Пример #1
xdebug_path_info *xdebug_path_info_ctor(void)
	xdebug_path_info *tmp;

	tmp = xdmalloc(sizeof(xdebug_path_info));
	tmp->paths_count = 0;
	tmp->paths_size = 0;
	tmp->paths = NULL;
	tmp->path_hash = NULL;

	return tmp;
Пример #2
xdebug_xml_node *xdebug_xml_node_init_ex(char *tag, int free_tag) {
  xdebug_xml_node *xml = (xdebug_xml_node*) xdmalloc(sizeof (xdebug_xml_node));

  xml->tag = tag;
  xml->text = nullptr;
  xml->child = nullptr;
  xml->attribute = nullptr;
  xml->next = nullptr;
  xml->free_tag = free_tag;

  return xml;
Пример #3
xdebug_coverage_file *xdebug_coverage_file_ctor(char *filename)
	xdebug_coverage_file *file;

	file = xdmalloc(sizeof(xdebug_coverage_file));
	file->name = xdstrdup(filename);
	file->lines = xdebug_hash_alloc(128, xdebug_coverage_line_dtor);
	file->functions = xdebug_hash_alloc(128, xdebug_coverage_function_dtor);
	file->has_branch_info = 0;

	return file;
Пример #4
 * Duplicate zend_strndup in core to avoid mismatches
 * in C-runtime libraries when xdebug and core are built
 * with different run-time libraries.
char *xdebug_strndup(const char *s, int length)
	char *p;

	p = (char *) xdmalloc(length + 1);
	if (p == NULL) {
		return p;
	if (length) {
		memcpy(p, s, length);
	p[length] = 0;
	return p;
Пример #5
void xdebug_xml_add_text_ex(xdebug_xml_node *xml, char *text, int free_text, int encode)
	xdebug_xml_text_node *node = xdmalloc(sizeof (xdebug_xml_text_node));
	node->free_value = free_text;
	node->encode = encode;
	if (xml->text) {
	node->text = text;
	xml->text = node;
	if (!encode && strstr(node->text, "]]>")) {
		node->encode = 1;
Пример #6
char *xdebug_raw_url_encode(char const *s, int len, int *new_length, int skip_slash)
	register int x, y;
	unsigned char *str;

	str = (unsigned char *) xdmalloc(3 * len + 1);
	for (x = 0, y = 0; len--; x++, y++) {
		str[y] = (unsigned char) s[x];
		if ((str[y] < '0' && str[y] != '-' && str[y] != '.' && (str[y] != '/' || !skip_slash)) ||
			(str[y] < 'A' && str[y] > '9' && str[y] != ':') ||
			(str[y] > 'Z' && str[y] < 'a' && str[y] != '_' && (str[y] != '\\' || !skip_slash)) ||
			(str[y] > 'z'))
			str[y++] = '%';
			str[y++] = hexchars[(unsigned char) s[x] >> 4];
			str[y] = hexchars[(unsigned char) s[x] & 15];
Пример #7
void xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(xdebug_xml_node* xml, char *attribute, char *value, int free_name, int free_value)
	xdebug_xml_attribute *attr = xdmalloc(sizeof (xdebug_xml_attribute));
	xdebug_xml_attribute **ptr;

	/* Init structure */
	attr->name = attribute;
	attr->value = value;
	attr->next = NULL;
	attr->free_name = free_name;
	attr->free_value = free_value;

	/* Find last attribute in node */
	ptr = &xml->attribute;
	while (*ptr != NULL) {
		ptr = &(*ptr)->next;
	*ptr = attr;
Пример #8
void xdebug_xml_add_attribute_exl(xdebug_xml_node* xml, char* attribute,
                                  size_t attribute_len, char* value,
                                  size_t value_len, int free_name,
                                  int free_value) {
  auto attr = (xdebug_xml_attribute*)xdmalloc(sizeof(xdebug_xml_attribute));
  xdebug_xml_attribute** ptr;

  /* Init structure */
  attr->name = attribute;
  attr->value = value;
  attr->name_len = attribute_len;
  attr->value_len = value_len;
  attr->next = nullptr;
  attr->free_name = free_name;
  attr->free_value = free_value;

  /* Find last attribute in node */
  ptr = &xml->attribute;
  while (*ptr != nullptr) {
    ptr = &(*ptr)->next;
  *ptr = attr;
Пример #9
cst_track *mlpg(const cst_track *param_track, cst_cg_db *cg_db)
    /* Generate an (mcep) track using Maximum Likelihood Parameter Generation */
    MLPGPARA param = NODATA;
    cst_track *out;
    int dim, dim_st;
    //    float like;
    int i,j;
    int nframes;
    PStreamChol pst;

    nframes = param_track->num_frames;
    dim = (param_track->num_channels/2)-1;
    dim_st = dim/2; /* dim2 in original code */
    out = new_track();

    param = xmlpgpara_init(dim,dim_st,nframes,nframes);

    // mixture-index sequence
    param->clsidxv = xlvalloc(nframes);
    for (i=0; i<nframes; i++)
        param->clsidxv->data[i] = i;

    // initial static feature sequence
    param->stm = xdmalloc(nframes,dim_st);
    for (i=0; i<nframes; i++)
        for (j=0; j<dim_st; j++)
            param->stm->data[i][j] = param_track->frames[i][(j+1)*2];

    /* Load cluster means */
    for (i=0; i<nframes; i++)
        for (j=0; j<dim_st; j++)
            param->mean->data[i][j] = param_track->frames[i][(j+1)*2];
    /* GMM parameters diagonal covariance */
    InitPStreamChol(&pst, cg_db->dynwin, cg_db->dynwinsize, dim_st-1, nframes);
    param->pdf = xdmalloc(nframes,dim*2);
    param->cov = xdmalloc(nframes,dim);
    for (i=0; i<nframes; i++)
        for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
            param->cov->data[i][j] = 
                param_track->frames[i][(j+1)*2+1] *
    param->detvec = xget_detvec_diamat2inv(param->cov);

    /* global variance parameters */
    /* TBD get_gv_mlpgpara(param, vmfile, vvfile, dim2, msg_flag); */

    get_dltmat(param->stm, &pst.dw, 1, param->dltm);

    //like = 
    get_like_pdfseq_vit(dim, dim_st, nframes, nframes, param,
			param_track->frames, XTRUE);

    /* vlike = get_like_gv(dim2, dnum, param); */

    mlgparaChol(param->pdf, &pst, param->stm);

    /* Put the answer back into the output track */
    for (i=0; i<nframes; i++)
        out->times[i] = param_track->times[i];
        out->frames[i][0] = param_track->frames[i][0]; /* F0 */
        for (j=0; j<dim_st; j++)
            out->frames[i][j+1] = param->stm->data[i][j];

    // memory free

    return out;