Пример #1
static void scrub_global_access_list( void )
   unsigned count;
   const char *func = "scrub_global_no_access_list";

   if ( global_no_access == NULL )
      count = 0;
      count = pset_count( global_no_access );

   if ( count )
      int found_one = 0;
      unsigned u;
      time_t nowtime = time(NULL);

      for (u=0; u < count; u++)
         char *exp_time;
         time_t stored_time;
	 exp_time = pset_pointer( global_no_access_time, u ) ;
         stored_time = atol(exp_time);

	 if (stored_time == -1)   /* never let them off   */

	 if (difftime(nowtime, (time_t)stored_time) >= 0.0)
	    __pset_pointer ptr;

            pset_pointer(global_no_access, u) = NULL;
            ptr = global_no_access_time->ptrs[ u ];
            pset_pointer(global_no_access_time, u ) = NULL;
            found_one = 1;
      if (found_one)
         pset_compact( global_no_access );
         pset_compact( global_no_access_time );
	 msg(LOG_INFO, func, 
	    "At least 1 DENY_TIME has expired, global_no_access list updated");

      /* If there's still more on the list, start another callback. */
      count = pset_count( global_no_access );
      if ( count )
         timer_id = xtimer_add( scrub_global_access_list, 60 );
         timer_id = 0;
	 msg(LOG_INFO, func, 
	          "global_no_access list is empty.");
Пример #2
/* This actually gets called during initialization, so be careful what
 * gets put in here.
void enable_periodic_check( unsigned interval )
   const char *func = "enable_periodic_check" ;

   if ( xtimer_add( periodic_check, interval ) == -1 )
      msg( LOG_ERR, func, "Failed to start consistency timer" ) ;
      return ;
Пример #3
static void consistency_check( enum check_type type )
   int         fd ;
   fd_set      socket_mask_copy ;
   unsigned    u ;
   int         errors ;
   unsigned    total_running_servers        = 0 ;
   unsigned    total_retry_servers          = 0 ;
   unsigned    error_count                  = 0 ;
   bool_int    service_count_check_failed   = FALSE ;
   const char  *func                        = "consistency_check" ;

   socket_mask_copy = ps.rws.socket_mask ;

   for ( u = 0 ; u < pset_count( SERVICES( ps ) ) ; u++ )
      register struct service *sp = SP( pset_pointer( SERVICES( ps ), u ) ) ;
      char *sid = SVC_ID( sp ) ;
      unsigned   running_servers ;
      unsigned   retry_servers ;

      error_count += refcount_check( sp, &running_servers, &retry_servers ) ;

      if ( SVC_IS_AVAILABLE( sp ) || SVC_IS_DISABLED ( sp ) )
          * In this case, there may be some servers running
         if ( FD_ISSET( SVC_FD( sp ), &socket_mask_copy ) )
            if ( SVC_IS_DISABLED( sp ) )
               msg( LOG_ERR, func,
                  "fd of disabled service %s still in socket mask", sid ) ;
               error_count++ ;
            FD_CLR( SVC_FD( sp ), &socket_mask_copy ) ;
         error_count += thread_check( sp, running_servers, retry_servers ) ;

         errors = service_count_check( sp, running_servers, retry_servers ) ;
         if ( ! errors && ! service_count_check_failed )
            total_retry_servers += retry_servers ;
            total_running_servers += running_servers ;
         if ( errors )
            service_count_check_failed = TRUE ;
            error_count += errors ;

         if ( SVC_IS_DISABLED( sp ) && SVC_RUNNING_SERVERS( sp ) == 0 )
            msg( LOG_ERR, func,
               "disabled service %s has 0 running servers\n", sid ) ;
            error_count++ ;
            continue ;
         msg( LOG_ERR, func, "service %s not started", SVC_ID( sp ) ) ;
         error_count++ ;

   if ( ! service_count_check_failed )
      if ( total_running_servers != pset_count( SERVERS( ps ) ) )
         msg( LOG_ERR, func,
            "total running servers (%d) != number of running servers (%d)",
               total_running_servers, pset_count( SERVERS( ps ) ) ) ;
         error_count++ ;
      if ( total_retry_servers != pset_count( RETRIES( ps ) ) )
         msg( LOG_ERR, func,
            "total retry servers (%d) != number of retry servers (%d)",
               total_retry_servers, pset_count( RETRIES( ps ) ) ) ;
         error_count++ ;

    * Check if there are any descriptors set in socket_mask_copy
   for ( fd = 0 ; fd < ps.ros.max_descriptors ; fd++ )
      if ( FD_ISSET( fd, &socket_mask_copy ) && ((fd != signals_pending[0]) && fd != signals_pending[1]))
         msg( LOG_ERR, func,
            "descriptor %d set in socket mask but there is no service for it",
               fd ) ;
         error_count++ ;

   if ( error_count != 0 )
      msg( LOG_WARNING, func,
            "Consistency check detected %d errors", error_count ) ;
      if ( type == USER_REQUESTED || debug.on )
         msg( LOG_INFO, func, "Consistency check passed" ) ;

   if( type == PERIODIC ) 
      if ( xtimer_add( periodic_check, ps.ros.cc_interval ) == -1 )
         msg( LOG_ERR, func, "Failed to start consistency timer" ) ;
Пример #4
 * This function runs in the parent context and updates the global_no_access
 * list. 
void process_sensor( const struct service *sp, const union xsockaddr *addr)
   const char *func = "process_sensor";

   if (SC_DENY_TIME(SVC_CONF(sp)) != 0)   /* 0 simply logs it   */
      if ( pset_count( global_no_access ) < MAX_GLOBAL_NO_ACCESS)
         int item_matched = addrlist_match( global_no_access, SA(addr) );

	 if ( item_matched == 0)
	 {   /* no match...adding to the list   */
            char *dup_addr = new_string(xaddrname( addr ) );

	    if (dup_addr == NULL )
               return ;

	    if (addrlist_add(global_no_access, dup_addr) == FAILED)
               msg(LOG_ERR, func,
                  "Failed adding %s to the global_no_access list", dup_addr);
               time_t nowtime;
               char time_buf[40], *tmp;

	       nowtime = time(NULL);
	       msg(LOG_CRIT, func,
	           "Adding %s to the global_no_access list for %d minutes",
	            dup_addr, SC_DENY_TIME(SVC_CONF(sp)));

	       if (SC_DENY_TIME(SVC_CONF(sp)) == -1)
                    strcpy(time_buf, "-1");
                    strx_nprint(time_buf, 38, "%ld",

	       tmp = new_string(time_buf);
               if (tmp != NULL)
                  if (pset_add(global_no_access_time, tmp) == NULL)
                     msg(LOG_ERR, func,
                         "Failed adding %s to the global_no_access_time list. "
                         "global_no_access list is broken, xinetd needs "
			 "restarting.", dup_addr);
                 /* ideally, we should rollback the previous addr addition.   */
	       if (pset_count(global_no_access) && (timer_id == 0) )
                  timer_id = xtimer_add( scrub_global_access_list, 60 );
	    /* Here again, eh?...update time stamp. */
            char *exp_time;
	    time_t stored_time;

	    item_matched--; /* Is # plus 1, to even get here must be >= 1 */
            exp_time = pset_pointer( global_no_access_time, item_matched ) ;
            if (exp_time == NULL)
               return ;

            if ( parse_base10(exp_time, (int *)&stored_time) )
            {  /* if never let them off, bypass */
               if (stored_time != -1)
                  time_t nowtime, new_time;

                  nowtime = time(NULL);
                  new_time = (time_t)nowtime+(60*SC_DENY_TIME(SVC_CONF(sp)));                     if (difftime(new_time, (time_t)stored_time) > 0.0)
	          {   /* new_time is longer save it   */
		     char time_buf[40], *new_exp_time;

		     strx_nprint(time_buf, 38, "%ld", (long)new_time);
		     new_exp_time = new_string(time_buf);
		     if ( new_exp_time )
                        (unsigned)item_matched ] = new_exp_time;
         msg(LOG_ERR, func, "Maximum global_no_access count reached.");