Пример #1
Result CommitTransaction(CWallet* wallet, const uint256& txid, CMutableTransaction&& mtx, std::vector<std::string>& errors, uint256& bumped_txid)
    LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet);
    if (!errors.empty()) {
        return Result::MISC_ERROR;
    auto it = txid.IsNull() ? wallet->mapWallet.end() : wallet->mapWallet.find(txid);
    if (it == wallet->mapWallet.end()) {
        errors.push_back("Invalid or non-wallet transaction id");
        return Result::MISC_ERROR;
    CWalletTx& oldWtx = it->second;

    // make sure the transaction still has no descendants and hasn't been mined in the meantime
    Result result = PreconditionChecks(wallet, oldWtx, errors);
    if (result != Result::OK) {
        return result;

    CWalletTx wtxBumped(wallet, MakeTransactionRef(std::move(mtx)));
    // commit/broadcast the tx
    CReserveKey reservekey(wallet);
    wtxBumped.mapValue = oldWtx.mapValue;
    wtxBumped.mapValue["replaces_txid"] = oldWtx.GetHash().ToString();
    wtxBumped.vOrderForm = oldWtx.vOrderForm;
    wtxBumped.strFromAccount = oldWtx.strFromAccount;
    wtxBumped.fTimeReceivedIsTxTime = true;
    wtxBumped.fFromMe = true;
    CValidationState state;
    if (!wallet->CommitTransaction(wtxBumped, reservekey, g_connman.get(), state)) {
        // NOTE: CommitTransaction never returns false, so this should never happen.
        errors.push_back(strprintf("The transaction was rejected: %s", state.GetRejectReason()));
        return Result::WALLET_ERROR;

    bumped_txid = wtxBumped.GetHash();
    if (state.IsInvalid()) {
        // This can happen if the mempool rejected the transaction.  Report
        // what happened in the "errors" response.
        errors.push_back(strprintf("Error: The transaction was rejected: %s", FormatStateMessage(state)));

    // mark the original tx as bumped
    if (!wallet->MarkReplaced(oldWtx.GetHash(), wtxBumped.GetHash())) {
        // TODO: see if JSON-RPC has a standard way of returning a response
        // along with an exception. It would be good to return information about
        // wtxBumped to the caller even if marking the original transaction
        // replaced does not succeed for some reason.
        errors.push_back("Created new bumpfee transaction but could not mark the original transaction as replaced");
    return Result::OK;
Пример #2
bool CFeeBumper::commit(CWallet *pWallet)
    if (!vErrors.empty() || currentResult != BumpFeeResult::OK) {
        return false;
    if (txid.IsNull() || !pWallet->mapWallet.count(txid)) {
        vErrors.push_back("Invalid or non-wallet transaction id");
        currentResult = BumpFeeResult::MISC_ERROR;
        return false;
    CWalletTx& oldWtx = pWallet->mapWallet[txid];

    // make sure the transaction still has no descendants and hasen't been mined in the meantime
    if (!preconditionChecks(pWallet, oldWtx)) {
        return false;

    CWalletTx wtxBumped(pWallet, MakeTransactionRef(std::move(mtx)));
    // commit/broadcast the tx
    CReserveKey reservekey(pWallet);
    wtxBumped.mapValue = oldWtx.mapValue;
    wtxBumped.mapValue["replaces_txid"] = oldWtx.GetHash().ToString();
    wtxBumped.vOrderForm = oldWtx.vOrderForm;
    wtxBumped.strFromAccount = oldWtx.strFromAccount;
    wtxBumped.fTimeReceivedIsTxTime = true;
    wtxBumped.fFromMe = true;
    CValidationState state;
    if (!pWallet->CommitTransaction(wtxBumped, reservekey, g_connman.get(), state)) {
        // NOTE: CommitTransaction never returns false, so this should never happen.
        vErrors.push_back(strprintf("Error: The transaction was rejected! Reason given: %s", state.GetRejectReason()));
        return false;

    bumpedTxid = wtxBumped.GetHash();
    if (state.IsInvalid()) {
        // This can happen if the mempool rejected the transaction.  Report
        // what happened in the "errors" response.
        vErrors.push_back(strprintf("Error: The transaction was rejected: %s", FormatStateMessage(state)));

    // mark the original tx as bumped
    if (!pWallet->MarkReplaced(oldWtx.GetHash(), wtxBumped.GetHash())) {
        // TODO: see if JSON-RPC has a standard way of returning a response
        // along with an exception. It would be good to return information about
        // wtxBumped to the caller even if marking the original transaction
        // replaced does not succeed for some reason.
        vErrors.push_back("Error: Created new bumpfee transaction but could not mark the original transaction as replaced.");
    return true;