Matrix4 FPSview(Vector3 cameraPosition, float pitch, float yaw) { // If the pitch and yaw angles are in degrees, // they need to be converted to radians. Here // I assume the values are already converted to radians. float cosPitch = cos(pitch); float sinPitch = sin(pitch); float cosYaw = cos(yaw); float sinYaw = sin(yaw); Vector3 xaxis( cosYaw, 0, -sinYaw); Vector3 yaxis( sinYaw * sinPitch, cosPitch, cosYaw * sinPitch); Vector3 zaxis( sinYaw * cosPitch, -sinPitch, cosPitch * cosYaw); // Create a 4x4 view matrix from the right, up, forward and eye position vectors Matrix4 viewMatrix ( Vector4( xaxis.x, yaxis.x, zaxis.x, 0 ), Vector4( xaxis.y, yaxis.y, zaxis.y, 0 ), Vector4( xaxis.z, yaxis.z, zaxis.z, 0 ), Vector4(,,, 1 ) ); return viewMatrix; }
S2Matrix4x4 Camera::GetViewMatrix() const { const Transform &trans = *GetTransform(); //Use spherical coordinate for forward vector. const S2Vector3 & rotate = trans.GetRotate(); float theta = rotate[0], phi = rotate[1]; phi = phi > 1.57f ? 1.57f : phi; phi = phi < -1.57f ? -1.57f : phi; S2Vector3 zaxis(sin(theta)*cos(phi), sin(phi), cos(theta)*cos(phi)); S2Vector3 xaxis = S2Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f).Cross(zaxis); xaxis.Normalize(); S2Vector3 yaxis = zaxis.Cross(xaxis); S2Vector3 position = trans.GetTranslate(); float p_dot_x = position.Dot(xaxis); float p_dot_y = position.Dot(yaxis); float p_dot_z = position.Dot(zaxis); return S2Matrix4x4( xaxis[0], xaxis[1], xaxis[2], -p_dot_x, yaxis[0], yaxis[1], yaxis[2], -p_dot_y, zaxis[0], zaxis[1], zaxis[2], -p_dot_z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); }
void avtExtrudeFilter::SetAtts(const AttributeGroup *a) { atts = *(const ExtrudeAttributes*)a; avtVector axis(atts.GetAxis()), zaxis(0.,0.,1.); if ((axis.x == 0. && axis.y == 0. && axis.z == 0.) #if 0 || == 0. #endif ) { EXCEPTION1(BadVectorException, "Extrusion Axis"); } if(atts.GetLength() <= 0.) { EXCEPTION1(ImproperUseException, "Length must be greater than 0."); } if(atts.GetSteps() < 1) { EXCEPTION1(ImproperUseException, "Steps must be at least 1."); } }
void LLCamera::calculateWorldFrustumPlanes() { F32 d; LLVector3 center = mOrigin - mXAxis*mNearPlane; mWorldPlanePos = center; for (int p=0; p<4; p++) { LLVector3 pnorm = LLVector3(mLocalPlanes[p]); LLVector3 norm = rotateToAbsolute(pnorm); norm.normVec(); d = -(center * norm); mWorldPlanes[p] = LLPlane(norm, d); } // horizontal planes, perpindicular to (0,0,1); LLVector3 zaxis(0, 0, 1.0f); F32 yaw = getYaw(); { LLVector3 tnorm = LLVector3(mLocalPlanes[PLANE_LEFT]); tnorm.rotVec(yaw, zaxis); d = -(mOrigin * tnorm); mHorizPlanes[HORIZ_PLANE_LEFT] = LLPlane(tnorm, d); } { LLVector3 tnorm = LLVector3(mLocalPlanes[PLANE_RIGHT]); tnorm.rotVec(yaw, zaxis); d = -(mOrigin * tnorm); mHorizPlanes[HORIZ_PLANE_RIGHT] = LLPlane(tnorm, d); } }
void CBillBoard::onRender(const D3DXMATRIX& mView, const D3DXVECTOR3& vPos) { CDirect3D::getInstance()->AlphaTestEnable(TRUE); CDirect3D::getInstance()->AlphaFunction(D3DCMP_GREATER); CDirect3D::getInstance()->AlphaReference(0x80); CDirect3D::getInstance()->SetD3DFVF(SVertexT::FVF); CDirect3D::getInstance()->SetStreamSource(0, m_pVB, 0, sizeof(SVertexT)); CDirect3D::getInstance()->SetTexture(0, m_pTexture); D3DXVECTOR3 vUp(mView._12, mView._22, mView._32); /* simpler, yet supposed-to-be less efficient * D3DXMatrixLookAtRH(&m_matWorld, &m_vPos, &vPos, &vUp); // Backward Direction m_matWorld._41 = m_matWorld._42 = m_matWorld._43 = 0.0f; D3DXMatrixTranspose(&m_matWorld, &m_matWorld); /* optimized by doing manually */ D3DXVECTOR3 zaxis(m_vPos - vPos); D3DXVec3Normalize(&zaxis, &zaxis); D3DXVECTOR3 xaxis; D3DXVec3Normalize(D3DXVec3Cross(&xaxis, &vUp, &zaxis), &xaxis); D3DXVECTOR3 yaxis; D3DXVec3Cross(&yaxis, &zaxis, &xaxis); m_matWorld._11 = xaxis.x; m_matWorld._12 = xaxis.y; m_matWorld._13 = xaxis.z; m_matWorld._21 = yaxis.x; m_matWorld._22 = yaxis.y; m_matWorld._23 = yaxis.z; m_matWorld._31 = zaxis.x; m_matWorld._32 = zaxis.y; m_matWorld._33 = zaxis.z; /**/ m_matWorld._41 = m_vPos.x; m_matWorld._42 = m_vPos.y; m_matWorld._43 = m_vPos.z; CDirect3D::getInstance()->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &m_matWorld); CDirect3D::getInstance()->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 2); CDirect3D::getInstance()->SetTexture(0, NULL); CDirect3D::getInstance()->AlphaTestEnable(FALSE); }
void StarRegionScalarInteractor::updateScale() { osg::Matrix scaleMat, rotMat, offsetMat; scaleMat.makeScale (interScale/cover->getScale(), interScale/cover->getScale(), interScale/cover->getScale()); osg::Vec3 n; n = localMat * interNormal; rotMat.makeRotate (defAxis, n); scaleMat.makeScale (interScale/cover->getScale(), interScale/cover->getScale(), interScale/cover->getScale()); offsetMat.mult (scaleMat, rotMat); osg::Vec3 p; p=interPos; float dr=interScale/cover->getScale(); //p[2]+= -regionRadius - dr -4*dindex*dr; osg::Vec3 zaxis (0,0,1); zaxis = localMat * zaxis; p+=zaxis* (-regionRadius - dr -4*dindex*dr); /* offsetMat.setRow(3, p); */ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { offsetMat (3, i) = p[i]; } worldDCS->setMatrix (offsetMat); }
void rgl_bbox(int* successptr, int* idata, double* ddata, double* xat, char** xtext, double* yat, char** ytext, double* zat, char** ztext) { int success = RGL_FAIL; Device* device = deviceManager->getAnyDevice(); if (device) { int xticks = idata[0]; int yticks = idata[1]; int zticks = idata[2]; int xlen = idata[3]; int ylen = idata[4]; int zlen = idata[5]; int marklen_rel = idata[6]; float xunit = (float) ddata[0]; float yunit = (float) ddata[1]; float zunit = (float) ddata[2]; float marklen = (float) ddata[3]; AxisInfo xaxis(xticks, xat, xtext, xlen, xunit); AxisInfo yaxis(yticks, yat, ytext, ylen, yunit); AxisInfo zaxis(zticks, zat, ztext, zlen, zunit); success = as_success( device->add( new BBoxDeco(currentMaterial, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis, marklen, (bool) marklen_rel ) ) ); } *successptr = success; }
ofVec3f GrainViewTransform(ofVec3f InPutPoint, ofVec3f Eye, ofVec3f Target, ofVec3f UpVec){ // Transform the cordinates of a point InPutPoint. For a camera placed at Eye and looking at target with Up vector UpVec ofMatrix4x4 ViewMat; ofVec3f zaxis(Target - Eye); zaxis.normalize(); ofVec3f xaxis = UpVec.getCrossed(zaxis); xaxis.normalize(); ofVec3f yaxis = zaxis.getCrossed(xaxis); // translate vect InPutPoint -= Eye; // project on each axis ofVec3f Outpos; Outpos.x =; Outpos.y =; Outpos.z =; return Outpos; }
Camera & Camera::TranslateForward(float distance) { Transform &trans = *GetTransform(); //Use spherical coordinate for forward vector. const S2Vector3 & rotate = trans.GetRotate(); float theta = rotate[0], phi = rotate[1]; phi = phi > 1.57f ? 1.57f : phi; phi = phi < -1.57f ? -1.57f : phi; S2Vector3 zaxis(sin(theta)*cos(phi), sin(phi), cos(theta)*cos(phi)); trans.Translate(zaxis * distance); return *this; }
AtomStickInteractor::AtomStickInteractor(string symbol, const char *interactorName, Atom *myAtom, osg::Matrix initialOrientation, osg::Vec3 initialPos, osg::Vec3 stickDir, float size, osg::Vec4 color) : coVR3DRotCenterInteractor(initialOrientation, initialPos, size, coInteraction::ButtonA, "Hand", interactorName, coInteraction::Medium) { if (opencover::cover->debugLevel(3)) fprintf(stderr, "AtomStickInteractor::AtomStickInteractor\n"); initialOrientation_ = initialOrientation; initialPos_ = initialPos; dir_ = stickDir; dir_.normalize(); symbol_ = symbol; color_ = color; myAtom_ = myAtom; osg::Vec3 zaxis(0, 0, 1); osg::Matrix mr; mr.makeRotate(zaxis, dir_); mr.postMultTranslate(dir_ * 0.5 * _interSize); // cylinder of lengths size, beginning at center of sphere, //sphere is 0,5*size so also 0.5*size of the cylinder comes out of the spehere osg::Cylinder *myCylinder = new osg::Cylinder(osg::Vec3(0, 0, 0), 0.2 * _interSize, _interSize); osg::TessellationHints *hint = new osg::TessellationHints(); hint->setDetailRatio(0.5); osg::ShapeDrawable *cylinderDrawable = new osg::ShapeDrawable(myCylinder, hint); cylinderDrawable->setColor(osg::Vec4(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3])); osg::Geode *cylinderGeode = new osg::Geode(); osg::StateSet *normalState = opencover::VRSceneGraph::instance()->loadDefaultGeostate(osg::Material::AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE); cylinderGeode->setStateSet(normalState); transform_ = new osg::MatrixTransform(); transform_->setMatrix(mr); cylinderGeode->addDrawable(cylinderDrawable); transform_->addChild(cylinderGeode); //coVRIntersectionInteractor::geometryNode geometryNode = transform_; // remove old geometry scaleTransform->removeChild(0, scaleTransform->getNumChildren()); // add geometry to node and remove old scaling scaleTransform->addChild(transform_); osg::Matrix s; scaleTransform->setMatrix(s); connectedStick_ = NULL; //not connected oldInvMat_.invert(getMatrix()); }
inline void FXGLVertices::renderLines(FXGLViewer *viewer, bool isHit, bool complex){ #ifdef HAVE_GL_H FXGLColor col(color); GLUquadricObj* quad=0; if(complex){ quad=gluNewQuadric(); gluQuadricDrawStyle(quad,(GLenum)GLU_FILL); } FXuint inc=(!(options & (SHADING_SMOOTH|SHADING_FLAT)) && viewer->doesTurbo()) ? 4 : 1; for(FXuint n=0; n<vertexNumber-complex; n+=inc){ if(!isHit){ if(colorGenerator) for(FXuint c=0; c<inc; c++) colorGenerator(col, this, viewer, n, colorGeneratorData); if(complex && (options & (SHADING_SMOOTH|SHADING_FLAT))){ glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_DIFFUSE,&col.r); } else glColor4fv(&col.r); } if(complex){ FXVec3f vector=vertices[n+1]-vertices[n]; FXfloat len=vector.length(); if(!(options & VERTICES_POINTS) || len>=pointSize*0.8f){ glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(vertices[n].x,vertices[n].y,vertices[n].z); FXVec3f zaxis(0.0f,0.0f,vector.z<0 ? 1.0f : -1.0f); // Cylinder points in Z direction, so we need to rotate so it follows vector FXVec3f vectornormal(vecnormalize(vector)); FXVec3f axis(vectornormal^zaxis); FXfloat angle=((FXfloat) RTOD)*asinf(axis.length()); //FXfloat dotproduct=vectornormal*axis; if(vector.z<0) angle+=180; glRotatef(angle,axis.x,axis.y,axis.z); gluCylinder(quad,lineSize/2,lineSize/2,len,8,8); glPopMatrix(); } } else{ glVertex3fv(&vertices[n].x); } } if(complex){ gluDeleteQuadric(quad); } #endif }
Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4::LookTo(const Vector3 &eye_position, const Vector3 &to_direction, const Vector3 &up_direction) { Matrix4x4 m = Matrix4x4::Identity(); Vector3 zaxis(-to_direction); zaxis.Normalize(); Vector3 xaxis = zaxis * up_direction; xaxis.Normalize(); Vector3 yaxis = xaxis * zaxis; m.m00 = xaxis.x; m.m01 = xaxis.y; m.m02 = xaxis.z; m.m03 = -xaxis.Dot(eye_position); m.m10 = yaxis.x; m.m11 = yaxis.y; m.m12 = yaxis.z; m.m13 = -yaxis.Dot(eye_position); m.m20 = zaxis.x; m.m21 = zaxis.y; m.m22 = zaxis.z; m.m23 = -zaxis.Dot(eye_position); m.m30 = 0; m.m31 = 0; m.m32 = 0; m.m33 = 1.0f; return m; }
int MyCRCLServer::HandleMoveToType(MoveToType *cmd) { double x, y, z; double xi, xj, xk; double zi, zj, zk; double r, p, w; x = cmd->EndPosition->Point->X->val; y = cmd->EndPosition->Point->Y->val; z = cmd->EndPosition->Point->Z->val; xi = cmd->EndPosition->XAxis->I->val; xj = cmd->EndPosition->XAxis->J->val; xk = cmd->EndPosition->XAxis->K->val; tf::Vector3 xaxis(xi, xj, xk); zi = cmd->EndPosition->ZAxis->I->val; zj = cmd->EndPosition->ZAxis->J->val; zk = cmd->EndPosition->ZAxis->K->val; tf::Vector3 zaxis(zi, zj, zk); tf::Vector3 yaxis = zaxis.cross(xaxis); tf::Matrix3x3 m(xi, yaxis.getX(), zi, xj, yaxis.getY(), zj, xk, yaxis.getZ(), zk); m.getRPY(r, p, w); status.setXYZ(x, y, z); status.setVec(xi, xj, xk, zi, zj, zk); status.setJointPosition(1, x); status.setJointPosition(2, y); status.setJointPosition(3, z); status.setJointPosition(4, r); status.setJointPosition(5, p); status.setJointPosition(6, w); printf("MoveToType(%d) %f %f %f / %f %f %f\n", cmd->CommandID->val, x, y, z, r, p, w); return 0; }
void osgParticleHPS::ParticleTrail::renderDebug( float scale ) const { osg::Matrix rotMtx; osg::Vec3 ptA, ptB; osg::Vec3 xaxis( 1., 0., 0. ); osg::Vec3 yaxis( 0., 1., 0. ); osg::Vec3 zaxis( 0., 0., 1. ); glBegin( GL_LINES ); int i; int numPoints = positions_.size(); for( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) { const HPSTrailPoint &point = positions_[i]; float sTexCoord = (float)i / (float)numPoints; rotMtx.makeRotate( point.rpy[0], yaxis, point.rpy[1], xaxis, point.rpy[2], zaxis ); ptA = osg::Vec3(scale, 0., 0.) * rotMtx; ptA += point.pos; glVertex3fv( point.pos.ptr() ); glVertex3fv( ptA.ptr() ); ptA = osg::Vec3(0., 0., scale) * rotMtx; ptA += point.pos; glVertex3fv( point.pos.ptr() ); glVertex3fv( ptA.ptr() ); } glEnd(); }
void osgParticleHPS::ParticleTrail::renderCrossRibbon() const { osg::Matrix rotMtx; osg::Vec3 ptA, ptB; osg::Vec3 xaxis( 1., 0., 0. ); osg::Vec3 yaxis( 0., 1., 0. ); osg::Vec3 zaxis( 0., 0., 1. ); int numPoints = positions_.size(); float t = 0.; float tIncrement = 1. / maxNumPointsToRecord_; const osgParticleHPS::rangev4 &colorRange = getColorRange(); const osgParticleHPS::Interpolator *colorInterp = getColorInterpolator(); const osgParticleHPS::rangev3 &sizeRange = getSizeRange(); const osgParticleHPS::Interpolator *sizeInterp = getSizeInterpolator(); // This offset will give the ribbon texture a much smoother feel. // Without it, the texture would "pulse" and jump as the points at the // tail end of the ribbon are removed. float sTexCoordOffset = 1. / (float)numPoints; sTexCoordOffset *= (t0_ - timestampForLastNewPoint_) / timeBetweenPoints_; glBegin( GL_QUAD_STRIP ); int i; for( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) { const HPSTrailPoint &point = positions_[i]; osg::Vec4 interpColor = colorInterp->interpolate( t, colorRange ); osg::Vec3 thisPosSize = sizeInterp->interpolate( t, sizeRange ); t += tIncrement; float sTexCoord; if( stretchTexture ) { sTexCoord = (float)i / (float)numPoints; if( i > 0 ) sTexCoord += sTexCoordOffset; } else { if( totalHistoryPoints%2 ) sTexCoord = (i%2) ? 0.0 : 1.0; else sTexCoord = (i%2) ? 1.0 : 0.0; } rotMtx.makeRotate( point.rpy[0], yaxis, point.rpy[1], xaxis, point.rpy[2], zaxis ); ptA = osg::Vec3(thisPosSize.x(), 0., 0.) * rotMtx; ptB = ptA * -1.; ptA += point.pos; ptB += point.pos; glColor4f( interpColor[0], interpColor[1], interpColor[2], interpColor[3] ); glTexCoord2f( sTexCoord, 1. ); glVertex3fv( ptA.ptr() ); glTexCoord2f( sTexCoord, 0. ); glVertex3fv( ptB.ptr() ); } glEnd(); t = 0.0; glBegin( GL_QUAD_STRIP ); for( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) { const HPSTrailPoint &point = positions_[i]; osg::Vec4 interpColor = colorInterp->interpolate( t, colorRange ); osg::Vec3 thisPosSize = sizeInterp->interpolate( t, sizeRange ); t += tIncrement; float sTexCoord; if( stretchTexture ) { sTexCoord = (float)i / (float)numPoints; if( i > 0 ) sTexCoord += sTexCoordOffset; } else { if( totalHistoryPoints%2 ) sTexCoord = (i%2) ? 0.0 : 1.0; else sTexCoord = (i%2) ? 1.0 : 0.0; } rotMtx.makeRotate( point.rpy[0], yaxis, point.rpy[1], xaxis, point.rpy[2], zaxis ); ptA = osg::Vec3(0., 0., thisPosSize.z()) * rotMtx; ptB = ptA * -1.; ptA += point.pos; ptB += point.pos; glColor4f( interpColor[0], interpColor[1], interpColor[2], interpColor[3] ); glTexCoord2f( sTexCoord, 1. ); glVertex3fv( ptA.ptr() ); glTexCoord2f( sTexCoord, 0. ); glVertex3fv( ptB.ptr() ); } glEnd(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- // render the planet void Planet::render( int graphicsWidth, int graphicsHeight, double angle) { // if shader didn't compile, nothing we can do if (m_planetShader == 0) return; double atmos = 20.0; double radius = 1200.0; double eyeDist = m_eyePt.length()/radius; double a = 1.0; if (eyeDist < a) return; // below surface, nothing to do double b = sqrt(eyeDist*eyeDist - a*a); double h = (a*b)/eyeDist; double m = (a*a)/eyeDist; h += atmos/radius; // x axis from planet center towards eye mgPoint3 xaxis(m_eyePt); xaxis.normalize(); // build y axis mgPoint3 yaxis(xaxis); yaxis.cross(mgPoint3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)); yaxis.normalize(); mgPoint3 zaxis(yaxis); zaxis.cross(xaxis); zaxis.normalize(); mgMatrix4 transform; transform._11 = xaxis.x; transform._12 = xaxis.y; transform._13 = xaxis.z; transform._21 = yaxis.x; transform._22 = yaxis.y; transform._23 = yaxis.z; transform._31 = zaxis.x; transform._32 = zaxis.y; transform._33 = zaxis.z; VertexPlanet tl, tr, bl, br; mgPoint3 pt; transform.mapPt(m, -h, h, pt.x, pt.y, pt.z); tl.setPoint(radius*pt.x, radius*pt.y, radius*pt.z); transform.mapPt(m, h, h, pt.x, pt.y, pt.z); tr.setPoint(radius*pt.x, radius*pt.y, radius*pt.z); transform.mapPt(m, -h, -h, pt.x, pt.y, pt.z); bl.setPoint(radius*pt.x, radius*pt.y, radius*pt.z); transform.mapPt(m, h, -h, pt.x, pt.y, pt.z); br.setPoint(radius*pt.x, radius*pt.y, radius*pt.z); // inverse of world transform mgMatrix4 model; model.rotateYDeg(-angle); mgPoint3 lightDir(1.0, 0.25, 0.0); lightDir.normalize(); mgPoint3 modelLightDir; model.mapPt(lightDir, modelLightDir); transform.multiply(model); mgPoint3 modelEye; transform.mapPt(eyeDist, 0.0, 0.0, modelEye.x, modelEye.y, modelEye.z); transform.mapPt(m, -h, h, pt.x, pt.y, pt.z); tl.setModelPoint(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z); transform.mapPt(m, h, h, pt.x, pt.y, pt.z); tr.setModelPoint(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z); transform.mapPt(m, -h, -h, pt.x, pt.y, pt.z); bl.setModelPoint(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z); transform.mapPt(m, h, -h, pt.x, pt.y, pt.z); br.setModelPoint(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z); mgMatrix4 viewMatrix; viewMatrix.translate(-m_eyePt.x, -m_eyePt.y, -m_eyePt.z); viewMatrix.multiply(m_eyeMatrix); mgMatrix4 worldProjection; createProjection(worldProjection, graphicsWidth, graphicsHeight); mgMatrix4 mvpMatrix(viewMatrix); mvpMatrix.multiply(worldProjection); setupShader(mvpMatrix, modelEye, modelLightDir); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, m_surfaceTexture); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, m_cloudsTexture); glBindVertexArray(m_vertexArray); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_vertexBuffer); VertexPlanet data[6]; data[0] = tl; data[1] = tr; data[2] = bl; data[3] = bl; data[4] = tr; data[5] = br; int vertexSize = sizeof(VertexPlanet); int count = 6; glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexSize * count, data, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, count); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); glBindVertexArray(0); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); }
coVR1DTransInteractor::coVR1DTransInteractor(pfVec3 o, pfVec3 d, float min, float max, float val, float size, int showConstr, char *name) { pfMatrix wm, tm, sm; pfVec3 zaxis(0,0,1); origin = o; dir = d; dir.normalize(); minVal = min; maxVal = max; currVal = val; interSize = size; interactorName= new char[strlen(name)+1]; strcpy(interactorName, name); if ((showConstr == SHOW_CONSTRAINTS_ALWAYS) || (showConstr == SHOW_CONSTRAINTS_ONTOUCH) || (showConstr == SHOW_CONSTRAINTS_ONSELECT)) showConstraints = showConstr; else { fprintf(stderr,"\nERROR in coVR1DTransInteractor::coVR1DTransInteractor\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\tillegal value [%d] for showConstraints\n", showConstr); showConstraints = SHOW_CONSTRAINTS_ALWAYS; } float interScale = size/cover->getScale(); fprintf(stderr,"interactor size=%f cover scale = %f\n", interSize, cover->getScale()); // initialize flags interactionOngoing = false; isI = false; isS = false; isE = false; justHit = true; // get debug level const char *line = CoviseConfig::getEntry("COVERConfig.DEBUG_LEVEL"); if (line) sscanf(line,"%d", &debugLevel); else debugLevel = 0; // debugprint if (debugLevel>0) { fprintf(stderr,"\ncoVR1DTransInteractor:coVR1DTransInteractor [%s]\n", interactorName); fprintf(stderr,"\tshowConstraints=[%d]\n", showConstraints); fprintf(stderr,"\torigin=[%f %f %f]\n", origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]); fprintf(stderr,"\tdir=[%f %f %f]\n", dir[0], dir[1], dir[2]); fprintf(stderr,"\tminVal=[%f] maxVal=[%f] currVal=[%f]\n", minVal, maxVal, currVal); } // check and adjust the ranges checkRange(); // load geostates only once geostate = loadDefaultGeostate(); unlightedGeostate = loadUnlightedGeostate(); // objectsRoot // | // worldDCS // | // interactorRoot // | | // lineGeode sphereTransDCS // | // sphereScaleDCS // | // sphereGeode if(debugLevel>1) fprintf(stderr,"\tcreating the scenegraph\n"); objectsRoot = cover->getObjectsRoot(); worldDCS = new pfDCS(); wm.makeVecRotVec(zaxis, dir); wm[3][0] = origin[0]; wm[3][1] = origin[1]; wm[3][2] = origin[2]; worldDCS->setMat(wm); interactorRoot = new pfGroup(); sphereTransDCS = new pfDCS(); tm.makeTrans(0, 0, currVal); sphereTransDCS->setMat(tm); sphereScaleDCS = new pfDCS(); sm.makeScale(interScale, interScale, interScale); sphereScaleDCS->setMat(sm); sphereGeode = createSphere(); lineGeode = createLine(); objectsRoot->addChild(worldDCS); worldDCS->addChild(interactorRoot); interactorRoot->addChild(lineGeode); interactorRoot->addChild(sphereTransDCS); sphereTransDCS->addChild(sphereScaleDCS); sphereScaleDCS->addChild(sphereGeode); if (showConstraints == SHOW_CONSTRAINTS_ALWAYS) showLine(); else hideLine(); if(debugLevel>1) fprintf(stderr,"\tcreating the highlights\n"); // highlights isectedHl = new pfHighlight(); isectedHl->setMode(PFHL_FILL); isectedHl->setColor(PFHL_FGCOLOR, 0.6, 0.6, 0.0); isectedHl->setLineWidth(3.0); selectedHl = new pfHighlight(); selectedHl->setMode(PFHL_FILL); selectedHl->setColor(PFHL_FGCOLOR, 0.0, 0.6, 0.0); selectedHl->setLineWidth(3.0); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- // get avatar orientation under coordinate system void SolarSystem::getCoordBasis( int coordSystem, mgMatrix4& basis) { // get position of moon double angle = (2*PI*m_moonMonth)/360; mgPoint3 moonCenter(MOON_DISTANCE*sin(angle), 0, MOON_DISTANCE*cos(angle)); // get coordinate system based on object mgPoint3 xaxis(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); mgPoint3 yaxis(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); mgPoint3 zaxis(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); switch (coordSystem) { case COORDS_PLANET: // y axis points away from center of planet yaxis = m_coordPosn; yaxis.normalize(); // construct z axis orthonal to y zaxis = yaxis; zaxis.cross(mgPoint3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)); zaxis.normalize(); // construct x axis xaxis = yaxis; xaxis.cross(zaxis); xaxis.normalize(); break; case COORDS_MOON: // y axis points away from center of moon yaxis = m_coordPosn; yaxis.normalize(); // construct z axis orthonal to y zaxis = yaxis; zaxis.cross(mgPoint3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)); zaxis.normalize(); // construct x axis xaxis = yaxis; xaxis.cross(zaxis); xaxis.normalize(); break; case COORDS_RING: // y axis points towards center of ring yaxis.x = -m_coordPosn.x; yaxis.z = -m_coordPosn.z; yaxis.y = 0.0; yaxis.normalize(); // x axis is across the ring xaxis.x = 0.0; xaxis.y = 1.0; xaxis.z = 0.0; // construct z axis zaxis = xaxis; zaxis.cross(yaxis); zaxis.normalize(); break; case COORDS_BELT: break; case COORDS_SPACE: // use default axis break; } // apply object surface orientation basis._11 = xaxis.x; basis._21 = xaxis.y; basis._31 = xaxis.z; basis._12 = yaxis.x; basis._22 = yaxis.y; basis._32 = yaxis.z; basis._13 = zaxis.x; basis._23 = zaxis.y; basis._33 = zaxis.z; }
bool OBBRayPicking::testRayOBBIntersection( glm::vec3 ray_origin, // Ray origin, in world space glm::vec3 ray_direction, // Ray direction (NOT target position!), in world space. Must be normalize()'d. glm::vec3 aabb_min, // Minimum X,Y,Z coords of the mesh when not transformed at all. glm::vec3 aabb_max, // Maximum X,Y,Z coords. Often aabb_min*-1 if your mesh is centered, but it's not always the case. const glm::mat4 &ModelMatrix, // Transformation applied to the mesh (which will thus be also applied to its bounding box) const glm::vec3 &position, // the position because model matrix doesnt do anything in this game "right now" float &intersection_distance // Output : distance between ray_origin and the intersection with the OBB ){ // Intersection method from Real-Time Rendering and Essential Mathematics for Games float tMin = 0.0f; float tMax = 100000.0f; glm::vec3 OBBposition_worldspace(ModelMatrix[3].x * position.x, ModelMatrix[3].y * position.y, ModelMatrix[3].z * position.z); glm::vec3 delta = OBBposition_worldspace - ray_origin; // Test intersection with the 2 planes perpendicular to the OBB's X axis { glm::vec3 xaxis(ModelMatrix[0].x, ModelMatrix[0].y, ModelMatrix[0].z); float e = glm::dot(xaxis, delta); float f = glm::dot(ray_direction, xaxis); if (fabs(f) > 0.001f) { // Standard case float t1 = (e + aabb_min.x) / f; // Intersection with the "left" plane float t2 = (e + aabb_max.x) / f; // Intersection with the "right" plane // t1 and t2 now contain distances betwen ray origin and ray-plane intersections // We want t1 to represent the nearest intersection, // so if it's not the case, invert t1 and t2 if (t1>t2){ float w = t1; t1 = t2; t2 = w; // swap t1 and t2 } // tMax is the nearest "far" intersection (amongst the X,Y and Z planes pairs) if (t2 < tMax) tMax = t2; // tMin is the farthest "near" intersection (amongst the X,Y and Z planes pairs) if (t1 > tMin) tMin = t1; // And here's the trick : // If "far" is closer than "near", then there is NO intersection. // See the images in the tutorials for the visual explanation. if (tMax < tMin) return false; } else { // Rare case : the ray is almost parallel to the planes, so they don't have any "intersection" if (-e + aabb_min.x > 0.0f || -e + aabb_max.x < 0.0f) return false; } } // Test intersection with the 2 planes perpendicular to the OBB's Y axis // Exactly the same thing than above. { glm::vec3 yaxis(ModelMatrix[1].x, ModelMatrix[1].y, ModelMatrix[1].z); float e = glm::dot(yaxis, delta); float f = glm::dot(ray_direction, yaxis); if (fabs(f) > 0.001f){ float t1 = (e + aabb_min.y) / f; float t2 = (e + aabb_max.y) / f; if (t1>t2){ float w = t1; t1 = t2; t2 = w; } if (t2 < tMax) tMax = t2; if (t1 > tMin) tMin = t1; if (tMin > tMax) return false; } else{ if (-e + aabb_min.y > 0.0f || -e + aabb_max.y < 0.0f) return false; } } // Test intersection with the 2 planes perpendicular to the OBB's Z axis // Exactly the same thing than above. { glm::vec3 zaxis(ModelMatrix[2].x, ModelMatrix[2].y, ModelMatrix[2].z); float e = glm::dot(zaxis, delta); float f = glm::dot(ray_direction, zaxis); if (fabs(f) > 0.001f){ float t1 = (e + aabb_min.z) / f; float t2 = (e + aabb_max.z) / f; if (t1>t2){ float w = t1; t1 = t2; t2 = w; } if (t2 < tMax) tMax = t2; if (t1 > tMin) tMin = t1; if (tMin > tMax) return false; } else{ if (-e + aabb_min.z > 0.0f || -e + aabb_max.z < 0.0f) return false; } } intersection_distance = tMin; return true; }
RagDoll::RagDoll (btDynamicsWorld* ownerWorld, const btVector3& positionOffset, btScalar scale_ragdoll) : m_ownerWorld (ownerWorld) { // setup colors for (int i = 0; i < BODYPART_COUNT; i++) { // ofVec4f col = ofVec4f(ofRandom(0.7, 1.0), // ofRandom(0.5, 1.0), // ofRandom(0.7, 1.0), // 1.0); ofVec4f col = ofVec4f(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0); colors.push_back(col); } // Setup the geometry m_shapes[BODYPART_PELVIS] = new btCapsuleShape(btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.15), btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.20)); m_shapes[BODYPART_SPINE] = new btCapsuleShape(btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.15), btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.28)); m_shapes[BODYPART_HEAD] = new btCapsuleShape(btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.10), btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.05)); m_shapes[BODYPART_LEFT_UPPER_LEG] = new btCapsuleShape(btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.07), btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.45)); m_shapes[BODYPART_LEFT_LOWER_LEG] = new btCapsuleShape(btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.05), btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.37)); m_shapes[BODYPART_RIGHT_UPPER_LEG] = new btCapsuleShape(btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.07), btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.45)); m_shapes[BODYPART_RIGHT_LOWER_LEG] = new btCapsuleShape(btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.05), btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.37)); m_shapes[BODYPART_LEFT_UPPER_ARM] = new btCapsuleShape(btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.05), btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.33)); m_shapes[BODYPART_LEFT_LOWER_ARM] = new btCapsuleShape(btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.04), btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.25)); m_shapes[BODYPART_RIGHT_UPPER_ARM] = new btCapsuleShape(btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.05), btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.33)); m_shapes[BODYPART_RIGHT_LOWER_ARM] = new btCapsuleShape(btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.04), btScalar(scale_ragdoll*0.25)); // Setup all the rigid bodies btTransform offset; offset.setIdentity(); offset.setOrigin(positionOffset); // fix the rotation double angle = (double)180*(TWO_PI/360.0); btVector3 zaxis(0.0,0.0,1.0); btQuaternion zquat(zaxis,angle); btVector3 yaxis(0.0,1.0,0.0); btQuaternion yquat(yaxis,angle); btQuaternion quat = zquat*yquat; offset.setRotation(quat); btTransform transform; transform.setIdentity(); transform.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(scale_ragdoll*1.), btScalar(0.))); m_bodies[BODYPART_PELVIS] = localCreateRigidBody(btScalar(1.), offset*transform, m_shapes[BODYPART_PELVIS]); transform.setIdentity(); transform.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(scale_ragdoll*1.2), btScalar(0.))); m_bodies[BODYPART_SPINE] = localCreateRigidBody(btScalar(1.), offset*transform, m_shapes[BODYPART_SPINE]); transform.setIdentity(); transform.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(scale_ragdoll*1.6), btScalar(0.))); m_bodies[BODYPART_HEAD] = localCreateRigidBody(btScalar(1.), offset*transform, m_shapes[BODYPART_HEAD]); transform.setIdentity(); transform.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-0.18*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.65*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); m_bodies[BODYPART_LEFT_UPPER_LEG] = localCreateRigidBody(btScalar(1.), offset*transform, m_shapes[BODYPART_LEFT_UPPER_LEG]); transform.setIdentity(); transform.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-0.18*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.2*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); m_bodies[BODYPART_LEFT_LOWER_LEG] = localCreateRigidBody(btScalar(1.), offset*transform, m_shapes[BODYPART_LEFT_LOWER_LEG]); transform.setIdentity(); transform.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.18*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.65*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); m_bodies[BODYPART_RIGHT_UPPER_LEG] = localCreateRigidBody(btScalar(1.), offset*transform, m_shapes[BODYPART_RIGHT_UPPER_LEG]); transform.setIdentity(); transform.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.18*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.2*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); m_bodies[BODYPART_RIGHT_LOWER_LEG] = localCreateRigidBody(btScalar(1.), offset*transform, m_shapes[BODYPART_RIGHT_LOWER_LEG]); transform.setIdentity(); transform.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-0.35*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(1.45*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); transform.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0,0,SIMD_HALF_PI); m_bodies[BODYPART_LEFT_UPPER_ARM] = localCreateRigidBody(btScalar(1.), offset*transform, m_shapes[BODYPART_LEFT_UPPER_ARM]); transform.setIdentity(); transform.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-0.7*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(1.45*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); transform.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0,0,SIMD_HALF_PI); m_bodies[BODYPART_LEFT_LOWER_ARM] = localCreateRigidBody(btScalar(1.), offset*transform, m_shapes[BODYPART_LEFT_LOWER_ARM]); transform.setIdentity(); transform.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.35*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(1.45*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); transform.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0,0,-SIMD_HALF_PI); m_bodies[BODYPART_RIGHT_UPPER_ARM] = localCreateRigidBody(btScalar(1.), offset*transform, m_shapes[BODYPART_RIGHT_UPPER_ARM]); transform.setIdentity(); transform.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.7*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(1.45*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); transform.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0,0,-SIMD_HALF_PI); m_bodies[BODYPART_RIGHT_LOWER_ARM] = localCreateRigidBody(btScalar(1.), offset*transform, m_shapes[BODYPART_RIGHT_LOWER_ARM]); // Setup some damping on the m_bodies for (int i = 0; i < BODYPART_COUNT; ++i) { m_bodies[i]->setDamping(0.05, 0.85); m_bodies[i]->setDeactivationTime(0.8); m_bodies[i]->setSleepingThresholds(1.6, 2.5); } ///////////////////////////// SETTING THE CONSTRAINTS /////////////////////////////////////////////7777 // Now setup the constraints btGeneric6DofConstraint * joint6DOF; btTransform localA, localB; bool useLinearReferenceFrameA = true; /// ******* SPINE HEAD ******** /// { localA.setIdentity(); localB.setIdentity(); localA.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.30*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); localB.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(-0.14*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); joint6DOF = new btGeneric6DofConstraint(*m_bodies[BODYPART_SPINE], *m_bodies[BODYPART_HEAD], localA, localB,useLinearReferenceFrameA); #ifdef RIGID joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON)); #else joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_PI*0.3f,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_PI*0.3f)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_PI*0.5f,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_PI*0.3f)); #endif m_joints[JOINT_SPINE_HEAD] = joint6DOF; m_ownerWorld->addConstraint(m_joints[JOINT_SPINE_HEAD], true); } /// *************************** /// /// ******* LEFT SHOULDER ******** /// { localA.setIdentity(); localB.setIdentity(); localA.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-0.2*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.15*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); localB.getBasis().setEulerZYX(SIMD_HALF_PI,0,-SIMD_HALF_PI); localB.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(-0.18*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); joint6DOF = new btGeneric6DofConstraint(*m_bodies[BODYPART_SPINE], *m_bodies[BODYPART_LEFT_UPPER_ARM], localA, localB,useLinearReferenceFrameA); #ifdef RIGID joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON)); #else joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_PI*0.8f,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_PI*0.5f)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_PI*0.8f,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_PI*0.5f)); #endif m_joints[JOINT_LEFT_SHOULDER] = joint6DOF; m_ownerWorld->addConstraint(m_joints[JOINT_LEFT_SHOULDER], true); } /// *************************** /// /// ******* RIGHT SHOULDER ******** /// { localA.setIdentity(); localB.setIdentity(); localA.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.2*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.15*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); localB.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0,0,SIMD_HALF_PI); localB.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(-0.18*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); joint6DOF = new btGeneric6DofConstraint(*m_bodies[BODYPART_SPINE], *m_bodies[BODYPART_RIGHT_UPPER_ARM], localA, localB,useLinearReferenceFrameA); #ifdef RIGID joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON)); #else joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_PI*0.8f,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_PI*0.5f)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_PI*0.8f,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_PI*0.5f)); #endif m_joints[JOINT_RIGHT_SHOULDER] = joint6DOF; m_ownerWorld->addConstraint(m_joints[JOINT_RIGHT_SHOULDER], true); } /// *************************** /// /// ******* LEFT ELBOW ******** /// { localA.setIdentity(); localB.setIdentity(); localA.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.18*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); localB.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(-0.14*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); joint6DOF = new btGeneric6DofConstraint (*m_bodies[BODYPART_LEFT_UPPER_ARM], *m_bodies[BODYPART_LEFT_LOWER_ARM], localA, localB,useLinearReferenceFrameA); #ifdef RIGID joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON)); #else joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_PI*0.7,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON)); #endif m_joints[JOINT_LEFT_ELBOW] = joint6DOF; m_ownerWorld->addConstraint(m_joints[JOINT_LEFT_ELBOW], true); } /// *************************** /// /// ******* RIGHT ELBOW ******** /// { localA.setIdentity(); localB.setIdentity(); localA.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.18*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); localB.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(-0.14*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); joint6DOF = new btGeneric6DofConstraint (*m_bodies[BODYPART_RIGHT_UPPER_ARM], *m_bodies[BODYPART_RIGHT_LOWER_ARM], localA, localB,useLinearReferenceFrameA); #ifdef RIGID joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON)); #else joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_PI*0.7,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON)); #endif m_joints[JOINT_RIGHT_ELBOW] = joint6DOF; m_ownerWorld->addConstraint(m_joints[JOINT_RIGHT_ELBOW], true); } /// *************************** /// /// ******* PELVIS ******** /// { localA.setIdentity(); localB.setIdentity(); localA.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0,SIMD_HALF_PI,0); localA.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.15*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); localB.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0,SIMD_HALF_PI,0); localB.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(-0.15*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); joint6DOF = new btGeneric6DofConstraint (*m_bodies[BODYPART_PELVIS], *m_bodies[BODYPART_SPINE], localA, localB,useLinearReferenceFrameA); #ifdef RIGID joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON)); #else joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_PI*0.2,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_PI*0.3)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_PI*0.2,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_PI*0.6)); #endif m_joints[JOINT_PELVIS_SPINE] = joint6DOF; m_ownerWorld->addConstraint(m_joints[JOINT_PELVIS_SPINE], true); } /// *************************** /// /// ******* LEFT HIP ******** /// { localA.setIdentity(); localB.setIdentity(); localA.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-0.18*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(-0.10*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); localB.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.225*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); joint6DOF = new btGeneric6DofConstraint(*m_bodies[BODYPART_PELVIS], *m_bodies[BODYPART_LEFT_UPPER_LEG], localA, localB,useLinearReferenceFrameA); #ifdef RIGID joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON)); #else joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_HALF_PI*0.5,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_HALF_PI*0.8,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_HALF_PI*0.6f)); #endif m_joints[JOINT_LEFT_HIP] = joint6DOF; m_ownerWorld->addConstraint(m_joints[JOINT_LEFT_HIP], true); } /// *************************** /// /// ******* RIGHT HIP ******** /// { localA.setIdentity(); localB.setIdentity(); localA.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.18*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(-0.10*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); localB.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.225*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); joint6DOF = new btGeneric6DofConstraint(*m_bodies[BODYPART_PELVIS], *m_bodies[BODYPART_RIGHT_UPPER_LEG], localA, localB,useLinearReferenceFrameA); #ifdef RIGID joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON)); #else joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_HALF_PI*0.5,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_HALF_PI*0.6f)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_HALF_PI*0.8,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON)); #endif m_joints[JOINT_RIGHT_HIP] = joint6DOF; m_ownerWorld->addConstraint(m_joints[JOINT_RIGHT_HIP], true); } /// *************************** /// /// ******* LEFT KNEE ******** /// { localA.setIdentity(); localB.setIdentity(); localA.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(-0.225*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); localB.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.185*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); joint6DOF = new btGeneric6DofConstraint (*m_bodies[BODYPART_LEFT_UPPER_LEG], *m_bodies[BODYPART_LEFT_LOWER_LEG], localA, localB,useLinearReferenceFrameA); // #ifdef RIGID joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON)); #else joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_PI*0.7f,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON)); #endif m_joints[JOINT_LEFT_KNEE] = joint6DOF; m_ownerWorld->addConstraint(m_joints[JOINT_LEFT_KNEE], true); } /// *************************** /// /// ******* RIGHT KNEE ******** /// { localA.setIdentity(); localB.setIdentity(); localA.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(-0.225*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); localB.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.185*scale_ragdoll), btScalar(0.))); joint6DOF = new btGeneric6DofConstraint (*m_bodies[BODYPART_RIGHT_UPPER_LEG], *m_bodies[BODYPART_RIGHT_LOWER_LEG], localA, localB,useLinearReferenceFrameA); #ifdef RIGID joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON)); #else joint6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON,-SIMD_EPSILON)); joint6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_PI*0.7f,SIMD_EPSILON,SIMD_EPSILON)); #endif m_joints[JOINT_RIGHT_KNEE] = joint6DOF; m_ownerWorld->addConstraint(m_joints[JOINT_RIGHT_KNEE], true); } /// *************************** /// }
bool MPUtil::RayOBBIntersection( DCCore::Point_3 vA, // Ray origin, in world space DCCore::Point_3 vB, // Ray direction (NOT target position!), in world space. Must be normalize()'d. DCCore::Point_3 aabb_min, // Minimum X,Y,Z coords of the mesh when not transformed at all. DCCore::Point_3 aabb_max, // Maximum X,Y,Z coords. Often aabb_min*-1 if your mesh is centered, but it's not always the case. const double* ModelMatrix, // Transformation applied to the mesh (which will thus be also applied to its bounding box) float& intersection_distance // Output : distance between ray_origin and the intersection with the OBB ) { DCCore::Point_3 ray_origin = vA; // Ray origin, in world space DCCore::Point_3 ray_direction ; DCCore::Point_3 temp = (vB-vA); temp.Normalize(); ray_direction = temp; // Intersection method from Real-Time Rendering and Essential Mathematics for Games float tMin = 0.0f; float tMax = 100000.0f; DCCore::Point_3 OBBposition_worldspace(0, 0, 0); DCCore::Point_3 delta = OBBposition_worldspace - ray_origin; // Test intersection with the 2 planes perpendicular to the OBB's X axis { DCCore::Point_3 xaxis(1, 0, 0); float e = xaxis.Dot(delta); float f = ray_direction.Dot(xaxis); if ( fabs(f) > 0.001f ){ // Standard case float t1 = (e+aabb_min.x)/f; // Intersection with the "left" plane float t2 = (e+aabb_max.x)/f; // Intersection with the "right" plane // t1 and t2 now contain distances betwen ray origin and ray-plane intersections // We want t1 to represent the nearest intersection, // so if it's not the case, invert t1 and t2 if (t1>t2){ float w=t1;t1=t2;t2=w; // swap t1 and t2 } // tMax is the nearest "far" intersection (amongst the X,Y and Z planes pairs) if ( t2 < tMax ) tMax = t2; // tMin is the farthest "near" intersection (amongst the X,Y and Z planes pairs) if ( t1 > tMin ) tMin = t1; // And here's the trick : // If "far" is closer than "near", then there is NO intersection. // See the images in the tutorials for the visual explanation. if (tMax < tMin ) return false; }else{ // Rare case : the ray is almost parallel to the planes, so they don't have any "intersection" if(-e+aabb_min.x > 0.0f || -e+aabb_max.x < 0.0f) return false; } } // Test intersection with the 2 planes perpendicular to the OBB's Y axis // Exactly the same thing than above. { DCCore::Point_3 yaxis(0, 1, 0); float e = yaxis.Dot(delta); float f = ray_direction.Dot(yaxis); if ( fabs(f) > 0.001f ){ float t1 = (e+aabb_min.y)/f; float t2 = (e+aabb_max.y)/f; if (t1>t2){float w=t1;t1=t2;t2=w;} if ( t2 < tMax ) tMax = t2; if ( t1 > tMin ) tMin = t1; if (tMin > tMax) return false; }else{ if(-e+aabb_min.y > 0.0f || -e+aabb_max.y < 0.0f) return false; } } // Test intersection with the 2 planes perpendicular to the OBB's Z axis // Exactly the same thing than above. { DCCore::Point_3 zaxis(0, 0, 1); float e = zaxis.Dot(delta); float f = ray_direction.Dot(zaxis); if ( fabs(f) > 0.001f ){ float t1 = (e+aabb_min.z)/f; float t2 = (e+aabb_max.z)/f; if (t1>t2){float w=t1;t1=t2;t2=w;} if ( t2 < tMax ) tMax = t2; if ( t1 > tMin ) tMin = t1; if (tMin > tMax) return false; }else{ if(-e+aabb_min.z > 0.0f || -e+aabb_max.z < 0.0f) return false; } } intersection_distance = tMin; return true; }
/*! The mouseMove is called by the viewer when the mouse is moved in the viewer and this handle is the active one. \param x the x-pos of the mouse (pixel) \param y the y-pos of the mouse (pixel) */ void PlaneMoveManipulator::mouseMove(const Int16 x, const Int16 y) { SLOG << "==============================" << endLog; SLOG << "PlaneMoveManipulator::mouseMove() enter x=" << x << " y=" << y << endLog; // get the beacon's core (must be ComponentTransform) and it's center if( getTarget() == NULL ) { SWARNING << "Handle has no target.\n"; return; } // get transformation of beacon Transform *t = dynamic_cast<Transform *>(getTarget()->getCore()); if( t == NULL ) { SWARNING << "handled object has no parent transform!\n"; return; } Vec3f translation; // for matrix decomposition Quaternion rotation; Vec3f scaleFactor; Quaternion scaleOrientation; t->getMatrix().getTransform(translation, rotation, scaleFactor, scaleOrientation); OSG::Line viewray; getViewport()->getCamera()->calcViewRay(viewray, x, y, *getViewport()); SLOG << "Manipulator::mouseMove(): viewray: " << viewray << endLog; // Get manipulator axes into world space OSG::Matrix tm = getTarget()->getToWorld(); Vec3f rot_axis; tm.multFull(Vec3f(0,1,0), rot_axis); Plane pl(rot_axis, getClickPoint()); Pnt3f plpoint; if (pl.intersect(viewray, plpoint) == true) // Ignore moving out of the plane... { SLOG << "Manipulator::mouseMove(): plpoint: " << plpoint << endLog; Vec3f trans = getBaseTranslation(); Quaternion rot = getBaseRotation(); // Get manipulator axes into world space Vec3f xp,zp; tm.multFull(Vec3f(1,0,0), xp); tm.multFull(Vec3f(0,0,1), zp); if (getActiveSubHandle() == getHandleXNode()) { Line xaxis(getClickPoint(), xp); Line zaxis(getClickPoint(), zp); Real32 fx = xaxis.getClosestPointT(plpoint); Real32 fz = zaxis.getClosestPointT(plpoint); SLOG << "Manipulator::mouseMove(): xaxis: " << xaxis << " zaxis: " << zaxis <<endLog; SLOG << "Manipulator::mouseMove(): fx: " << fx << " fz: " << fz <<endLog; // Alternative: transform hitpoint into manip space OSG::Matrix m = getTarget()->getToWorld(); m.invert(); Pnt3f mpoint; m.mult(plpoint, mpoint); SLOG << "Manipulator::mouseMove(): mpoint:" << mpoint << endLog; trans = trans + xp * fx + zp * fz; } else if (getActiveSubHandle() == getHandleZNode()) { Pnt3f wcenter; tm.multFull(Pnt3f(0,getLength()[1],0), wcenter); Vec3f vclick, vcurrent; vclick = getClickPoint() - wcenter; vcurrent = plpoint - wcenter; vclick.normalize(); vcurrent.normalize(); Real32 a = vclick.enclosedAngle(vcurrent); SLOG << "Manipulator::mouseMove(): wcenter:" << wcenter << "" <<endLog; SLOG << "Manipulator::mouseMove(): vclick:" << vclick << " vcurrent:" << vcurrent <<endLog; SLOG << "Manipulator::mouseMove(): angle:" << a << " deg: " << osgRad2Degree(a) << endLog; } Matrix m; m.setTransform(trans, rot, scaleFactor, scaleOrientation); t->setMatrix(m); } setLastMousePos(Pnt2f(Real32(x), Real32(y))); updateHandleTransform(); //SLOG << "Manipulator::mouseMove() leave\n" << std::flush; }
bool Matrix::decompose(Vector3* scale, Quaternion* rotation, Vector3* translation) const { if (translation) { // Extract the translation. translation->x = m[12]; translation->y = m[13]; translation->z = m[14]; } // Nothing left to do. if (scale == NULL && rotation == NULL) return true; // Extract the scale. // This is simply the length of each axis (row/column) in the matrix. Vector3 xaxis(m[0], m[1], m[2]); float scaleX = xaxis.length(); Vector3 yaxis(m[4], m[5], m[6]); float scaleY = yaxis.length(); Vector3 zaxis(m[8], m[9], m[10]); float scaleZ = zaxis.length(); // Determine if we have a negative scale (true if determinant is less than zero). // In this case, we simply negate a single axis of the scale. float det = determinant(); if (det < 0) scaleZ = -scaleZ; if (scale) { scale->x = scaleX; scale->y = scaleY; scale->z = scaleZ; } // Nothing left to do. if (rotation == NULL) return true; // Scale too close to zero, can't decompose rotation. if (scaleX < MATH_TOLERANCE || scaleY < MATH_TOLERANCE || fabs(scaleZ) < MATH_TOLERANCE) return false; float rn; // Factor the scale out of the matrix axes. rn = 1.0f / scaleX; xaxis.x *= rn; xaxis.y *= rn; xaxis.z *= rn; rn = 1.0f / scaleY; yaxis.x *= rn; yaxis.y *= rn; yaxis.z *= rn; rn = 1.0f / scaleZ; zaxis.x *= rn; zaxis.y *= rn; zaxis.z *= rn; // Now calculate the rotation from the resulting matrix (axes). float trace = xaxis.x + yaxis.y + zaxis.z + 1.0f; if (trace > MATH_EPSILON) { float s = 0.5f / sqrt(trace); rotation->w = 0.25f / s; rotation->x = (yaxis.z - zaxis.y) * s; rotation->y = (zaxis.x - xaxis.z) * s; rotation->z = (xaxis.y - yaxis.x) * s; } else { // Note: since xaxis, yaxis, and zaxis are normalized, // we will never divide by zero in the code below. if (xaxis.x > yaxis.y && xaxis.x > zaxis.z) { float s = 0.5f / sqrt(1.0f + xaxis.x - yaxis.y - zaxis.z); rotation->w = (yaxis.z - zaxis.y) * s; rotation->x = 0.25f / s; rotation->y = (yaxis.x + xaxis.y) * s; rotation->z = (zaxis.x + xaxis.z) * s; } else if (yaxis.y > zaxis.z) { float s = 0.5f / sqrt(1.0f + yaxis.y - xaxis.x - zaxis.z); rotation->w = (zaxis.x - xaxis.z) * s; rotation->x = (yaxis.x + xaxis.y) * s; rotation->y = 0.25f / s; rotation->z = (zaxis.y + yaxis.z) * s; } else { float s = 0.5f / sqrt(1.0f + zaxis.z - xaxis.x - yaxis.y ); rotation->w = (xaxis.y - yaxis.x ) * s; rotation->x = (zaxis.x + xaxis.z ) * s; rotation->y = (zaxis.y + yaxis.z ) * s; rotation->z = 0.25f / s; } } return true; }
BZ_END_STENCIL /* * Allocate arrays and set their initial state */ void setup(const int N, vectorField& V, vectorField& nextV, scalarField& P, scalarField& P_rhs, vectorField& advect, vectorField& force) { // A 1m x 1m x 1m domain spatialStep = 1.0 / (N - 1); geom = UniformCubicGeometry<3>(spatialStep); // Allocate arrays allocateArrays(shape(N,N,N), advect, V, nextV, force); // vector fields allocateArrays(shape(N,N,N), P, P_rhs); // scalar fields // Since incompressibility is assumed, pressure only shows up as // derivative terms in the equations. We choose airPressure = 0 // as an arbitrary datum. airPressure = 0; // Pa rho = 1000; // density of fluid, kg/m^3 recip_rho = 1.0 / rho; // inverse of density eta = 1.0e-6; // kinematic viscosity of fluid, m^2/s gravity = 9.81; // m/s^2 delta_t = 0.001; // initial time step, in seconds volume = pow3(spatialStep); // cubic volume associated with grid point // Kludge: Set eta high, so that the flow will spread faster. // This means the cube is filled with molasses, rather than water. eta *= 1000; // Initial conditions: quiescent V = 0.0; P_rhs = 0.0; advect = 0.0; nextV = 0.0; // Initial pressure condition: gravity causes a linear increase // in pressure with depth. Note that tensor::k means the index // associated with the z axis (they are labelled i, j, k). #ifdef NO_GRAVITY gravityPressureGradient = 0.0; P = 0.0; #else gravityPressureGradient = spatialStep * gravity * rho; #ifdef BZ_HAVE_NAMESPACES P = airPressure + tensor::k * gravityPressureGradient; #else P = airPressure + k * gravityPressureGradient; #endif #endif // Set up the forcing function: gravity plus a stirring force // at the bottom double gravity_z = gravity * rho; const int x = 0, y = 1, z = 2; force[x] = 0.0; force[y] = 0.0; #ifdef NO_GRAVITY force[z] = 0.0; #else force[z] = gravity_z; #endif #ifndef NO_STIRRING // Centre of the stirring int centrex = int(2 * N / 3.0); int centrey = int(2 * N / 3.0); int centrez = int(4 * N / 5.0); const double stirRadius = 1.0 / 3.0; vector3d zaxis(0,0,1); // Loop through the 2D slice where the stirring occurs for (int i=force.lbound(firstDim); i <= force.ubound(firstDim); ++i) { for (int j=force.lbound(secondDim); j <= force.ubound(secondDim); ++j) { // Vector from the centre of the stirring to the current // coordinate vector3d r((i-centrex) * spatialStep, (j-centrey) * spatialStep, 0.0); if (norm(r) < stirRadius) { // The cross product of the z-axis and the vector3d to this // coordinate yields the direction of the force. Multiply // by gravity to get a reasonable magnitude (max force = // 5 * gravity) force(i,j,centrez) += cross(zaxis, r) * (5 * gravity_z / stirRadius); } } } #endif // NO_STIRRING }