Пример #1
int wxColourDialog::ShowModal()
    // initialize the struct used by Windows
    CHOOSECOLOR chooseColorStruct;
    memset(&chooseColorStruct, 0, sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR));

    size_t i;

    // and transfer data from m_colourData to it
    COLORREF custColours[16];
    for ( i = 0; i < WXSIZEOF(custColours); i++ )
        if ( m_colourData.GetCustomColour(i).IsOk() )
            custColours[i] = wxColourToRGB(m_colourData.GetCustomColour(i));
            custColours[i] = RGB(255,255,255);

    chooseColorStruct.lStructSize = sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR);
    if ( m_parent )
        chooseColorStruct.hwndOwner = GetHwndOf(m_parent);
    chooseColorStruct.rgbResult = wxColourToRGB(m_colourData.GetColour());
    chooseColorStruct.lpCustColors = custColours;

    chooseColorStruct.Flags = CC_RGBINIT | CC_ENABLEHOOK;
    chooseColorStruct.lCustData = (LPARAM)this;
    chooseColorStruct.lpfnHook = wxColourDialogHookProc;

    if ( m_colourData.GetChooseFull() )
        chooseColorStruct.Flags |= CC_FULLOPEN;

    // do show the modal dialog
    if ( !::ChooseColor(&chooseColorStruct) )
        // 0 error means the dialog was simply cancelled, i.e. no real error
        // occurred
        const DWORD err = CommDlgExtendedError();
        if ( err )
            wxLogError(_("Colour selection dialog failed with error %0lx."), err);

        return wxID_CANCEL;

    // transfer the values chosen by user back into m_colourData
    for ( i = 0; i < WXSIZEOF(custColours); i++ )
      wxRGBToColour(m_colourData.m_custColours[i], custColours[i]);

    wxRGBToColour(m_colourData.GetColour(), chooseColorStruct.rgbResult);

    // this doesn't seem to work (contrary to what MSDN implies) on current
    // Windows versions: CC_FULLOPEN is never set on return if it wasn't
    // initially set and vice versa
    //m_colourData.SetChooseFull((chooseColorStruct.Flags & CC_FULLOPEN) != 0);

    return wxID_OK;
Пример #2
int wxColourDialog::ShowModal()
    CHOOSECOLOR chooseColorStruct;
    COLORREF custColours[16];
    memset(&chooseColorStruct, 0, sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR));

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        if (m_colourData.m_custColours[i].Ok())
            custColours[i] = wxColourToRGB(m_colourData.m_custColours[i]);
            custColours[i] = RGB(255,255,255);

    chooseColorStruct.lStructSize = sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR);
    if ( m_parent )
        chooseColorStruct.hwndOwner = GetHwndOf(m_parent);
    chooseColorStruct.rgbResult = wxColourToRGB(m_colourData.m_dataColour);
    chooseColorStruct.lpCustColors = custColours;

    chooseColorStruct.Flags = CC_RGBINIT | CC_ENABLEHOOK;
    chooseColorStruct.lCustData = (LPARAM)this;
    chooseColorStruct.lpfnHook = wxColourDialogHookProc;

    if (m_colourData.GetChooseFull())
        chooseColorStruct.Flags |= CC_FULLOPEN;

    // Do the modal dialog
    bool success = ::ChooseColor(&(chooseColorStruct)) != 0;

    // Try to highlight the correct window (the parent)
    if (GetParent())
      HWND hWndParent = (HWND) GetParent()->GetHWND();
      if (hWndParent)

    // Restore values
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
      wxRGBToColour(m_colourData.m_custColours[i], custColours[i]);

    wxRGBToColour(m_colourData.m_dataColour, chooseColorStruct.rgbResult);

    return success ? wxID_OK : wxID_CANCEL;
Пример #3
WXHBRUSH wxControl::DoMSWControlColor(WXHDC pDC, wxColour colBg, WXHWND hWnd)
    HDC hdc = (HDC)pDC;

    WXHBRUSH hbr = 0;
    if ( !colBg.IsOk() )
        if ( wxWindow *win = wxFindWinFromHandle(hWnd) )
            hbr = win->MSWGetBgBrush(pDC);

        // if the control doesn't have any bg colour, foreground colour will be
        // ignored as the return value would be 0 -- so forcefully give it a
        // non default background brush in this case
        if ( !hbr && m_hasFgCol )
            colBg = GetBackgroundColour();

    // use the background colour override if a valid colour is given: this is
    // used when the control is disabled to grey it out and also if colBg was
    // set just above
    if ( colBg.IsOk() )
        wxBrush *brush = wxTheBrushList->FindOrCreateBrush(colBg);
        hbr = (WXHBRUSH)brush->GetResourceHandle();

    // always set the foreground colour if we changed the background, whether
    // m_hasFgCol is true or not: if it true, we must do it, of course, but
    // even if it isn't, we must set the default foreground explicitly as by
    // default just the simple black is used
    if ( hbr )
        ::SetTextColor(hdc, wxColourToRGB(GetForegroundColour()));

    // finally also set the background colour for text drawing: without this,
    // the text in an edit control is drawn using the default background even
    // if we return a valid brush
    if ( colBg.IsOk() || m_hasBgCol )
        if ( !colBg.IsOk() )
            colBg = GetBackgroundColour();

        ::SetBkColor(hdc, wxColourToRGB(colBg));

    return hbr;
Пример #4
// Adds a bitmap, using the specified colour to create the mask bitmap
// Note that wxImageList creates new bitmaps, so you may delete
// 'bitmap'.
int wxImageList::Add(const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxColour& maskColour)
    HBITMAP hbmp;

    // See the comment in overloaded Add() above.
    AutoHBITMAP hbmpRelease;
    if ( bitmap.HasAlpha() )
        hbmp = wxDIB(bitmap.ConvertToImage(),
#endif // wxUSE_WXDIB && wxUSE_IMAGE
        hbmp = GetHbitmapOf(bitmap);

    int index = ImageList_AddMasked(GetHImageList(),
    if ( index == -1 )
        wxLogError(_("Couldn't add an image to the image list."));

    return index;
Пример #5
bool wxGauge::SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& col)
    if ( !wxControl::SetBackgroundColour(col) )
        return false;

    ::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), PBM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM)wxColourToRGB(col));

    return true;
Пример #6
// Adds a bitmap, using the specified colour to create the mask bitmap
// Note that wxImageList creates new bitmaps, so you may delete
// 'bitmap'.
int wxImageList::Add(const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxColour& maskColour)
    int index = ImageList_AddMasked(GetHImageList(),
    if ( index == -1 )
        wxLogError(_("Couldn't add an image to the image list."));

    return index;
Пример #7
WXHBRUSH wxControl::DoMSWControlColor(WXHDC pDC, wxColour colBg, WXHWND hWnd)
    HDC hdc = (HDC)pDC;
    if ( m_hasFgCol )
        ::SetTextColor(hdc, wxColourToRGB(GetForegroundColour()));

    WXHBRUSH hbr = 0;
    if ( !colBg.Ok() )
        hbr = MSWGetBgBrush(pDC, hWnd);

        // if the control doesn't have any bg colour, foreground colour will be
        // ignored as the return value would be 0 -- so forcefully give it a
        // non default background brush in this case
        if ( !hbr && m_hasFgCol )
            colBg = GetBackgroundColour();

    // use the background colour override if a valid colour is given
    if ( colBg.Ok() )
        ::SetBkColor(hdc, wxColourToRGB(colBg));

        // draw children with the same colour as the parent
        wxBrush *brush = wxTheBrushList->FindOrCreateBrush(colBg, wxSOLID);

        hbr = (WXHBRUSH)brush->GetResourceHandle();

        // if we use custom background, we should set foreground ourselves too
        if ( !m_hasFgCol )
            ::SetTextColor(hdc, ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT));
        //else: already set above

    return hbr;
Пример #8
// Draws the given image on a dc at the specified position.
// If 'solidBackground' is true, Draw sets the image list background
// colour to the background colour of the wxDC, to speed up
// drawing by eliminating masked drawing where possible.
bool wxImageList::Draw(int index,
                       wxDC& dc,
                       int x, int y,
                       int flags,
                       bool solidBackground)
    wxDCImpl *impl = dc.GetImpl();
    wxMSWDCImpl *msw_impl = wxDynamicCast( impl, wxMSWDCImpl );
    if (!msw_impl)
       return false;

    HDC hDC = GetHdcOf(*msw_impl);
    wxCHECK_MSG( hDC, false, wxT("invalid wxDC in wxImageList::Draw") );

    COLORREF clr = CLR_NONE;    // transparent by default
    if ( solidBackground )
        const wxBrush& brush = dc.GetBackground();
        if ( brush.IsOk() )
            clr = wxColourToRGB(brush.GetColour());

    ImageList_SetBkColor(GetHImageList(), clr);

    UINT style = 0;
    if ( flags & wxIMAGELIST_DRAW_NORMAL )
        style |= ILD_NORMAL;
        style |= ILD_TRANSPARENT;
    if ( flags & wxIMAGELIST_DRAW_SELECTED )
        style |= ILD_SELECTED;
    if ( flags & wxIMAGELIST_DRAW_FOCUSED )
        style |= ILD_FOCUS;

    bool ok = ImageList_Draw(GetHImageList(), index, hDC, x, y, style) != 0;
    if ( !ok )

    return ok;
Пример #9
int wxFontDialog::ShowModal()
    // It should be OK to always use GDI simulations

    LOGFONT logFont;

    CHOOSEFONT chooseFontStruct;

    chooseFontStruct.lStructSize = sizeof(CHOOSEFONT);
    if ( m_parent )
        chooseFontStruct.hwndOwner = GetHwndOf(m_parent);
    chooseFontStruct.lpLogFont = &logFont;

    if ( m_fontData.m_initialFont.IsOk() )
        wxFillLogFont(&logFont, &m_fontData.m_initialFont);

    if ( m_fontData.m_fontColour.IsOk() )
        chooseFontStruct.rgbColors = wxColourToRGB(m_fontData.m_fontColour);

    // CF_ANSIONLY flag is obsolete for Win32
    if ( !m_fontData.GetAllowSymbols() )
      flags |= CF_SELECTSCRIPT;
      logFont.lfCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET;

    if ( m_fontData.GetEnableEffects() )
      flags |= CF_EFFECTS;
    if ( m_fontData.GetShowHelp() )
      flags |= CF_SHOWHELP;

    if ( m_fontData.m_minSize != 0 || m_fontData.m_maxSize != 0 )
        chooseFontStruct.nSizeMin = m_fontData.m_minSize;
        chooseFontStruct.nSizeMax = m_fontData.m_maxSize;
        flags |= CF_LIMITSIZE;

    chooseFontStruct.Flags = flags;

    if ( ChooseFont(&chooseFontStruct) != 0 )
        wxRGBToColour(m_fontData.m_fontColour, chooseFontStruct.rgbColors);
        m_fontData.m_chosenFont = wxCreateFontFromLogFont(&logFont);
        m_fontData.EncodingInfo().facename = logFont.lfFaceName;
        m_fontData.EncodingInfo().charset = logFont.lfCharSet;

        return wxID_OK;
        DWORD dwErr = CommDlgExtendedError();
        if ( dwErr != 0 )
            wxLogError(_("Common dialog failed with error code %0lx."), dwErr);
        //else: it was just cancelled

        return wxID_CANCEL;
Пример #10
void wxNotebook::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    wxPaintDC dc(this);
    wxMemoryDC memdc;
    RECT rc;
    ::GetClientRect(GetHwnd(), &rc);
    wxBitmap bmp(rc.right, rc.bottom);

    const wxLayoutDirection dir = dc.GetLayoutDirection();

    const HDC hdc = GetHdcOf(memdc);

    // The drawing logic of the native tab control is absolutely impenetrable
    // but observation shows that in the current Windows versions (XP and 7),
    // the tab control always erases its entire background in its window proc
    // when the tabs are top-aligned but does not do it when the tabs are in
    // any other position.
    // This means that we can't rely on our background colour being used for
    // the blank area in the tab row because this doesn't work in the default
    // top-aligned case, hence the hack with ExtFloodFill() below. But it also
    // means that we still do need to erase the DC to account for the other
    // cases.
    // Moreover, just in case some very old or very new (or even future,
    // although it seems unlikely that this is ever going to change by now)
    // version of Windows didn't do it like this, do both things in all cases
    // instead of optimizing away the one of them which doesn't do anything for
    // the effectively used tab orientation -- better safe than fast.

    // Notice that we use our own background here, not the background used for
    // the pages, because the tab row background must blend with the parent and
    // so the background colour inherited from it (if any) must be used.
    AutoHBRUSH hbr(wxColourToRGB(GetBackgroundColour()));

    ::FillRect(hdc, &rc, hbr);

    MSWDefWindowProc(WM_PAINT, (WPARAM)hdc, 0);

    // At least for the top-aligned tabs, our background colour was overwritten
    // and so we now replace the default background with our colour. This is
    // horribly inefficient, of course, but seems to be the only way to do it.
    if ( UseBgCol() )
        SelectInHDC selectBrush(hdc, hbr);

        // Find the point which must contain the default background colour:
        // this is a hack, of course, but using this point "close" to the
        // corner seems to work fine in practice.
        int x = 0,
            y = 0;

        switch ( GetWindowStyle() & wxBK_ALIGN_MASK )
            case wxBK_TOP:
                x = rc.right - 2;
                y = 2;

            case wxBK_BOTTOM:
                x = rc.right - 2;
                y = rc.bottom - 2;

            case wxBK_LEFT:
                x = 2;
                y = rc.bottom - 2;

            case wxBK_RIGHT:
                x = 2;
                y = rc.bottom - 2;

        ::ExtFloodFill(hdc, x, y, ::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE), FLOODFILLSURFACE);

    // For some reason in RTL mode, source offset has to be -1, otherwise the
    // right border (physical) remains unpainted.
    const wxCoord ofs = dir == wxLayout_RightToLeft ? -1 : 0;
    dc.Blit(ofs, 0, rc.right, rc.bottom, &memdc, ofs, 0);
Пример #11
WXHBRUSH wxControl::DoMSWControlColor(WXHDC pDC, wxColour colBg, WXHWND hWnd)
    HDC hdc = (HDC)pDC;

    WXHBRUSH hbr = 0;
    if ( !colBg.IsOk() )
        wxWindow *win = wxFindWinFromHandle( hWnd );
        if ( !win )
            // If this HWND doesn't correspond to a wxWindow, it still might be
            // one of its children for which we need to set the background
            // brush, e.g. this is the case for the EDIT control that is part
            // of wxComboBox. Check for this by asking the parent if it has it:
            HWND parent = ::GetParent(hWnd);
            if ( parent )
                wxWindow *winParent = wxFindWinFromHandle( parent );
                if( winParent && winParent->ContainsHWND( hWnd ) )
                    win = winParent;

        if ( win )
            hbr = win->MSWGetBgBrush(pDC);

        // if the control doesn't have any bg colour, foreground colour will be
        // ignored as the return value would be 0 -- so forcefully give it a
        // non default background brush in this case
        if ( !hbr && m_hasFgCol )
            colBg = GetBackgroundColour();

    // use the background colour override if a valid colour is given: this is
    // used when the control is disabled to grey it out and also if colBg was
    // set just above
    if ( colBg.IsOk() )
        wxBrush *brush = wxTheBrushList->FindOrCreateBrush(colBg);
        hbr = (WXHBRUSH)brush->GetResourceHandle();

    // always set the foreground colour if we changed the background, whether
    // m_hasFgCol is true or not: if it true, we must do it, of course, but
    // even if it isn't, we must set the default foreground explicitly as by
    // default just the simple black is used
    if ( hbr )
        ::SetTextColor(hdc, wxColourToRGB(GetForegroundColour()));

    // finally also set the background colour for text drawing: without this,
    // the text in an edit control is drawn using the default background even
    // if we return a valid brush
    if ( colBg.IsOk() || m_hasBgCol )
        if ( !colBg.IsOk() )
            colBg = GetBackgroundColour();

        ::SetBkColor(hdc, wxColourToRGB(colBg));

    return hbr;
Пример #12
void MSWDrawXPBackground(wxButton *button, WXDRAWITEMSTRUCT *wxdis)
    HDC hdc = lpDIS->hDC;
    UINT state = lpDIS->itemState;
    RECT rectBtn;
    CopyRect(&rectBtn, &lpDIS->rcItem);

    wxUxThemeHandle theme(button, L"BUTTON");
    int iState;

    if ( state & ODS_SELECTED )
        iState = PBS_PRESSED;
    else if ( button->HasCapture() || button->IsMouseInWindow() )
        iState = PBS_HOT;
    else if ( state & ODS_FOCUS )
        iState = PBS_DEFAULTED;
    else if ( state & ODS_DISABLED )
        iState = PBS_DISABLED;
        iState = PBS_NORMAL;

    // draw parent background if needed
    if ( wxUxThemeEngine::Get()->IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent(theme,
                                                                       iState) )
        wxUxThemeEngine::Get()->DrawThemeParentBackground(GetHwndOf(button), hdc, &rectBtn);

    // draw background
    wxUxThemeEngine::Get()->DrawThemeBackground(theme, hdc, BP_PUSHBUTTON, iState,
                                                &rectBtn, NULL);

    // calculate content area margins
    MARGINS margins;
    wxUxThemeEngine::Get()->GetThemeMargins(theme, hdc, BP_PUSHBUTTON, iState,
                                            TMT_CONTENTMARGINS, &rectBtn, &margins);
    RECT rectClient;
    ::CopyRect(&rectClient, &rectBtn);
    ::InflateRect(&rectClient, -margins.cxLeftWidth, -margins.cyTopHeight);

    // if focused and !nofocus rect
    if ( (state & ODS_FOCUS) && !(state & ODS_NOFOCUSRECT) )
        DrawFocusRect(hdc, &rectClient);

    if ( button->UseBgCol() )
        COLORREF colBg = wxColourToRGB(button->GetBackgroundColour());
        HBRUSH hbrushBackground = ::CreateSolidBrush(colBg);

        // don't overwrite the focus rect
        ::InflateRect(&rectClient, -1, -1);
        FillRect(hdc, &rectClient, hbrushBackground);
Пример #13
bool gcCheckBox::MSWOnDraw(WXDRAWITEMSTRUCT *item)

    if ( !IsOwnerDrawn() || dis->CtlType != ODT_BUTTON )
        return wxCheckBoxBase::MSWOnDraw(item);

    // calculate the rectangles for the check mark itself and the label
    HDC hdc = dis->hDC;
    RECT& rect = dis->rcItem;
    RECT rectCheck,
    rectCheck.top =
    rectLabel.top = rect.top;
    rectCheck.bottom =
    rectLabel.bottom = rect.bottom;
    const int checkSize = GetBestSize().y;
    const int MARGIN = 3;

    const bool isRightAligned = HasFlag(wxALIGN_RIGHT);
    if ( isRightAligned )
        rectCheck.right = rect.right;
        rectCheck.left = rectCheck.right - checkSize;

        rectLabel.right = rectCheck.left - MARGIN;
        rectLabel.left = rect.left;
    else // normal, left-aligned checkbox
        rectCheck.left = rect.left;
        rectCheck.right = rectCheck.left + checkSize;

        rectLabel.left = rectCheck.right + MARGIN;
        rectLabel.right = rect.right;

    // show we draw a focus rect?
    const bool isFocused = IsChecked() || FindFocus() == this;

    // draw the checkbox itself
    wxDCTemp dc(hdc);

    int flags = 0;
    if ( !IsEnabled() )
        flags |= wxCONTROL_DISABLED;
    switch ( Get3StateValue() )
        case wxCHK_CHECKED:
            flags |= wxCONTROL_CHECKED;

        case wxCHK_UNDETERMINED:
            flags |= wxCONTROL_PRESSED;

            wxFAIL_MSG( _T("unexpected Get3StateValue() return value") );
            // fall through

        case wxCHK_UNCHECKED:
            // no extra styles needed

    if ( wxFindWindowAtPoint(wxGetMousePosition()) == this )
        flags |= wxCONTROL_CURRENT;

        DrawCheckBox(this, dc, wxRectFromRECT(rectCheck), flags);

    // draw the text
    const wxString& label = GetLabel();

    // first we need to measure it
    UINT fmt = DT_NOCLIP;

    // drawing underlying doesn't look well with focus rect (and the native
    // control doesn't do it)
    if ( isFocused )
        fmt |= DT_HIDEPREFIX;
    if ( isRightAligned )
        fmt |= DT_RIGHT;
    // TODO: also use DT_HIDEPREFIX if the system is configured so

    // we need to get the label real size first if we have to draw a focus rect
    // around it
    if ( isFocused )
        if ( !::DrawText(hdc, label.wx_str(), label.length(), &rectLabel,
                         fmt | DT_CALCRECT) )

    if ( !IsEnabled() )
        ::SetTextColor(hdc, ::GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT));

    if ( !::DrawText(hdc, label.wx_str(), label.length(), &rectLabel, fmt) )

    //// finally draw the focus
    if ( isFocused )
		COLORREF colBg = wxColourToRGB(wxColor(GetGCThemeManager()->getColor("checkbox", "focus-fg")));
		HBRUSH hbrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(colBg);


        ::FrameRect(hdc, &rectLabel, hbrush);

    return true;