/* public */ WAVWriter::WAVWriter(const std::string& wavefile) { file_stream.open(wavefile.c_str()); if (file_stream.fail()) { boost::format fmt = boost::format(_("Unable to write file %1%")) % wavefile; throw SoundException(fmt.str()); } else { write_wave_header(file_stream); std::cout << "# Created 44100 16Mhz stereo wave file:\n" << "AUDIOFILE=" << wavefile << std::endl; } }
SDL_sound_handler::SDL_sound_handler(const std::string& wavefile) : _audioOpened(false) { initAudio(); if (! wavefile.empty() ) { file_stream.open(wavefile.c_str()); if (file_stream.fail()) { std::cerr << "Unable to write file '" << wavefile << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { write_wave_header(file_stream); std::cout << "# Created 44100 16Mhz stereo wave file:" << std::endl << "AUDIOFILE=" << wavefile << std::endl; } } }
/* main opens the input and temporary files, generates the audio data as a stream of numbers in ASCII format, then calls convert_to_wave() to convert the temporary file into the output file in .wav format. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { static double notes[NUM_NOTES][BASE_SIZE] = {0}; static int position[NUM_NOTES] = {0}; double temp; int i,j; FILE *input; FILE *output = stdout; int current_time = 0; int current_sample = 0; double next_volume; double tempo = 1.0; char *endptr; int num_samples; static uint16_t data[2048]; int16_t sample; double MAX = 1.0; struct filedat next_note; if(argc < 2) scream_and_die(argv[0]); if(argc == 3) { // try to interpret argv[2] as a float tempo = strtof(argv[2],&endptr); if(endptr==argv[2] || tempo<0.25 || tempo > 4.0) { fprintf(stderr,"Illegal tempo value.\n"); scream_and_die(argv[0]); } tempo = 1.0/tempo; } if((input = fopen(argv[1],"r"))==NULL) { perror("Unable to open input file"); scream_and_die(argv[0]); } /* find time of for end of song */ while((fread(&next_note,sizeof(next_note),1,input)==1)&& (next_note.note != 1)); fseek(input,0,SEEK_SET); num_samples = tempo * next_note.time * SAMPLE_RATE / 100; write_wave_header(STDOUT_FILENO,num_samples); srand(time(NULL)); do{ // read the next note if(fread(&next_note,sizeof(next_note),1,input)==1) { next_note.time = (int)(next_note.time * tempo); // generate sound, one ms at a time, until we need to start // the next note while(current_time < next_note.time) { // generate another millsecond of sound for(i=current_sample; i < current_sample + SMPLS_PER_MS; i++) { temp = 0.0; // update each active string and add its output to the sum for(j = 0; j< NUM_NOTES; j++) temp += update(notes[j],array_size(j),&position[j]); // write a sample to the wave file sample = (int16_t)((temp/MAX) * (INT16_T_MAX-1)); fwrite(&sample,sizeof(int16_t),1,output); } current_sample += SMPLS_PER_MS; current_time++; } if(next_note.note >= 0) // pluck the next note pluck(notes[next_note.note],array_size(next_note.note), next_note.vol/32767.0); } }while(!feof(input) && (next_note.note > 0)); fclose(input); fclose(output); return 0; }
int main(void) { uint8_t system_state=0, i2c_resets=0, si446x_resets=0;//used to track button press functionality and any errors uint8_t sensors=0; uint32_t repetition_counter=0; //Used to detect any I2C lockup uint8_t L3GD20_Data_Buffer_old[8]; //Used to test for noise in the gyro data (indicating that it is working) uint8_t UplinkFlags=0,CutFlags=0; uint16_t UplinkBytes=0; //Counters and flags for telemetry uint32_t last_telemetry=0,cutofftime=0,indtest=0,badgyro=0,permission_time=0,countdown_time=0,last_cuttest=0; uint16_t sentence_counter=0; uint8_t silab; //Cutdown config stuff here, atm uses hardcoded polygon defined in polygon.h static const int32_t Geofence[UK_GEOFENCE_POINTS*2]=UK_GEOFENCE; RTC_t RTC_time; _REENT_INIT_PTR(&my_reent); _impure_ptr = &my_reent; SystemInit(); //Sets up the clk setup_gpio(); //Initialised pins, and detects boot source DBGMCU_Config(DBGMCU_IWDG_STOP, ENABLE); //Watchdog stopped during JTAG halt RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_PWR | RCC_APB1Periph_BKP, ENABLE);/* Enable PWR and BKP clocks */ PWR_BackupAccessCmd(ENABLE);/* Allow access to BKP Domain */ uint16_t shutdown_lock=BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR3); //Holds the shutdown lock setting uint16_t reset_counter=BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR2); //The number of consecutive failed reboot cycles PWR_BackupAccessCmd(DISABLE); if(RCC->CSR&RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF && shutdown_lock!=SHUTDOWNLOCK_MAGIC) {//Watchdog reset, turn off RCC->CSR|=RCC_CSR_RMVF; //Reset the reset flags shutdown(); } if(USB_SOURCE==bootsource) { RCC->CFGR &= ~(uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16; RCC->CFGR |= (uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4;//Swap the ABP1 bus to run at 12mhz rather than 4 if we booted from USB, makes USB fast enough } SysTick_Configuration(); //Start up system timer at 100Hz for uSD card functionality Watchdog_Config(WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT); //Set the watchdog Watchdog_Reset(); //Reset watchdog as soon as possible incase it is still running at power on rtc_init(); //Real time clock initialise - (keeps time unchanged if set) Usarts_Init(); ISR_Config(); rprintfInit(__usart_send_char); //Printf over the bluetooth if(USB_SOURCE==bootsource) { Set_System(); //This actually just inits the storage layer Set_USBClock(); USB_Interrupts_Config(); USB_Init(); uint32_t nojack=0x000FFFFF; //Countdown timer - a few hundered ms of 0v on jack detect forces a shutdown while (bDeviceState != CONFIGURED) { //Wait for USB config - timeout causes shutdown if((Millis>10000 && bDeviceState == UNCONNECTED)|| !nojack) //No USB cable - shutdown (Charger pin will be set to open drain, cant be disabled without usb) shutdown(); if(GET_VBUS_STATE) //Jack detect resets the countdown nojack=0x0FFFFF; nojack--; Watchdog_Reset(); //Reset watchdog here, if we are stalled here the Millis timeout should catch us } PWR_BackupAccessCmd(ENABLE); /* Allow access to BKP Domain */ BKP_WriteBackupRegister(BKP_DR3,0x0000);//Wipe the shutdown lock setting PWR_BackupAccessCmd(DISABLE); while(1) { if(!(Millis%1000) && bDeviceState == SUSPENDED) { Delay(100); if(!GET_VBUS_STATE) shutdown(); } Watchdog_Reset(); __WFI(); //Sleep mode } } if(!GET_PWR_STATE && !(CoreDebug->DHCSR&0x00000001) && shutdown_lock!=SHUTDOWNLOCK_MAGIC) {//Check here to make sure the power button is still pressed, if not, sleep if no debug and not in always on flight mode shutdown(); //This means a glitch on the supply line, or a power glitch results in sleep } // check to see if battery has enough charge to start ADC_Configuration(); //We leave this a bit later to allow stabilisation { uint32_t t=Millis; while(Millis<(t+100)){__WFI();} //Sensor+inst amplifier takes about 100ms to stabilise after power on } if(Battery_Voltage<BATTERY_STARTUP_LIMIT) { //We will have to turn off if(reset_counter<10) shutdown(); } Watchdog_Reset(); //Card Init can take a second or two // system has passed battery level check and so file can be opened {//Context uint8_t silabs_header[5]={}; uint8_t* silabs_header_=NULL; //Pointer to the array (if all goes ok) if((f_err_code = f_mount(0, &FATFS_Obj)))Usart_Send_Str((char*)"FatFs mount error\r\n");//This should only error if internal error else { //FATFS initialised ok, try init the card, this also sets up the SPI1 if(!(f_err_code=f_open(&FATFS_logfile,(const TCHAR*)"time.txt",FA_OPEN_EXISTING|FA_READ|FA_WRITE))){//Try to open time file get system time if(!f_stat((const TCHAR *)"time.txt",&FATFS_info)) {//Get file info if(FATFS_info.fsize<5) { //Empty file RTC_time.year=(FATFS_info.fdate>>9)+1980;//populate the time struct (FAT start==1980, RTC.year==0) RTC_time.month=(FATFS_info.fdate>>5)&0x000F; RTC_time.mday=FATFS_info.fdate&0x001F; RTC_time.hour=(FATFS_info.ftime>>11)&0x001F; RTC_time.min=(FATFS_info.ftime>>5)&0x003F; RTC_time.sec=(FATFS_info.ftime<<1)&0x003E; rtc_settime(&RTC_time); rprintfInit(__fat_print_char);//printf to the open file printf("RTC set to %d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d\n",RTC_time.mday,RTC_time.month,RTC_time.year,\ RTC_time.hour,RTC_time.min,RTC_time.sec); } } f_close(&FATFS_logfile); //Close the time.txt file } // load settings if file exists Watchdog_Reset(); //Card Init can take a second or two if(!f_open(&FATFS_logfile,(const TCHAR *)"settings.dat",FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ)) { UINT br; int8_t rtc_correction; f_read(&FATFS_logfile, (void*)(&rtc_correction),sizeof(rtc_correction),&br); //Use the setting to apply correction to the RTC if(br && (rtc_correction<30) && (rtc_correction>-92) && rtc_correction ) { PWR_BackupAccessCmd(ENABLE);/* Allow access to BKP Domain */ uint16_t tweaked_prescale = (0x0001<<15)-2;/* Try to run the RTC slightly too fast so it can be corrected either way */ RTC_WaitForSynchro(); /* Wait for RTC registers synchronization */ if( RTC->PRLL != tweaked_prescale ) {/*Note that there is a 0.5ppm offset here (correction 0==0.5ppm slow)*/ RTC_SetPrescaler(tweaked_prescale); /* RTC period = RTCCLK/RTC_PR = (32.768 KHz)/(32767-2+1) */ RTC_WaitForLastTask(); } BKP_SetRTCCalibrationValue((uint8_t) ((int16_t)31-(21*(int16_t)rtc_correction)/(int16_t)20) ); BKP_RTCOutputConfig(BKP_RTCOutputSource_None);/* Ensure any output is disabled here */ /* Lock access to BKP Domain */ PWR_BackupAccessCmd(DISABLE); } else if(br && ((uint8_t)rtc_correction==0x91) ) {/* 0x91 magic flag sets the RTC clock output on */ PWR_BackupAccessCmd(ENABLE);/* Allow access to BKP Domain */ BKP_RTCOutputConfig(BKP_RTCOutputSource_CalibClock);/* Output a 512Hz reference clock on the TAMPER pin*/ PWR_BackupAccessCmd(DISABLE); } if(br) { f_read(&FATFS_logfile, (void*)(&shutdown_lock),sizeof(shutdown_lock),&br);/*This needs to be set with the same magic flag value*/ if(br==2) { PWR_BackupAccessCmd(ENABLE);/* Allow access to BKP Domain */ BKP_WriteBackupRegister(BKP_DR3,shutdown_lock);//Wipe the shutdown lock setting PWR_BackupAccessCmd(DISABLE); } } if(br==2) { //Read was successful, next try to read 5 bytes of packet header f_read(&FATFS_logfile, (void*)(silabs_header),5,&br); if(br!=5) silabs_header_=silabs_header; } f_close(&FATFS_logfile); //Close the settings.dat file } #ifndef SINGLE_LOGFILE rtc_gettime(&RTC_time); //Get the RTC time and put a timestamp on the start of the file rprintfInit(__str_print_char); //Print to the string printf("%02d-%02d-%02dT%02d-%02d-%02d-%s.csv",RTC_time.year,RTC_time.month,RTC_time.mday,RTC_time.hour,RTC_time.min,RTC_time.sec,"Log");//Timestamp name rprintfInit(__usart_send_char); //Printf over the bluetooth #endif Watchdog_Reset(); //Card Init can take a second or two if((f_err_code=f_open(&FATFS_logfile,(TCHAR*)LOGFILE_NAME,FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE))) {//Present Delay(10000); if((f_err_code=f_open(&FATFS_logfile,(TCHAR*)LOGFILE_NAME,FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE))) {//Try again printf("FatFs drive error %d\r\n",f_err_code); if(f_err_code==FR_DISK_ERR || f_err_code==FR_NOT_READY) Usart_Send_Str((char*)"No uSD card inserted?\r\n"); } } else { Watchdog_Reset(); //Card Init can take a second or two print_string[strlen(print_string)-4]=0x00;//Wipe the .csv off the string strcat(print_string,"_gyro.wav"); if((f_err_code=f_open(&FATFS_wavfile_gyro,(TCHAR*)LOGFILE_NAME,FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE))) {//Present printf("FatFs drive error %d\r\n",f_err_code); if(f_err_code==FR_DISK_ERR || f_err_code==FR_NOT_READY) Usart_Send_Str((char*)"No uSD card inserted?\r\n"); } else { //We have a mounted card f_err_code=f_lseek(&FATFS_logfile, PRE_SIZE);// Pre-allocate clusters if (f_err_code || f_tell(&FATFS_logfile) != PRE_SIZE)// Check if the file size has been increased correctly Usart_Send_Str((char*)"Pre-Allocation error\r\n"); else { if((f_err_code=f_lseek(&FATFS_logfile, 0)))//Seek back to start of file to start writing Usart_Send_Str((char*)"Seek error\r\n"); else rprintfInit(__str_print_char);//Printf to the logfile } if(f_err_code) f_close(&FATFS_logfile);//Close the already opened file on error else file_opened=1; //So we know to close the file properly on shutdown if(file_opened==1) { Watchdog_Reset(); //Card Init can take a second or two if (f_err_code || f_tell(&FATFS_wavfile_gyro) != PRE_SIZE)// Check if the file size has been increased correctly Usart_Send_Str((char*)"Pre-Allocation error\r\n"); else { if((f_err_code=f_lseek(&FATFS_logfile, 0)))//Seek back to start of file to start writing Usart_Send_Str((char*)"Seek error\r\n"); else rprintfInit(__str_print_char);//Printf to the logfile } if(f_err_code) f_close(&FATFS_wavfile_gyro);//Close the already opened file on error else file_opened|=2; //So we know to close the file properly on shutdown } } } } f_err_code|=write_wave_header(&FATFS_wavfile_gyro, 4, 100, 16);//4 channels, last channel is for the current rpm Watchdog_Reset(); //Card Init can take a second or two //Setup and test the silabs radio silab=si446x_setup(silabs_header_); if(silab!=0x44) { //Should return the device code print_string[0]=0x00; printf("Silabs: %02x\n",silab); f_puts("Silabs detect error, got:",&FATFS_logfile); f_puts(print_string,&FATFS_logfile); shutdown_filesystem(ERR, file_opened);//So we log that something went wrong in the logfile shutdown(); } }//Context