Пример #1
void wxScrollHelperNative::DoAdjustScrollbar(GtkAdjustment *adj,
                                             int pixelsPerLine,
                                             int winSize,
                                             int virtSize,
                                             int *pos,
                                             int *lines,
                                             int *linesPerPage)
    if ( pixelsPerLine == 0 )
        adj->upper = 1.0;
        adj->page_increment = 1.0;
        adj->page_size = 1.0;
    else // we do have scrollbar
        adj->upper = (virtSize + pixelsPerLine - 1) / pixelsPerLine;
        adj->page_size = winSize / pixelsPerLine;
        adj->page_increment = winSize / pixelsPerLine;

        // Special case. When client and virtual size are very close but
        // the client is big enough, kill scrollbar.

        if ((adj->page_size < adj->upper) && (winSize >= virtSize))
            adj->page_size += 1.0;

        // If the scrollbar hits the right side, move the window
        // right to keep it from over extending.

        if ( !wxIsNullDouble(adj->value) &&
                (adj->value + adj->page_size > adj->upper) )
            adj->value = adj->upper - adj->page_size;
            if (adj->value < 0.0)
                adj->value = 0.0;

            if ( m_win->GetChildren().empty() )
                // This is enough without child windows
                *pos = (int)adj->value;
                // We need to actually scroll window
                gtk_signal_emit_by_name( GTK_OBJECT(adj), "value_changed" );

    *lines = (int)(adj->upper + 0.5);
    *linesPerPage = (int)(adj->page_increment + 0.5);
    gtk_signal_emit_by_name( GTK_OBJECT(adj), "changed" );
Пример #2
wxDouble wxPoint2DDouble::GetVectorAngle() const
    if ( wxIsNullDouble(m_x) )
        if ( m_y >= 0 )
            return 90;
            return 270;
    if ( wxIsNullDouble(m_y) )
        if ( m_x >= 0 )
            return 0;
            return 180;
    wxDouble deg = atan2( m_y , m_x ) * 180 / M_PI;
    if ( deg < 0 )
        deg += 360;
    return deg;
Пример #3
// Example of use:
//   wxTransformMatrix mat = dc.GetTransformation();
//   mat.Invert();
//   mat.InverseTransformPoint(x, y, x1, y1);
// OR (shorthand:)
//   dc.LogicalToDevice(x, y, x1, y1);
// The latter is slightly less efficient if we're doing several
// conversions, since the matrix is inverted several times.
bool wxTransformMatrix::InverseTransformPoint(double x, double y, double& tx, double& ty) const
    if (IsIdentity())
        tx = x;
        ty = y;
        return true;

    const double z = (1.0 - m_matrix[0][2] * x - m_matrix[1][2] * y) / m_matrix[2][2];
    if ( wxIsNullDouble(z) )
        return false;

    tx = x * m_matrix[0][0] + y * m_matrix[1][0] + z * m_matrix[2][0];
    ty = x * m_matrix[0][1] + y * m_matrix[1][1] + z * m_matrix[2][1];
    return true;
Пример #4
// Invert matrix
bool wxTransformMatrix::Invert(void)
    double inverseMatrix[3][3];

    // calculate the adjoint
    inverseMatrix[0][0] =  wxCalculateDet(m_matrix[1][1],m_matrix[2][1],m_matrix[1][2],m_matrix[2][2]);
    inverseMatrix[0][1] = -wxCalculateDet(m_matrix[0][1],m_matrix[2][1],m_matrix[0][2],m_matrix[2][2]);
    inverseMatrix[0][2] =  wxCalculateDet(m_matrix[0][1],m_matrix[1][1],m_matrix[0][2],m_matrix[1][2]);

    inverseMatrix[1][0] = -wxCalculateDet(m_matrix[1][0],m_matrix[2][0],m_matrix[1][2],m_matrix[2][2]);
    inverseMatrix[1][1] =  wxCalculateDet(m_matrix[0][0],m_matrix[2][0],m_matrix[0][2],m_matrix[2][2]);
    inverseMatrix[1][2] = -wxCalculateDet(m_matrix[0][0],m_matrix[1][0],m_matrix[0][2],m_matrix[1][2]);

    inverseMatrix[2][0] =  wxCalculateDet(m_matrix[1][0],m_matrix[2][0],m_matrix[1][1],m_matrix[2][1]);
    inverseMatrix[2][1] = -wxCalculateDet(m_matrix[0][0],m_matrix[2][0],m_matrix[0][1],m_matrix[2][1]);
    inverseMatrix[2][2] =  wxCalculateDet(m_matrix[0][0],m_matrix[1][0],m_matrix[0][1],m_matrix[1][1]);

    // now divide by the determinant
    double det = m_matrix[0][0] * inverseMatrix[0][0] + m_matrix[0][1] * inverseMatrix[1][0] + m_matrix[0][2] * inverseMatrix[2][0];
    if ( wxIsNullDouble(det) )
        return false;

    inverseMatrix[0][0] /= det; inverseMatrix[1][0] /= det; inverseMatrix[2][0] /= det;
    inverseMatrix[0][1] /= det; inverseMatrix[1][1] /= det; inverseMatrix[2][1] /= det;
    inverseMatrix[0][2] /= det; inverseMatrix[1][2] /= det; inverseMatrix[2][2] /= det;

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            m_matrix[i][j] = inverseMatrix[i][j];
    m_isIdentity = IsIdentity1();
    return true;
Пример #5
// counter clockwise rotate around a point
//  cos(r) -sin(r)    x(1-cos(r))+y(sin(r)
//  sin(r)  cos(r)    y(1-cos(r))-x(sin(r)
//    0      0        1
wxTransformMatrix&  wxTransformMatrix::Rotate(const double &degrees, const double &x, const double &y)
    double angle = degrees * pi / 180.0;
    double c = cos(angle);
    double s = sin(angle);
    double r00,r10,r20,r01,r11,r21;

    if (m_isIdentity)
        double tx = x*(1-c)+y*s;
        double ty = y*(1-c)-x*s;
        r00 = c ;
        r10 = -s;
        r20 = tx;
        r01 = s;
        r11 = c;
        r21 = ty;
    else if ( !wxIsNullDouble(x) || !wxIsNullDouble(y) )
        double tx = x*(1-c)+y*s;
        double ty = y*(1-c)-x*s;
        r00 = c * m_matrix[0][0] - s * m_matrix[0][1] + tx * m_matrix[0][2];
        r10 = c * m_matrix[1][0] - s * m_matrix[1][1] + tx * m_matrix[1][2];
        r20 = c * m_matrix[2][0] - s * m_matrix[2][1] + tx;// * m_matrix[2][2];
        r01 = c * m_matrix[0][1] + s * m_matrix[0][0] + ty * m_matrix[0][2];
        r11 = c * m_matrix[1][1] + s * m_matrix[1][0] + ty * m_matrix[1][2];
        r21 = c * m_matrix[2][1] + s * m_matrix[2][0] + ty;// * m_matrix[2][2];
        r00 = c * m_matrix[0][0] - s * m_matrix[0][1];
        r10 = c * m_matrix[1][0] - s * m_matrix[1][1];
        r20 = c * m_matrix[2][0] - s * m_matrix[2][1];
        r01 = c * m_matrix[0][1] + s * m_matrix[0][0];
        r11 = c * m_matrix[1][1] + s * m_matrix[1][0];
        r21 = c * m_matrix[2][1] + s * m_matrix[2][0];

    m_matrix[0][0] = r00;
    m_matrix[1][0] = r10;
    m_matrix[2][0] = r20;
    m_matrix[0][1] = r01;
    m_matrix[1][1] = r11;
    m_matrix[2][1] = r21;

/* or like this
    wxTransformMatrix rotate;
    rotate.m_matrix[2][0] = tx;
    rotate.m_matrix[2][1] = ty;

    rotate.m_matrix[0][0] = c;
    rotate.m_matrix[0][1] = s;

    rotate.m_matrix[1][0] = -s;
    rotate.m_matrix[1][1] = c;

   *this = rotate * (*this);
    m_isIdentity = IsIdentity1();

    return *this;
Пример #6
// scale a matrix in 2D
//     xs    0      xc(1-xs)
//     0    ys      yc(1-ys)
//     0     0      1
wxTransformMatrix&  wxTransformMatrix::Scale(const double &xs, const double &ys,const double &xc, const double &yc)
    double r00,r10,r20,r01,r11,r21;

    if (m_isIdentity)
        double tx = xc*(1-xs);
        double ty = yc*(1-ys);
        r00 = xs;
        r10 = 0;
        r20 = tx;
        r01 = 0;
        r11 = ys;
        r21 = ty;
    else if ( !wxIsNullDouble(xc) || !wxIsNullDouble(yc) )
        double tx = xc*(1-xs);
        double ty = yc*(1-ys);
        r00 = xs * m_matrix[0][0];
        r10 = xs * m_matrix[1][0];
        r20 = xs * m_matrix[2][0] + tx;
        r01 = ys * m_matrix[0][1];
        r11 = ys * m_matrix[1][1];
        r21 = ys * m_matrix[2][1] + ty;
        r00 = xs * m_matrix[0][0];
        r10 = xs * m_matrix[1][0];
        r20 = xs * m_matrix[2][0];
        r01 = ys * m_matrix[0][1];
        r11 = ys * m_matrix[1][1];
        r21 = ys * m_matrix[2][1];

    m_matrix[0][0] = r00;
    m_matrix[1][0] = r10;
    m_matrix[2][0] = r20;
    m_matrix[0][1] = r01;
    m_matrix[1][1] = r11;
    m_matrix[2][1] = r21;

/* or like this
    // first translate to origin O
    (*this).Translate(-x_cen, -y_cen);

    // now do the scaling
    wxTransformMatrix scale;
    scale.m_matrix[0][0] = x_fac;
    scale.m_matrix[1][1] = y_fac;
   scale.m_isIdentity = IsIdentity1();

    *this = scale * (*this);

    // translate back from origin to x_cen, y_cen
    (*this).Translate(x_cen, y_cen);

    m_isIdentity = IsIdentity1();

    return *this;