void OpenSMOKE_ShockTube_Geometry::Setup(const std::string fileName, const std::string name)
    int i;

	profile.AssignFromFile(fileName, name);

	// In case of linear profile
	if (profile.x.Size() == 2)
		if (name == "LENGTH")
			iKind = 1;

			D0 = profile.y[1];
			slope_diameter  =	(profile.y[2]-profile.y[1]) / profile.x[2];
		else if (name == "AREA")
			iKind = 2;

			Area0 = profile.y[1];
			slope_area		=	(profile.y[2]-profile.y[1]) / profile.x[2];
		if (name == "LENGTH")
			iKind = 3;

			BzzVector z_vector(profile.x.Size());
				z_vector[i] = (profile.y[i+1]-profile.y[i]) / (profile.x[i+1]-profile.x[i]);
			i = profile.x.Size();
			z_vector[i] = (profile.y[i]-profile.y[i-1]) /	(profile.x[i]-profile.x[i-1]);

			interpolation_diameter(profile.x, profile.y);
			interpolation_dDiameter(profile.x, z_vector);

		else if (name == "AREA")
			iKind = 4;

			BzzVector z_vector(profile.x.Size());
				z_vector[i] = (profile.y[i+1]-profile.y[i])/(profile.x[i+1]-profile.x[i]);
			i = profile.x.Size();
			z_vector[i] = (profile.y[i]-profile.y[i-1])/(profile.x[i]-profile.x[i-1]);
			interpolation_area(profile.x, profile.y);
			interpolation_dArea(profile.x, z_vector);
void pointCloudModifier::manualTableDetection(pcl::PointCloud<pointT>::Ptr cloud_in,
                                              pcl::PointCloud<pointT>::Ptr cloud_out,
                                              std::vector<pointT> &points){
    // Compute the plane coefficients given 3 points

    // Move the coordenate system of the point cloud to the table plane

    // 1st - Set the translation to the first picked point
    Eigen::Vector3f point_on_plane_negated(-points[0].x, -points[0].y, -points[0].z);
    Eigen::Translation3f translate((Eigen::Vector3f)(point_on_plane_negated));

    // 2nd - Find the rotation
    Eigen::Vector3f normal_vector(

    Eigen::Vector3f z_vector(0,0,1);
    Eigen::Vector3f k_vector = normal_vector.cross(z_vector);
    float angle = acos(normal_vector.dot(z_vector));
    Eigen::Affine3f rotate = (Eigen::Affine3f)Eigen::AngleAxisf(angle, k_vector);

    // 3rd - Calculate the final transformation
    Eigen::Affine3f total_transformation = rotate*translate;

    // 4th - Transform the point cloud
void pointCloudModifier::automaticTableDetection(pcl::PointCloud<pointT>::Ptr cloud_in,
                                                 pcl::PointCloud<pointT>::Ptr cloud_out){

    pcl::PointCloud<pointT>::Ptr cloudProjected (new pcl::PointCloud<pointT>);

    // Create the segmentation object
    pcl::PointIndices::Ptr inliers (new pcl::PointIndices);
    pcl::SACSegmentation<pointT> seg;
    seg.setOptimizeCoefficients (true);
    seg.setModelType (pcl::SACMODEL_PLANE);
    seg.setMethodType (pcl::SAC_RANSAC);
    seg.setDistanceThreshold (0.01);

    // Stores the coefficents to the plane (a * x + b * y + c * z = d)
    seg.setInputCloud (cloud_in);
    seg.segment (*inliers, *_planeCoefficients);

    // Project the model inliers
    pcl::ProjectInliers<pointT> proj;
    proj.setModelType (pcl::SACMODEL_PLANE);
    proj.setIndices (inliers);
    proj.setInputCloud (cloud_in);
    proj.setModelCoefficients (_planeCoefficients);
    proj.filter (*cloudProjected);

    // Move the coordinate system of the point cloud to the table plane

    // 1st - Set the translation to the center of the plane negated
    Eigen::Vector3f cloud_plane_center_negated(0,0,0);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < cloudProjected->points.size(); ++i)
        cloud_plane_center_negated[0] -= cloudProjected->points[i].x/cloudProjected->points.size();
        cloud_plane_center_negated[1] -= cloudProjected->points[i].y/cloudProjected->points.size();
        cloud_plane_center_negated[2] -= cloudProjected->points[i].z/cloudProjected->points.size();

    Eigen::Translation3f translation((Eigen::Vector3f)(cloud_plane_center_negated));

    // 2nd - Find the rotation
    Eigen::Vector3f normal_vector(

    Eigen::Vector3f z_vector(0,0,1);
    Eigen::Vector3f k_vector = normal_vector.cross(z_vector);

    float angle = acos(normal_vector.dot(z_vector));

    Eigen::Affine3f rotation = (Eigen::Affine3f)Eigen::AngleAxisf(angle, k_vector);

    // 3rd - Calculate the final transformation
    Eigen::Affine3f total_transformation = rotation*translation;

    // 4th - Transform the point cloud
void OpenSMOKE_ShockTube_Geometry::Setup(const std::string fileName)
    int i;
    std::string label;
    std::string variable;
    std::string conversion_x;
    std::string conversion_y;
    BzzVector x_vector;
    BzzVector y_vector;

    ifstream fInput;
    openInputFileAndControl(fInput, fileName.c_str());

    fInput >> label;
    if (label != "X")
        ErrorMessage("Only the following options are available: X");

	fInput >> label;
    if (label != "SPACE")
        ErrorMessage("Only the following options are available: SPACE");

	fInput >> conversion_x;

	fInput >> label;
    if (label != "Y")
        ErrorMessage("Only the following options are available: X");

	fInput >> variable;
    if (variable != "DIAMETER" && variable != "AREA")
        ErrorMessage("Only the following options are available: DIAMETER || AREA");

	fInput >> conversion_y;

        fInput >> label;
        if (label == "//")  break;

        x_vector.Append( atof(label.c_str()) );
        fInput >> label;
        y_vector.Append( atof(label.c_str()) );

	// Checking values
	if (x_vector[1] != 0.)	ErrorMessage("The abscissas must start from 0.0");
	if (y_vector[1] <= 0.)	ErrorMessage("The initial diameter must be larger than 0.0");

	// In case of linear profile
	if (x_vector.Size() == 2)
		if (variable == "DIAMETER")
			iKind = 1;

			x_vector *= OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_length(1.0, conversion_x);
			y_vector *= OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_length(1.0, conversion_y);

			D0 = y_vector[1];
			slope_diameter  =	(y_vector[2]-y_vector[1]) / x_vector[2];
		else if (variable == "AREA")
			iKind = 2;

			x_vector *= OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_length(1.0, conversion_x);
			y_vector *= OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_area(1.0, conversion_y);

			Area0 = y_vector[1];
			slope_area		=	(y_vector[2]-y_vector[1]) / x_vector[2];
		if (variable == "DIAMETER")
			iKind = 3;

			x_vector *= OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_length(1.0, conversion_x);
			y_vector *= OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_length(1.0, conversion_y);

			BzzVector z_vector(x_vector.Size());
				z_vector[i] = (y_vector[i+1]-y_vector[i]) / (x_vector[i+1]-x_vector[i]);
			i = x_vector.Size();
			z_vector[i] = (y_vector[i]-y_vector[i-1]) /	(x_vector[i]-x_vector[i-1]);

			interpolation_diameter(x_vector, y_vector);
			interpolation_dDiameter(x_vector, z_vector);

		else if (variable == "AREA")
			iKind = 4;

			x_vector *= OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_length(1.0, conversion_x);
			y_vector *= OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_area(1.0, conversion_y);

			BzzVector z_vector(x_vector.Size());
				z_vector[i] = (y_vector[i+1]-y_vector[i])/(x_vector[i+1]-x_vector[i]);
			i = x_vector.Size();
			z_vector[i] = (y_vector[i]-y_vector[i-1])/(x_vector[i]-x_vector[i-1]);
			interpolation_area(x_vector, y_vector);
			interpolation_dArea(x_vector, z_vector);