Пример #1
int x264_sei_version_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s )
    // random ID number generated according to ISO-11578
    static const uint8_t uuid[16] =
        0xdc, 0x45, 0xe9, 0xbd, 0xe6, 0xd9, 0x48, 0xb7,
        0x96, 0x2c, 0xd8, 0x20, 0xd9, 0x23, 0xee, 0xef
    char *opts = x264_param2string( &h->param, 0 );
    char *payload;
    int length;

    if( !opts )
        return -1;
    CHECKED_MALLOC( payload, 200 + strlen( opts ) );

    memcpy( payload, uuid, 16 );
    sprintf( payload+16, "x264 - core %d%s - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec - "
             "Copy%s 2003-2011 - http://www.videolan.org/x264.html - options: %s",
             X264_BUILD, X264_VERSION, HAVE_GPL?"left":"right", opts );
    length = strlen(payload)+1;

    x264_sei_write( s, (uint8_t *)payload, length, SEI_USER_DATA_UNREGISTERED );

    x264_free( opts );
    x264_free( payload );
    return 0;
    x264_free( opts );
    return -1;
Пример #2
void x264_sei_pic_timing_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s )
    x264_sps_t *sps = h->sps;
    bs_t q;
    uint8_t tmp_buf[100];
    bs_init( &q, tmp_buf, 100 );

    bs_realign( &q );

    if( sps->vui.b_nal_hrd_parameters_present || sps->vui.b_vcl_hrd_parameters_present )
        bs_write( &q, sps->vui.hrd.i_cpb_removal_delay_length, h->fenc->i_cpb_delay - h->i_cpb_delay_pir_offset );
        bs_write( &q, sps->vui.hrd.i_dpb_output_delay_length, h->fenc->i_dpb_output_delay );

    if( sps->vui.b_pic_struct_present )
        bs_write( &q, 4, h->fenc->i_pic_struct-1 ); // We use index 0 for "Auto"

        // These clock timestamps are not standardised so we don't set them
        // They could be time of origin, capture or alternative ideal display
        for( int i = 0; i < num_clock_ts[h->fenc->i_pic_struct]; i++ )
            bs_write1( &q, 0 ); // clock_timestamp_flag

    bs_align_10( &q );
    bs_flush( &q );

    x264_sei_write( s, tmp_buf, bs_pos( &q ) / 8, SEI_PIC_TIMING );
Пример #3
void x264_sei_pic_timing_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s )
    x264_sps_t *sps = h->sps;
    bs_realign( s );
    uint8_t *p_start = x264_sei_write_header( s, SEI_PIC_TIMING );

    if( sps->vui.b_nal_hrd_parameters_present || sps->vui.b_vcl_hrd_parameters_present )
        bs_write( s, sps->vui.hrd.i_cpb_removal_delay_length, h->fenc->i_cpb_delay );
        bs_write( s, sps->vui.hrd.i_dpb_output_delay_length, h->fenc->i_dpb_output_delay );

    if( sps->vui.b_pic_struct_present )
        bs_write( s, 4, h->fenc->i_pic_struct-1 ); // We use index 0 for "Auto"

        // These clock timestamps are not standardised so we don't set them
        // They could be time of origin, capture or alternative ideal display
        for( int i = 0; i < num_clock_ts[h->fenc->i_pic_struct]; i++ )
            bs_write1( s, 0 ); // clock_timestamp_flag

    x264_sei_write( s, p_start );
    bs_flush( s );
Пример #4
void x264_sei_recovery_point_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s, int recovery_frame_cnt )
    bs_realign( s );
    uint8_t *p_start = x264_sei_write_header( s, SEI_RECOVERY_POINT );

    bs_write_ue( s, recovery_frame_cnt ); // recovery_frame_cnt
    bs_write( s, 1, 1 ); //exact_match_flag 1
    bs_write( s, 1, 0 ); //broken_link_flag 0
    bs_write( s, 2, 0 ); //changing_slice_group 0

    x264_sei_write( s, p_start );
    bs_flush( s );
Пример #5
void x264_sei_buffering_period_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s )
    x264_sps_t *sps = h->sps;
    bs_realign( s );
    uint8_t *p_start = x264_sei_write_header( s, SEI_BUFFERING_PERIOD );

    bs_write_ue( s, sps->i_id );

    if( sps->vui.b_nal_hrd_parameters_present )
        bs_write( s, sps->vui.hrd.i_initial_cpb_removal_delay_length, h->initial_cpb_removal_delay );
        bs_write( s, sps->vui.hrd.i_initial_cpb_removal_delay_length, h->initial_cpb_removal_delay_offset );

    x264_sei_write( s, p_start );
    bs_flush( s );
Пример #6
void x264_sei_recovery_point_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s, int recovery_frame_cnt )
    bs_t q;
    uint8_t tmp_buf[100];
    bs_init( &q, tmp_buf, 100 );

    bs_realign( &q );

    bs_write_ue( &q, recovery_frame_cnt ); // recovery_frame_cnt
    bs_write1( &q, 1 );   //exact_match_flag 1
    bs_write1( &q, 0 );   //broken_link_flag 0
    bs_write( &q, 2, 0 ); //changing_slice_group 0

    bs_align_10( &q );
    bs_flush( &q );

    x264_sei_write( s, tmp_buf, bs_pos( &q ) / 8, SEI_RECOVERY_POINT );

Пример #7
void x264_sei_buffering_period_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s )
    x264_sps_t *sps = h->sps;
    bs_t q;
    uint8_t tmp_buf[100];
    bs_init( &q, tmp_buf, 100 );

    bs_realign( &q );
    bs_write_ue( &q, sps->i_id );

    if( sps->vui.b_nal_hrd_parameters_present )
        bs_write( &q, sps->vui.hrd.i_initial_cpb_removal_delay_length, h->initial_cpb_removal_delay );
        bs_write( &q, sps->vui.hrd.i_initial_cpb_removal_delay_length, h->initial_cpb_removal_delay_offset );

    bs_align_10( &q );
    bs_flush( &q );

    x264_sei_write( s, tmp_buf, bs_pos( &q ) / 8, SEI_BUFFERING_PERIOD );
Пример #8
void x264_sei_frame_packing_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s )
    bs_t q;
    uint8_t tmp_buf[100];
    bs_init( &q, tmp_buf, 100 );

    bs_realign( &q );

    bs_write_ue( &q, 0 );                         // frame_packing_arrangement_id
    bs_write1( &q, 0 );                           // frame_packing_arrangement_cancel_flag
    bs_write ( &q, 7, h->param.i_frame_packing ); // frame_packing_arrangement_type
    bs_write1( &q, 0 );                           // quincunx_sampling_flag

    // 0: views are unrelated, 1: left view is on the left, 2: left view is on the right
    bs_write ( &q, 6, 1 );                        // content_interpretation_type

    bs_write1( &q, 0 );                           // spatial_flipping_flag
    bs_write1( &q, 0 );                           // frame0_flipped_flag
    bs_write1( &q, 0 );                           // field_views_flag
    bs_write1( &q, h->param.i_frame_packing == 5 && !(h->fenc->i_frame&1) ); // current_frame_is_frame0_flag
    bs_write1( &q, 0 );                           // frame0_self_contained_flag
    bs_write1( &q, 0 );                           // frame1_self_contained_flag
    if ( /* quincunx_sampling_flag == 0 && */ h->param.i_frame_packing != 5 )
        bs_write( &q, 4, 0 );                     // frame0_grid_position_x
        bs_write( &q, 4, 0 );                     // frame0_grid_position_y
        bs_write( &q, 4, 0 );                     // frame1_grid_position_x
        bs_write( &q, 4, 0 );                     // frame1_grid_position_y
    bs_write( &q, 8, 0 );                         // frame_packing_arrangement_reserved_byte
    bs_write_ue( &q, 1 );                         // frame_packing_arrangement_repetition_period
    bs_write1( &q, 0 );                           // frame_packing_arrangement_extension_flag

    bs_align_10( &q );
    bs_flush( &q );

    x264_sei_write( s, tmp_buf, bs_pos( &q ) / 8, SEI_FRAME_PACKING );