Пример #1
	array ADFun<Base>::Hessian(array& x, array& w)
	{	vec<Base> x_vec(x);
		vec<Base> w_vec(w);
		vec<Base> result = f_.Hessian(x_vec, w_vec);
		// Kludge: return a vector which is reshaped by cppad.py
		return vec2array(result);
Пример #2
void update_arrows() {
    geometry_msgs::Point origin, arrow_x_tip, arrow_y_tip, arrow_z_tip;
    Eigen::Matrix3d R;
    Eigen::Quaterniond quat;
    quat.x() = g_stamped_pose.pose.orientation.x;
    quat.y() = g_stamped_pose.pose.orientation.y;
    quat.z() = g_stamped_pose.pose.orientation.z;
    quat.w() = g_stamped_pose.pose.orientation.w;
    R = quat.toRotationMatrix();
    Eigen::Vector3d x_vec, y_vec, z_vec;
    double veclen = 0.2; //make the arrows this long
    x_vec = R.col(0) * veclen;
    y_vec = R.col(1) * veclen;
    z_vec = R.col(2) * veclen;

    //update the arrow markers w/ new pose:
    origin = g_stamped_pose.pose.position;
    arrow_x_tip = origin;
    arrow_x_tip.x += x_vec(0);
    arrow_x_tip.y += x_vec(1);
    arrow_x_tip.z += x_vec(2);
    arrow_marker_x.header = g_stamped_pose.header;

    arrow_y_tip = origin;
    arrow_y_tip.x += y_vec(0);
    arrow_y_tip.y += y_vec(1);
    arrow_y_tip.z += y_vec(2);

    arrow_marker_y.header = g_stamped_pose.header;

    arrow_z_tip = origin;
    arrow_z_tip.x += z_vec(0);
    arrow_z_tip.y += z_vec(1);
    arrow_z_tip.z += z_vec(2);

    arrow_marker_z.header = g_stamped_pose.header;
Пример #3
    PetscErrorCode __feel_petsc_preconditioner_apply( void *ctx, Vec x, Vec y )
        Preconditioner<double> * preconditioner = static_cast<Preconditioner<double>*>( ctx );

        VectorPetsc<double> x_vec( x );
        VectorPetsc<double> y_vec( y );

        preconditioner->apply( x_vec,y_vec );

        return 0;
Пример #4
    PetscErrorCode __feel_petsc_preconditioner_apply( PC pc, Vec x, Vec y )
        void *ctx;
        PetscErrorCode ierr = PCShellGetContext( pc,&ctx );
        CHKERRQ( ierr );
        Preconditioner<double> * preconditioner = static_cast<Preconditioner<double>*>( ctx );
        VectorPetsc<double> x_vec( x );
        VectorPetsc<double> y_vec( y );

        preconditioner->apply( x_vec,y_vec );

        return 0;
Пример #5
void Vector3<T>::rotate_inverse(enum Rotation rotation)
    Vector3<T> x_vec(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
    Vector3<T> y_vec(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f);
    Vector3<T> z_vec(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);


    Matrix3<T> M(
        x_vec.x, y_vec.x, z_vec.x,
        x_vec.y, y_vec.y, z_vec.y,
        x_vec.z, y_vec.z, z_vec.z

    (*this) = M.mul_transpose(*this);
Пример #6
Matrixd NavHandler::getMovement() {
  static bool inAir = false;
  Vec3 x_vec(MAX_VELOCITY,0,0);
  Vec3 y_vec(0,MAX_VELOCITY,0);
  Vec3 mov;
  if (goLeft)  mov -= x_vec;
  if (goRight) mov += x_vec;
  if (goUp)    mov += y_vec;
  if (goDown)  mov -= y_vec;
  if (jumping && !inAir) {
    std::cout << "Jumping\n";
    inAir = true;
    //bh->setLinearVelocity( person, Vec3(0,0,MAX_VELOCITY) );
  } else if (!jumping && inAir) {
    std::cout << "Can Jump\n";
    inAir = false;
  bh->translate( person, mov );
  Matrixd m;
  bh->getWorldTransform( person, m );
  return (m);
Пример #7
	array ADFun<Base>::Jacobian(array& x)
	{	vec<Base> x_vec(x);
		vec<Base> result = f_.Jacobian(x_vec);
		// Kludge: return a vector which is reshaped by cppad.py
		return vec2array(result);
Пример #8
	ADFun<Base>::ADFun(array& x_array, array& y_array)
	{	vec< CppAD::AD<Base> > x_vec(x_array);
		vec< CppAD::AD<Base> > y_vec(y_array);

		f_.Dependent(x_vec, y_vec);
void ExampleTridiagSerialLinearOp<Scalar>::applyImpl(
  const Thyra::EOpTransp M_trans,
  const Thyra::MultiVectorBase<Scalar> &X_in,
  const Teuchos::Ptr<Thyra::MultiVectorBase<Scalar> > &Y_inout,
  const Scalar alpha,
  const Scalar beta
  ) const

  typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar> ST;
  typedef Thyra::Ordinal Ordinal;

  const Ordinal dim = space_->dim();
  // Loop over the input columns

  const Ordinal m = X_in.domain()->dim();

  for (Ordinal col_j = 0; col_j < m; ++col_j) {

    // Get access the the elements of column j
    Thyra::ConstDetachedVectorView<Scalar> x_vec(X_in.col(col_j));
    Thyra::DetachedVectorView<Scalar> y_vec(Y_inout->col(col_j));
    const Teuchos::ArrayRCP<const Scalar> x = x_vec.sv().values();
    const Teuchos::ArrayRCP<Scalar> y = y_vec.sv().values();
    // Perform y = beta*y (being careful to set y=0 if beta=0 in case y is
    // uninitialized on input!)
    if( beta == ST::zero() ) {
      for( Ordinal k = 0; k < dim; ++k ) y[k] = ST::zero();
    else if( beta != ST::one() ) {
      for( Ordinal k = 0; k < dim; ++k ) y[k] *= beta;

    // Perform y = alpha*op(M)*x 
    Ordinal k = 0;
    if( M_trans == Thyra::NOTRANS ) {
      y[k] += alpha * ( diag_[k]*x[k] + upper_[k]*x[k+1] );  // First row
      for( k = 1; k < dim - 1; ++k )   // Middle rows
        y[k] += alpha * ( lower_[k-1]*x[k-1] + diag_[k]*x[k] + upper_[k]*x[k+1] );
      y[k] += alpha * ( lower_[k-1]*x[k-1] + diag_[k]*x[k] ); // Last row
    else if( M_trans == Thyra::CONJ ) {
      y[k] += alpha * ( ST::conjugate(diag_[k])*x[k] + ST::conjugate(upper_[k])*x[k+1] );
      for( k = 1; k < dim - 1; ++k )
        y[k] += alpha * ( ST::conjugate(lower_[k-1])*x[k-1]
          + ST::conjugate(diag_[k])*x[k] + ST::conjugate(upper_[k])*x[k+1] );
      y[k] += alpha * ( ST::conjugate(lower_[k-1])*x[k-1] + ST::conjugate(diag_[k])*x[k] );
    else if( M_trans == Thyra::TRANS ) {
      y[k] += alpha * ( diag_[k]*x[k] + lower_[k]*x[k+1] );
      for( k = 1; k < dim - 1; ++k )
        y[k] += alpha * ( upper_[k-1]*x[k-1] + diag_[k]*x[k] + lower_[k]*x[k+1] );
      y[k] += alpha * ( upper_[k-1]*x[k-1] + diag_[k]*x[k] );
    else if( M_trans == Thyra::CONJTRANS ) {
      y[k] += alpha * ( ST::conjugate(diag_[k])*x[k] + ST::conjugate(lower_[k])*x[k+1] );
      for( k = 1; k < dim - 1; ++k )
        y[k] += alpha * ( ST::conjugate(upper_[k-1])*x[k-1]
          + ST::conjugate(diag_[k])*x[k] + ST::conjugate(lower_[k])*x[k+1] );
      y[k] += alpha * ( ST::conjugate(upper_[k-1])*x[k-1] + ST::conjugate(diag_[k])*x[k] );
    else {
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(true); // Throw exception if we get here!
