Пример #1
void RigidBody::operator()(const RigidBody::InternalState &x, RigidBody::InternalState &dxdt, const double /* t */)
  	Eigen::Vector3d x_dot, v_dot, omega_dot;
  	Eigen::Vector4d q_dot;
  	Eigen::Vector4d q(attitude.x(), attitude.y(), attitude.z(), attitude.w());

	Eigen::Vector3d omega = angularVelocity;
	Eigen::Matrix4d omegaMat = Omega(omega);

  	x_dot = velocity;
  	v_dot = force/mass;
  	q_dot = 0.5*omegaMat*q;
  	omega_dot = inertia.inverse() *
      (torque - omega.cross(inertia*omega));

	dxdt[0]  = x_dot(0); 
	dxdt[1]  = x_dot(1); 
	dxdt[2]  = x_dot(2); 

	dxdt[3]  = v_dot(0); 
	dxdt[4]  = v_dot(1); 
	dxdt[5]  = v_dot(2); 

	dxdt[6]  = q_dot(0); 
	dxdt[7]  = q_dot(1); 
	dxdt[8]  = q_dot(2); 
	dxdt[9]  = q_dot(3); 

	dxdt[10] = omega_dot(0); 
	dxdt[11] = omega_dot(1); 
	dxdt[12] = omega_dot(2); 
Пример #2
static void rk_osc_func(int samples, void *ptr, t_tlsmp *input){

  t_rk_mother *x = ptr;
  t_tlsmp data[4];
  int s = samples * x->h * x->up;
  int i, j;
  for(i=0; i<s; i++)

      mass1 = mass1_ctl->ctl_sig->s_block[i];
      mass2 = mass2_ctl->ctl_sig->s_block[i];
      sc1  = sc1_ctl->ctl_sig->s_block[i];
      sc2  = sc2_ctl->ctl_sig->s_block[i];
      sc3  = sc3_ctl->ctl_sig->s_block[i];

      for(j=0; j<4; j++)

	  data[0] = rk_child_stage(j, x->rk_children[0]);
	  data[1] = rk_child_stage(j, x->rk_children[1]);

	  data[2] = rk_child_stage(j, x->rk_children[2]);
	  data[3] = rk_child_stage(j, x->rk_children[3]);
	  x->rk_children[0]->ks[j+1] =
	    y_dot(data, sc1, sc2);
	  x->rk_children[1]->ks[j+1] =
	    x_dot(data, mass1);

	  x->rk_children[2]->ks[j+1] =
	    y_dot(data, sc2, sc3);
	  x->rk_children[3]->ks[j+1] =
	    x_dot(data, mass2);



      x->o_sigs[0]->s_block[i] = x->rk_children[0]->state;
      x->o_sigs[1]->s_block[i] = x->rk_children[1]->state;

      x->o_sigs[2]->s_block[i] = x->rk_children[0]->state;
      x->o_sigs[3]->s_block[i] = x->rk_children[1]->state;

Пример #3
static void sie_osc_func2(int samples, void *ptr, t_tlsmp *input){

  //this sechme requires the user to setup the functions

  t_sie_mother *x = ptr;
  t_tlsmp data[2];
  t_tlsmp ret[2];
  int s = samples * x->h * x->up;
  int i, j;
  int its = 100;  

  for(i=0; i<s; i++)

      freq   = 2 * M_PI * ctl_freq->ctl_sig->s_block[i];

      data[0] = x->sie_children[0]->state;
      data[1] = x->sie_children[1]->state;
      x->sie_children[0]->state = x->sie_children[0]->state + x->h * x_dot(data, freq);
      x->sie_children[1]->state = x->sie_children[1]->state + x->h * y_dot(data, freq);

      x->o_sigs[0]->s_block[i] = x->sie_children[0]->state;
      x->o_sigs[1]->s_block[i] = x->sie_children[1]->state;

// NOTE: Odometry data is used to set the 6 virtual degrees of freedom.
void OdometryStateReceiverSM::odometryMessageCallback(nav_msgs::Odometry & odom)
    // CONTROLIT_INFO_RT << "Method called!";
    if (!rcvdInitOdomMsg)
        CONTROLIT_INFO_RT << "Received initial odometry message.";
        rcvdInitOdomMsg = true;
        // if (!rcvdFirstOdomMsg)
        // {
        //     CONTROLIT_INFO_RT << "Received first odometry message.";
        //     rcvdFirstOdomMsg = true;       
        // }
        // Assuming odometry information in the correct frame...
        Vector x(3);
        x(0) = odom.pose.pose.position.x;
        x(1) = odom.pose.pose.position.y;
        x(2) = odom.pose.pose.position.z;

        // Get the orientation
        Eigen::Quaterniond q(odom.pose.pose.orientation.w,

        // Get the velocity
        Vector x_dot(6);
        x_dot(0) = odom.twist.twist.linear.x;
        x_dot(1) = odom.twist.twist.linear.y;
        x_dot(2) = odom.twist.twist.linear.z;
        x_dot(3) = odom.twist.twist.angular.x;
        x_dot(4) = odom.twist.twist.angular.y;
        x_dot(5) = odom.twist.twist.angular.z;

        if (!controlit::addons::eigen::checkMagnitude(x) || !controlit::addons::eigen::checkMagnitude(q) || !controlit::addons::eigen::checkMagnitude(x_dot))
            CONTROLIT_ERROR_RT << "Received invalid odometry data!\n"
                << "  - x: " << x.transpose() << "\n"
                << "  - q: [" << q.w() << ", " << q.x() << ", " << q.y() << ", " << q.z() << "]\n"
                << "  - x_dot: " << x_dot.transpose();
            // the writeFromNonRT can be used in RT, if you have the guarantee that
            //  * no non-rt thread is calling the same function (we're not subscribing to ros callbacks)
            //  * there is only one single rt thread
            odometryDataBuffer.writeFromNonRT( OdometryData(x, q, x_dot) );
            receivedOdometryState = true;
Пример #5
static void ie_osc_func(int samples, void *ptr, t_tlsmp *input){

  t_ie_mother *x = ptr;
  t_tlsmp data[2];
  t_tlsmp ret[2];
  int s = samples * x->h * x->up;
  int i, j;
  int its = 100;  

  for(i=0; i<s; i++)

      freq   = 2 * M_PI * ctl_freq->ctl_sig->s_block[i];


      //printf("0 diff %f 0 tol %f 1 diff %f 1 tol %f\n", x->ie_children[0]->diff, x->ie_children[0]->tol, x->ie_children[0]->diff, x->ie_children[0]->tol);
	  data[0] = x->ie_children[0]->y_k01;
	  data[1] = x->ie_children[1]->y_k01;

	  x->ie_children[0]->y_k11 = x->ie_children[0]->y_k + x->h_time * 
	    x_dot(data, freq);


	  x->ie_children[1]->y_k11 = x->ie_children[1]->y_k + x->h_time * 
	    y_dot(data, freq);

	  if(x->ie_children[0]->diff<=x->ie_children[0]->tol &&
	     x->ie_children[1]->diff<=x->ie_children[1]->tol) break;

      x->o_sigs[0]->s_block[i] = x->ie_children[0]->state;
      x->o_sigs[1]->s_block[i] = x->ie_children[1]->state;


Пример #6
static void rk_osc_func(int samples, void *ptr, t_tlsmp *input){

  t_rk_mother *x = ptr;
  t_tlsmp data[2];
  t_tlsmp ret[2];
  int s = samples * x->h * x->up;
  int i, j;
  for(i=0; i<s; i++)

      freq   = 2 * M_PI * ctl_freq->ctl_sig->s_block[i];

      for(j=0; j<4; j++)
	  //printf("%f %f %f\n", data1[0], fb1,
	  data[0] = rk_child_stage(j, x->rk_children[0]);
	  data[1] = rk_child_stage(j, x->rk_children[1]);
	  x->rk_children[0]->ks[j+1] =
	    x_dot(data, freq);

	  x->rk_children[1]->ks[j+1] =
	    y_dot(data, freq);	    

      x->o_sigs[0]->s_block[i] = x->rk_children[0]->state;
      x->o_sigs[1]->s_block[i] = x->rk_children[1]->state;


Пример #7
static void cd_osc_func(int samples, void *ptr, t_tlsmp *input){

  t_cd_mother *x = ptr;
  t_tlsmp data[2];
  int s = samples * x->h * x->up;
  int i, j;
  for(i=0; i<s; i++)

      freq   = 2 * M_PI * ctl_freq->ctl_sig->s_block[i];

      //printf("%f %f %f\n", data1[0], fb1,
      data[0] = cd_child_stage(0, x->cd_children[0]);
      data[1] = cd_child_stage(1, x->cd_children[1]);
      //fprintf(fp, "data: %f %f\n", data[0], data[1]);
      x->cd_children[0]->sides[0] =
	x_dot(data, freq);
      x->cd_children[1]->sides[1] =
	y_dot(data, freq);
      //fprintf(fp, "sides: %f %f\n", x->cd_children[0]->sides[j], x->cd_children[1]->sides[j]);

      x->o_sigs[0]->s_block[i] = x->cd_children[0]->state;
      x->o_sigs[1]->s_block[i] = x->cd_children[1]->state;

Пример #8
static void rk_osc_func(int samples, void *ptr, t_sample *input){

  t_rk_mother *x = ptr;
  int s = samples * x->h * x->up;
  int i, j;

  t_sample data0[2], data1[2];
  t_sample old_states[2], cur_states[2];
  for(i=0; i< s; i++)

      sqr_flyback0 = ctls[0]->c_sig[i];
      sqr_flyback1 = ctls[1]->c_sig[i];
      sqr_curl0    = ctls[2]->c_sig[i];
      sqr_curl1    = ctls[3]->c_sig[i];
      sqr_gain0    = ctls[4]->c_sig[i];
      sqr_gain1    = ctls[5]->c_sig[i];
      tri_curl0    = ctls[6]->c_sig[i];
      tri_curl1    = ctls[7]->c_sig[i];
      tri_thresh0  = ctls[8]->c_sig[i];
      tri_thresh1  = ctls[9]->c_sig[i];

      for(j=0; j<4; j++)
	  //printf("%f %f %f\n", data1[0], fb1, 	  
  	  data0[0] = rk_child_stage(j, x->rk_children[0]);
  	  data0[1] = rk_child_stage(j, x->rk_children[1]);
  	  data1[0] = rk_child_stage(j, x->rk_children[2]);
  	  data1[1] = rk_child_stage(j, x->rk_children[3]);

  	  x->rk_children[0]->ks[j+1] = 
  	    x_dot(data0, sqr_gain0, tri_curl0);
  	  x->rk_children[1]->ks[j+1] = 
  	    y_dot(data0, tri_thresh0, sqr_flyback0);
  	  x->rk_children[2]->ks[j+1] = 
  	    x_dot(data1, sqr_gain1, tri_curl1);
  	  x->rk_children[3]->ks[j+1] = 
  	    y_dot(data1, tri_thresh1, sqr_flyback1);

      cur_states[0] = x->rk_children[0]->state;
      cur_states[1] = x->rk_children[2]->state;
      check_sync_matrix(old_states, cur_states);
      old_states[0] = x->o_sigs[0]->s_block[i] = 
      x->o_sigs[1]->s_block[i] = 
	tanh_clip(x->rk_children[1]->state, sqr_curl0);
      old_states[1] = x->o_sigs[2]->s_block[i] = 
      x->o_sigs[3]->s_block[i] = 
	tanh_clip(x->rk_children[3]->state, sqr_curl1);

Пример #9
static void rk_osc_func(int samples, void *ptr, t_tlsmp *input){

  t_rk_mother *x = ptr;

  int s = samples * x->h * x->up;
  int i, j, k;
  t_tlsmp d2us[no_mass], ys[no_mass];

  for(i=0; i<s; i++)

      for(j=0; j<4; j++)

	  for(k=0; k<no_mass; k++)
	      //printf("k : %d\n", k);
	      ys[k] = rk_child_stage(j, x->rk_children[k]);
	  for(k=no_mass; k<no_mass*2; k++)
	      //printf("k : %d, k-no_mass : %d\n", k, k-no_mass);
	      d2us[k-no_mass] = rk_child_stage(j, x->rk_children[k]);
	  //spring constants
	  for(k=0; k<no_mass+1; k++)
	    ks[k] = sc_ctls[k]->ctl_sig->s_block[i];

	  for(k=0; k<no_mass; k++)
	    ms[k] = mass_ctls[k]->ctl_sig->s_block[i];

	  //d2us first
	  x->rk_children[0]->ks[j+1] = 
	    y_dot(0, d2us[0], d2us[1], 1000, ks[0]*.5, ks[1]*.5, ks[2] *.5, ms[0]);	 

	  x->rk_children[no_mass-1]->ks[j+1] = 
	    y_dot(d2us[no_mass-2], d2us[no_mass-1], 0, ks[no_mass - 2]*.5, ks[no_mass-1]*.5, ks[no_mass],1000, ms[no_mass-1]);//-1 to count from 0	 

	  //inner d2us
	  for(k=1; k<no_mass-1; k++)
	      // printf("\tj : %d, k : %d\n", j, k);
	    x->rk_children[k]->ks[j+1] = 
	      y_dot(d2us[k-1], d2us[k], d2us[k+1], ks[k-1]*.5, ks[k]*.5, ks[k+1]*.5, ks[k+2] *.5, ms[k]);	 

	  for(k=no_mass; k<no_mass*2; k++)
	      //printf("k(ys):%d\n", k);
	      x->rk_children[k]->ks[j+1] = 


      //printf("%d\n", i);
      for(k=0; k<no_mass*2; k++)
	  x->o_sigs[k]->s_block[i] = x->rk_children[k]->state;
	  /* if(k>=no_mass) */
	  /*   printf("state : %d val : %1.5f  ", k, x->rk_children[k]->state); */
      //      printf("\n");
