Пример #1
Date::parseISO_8601(std::string str0)
    // ISO 8601 Format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
    double year, month, day, hour;

    // defaults:
    year = 0.;
    month = 1.;
    day = 1.;

    Split x_str0(str0, " T", true);

    Split x_d(x_str0[0],"-");

    if( x_d.size() > 2 )
        year  = hdhC::string2Double( x_d[0] );
        month = hdhC::string2Double( x_d[1] );
        day   = hdhC::string2Double( x_d[2] );
    else if( x_d.size() > 1 )
        year  = hdhC::string2Double( x_d[0] );
        month = hdhC::string2Double( x_d[1] );
        year  = hdhC::string2Double( x_d[0] );

    if( x_str0.size() > 1 )
        Split x_t(x_str0[1], ':') ;

        if( x_t.size() > 2 )
            hour  = hdhC::string2Double( x_t[0] );
            hour += hdhC::string2Double( x_t[1] ) / 60.;
            hour += hdhC::string2Double( x_t[2] ) / 3600.;
        else if( x_t.size() > 1 )
            hour  = hdhC::string2Double( x_t[0] );
            hour += hdhC::string2Double( x_t[1] ) / 60.;
            hour  = hdhC::string2Double( x_t[0] );

    if( x_str0.size() == 3 )
        // local time zone
        Split x_t(x_str0[2], ':') ;
        if( x_t.size() > 1 )
            hour += hdhC::string2Double(x_t[0]) ;
            hour += hdhC::string2Double(x_t[1]) / 60. ;  // minutes
            hour += hdhC::string2Double(x_t[0]) ;


    jul = date2Julian( year, month, day, 0., 0., 0.);
    jul += hour/24.;

    return false ;
Пример #2
int calib_gimbal_load(calib_gimbal_t &calib, const std::string &data_dir) {
  // Load calibration data
  calib.data_dir = data_dir;
  if (calib_gimbal_data_load(calib.data, data_dir) != 0) {
    LOG_ERROR("Failed to load calibration data [%s]!", data_dir.c_str());
    return -1;

  // Load optimization params
  const std::string config_file = data_dir + "/camchain.yaml";
  const std::string joint_file = data_dir + "/joint.csv";
  if (calib_gimbal_params_load(calib.params, config_file, joint_file) != 0) {
    LOG_ERROR("Failed to load optimization params!");
    return -1;

  // Setup optimization problem
  // const mat3_t K_s = calib.params.camchain.cam[0].K();
  // const mat3_t K_d = calib.params.camchain.cam[2].K();
  // const vec4_t D_s = calib.params.camchain.cam[0].D();
  // const vec4_t D_d = calib.params.camchain.cam[2].D();
  const mat3_t K_s;
  const mat3_t K_d;
  const vec4_t D_s;
  const vec4_t D_d;
  const double theta1_offset = *calib.params.theta1_offset;
  const double theta2_offset = *calib.params.theta2_offset;

  // const std::string dmodel_s = calib.params.camchain.cam[0].distortion_model;
  // const std::string dmodel_d = calib.params.camchain.cam[2].distortion_model;
  const std::string dmodel_s;
  const std::string dmodel_d;

  // Form residual blocks
  for (int i = 0; i < calib.data.nb_measurements; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < calib.data.P_s[i].rows(); j++) {
      const vec3_t P_s = calib.data.P_s[i].row(j);
      const vec3_t P_d = calib.data.P_d[i].row(j);

      // Undistort pixel measurements from static camera
      const vec2_t p_s = calib.data.Q_s[i].row(j);
      cv::Point2f pt_s(p_s(0), p_s(1));
      // pt_s = calib.params.camchain.cam[0].undistortPoint(pt_s);
      vec3_t x_s{pt_s.x, pt_s.y, 1.0};
      // x_s = calib.params.camchain.cam[0].K() * x_s;
      const vec2_t Q_s{x_s(0), x_s(1)};

      // Undistort pixel measurements from dynamic camera
      const vec2_t p_d = calib.data.Q_d[i].row(j);
      cv::Point2f pt_d(p_d(0), p_d(1));
      // pt_d = calib.params.camchain.cam[2].undistortPoint(pt_d);
      vec3_t x_d{pt_d.x, pt_d.y, 1.0};
      // x_d = calib.params.camchain.cam[2].K() * x_d;
      const vec2_t Q_d{x_d(0), x_d(1)};

      // auto residual =
      //     new GimbalCalibResidual(P_s, P_d,
      //                             Q_s, Q_d,
      //                             K_s, K_d,
      //                             D_s, D_d,
      //                             theta1_offset, theta2_offset);

      // Build cost function
      // auto cost_func =
      //     new ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction<GimbalCalibResidual, // Residual
      //     type
      //                                     4, // Size of residual
      //                                     6, // Size of: tau_s
      //                                     6, // Size of: tau_d
      //                                     3, // Size of: w1
      //                                     3, // Size of: w2
      //                                     1, // Size of: Lambda1
      //                                     1  // Size of: Lambda2
      //                                     >(residual);

      // Add residual block to problem
      // calib.problem.AddResidualBlock(cost_func, // Cost function
      //                                NULL,      // Loss function
      //                                calib.params.tau_s,
      //                                calib.params.tau_d,
      //                                calib.params.w1,
      //                                calib.params.w2,
      //                                &calib.params.Lambda1[i],
      //                                &calib.params.Lambda2[i]);
      // calib.problem.SetParameterBlockConstant(&calib.params.Lambda1[i]);
      // calib.problem.SetParameterBlockConstant(&calib.params.Lambda2[i]);

  return 0;