Пример #1

/* Unit test for writing orientation files. Writes a sample calibration,
   reads it back and compares.
    Calibration correct_cal, *cal;
    correct_cal = test_cal();
    char ori_file[] = "testing_fodder/test.ori";
    char add_file[] = "testing_fodder/test.addpar";
    write_ori(correct_cal.ext_par, correct_cal.int_par,
        correct_cal.glass_par, correct_cal.added_par, ori_file, add_file);
    fail_if((cal = read_calibration(ori_file, add_file, NULL)) == NULL);
    fail_unless(compare_calib(cal, &correct_cal));
Пример #2
int calibration_proc_c (/*ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp,*/ int argc, const char** argv)
  int i, j, sel, i_img, k, n, sup;
  int intx1, inty1, intx2, inty2;
  coord_2d    	apfig1[11][11];	/* regular grid for ap figures */
  coord_2d     	apfig2[11][11];	/* ap figures */
  coord_3d     	fix4[4];       	/* object points for preorientation */
  coord_2d     	crd0[4][4];    	/* image points for preorientation */
  char	       	filename[256], val[256];
  const char *valp;

  //Tk_PhotoHandle img_handle;
  //Tk_PhotoImageBlock img_block;

  /* read support of unsharp mask */
  fp1 = fopen ("parameters/unsharp_mask.par", "r");
  if (! fp1)	sup = 12;
  else	{ fscanf (fp1, "%d\n", &sup); fclose (fp1); }

  /* Get Selection value from TclTk */

  // ChrisB: what does this do?? Set a value......
  //valp = Tcl_GetVar(interp, "sel",  TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
  //sel = atoi (valp);
  sel = 1;	// set a value....

  switch (sel)
    case 1: /*  read calibration parameter file  */
      fp1 = fopen_r ("parameters/cal_ori.par");
      fscanf (fp1,"%s\n", fixp_name);
      for (i=0; i<4; i++)
	  fscanf (fp1, "%s\n", img_name[i]);
	  fscanf (fp1, "%s\n", img_ori0[i]);
      fscanf (fpp, "%d\n", &tiff_flag);
      fscanf (fp1, "%d\n", &chfield);
      fclose (fp1);

      /*  create file names  */
      for (i=0; i<n_img; i++)
	  strcpy (img_ori[i], img_name[i]);
	  strcat (img_ori[i], ".ori");
	  strcpy (img_addpar0[i], img_name[i]);
	  strcat (img_addpar0[i], ".addpar0");
	  strcpy (img_addpar[i], img_name[i]);
	  strcat (img_addpar[i], ".addpar");
	  strcpy (img_hp_name[i], img_name[i]);
	  strcat (img_hp_name[i], "_hp");

      for (i=0; i<n_img; i++)

	  zoom_x[i] = imx/2, zoom_y[i] = imy/2, zoom_f[i] = 1;

	  read_image (/*interp,*/ img_name[i], img[i]);

	  sprintf(val, "camcanvas %d", i+1);
	  //Tcl_Eval(interp, val);

	  //img_handle = Tk_FindPhoto( interp, "temp");
	  //Tk_PhotoGetImage (img_handle, &img_block);
	  //tclimg2cimg (interp, img[i], &img_block);

	  sprintf(val, "newimage %d", i+1);
	  //Tcl_Eval(interp, val);


    case 2: puts ("Detection procedure"); strcpy(val,"");

      /* Highpass Filtering */
      pre_processing_c (/*clientData, interp,*/ argc, argv);

      /* reset zoom values */
      for (i=0; i<n_img; i++)
	  zoom_x[i] = imx/2; zoom_y[i] = imy/2; zoom_f[i] = 1;

     /* copy images because the target recognition
	 will set greyvalues to zero */

     for (i=0; i<n_img; i++)
	  copy_images (img[i], img0[i]);

      /* target recognition */
      for (i=0; i<n_img; i++)
	  targ_rec (/*interp,*/ img[i], img0[i], "parameters/detect_plate.par",
		    0, imx, 1, imy, pix[i], i, &num[i]);

	  sprintf (buf,"image %d: %d,  ", i+1, num[i]);
	  strcat(val, buf);

	  if (num[i] > nmax)  exit (1);

      /* save pixel coord as approx. for template matching */
      if (examine)	for (i=0; i<n_img; i++)
	  sprintf (filename, "%s_pix", img_name[i]);
	  fp1 = fopen (filename, "w");
	  for (j=0; j<num[i]; j++)
	    fprintf (fp1, "%4d  %8.3f  %8.3f\n",
		     pix[i][j].pnr, pix[i][j].x, pix[i][j].y);

	  fclose (fp1);

      sprintf(buf,"Number of detected targets, interaction enabled");
      //Tcl_SetVar(interp, "tbuf", buf, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
      //Tcl_Eval(interp, ".text delete 2");
      //Tcl_Eval(interp, ".text insert 2 $tbuf");
      //Tcl_SetVar(interp, "tbuf", val, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
      //Tcl_Eval(interp, ".text delete 3");
      //Tcl_Eval(interp, ".text insert 3 $tbuf");

    case 3:	pp1=0;	pp2=0;	pp3=0;	pp4=0;

      for (i=0; i<n_img; i++)
	  sprintf (buf, "%d targets remain", num[i]);
	  puts (buf);
      fp1 = fopen_r ("parameters/man_ori.par");
      for (i=0; i<n_img; i++)
	  fscanf (fp1, "%d %d %d %d\n", &nr[i][0], &nr[i][1], &nr[i][2], &nr[i][3]);
      fclose (fp1);

      for (i=0; i<n_img; i++)
	  sprintf(val, "measure %d %d %d %d %d", nr[i][0], nr[i][1], nr[i][2], nr[i][3], i+1);
	  //Tcl_Eval(interp, val);
#if 0
	  // ChrisB: do we need this?
	  valp = Tcl_GetVar(interp, "px0",  TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
	  pix0[i][0].x = atoi (valp);
	  valp = Tcl_GetVar(interp, "py0",  TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
	  pix0[i][0].y = atoi (valp);
	  valp = Tcl_GetVar(interp, "px1",  TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
	  pix0[i][1].x = atoi (valp);
	  valp = Tcl_GetVar(interp, "py1",  TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
	  pix0[i][1].y = atoi (valp);
	  valp = Tcl_GetVar(interp, "px2",  TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
	  pix0[i][2].x = atoi (valp);
	  valp = Tcl_GetVar(interp, "py2",  TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
	  pix0[i][2].y = atoi (valp);
	  valp = Tcl_GetVar(interp, "px3",  TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
	  pix0[i][3].x = atoi (valp);
	  valp = Tcl_GetVar(interp, "py3",  TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
	  pix0[i][3].y = atoi (valp);

      /* write measured coordinates to file for next trial */
      fp1 = fopen ("man_ori.dat", "w");
      for (i=0; i<n_img; i++)
	for (j=0; j<4; j++)
	  fprintf (fp1, "%f %f\n", pix0[i][j].x, pix0[i][j].y);
      fclose (fp1);


    case 4: /* read pixel coordinates of older pre-orientation */

      /* read point numbers of pre-clicked points */
      fp1 = fopen_r ("parameters/man_ori.par");
      for (i=0; i<n_img; i++)
	  fscanf (fp1, "%d %d %d %d\n",
		  &nr[i][0], &nr[i][1], &nr[i][2], &nr[i][3]);
      fclose (fp1);

      /* read coordinates of pre-clicked points */
      fp1 = fopen ("man_ori.dat", "r");
      if (! fp1)	break;
      for (i_img=0; i_img<n_img; i_img++)	for (i=0; i<4; i++)
#if 0
	  fscanf (fp1, "%lf %lf\n",
		  &pix0[i_img][i].x, &pix0[i_img][i].y);
	  drawcross (interp,  (int) pix0[i_img][i].x,
		     (int) pix0[i_img][i].y, cr_sz+2, i_img, "red");
	  draw_pnr (interp, (int) pix0[i_img][i].x, (int) pix0[i_img][i].y,
		    nr[i_img][i], i_img, "red");

      fclose (fp1);


    case 5: puts ("Sort grid points");
      for (i=0; i<n_img; i++)
	  /* read control point coordinates for man_ori points */
	  fp1 = fopen_r (fixp_name);
	  k = 0;
	  while ( fscanf (fp1, "%d %lf %lf %lf", &fix[k].pnr,
			  &fix[k].x, &fix[k].y, &fix[k].z) != EOF) k++;
	  fclose (fp1);
	  nfix = k;

	  /* take clicked points from control point data set */
	  for (j=0; j<4; j++)	for (k=0; k<nfix; k++)
	      if (fix[k].pnr == nr[i][j])	fix4[j] = fix[k];

	  /* get approx for orientation and ap */
	  read_ori (&Ex[i], &I[i], img_ori0[i]);
	  fp1 = fopen (img_addpar0[i], "r");
	  if (! fp1)  fp1 = fopen ("addpar.raw", "r");

	  if (fp1) {
	    fscanf (fp1, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf",
	    fclose (fp1);} else {
	      printf("no addpar.raw\n");

	  /* transform clicked points */
	  for (j=0; j<4; j++)
	      pixel_to_metric (pix0[i][j].x, pix0[i][j].y,
			       imx,imy, pix_x, pix_y,
			       &crd0[i][j].x, &crd0[i][j].y,
	      correct_brown_affin (crd0[i][j].x, crd0[i][j].y, ap[i],
				   &crd0[i][j].x, &crd0[i][j].y);

	  /* raw orientation with 4 points */
	  raw_orient (Ex[i], I[i], ap[i], mmp, 4, fix4, crd0[i], &Ex[i]);
	  sprintf (filename, "raw%d.ori", i);
	  write_ori (Ex[i], I[i], filename);
	  /* sorting of detected points by back-projection */
	  sortgrid_man (/*interp,*/ Ex[i], I[i], ap[i], mmp,
			imx,imy, pix_x,pix_y,
			nfix, fix, num[i], pix[i], chfield, i);

	  /* adapt # of detected points */
	  num[i] = nfix;

	  for (j=0; j<nfix; j++)
#if 0
	      if (pix[i][j].pnr < 0)	continue;
	      intx1 = (int) pix[i][j].x ;
	      inty1 = (int) pix[i][j].y ;

	      drawcross (interp, intx1, inty1, cr_sz, i, "white");
	      draw_pnr (interp, intx1, inty1, fix[j].pnr, i, "white");

      /* dump dataset for rdb */
      if (examine == 4)
	  /* create filename for dumped dataset */
	  sprintf (filename, "dump_for_rdb");
	  fp1 = fopen (filename, "w");

	  /* write # of points to file */
	  fprintf (fp1, "%d\n", nfix);

	  /* write point and image coord to file */
	  for (i=0; i<nfix; i++)
	      fprintf (fp1, "%4d %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f   %d    ",
		       fix[i].pnr, fix[i].x, fix[i].y, fix[i].z, 0);
	      for (i_img=0; i_img<n_img; i_img++)
		  if (pix[i_img][i].pnr >= 0)
		      /* transform pixel coord to metric */
		      pixel_to_metric (pix[i_img][i].x,
				       pix[i_img][i].y, imx,imy, pix_x, pix_y,
				       &crd[i_img][i].x, &crd[i_img][i].y,
		      fprintf (fp1, "%4d %8.5f %8.5f    ",
			       crd[i_img][i].x, crd[i_img][i].y);
		      fprintf (fp1, "%4d %8.5f %8.5f    ",
			       pix[i_img][i].pnr, 0.0, 0.0);
	      fprintf (fp1, "\n");
	  fclose (fp1);
	  printf ("dataset dumped into %s\n", filename);

    case 6: puts ("Orientation"); strcpy(buf, "");

      for (i_img=0; i_img<n_img; i_img++)
	  for (i=0; i<nfix ; i++)
	      pixel_to_metric (pix[i_img][i].x, pix[i_img][i].y,
			       imx,imy, pix_x, pix_y,
			       &crd[i_img][i].x, &crd[i_img][i].y,
	      crd[i_img][i].pnr = pix[i_img][i].pnr;

	  /* save data for special use of resection routine */
	  if (examine == 4)
	      printf ("try write resection data to disk\n");
	      /* point coordinates */
	      sprintf (filename, "resect_%s.fix", img_name[i_img]);
	      write_ori (Ex[i_img], I[i_img], img_ori[i_img]);
	      fp1 = fopen (filename, "w");
	      for (i=0; i<nfix; i++)
		fprintf (fp1, "%3d  %10.5f  %10.5f  %10.5f\n",
			 fix[i].pnr, fix[i].x, fix[i].y, fix[i].z);
	      fclose (fp1);

	      /* metric image coordinates */
	      sprintf (filename, "resect_%s.crd", img_name[i_img]);
	      fp1 = fopen (filename, "w");
	      for (i=0; i<nfix; i++)
		fprintf (fp1,
			 "%3d  %9.5f  %9.5f\n", crd[i_img][i].pnr,
			 crd[i_img][i].x, crd[i_img][i].y);
	      fclose (fp1);

	      /* orientation and calibration approx data */
	      write_ori (Ex[i_img], I[i_img], "resect.ori0");
	      fp1 = fopen ("resect.ap0", "w");
	      fprintf (fp1, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f",
		       ap[i_img].k1, ap[i_img].k2, ap[i_img].k3,
		       ap[i_img].p1, ap[i_img].p2,
		       ap[i_img].scx, ap[i_img].she);
	      fclose (fp1);
	      printf ("resection data written to disk\n");

	  /* resection routine */
	  /* ================= */

	  if (examine != 4)
	    orient (/*interp,*/ Ex[i_img], I[i_img], ap[i_img], mmp,
		    nfix, fix, crd[i_img],
		    &Ex[i_img], &I[i_img], &ap[i_img], i_img);

	  /* ================= */

	  /* resection with dumped datasets */
	  if (examine == 4)

	      printf("Resection with dumped datasets? (y/n)");
	      if (buf[0] != 'y')	continue;
	      strcpy (buf, "");

	      /* read calibration frame datasets */
	      for (n=0, nfix=0, dump_for_rdb=0; n<100; n++)
		  sprintf (filename, "resect.fix%d", n);
		  fp1 = fopen (filename, "r");
		  if (! fp1)	continue;

		  printf("reading file: %s\n", filename);
		  printf ("reading dumped resect data #%d\n", n);
		  k = 0;
		  while ( fscanf (fp1, "%d %lf %lf %lf",
				  &fix[nfix+k].pnr, &fix[nfix+k].x,
				  &fix[nfix+k].y, &fix[nfix+k].z)
			  != EOF) k++;
		  fclose (fp1);
		  /* read metric image coordinates */
		  sprintf (filename, "resect_%d.crd%d", i_img, n);
		  printf("reading file: %s\n", filename);
		  fp1 = fopen (filename, "r");
		  for (i=nfix; i<nfix+k; i++)
		    fscanf (fp1, "%d %lf %lf",
			    &crd[i_img][i].x, &crd[i_img][i].y);
		  nfix += k;

	      /* resection */
	      orient (/*interp,*/ Ex[i_img], I[i_img], ap[i_img], mmp,
		      nfix, fix, crd[i_img],
		      &Ex[i_img], &I[i_img], &ap[i_img], i_img);

	  /* save orientation and additional parameters */
	  write_ori (Ex[i_img], I[i_img], img_ori[i_img]);
	  fp1 = fopen (img_addpar[i_img], "w");
	  fprintf (fp1, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f",
		   ap[i_img].k1, ap[i_img].k2, ap[i_img].k3,
		   ap[i_img].p1, ap[i_img].p2,
		   ap[i_img].scx, ap[i_img].she);
	  fclose (fp1);

      //Tcl_Eval(interp, ".text delete 3");
      //Tcl_Eval(interp, ".text delete 1");
      //Tcl_Eval(interp, ".text insert 1 \"Orientation and self calibration \"");
      //Tcl_Eval(interp, ".text delete 2");
      //Tcl_Eval(interp, ".text insert 2 \"...done, sigma0 for each image -> \"");
      //Tcl_SetVar(interp, "tbuf", buf, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
      //Tcl_Eval(interp, ".text insert 3 $tbuf");


    case 7: checkpoint_proc (/*interp*/);
#if 0
      sprintf(val,"blue: planimetry,   yellow: height");
      Tcl_SetVar(interp, "tbuf", val, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
      Tcl_Eval(interp, ".text delete 2");
      Tcl_Eval(interp, ".text insert 2 $tbuf");
      Tcl_SetVar(interp, "tbuf", buf, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
      Tcl_Eval(interp, ".text delete 3");
      Tcl_Eval(interp, ".text insert 3 $tbuf");

    case 8: /* draw additional parameter figures */

      //Tcl_Eval(interp, "clearcam");

      /*  read orientation and additional parameters  */
      for (i=0; i<n_img; i++)	read_ori (&Ex[i], &I[i], img_ori[i]);
      for (i=0; i<n_img; i++)
	  fp1 = fopen_r (img_addpar[i]);
	  fscanf (fp1,"%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf",
		  &ap[i].k1, &ap[i].k2, &ap[i].k3,
		  &ap[i].p1, &ap[i].p2, &ap[i].scx, &ap[i].she);
	  fclose (fp1);
      for (i_img=0; i_img<n_img; i_img++)
	  /* create undistorted grid */
	  for (i=0; i<11; i++)	for (j=0; j<11; j++)
	      apfig1[i][j].x = i * imx/10;
	      apfig1[i][j].y = j * imy/10;
	  /* draw undistorted grid */
	  for (i=0; i<10; i++)	for (j=0; j<10; j++)
	      intx1 = (int) apfig1[i][j].x;
	      inty1 = (int) apfig1[i][j].y;
	      intx2 = (int) apfig1[i+1][j].x;
	      inty2 = (int) apfig1[i][j+1].y;
	      //drawvector (interp, intx1, inty1, intx2, inty1, 1, i_img, "black");
	      //drawvector (interp, intx1, inty1, intx1, inty2, 1, i_img, "black");
	  for (j=0; j<10; j++)
	      intx1 = (int) apfig1[10][j].x;
	      inty1 = (int) apfig1[10][j].y;
	      inty2 = (int) apfig1[10][j+1].y;
	      //drawvector (interp, intx1, inty1, intx1, inty2, 1, i_img, "black");
	  for (i=0; i<10; i++)
	      intx1 = (int) apfig1[i][10].x;
	      inty1 = (int) apfig1[i][10].y;
	      intx2 = (int) apfig1[i+1][10].x;
	      //drawvector (interp, intx1, inty1, intx2, inty1, 1, i_img, "black");
	  /* distort grid */
	  for (i=0; i<11; i++)	for (j=0; j<11; j++)
	      /* transform to metric, distort and re-transform */
	      pixel_to_metric (apfig1[i][j].x, apfig1[i][j].y,
			       imx,imy, pix_x,pix_y,
			       &apfig2[i][j].x, &apfig2[i][j].y, chfield);
	      distort_brown_affin (apfig2[i][j].x, apfig2[i][j].y,
				   ap[i_img], &apfig2[i][j].x, &apfig2[i][j].y);
	      metric_to_pixel (apfig2[i][j].x, apfig2[i][j].y,
			       imx,imy, pix_x,pix_y,
			       &apfig2[i][j].x, &apfig2[i][j].y, chfield);
	      /* exaggerate distortion by factor 5 */
	      apfig2[i][j].x = 5*apfig2[i][j].x - 4*apfig1[i][j].x;
	      apfig2[i][j].y = 5*apfig2[i][j].y - 4*apfig1[i][j].y;

	  /* draw distorted grid */
	  for (i=0; i<10; i++)	for (j=0; j<10; j++)
	      intx1 = (int) apfig2[i][j].x;
	      inty1 = (int) apfig2[i][j].y;
	      intx2 = (int) apfig2[i+1][j].x;
	      inty2 = (int) apfig2[i+1][j].y;
	      //drawvector (interp, intx1, inty1, intx2, inty2, 3, i_img, "magenta");
	      intx2 = (int) apfig2[i][j+1].x ;
	      inty2 = (int) apfig2[i][j+1].y ;
	      //drawvector (interp, intx1, inty1, intx2, inty2, 3, i_img, "magenta");
	  for (j=0; j<10; j++)
	      intx1 = (int) apfig2[10][j].x;
	      inty1 = (int) apfig2[10][j].y;
	      intx2 = (int) apfig2[10][j+1].x;
	      inty2 = (int) apfig2[10][j+1].y;
	      //drawvector (interp, intx1, inty1, intx2, inty2, 3, i_img, "magenta");
	  for (i=0; i<10; i++)
	      intx1 = (int) apfig2[i][10].x;
	      inty1 = (int) apfig2[i][10].y;
	      intx2 = (int) apfig2[i+1][10].x;
	      inty2 = (int) apfig2[i+1][10].y ;
	      //drawvector (interp, intx1, inty1, intx2, inty2, 3, i_img, "magenta");

  return TCL_OK;