Пример #1
 * Create a new detail message for the GUI.
 * @param type General message type
 * @param level Detailed message type
 * @param text Body of the message
 * @param data Optional field, used for auxiliary data
void XmppClient::CreateSimpleMessage(const std::string& type, const std::string& text, const std::string& level, const std::string& data)
	GUIMessage message;
	message.type = wstring_from_utf8(type);
	message.level = wstring_from_utf8(level);
	message.text = wstring_from_utf8(text);
	message.data = wstring_from_utf8(data);
Пример #2
 * Handle a standard MUC textual message.
void XmppClient::handleMUCMessage(glooxwrapper::MUCRoom*, const glooxwrapper::Message& msg, bool)
	DbgXMPP(msg.from().resource() << " said " << msg.body());

	GUIMessage message;
	message.type = L"mucmessage";
	message.from = wstring_from_utf8(msg.from().resource().to_string());
	message.text = wstring_from_utf8(msg.body().to_string());
Пример #3
 * Handle a standard textual message.
void XmppClient::handleMessage(const glooxwrapper::Message& msg, glooxwrapper::MessageSession *)
	DbgXMPP("type " << msg.subtype() << ", subject " << msg.subject()
	  << ", message " << msg.body() << ", thread id " << msg.thread());

	GUIMessage message;
	message.from = wstring_from_utf8(msg.from().username().to_string());
	message.message = wstring_from_utf8(msg.body().to_string());
Пример #4
void CNetTurnManager::DisplayOOSError(u32 turn, const std::string& hash, const std::string& expectedHash, bool isReplay, OsPath* path = NULL)
	m_HasSyncError = true;

	std::stringstream msg;
	msg << "Out of sync on turn " << turn << ": expected hash " << expectedHash << "\n";

	if (expectedHash != hash || m_CurrentTurn != turn)
		msg << "\nCurrent state: turn " << m_CurrentTurn << ", hash " << hash << "\n\n";

	if (isReplay)
		msg << "\nThe current game state is different from the original game state.\n\n";
		if (expectedHash == hash)
			msg << "Your game state is identical to the hosts game state.\n\n";
			msg << "Your game state is different from the hosts game state.\n\n";

	if (path)
		msg << "Dumping current state to " << utf8_from_wstring(OsPath(*path).string());

	LOGERROR("%s", msg.str());

	if (g_GUI)
		g_GUI->DisplayMessageBox(600, 350, L"Sync error", wstring_from_utf8(msg.str()));
Пример #5
bool ScriptInterface::LoadGlobalScriptFile(const VfsPath& path)
	JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
	JS::RootedObject global(m->m_cx, m->m_glob);
	if (!VfsFileExists(path))
		LOGERROR("File '%s' does not exist", path.string8());
		return false;

	CVFSFile file;

	PSRETURN ret = file.Load(g_VFS, path);

	if (ret != PSRETURN_OK)
		LOGERROR("Failed to load file '%s': %s", path.string8(), GetErrorString(ret));
		return false;

	std::wstring code = wstring_from_utf8(file.DecodeUTF8()); // assume it's UTF-8

	utf16string codeUtf16(code.begin(), code.end());
	uint lineNo = 1;
	// CompileOptions does not copy the contents of the filename string pointer.
	// Passing a temporary string there will cause undefined behaviour, so we create a separate string to avoid the temporary.
	std::string filenameStr = path.string8();

	JS::RootedValue rval(m->m_cx);
	JS::CompileOptions opts(m->m_cx);
	opts.setFileAndLine(filenameStr.c_str(), lineNo);
	return JS::Evaluate(m->m_cx, global, opts,
			reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(codeUtf16.c_str()), (uint)(codeUtf16.length()), &rval);
Пример #6
CScriptValRooted ScriptInterface::ParseJSON(const std::string& string_utf8)
	std::wstring attrsW = wstring_from_utf8(string_utf8);
	utf16string string(attrsW.begin(), attrsW.end());

	jsval vp;
	JSONParser* parser = JS_BeginJSONParse(m->m_cx, &vp);
	if (!parser)
		LOGERROR(L"ParseJSON failed to begin");
		return CScriptValRooted();

	if (!JS_ConsumeJSONText(m->m_cx, parser, reinterpret_cast<const jschar*>(string.c_str()), (uint32)string.size()))
		LOGERROR(L"ParseJSON failed to consume");
		return CScriptValRooted();

	if (!JS_FinishJSONParse(m->m_cx, parser, JSVAL_NULL))
		LOGERROR(L"ParseJSON failed to finish");
		return CScriptValRooted();

	return CScriptValRooted(m->m_cx, vp);
Пример #7
bool ScriptInterface::LoadGlobalScriptFile(const VfsPath& path)
	if (!VfsFileExists(path))
		LOGERROR(L"File '%ls' does not exist", path.string().c_str());
		return false;

	CVFSFile file;

	PSRETURN ret = file.Load(g_VFS, path);

	if (ret != PSRETURN_OK)
		LOGERROR(L"Failed to load file '%ls': %hs", path.string().c_str(), GetErrorString(ret));
		return false;

	std::wstring code = wstring_from_utf8(file.DecodeUTF8()); // assume it's UTF-8

	// Compile the code in strict mode, to encourage better coding practices and
	// to possibly help SpiderMonkey with optimisations
	std::wstring codeStrict = L"\"use strict\";\n" + code;
	utf16string codeUtf16(codeStrict.begin(), codeStrict.end());
	uintN lineNo = 0; // put the automatic 'use strict' on line 0, so the real code starts at line 1

	jsval rval;
	JSBool ok = JS_EvaluateUCScript(m->m_cx, m->m_glob,
			reinterpret_cast<const jschar*> (codeUtf16.c_str()), (uintN)(codeUtf16.length()),
			utf8_from_wstring(path.string()).c_str(), lineNo, &rval);

	return ok ? true : false;
Пример #8
bool ScriptInterface::ParseJSON(const std::string& string_utf8, JS::MutableHandleValue out)
	JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
	std::wstring attrsW = wstring_from_utf8(string_utf8);
 	utf16string string(attrsW.begin(), attrsW.end());
	if (JS_ParseJSON(m->m_cx, reinterpret_cast<const jschar*>(string.c_str()), (u32)string.size(), out))
		return true;

	LOGERROR("JS_ParseJSON failed!");
	if (!JS_IsExceptionPending(m->m_cx))
		return false;

	JS::RootedValue exc(m->m_cx);
	if (!JS_GetPendingException(m->m_cx, &exc))
		return false;

	// We expect an object of type SyntaxError
	if (!exc.isObject())
		return false;

	JS::RootedValue rval(m->m_cx);
	JS::RootedObject excObj(m->m_cx, &exc.toObject());
	if (!JS_CallFunctionName(m->m_cx, excObj, "toString", JS::HandleValueArray::empty(), &rval))
		return false;

	std::wstring error;
	ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(m->m_cx, rval, error);
	LOGERROR("%s", utf8_from_wstring(error));
	return false;
Пример #9
bool ScriptInterface::LoadGlobalScriptFile(const VfsPath& path)
	JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
	JS::RootedObject global(m->m_cx, m->m_glob);
	if (!VfsFileExists(path))
		LOGERROR("File '%s' does not exist", path.string8());
		return false;

	CVFSFile file;

	PSRETURN ret = file.Load(g_VFS, path);

	if (ret != PSRETURN_OK)
		LOGERROR("Failed to load file '%s': %s", path.string8(), GetErrorString(ret));
		return false;

	std::wstring code = wstring_from_utf8(file.DecodeUTF8()); // assume it's UTF-8

	utf16string codeUtf16(code.begin(), code.end());
	uint lineNo = 1;

	JS::RootedValue rval(m->m_cx);
	return JS_EvaluateUCScript(m->m_cx, global,
			reinterpret_cast<const jschar*> (codeUtf16.c_str()), (uint)(codeUtf16.length()),
			utf8_from_wstring(path.string()).c_str(), lineNo, &rval);
Пример #10
void CTemplateLoader::ConstructTemplateActor(const std::string& actorName, CParamNode& out)
	// Load the base actor template if necessary
	const char* templateName = "special/actor";
	if (!LoadTemplateFile(templateName, 0))
		LOGERROR("Failed to load entity template '%s'", templateName);

	// Copy the actor template
	out = m_TemplateFileData[templateName];

	// Initialise the actor's name and make it an Atlas selectable entity.
	std::wstring actorNameW = wstring_from_utf8(actorName);
	std::string name = utf8_from_wstring(CParamNode::EscapeXMLString(actorNameW));
	std::string xml = "<Entity>"
	                      "<VisualActor><Actor>" + name + "</Actor><ActorOnly/></VisualActor>"
						  // arbitrary-sized Footprint definition to make actors' selection outlines show up in Atlas
						  "<Footprint><Circle radius='2.0'/><Height>1.0</Height></Footprint>"

	CParamNode::LoadXMLString(out, xml.c_str(), actorNameW.c_str());
Пример #11
// Return a translated version of the items in the specified array.
std::vector<std::wstring> JSI_L10n::TranslateArray(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* UNUSED(pCxPrivate), const std::vector<std::wstring>& sourceArray)
	std::vector<std::wstring> translatedArray;
	for (const std::wstring& elem : sourceArray)

	return translatedArray;
Пример #12
VfsPath L10n::LocalizePath(const VfsPath& sourcePath) const
	VfsPath localizedPath = sourcePath.Parent() / L"l10n" / wstring_from_utf8(currentLocale.getLanguage()) / sourcePath.Filename();
	if (!VfsFileExists(localizedPath))
		return sourcePath;

	return localizedPath;
Пример #13
std::wstring JSI_Lobby::LobbyGetNick(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* UNUSED(pCxPrivate))
	if (!g_XmppClient)
		return L"";

	std::string nick;
	return wstring_from_utf8(nick);
Пример #14
 * Handle requests from the GUI for the list of players.
 * @return A JS array containing all known players and their presences
CScriptValRooted XmppClient::GUIGetPlayerList(ScriptInterface& scriptInterface)
	std::string presence;
	CScriptValRooted playerList;
	scriptInterface.Eval("({})", playerList);
	for(std::map<std::string, gloox::Presence::PresenceType>::const_iterator it = m_PlayerMap.begin(); it != m_PlayerMap.end(); ++it)
		CScriptValRooted player;
		GetPresenceString(it->second, presence);
		scriptInterface.Eval("({})", player);
		scriptInterface.SetProperty(player.get(), "name", wstring_from_utf8(it->first));
		scriptInterface.SetProperty(player.get(), "presence", wstring_from_utf8(presence));

		scriptInterface.SetProperty(playerList.get(), wstring_from_utf8(it->first).c_str(), player);

	return playerList;
Пример #15
std::wstring JSI_Lobby::LobbyGetRoomSubject(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* UNUSED(pCxPrivate))
	if (!g_XmppClient)
		return L"";

	std::string subject;
	return wstring_from_utf8(subject);
Пример #16
std::wstring JSI_Lobby::LobbyGetPlayerRole(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* UNUSED(pCxPrivate), std::wstring nickname)
	if (!g_XmppClient)
		return L"";

	std::string role;
	g_XmppClient->GetRole(utf8_from_wstring(nickname), role);
	return wstring_from_utf8(role);
Пример #17
 * Handle requests from the GUI for the list of players.
 * @return A JS array containing all known players and their presences
CScriptValRooted XmppClient::GUIGetPlayerList(ScriptInterface& scriptInterface)
	CScriptValRooted playerList;
	scriptInterface.Eval("([])", playerList);

	// Convert the internal data structure to a Javascript object.
	for (std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >::const_iterator it = m_PlayerMap.begin(); it != m_PlayerMap.end(); ++it)
		CScriptValRooted player;
		scriptInterface.Eval("({})", player);
		scriptInterface.SetProperty(player.get(), "name", wstring_from_utf8(it->first));
		scriptInterface.SetProperty(player.get(), "presence", wstring_from_utf8(it->second[0]));
		scriptInterface.SetProperty(player.get(), "rating", wstring_from_utf8(it->second[1]));
		scriptInterface.SetProperty(player.get(), "role", wstring_from_utf8(it->second[2]));
		scriptInterface.CallFunctionVoid(playerList.get(), "push", player);

	return playerList;
Пример #18
std::vector<std::wstring> L10n::GetSupportedLocaleDisplayNames() const
	std::vector<std::wstring> supportedLocaleDisplayNames;
	for (Locale* const& locale : availableLocales)
		if (strcmp(locale->getBaseName(), "long") == 0)
			if (InDevelopmentCopy())
				supportedLocaleDisplayNames.push_back(wstring_from_utf8(Translate("Long strings")));

		UnicodeString utf16LocaleDisplayName;
		locale->getDisplayName(*locale, utf16LocaleDisplayName);
		char localeDisplayName[512];
		CheckedArrayByteSink sink(localeDisplayName, ARRAY_SIZE(localeDisplayName));

		supportedLocaleDisplayNames.push_back(wstring_from_utf8(std::string(localeDisplayName, sink.NumberOfBytesWritten())));
	return supportedLocaleDisplayNames;
Пример #19
bool ScriptInterface::LoadGlobalScript(const VfsPath& filename, const std::string& code)
	// Compile the code in strict mode, to encourage better coding practices and
	// to possibly help SpiderMonkey with optimisations
	std::wstring codeStrict = L"\"use strict\";\n" + wstring_from_utf8(code);
	utf16string codeUtf16(codeStrict.begin(), codeStrict.end());
	uintN lineNo = 0; // put the automatic 'use strict' on line 0, so the real code starts at line 1

	jsval rval;
	JSBool ok = JS_EvaluateUCScript(m->m_cx, m->m_glob,
			reinterpret_cast<const jschar*> (codeUtf16.c_str()), (uintN)(codeUtf16.length()),
			utf8_from_wstring(filename.string()).c_str(), lineNo, &rval);

	return ok ? true : false;
Пример #20
wchar_t* sys_clipboard_get()
	wchar_t* ret = NULL;
	std::string str;
	bool ok = osx_GetStringFromPasteboard(str);
	if (ok)
		// TODO: this is yucky, why are we passing around wchar_t*?
		std::wstring wstr = wstring_from_utf8(str);
		size_t len = wcslen(wstr.c_str());
		ret = (wchar_t*)malloc((len+1)*sizeof(wchar_t));
		std::copy(wstr.c_str(), wstr.c_str()+len, ret);
		ret[len] = 0;

	return ret;
Пример #21
void IDeserializer::String(const char* name, std::wstring& out, uint32_t minlength, uint32_t maxlength)
	std::string str;
	uint32_t len;
	NumberU32_Unbounded("string length", len);

	Get(name, (u8*)str.data(), len);

	Status err;
	out = wstring_from_utf8(str, &err);
	if (err)
		throw PSERROR_Deserialize_InvalidCharInString();

	if (!(minlength <= out.length() && out.length() <= maxlength))
		throw PSERROR_Deserialize_OutOfBounds(name);
Пример #22
 * Handle requests from the GUI for the list of all active games.
 * @return A JS array containing all known games
CScriptValRooted XmppClient::GUIGetGameList(ScriptInterface& scriptInterface)
	CScriptValRooted gameList;
	scriptInterface.Eval("([])", gameList);
	for(std::vector<const glooxwrapper::Tag*>::const_iterator it = m_GameList.begin(); it != m_GameList.end(); ++it)
		CScriptValRooted game;
		scriptInterface.Eval("({})", game);

		const char* stats[] = { "name", "ip", "state", "nbp", "tnbp", "players", "mapName", "niceMapName", "mapSize", "mapType", "victoryCondition" };
		short stats_length = 11;
		for (short i = 0; i < stats_length; i++)
			scriptInterface.SetProperty(game.get(), stats[i], wstring_from_utf8((*it)->findAttribute(stats[i]).to_string()));

		scriptInterface.CallFunctionVoid(gameList.get(), "push", game);

	return gameList;
Пример #23
 * Handle requests from the GUI for leaderboard data.
 * @return A JS array containing all known leaderboard data
CScriptValRooted XmppClient::GUIGetBoardList(ScriptInterface& scriptInterface)
	CScriptValRooted boardList;
	scriptInterface.Eval("([])", boardList);
	for(std::vector<const glooxwrapper::Tag*>::const_iterator it = m_BoardList.begin(); it != m_BoardList.end(); ++it)
		CScriptValRooted board;
		scriptInterface.Eval("({})", board);

		const char* attributes[] = { "name", "rank", "rating" };
		short attributes_length = 3;
		for (short i = 0; i < attributes_length; i++)
			scriptInterface.SetProperty(board.get(), attributes[i], wstring_from_utf8((*it)->findAttribute(attributes[i]).to_string()));

		scriptInterface.CallFunctionVoid(boardList.get(), "push", board);

	return boardList;
Пример #24
// globalObject defaults to 0 (in which case we use our m_GlobalObject).
void ScriptingHost::RunScript(const VfsPath& pathname, JSObject* globalObject)
		globalObject = m_GlobalObject;

	shared_ptr<u8> buf; size_t size;
	if(g_VFS->LoadFile(pathname, buf, size) != INFO::OK)	// ERRTODO: translate/pass it on
		throw PSERROR_Scripting_LoadFile_OpenFailed();

	std::wstring scriptw = wstring_from_utf8(std::string(buf.get(), buf.get() + size));
	utf16string script(scriptw.begin(), scriptw.end());

	jsval rval;
	JSBool ok = JS_EvaluateUCScript(m_Context, globalObject,
		reinterpret_cast<const jschar*>(script.c_str()), (uintN)script.size(),
		utf8_from_wstring(pathname.string()).c_str(), 1, &rval);

	if (ok == JS_FALSE)
		throw PSERROR_Scripting_LoadFile_EvalErrors();
Пример #25
void CConsole::InsertMessage(const std::string& message)
	// (TODO: this text-wrapping is rubbish since we now use variable-width fonts)

	//Insert newlines to wraparound text where needed
	std::wstring wrapAround = wstring_from_utf8(message.c_str());
	std::wstring newline(L"\n");
	size_t oldNewline=0;
	size_t distance;

	//make sure everything has been initialized
	if ( m_charsPerPage != 0 )
		while ( oldNewline+m_charsPerPage < wrapAround.length() )
			distance = wrapAround.find(newline, oldNewline) - oldNewline;
			if ( distance > m_charsPerPage )
				oldNewline += m_charsPerPage;
				wrapAround.insert( oldNewline++, newline );
				oldNewline += distance+1;
	// Split into lines and add each one individually
	oldNewline = 0;

		CScopeLock lock(m_Mutex); // needed for safe access to m_deqMsgHistory

		while ( (distance = wrapAround.find(newline, oldNewline)) != wrapAround.npos)
			distance -= oldNewline;
			m_deqMsgHistory.push_front(wrapAround.substr(oldNewline, distance));
			oldNewline += distance+1;
Пример #26
void CNetTurnManager::DisplayOOSError(u32 turn, const CStr& hash, const CStr& expectedHash, bool isReplay, std::vector<CSyncErrorMessage::S_m_PlayerNames>* playerNames = NULL, OsPath* path = NULL)
	m_HasSyncError = true;

	std::stringstream msg;
	msg << "Out of sync on turn " << turn;

	if (playerNames)
		for (size_t i = 0; i < playerNames->size(); ++i)
			msg << (i == 0 ? "\nPlayers: " : ", ") << utf8_from_wstring((*playerNames)[i].m_Name);

	if (isReplay)
		msg << "\n\n" << "The current game state is different from the original game state.";
		msg << "\n\n" << "Your game state is " << (expectedHash == hash ? "identical to" : "different from") << " the hosts game state.";

	if (path)
		msg << "\n\n" << "Dumping current state to " << CStr(path->string8()).EscapeToPrintableASCII();

	LOGERROR("%s", msg.str());

	if (g_GUI)
		g_GUI->DisplayMessageBox(600, 350, L"Sync error", wstring_from_utf8(msg.str()));
Пример #27
void debug_puts(const char* text)
Пример #28
bool CShaderManager::NewProgram(const char* name, const CShaderDefines& baseDefines, CShaderProgramPtr& program)
    PROFILE2("loading shader");
    PROFILE2_ATTR("name: %s", name);

    if (strncmp(name, "fixed:", 6) == 0)
        program = CShaderProgramPtr(CShaderProgram::ConstructFFP(name+6, baseDefines));
        if (!program)
            return false;
        return true;

    VfsPath xmlFilename = L"shaders/" + wstring_from_utf8(name) + L".xml";

    CXeromyces XeroFile;
    PSRETURN ret = XeroFile.Load(g_VFS, xmlFilename);
    if (ret != PSRETURN_OK)
        return false;


        // Serialize the XMB data and pass it to the validator
        bool ok = m_Validator.ValidateEncoded(wstring_from_utf8(name), XML_GetOutput());
        if (!ok)
            return false;

    // Define all the elements and attributes used in the XML file
#define EL(x) int el_##x = XeroFile.GetElementID(#x)
#define AT(x) int at_##x = XeroFile.GetAttributeID(#x)
#undef AT
#undef EL

    CPreprocessorWrapper preprocessor;

    XMBElement Root = XeroFile.GetRoot();

    bool isGLSL = (Root.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(at_type) == "glsl");
    VfsPath vertexFile;
    VfsPath fragmentFile;
    CShaderDefines defines = baseDefines;
    std::map<CStrIntern, int> vertexUniforms;
    std::map<CStrIntern, CShaderProgram::frag_index_pair_t> fragmentUniforms;
    std::map<CStrIntern, int> vertexAttribs;
    int streamFlags = 0;

    XERO_ITER_EL(Root, Child)
        if (Child.GetNodeName() == el_define)
            defines.Add(CStrIntern(Child.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(at_name)), CStrIntern(Child.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(at_value)));
        else if (Child.GetNodeName() == el_vertex)
            vertexFile = L"shaders/" + Child.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(at_file).FromUTF8();

            XERO_ITER_EL(Child, Param)
                XMBAttributeList Attrs = Param.GetAttributes();

                CStr cond = Attrs.GetNamedItem(at_if);
                if (!cond.empty() && !preprocessor.TestConditional(cond))

                if (Param.GetNodeName() == el_uniform)
                    vertexUniforms[CStrIntern(Attrs.GetNamedItem(at_name))] = Attrs.GetNamedItem(at_loc).ToInt();
                else if (Param.GetNodeName() == el_stream)
                    CStr StreamName = Attrs.GetNamedItem(at_name);
                    if (StreamName == "pos")
                        streamFlags |= STREAM_POS;
                    else if (StreamName == "normal")
                        streamFlags |= STREAM_NORMAL;
                    else if (StreamName == "color")
                        streamFlags |= STREAM_COLOR;
                    else if (StreamName == "uv0")
                        streamFlags |= STREAM_UV0;
                    else if (StreamName == "uv1")
                        streamFlags |= STREAM_UV1;
                    else if (StreamName == "uv2")
                        streamFlags |= STREAM_UV2;
                    else if (StreamName == "uv3")
                        streamFlags |= STREAM_UV3;
                else if (Param.GetNodeName() == el_attrib)
                    int attribLoc = ParseAttribSemantics(Attrs.GetNamedItem(at_semantics));
                    vertexAttribs[CStrIntern(Attrs.GetNamedItem(at_name))] = attribLoc;
Пример #29
 * Convert UTF-8 to CStr
 * @return CStrW converted string
CStrW CStr8::FromUTF8() const
	Status err;
	return wstring_from_utf8(*this, &err);
Пример #30
InReaction conInputHandler(const SDL_Event_* ev)
	if ((int)ev->ev.type == SDL_HOTKEYDOWN)
		std::string hotkey = static_cast<const char*>(ev->ev.user.data1);

		if (hotkey == "console.toggle")
			return IN_HANDLED;
		else if (g_Console->IsActive() && hotkey == "copy")
			return IN_HANDLED;
		else if (g_Console->IsActive() && hotkey == "paste")
			wchar_t* text = sys_clipboard_get();
			if (text)
				for (wchar_t* c = text; *c; c++)
					g_Console->InsertChar(0, *c);

			return IN_HANDLED;

	if (!g_Console->IsActive())
		return IN_PASS;

	// In SDL2, we no longer get Unicode wchars via SDL_Keysym
	// we use text input events instead and they provide UTF-8 chars
	if (ev->ev.type == SDL_TEXTINPUT && !HotkeyIsPressed("console.toggle"))
		// TODO: this could be more efficient with an interface to insert UTF-8 strings directly
		std::wstring wstr = wstring_from_utf8(ev->ev.text.text);
		for (size_t i = 0; i < wstr.length(); ++i)
			g_Console->InsertChar(0, wstr[i]);
		return IN_HANDLED;
	// TODO: text editing events for IME support

	if (ev->ev.type != SDL_KEYDOWN)
		return IN_PASS;

	int sym = ev->ev.key.keysym.sym;

	// Stop unprintable characters (ctrl+, alt+ and escape),
	// also prevent ` and/or ~ appearing in console every time it's toggled.
	if (!isUnprintableChar(ev->ev.key.keysym) &&
		g_Console->InsertChar(sym, 0);
		return IN_HANDLED;

	return IN_PASS;