Пример #1
 *                                                                               *
 * Function: db_read_values_by_time                                              *
 *                                                                               *
 * Purpose: reads item history data from database                                *
 *                                                                               *
 * Parameters:  itemid        - [IN] the itemid                                  *
 *              value_type    - [IN] the value type (see ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_* defs) *
 *              values        - [OUT] the item history data values               *
 *              seconds       - [IN] the time period to read                     *
 *              end_timestamp - [IN] the value timestamp to start reading with   *
 *                                                                               *
 * Return value: SUCCEED - the history data were read successfully               *
 *               FAIL - otherwise                                                *
 *                                                                               *
 * Comments: This function reads all values with timestamps in range:            *
 *             end_timestamp - seconds < <value timestamp> <= end_timestamp      *
 *                                                                               *
static int	db_read_values_by_time(zbx_uint64_t itemid, int value_type, zbx_vector_history_record_t *values,
		int seconds, int end_timestamp)
	char			*sql = NULL;
	size_t	 		sql_alloc = 0, sql_offset = 0;
	DB_RESULT		result;
	DB_ROW			row;
	zbx_vc_history_table_t	*table = &vc_history_tables[value_type];

	zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset,
			"select clock,ns,%s"
			" from %s"
			" where itemid=" ZBX_FS_UI64,
			table->fields, table->name, itemid);

	if (1 == seconds)
		zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, " and clock=%d", end_timestamp);
		zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, " and clock>%d and clock<=%d",
				end_timestamp - seconds, end_timestamp);

	result = DBselect("%s", sql);


	if (NULL == result)
		goto out;

	while (NULL != (row = DBfetch(result)))
		zbx_history_record_t	value;

		value.timestamp.sec = atoi(row[0]);
		value.timestamp.ns = atoi(row[1]);
		table->rtov(&value.value, row + 2);

		zbx_vector_history_record_append_ptr(values, &value);
	return SUCCEED;
Пример #2
 *                                                                                  *
 * Function: db_read_values_by_time_and_count                                       *
 *                                                                                  *
 * Purpose: reads item history data from database                                   *
 *                                                                                  *
 * Parameters:  itemid        - [IN] the itemid                                     *
 *              value_type    - [IN] the value type (see ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_* defs)    *
 *              values        - [OUT] the item history data values                  *
 *              seconds       - [IN] the time period to read                        *
 *              count         - [IN] the number of values to read                   *
 *              end_timestamp - [IN] the value timestamp to start reading with      *
 *                                                                                  *
 * Return value: SUCCEED - the history data were read successfully                  *
 *               FAIL - otherwise                                                   *
 *                                                                                  *
 * Comments: this function reads <count> values from <seconds> period before        *
 *           <count_timestamp> (including) plus all values in range:                *
 *             count_timestamp < <value timestamp> <= read_timestamp                *
 *                                                                                  *
static int	db_read_values_by_time_and_count(zbx_uint64_t itemid, int value_type,
		zbx_vector_history_record_t *values, int seconds, int count, int end_timestamp)
	int			ret = FAIL;
	char			*sql = NULL;
	size_t	 		sql_alloc = 0, sql_offset;
	DB_RESULT		result;
	DB_ROW			row;
	zbx_vc_history_table_t	*table = &vc_history_tables[value_type];

	zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset,
			"select clock,ns,%s"
			" from %s"
			" where itemid=" ZBX_FS_UI64,
			table->fields, table->name, itemid);

	if (1 == seconds)
		zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, " and clock=%d", end_timestamp);
		zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, " and clock>%d and clock<=%d order by clock desc",
				end_timestamp - seconds, end_timestamp);

	result = DBselectN(sql, count);


	if (NULL == result)
		goto out;

	while (NULL != (row = DBfetch(result)) && 0 < count--)
		zbx_history_record_t	value;

		value.timestamp.sec = atoi(row[0]);
		value.timestamp.ns = atoi(row[1]);
		table->rtov(&value.value, row + 2);

		zbx_vector_history_record_append_ptr(values, &value);

	if (0 < count)
		/* no more data in the specified time period, return success */
		ret = SUCCEED;
		goto out;

	/* Drop data from the last second and read the whole second again     */
	/* to ensure that data is cached by seconds.                          */
	/* Because the initial select has limit option (DBselectN()) we have  */
	/* to perform another select to read the last second data.            */
	end_timestamp = values->values[values->values_num - 1].timestamp.sec;

	while (0 < values->values_num && values->values[values->values_num - 1].timestamp.sec == end_timestamp)
		zbx_history_record_clear(&values->values[values->values_num], value_type);

	ret = db_read_values_by_time(itemid, value_type, values, 1, end_timestamp);

	return ret;
Пример #3
 *                                                                                  *
 * Function: db_read_values_by_count                                                *
 *                                                                                  *
 * Purpose: reads item history data from database                                   *
 *                                                                                  *
 * Parameters:  itemid        - [IN] the itemid                                     *
 *              value_type    - [IN] the value type (see ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_* defs)    *
 *              values        - [OUT] the item history data values                  *
 *              count         - [IN] the number of values to read                   *
 *              end_timestamp - [IN] the value timestamp to start reading with      *
 *                                                                                  *
 * Return value: SUCCEED - the history data were read successfully                  *
 *               FAIL - otherwise                                                   *
 *                                                                                  *
 * Comments: this function reads <count> values before <count_timestamp> (including)*
 *           plus all values in range:                                              *
 *             count_timestamp < <value timestamp> <= read_timestamp                *
 *                                                                                  *
 *           To speed up the reading time with huge data loads, data is read by     *
 *           smaller time segments (hours, day, week, month) and the next (larger)  *
 *           time segment is read only if the requested number of values (<count>)  *
 *           is not yet retrieved.                                                  *
 *                                                                                  *
static int	db_read_values_by_count(zbx_uint64_t itemid, int value_type, zbx_vector_history_record_t *values,
		int count, int end_timestamp)
	char			*sql = NULL;
	size_t	 		sql_alloc = 0, sql_offset;
	int			clock_to, clock_from, step = 0, ret = FAIL;
	DB_RESULT		result;
	DB_ROW			row;
	zbx_vc_history_table_t	*table = &vc_history_tables[value_type];
	const int		periods[] = {SEC_PER_HOUR, SEC_PER_DAY, SEC_PER_WEEK, SEC_PER_MONTH, 0, -1};

	clock_to = end_timestamp;

	while (-1 != periods[step] && 0 < count)
		if (0 > (clock_from = clock_to - periods[step]))
			clock_from = clock_to;
			step = 4;

		sql_offset = 0;
		zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset,
				"select clock,ns,%s"
				" from %s"
				" where itemid=" ZBX_FS_UI64
					" and clock<=%d",
				table->fields, table->name, itemid, clock_to);

		if (clock_from != clock_to)
			zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, " and clock>%d", clock_from);

		zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, " order by clock desc");

		result = DBselectN(sql, count);

		if (NULL == result)
			goto out;

		while (NULL != (row = DBfetch(result)))
			zbx_history_record_t	value;

			value.timestamp.sec = atoi(row[0]);
			value.timestamp.ns = atoi(row[1]);
			table->rtov(&value.value, row + 2);

			zbx_vector_history_record_append_ptr(values, &value);


		clock_to -= periods[step];

	if (0 < count)
		/* no more data in database, return success */
		ret = SUCCEED;
		goto out;

	/* drop data from the last second and read the whole second again  */
	/* to ensure that data is cached by seconds                        */
	end_timestamp = values->values[values->values_num - 1].timestamp.sec;

	while (0 < values->values_num && values->values[values->values_num - 1].timestamp.sec == end_timestamp)
		zbx_history_record_clear(&values->values[values->values_num], value_type);

	ret = db_read_values_by_time(itemid, value_type, values, 1, end_timestamp);

	return ret;
Пример #4
 *                                                                            *
 * Function: evaluate_aggregate                                               *
 *                                                                            *
 * Parameters: item      - [IN] aggregated item                               *
 *             grp_func  - [IN] one of ZBX_GRP_FUNC_*                         *
 *             groups    - [IN] list of comma-separated host groups           *
 *             itemkey   - [IN] item key to aggregate                         *
 *             item_func - [IN] one of ZBX_VALUE_FUNC_*                       *
 *             param     - [IN] item_func parameter (optional)                *
 *                                                                            *
 * Return value: SUCCEED - aggregate item evaluated successfully              *
 *               FAIL - otherwise                                             *
 *                                                                            *
static int	evaluate_aggregate(DC_ITEM *item, AGENT_RESULT *res, int grp_func, const char *groups,
		const char *itemkey, int item_func, const char *param)
	const char			*__function_name = "evaluate_aggregate";
	zbx_vector_uint64_t		itemids;
	history_value_t			value, item_result;
	zbx_history_record_t		group_value;
	int				ret = FAIL, now, *errcodes = NULL, i, count;
	DC_ITEM				*items = NULL;
	zbx_vector_history_record_t	values, group_values;
	unsigned int			seconds;

	zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In %s() grp_func:%d groups:'%s' itemkey:'%s' item_func:%d param:'%s'",
			__function_name, grp_func, groups, itemkey, item_func, ZBX_NULL2STR(param));

	now = time(NULL);

	aggregate_get_items(&itemids, groups, itemkey);

	if (0 == itemids.values_num)
		SET_MSG_RESULT(res, zbx_dsprintf(NULL, "No items for key \"%s\" in group(s) \"%s\".", itemkey, groups));
		goto clean1;

	memset(&value, 0, sizeof(value));

	items = zbx_malloc(items, sizeof(DC_ITEM) * itemids.values_num);
	errcodes = zbx_malloc(errcodes, sizeof(int) * itemids.values_num);

	DCconfig_get_items_by_itemids(items, itemids.values, errcodes, itemids.values_num);

	if (ZBX_VALUE_FUNC_LAST == item_func)
		count = 1;
		seconds = 0;
		if (FAIL == is_uint_suffix(param, &seconds))
			SET_MSG_RESULT(res, zbx_strdup(NULL, "Invalid fourth parameter."));
			goto clean2;
		count = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < itemids.values_num; i++)
		if (SUCCEED != errcodes[i])

		if (ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE != items[i].status)

		if (HOST_STATUS_MONITORED != items[i].host.status)

		if (ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT != items[i].value_type && ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64 != items[i].value_type)


		if (SUCCEED == zbx_vc_get_value_range(items[i].itemid, items[i].value_type, &values, seconds,
				count, now) && 0 < values.values_num)
			evaluate_history_func(&values, items[i].value_type, item_func, &item_result);

			if (item->value_type == items[i].value_type)
				group_value.value = item_result;
				if (ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64 == item->value_type)
					group_value.value.ui64 = (zbx_uint64_t)item_result.dbl;
					group_value.value.dbl = (double)item_result.ui64;

			zbx_vector_history_record_append_ptr(&group_values, &group_value);

		zbx_history_record_vector_destroy(&values, items[i].value_type);

	if (0 == group_values.values_num)
		SET_MSG_RESULT(res, zbx_dsprintf(NULL, "No values for key \"%s\" in group(s) \"%s\"", itemkey, groups));
		goto clean2;

	evaluate_history_func(&group_values, item->value_type, grp_func, &value);

	if (ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT == item->value_type)
		SET_DBL_RESULT(res, value.dbl);
		SET_UI64_RESULT(res, value.ui64);

	ret = SUCCEED;
	DCconfig_clean_items(items, errcodes, itemids.values_num);

	zbx_history_record_vector_destroy(&group_values, item->value_type);

	zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "End of %s():%s", __function_name, zbx_result_string(ret));

	return ret;