Пример #1
out_char (CHAR ch)
   UCHAR c = (UCHAR)ch;
   //block process!!
   if (c == '\n')
      xUARTPutChar(printf_handle, '\r', portMAX_DELAY) ;
   xUARTPutChar(printf_handle, ch, portMAX_DELAY) ;   
Пример #2
 * Callback function called from lwIP when data is received from Ethernet
 * @param bridge actual information
 * @param tcp connection descriptor
 * @param received network buffer
 * @param reception error flag
 * @return error type on callback to be processed by lwIP
static err_t
BRIDGE_UART_ETH_RX(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, err_t err)
    struct bridge_state *hs;
    CHAR *rq;
    uint16 length;
    struct pbuf *q; 

    hs = arg;
    /* If we got a NULL pbuf in p, the remote end has closed the connection. */
    if(p != NULL) 
        /*FSL:send as many pbuf availables*/
        for(q = p; q != NULL; q = q->next)
            /*payload pointer in the pbuf contains the data in the TCP segment*/
            rq = q->payload;
            length = q->len;
            /*send to UART*/
                /*FSL: blocking push to uart buffer*/
                xUARTPutChar(UARThandle, *(rq++), portMAX_DELAY);
        /* Inform TCP that we have taken the data. */
        tcp_recved(pcb, p->tot_len);
        /* Free the pbuf */
    	/*close session if CLIENT did it first*/
      BRIDGE_UART_ETH_CLOSE(pcb, hs);
    return ERR_OK;