// -----------------------------------------
  // tests
  // -----------------------------------------
  TEST(ExtendedKalmanFilterTest, initialization)
    ExtendedKalmanFilter ekf;

    // check setting required params
    EXPECT_THROW(ekf.validate(), IEstimator::estimator_error);	// "STM missing"
    EXPECT_THROW(ekf.validate(), IEstimator::estimator_error);	// "Jacobian of STM missing"
    EXPECT_THROW(ekf.validate(), IEstimator::estimator_error);	// "OM missing"
    EXPECT_THROW(ekf.validate(), IEstimator::estimator_error);	// "Jacobian of OM missing"
    EXPECT_THROW(ekf.validate(), IEstimator::estimator_error);	// "PNC missing"
    MatrixXd Q(1,1); Q << 0.1;
    EXPECT_THROW(ekf.validate(), IEstimator::estimator_error);	// "MNC missing"
    MatrixXd R(1,1); R << 10;
    EXPECT_NO_THROW(ekf.validate());			// all required params given

    // check setting optional params  
    // optional params doesn't set new sizes
    MatrixXd P0_f(2,2); P0_f << 1, 0, 0, 1;
    EXPECT_EQ(ekf.getState().size(), 1);

    VectorXd x_f(2); x_f << 0,1;
    EXPECT_NE(ekf.getState().size(), 2);

    // required param Q sets new size of x and out
    MatrixXd Q2(2,2); Q2 << 0.1, 0, 0, 0.1;
    EXPECT_EQ(ekf.getState().size(), 2);
    EXPECT_EQ(ekf.getLastEstimate().size(), 2);

    // check initialization of output
    Output out = ekf.getLastEstimate();
    OutputValue defaultOutVal;
    EXPECT_GT(out.size(), 0);
    EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(out.getValue(), defaultOutVal.getValue());

    // check setting the control input
    InputValue ctrl(0);
    Input in_ctrl(ctrl);
    EXPECT_THROW(ekf.setControlInput(in_ctrl), length_error);
Пример #2
 * todo : Need to fix the problem
void Reconstruct:: SecondOrderMUSCL(Data::DataStorage& Wcll, Data::DataStorage& Wcl, Data::DataStorage& Wcr, Data::DataStorage& Wcrr,
								vector<double>&	xcll, vector<double>&	xcl, vector<double>&	xcr, vector<double>&	xcrr,
								vector<double>&	xf, bool use_limiter, int limiter,
								Data::DataStorage& Wp, Data::DataStorage& Wm)
	double dx, dx_plus, dx_minus, dx_f, dx_fp;

	Math::VECTOR	x(xcl, xcr);
	Math::VECTOR	x_plus(xcr, xcrr);
	Math::VECTOR	x_minus(xcll, xcl);
	Math::VECTOR	x_f(xcl, xf);

	dx	= x.length();
	dx_plus	= x_plus.length();
	dx_minus = x_minus.length();
	dx_f = x_f.length();
	dx_fp = dx - dx_f;

	double dW;
	double dW_plus;
	double dW_minus;
	double r, alpha;
	double phi;

	double W_min;
	double W_max;

	bool error = false;
	for  (int index = 0; index <= Wcll.numData-1; index++)
		dW = (Wcr(index)	- Wcl(index));
		if (dW != 0.0 && dx > 1.0e-10)
			dW = dW / dx;

			dW_minus	= Wcl(index) 	- Wcll(index);
			dW_plus		= Wcrr(index)	- Wcr(index);

			if (dx_minus > 1.0e-10 && dW_minus != 0.0)
				dW_minus /= dx_minus;

				r		= dW / dW_minus;
				alpha	= dx / dx_f;
				phi		= Limiter(r, alpha, limiter);
				phi = 0.0;
			Wp(index)	= Wcl(index) + phi*dW*dx_f;

			if (dx_plus > 1.0e-10 && dW_plus != 0.0)
				dW_plus	/= dx_plus;

				r		= dW_plus / dW;
				alpha	= dx / dx_fp;
				phi		= Limiter(r, alpha, limiter);
				phi = 0.0;
			Wm(index)	= Wcr(index) - phi*dW*dx_fp;

			//if (Wp(index) != Wp(index))								throw Common::ExceptionNaNValue (FromHere(), "NaN value in ReconstructMUSCL");
			//if (Wp(index) == numeric_limits<double>::infinity())	throw Common::ExceptionInfiniteValue (FromHere(), "Infinite value in ReconstructMUSCL");

			//if (Wm(index) != Wm(index))								throw Common::ExceptionNaNValue (FromHere(), "NaN value in ReconstructMUSCL");
			//if (Wm(index) == numeric_limits<double>::infinity())	throw Common::ExceptionInfiniteValue (FromHere(), "Infinite value in ReconstructMUSCL");

			W_min	= Math::fmin<double>(Wcl(index), Wcr(index));
			W_max	= Math::fmax<double>(Wcl(index), Wcr(index));

			if (Wp(index) < W_min || Wm(index) < W_min || Wp(index) > W_max ||Wm(index) > W_max)
				error = true;
			if (Wp(index) < W_min)	Wp(index)	= W_min;
			if (Wm(index) < W_min)	Wm(index)	= W_min;

			if (Wp(index) > W_max)	Wp(index)	= W_max;
			if (Wm(index) > W_max)	Wm(index)	= W_max;
			Wp(index)	= Wcl(index);
			Wm(index)	= Wcr(index);

	if (error == true)
		Wp	= Wcl;
		Wm	= Wcr;
Пример #3
void Reconstruct::SecondOrderMUSCL_ver2(Data::DataStorage& Wcll, Data::DataStorage& Wcl, Data::DataStorage& Wcr, Data::DataStorage& Wcrr,
										vector<double>&	xcll, vector<double>&	xcl, vector<double>&	xcr, vector<double>&	xcrr,
										vector<double>&	xf, bool use_limiter, int limiter,
										Data::DataStorage& Wp, Data::DataStorage& Wm)
	double dx, dx_plus, dx_minus, dx_f, dx_fp;

	Math::VECTOR	x(xcl, xcr);
	Math::VECTOR	x_plus(xcr, xcrr);
	Math::VECTOR	x_minus(xcll, xcl);
	Math::VECTOR	x_f(xcl, xf);

	dx			= x.length();
	dx_plus		= x_plus.length();
	dx_minus 	= x_minus.length();

	dx_f 			= x_f.length();
	dx_fp 			= dx - dx_f;
	double dxf_dx 	= dx_f / dx;
	double dxfp_dx 	= dx_fp / dx;
	double dxp_dx	= dx_plus / dx;
	double dxm_dx	= dx_minus / dx;

	double dW;
	double dW_plus;
	double dW_minus;
	double r, alpha;
	double phi;

	double W_min;
	double W_max;

	bool error = false;

	for  (int index = 0; index <= Wcll.numData-1; index++)
		dW = (Wcr(index) - Wcl(index));
		if (dW != 0.0 && dx > 1.0e-10)
			dW_minus	= Wcl(index) 	- Wcll(index);
			dW_plus		= Wcrr(index)	- Wcr(index);

			if (dW_plus != 0.0) r = dW / dW_plus * dxp_dx;
			else				r = 0.0;
			phi			= Limiter2(r, limiter);
			Wp(index)	= Wcl(index) + phi*dW*dxf_dx;

			if (dW_minus != 0.0) r	= dW / dW_minus * dxm_dx;
			else				 r = 0.0;
			phi			= Limiter2(r, limiter);
			Wm(index)	= Wcr(index) - phi*dW*dxfp_dx;

			W_min	= Math::fmin<double>(Wcl(index), Wcr(index));
			W_max	= Math::fmax<double>(Wcl(index), Wcr(index));

			if (Wp(index) < W_min || Wm(index) < W_min || Wp(index) > W_max ||Wm(index) > W_max)
				error = true;
			Wp(index)	= Wcl(index);
			Wm(index)	= Wcr(index);

	if (error == true)
		Wp	= Wcl;
		Wm	= Wcr;