Пример #1
 * Display some text on somebody's window, processing some control
 * characters while we are at it.
int display (register xwin_t * win, register char *text, int size)
    register int i;

    unsigned char cch;

    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        if (*text == '\n')
            xscroll (win, 0);
        if (*text == '\a')
            beep ();
            wrefresh (curscr);
        /* erase character */
        if (*text == win->cerase)
            wmove (win->x_win, win->x_line, max (--win->x_col, 0));
            getyx (win->x_win, win->x_line, win->x_col);
            waddch (win->x_win, ' ');
            wmove (win->x_win, win->x_line, win->x_col);
            getyx (win->x_win, win->x_line, win->x_col);
         * On word erase search backwards until we find
         * the beginning of a word or the beginning of
         * the line.
        if (*text == win->werase)
            int endcol, xcol, i, c;

            endcol = win->x_col;
            xcol = endcol - 1;
            while (xcol >= 0)
                c = readwin (win->x_win, win->x_line, xcol);
                if (c != ' ')
            while (xcol >= 0)
                c = readwin (win->x_win, win->x_line, xcol);
                if (c == ' ')
            wmove (win->x_win, win->x_line, xcol + 1);
            for (i = xcol + 1; i < endcol; i++)
                waddch (win->x_win, ' ');
            wmove (win->x_win, win->x_line, xcol + 1);
            getyx (win->x_win, win->x_line, win->x_col);
        /* line kill */
        if (*text == win->kill)
            wmove (win->x_win, win->x_line, 0);
            wclrtoeol (win->x_win);
            getyx (win->x_win, win->x_line, win->x_col);
        if (*text == '\f')
            if (win == &my_win)
                wrefresh (curscr);
        if (win->x_col == COLS - 1)
            /* check for wraparound */
            xscroll (win, 0);
        if (*text < ' ' && *text != '\t')
            waddch (win->x_win, '^');
            getyx (win->x_win, win->x_line, win->x_col);
            if (win->x_col == COLS - 1)    /* check for wraparound */
                xscroll (win, 0);
            cch = (*text & 63) + 64;
            waddch (win->x_win, cch);
            waddch (win->x_win, *text);
        getyx (win->x_win, win->x_line, win->x_col);
    wrefresh (win->x_win);

    return 0;
Пример #2
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
/* 4dfp I/O */
	FILE		*fp_img, *fp_out;
	IFH		ifh;
	char		outfile[MAXL], imgfile[MAXL];
	char		imgroot[MAXL], outroot[MAXL] = "";
	char		control = '\0';

/* image arrays */
	float		*img1, *imgc;
	float		voxdim[3];
	int		imgdim[4], outdim[4], ix, iy, iz, index, vdim, isbig;
	int		ix0 = 1, ix1 = 0, iy0 = 1, iy1 = 0, iz0 = 1, iz1 = 0;
	int		vdim_crop, orient;

/* utility */
	int		c, i, j, k;
	char		*ptr, string[MAXL];

/* flags */
	int		doflip = 0;
	int		docrop = 1;
	int		scrollx = 0, scrolly = 0, scrollz = 0;

	printf ("%s\n", rcsid);
	setprog (program, argv);
/* process command line */
	for (k = 0, i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		if (*argv[i] == '-') {
			strcpy (string, argv[i]); ptr = string;
			while (c = *ptr++) switch (c) {
				case 'f': doflip++;		break;
				case 'Z': docrop = 0;		break;
				case '@': control = *ptr++;		*ptr = '\0'; break;
				case 'x': getirange (ptr, &ix0, &ix1);	*ptr = '\0'; break;
				case 'y': getirange (ptr, &iy0, &iy1);	*ptr = '\0'; break;
				case 'z': getirange (ptr, &iz0, &iz1);	*ptr = '\0'; break;
				case 's': switch (*ptr++) {
					case 'x': scrollx = atoi (ptr); break;
					case 'y': scrolly = atoi (ptr); break;
					case 'z': scrollz = atoi (ptr); break;
				}					*ptr = '\0'; break;
		else switch (k) {
			case 0:	getroot (argv[i], imgroot); k++; break;
			case 1:	getroot (argv[i], outroot); k++; break;
	if (k < 1) {
		printf ("Usage:\t%s <(4dfp) inroot> [(4dfp) outroot]\n", program);
		printf ("\toption\n");
		printf ("\t-<x|y|z><int>[to[<int>]\tspecify x y z crop limits\n");
		printf ("\t-s<x|y|z><int>\tscroll specified axis by specified number of pixels\n");
		printf ("\t-f\tinterpret specifications under 4dfp<->analyze flips\n");
		printf ("\t-Z\tzero voxels instead of physically cropping\n");
		printf ("\t-@<b|l>\toutput big or little endian (default input endian)\n");
		printf ("N.B.:\tcrop limit indices count from 1\n");
		printf ("N.B.:\tscrolling is done after cropping\n");
		printf ("N.B.:\tdefault (4dfp) output root is <(4dfp) inroot>\"_crop\"\n");
		exit (1);

	sprintf (imgfile, "%s.4dfp.img", imgroot);
	if (get_4dfp_dimoe (imgfile, imgdim, voxdim, &orient, &isbig) < 0
	||  Getifh (imgfile, &ifh)) errr (program, imgfile);
	if (!control) control = (isbig) ? 'b' : 'l';
	printf ("input  dimensions  %10d%10d%10d%10d\n",   imgdim[0], imgdim[1], imgdim[2], imgdim[3]);
	printf ("voxel  dimensions  %10.6f%10.6f%10.6f\n", voxdim[0], voxdim[1], voxdim[2]);

	if (ix1 > imgdim[0] || ix1 < 1) ix1 = imgdim[0];
	if (iy1 > imgdim[1] || iy1 < 1) iy1 = imgdim[1];
	if (iz1 > imgdim[2] || iz1 < 1) iz1 = imgdim[2];
	if (ix0 > imgdim[0] || ix0 < 1) ix0 = 1;
	if (iy0 > imgdim[1] || iy0 < 1) iy0 = 1;
	if (iz0 > imgdim[2] || iz0 < 1) iz0 = 1;
	if (ix1 < ix0) {k = ix1; ix1 = ix0; ix0 = k;}
	if (iy1 < iy0) {k = iy1; iy1 = iy0; iy0 = k;}
	if (iz1 < iz0) {k = iz1; iz1 = iz0; iz0 = k;}
	printf ("crop limits x %3d to %3d\n", ix0, ix1);
	printf ("crop limits y %3d to %3d\n", iy0, iy1);
	printf ("crop limits z %3d to %3d\n", iz0, iz1);
	printf ("scroll x %3d\n", scrollx);
	printf ("scroll y %3d\n", scrolly);
	printf ("scroll z %3d\n", scrollz);
	outdim[0] = (docrop) ? ix1 - ix0 + 1 : imgdim[0];
	outdim[1] = (docrop) ? iy1 - iy0 + 1 : imgdim[1];
	outdim[2] = (docrop) ? iz1 - iz0 + 1 : imgdim[2];
	outdim[3] = imgdim[3];
	printf ("output dimensions  %10d%10d%10d%10d\n",   outdim[0], outdim[1], outdim[2], outdim[3]);

	vdim =  imgdim[0] * imgdim[1] * imgdim[2];
	if (!(img1 = (float *) malloc (vdim * sizeof (float)))) errm (program);
	if (!(fp_img = fopen (imgfile, "rb"))) errr (program, imgfile);
	printf ("Reading: %s\n", imgfile);

	if (!strlen (outroot)) sprintf (outroot, "%s_crop", imgroot);
	sprintf (outfile, "%s.4dfp.img", outroot);
	vdim_crop = outdim[0] * outdim[1] * outdim[2];
	if (!(imgc = (float *) calloc (vdim_crop, sizeof (float)))) errm (program);
	if (!(fp_out = fopen (outfile, "wb"))) errw (program, outfile);
	printf ("Writing: %s\n", outfile);

/* process */
	printf ("processing volume");
	for (k = 0; k < imgdim[3]; k++) {printf (" %d", k + 1); fflush (stdout);
		if (eread (img1, vdim, isbig, fp_img)) errr (program, imgfile);
		if (doflip) {
			if (x4dfp2analyze (img1, imgdim, ifh.orientation)) {
				fprintf (stderr, "%s: invalid %s orientation\n", program, imgroot);
				exit (-1);
		i = 0;
		for (iz = iz0 - 1; iz < iz1; iz++) {
		for (iy = iy0 - 1; iy < iy1; iy++) {
		for (ix = ix0 - 1; ix < ix1; ix++) {
			index = ix + imgdim[0]*(iy + imgdim[1]*iz);
			if (docrop) {
				imgc[i++]	= img1[index];
			} else {
				imgc[index]	= img1[index];
		if (scrollx) xscroll (img1, imgc, outdim, scrollx);
		if (scrolly) yscroll (img1, imgc, outdim, scrolly);
		if (scrollz) zscroll (img1, imgc, outdim, scrollz);
		if (doflip) x4dfp2analyze (imgc, outdim, ifh.orientation);
		if (ewrite (imgc, vdim_crop, control, fp_out)) errw (program, outfile);
	} printf ("\n"); fflush (stdout);
	fclose (fp_img);
	fclose (fp_out);

/* output ifh */
	if (docrop) {
		if (writeifhe (program, outroot, outdim, voxdim, ifh.orientation, control)) errw (program, outroot);
	} else {
		Writeifh (program, outroot, &ifh, control);

/* run ifh2hdr */
	sprintf (string, "ifh2hdr %s", outroot); status |= system (string);

/* rec file */
	startrece (outfile, argc, argv, rcsid, control);
	if (doflip)  printrec ("indices subjected to 4dfp<->analyze orientation dependent flips\n");
	if (!docrop) printrec ("voxels zeroed instead of physically cropped\n");
	sprintf (string, "crop limits x %3d to %3d\n", ix0, ix1); printrec (string);
	sprintf (string, "crop limits y %3d to %3d\n", iy0, iy1); printrec (string);
	sprintf (string, "crop limits z %3d to %3d\n", iz0, iz1); printrec (string);
	if (scrollx) {sprintf (string, "scroll x %3d\n", scrollx); printrec (string);}
	if (scrolly) {sprintf (string, "scroll y %3d\n", scrolly); printrec (string);}
	if (scrollz) {sprintf (string, "scroll z %3d\n", scrollz); printrec (string);}
	catrec (imgfile);
	endrec ();

/* clean up */
	free (img1); free (imgc);
	exit (status);