Пример #1
void OpenUserDataRec::EventProcCBStart(NavCBRecPtr ioParams)
    if (!m_defaultLocation.empty())
        // Set default location for the modern Navigation APIs
        // Apple Technical Q&A 1151
        FSRef theFile;
        wxMacPathToFSRef(m_defaultLocation, &theFile);
        AEDesc theLocation = { typeNull, NULL };
        if (noErr == ::AECreateDesc(typeFSRef, &theFile, sizeof(FSRef), &theLocation))
            ::NavCustomControl(ioParams->context, kNavCtlSetLocation, (void *) &theLocation);

    if( m_extensions.GetCount() > 0 )
        NavMenuItemSpec  menuItem;
        memset( &menuItem, 0, sizeof(menuItem) );
        menuItem.version = kNavMenuItemSpecVersion;
        menuItem.menuType = m_currentfilter;
        ::NavCustomControl(ioParams->context, kNavCtlSelectCustomType, &menuItem);

    if (m_dialog->GetExtraControl())
        m_controlAdded = true;
        ControlRef ref = m_dialog->GetExtraControl()->GetPeer()->GetControlRef();
        NavCustomControl(ioParams->context, kNavCtlAddControl, ref);

Пример #2
static pascal void NavEventProc(
    NavEventCallbackMessage inSelector,
    NavCBRecPtr ioParams,
    NavCallBackUserData ioUserData )
    OpenUserDataRec * data = ( OpenUserDataRec *) ioUserData ;
    if (inSelector == kNavCBEvent)
    else if ( inSelector == kNavCBStart )
        if (data && !(data->defaultLocation).empty())
            // Set default location for the modern Navigation APIs
            // Apple Technical Q&A 1151
            FSRef theFile;
            wxMacPathToFSRef(data->defaultLocation, &theFile);
            AEDesc theLocation = { typeNull, NULL };
            if (noErr == ::AECreateDesc(typeFSRef, &theFile, sizeof(FSRef), &theLocation))
                ::NavCustomControl(ioParams->context, kNavCtlSetLocation, (void *) &theLocation);

        if( data->extensions.GetCount() > 0 )
            NavMenuItemSpec  menuItem;
            memset( &menuItem, 0, sizeof(menuItem) );
            menuItem.version = kNavMenuItemSpecVersion;
            menuItem.menuType = data->currentfilter;
            ::NavCustomControl(ioParams->context, kNavCtlSelectCustomType, &menuItem);
    else if ( inSelector == kNavCBPopupMenuSelect )
        NavMenuItemSpec * menu = (NavMenuItemSpec *) ioParams->eventData.eventDataParms.param ;
        const size_t numFilters = data->extensions.GetCount();

        if ( menu->menuType < numFilters )
            data->currentfilter = menu->menuType ;
            if ( data->saveMode )
                int i = menu->menuType ;
                wxString extension =  data->extensions[i].AfterLast('.') ;
                wxString sfilename ;

                wxMacCFStringHolder cfString( NavDialogGetSaveFileName( ioParams->context ) , false  );
                sfilename = cfString.AsString() ;

                int pos = sfilename.Find('.', true) ;
                if ( pos != wxNOT_FOUND && extension != wxT("*") )
                    sfilename = sfilename.Left(pos+1)+extension ;
                    cfString.Assign( sfilename , wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT ) ;
                    NavDialogSetSaveFileName( ioParams->context , cfString ) ;
Пример #3
void wxMacFilename2FSSpec( const wxString& path , FSSpec *spec )
    OSStatus err = noErr;
    FSRef fsRef;
    wxMacPathToFSRef( path , &fsRef );
    err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, spec, NULL);
    verify_noerr( err );
Пример #4
long wxExecute(const wxString& command, int flags, wxProcess *WXUNUSED(handler))
    wxASSERT_MSG( flags == wxEXEC_ASYNC,
        wxT("wxExecute: Only wxEXEC_ASYNC is supported") );

    FSRef fsRef ;
    OSErr err = noErr ;
    err = wxMacPathToFSRef( command , &fsRef ) ;
    if ( noErr == err )
        err = LSOpenFSRef( &fsRef , NULL ) ;

    // 0 means execution failed. Returning non-zero is a PID, but not
    // on Mac where PIDs are 64 bits and won't fit in a long, so we
    // return a dummy value for now.
    return ( err == noErr ) ? -1 : 0;
Пример #5
static pascal void NavEventProc(
                                NavEventCallbackMessage inSelector,
                                NavCBRecPtr ioParams,
                                NavCallBackUserData ioUserData )
    wxDirDialog * data = ( wxDirDialog *) ioUserData ;
    if ( inSelector == kNavCBStart )
        if (data && !data->GetPath().empty() )
            // Set default location for the modern Navigation APIs
            // Apple Technical Q&A 1151
            FSRef theFile;
            wxMacPathToFSRef(data->GetPath(), &theFile);
            AEDesc theLocation = { typeNull, NULL };
            if (noErr == ::AECreateDesc(typeFSRef, &theFile, sizeof(FSRef), &theLocation))
                 ::NavCustomControl(ioParams->context, kNavCtlSetLocation, (void *) &theLocation);
Пример #6
std::unique_ptr<ImportFileHandle> QTImportPlugin::Open(const wxString & Filename)
   OSErr err;
   FSRef inRef;
   Movie theMovie = NULL;
   Handle dataRef = NULL;
   OSType dataRefType = 0;
   short resID = 0;

#if defined(__WXMAC__)
   err = wxMacPathToFSRef(Filename, &inRef);
   // LLL:  This will not work for pathnames with Unicode characters...find
   //       another method.
   err = FSPathMakeRef((UInt8 *)OSFILENAME(Filename), &inRef, NULL);

   if (err != noErr) {
      return nullptr;

   err = QTNewDataReferenceFromFSRef(&inRef, 0, &dataRef, &dataRefType);
   if (err != noErr) {
      return nullptr;

   // instantiate the movie
   err = NewMovieFromDataRef(&theMovie,
                             newMovieActive | newMovieDontAskUnresolvedDataRefs,
   if (err != noErr) {
      return nullptr;

   return std::make_unique<QTImportFileHandle>(Filename, theMovie);
Пример #7
void MolDisplayWin::WriteQTMovie(wxString & filepath) {
	//Create a QuickTime movie using the standard animation codecs with normal quality, and 
	//temporal compression. The final file is flattened for cross platform compatability
	QTExport * QTOptions = new QTExport(this);
	//setup controls for the current data
	if (MainData->GetNumFrames() > 1) { //default to frame animation
	} else {
	if (MainData->cFrame->GetNumberNormalModes() <= 0) {
	if (QTOptions->ShowModal() != wxID_OK) {
		//user cancelled the operation
	//retrieve the value of each option
	int MovieType = QTOptions->GetMovieChoice();
	bool IncludeEPlot = QTOptions->AddEnergyPlot();
	int compressorChoice = QTOptions->GetCompressorChoice();
	int keyFrameRate = QTOptions->GetKeyFrameRate();
	if (keyFrameRate < 0) keyFrameRate = 0;
	CodecType mCodec;
	switch (compressorChoice) {
		case 0:
			mCodec = kCinepakCodecType;
		case 1:
			mCodec = kGraphicsCodecType;
		case 2:
			mCodec = kAnimationCodecType;
		case 3:
			mCodec = kMPEG4VisualCodecType;

	OSStatus s;
	OSErr myErr = myErr;
	FSSpec targetSpec;
	//ugh I need to get an FSSpec to hand to quicktime, but these calls only seem to work if
	//the file already exists...
	const char * t = filepath.mb_str(wxConvUTF8);
	FILE * temp = fopen(t, "wb");

#ifdef __WXOSX_COCOA__
	//This function is not found in the wxCocoa implementation, it is probably possible to work around it
	//Otherwise the code appears to link and run currently. However, it is probably better to redue the
	//code to use the Cocoa qtKit framework rather than the old Carbon QT library.
	//This path is not tested as the current Cocoa code does not properly support the extended save dialog.
	//	void wxMacFilename2FSSpec( const wxString& path , FSSpec *spec )
		OSStatus err = noErr;
		FSRef fsRef;
		wxMacPathToFSRef( filepath , &fsRef );
		err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &targetSpec, NULL);
		verify_noerr( err );
	wxMacFilename2FSSpec(filepath, &targetSpec);
	Movie	theMovie = NULL;
	FSSpec tempSpec = targetSpec;
	strcpy((char *) &(tempSpec.name[1]), "MacMolPlt8933tempMovie");
	tempSpec.name[0] = 22;

	ProgressInd->ChangeText("Creating movie...");
	myErr = EnterMovies();	//initialize the quicktime manager
	if (myErr != noErr) {
		MessageAlert("Error initializing QuickTime!");
		//Create the movie file and initialize file data
		//Use Quicktime creator code 'TVOD' instead of simpletext 'ttxt'
	short	resRefNum = 0;
	short	resId = 0;
	myErr = CreateMovieFile(&tempSpec, 'TVOD', smCurrentScript, createMovieFileDeleteCurFile,
							&resRefNum, &theMovie);
	if (myErr != noErr) {
		MessageAlert("Error creating movie file!");
	} else {
		bool KillEPlot = false;
		int width, height, savedEPlotWidth, savedEPlotHeight;
		glCanvas->GetClientSize(&width, &height);
		Rect lDisplayRect={0,0,0,0};
		lDisplayRect.right = width;
		lDisplayRect.bottom = height;
		Rect		gRect = lDisplayRect;

		Rect EPlotRect = lDisplayRect;
		//If we are including an energy plot add space for it here
		if (IncludeEPlot && (MovieType == 0)) {
			EPlotRect.left = EPlotRect.right;
			EPlotRect.right = EPlotRect.left + height;
			if (!energyPlotWindow) {
				energyPlotWindow = new EnergyPlotDialog(this);
				KillEPlot = true;
			} else {
				energyPlotWindow->GetSize(&savedEPlotWidth, &savedEPlotHeight);
			gRect.right += height;
			width += height;
			energyPlotWindow->SetSize(height, height);
			energyPlotWindow->Update();	//This is needed to initialise the window if we just created it

		LocalToGlobal ((Point *) &(gRect.top));
		LocalToGlobal ((Point *) &(gRect.bottom));
		WindowRef TempWindow;
		s = CreateNewWindow(kDocumentWindowClass, kWindowNoAttributes, &gRect, &TempWindow);
		if (s == noErr) {
													//Create the video track
			Track theTrack = NewMovieTrack (theMovie, FixRatio(width,1),
											FixRatio(height,1), kNoVolume);
			if ((noErr == GetMoviesError())&&theTrack) {
				Media theMedia = NewTrackMedia (theTrack, VideoMediaType,
												60, // Video Time Scale
												NULL, 0);
				if ((noErr == GetMoviesError())&&theMedia) {
					myErr = BeginMediaEdits (theMedia);
					if (myErr == noErr) {
						//create the actual movie frames
						GWorldPtr	lgWorld=NULL;
						if (! NewGWorld (&lgWorld, 0, &gRect, (CTabHandle) NULL, (GDHandle) NULL,
										 (GWorldFlags) (pixPurge + useTempMem))) {
							long MaxCompressedSize;
							ImageSequence seqID;
							ImageDescriptionHandle imageDesc = (ImageDescriptionHandle)NewHandle(4);
							PixMapHandle myPixMap = GetPortPixMap(lgWorld);
							LockPixels (myPixMap);
							myErr = CompressSequenceBegin(&seqID, myPixMap, NULL, &gRect, &gRect, 0,
														  mCodec, bestCompressionCodec, codecNormalQuality, codecNormalQuality, keyFrameRate, NULL,
														  codecFlagUpdatePreviousComp, imageDesc);
							GetMaxCompressionSize (myPixMap, &gRect,
												   0, codecNormalQuality, mCodec, (CompressorComponent) anyCodec, &MaxCompressedSize);
							Handle Buffer = TempNewHandle(MaxCompressedSize, &myErr);
							if (!Buffer)
								Buffer = NewHandle(MaxCompressedSize);
							if (Buffer) {
								qtData myqtData = {theMedia, imageDesc, seqID, lDisplayRect, gRect};
								if (MovieType == 0) {
									CreateFrameMovie(lgWorld, Buffer, myqtData, IncludeEPlot);
								} else {
									CreateModeMovie(lgWorld, Buffer, myqtData);
							myErr = CDSequenceEnd(seqID);
							if (lgWorld != NULL) DisposeGWorld (lgWorld);
							if (imageDesc) DisposeHandle((Handle) imageDesc);
						myErr = EndMediaEdits (theMedia);
					myErr = InsertMediaIntoTrack (theTrack, 0,/* track start time */
						0,        /* media start time */
						GetMediaDuration (theMedia),
				myErr = AddMovieResource (theMovie, resRefNum, &resId, NULL);
			if (resRefNum) {
						//Create the actual file as a flat data fork so it can be placed on the www
				ProgressInd->ChangeText("Flattening movieÉ");
				FlattenMovie(theMovie, flattenAddMovieToDataFork, &targetSpec, 'TVOD', smCurrentScript, 
							 createMovieFileDeleteCurFile, &resId, NULL);
				CloseMovieFile (resRefNum);
		DisposeMovie (theMovie);
		DeleteMovieFile (&tempSpec);	//delete the temp file after disposing of the movie

		if (energyPlotWindow) {
			if (KillEPlot) {
				delete energyPlotWindow;
				energyPlotWindow = NULL;
			} else {
				energyPlotWindow->SetSize(savedEPlotWidth, savedEPlotHeight);
	ExitMovies();	//Close out quicktime as we are done with it for now
Пример #8
bool wxDirData::Read(wxString *filename)
    wxString result;
    OSStatus err = noErr ;
    if ( NULL == m_iterator )
        FSRef dirRef;
        err = wxMacPathToFSRef( m_dirname , &dirRef ) ;
        if ( err == noErr )
            err = FSOpenIterator(&dirRef, kFSIterateFlat, &m_iterator);
        if ( err )
            Close() ;
            return false ;

    wxString name ;
    wxString lowerfilespec = m_filespec.Lower();

    while( noErr == err )
        HFSUniStr255 uniname ;
        FSRef fileRef;
        FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
        ItemCount fetched = 0;

        err = FSGetCatalogInfoBulk( m_iterator, 1, &fetched, NULL, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags | kFSCatInfoFinderInfo , &catalogInfo , &fileRef, NULL, &uniname );

        // expected error codes

        if ( errFSNoMoreItems == err )
            return false ;
        if ( afpAccessDenied == err )
            return false ;

        if ( noErr != err )
            break ;

        name = wxMacHFSUniStrToString( &uniname ) ;
        wxString lowername = name.Lower();

        if ( ( name == wxT(".") || name == wxT("..") ) && !(m_flags & wxDIR_DOTDOT) )

        if ( ( name[0U] == '.' ) && !(m_flags & wxDIR_HIDDEN ) )
            continue ;

        if ( (((FileInfo*)&catalogInfo.finderInfo)->finderFlags & kIsInvisible ) && !(m_flags & wxDIR_HIDDEN ) )
            continue ;

        // its a dir and we don't want it
        if ( (catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask)  && !(m_flags & wxDIR_DIRS) )
            continue ;

        // its a file but we don't want it
        if ( (catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) == 0  && !(m_flags & wxDIR_FILES ) )
            continue ;

        if ( m_filespec.empty() || m_filespec == wxT("*.*") || m_filespec == wxT("*") )
        else if ( !wxMatchWild(lowerfilespec, lowername , false) )
            continue ;

        break ;
    if ( err != noErr )
        return false ;

    *filename = name ;
    return true;