void KPR_system_saveFile(xsMachine* the) { FskErr err; xsIntegerValue argc = xsToInteger(xsArgc); xsStringValue name = NULL; xsStringValue prompt = NULL; xsStringValue initialPath = NULL; xsStringValue path = NULL; xsStringValue url = NULL; if ((argc > 0) && xsTest(xsArg(0))) { if (xsFindResult(xsArg(0), xsID_name)) name = xsToStringCopy(xsResult); if (xsFindResult(xsArg(0), xsID_prompt)) prompt = xsToStringCopy(xsResult); if (xsFindResult(xsArg(0), xsID_url)) KprURLToPath(xsToString(xsResult), &initialPath); } err = FskFileChooseSave(name, prompt, initialPath, &path); if ((kFskErrNone == err) && (NULL != path)) { KprPathToURL(path, &url); (void)xsCallFunction1(xsArg(1), xsNull, xsString(url)); } FskMemPtrDispose(url); FskMemPtrDispose(path); FskMemPtrDispose(initialPath); FskMemPtrDispose(prompt); FskMemPtrDispose(name); }
void KPR_system_alert(xsMachine* the) { int argc = xsToInteger(xsArgc); MSGBOXPARAMSW params; xsStringValue string; xsIntegerValue result; xsVars(1); params.cbSize = sizeof(params); params.hwndOwner = NULL; params.hInstance = FskMainGetHInstance(); params.lpszText = NULL; params.lpszCaption = xsStringToWideString("Kinoma Code"); params.dwStyle = MB_ICONSTOP; params.dwContextHelpId = 0; params.lpfnMsgBoxCallback = NULL; params.dwLanguageId = MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT); if ((argc > 0) && xsTest(xsArg(0))) { if (xsFindString(xsArg(0), xsID_type, &string)) { if (!FskStrCompare(string, "about")) params.dwStyle = MB_ICONINFORMATION; else if (!FskStrCompare(string, "stop")) params.dwStyle = MB_ICONSTOP; else if (!FskStrCompare(string, "note")) params.dwStyle = MB_ICONEXCLAMATION; } if (xsFindResult(xsArg(0), xsID_prompt)) { xsVar(0) = xsResult; } if (xsFindResult(xsArg(0), xsID_info)) { xsVar(0) = xsCall1(xsVar(0), xsID("concat"), xsString("\n\n")); xsVar(0) = xsCall1(xsVar(0), xsID("concat"), xsResult); } params.lpszText = xsStringToWideString(xsToString(xsVar(0))); if (xsFindResult(xsArg(0), xsID_buttons)) { if (xsIsInstanceOf(xsResult, xsArrayPrototype)) { xsIntegerValue c = xsToInteger(xsGet(xsResult, xsID_length)); if (c == 3) params.dwStyle |= MB_YESNOCANCEL; else if (c == 2) params.dwStyle |= MB_OKCANCEL; else params.dwStyle |= MB_OK; } } } result = MessageBoxIndirectW(¶ms); if (params.lpszText) CoTaskMemFree((LPVOID *)params.lpszText); if (params.lpszCaption) CoTaskMemFree((LPVOID *)params.lpszCaption); if ((argc > 1) && xsTest(xsArg(1))) (void)xsCallFunction1(xsArg(1), xsNull, ((result == IDYES) || (result == IDOK)) ? xsTrue : (result == IDNO) ? xsFalse : xsUndefined); }
void KprDebugMachineEchoItem(KprDebugMachine self, int theView, char* path, int line, char* name, char* value) { KprDebug debug = self->debug; xsMachine* the = debug->the; if (xsTypeOf(debug->behavior) == xsUndefinedType) goto bail; { xsTry { xsVar(0) = xsAccess(debug->behavior); xsVar(1) = xsGet(xsVar(0), xsID(self->address)); xsVar(2) = xsNewInstanceOf(xsObjectPrototype); if (path) xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(2), xsID("path"), xsString(path), xsDefault, xsDontScript); if (line >= 0) xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(2), xsID("line"), xsInteger(line), xsDefault, xsDontScript); if (name) xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(2), xsID("name"), xsString(name), xsDefault, xsDontScript); if (value) xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(2), xsID("value"), xsString(value), xsDefault, xsDontScript); if (xsFindResult(xsVar(1), xsID_push)) { (void)xsCallFunction1(xsResult, xsVar(1), xsVar(2)); } } xsCatch { } } bail: return; }
void KprDebugMachineLoadView(KprDebugMachine self, int theView, char* thePath, int theLine) { FskErr err = kFskErrNone; KprDebug debug = self->debug; xsMachine* the = debug->the; // FskFileInfo info; // FskFileMapping map = NULL; // FskDebugStr("%s: %d - %s:%d", __FUNCTION__, theView, thePath, theLine); if (xsTypeOf(debug->behavior) == xsUndefinedType) goto bail; xsVar(0) = xsAccess(debug->behavior); if (xsFindResult(xsVar(0), xsID("onMachineFileChanged"))) { (void)xsCallFunction5(xsResult, xsVar(0), xsString(self->address), xsInteger(theView), xsNull, thePath ? xsString(thePath) : xsNull, xsInteger(theLine)); } // if (kFskErrNone == FskFileGetFileInfo(thePath, &info) && (kFskDirectoryItemIsFile == info.filetype)) { // unsigned char *data; // FskInt64 size; // BAIL_IF_ERR(err = FskFileMap(thePath, &data, &size, 0, &map)); // xsVar(0) = xsAccess(debug->behavior); // // if (xsFindResult(xsVar(0), xsID("onMachineFileChanged"))) { // (void)xsCallFunction5(xsResult, xsVar(0), xsString(self->address), xsInteger(theView), xsNull, xsString(thePath), xsInteger(theLine)); // } // } bail: // FskFileDisposeMap(map); xsThrowIfFskErr(err); }
void Zeroconf_browser_callback(KprZeroconfBrowser self, char* function, KprZeroconfServiceInfo service) { xsBeginHostSandboxCode(self->the, self->code); if (xsTypeOf(self->behavior) == xsUndefinedType) goto bail; xsVars(3); { xsTry { xsVar(0) = xsAccess(self->behavior); xsVar(1) = xsNewInstanceOf(xsObjectPrototype); xsSet(xsVar(1), xsID("name"), xsString(service->name)); xsSet(xsVar(1), xsID("type"), xsString(service->type)); if (service->host) xsSet(xsVar(1), xsID("host"), xsString(service->host)); if (service->ip) { xsSet(xsVar(1), xsID("ip"), xsString(service->ip)); xsSet(xsVar(1), xsID("port"), xsInteger(service->port)); } if (service->txt) { char* txt = service->txt; UInt32 position = 0, size = FskStrLen(txt); UInt32 length = 0; xsVar(2) = xsNewInstanceOf(xsObjectPrototype); xsSet(xsVar(1), xsID("txt"), xsVar(2)); length = txt[position++] & 0xFF; while ((position + length) <= size) { char end; char* equal; if (!length) break; end = txt[position + length]; txt[position + length] = 0; equal = FskStrChr(txt + position, '='); if (equal) { *equal = 0; xsSet(xsVar(2), xsID(txt + position), xsString(equal + 1)); *equal = '='; } txt[position + length] = end; position += length; length = txt[position++] & 0xFF; } } if (xsFindResult(xsVar(0), xsID(function))) { (void)xsCallFunction1(xsResult, xsVar(0), xsVar(1)); } } xsCatch { } } bail: xsEndHostSandboxCode(); }
void Zeroconf_advertisement_callback(KprZeroconfAdvertisement self, char* function) { xsBeginHostSandboxCode(self->the, self->code); if (xsTypeOf(self->behavior) == xsUndefinedType) goto bail; xsVars(2); { xsTry { xsVar(0) = xsAccess(self->behavior); xsVar(1) = xsAccess(self->slot); if (xsFindResult(xsVar(0), xsID(function))) { (void)xsCallFunction1(xsResult, xsVar(0), xsVar(1)); } } xsCatch { } } bail: xsEndHostSandboxCode(); }
void KprDebugMachineCallbackView(KprDebugMachine machine, char* function, int view) { KprDebug self = machine->debug; xsMachine* the = self->the; if (xsTypeOf(self->behavior) == xsUndefinedType) goto bail; { xsTry { xsVar(0) = xsAccess(self->behavior); if (xsFindResult(xsVar(0), xsID(function))) { xsVar(1) = xsGet(xsVar(0), xsID(machine->address)); xsDelete(xsVar(0), xsID(machine->address)); (void)xsCallFunction3(xsResult, xsVar(0), xsString(machine->address), xsInteger(view), xsVar(1)); } } xsCatch { } } bail: return; }
void KprDebugMachineSetViewTitle(KprDebugMachine self, int theView, char* theTitle) { KprDebug debug = self->debug; xsMachine* the = debug->the; // FskDebugStr("%s: %d - %s", __FUNCTION__, theView, theTitle); if (xsTypeOf(debug->behavior) == xsUndefinedType) goto bail; { xsTry { xsVar(0) = xsAccess(debug->behavior); xsVar(1) = xsGet(xsVar(0), xsID(self->address)); if (xsFindResult(xsVar(0), xsID("onMachineViewTitle"))) (void)xsCallFunction3(xsResult, xsVar(0), xsString(self->address), xsInteger(theView), xsString(theTitle)); } xsCatch { } } bail: return; }
void KPR_host_quitting(xsMachine* the) { KprContainer container = xsGetHostData(xsThis); KprContent content = container->first; KprScriptBehavior self = (KprScriptBehavior)content->behavior; #if SUPPORT_INSTRUMENTATION void* params[2] = { self, "xsID_onQuitting" }; FskInstrumentedItemSendMessageDebug(content, kprInstrumentedContentCallBehavior, params); #endif if (self) { xsBeginHostSandboxCode(self->the, self->code); { xsVars(2); xsVar(0) = xsAccess(self->slot); if (xsFindResult(xsVar(0), xsID_onQuitting)) { xsVar(1) = kprContentGetter(content); (void)xsCallFunction1(xsResult, xsVar(0), xsVar(1)); } } xsEndHostSandboxCode(); } }
void KprDebugMachineCallbackText(KprDebugMachine machine, char* function, int view, char* text) { KprDebug self = machine->debug; xsMachine* the = self->the; if (xsTypeOf(self->behavior) == xsUndefinedType) goto bail; { xsTry { xsVar(0) = xsAccess(self->behavior); if (xsFindResult(xsVar(0), xsID(function))) { if (view >= 0) (void)xsCallFunction3(xsResult, xsVar(0), xsString(machine->address), xsInteger(view), xsString(text)); else if (text) (void)xsCallFunction2(xsResult, xsVar(0), xsString(machine->address), xsString(text)); else (void)xsCallFunction1(xsResult, xsVar(0), xsString(machine->address)); } } xsCatch { } } bail: return; }
void KprDebugMachineEchoProperty(KprDebugMachine self, int theView, int column, char* flags, char* name, char* value) { KprDebug debug = self->debug; xsMachine* the = debug->the; // FskDebugStr("%s: %d - %s = %s", __FUNCTION__, theView, theName, theValue); if (xsTypeOf(debug->behavior) == xsUndefinedType) goto bail; { xsTry { xsVar(0) = xsAccess(debug->behavior); xsVar(1) = xsGet(xsVar(0), xsID(self->address)); xsVar(2) = xsNewInstanceOf(xsObjectPrototype); xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(2), xsID("column"), xsInteger(column), xsDefault, xsDontScript); flags[4] = 0; xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(2), xsID("flags"), xsString(flags + 1), xsDefault, xsDontScript); if (flags[0] == ' ') xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(2), xsID("state"), xsInteger(0), xsDefault, xsDontScript); else if (flags[0] == '+') xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(2), xsID("state"), xsInteger(1), xsDefault, xsDontScript); else if (flags[0] == '-') xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(2), xsID("state"), xsInteger(2), xsDefault, xsDontScript); else xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(2), xsID("state"), xsInteger(0), xsDefault, xsDontScript); if (name) xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(2), xsID("name"), xsString(name), xsDefault, xsDontScript); if (value) xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(2), xsID("value"), xsString(value), xsDefault, xsDontScript); if (xsFindResult(xsVar(1), xsID_push)) { (void)xsCallFunction1(xsResult, xsVar(1), xsVar(2)); } } xsCatch { } } bail: return; }
void KprDebugMachineEchoView(KprDebugMachine self, int theView, char* theName, char* theValue) { KprDebug debug = self->debug; xsMachine* the = debug->the; // FskDebugStr("%s: %d - %s = %s", __FUNCTION__, theView, theName, theValue); if (xsTypeOf(debug->behavior) == xsUndefinedType) goto bail; { xsTry { xsVar(0) = xsAccess(debug->behavior); xsVar(1) = xsGet(xsVar(0), xsID(self->address)); xsVar(2) = xsNewInstanceOf(xsObjectPrototype); xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(2), xsID("name"), xsString(theName), xsDefault, xsDontScript); xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(2), xsID("value"), xsString(theValue), xsDefault, xsDontScript); if (xsFindResult(xsVar(1), xsID_push)) { (void)xsCallFunction1(xsResult, xsVar(1), xsVar(2)); } } xsCatch { } } bail: return; }
void KPR_shell_execute(xsMachine* the) { xsStringValue application = NULL; xsStringValue command = NULL; xsStringValue directory = NULL; xsStringValue environment = NULL; xsStringValue string; xsIntegerValue length; KprShellExec exec = NULL; STARTUPINFO si; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; xsVars(5); xsTry { application = getenv("COMSPEC"); if (!application) xsThrowIfFskErr(kFskErrOperationFailed); string = xsToString(xsArg(0)); length = FskStrLen(string) + 1; xsThrowIfFskErr(FskMemPtrNew(3 + length, &command)); memcpy(command, "/c ", 3); memcpy(command + 3, string, length); if (xsFindString(xsArg(1), xsID_directory, &string)) { length = FskStrLen(string) + 1; xsThrowIfFskErr(FskMemPtrNew(length, &directory)); memcpy(directory, string, length); } if (xsFindResult(xsArg(1), xsID_environment)) { xsIntegerValue total = 0, length; xsVar(1) = xsEnumerate(xsResult); for (;;) { xsVar(2) = xsCall0(xsVar(1), xsID("next")); xsVar(3) = xsGet(xsVar(2), xsID("done")); if (xsTest(xsVar(3))) break; xsVar(3) = xsGet(xsVar(2), xsID("value")); xsVar(4) = xsGetAt(xsResult, xsVar(3)); total += FskStrLen(xsToString(xsVar(3))); total++; total += FskStrLen(xsToString(xsVar(4))); total++; } total++; xsThrowIfFskErr(FskMemPtrNew(total, &environment)); total = 0; xsVar(1) = xsEnumerate(xsResult); for (;;) { xsVar(2) = xsCall0(xsVar(1), xsID("next")); xsVar(3) = xsGet(xsVar(2), xsID("done")); if (xsTest(xsVar(3))) break; xsVar(3) = xsGet(xsVar(2), xsID("value")); xsVar(4) = xsGetAt(xsResult, xsVar(3)); string = xsToString(xsVar(3)); length = FskStrLen(string); memcpy(environment + total, string, length); total += length; environment[total++] = '='; string = xsToString(xsVar(4)); length = FskStrLen(string); memcpy(environment + total, string, length); total += length; environment[total++] = 0; } environment[total++] = 0; } xsThrowIfFskErr(FskMemPtrNewClear(sizeof(KprShellExecRecord), &exec)); xsVar(0) = xsNewHostObject(KPR_shell_execute_destructor); exec->the = the; exec->slot = xsVar(0); xsSetHostData(xsVar(0), exec); xsResult = xsNewHostFunction(KPR_shell_execute_cancel, 0); xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(0), xsID_cancel, xsResult, xsDefault, xsDontDelete | xsDontEnum | xsDontSet); if (xsFindResult(xsArg(1), xsID_callback)) { xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(0), xsID_callback, xsResult, xsDefault, xsDontDelete | xsDontEnum | xsDontSet); } else { xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(0), xsID_callback, xsNull, xsDefault, xsDontDelete | xsDontEnum | xsDontSet); } if (xsFindResult(xsArg(1), xsID_stderr)) { xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(0), xsID_stderr, xsResult, xsDefault, xsDontDelete | xsDontEnum | xsDontSet); } else { xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(0), xsID_stderr, xsNull, xsDefault, xsDontDelete | xsDontEnum | xsDontSet); } if (xsFindResult(xsArg(1), xsID_stdout)) { xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(0), xsID_stdout, xsResult, xsDefault, xsDontDelete | xsDontEnum | xsDontSet); } else { xsNewHostProperty(xsVar(0), xsID_stdout, xsNull, xsDefault, xsDontDelete | xsDontEnum | xsDontSet); } sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; if (!CreatePipe(&(exec->hReadPipe), &(exec->hWritePipe), &sa, 0)) xsThrowIfFskErr(kFskErrOperationFailed); if (!SetHandleInformation(exec->hReadPipe, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) xsThrowIfFskErr(kFskErrOperationFailed); ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); si.hStdError = exec->hWritePipe; si.hStdOutput = exec->hWritePipe; si.hStdInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; if (!CreateProcess(application, command, NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, environment, directory, &si, &(exec->pi))) xsThrowIfFskErr(kFskErrOperationFailed); xsRemember(exec->slot); exec->usage++; FskThreadPostCallback(KprHTTPGetThread(), (FskThreadCallback)KPR_shell_execute_async, exec, NULL, NULL, NULL); FskMemPtrDispose(environment); FskMemPtrDispose(directory); FskMemPtrDispose(command); } xsCatch { if (exec) { if (exec->pi.hProcess) CloseHandle(exec->pi.hProcess); if (exec->pi.hThread) CloseHandle(exec->pi.hThread); if (exec->hWritePipe) CloseHandle(exec->hWritePipe); if (exec->hReadPipe) CloseHandle(exec->hReadPipe); FskMemPtrDispose(exec); } FskMemPtrDispose(environment); FskMemPtrDispose(directory); FskMemPtrDispose(command); xsThrow(xsException); } }