rc == -1)
			printf("Log write failure\n");
#if 1
		struct timeval time;
		gettimeofday(&time, NULL);
		printf("[%ld.%06ld]", time.tv_sec, time.tv_usec);
		dump_message(byte, size);
		for (index = 0; index < size; index++)
			//printf(" %02X", byte[index]);

			switch (state)
			case 0:  // No message
				if (byte[index] == 0xF7)
					// Keypad message
					state = 1;  // Read message
					needed = 44;
					//printf("state = Read keypad message header (%d)\n", needed);
					message[0] = 0xF7;
					msgOffset = 1;
				else if (byte[index] == 0x9E)
					// 9E message, whatever that is
					state = 1;  // Read message
					needed = 4;
					//printf("state = Read 9E message (%d)\n", needed);
					message[0] = 0x9E;
					msgOffset = 1;
				else if (byte[index] == 0xF6)
					// Appears to be a keypress message but without any indication of what key was pressed, maybe byte 1 is keypad address
					state = 1;  // Read message
					needed = 3;
					message[0] = 0xF6;
					msgOffset = 1;
				else if (byte[index] == 0x00)
					// Keep looking
					printf("Unknown message type (0x%02X)\n", byte[index]);					
			case 1:
				message[msgOffset] = byte[index];
				if (needed == 0)
					//printf("Read needed bytes...\n");
					// Entire message received
					struct timeval time;
					gettimeofday(&time, NULL);
#if 0
					time_t ltime; /* calendar time */
					ltime=time(NULL); /* get current cal time */
					char timeStr[256];
					strftime(timeStr, sizeof(timeStr), "", localtime(&ltime)));
					printf("[%ld.%06ld]", time.tv_sec, time.tv_usec);

					// Handle message
					if (message[0] == 0xF7)
						// keypad message
						printf("Keypad : ");
						dump_message(message, 12);
						message[msgOffset - 1] = 0x00;
						message[12] &= 0x7F;  // The upper bit has some unknown meaning, masked for display
						printf("'%s'\n", &(message[12]));
						write_html((char *)&(message[12]));
					else if (message[0] == 0x9E)
						printf("9E : ");
						dump_message(message, msgOffset);
					else if (message[0] == 0xF6)
						printf("Keypress : ");
						dump_message(message, msgOffset);
						printf("Trying to process unknown message type (0x%02X)\n", message[0]);
					state = 0; // Wait for known message pattern
					msgOffset = 0;
					needed = 0;

Пример #7
  int    argc,
  char * argv[])
  int    buf[Chunk / IntSize];
  int    bufindex;
  int    chars[256];
  int    child;
  char * dir;
  int    html = 0;
  int    fd;
  double first_start;
  double last_stop;
  int    lseek_count = 0;
  char * machine;
  char   name[Chunk];
  int    next;
  int    seek_control[2];
  int    seek_feedback[2];
  char   seek_tickets[Seeks + SeekProcCount];
  double seeker_report[3];
  off_t  size;
  FILE * stream;
  off_t  words;

  fd = -1;
  basetime = (int) time((time_t *) NULL);
  size = 100;
  dir = ".";
  machine = "";

  /* pick apart args */
  for (next = 1; next < argc; next++)
    if (strcmp(argv[next], "-d") == 0)
      dir = argv[++next];
    else if (strcmp(argv[next], "-s") == 0)
      size = atol(argv[++next]);
    else if (strcmp(argv[next], "-m") == 0)
      machine = argv[++next];
    else if (strcmp(argv[next], "-html") == 0)
      html = 1;

  if (size < 1)

  /* sanity check - 32-bit machines can't handle more than 2047 Mb */
  if (sizeof(off_t) <= 4 && size > 2047)
    fprintf(stderr, "File too large for 32-bit machine, sorry\n");

  sprintf(name, "%s/Bonnie.%d", dir, getpid());

  /* size is in meg, rounded down to multiple of Chunk */
  size *= (1024 * 1024);
  size = Chunk * (size / Chunk);
  fprintf(stderr, "File '%s', size: %ld\n", name, size);

  /* Fill up a file, writing it a char at a time with the stdio putc() call */
  fprintf(stderr, "Writing with putc()...");
  newfile(name, &fd, &stream, 1);
  for (words = 0; words < size; words++)
    if (putc(words & 0x7f, stream) == EOF)
   * note that we always close the file before measuring time, in an
   *  effort to force as much of the I/O out as we can
  if (fclose(stream) == -1)
    io_error("fclose after putc");
  fprintf(stderr, "done\n");

  /* Now read & rewrite it using block I/O.  Dirty one word in each block */
  newfile(name, &fd, &stream, 0);
  if (lseek(fd, (off_t) 0, 0) == (off_t) -1)
    io_error("lseek(2) before rewrite");
  fprintf(stderr, "Rewriting...");
  bufindex = 0;
  if ((words = read(fd, (char *) buf, Chunk)) == -1)
    io_error("rewrite read");
  while (words == Chunk)
  { /* while we can read a block */
    if (bufindex == Chunk / IntSize)
      bufindex = 0;
    if (lseek(fd, (off_t) -words, 1) == -1)
      io_error("relative lseek(2)");
    if (write(fd, (char *) buf, words) == -1)
      io_error("re write(2)");
    if ((words = read(fd, (char *) buf, Chunk)) == -1)
      io_error("rwrite read");
  } /* while we can read a block */
  if (close(fd) == -1)
    io_error("close after rewrite");
  fprintf(stderr, "done\n");

  /* Write the whole file from scratch, again, with block I/O */
  newfile(name, &fd, &stream, 1);
  fprintf(stderr, "Writing intelligently...");
  for (words = 0; words < Chunk / IntSize; words++)
    buf[words] = 0;
  for (words = bufindex = 0; words < (size / Chunk); words++)
  { /* for each word */
    if (bufindex == (Chunk / IntSize))
      bufindex = 0;
    if (write(fd, (char *) buf, Chunk) == -1)
  } /* for each word */
  if (close(fd) == -1)
    io_error("close after fast write");
  fprintf(stderr, "done\n");

  /* read them all back with getc() */
  newfile(name, &fd, &stream, 0);
  for (words = 0; words < 256; words++)
    chars[words] = 0;
  fprintf(stderr, "Reading with getc()...");
  for (words = 0; words < size; words++)
  { /* for each byte */
    if ((next = getc(stream)) == EOF)

    /* just to fool optimizers */
  } /* for each byte */
  if (fclose(stream) == -1)
    io_error("fclose after getc");
  fprintf(stderr, "done\n");

  /* use the frequency count */
  for (words = 0; words < 256; words++)
    sprintf((char *) buf, "%d", chars[words]);

  /* Now suck it in, Chunk at a time, as fast as we can */
  newfile(name, &fd, &stream, 0);
  if (lseek(fd, (off_t) 0, 0) == -1)
    io_error("lseek before read");
  fprintf(stderr, "Reading intelligently...");
  { /* per block */
    if ((words = read(fd, (char *) buf, Chunk)) == -1)
    chars[buf[abs(buf[0]) % (Chunk / IntSize)] & 0x7f]++;
  } /* per block */
  while (words);
  if (close(fd) == -1)
    io_error("close after read");
  fprintf(stderr, "done\n");

  /* use the frequency count */
  for (words = 0; words < 256; words++)
    sprintf((char *) buf, "%d", chars[words]);

   * Now test random seeks; first, set up for communicating with children.
   * The object of the game is to do "Seeks" lseek() calls as quickly
   *  as possible.  So we'll farm them out among SeekProcCount processes.
   *  We'll control them by writing 1-byte tickets down a pipe which
   *  the children all read.  We write "Seeks" bytes with val 1, whichever
   *  child happens to get them does it and the right number of seeks get
   *  done.
   * The idea is that since the write() of the tickets is probably
   *  atomic, the parent process likely won't get scheduled while the
   *  children are seeking away.  If you draw a picture of the likely
   *  timelines for three children, it seems likely that the seeks will
   *  overlap very nicely with the process scheduling with the effect
   *  that there will *always* be a seek() outstanding on the file.
   * Question: should the file be opened *before* the fork, so that
   *  all the children are lseeking on the same underlying file object?
  if (pipe(seek_feedback) == -1 || pipe(seek_control) == -1)
  for (next = 0; next < Seeks; next++)
    seek_tickets[next] = 1;
  for ( ; next < (Seeks + SeekProcCount); next++)
    seek_tickets[next] = 0;

  /* launch some parallel seek processes */
  for (next = 0; next < SeekProcCount; next++)
  { /* for each seek proc */
    if ((child = fork()) == -1)
    else if (child == 0)
    { /* child process */

      /* set up and wait for the go-ahead */
      newfile(name, &fd, &stream, 0);
      fprintf(stderr, "Seeker %d...", next + 1);

      /* wait for the go-ahead */
      if (read(seek_control[0], seek_tickets, 1) != 1)
	io_error("read ticket");
      seeker_report[StartTime] = time_so_far();

      /* loop until we read a 0 ticket back from our parent */
      { /* until Mom says stop */
        doseek((long) (random() % (size / Chunk)), fd,
	  ((lseek_count++ % UpdateSeek) == 0));
	if (read(seek_control[0], seek_tickets, 1) != 1)
	  io_error("read ticket");
      } /* until Mom says stop */
      if (close(fd) == -1)
        io_error("close after seek");

      /* report to parent */
      seeker_report[EndTime] = time_so_far();
      seeker_report[CPU] = delta[(int) Lseek][CPU];
      if (write(seek_feedback[1], seeker_report, sizeof(seeker_report))
          != sizeof(seeker_report))
        io_error("pipe write");
    } /* child process */
  } /* for each seek proc */

   * Back in the parent; in an effort to ensure the children get an even
   *  start, wait a few seconds for them to get scheduled, open their
   *  files & so on.
  fprintf(stderr, "start 'em...");
  if (write(seek_control[1], seek_tickets, sizeof(seek_tickets)) 
      != sizeof(seek_tickets))
    io_error("write tickets");
  /* read back from children */
  for (next = 0; next < SeekProcCount; next++)
  { /* for each child */
    if (read(seek_feedback[0], (char *) seeker_report, sizeof(seeker_report))
        != sizeof(seeker_report))
      io_error("pipe read");

     * each child writes back its CPU, start & end times.  The elapsed time 
     *  to do all the seeks is the time the first child started until the 
     *  time the last child stopped
    delta[(int) Lseek][CPU] += seeker_report[CPU];
    if (next == 0)
    { /* first time */
      first_start = seeker_report[StartTime];
      last_stop = seeker_report[EndTime];
    } /* first time */
    { /* not first time */
      first_start = (first_start < seeker_report[StartTime]) ?
	first_start : seeker_report[StartTime]; 
      last_stop = (last_stop > seeker_report[EndTime]) ?
	last_stop : seeker_report[EndTime]; 
    } /* not first time */
    if (wait(&child) == -1)
    fprintf(stderr, "done...");
  } /* for each child */
  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
  delta[(int) Lseek][Elapsed] = last_stop - first_start;

  if (html)
    write_html(machine, size);
    report(machine, size);