Пример #1
/** \ingroup msg_task_usage
 * \brief Executes a parallel task and waits for its termination.
 * \param task a #msg_task_t to execute on the location on which the process is running.
 * \return #MSG_OK if the task was successfully completed, #MSG_TASK_CANCELED
 * or #MSG_HOST_FAILURE otherwise
msg_error_t MSG_parallel_task_execute(msg_task_t task)
  xbt_ex_t e;
  simdata_task_t simdata = task->simdata;
  msg_process_t self = SIMIX_process_self();
  simdata_process_t p_simdata = SIMIX_process_self_get_data(self);
  e_smx_state_t comp_state;
  msg_error_t status = MSG_OK;


  xbt_assert((!simdata->compute) && (task->simdata->isused == 0),
             "This task is executed somewhere else. Go fix your code! %d",

  XBT_DEBUG("Computing on %s", MSG_process_get_name(MSG_process_self()));

  if (simdata->computation_amount == 0 && !simdata->host_nb) {
    return MSG_OK;

  TRY {


    if (simdata->host_nb > 0) {
      simdata->compute = simcall_host_parallel_execute(task->name,
                                                       1.0, -1.0);
      XBT_DEBUG("Parallel execution action created: %p", simdata->compute);
    } else {
      simdata->compute = simcall_host_execute(task->name,

    simcall_set_category(simdata->compute, task->category);
    p_simdata->waiting_action = simdata->compute;
    comp_state = simcall_host_execution_wait(simdata->compute);

    p_simdata->waiting_action = NULL;


    XBT_DEBUG("Execution task '%s' finished in state %d",
              task->name, (int)comp_state);
  CATCH(e) {
    switch (e.category) {
    case cancel_error:
      status = MSG_TASK_CANCELED;
  /* action ended, set comm and compute = NULL, the actions is already destroyed
   * in the main function */
  simdata->computation_amount = 0.0;
  simdata->comm = NULL;
  simdata->compute = NULL;

Пример #2
/** \ingroup m_task_management
 * \brief Return the name of a #msg_task_t.
 * This functions returns the name of a #msg_task_t as specified on creation
const char *MSG_task_get_name(msg_task_t task)
  xbt_assert(task, "Invalid parameters");
  return task->name;
Пример #3
/** \ingroup msg_task_usage
 * \brief Executes a parallel task and waits for its termination.
 * \param task a #msg_task_t to execute on the location on which the process is running.
 * \return #MSG_OK if the task was successfully completed, #MSG_TASK_CANCELED
 * or #MSG_HOST_FAILURE otherwise
msg_error_t MSG_parallel_task_execute(msg_task_t task)
  simdata_task_t simdata = task->simdata;
  simdata_process_t p_simdata = (simdata_process_t) SIMIX_process_self_get_data();
  e_smx_state_t comp_state;
  msg_error_t status = MSG_OK;


  xbt_assert((!simdata->compute) && !task->simdata->isused,
             "This task is executed somewhere else. Go fix your code!");

  XBT_DEBUG("Computing on %s", MSG_process_get_name(MSG_process_self()));

  if (simdata->flops_amount == 0 && !simdata->host_nb) {
    return MSG_OK;

  try {

    if (simdata->host_nb > 0) {
      simdata->compute = static_cast<simgrid::simix::Exec*>(
          simcall_execution_parallel_start(task->name, simdata->host_nb,simdata->host_list,
                                                       simdata->flops_parallel_amount, simdata->bytes_parallel_amount,
                                                       1.0, -1.0));
      XBT_DEBUG("Parallel execution action created: %p", simdata->compute);
    } else {
      unsigned long affinity_mask =
         (unsigned long)(uintptr_t) xbt_dict_get_or_null_ext(simdata->affinity_mask_db, (char *) p_simdata->m_host,
      XBT_DEBUG("execute %s@%s with affinity(0x%04lx)",
                MSG_task_get_name(task), MSG_host_get_name(p_simdata->m_host), affinity_mask);

          simdata->compute = static_cast<simgrid::simix::Exec*>(
              simcall_execution_start(task->name, simdata->flops_amount, simdata->priority,
                                                 simdata->bound, affinity_mask));
    simcall_set_category(simdata->compute, task->category);
    p_simdata->waiting_action = simdata->compute;
    comp_state = simcall_execution_wait(simdata->compute);

    p_simdata->waiting_action = nullptr;

    XBT_DEBUG("Execution task '%s' finished in state %d", task->name, (int)comp_state);
  catch (xbt_ex& e) {
    switch (e.category) {
    case cancel_error:
      status = MSG_TASK_CANCELED;
    case host_error:
      status = MSG_HOST_FAILURE;

  /* action ended, set comm and compute = nullptr, the actions is already destroyed in the main function */
  simdata->flops_amount = 0.0;
  simdata->comm = nullptr;
  simdata->compute = nullptr;

Пример #4
/** \ingroup m_task_management
 * \brief Return the user data of a #msg_task_t.
 * This function checks whether \a task is a valid pointer or not and return
   the user data associated to \a task if it is possible.
void *MSG_task_get_data(msg_task_t task)
  xbt_assert((task != NULL), "Invalid parameter");

  return (task->data);
Пример #5
/** \ingroup m_task_management
 * \brief Return the sender of a #msg_task_t.
 * This functions returns the #msg_process_t which sent this task
msg_process_t MSG_task_get_sender(msg_task_t task)
  xbt_assert(task, "Invalid parameters");
  return ((simdata_task_t) task->simdata)->sender;
Пример #6
int smpi_coll_tuned_reduce_scatter_mpich_noncomm(void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int recvcounts[],
                              MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm)
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    int comm_size = smpi_comm_size(comm) ;
    int rank = smpi_comm_rank(comm);
    int pof2;
    int log2_comm_size;
    int i, k;
    int recv_offset, send_offset;
    int block_size, total_count, size;
    MPI_Aint true_extent, true_lb;
    int buf0_was_inout;
    void *tmp_buf0;
    void *tmp_buf1;
    void *result_ptr;

    smpi_datatype_extent(datatype, &true_lb, &true_extent);

    pof2 = 1;
    log2_comm_size = 0;
    while (pof2 < comm_size) {
        pof2 <<= 1;

    /* begin error checking */
    xbt_assert(pof2 == comm_size); /* FIXME this version only works for power of 2 procs */

    for (i = 0; i < (comm_size - 1); ++i) {
        xbt_assert(recvcounts[i] == recvcounts[i+1]);
    /* end error checking */

    /* size of a block (count of datatype per block, NOT bytes per block) */
    block_size = recvcounts[0];
    total_count = block_size * comm_size;

    tmp_buf0=( void *)xbt_malloc( true_extent * total_count);
    tmp_buf1=( void *)xbt_malloc( true_extent * total_count);
    /* adjust for potential negative lower bound in datatype */
    tmp_buf0 = (void *)((char*)tmp_buf0 - true_lb);
    tmp_buf1 = (void *)((char*)tmp_buf1 - true_lb);

    /* Copy our send data to tmp_buf0.  We do this one block at a time and
       permute the blocks as we go according to the mirror permutation. */
    for (i = 0; i < comm_size; ++i) {
        mpi_errno = smpi_datatype_copy((char *)(sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE ? recvbuf : sendbuf) + (i * true_extent * block_size), block_size, datatype,
                                   (char *)tmp_buf0 + (MPIU_Mirror_permutation(i, log2_comm_size) * true_extent * block_size), block_size, datatype);
        if (mpi_errno) return(mpi_errno);
    buf0_was_inout = 1;

    send_offset = 0;
    recv_offset = 0;
    size = total_count;
    for (k = 0; k < log2_comm_size; ++k) {
        /* use a double-buffering scheme to avoid local copies */
        char *incoming_data = (buf0_was_inout ? tmp_buf1 : tmp_buf0);
        char *outgoing_data = (buf0_was_inout ? tmp_buf0 : tmp_buf1);
        int peer = rank ^ (0x1 << k);
        size /= 2;

        if (rank > peer) {
            /* we have the higher rank: send top half, recv bottom half */
            recv_offset += size;
        else {
            /* we have the lower rank: recv top half, send bottom half */
            send_offset += size;

        smpi_mpi_sendrecv(outgoing_data + send_offset*true_extent,
                                     size, datatype, peer, COLL_TAG_SCATTER,
                                     incoming_data + recv_offset*true_extent,
                                     size, datatype, peer, COLL_TAG_SCATTER,
                                     comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
        /* always perform the reduction at recv_offset, the data at send_offset
           is now our peer's responsibility */
        if (rank > peer) {
            /* higher ranked value so need to call op(received_data, my_data) */
                   incoming_data + recv_offset*true_extent,
                     outgoing_data + recv_offset*true_extent,
                     &size, &datatype );
            /* buf0_was_inout = buf0_was_inout; */
        else {
            /* lower ranked value so need to call op(my_data, received_data) */
	    smpi_op_apply( op,
		     outgoing_data + recv_offset*true_extent,
                     incoming_data + recv_offset*true_extent,
                     &size, &datatype);
            buf0_was_inout = !buf0_was_inout;

        /* the next round of send/recv needs to happen within the block (of size
           "size") that we just received and reduced */
        send_offset = recv_offset;

    xbt_assert(size == recvcounts[rank]);

    /* copy the reduced data to the recvbuf */
    result_ptr = (char *)(buf0_was_inout ? tmp_buf0 : tmp_buf1) + recv_offset * true_extent;
    mpi_errno = smpi_datatype_copy(result_ptr, size, datatype,
                               recvbuf, size, datatype);
    if (mpi_errno) return(mpi_errno);
    return MPI_SUCCESS;
Пример #7
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  double now = -1.0;
  surf_init(&argc, argv);       /* Initialize some common structures */

  xbt_assert(argc > 1, "Usage: %s platform.xml\n", argv[0]);

  XBT_DEBUG("CPU model: %p", surf_cpu_model_pm);
  XBT_DEBUG("Network model: %p", surf_network_model);
  simgrid::s4u::Host* hostA = sg_host_by_name("Cpu A");
  simgrid::s4u::Host* hostB = sg_host_by_name("Cpu B");

  /* Let's do something on it */
  simgrid::surf::Action* actionA = hostA->pimpl_cpu->execution_start(1000.0);
  simgrid::surf::Action* actionB = hostB->pimpl_cpu->execution_start(1000.0);
  simgrid::surf::Action* actionC = hostB->pimpl_cpu->sleep(7.32);

  simgrid::surf::Action::State stateActionA = actionA->getState();
  simgrid::surf::Action::State stateActionB = actionB->getState();
  simgrid::surf::Action::State stateActionC = actionC->getState();

  /* And just look at the state of these tasks */
  XBT_INFO("actionA state: %s", string_action(stateActionA));
  XBT_INFO("actionB state: %s", string_action(stateActionB));
  XBT_INFO("actionC state: %s", string_action(stateActionC));

  /* Let's do something on it */
  surf_network_model->communicate(hostA, hostB, 150.0, -1.0);

  do {
    simgrid::surf::ActionList *action_list = nullptr;
    now = surf_get_clock();
    XBT_INFO("Next Event : %g", now);
    XBT_DEBUG("\t CPU actions");

    action_list = surf_cpu_model_pm->getFailedActionSet();
    for(simgrid::surf::ActionList::iterator it(action_list->begin()), itNext = it, itend(action_list->end()) ;
        it != itend ; it=itNext) {
      simgrid::surf::Action *action = static_cast<simgrid::surf::CpuAction*>(&*it);
       XBT_INFO("   CPU Failed action");
       XBT_DEBUG("\t * Failed : %p", action);

    action_list = surf_cpu_model_pm->getDoneActionSet();
    for(simgrid::surf::ActionList::iterator it(action_list->begin()), itNext = it, itend(action_list->end()) ;
        it != itend ; it=itNext) {
      simgrid::surf::Action *action = static_cast<simgrid::surf::CpuAction*>(&*it);
      XBT_INFO("   CPU Done action");
      XBT_DEBUG("\t * Done : %p", action);

    action_list = surf_network_model->getFailedActionSet();
    for(simgrid::surf::ActionList::iterator it(action_list->begin()), itNext = it, itend(action_list->end()) ;
        it != itend ; it=itNext) {
      simgrid::surf::Action *action = static_cast<simgrid::surf::NetworkAction*>(&*it);
       XBT_INFO("   Network Failed action");
       XBT_DEBUG("\t * Failed : %p", action);

    action_list = surf_network_model->getDoneActionSet();
    for(simgrid::surf::ActionList::iterator it(action_list->begin()), itNext = it, itend(action_list->end()) ;
        it != itend ; it=itNext) {
      simgrid::surf::Action *action = static_cast<simgrid::surf::NetworkAction*>(&*it);
      XBT_INFO("   Network Done action");
      XBT_DEBUG("\t * Done : %p", action);

  } while ((surf_network_model->getRunningActionSet()->size() ||
           surf_cpu_model_pm->getRunningActionSet()->size()) && surf_solve(-1.0) >= 0.0);

  XBT_DEBUG("Simulation Terminated");

  return 0;
Пример #8
MSG_mailbox_put_with_timeout(msg_mailbox_t mailbox, msg_task_t task,
                             double timeout)
  msg_error_t ret = MSG_OK;
  simdata_task_t t_simdata = NULL;
  msg_process_t process = MSG_process_self();
  simdata_process_t p_simdata = SIMIX_process_self_get_data(process);

  int call_end = TRACE_msg_task_put_start(task);    //must be after CHECK_HOST()

  /* Prepare the task to send */
  t_simdata = task->simdata;
  t_simdata->sender = process;
  t_simdata->source = ((simdata_process_t) SIMIX_process_self_get_data(process))->m_host;

  if (t_simdata->isused != 0) {
    if (msg_global->debug_multiple_use){
      XBT_ERROR("This task is already used in there:");
      XBT_ERROR("And you try to reuse it from here:");
    } else {
      xbt_assert(t_simdata->isused == 0,
                 "This task is still being used somewhere else. You cannot send it now. Go fix your code! (use --cfg=msg/debug_multiple_use:on to get the backtrace of the other process)");

  if (msg_global->debug_multiple_use)
    MSG_BT(t_simdata->isused, "Using Backtrace");
    t_simdata->isused = (void*)1;
  t_simdata->comm = NULL;

  p_simdata->waiting_task = task;

  xbt_ex_t e;
  /* Try to send it by calling SIMIX network layer */
  TRY {
    smx_synchro_t comm = NULL; /* MC needs the comm to be set to NULL during the simix call  */
    comm = simcall_comm_isend(SIMIX_process_self(), mailbox,t_simdata->bytes_amount,
                                  t_simdata->rate, task, sizeof(void *),
                                  NULL, NULL, NULL, task, 0);
    if (TRACE_is_enabled())
      simcall_set_category(comm, task->category);
     t_simdata->comm = comm;
     simcall_comm_wait(comm, timeout);

  CATCH(e) {
    switch (e.category) {
    case cancel_error:
      ret = MSG_HOST_FAILURE;
    case network_error:
    case timeout_error:
      ret = MSG_TIMEOUT;

    /* If the send failed, it is not used anymore */
    if (msg_global->debug_multiple_use && t_simdata->isused!=0)
    t_simdata->isused = 0;

  p_simdata->waiting_task = NULL;
  if (call_end)
Пример #9
void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(s_smx_cond_t *cond)
  auto previous = (cond->refcount_)++;
  xbt_assert(previous != 0);
  (void) previous;
Пример #10
/** \ingroup m_process_management
 * \brief Return the name of an agent.
 * This function checks whether \a process is a valid pointer or not
   and return its name.
const char *MSG_process_get_name(m_process_t process)
  xbt_assert(process, "Invalid parameter");

  return SIMIX_req_process_get_name(process);
Пример #11
/** \ingroup m_process_management
 * \brief Returns true if the process is suspended .
 * This checks whether a process is suspended or not by inspecting the
 * task on which it was waiting for the completion.
int MSG_process_is_suspended(m_process_t process)
  xbt_assert(process != NULL, "Invalid parameter");
  return SIMIX_req_process_is_suspended(process);
Пример #12
/* create the config set, register what should be and parse the command line*/
void surf_config_init(int *argc, char **argv)
  char *description = xbt_malloc(1024), *p = description;
  char *default_value;
  double double_default_value;
  int default_value_int;
  int i;

  /* Create the configuration support */
  if (_surf_init_status == 0) { /* Only create stuff if not already inited */
    _surf_init_status = 1;

            "The model to use for the CPU. Possible values: ");
    p = description;
    while (*(++p) != '\0');
    for (i = 0; surf_cpu_model_description[i].name; i++)
      p += sprintf(p, "%s%s", (i == 0 ? "" : ", "),
            ".\n       (use 'help' as a value to see the long description of each model)");
    default_value = xbt_strdup("Cas01");
                     "cpu/model", description, xbt_cfgelm_string,
                     &default_value, 1, 1, &_surf_cfg_cb__cpu_model, NULL);

            "The model to use for the network. Possible values: ");
    p = description;
    while (*(++p) != '\0');
    for (i = 0; surf_network_model_description[i].name; i++)
      p += sprintf(p, "%s%s", (i == 0 ? "" : ", "),
            ".\n       (use 'help' as a value to see the long description of each model)");
    default_value = xbt_strdup("LV08");
                     "network/model", description, xbt_cfgelm_string,
                     &default_value, 1, 1, &_surf_cfg_cb__network_model,

            "The model to use for the workstation. Possible values: ");
    p = description;
    while (*(++p) != '\0');
    for (i = 0; surf_workstation_model_description[i].name; i++)
      p += sprintf(p, "%s%s", (i == 0 ? "" : ", "),
            ".\n       (use 'help' as a value to see the long description of each model)");
    default_value = xbt_strdup("CLM03");
                     "workstation/model", description, xbt_cfgelm_string,
                     &default_value, 1, 1,
                     &_surf_cfg_cb__workstation_model, NULL);


    default_value = xbt_strdup("Full");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_surf_cfg_set, "routing",
                     "Model to use to store the routing information",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, &default_value, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_surf_cfg_set, "TCP_gamma",
                     "Size of the biggest TCP window (cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_[rw]mem for recv/send window; Use the last given value, which is the max window size)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, NULL, 1, 1,
                     _surf_cfg_cb__tcp_gamma, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_surf_cfg_set, "TCP_gamma", 20000.0);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_surf_cfg_set, "maxmin/precision",
                     "Minimum retained action value when updating simulation",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, NULL, 1, 1, _surf_cfg_cb__maxmin_precision, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_surf_cfg_set, "maxmin/precision", 0.00001); // FIXME use setdefault everywhere here!

    /* The parameters of network models */

    double_default_value = 0.0;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_surf_cfg_set, "network/sender_gap",
                     "Minimum gap between two overlapping sends",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, &double_default_value, 1, 1,
                     _surf_cfg_cb__sender_gap, NULL);

    double_default_value = 1.0;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_surf_cfg_set, "network/latency_factor",
                     "Correction factor to apply to the provided latency (default value set by network model)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, &double_default_value, 1, 1,
                     _surf_cfg_cb__latency_factor, NULL);
    double_default_value = 1.0;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_surf_cfg_set, "network/bandwidth_factor",
                     "Correction factor to apply to the provided bandwidth (default value set by network model)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, &double_default_value, 1, 1,
                     _surf_cfg_cb__bandwidth_factor, NULL);
    double_default_value = 0.0;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_surf_cfg_set, "network/weight_S",
                     "Correction factor to apply to the weight of competing streams(default value set by network model)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, &double_default_value, 1, 1,
                     _surf_cfg_cb__weight_S, NULL);

    /* Inclusion path */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_surf_cfg_set, "path",
                     "Lookup path for inclusions in platform and deployment XML files",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, NULL, 0, 0,
                     _surf_cfg_cb__surf_path, NULL);

    default_value_int = 0;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_surf_cfg_set, "maxmin_selective_update",
                     "Update the constraint set propagating recursively to others constraints",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, &default_value_int, 0, 1,
                     _surf_cfg_cb__surf_maxmin_selective_update, NULL);

    /* do model-check */
    default_value_int = 0;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_surf_cfg_set, "model-check",
                     "Activate the model-checking of the \"simulated\" system (EXPERIMENTAL -- msg only for now)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, &default_value_int, 0, 1,
                     _surf_cfg_cb_model_check, NULL);
       FIXME: this function is not setting model-check to it's default value because
       internally it calls to variable->cb_set that in this case is the function 
       _surf_cfg_cb_model_check which sets it's value to 1 (instead of the defalut value 0)
       xbt_cfg_set_int(_surf_cfg_set, "model-check", default_value_int); */

    /* context factory */
    default_value = xbt_strdup("ucontext");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_surf_cfg_set, "contexts/factory",
                     "Context factory to use in SIMIX (ucontext, thread or raw)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, &default_value, 1, 1, _surf_cfg_cb_context_factory, NULL);

    /* stack size of contexts in Ko */
    default_value_int = 128;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_surf_cfg_set, "contexts/stack_size",
                     "Stack size of contexts in Ko (ucontext or raw only)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, &default_value_int, 1, 1,
                     _surf_cfg_cb_context_stack_size, NULL);

    /* number of parallel threads for user processes */
    default_value_int = 1;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_surf_cfg_set, "contexts/nthreads",
                     "Number of parallel threads for user contexts (EXPERIMENTAL)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, &default_value_int, 1, 1,
                     _surf_cfg_cb_contexts_nthreads, NULL);

    /* minimal number of user contexts to be run in parallel */
    default_value_int = 1;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_surf_cfg_set, "contexts/parallel_threshold",
        "Minimal number of user contexts to be run in parallel",
        xbt_cfgelm_int, &default_value_int, 1, 1,
        _surf_cfg_cb_contexts_parallel_threshold, NULL);

    default_value_int = 0;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_surf_cfg_set, "fullduplex",
                     "Activate the interferences between uploads and downloads for fluid max-min models (LV08, CM03)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, &default_value_int, 0, 1,
                     _surf_cfg_cb__surf_network_fullduplex, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_surf_cfg_set, "fullduplex", default_value_int);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_surf_cfg_set, "gtnets_jitter",
                     "Double value to oscillate the link latency, uniformly in random interval [-latency*gtnets_jitter,latency*gtnets_jitter)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, NULL, 1, 1,
                     _surf_cfg_cb__gtnets_jitter, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_surf_cfg_set, "gtnets_jitter", 0.0);

    default_value_int = 10;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_surf_cfg_set, "gtnets_jitter_seed",
                     "Use a positive seed to reproduce jitted results, value must be in [1,1e8], default is 10",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, &default_value_int, 0, 1,
                     _surf_cfg_cb__gtnets_jitter_seed, NULL);

    if (!surf_path) {
      /* retrieves the current directory of the        current process */
      const char *initial_path = __surf_get_initial_path();
                  "__surf_get_initial_path() failed! Can't resolves current Windows directory");

      surf_path = xbt_dynar_new(sizeof(char *), NULL);
      xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_surf_cfg_set, "path", initial_path);

    surf_config_cmd_line(argc, argv);
  } else {
    XBT_WARN("Call to surf_config_init() after initialization ignored");
Пример #13
memory_map_t get_memory_map(void)
  FILE *fp;                     /* File pointer to process's proc maps file */
  char *line = NULL;            /* Temporal storage for each line that is readed */
  ssize_t read;                 /* Number of bytes readed */
  size_t n = 0;                 /* Amount of bytes to read by getline */
  memory_map_t ret = NULL;      /* The memory map to return */

/* The following variables are used during the parsing of the file "maps" */
  s_map_region memreg;          /* temporal map region used for creating the map */
  char *lfields[6], *tok, *endptr;
  int i;

/* Open the actual process's proc maps file and create the memory_map_t */
/* to be returned. */
  fp = fopen("/proc/self/maps", "r");

              "Cannot open /proc/self/maps to investigate the memory map of the process. Please report this bug.");

  ret = xbt_new0(s_memory_map_t, 1);

  /* Read one line at the time, parse it and add it to the memory map to be returned */
  while ((read = getline(&line, &n, fp)) != -1) {

    /* Wipeout the new line character */
    line[read - 1] = '\0';

    /* Tokenize the line using spaces as delimiters and store each token */
    /* in lfields array. We expect 5 tokens/fields */
    lfields[0] = strtok(line, " ");

    for (i = 1; i < 6 && lfields[i - 1] != NULL; i++) {
      lfields[i] = strtok(NULL, " ");

    /* Check to see if we got the expected amount of columns */
    if (i < 6)

    /* Ok we are good enough to try to get the info we need */
    /* First get the start and the end address of the map   */
    tok = strtok(lfields[0], "-");
    if (tok == NULL)

    memreg.start_addr = (void *) strtoul(tok, &endptr, 16);
    /* Make sure that the entire string was an hex number */
    if (*endptr != '\0')

    tok = strtok(NULL, "-");
    if (tok == NULL)

    memreg.end_addr = (void *) strtoul(tok, &endptr, 16);
    /* Make sure that the entire string was an hex number */
    if (*endptr != '\0')

    /* Get the permissions flags */
    if (strlen(lfields[1]) < 4)

    memreg.prot = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){
        case 'r':
          memreg.prot |= PROT_READ;
        case 'w':
          memreg.prot |= PROT_WRITE;
        case 'x':
          memreg.prot |= PROT_EXEC;
    if (memreg.prot == 0)
      memreg.prot |= PROT_NONE;

    if (lfields[1][4] == 'p')
      memreg.flags |= MAP_PRIVATE;

    else if (lfields[1][4] == 's')
      memreg.flags |= MAP_SHARED;

    /* Get the offset value */
    memreg.offset = (void *) strtoul(lfields[2], &endptr, 16);
    /* Make sure that the entire string was an hex number */
    if (*endptr != '\0')

    /* Get the device major:minor bytes */
    tok = strtok(lfields[3], ":");
    if (tok == NULL)

    memreg.dev_major = (char) strtoul(tok, &endptr, 16);
    /* Make sure that the entire string was an hex number */
    if (*endptr != '\0')

    tok = strtok(NULL, ":");
    if (tok == NULL)

    memreg.dev_minor = (char) strtoul(tok, &endptr, 16);
    /* Make sure that the entire string was an hex number */
    if (*endptr != '\0')

    /* Get the inode number and make sure that the entire string was a long int */
    memreg.inode = strtoul(lfields[4], &endptr, 10);
    if (*endptr != '\0')

    /* And finally get the pathname */
    memreg.pathname = xbt_strdup(lfields[5]);

    /* Create space for a new map region in the region's array and copy the */
    /* parsed stuff from the temporal memreg variable */
    ret->regions =
        xbt_realloc(ret->regions, sizeof(memreg) * (ret->mapsize + 1));
    memcpy(ret->regions + ret->mapsize, &memreg, sizeof(memreg));

  if (line)

  return ret;
Пример #14
void STag_surfxml_host(void){
  AS_TAG = 0;
  xbt_assert(current_property_set == NULL, "Someone forgot to reset the property set to NULL in its closing tag (or XML malformed)");
Пример #15
/** Emitter function  */
int master(int argc, char *argv[])
  int workers_count = 0;
  msg_host_t *workers = NULL;
  msg_task_t *todo = NULL;
  msg_host_t host_self = MSG_host_self();
  char *master_name = (char *) MSG_host_get_name(host_self);
  double task_comp_size = 0;
  double task_comm_size = 0;
  char channel[1024];
  double timeout = -1;

  int i;


  _XBT_GNUC_UNUSED int res = sscanf(argv[1], "%lg", &timeout);
  xbt_assert(res,"Invalid argument %s\n", argv[1]);
  res = sscanf(argv[2], "%lg", &task_comp_size);
  xbt_assert(res, "Invalid argument %s\n", argv[2]);
  res = sscanf(argv[3], "%lg", &task_comm_size);
  xbt_assert(res, "Invalid argument %s\n", argv[3]);

  {                             /* Process organisation */
    workers_count = MSG_get_host_number();
    workers = xbt_dynar_to_array(MSG_hosts_as_dynar());
    for (i = 0; i < workers_count; i++)
      if(host_self == workers[i]) {
	workers[i] = workers[workers_count-1];

    for (i = 0; i < workers_count; i++)
	MSG_process_create("worker", worker, master_name, workers[i]);

  XBT_INFO("Got %d workers and will send tasks for %g seconds!", 
	   workers_count, timeout);
  xbt_dynar_t idle_hosts = xbt_dynar_new(sizeof(msg_host_t), NULL);
  msg_host_t request_host = NULL;

  for (i = 0; 1;) {
    char sprintf_buffer[64];
    msg_task_t task = NULL;

    msg_task_t request = NULL;
    while(MSG_task_listen(master_name)) {
      res = MSG_task_receive(&(request),master_name);
      xbt_assert(res == MSG_OK, "MSG_task_receive failed");
      request_host = MSG_task_get_data(request);
      xbt_dynar_push(idle_hosts, &request_host);
      request = NULL;

    if(MSG_get_clock()>timeout) {
      if(xbt_dynar_length(idle_hosts) == workers_count) break;
      else {
    if(xbt_dynar_length(idle_hosts)<=0) {
      /* No request. Let's wait... */

    sprintf(sprintf_buffer, "Task_%d", i);
    task = MSG_task_create(sprintf_buffer, task_comp_size, task_comm_size,
    MSG_task_set_category(task, master_name);

    xbt_dynar_shift(idle_hosts, &request_host);

    build_channel_name(channel,master_name, MSG_host_get_name(request_host));
    XBT_DEBUG("Sending \"%s\" to channel \"%s\"", task->name, channel);
    MSG_task_send(task, channel);

  int task_num = i;

      ("All tasks have been dispatched. Let's tell everybody the computation is over.");
  for (i = 0; i < workers_count; i++) {
    msg_task_t finalize = MSG_task_create("finalize", 0, 0, FINALIZE);
    MSG_task_send(finalize, build_channel_name(channel,master_name,
		    MSG_host_get_name(workers[i % workers_count])));

  XBT_INFO("Sent %d tasks in total!", task_num);
  return 0;
}                               /* end_of_master */
Пример #16
/** \ingroup m_host_management
 * \brief Return the speed of the processor (in flop/s), regardless of 
    the current load on the machine.
double MSG_get_host_speed(m_host_t h)
  xbt_assert((h != NULL), "Invalid parameters");

  return (SIMIX_req_host_get_speed(h->simdata->smx_host));
Пример #17
void xbt_ex_setup_backtrace(xbt_ex_t * e) //FIXME: This code could be greatly improved/simplifyied with http://cairo.sourcearchive.com/documentation/1.9.4/backtrace-symbols_8c-source.html
  int i;

  /* to get the backtrace from the libc */
  char **backtrace_syms;

  /* To build the commandline of addr2line */
  char *cmd, *curr;

  /* to extract the addresses from the backtrace */
  char **addrs;
  char buff[256];

  /* To read the output of addr2line */
  FILE *pipe;
  char line_func[1024], line_pos[1024];

  /* size (in char) of pointers on this arch */
  int addr_len = 0;

  /* To search for the right executable path when not trivial */
  struct stat stat_buf;
  char *binary_name = NULL;

  xbt_assert(e, "Backtrace not setup yet, cannot set it up for display");

  e->bt_strings = NULL;

  if (xbt_binary_name == NULL) /* no binary name, nothing to do */

  if (e->used <= 1)

  /* ignore first one, which is xbt_backtrace_current() */
  memmove(e->bt, e->bt + 1, (sizeof *e->bt) * e->used);

  backtrace_syms = backtrace_symbols(e->bt, e->used);

  /* build the commandline */
  if (stat(xbt_binary_name, &stat_buf)) {
    /* Damn. binary not in current dir. We'll have to dig the PATH to find it */
    for (i = 0; environ[i]; i++) {
      if (!strncmp("PATH=", environ[i], 5)) {
        xbt_dynar_t path = xbt_str_split(environ[i] + 5, ":");
        unsigned int cpt;
        char *data;

        xbt_dynar_foreach(path, cpt, data) {
          binary_name = bprintf("%s/%s", data, xbt_binary_name);
          if (!stat(binary_name, &stat_buf)) {
            /* Found. */
            XBT_DEBUG("Looked in the PATH for the binary. Found %s", binary_name);
        if (stat(binary_name, &stat_buf)) {
          /* not found */
          e->used = 1;
          e->bt_strings = xbt_new(char *, 1);

          e->bt_strings[0] = bprintf("(binary '%s' not found in the PATH)", xbt_binary_name);
Пример #18
/** \ingroup m_host_management
 * \brief Returns a xbt_dynar_t consisting of the list of properties assigned to this host
 * \param host a host
 * \return a dict containing the properties
xbt_dict_t MSG_host_get_properties(m_host_t host)
  xbt_assert((host != NULL), "Invalid parameters (host is NULL)");

  return (SIMIX_req_host_get_properties(host->simdata->smx_host));
Пример #19
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_simgrid_msg_File_nativeInit(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls) {
  jclass class_File = env->FindClass("org/simgrid/msg/File");
  jfile_field_bind = jxbt_get_jfield(env , class_File, "bind", "J");
  xbt_assert((jfile_field_bind != nullptr), "Can't find 'bind' field in File class.");
Пример #20
/** \ingroup msg_gos_functions
 * \brief Determine if a host is available.
 * \param h host to test
int MSG_host_is_avail(m_host_t h)
  xbt_assert((h != NULL), "Invalid parameters (host is NULL)");
  return (SIMIX_req_host_get_state(h->simdata->smx_host));
Пример #21
/** Emitter function  */
int master(int argc, char *argv[])
  int slaves_count = 0;
  m_host_t *slaves = NULL;
  m_task_t *todo = NULL;
  int number_of_tasks = 0;
  double task_comp_size = 0;
  double task_comm_size = 0;
  int i;
  int read;

  read = sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &number_of_tasks);
  xbt_assert(read, "Invalid argument %s\n", argv[1]);
  read = sscanf(argv[2], "%lg", &task_comp_size);
  xbt_assert(read, "Invalid argument %s\n", argv[2]);
  read = sscanf(argv[3], "%lg", &task_comm_size);
  xbt_assert(read, "Invalid argument %s\n", argv[3]);

  {                             /*  Task creation */
    char sprintf_buffer[64];

    todo = xbt_new0(m_task_t, number_of_tasks);

    for (i = 0; i < number_of_tasks; i++) {
      sprintf(sprintf_buffer, "Task_%d", i);
      todo[i] =
          MSG_task_create(sprintf_buffer, task_comp_size, task_comm_size,

  {                             /* Process organisation */
    slaves_count = argc - 4;
    slaves = xbt_new0(m_host_t, slaves_count);

    for (i = 4; i < argc; i++) {
      slaves[i - 4] = MSG_get_host_by_name(argv[i]);
      if (slaves[i - 4] == NULL) {
        XBT_INFO("Unknown host %s. Stopping Now! ", argv[i]);

  XBT_INFO("Got %d slave(s) :", slaves_count);
  for (i = 0; i < slaves_count; i++)
    XBT_INFO("\t %s", slaves[i]->name);

  XBT_INFO("Got %d task to process :", number_of_tasks);

  for (i = 0; i < number_of_tasks; i++)
    XBT_INFO("\t\"%s\"", todo[i]->name);

  for (i = 0; i < number_of_tasks; i++) {
    XBT_INFO("Sending \"%s\" to \"%s\"",
          todo[i]->name, slaves[i % slaves_count]->name);
    if (MSG_host_self() == slaves[i % slaves_count]) {
      XBT_INFO("Hey ! It's me ! :)");
    MSG_task_put(todo[i], slaves[i % slaves_count], PORT_22);
    XBT_INFO("Send completed");

      ("All tasks have been dispatched. Let's tell everybody the computation is over.");
  for (i = 0; i < slaves_count; i++)
    MSG_task_put(MSG_task_create("finalize", 0, 0, FINALIZE),
                 slaves[i], PORT_22);

  XBT_INFO("Goodbye now!");
  return 0;
}                               /* end_of_master */
Пример #22
static void action_allReduce(const char *const *action)
  int i;
  char *allreduce_identifier;
  char mailbox[80];
  double comm_size = parse_double(action[2]);
  double comp_size = parse_double(action[3]);
  msg_task_t task = NULL, comp_task = NULL;
  const char *process_name;
  double clock = MSG_get_clock();

  process_globals_t counters =
      (process_globals_t) MSG_process_get_data(MSG_process_self());

  xbt_assert(communicator_size, "Size of Communicator is not defined, "
             "can't use collective operations");

  process_name = MSG_process_get_name(MSG_process_self());

  allreduce_identifier = bprintf("allReduce_%d", counters->allReduce_counter++);

  if (!strcmp(process_name, "p0")) {
    XBT_DEBUG("%s: %s is the Root", allreduce_identifier, process_name);

    msg_comm_t *comms = xbt_new0(msg_comm_t, communicator_size - 1);
    msg_task_t *tasks = xbt_new0(msg_task_t, communicator_size - 1);
    for (i = 1; i < communicator_size; i++) {
      sprintf(mailbox, "%s_p%d_p0", allreduce_identifier, i);
      comms[i - 1] = MSG_task_irecv(&(tasks[i - 1]), mailbox);
    MSG_comm_waitall(comms, communicator_size - 1, -1);
    for (i = 1; i < communicator_size; i++) {
      MSG_comm_destroy(comms[i - 1]);
      MSG_task_destroy(tasks[i - 1]);

    comp_task = MSG_task_create("allReduce_comp", comp_size, 0, NULL);
    XBT_DEBUG("%s: computing 'reduce_comp'", allreduce_identifier);
    XBT_DEBUG("%s: computed", allreduce_identifier);

    for (i = 1; i < communicator_size; i++) {
      sprintf(mailbox, "%s_p0_p%d", allreduce_identifier, i);
      comms[i - 1] =
          MSG_task_isend(MSG_task_create(mailbox, 0, comm_size, NULL), mailbox);
    MSG_comm_waitall(comms, communicator_size - 1, -1);
    for (i = 1; i < communicator_size; i++)
      MSG_comm_destroy(comms[i - 1]);

    XBT_DEBUG("%s: all messages sent by %s have been received",
              allreduce_identifier, process_name);

  } else {
    XBT_DEBUG("%s: %s sends", allreduce_identifier, process_name);
    sprintf(mailbox, "%s_%s_p0", allreduce_identifier, process_name);
    XBT_DEBUG("put on %s", mailbox);
    MSG_task_send(MSG_task_create(allreduce_identifier, 0, comm_size, NULL),

    sprintf(mailbox, "%s_p0_%s", allreduce_identifier, process_name);
    MSG_task_receive(&task, mailbox);
    XBT_DEBUG("%s: %s has received", allreduce_identifier, process_name);

  log_action(action, MSG_get_clock() - clock);
Пример #23
/** \ingroup m_task_management
 * \brief Sets the user data of a #msg_task_t.
 * This function allows to associate a new pointer to
   the user data associated of \a task.
void MSG_task_set_data(msg_task_t task, void *data)
  xbt_assert((task != NULL), "Invalid parameter");

  task->data = data;
Пример #24
/* Pick the right models for CPU, net and workstation, and call their model_init_preparse */
void surf_config_models_setup()
  const char *workstation_model_name;
  const char *vm_workstation_model_name;
  int workstation_id = -1;
  int vm_workstation_id = -1;
  char *network_model_name = NULL;
  char *cpu_model_name = NULL;
  int storage_id = -1;
  char *storage_model_name = NULL;

  workstation_model_name =
      xbt_cfg_get_string(_sg_cfg_set, "workstation/model");
  vm_workstation_model_name =
      xbt_cfg_get_string(_sg_cfg_set, "vm_workstation/model");
  network_model_name = xbt_cfg_get_string(_sg_cfg_set, "network/model");
  cpu_model_name = xbt_cfg_get_string(_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/model");
  storage_model_name = xbt_cfg_get_string(_sg_cfg_set, "storage/model");

  /* Check whether we use a net/cpu model differing from the default ones, in which case
   * we should switch to the "compound" workstation model to correctly dispatch stuff to
   * the right net/cpu models.

  if ((!xbt_cfg_is_default_value(_sg_cfg_set, "network/model") ||
       !xbt_cfg_is_default_value(_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/model")) &&
      xbt_cfg_is_default_value(_sg_cfg_set, "workstation/model")) {
    XBT_INFO("Switching workstation model to compound since you changed the network and/or cpu model(s)");
    workstation_model_name = "compound";
    xbt_cfg_set_string(_sg_cfg_set, "workstation/model", workstation_model_name);

  XBT_DEBUG("Workstation model: %s", workstation_model_name);
  workstation_id =
  if (!strcmp(workstation_model_name, "compound")) {
    int network_id = -1;
    int cpu_id = -1;

                "Set a cpu model to use with the 'compound' workstation model");

                "Set a network model to use with the 'compound' workstation model");

    } else {
      cpu_id =
          find_model_description(surf_cpu_model_description, cpu_model_name);

    network_id =

  XBT_DEBUG("Call workstation_model_init");

  XBT_DEBUG("Call vm_workstation_model_init");
  vm_workstation_id = find_model_description(surf_vm_workstation_model_description,

  XBT_DEBUG("Call storage_model_init");
  storage_id = find_model_description(surf_storage_model_description, storage_model_name);

Пример #25
/** \ingroup m_task_management
 * \brief Return the source of a #msg_task_t.
 * This functions returns the #msg_host_t from which this task was sent
msg_host_t MSG_task_get_source(msg_task_t task)
  xbt_assert(task, "Invalid parameters");
  return ((simdata_task_t) task->simdata)->source;
Пример #26
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  sg_host_t host_list[2];
  double computation_amount[2];
  double communication_amount[4] = { 0 };

  /* initialization of SD */
  SD_init(&argc, argv);

  xbt_assert(argc > 1, "Usage: %s platform_file\n\nExample: %s two_clusters.xml", argv[0], argv[0]);

  /* test the estimation functions */
  const sg_host_t* hosts           = sg_host_list();
  simgrid::s4u::Host* h1           = hosts[4];
  simgrid::s4u::Host* h2           = hosts[2];
  double comp_amount1 = 2000000;
  double comp_amount2 = 1000000;
  double comm_amount12 = 2000000;
  double comm_amount21 = 3000000;
  XBT_INFO("Computation time for %f flops on %s: %f", comp_amount1, h1->get_cname(), comp_amount1 / h1->get_speed());
  XBT_INFO("Computation time for %f flops on %s: %f", comp_amount2, h2->get_cname(), comp_amount2 / h2->get_speed());

  XBT_INFO("Route between %s and %s:", h1->get_cname(), h2->get_cname());
  std::vector<sg_link_t> route;
  double latency = 0;
  h1->route_to(h2, route, &latency);

  for (auto const& link : route)
    XBT_INFO("   Link %s: latency = %f, bandwidth = %f", sg_link_name(link), sg_link_latency(link),

  XBT_INFO("Route latency = %f, route bandwidth = %f", latency, sg_host_route_bandwidth(h1, h2));
  XBT_INFO("Communication time for %f bytes between %s and %s: %f", comm_amount12, h1->get_cname(), h2->get_cname(),
           sg_host_route_latency(h1, h2) + comm_amount12 / sg_host_route_bandwidth(h1, h2));
  XBT_INFO("Communication time for %f bytes between %s and %s: %f", comm_amount21, h2->get_cname(), h1->get_cname(),
           sg_host_route_latency(h2, h1) + comm_amount21 / sg_host_route_bandwidth(h2, h1));

  /* creation of the tasks and their dependencies */
  SD_task_t taskA = SD_task_create("Task A", NULL, 10.0);
  SD_task_t taskB = SD_task_create("Task B", NULL, 40.0);
  SD_task_t taskC = SD_task_create("Task C", NULL, 30.0);
  SD_task_t taskD = SD_task_create("Task D", NULL, 60.0);

  /* try to attach and retrieve user data to a task */
  SD_task_set_data(taskA, static_cast<void*>(&comp_amount1));
  if (fabs(comp_amount1 - (*(static_cast<double*>(SD_task_get_data(taskA))))) > 1e-12)
      XBT_ERROR("User data was corrupted by a simple set/get");

  SD_task_dependency_add(taskB, taskA);
  SD_task_dependency_add(taskC, taskA);
  SD_task_dependency_add(taskD, taskB);
  SD_task_dependency_add(taskD, taskC);
  SD_task_dependency_add(taskB, taskC);

  try {
    SD_task_dependency_add(taskA, taskA); /* shouldn't work and must raise an exception */
    xbt_die("Hey, I can add a dependency between Task A and Task A!");
  } catch (xbt_ex& ex) {
    if (ex.category != arg_error)
      throw;                  /* this is a serious error */

  try {
    SD_task_dependency_add(taskB, taskA); /* shouldn't work and must raise an exception */
    xbt_die("Oh oh, I can add an already existing dependency!");
  } catch (xbt_ex& ex) {
    if (ex.category != arg_error)

  try {
    SD_task_dependency_remove(taskA, taskC);    /* shouldn't work and must raise an exception */
    xbt_die("Dude, I can remove an unknown dependency!");
  } catch (xbt_ex& ex) {
    if (ex.category != arg_error)

  try {
    SD_task_dependency_remove(taskC, taskC);    /* shouldn't work and must raise an exception */
    xbt_die("Wow, I can remove a dependency between Task C and itself!");
  } catch (xbt_ex& ex) {
    if (ex.category != arg_error)

  /* if everything is ok, no exception is forwarded or rethrown by main() */

  /* watch points */
  SD_task_watch(taskD, SD_DONE);
  SD_task_watch(taskB, SD_DONE);
  SD_task_unwatch(taskD, SD_DONE);

  /* scheduling parameters */
  host_list[0] = h1;
  host_list[1] = h2;
  computation_amount[0] = comp_amount1;
  computation_amount[1] = comp_amount2;

  communication_amount[1] = comm_amount12;
  communication_amount[2] = comm_amount21;

  /* estimated time */
  XBT_INFO("Estimated time for '%s': %f", SD_task_get_name(taskD),
           SD_task_get_execution_time(taskD, 2, host_list, computation_amount, communication_amount));

  SD_task_schedule(taskA, 2, host_list, computation_amount, communication_amount, -1);
  SD_task_schedule(taskB, 2, host_list, computation_amount, communication_amount, -1);
  SD_task_schedule(taskC, 2, host_list, computation_amount, communication_amount, -1);
  SD_task_schedule(taskD, 2, host_list, computation_amount, communication_amount, -1);

  std::set<SD_task_t> *changed_tasks = simgrid::sd::simulate(-1.0);
  for (auto const& task : *changed_tasks) {
    XBT_INFO("Task '%s' start time: %f, finish time: %f", SD_task_get_name(task),
          SD_task_get_start_time(task), SD_task_get_finish_time(task));

  XBT_DEBUG("Destroying tasks...");

  XBT_DEBUG("Tasks destroyed. Exiting SimDag...");
  return 0;
Пример #27
/** \ingroup m_task_management
 * \brief Sets the name of a #msg_task_t.
 * This functions allows to associate a name to a task
void MSG_task_set_name(msg_task_t task, const char *name)
  xbt_assert(task, "Invalid parameters");
  task->name = xbt_strdup(name);
Пример #28
 * \brief Return the number of elements in the dict.
 * \param dict a dictionary
XBT_INLINE int xbt_dict_length(xbt_dict_t dict)

  return dict->count;
Пример #29
/* create the config set, register what should be and parse the command line*/
void sg_config_init(int *argc, char **argv)
  char description[1024];

  /* Create the configuration support */
  if (_sg_cfg_init_status == 0) { /* Only create stuff if not already inited */

    /* Plugins configuration */
    describe_model(description, surf_plugin_description,
                   "plugin", "The plugins");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "plugin", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__plugin, NULL);

    describe_model(description, surf_cpu_model_description,
                   "model", "The model to use for the CPU");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/model", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__cpu_model, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/model", "Cas01");

    describe_model(description, surf_optimization_mode_description,
                   "optimization mode",
                   "The optimization modes to use for the CPU");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/optim", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__optimization_mode, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/optim", "Lazy");

    describe_model(description, surf_storage_model_description,
                   "model", "The model to use for the storage");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "storage/model", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__storage_mode, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "storage/model", "default");

    describe_model(description, surf_network_model_description,
                   "model", "The model to use for the network");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/model", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__network_model, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "network/model", "LV08");

    describe_model(description, surf_optimization_mode_description,
                   "optimization mode",
                   "The optimization modes to use for the network");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/optim", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__optimization_mode, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "network/optim", "Lazy");

    describe_model(description, surf_host_model_description,
                   "model", "The model to use for the host");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "host/model", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__host_model, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "host/model", "default");

    describe_model(description, surf_vm_model_description,
                   "model", "The model to use for the vm");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "vm/model", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__vm_model, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "vm/model", "default");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/TCP_gamma",
                     "Size of the biggest TCP window (cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_[rw]mem for recv/send window; Use the last given value, which is the max window size)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__tcp_gamma, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "network/TCP_gamma", 4194304.0);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "surf/precision",
                     "Numerical precision used when updating simulation times (hence this value is expressed in seconds)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__surf_precision, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "surf/precision", 0.00001);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "maxmin/precision",
                     "Numerical precision used when computing resource sharing (hence this value is expressed in ops/sec or bytes/sec)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__maxmin_precision, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "maxmin/precision", 0.00001);

    /* The parameters of network models */

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/sender_gap",
                     "Minimum gap between two overlapping sends",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__sender_gap, NULL);
    /* real default for "network/sender_gap" is set in network_smpi.cpp */
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "network/sender_gap", NAN);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/latency_factor",
                     "Correction factor to apply to the provided latency (default value set by network model)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__latency_factor, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "network/latency_factor", 1.0);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/bandwidth_factor",
                     "Correction factor to apply to the provided bandwidth (default value set by network model)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__bandwidth_factor, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "network/bandwidth_factor", 1.0);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/weight_S",
                     "Correction factor to apply to the weight of competing streams (default value set by network model)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__weight_S, NULL);
    /* real default for "network/weight_S" is set in network_*.cpp */
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "network/weight_S", NAN);

    /* Inclusion path */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "path",
                     "Lookup path for inclusions in platform and deployment XML files",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 0, _sg_cfg_cb__surf_path, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/maxmin_selective_update",
                     "Update the constraint set propagating recursively to others constraints (off by default when optim is set to lazy)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/maxmin_selective_update", "no");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/maxmin_selective_update",
                     "Update the constraint set propagating recursively to others constraints (off by default when optim is set to lazy)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "network/maxmin_selective_update", "no");

    /* Replay (this part is enabled event if MC it disabled) */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/replay",
      "Uenable replay mode with the given path",
      xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_model_check_replay, NULL);

#ifdef HAVE_MC
    /* do model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check",
                     "Verify the system through model-checking instead of simulating it (EXPERIMENTAL)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_model_check, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check", "no");

    /* do model-checking-record */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/record",
                     "Record the model-checking paths",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_model_check_record, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/record", "no");

    /* do stateful model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/checkpoint",
                     "Specify the amount of steps between checkpoints during stateful model-checking (default: 0 => stateless verification). "
                     "If value=1, one checkpoint is saved for each step => faster verification, but huge memory consumption; higher values are good compromises between speed and memory consumption.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_checkpoint, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/checkpoint", 0);

    /* do stateful model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/sparse-checkpoint",
                     "Use sparse per-page snapshots.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_sparse_checkpoint, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/sparse-checkpoint", "no");

    /* do liveness model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/property",
                     "Specify the name of the file containing the property. It must be the result of the ltl2ba program.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_property, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/property", "");

    /* do communications determinism model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/communications_determinism",
                     "Enable/disable the detection of determinism in the communications schemes",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_comms_determinism, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/communications_determinism", "no");

    /* do send determinism model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/send_determinism",
                     "Enable/disable the detection of send-determinism in the communications schemes",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_send_determinism, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/send_determinism", "no");

    /* Specify the kind of model-checking reduction */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/reduction",
                     "Specify the kind of exploration reduction (either none or DPOR)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_reduce, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/reduction", "dpor");

    /* Enable/disable timeout for wait requests with model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/timeout",
                     "Enable/Disable timeout for wait requests",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_timeout, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/timeout", "no");

    /* Enable/disable global hash computation with model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/hash",
                     "Enable/Disable state hash for state comparison (exprimental)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_hash, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/hash", "no");

    /* Set max depth exploration */
    /* Currently, this option cannot be used. */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/snapshot_fds",
                     "Whether file descriptors must be snapshoted",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_snapshot_fds, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/snapshot_fds", "no");

    /* Set max depth exploration */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/max_depth",
                     "Specify the max depth of exploration (default : 1000)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_max_depth, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/max_depth", 1000);

    /* Set number of visited state stored for state comparison reduction*/
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/visited",
                     "Specify the number of visited state stored for state comparison reduction. If value=5, the last 5 visited states are stored",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_visited, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/visited", 0);

    /* Set file name for dot output of graph state */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/dot_output",
                     "Specify the name of dot file corresponding to graph state",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_dot_output, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/dot_output", "");

     /* Enable/disable non progressive cycles detection with model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/termination",
                     "Enable/Disable non progressive cycle detection",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_termination, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/termination", "no");

    /* do verbose-exit */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "verbose-exit",
                     "Activate the \"do nothing\" mode in Ctrl-C",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_verbose_exit, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "verbose-exit", "yes");

    /* context factory */
    const char *dflt_ctx_fact = "thread";
      char *p = description +
                "Context factory to use in SIMIX. Possible values: %s",
      dflt_ctx_fact = "ucontext";
      p += sprintf(p, ", %s", dflt_ctx_fact);
      dflt_ctx_fact = "raw";
      p += sprintf(p, ", %s", dflt_ctx_fact);
      sprintf(p, ".");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/factory", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_context_factory, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/factory", dflt_ctx_fact);

    /* stack size of contexts in KiB */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/stack_size",
                     "Stack size of contexts in KiB",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_context_stack_size, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/stack_size", 8*1024);
    /* No, it was not set yet (the above setdefault() changed this to 1). */
    smx_context_stack_size_was_set = 0;

    /* guard size for contexts stacks in memory pages */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/guard_size",
                     "Guard size for contexts stacks in memory pages",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_context_guard_size, NULL);
#if defined(_XBT_WIN32) || (PTH_STACKGROWTH != -1)
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/guard_size", 0);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/guard_size", 1);
    /* No, it was not set yet (the above setdefault() changed this to 1). */
    smx_context_guard_size_was_set = 0;

    /* number of parallel threads for user processes */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/nthreads",
                     "Number of parallel threads used to execute user contexts",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_contexts_nthreads, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/nthreads", 1);

    /* minimal number of user contexts to be run in parallel */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/parallel_threshold",
                     "Minimal number of user contexts to be run in parallel (raw contexts only)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_contexts_parallel_threshold, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/parallel_threshold", 2);

    /* synchronization mode for parallel user contexts */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/synchro",
                     "Synchronization mode to use when running contexts in parallel (either futex, posix or busy_wait)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_contexts_parallel_mode, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/synchro", "futex");
#else //No futex on mac and posix is unimplememted yet
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/synchro", "busy_wait");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/coordinates",
                     "\"yes\" or \"no\", specifying whether we use a coordinate-based routing (as Vivaldi)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__surf_network_coordinates, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "network/coordinates", "no");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/crosstraffic",
                     "Activate the interferences between uploads and downloads for fluid max-min models (LV08, CM02)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__surf_network_crosstraffic, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "network/crosstraffic", "no");

#ifdef HAVE_NS3
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "ns3/TcpModel",
                     "The ns3 tcp model can be : NewReno or Reno or Tahoe",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "ns3/TcpModel", "default");

    //For smpi/bw_factor and smpi/lat_factor
    //Default value have to be "threshold0:value0;threshold1:value1;...;thresholdN:valueN"
    //test is if( size >= thresholdN ) return valueN;
    //Values can be modified with command line --cfg=smpi/bw_factor:"threshold0:value0;threshold1:value1;...;thresholdN:valueN"
    //  or with tag config put line <prop id="smpi/bw_factor" value="threshold0:value0;threshold1:value1;...;thresholdN:valueN"></prop>
    // SMPI model can be used without enable_smpi, so keep this the ifdef.
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/bw_factor",
                     "Bandwidth factors for smpi.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/bw_factor", "65472:0.940694;15424:0.697866;9376:0.58729;5776:1.08739;3484:0.77493;1426:0.608902;732:0.341987;257:0.338112;0:0.812084");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/lat_factor",
                     "Latency factors for smpi.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/lat_factor", "65472:11.6436;15424:3.48845;9376:2.59299;5776:2.18796;3484:1.88101;1426:1.61075;732:1.9503;257:1.95341;0:2.01467");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/IB_penalty_factors",
                     "Correction factor to communications using Infiniband model with contention (default value based on Stampede cluster profiling)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/IB_penalty_factors", "0.965;0.925;1.35");
#ifdef HAVE_SMPI
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/running_power",
                     "Power of the host running the simulation (in flop/s). Used to bench the operations.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/running_power", 20000.0);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/display_timing",
                     "Boolean indicating whether we should display the timing after simulation.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/display_timing", "no");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/simulate_computation",
                     "Boolean indicating whether the computational part of the simulated application should be simulated.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/simulate_computation", "yes");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/use_shared_malloc",
                     "Boolean indicating whether we should use shared memory when using SMPI_SHARED_MALLOC. Allows user to disable it for debug purposes.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/use_shared_malloc", "yes");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/cpu_threshold",
                     "Minimal computation time (in seconds) not discarded, or -1 for infinity.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/cpu_threshold", 1e-6);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/async_small_thres",
                     "Maximal size of messages that are to be sent asynchronously, without waiting for the receiver",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/async_small_thres", 0);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/send_is_detached_thres",
                     "Threshold of message size where MPI_Send stops behaving like MPI_Isend and becomes MPI_Ssend",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/send_is_detached_thres", 65536);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/privatize_global_variables",
                     "Boolean indicating whether we should privatize global variable at runtime.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/privatize_global_variables", "no");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/os",
                     "Small messages timings (MPI_Send minimum time for small messages)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/os", "1:0:0:0:0");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/ois",
                     "Small messages timings (MPI_Isend minimum time for small messages)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/ois", "1:0:0:0:0");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/or",
                     "Small messages timings (MPI_Recv minimum time for small messages)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/or", "1:0:0:0:0");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/iprobe",
                     "Minimum time to inject inside a call to MPI_Iprobe",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__iprobe_sleep, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/iprobe", 1e-4);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/test",
                     "Minimum time to inject inside a call to MPI_Test",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__test_sleep, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/test", 1e-4);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/wtime",
                     "Minimum time to inject inside a call to MPI_Wtime",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__wtime_sleep, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/wtime", 0.0);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/coll_selector",
                     "Which collective selector to use",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/coll_selector", "default");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/gather",
                     "Which collective to use for gather",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_gather, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/allgather",
                     "Which collective to use for allgather",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_allgather, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/barrier",
                     "Which collective to use for barrier",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_barrier, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/reduce_scatter",
                     "Which collective to use for reduce_scatter",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_reduce_scatter, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/scatter",
                     "Which collective to use for scatter",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_scatter, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/allgatherv",
                     "Which collective to use for allgatherv",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_allgatherv, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/allreduce",
                     "Which collective to use for allreduce",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_allreduce, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/alltoall",
                     "Which collective to use for alltoall",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_alltoall, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/alltoallv",
                     "Which collective to use for alltoallv",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_alltoallv, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/bcast",
                     "Which collective to use for bcast",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_bcast, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/reduce",
                     "Which collective to use for reduce",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_reduce, NULL);
#endif // HAVE_SMPI

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "exception/cutpath",
                     "\"yes\" or \"no\". \"yes\" will cut all path information from call traces, used e.g. in exceptions.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "exception/cutpath", "no");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "clean_atexit",
                     "\"yes\" or \"no\". \"yes\" enables all the cleanups of SimGrid (XBT,SIMIX,MSG) to be registered with atexit. \"no\" may be useful if your code segfaults when calling the exit function.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_clean_atexit, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "clean_atexit", "yes");

    if (!surf_path) {
      /* retrieves the current directory of the current process */
      const char *initial_path = __surf_get_initial_path();
                  "__surf_get_initial_path() failed! Can't resolve current Windows directory");

      surf_path = xbt_dynar_new(sizeof(char *), NULL);
      xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "path", initial_path);

    _sg_cfg_init_status = 1;

    sg_config_cmd_line(argc, argv);


  } else {
    XBT_WARN("Call to sg_config_init() after initialization ignored");
Пример #30
 // TODO, check if this shortcut is really necessary
 int offset() const
   return this->location_expression[0].number;