// A scroll on the icon
void cd_xkbd_set_prev_next_group (int iDelta)
	XklState *state = xkl_engine_get_current_state (myData.pEngine);

	cd_debug ("keyboard current state : %d;%d +%d", state->group, state->indicators, iDelta);
	int i = 0, n = xkl_engine_get_num_groups (myData.pEngine);
	g_return_if_fail (n > 0);
	int iCurrentGroup = MAX (0, MIN (n-1, state->group));  // on blinde car libxklavier peut bugger en 64bits.
	const gchar **pGroupNames = xkl_engine_get_groups_names (myData.pEngine);
	do  // on passe au groupe suivant/precedent en sautant les faux (-).
		i ++;
		iCurrentGroup += iDelta;  // xkl_engine_get_next_group ne marche pas.
		if (iCurrentGroup == n)
			iCurrentGroup = 0;
		else if (iCurrentGroup < 0)
			iCurrentGroup = n - 1;
	} while (i < n && (pGroupNames[iCurrentGroup] == NULL || *pGroupNames[iCurrentGroup] == '-'));
	state->group = iCurrentGroup;
	cd_debug ("keyboard new state : %d", state->group);
	xkl_engine_allow_one_switch_to_secondary_group (myData.pEngine);  // sert a quoi ??
	Window Xid = xkl_engine_get_current_window (myData.pEngine);
	xkl_engine_save_state (myData.pEngine, Xid, state);
	xkl_engine_lock_group (myData.pEngine, state->group);  // sert a quoi ??
Пример #2
 * Gets the state from the window property
xkl_engine_get_toplevel_window_state(XklEngine * engine,
				     Window toplevel_win,
				     XklState * state_out)
	Atom type_ret;
	int format_ret;
	unsigned long nitems, rest;
	CARD32 *prop = NULL;
	gboolean ret = FALSE;

	gint grp = -1;
	guint inds = 0;

	if ((XGetWindowProperty
	     (xkl_engine_get_display(engine), toplevel_win,
	      xkl_engine_priv(engine, atoms)[XKLAVIER_STATE], 0L,
	      &format_ret, &nitems, &rest,
	      (unsigned char **) (void *) &prop) == Success)
	    && (type_ret == XA_INTEGER) && (format_ret == 32)) {
		grp = prop[0];
		if (grp >= xkl_engine_get_num_groups(engine) || grp < 0)
			grp = 0;

		inds = prop[1];

		if (state_out != NULL) {
			state_out->group = grp;
			state_out->indicators = inds;
		if (prop != NULL)

		ret = TRUE;

	if (ret)
			  "Appwin " WINID_FORMAT
			  ", '%s' has the group %d, indicators %X\n",
			  xkl_get_debug_window_title(engine, toplevel_win),
			  grp, inds);
			  "Appwin " WINID_FORMAT
			  ", '%s' does not have state\n", toplevel_win,

	return ret;
// If the group changes
static void _state_changed (XklEngine *pEngine, XklEngineStateChange type,
                            gint iGroup, gboolean bRestore)
	XklState *state = xkl_engine_get_current_state (myData.pEngine);
	cd_debug ("State Changed: %d -> %d (%d) ; %d", myData.iCurrentGroup, state->group, iGroup, state->indicators);

	if (type == GROUP_CHANGED && myData.iCurrentGroup != state->group) // new keyboard layout
		gchar *cShortGroupName = NULL;
		const gchar *cCurrentGroup = NULL;

		// Get the current num group
		guint n = xkl_engine_get_num_groups (myData.pEngine);
		g_return_if_fail (n > 0);

		int iNewGroup = MAX (0, MIN (n-1, state->group));  // workaround for 64bits to avoid strange numbers in 'state'
		const gchar **pGroupNames = xkl_engine_get_groups_names (myData.pEngine);
		g_return_if_fail (pGroupNames != NULL);

		cCurrentGroup = pGroupNames[iNewGroup];
		g_return_if_fail (cCurrentGroup != NULL);

		cd_debug (" group name : %s (%d groups)", cCurrentGroup, n);

		// build the displayed group name
		cShortGroupName = g_strndup (cCurrentGroup, myConfig.iNLetters);
		int index = 0;
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < state->group; i ++)  // look for groups before us having the same name.
			if (strncmp (cCurrentGroup, pGroupNames[i], myConfig.iNLetters) == 0)
				index ++;
		if (index != 0)  // add a number if several groups have the same name.
			gchar *tmp = cShortGroupName;
			cShortGroupName = g_strdup_printf ("%s%d", cShortGroupName, index+1);
			g_free (tmp);

		myData.iCurrentGroup = state->group;
		cd_xkbd_update_icon (cCurrentGroup, cShortGroupName, TRUE);
		g_free (cShortGroupName);
	else if (type == INDICATORS_CHANGED)
		cd_debug ("Indicators changed"); // according to libxklavier/tests/test_monitor.c, it should work... but I have to miss something