Пример #1
void	perfect(char **argv, short int live, short int imparfait)
  t_map	*map;
  t_x_y	coord;

  x_y(&coord, argv);
  coord.live = live;
  map = create_map(coord.y, coord.x, coord);
  generator(map, coord.live, coord);
  if (imparfait)
    unperfect(map, coord.x * (coord.y / 2 + 1) + coord.y / 2, coord);
  if (coord.x < atoi(argv[1]))
    display_map(map, 1, coord.live, coord);
  else if (coord.x == atoi(argv[1]))
    display_map(map, 0, coord.live, coord);
  if (coord.x == atoi(argv[1]) && coord.y < atoi(argv[2]))
    x_one_of_two(coord.live, atoi(argv[1]), 1);
  else if (coord.y < atoi(argv[2]))
    x_one_of_two(coord.live, atoi(argv[1]), 0);
Пример #2
int read_ct_tran(struct patient_struct *ppatient, QString *Result)
    FILE *f_tran = NULL;
    uint32_t file_typ, ser_head_length, block_length, ser_number, numb_of_slices;
    char pat_name[80], comm[80], date[80];
    uint32_t trafo_type;
    uint32_t calculated;
    uint32_t is_axial;
    double marker[12][2];
    double plate[16][2];
    uint32_t missing;
    uint32_t all_slices;
    uint32_t elements_v_rev_mat;
    uint32_t i, j, n;
    double fov_by_2;
    double global_inv_mat[4][4];

    mat44_t mat;
    mat44_t rev_mat;
    vector<mat44_t> v_mat, v_rev_mat;

    xyze Stereo_point_0;
    xyze Stereo_point_1;
    xyze Stereo_point_2;
    xyze Stereo_point_3;

    const int imax = 4;

    double Edge_point_a[imax] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
    double Edge_point_b[imax] = { 0.0, 1023.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
    double Edge_point_c[imax] = { 1023.0, 1023.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
    double Edge_point_d[imax] = { 1023.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
    double last_col_glo_matrix[imax] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };

    QTextStream ts(Result, IO_WriteOnly);

    ts << "<B>Loading " << ppatient->Tra_File;

    if ((f_tran = fopen(ppatient->Tra_File, "rb")) == NULL)
        ts << ": failed!</B><br><br>";
        return 1;

    // read transformation header
    if (fread(&file_typ, 4, 1, f_tran) != 4)
        fprintf(stderr, "fread_52 failed in ReadSTP3.cpp");
    if (fread(&ser_head_length, 4, 1, f_tran) != 4)
        fprintf(stderr, "fread_53 failed in ReadSTP3.cpp");
    if (fread(&block_length, 4, 1, f_tran) != 4)
        fprintf(stderr, "fread_54 failed in ReadSTP3.cpp");
    if (fread(pat_name, 1, 80, f_tran) != 1)
        fprintf(stderr, "fread_55 failed in ReadSTP3.cpp");
    if (fread(comm, 1, 80, f_tran) != 1)
        fprintf(stderr, "fread_56 failed in ReadSTP3.cpp");
    if (fread(date, 1, 80, f_tran) != 1)
        fprintf(stderr, "fread_57 failed in ReadSTP3.cpp");
    if (fread(&ser_number, 4, 1, f_tran) != 4)
        fprintf(stderr, "fread_58 failed in ReadSTP3.cpp");
    if (fread(&numb_of_slices, 4, 1, f_tran) != 4)
        fprintf(stderr, "fread_59 failed in ReadSTP3.cpp");

    // read transformation for each slice
    for (j = 1; j < numb_of_slices + 1; j++)
        fseek(f_tran, block_length * j + ser_head_length, SEEK_SET);
        if (fread(&trafo_type, 4, 1, f_tran) != 4)
            fprintf(stderr, "fread_60 failed in ReadSTP3.cpp");
        if (fread(&calculated, 4, 1, f_tran) != 4)
            fprintf(stderr, "fread_61 failed in ReadSTP3.cpp");
        if (fread(&is_axial, 4, 1, f_tran) != 4)
            fprintf(stderr, "fread_62 failed in ReadSTP3.cpp");
        if (fread(marker, sizeof(marker), 1, f_tran) != sizeof(marker))
            fprintf(stderr, "fread_63 failed in ReadSTP3.cpp");
        if (fread(plate, sizeof(plate), 1, f_tran) != sizeof(plate))
            fprintf(stderr, "fread_64 failed in ReadSTP3.cpp");
        if (fread(&missing, 4, 1, f_tran) != 4)
            fprintf(stderr, "fread_65 failed in ReadSTP3.cpp");
        if (fread(mat.mat, sizeof(mat.mat), 1, f_tran) != sizeof(mat.mat))
            fprintf(stderr, "fread_66 failed in ReadSTP3.cpp");
        if (fread(rev_mat.mat, sizeof(rev_mat.mat), 1, f_tran) != sizeof(rev_mat.mat))
            fprintf(stderr, "fread_67 failed in ReadSTP3.cpp");

    all_slices = v_mat.size();
    elements_v_rev_mat = v_rev_mat.size();
    fov_by_2 = ppatient->Pixel_size * ppatient->Resolution / 2.0;
    n = ppatient->No_Slices * 4;

    // define for geting the glogal transformation matrix, using the
    // singular value decomposition NR::svdcmp(x,w,v), and backsustitution NR::svbksb(x,w,v,b_x,x_x);
    // here we used matrix defined in Numerical Recipes because are dinamics(we dont know how many members have)

    Mat_DP x(n, 4), u(n, 4), v(4, 4);
    Vec_DP w(4), b(n);
    Vec_DP b_x(n), b_y(n), b_z(n);
    Vec_DP x_x(n), x_y(n), x_z(n);

    // define for geting the inverse glogal transformation matrix, using the Lower Up decomposition
    // NR::ludcmp(global_mat,indx,d), and backsustitution NR::lubksb(global_mat,indx,col);

    Mat_DP global_mat(4, 4);
    Vec_DP col(4);
    Vec_INT indx(4);
    DP d;

    for (i = 0; i < all_slices; i++)
        // image coordinates
        x[i * 4 + 0][0] = fov_by_2;
        x[i * 4 + 0][1] = fov_by_2;
        x[i * 4 + 0][2] = ppatient->Z_Table[i];
        x[i * 4 + 0][3] = 1.0;

        x[i * 4 + 1][0] = fov_by_2;
        x[i * 4 + 1][1] = -fov_by_2;
        x[i * 4 + 1][2] = ppatient->Z_Table[i];
        x[i * 4 + 1][3] = 1.0;

        x[i * 4 + 2][0] = -fov_by_2;
        x[i * 4 + 2][1] = -fov_by_2;
        x[i * 4 + 2][2] = ppatient->Z_Table[i];
        x[i * 4 + 2][3] = 1.0;

        x[i * 4 + 3][0] = -fov_by_2;
        x[i * 4 + 3][1] = fov_by_2;
        x[i * 4 + 3][2] = ppatient->Z_Table[i];
        x[i * 4 + 3][3] = 1.0;

        // Stereotactic coordinates
        Stereo_point_0.x = 0.0;
        Stereo_point_0.y = 0.0;
        Stereo_point_0.z = 0.0;
        Stereo_point_1.x = 0.0;
        Stereo_point_1.y = 0.0;
        Stereo_point_1.z = 0.0;
        Stereo_point_2.x = 0.0;
        Stereo_point_2.y = 0.0;
        Stereo_point_2.z = 0.0;
        Stereo_point_3.x = 0.0;
        Stereo_point_3.y = 0.0;
        Stereo_point_3.z = 0.0;

        for (int f = 0; f <= 3; f++)
            Stereo_point_0.x += v_mat[i].mat[f][1] * Edge_point_a[f];
            Stereo_point_0.y += v_mat[i].mat[f][2] * Edge_point_a[f];
            Stereo_point_0.z += v_mat[i].mat[f][3] * Edge_point_a[f];
            Stereo_point_0.err = 1.0; // [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1,0]

            Stereo_point_1.x += v_mat[i].mat[f][1] * Edge_point_b[f];
            Stereo_point_1.y += v_mat[i].mat[f][2] * Edge_point_b[f];
            Stereo_point_1.z += v_mat[i].mat[f][3] * Edge_point_b[f];
            Stereo_point_1.err = 1.0; // [0.0, 1024.0, 1.0, 1,0]

            Stereo_point_2.x += v_mat[i].mat[f][1] * Edge_point_c[f];
            Stereo_point_2.y += v_mat[i].mat[f][2] * Edge_point_c[f];
            Stereo_point_2.z += v_mat[i].mat[f][3] * Edge_point_c[f];
            Stereo_point_2.err = 1.0; // [1024.0, 1024.0, 1.0, 1,0]

            Stereo_point_3.x += v_mat[i].mat[f][1] * Edge_point_d[f];
            Stereo_point_3.y += v_mat[i].mat[f][2] * Edge_point_d[f];
            Stereo_point_3.z += v_mat[i].mat[f][3] * Edge_point_d[f];
            Stereo_point_3.err = 1.0; // [1024.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1,0]

        b_x[i * 4 + 0] = Stereo_point_0.x;
        b_x[i * 4 + 1] = Stereo_point_1.x;
        b_x[i * 4 + 2] = Stereo_point_2.x;
        b_x[i * 4 + 3] = Stereo_point_3.x;

        b_y[i * 4 + 0] = Stereo_point_0.y;
        b_y[i * 4 + 1] = Stereo_point_1.y;
        b_y[i * 4 + 2] = Stereo_point_2.y;
        b_y[i * 4 + 3] = Stereo_point_3.y;

        b_z[i * 4 + 0] = Stereo_point_0.z;
        b_z[i * 4 + 1] = Stereo_point_1.z;
        b_z[i * 4 + 2] = Stereo_point_2.z;
        b_z[i * 4 + 3] = Stereo_point_3.z;

    // solve linear equation
    NR::svdcmp(x, w, v); // here we make the decomposition of the matrix X (image coordinate,for the for points in each slices)!

    NR::svbksb(x, w, v, b_x, x_x);
    NR::svbksb(x, w, v, b_y, x_y);
    NR::svbksb(x, w, v, b_z, x_z);

    // transformation matrix
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        ppatient->Global_Tra_Matrix[i][0] = x_x[i];
        ppatient->Global_Tra_Matrix[i][1] = x_y[i];
        ppatient->Global_Tra_Matrix[i][2] = x_z[i];
        ppatient->Global_Tra_Matrix[i][3] = last_col_glo_matrix[i];

        for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
            global_mat[i][j] = ppatient->Global_Tra_Matrix[i][j];

    // calculate inverse matrix
    NR::ludcmp(global_mat, indx, d);

    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            col[i] = 0.0;
        col[j] = 1.0;
        NR::lubksb(global_mat, indx, col);
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            global_inv_mat[i][j] = col[i];

    // print transformation info
    ts << ": Ok</B>";
    ts << "<br><br><B>Transformation Info</B>"; // <br> te salta una linea, con el primer B me lo escribiria to en negro pa especificar q solo queremos la linea esa se pone al final </B>
    ts << "<pre>"; // si omito esta linea me escribe la dos matrices juntas sin ningun sentido!, y pq el otro no pasa na cuando se omite, ver #
    ts << "Mat = <br>";

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
            ppatient->Rev_Global_Tra_Matrix[i][j] = global_inv_mat[i][j];

        ts << "       " << ppatient->Global_Tra_Matrix[i][0]
           << "       " << ppatient->Global_Tra_Matrix[i][1]
           << "       " << ppatient->Global_Tra_Matrix[i][2]
           << "       " << ppatient->Global_Tra_Matrix[i][3]
           << "<br>";
    ts << "RevMat = <br>";

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        ts << "       " << ppatient->Rev_Global_Tra_Matrix[i][0]
           << "       " << ppatient->Rev_Global_Tra_Matrix[i][1]
           << "       " << ppatient->Rev_Global_Tra_Matrix[i][2]
           << "       " << ppatient->Rev_Global_Tra_Matrix[i][3]
           << "<br>";

    ts << "<br></pre>";

    return 0;