Пример #1
*	FUNCTION: cross_power
*		Calculate the cross power between the 2 input arrays.
*		If the size of both input arrays is not a power of two they are padded to the next power of 2.
*		If input arrays have different size, the minimum is kept as being the size of both arrays.
void cross_power(INT16 *x, INT32 x_Nelements, INT16 *y, INT32 y_Nelements, FLOAT **mag, INT32 *mag_Nelements)
	FLOAT *tempx = NULL;
	FLOAT *tempy = NULL;
	FLOAT tmp1,tmp2;
	INT32 count,count1;

	tempx = zeropad(x,&x_Nelements);
	tempy = zeropad(y,&y_Nelements);

	if (x_Nelements>y_Nelements) x_Nelements = y_Nelements;

	if ((*mag)==NULL) (*mag) = (FLOAT*) malloc( (x_Nelements/2) * sizeof(FLOAT));

	for (count=0, count1=0; count<x_Nelements-1; count+=2,count1++)
		tmp1 = tempx[count]*tempy[count]+tempx[count+1]*tempy[count+1];
		tmp2 = tempx[count]*tempy[count+1]-tempx[count+1]*tempy[count];
		(*mag)[count1] = (FLOAT) sqrt(tmp1*tmp1 + tmp2*tmp2);

		(*mag)[count1]/= (x_Nelements*x_Nelements);

	*mag_Nelements = count1;


Пример #2
*	FUNCTION: cross_power_ratio
*		Compute the cross power correlation	and a ratio at the end. 
FLOAT cross_power_ratio(INT16 *x, INT32 x_Nelements, INT16 *y, INT32 y_Nelements)
	FLOAT *tempx;
	FLOAT *tempy;
	FLOAT a=0,b=0,tmp1,tmp2;
	INT32 count;

	tempx = zeropad(x,&x_Nelements);
	tempy = zeropad(y,&y_Nelements);

	if (x_Nelements>y_Nelements) x_Nelements = y_Nelements;


	for (count=0; count<(x_Nelements*0.15); count+=2)
		tmp1 = tempx[count]*tempy[count]+tempx[count+1]*tempy[count+1]; 
		tmp2 = tempx[count]*tempy[count+1]-tempx[count+1]*tempy[count]; 
		a+= (FLOAT) sqrt(tmp1*tmp1 + tmp2*tmp2);

	for (count=(INT32)(x_Nelements*0.15); count<x_Nelements; count+=2)
		tmp1 = tempx[count]*tempy[count]+tempx[count+1]*tempy[count+1]; 
		tmp2 = tempx[count]*tempy[count+1]-tempx[count+1]*tempy[count]; 
		b+= (FLOAT) sqrt(tmp1*tmp1 + tmp2*tmp2);


	if (b!=0) return a/b;
	else return 0;
Пример #3
Файл: main.c Проект: mlange/dev
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char temp[20];
    char *foo;
    double x = 3.12345678901234551111;

    printf("X: %.10f\n", x);

    /* Left zero padding a string. */
#ifdef FOO
    sprintf(temp, "%0*s", 19, "12345");
    printf("TEMP: %s\n", temp);

    /* Left zero padding a string. */
    memset(temp, '0', sizeof temp - 1);
    printf("TEMP: %s\n", temp);

    foo = temp + sizeof temp - strlen("12345") - 1;
    sprintf(foo, "%s", "12345");
    zeropad("12345", temp, sizeof temp);
    printf("               1         2\n");
    printf("      12345678901234567890\n");
    printf("TEMP: %s\n", temp);

Пример #4
int writeCompressedGrain(FILE * infile, SectorType lba, FILE * of) {
    z_stream strm;
    int ret;
    int compressedBytes = 0;
    off_t bytesWritten = 0;
    size_t bytesRead = 0;
    u_int8_t buf[GRAINSIZE];
    u_int8_t outbuf[2*GRAINSIZE];
    memset(buf, 0, GRAINSIZE*sizeof(u_int8_t));
    memset(outbuf, 0, GRAINSIZE*sizeof(u_int8_t));

    bytesRead = fread(buf, 1, GRAINSIZE*sizeof(u_int8_t), infile);
    if (bytesRead == 0) {
        VPRINT("End of file reached.\n");
        return 0;

    if (! memcmp(buf, zerograin, GRAINSIZE*sizeof(u_int8_t))) {
        VPRINT("grain at LBA %lld is zero. skipping.\n", (long long)lba);
        return 0;

    /* allocate deflate state */
    strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
    strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
    strm.opaque = Z_NULL;
    ret = deflateInit(&strm, 1);
    if (ret != Z_OK)

    strm.avail_in = bytesRead;
    strm.next_in = buf;
    strm.next_out = outbuf;
    strm.avail_out = 2*GRAINSIZE;
    ret = deflate(&strm, Z_FINISH);    /* no bad return value */
    assert(ret != Z_STREAM_ERROR);  /* state not clobbered */
    compressedBytes = 2*GRAINSIZE - strm.avail_out;
    assert(strm.avail_in == 0);     /* all input will be used */
    assert(ret == Z_STREAM_END);        /* stream will be complete */

    /* clean up and return */

    /* write grain marker */
    GrainMarker gm;
    memset(&gm, 0, sizeof(GrainMarker));
    gm.lba = lba;
    gm.size = compressedBytes;
    bytesWritten = _fwrite((void *)&gm, sizeof(GrainMarker), 1, of);
    bytesWritten += _fwrite((void *)&outbuf, sizeof(u_int8_t), compressedBytes, of);
    VPRINT("Wrote a compressed grain of %lld bytes\n", (long long)bytesWritten);
    off_t padding = bytesWritten % SECTORSIZE;
    if (padding) {
        bytesWritten += zeropad(SECTORSIZE - padding, of);
    return bytesWritten; 
Пример #5
int main()
  if (check1() || check2() || check3())
    printf("No solution\n");
    if (solve())
      printf("Path not found\n");
  return 0;
Пример #6
int writeCompressedGrainDirectory(u_int32_t * gd, int gdsize, FILE * of) {
    off_t bytesWritten;
    MetaDataMarker gdm;
    memset(&gdm, 0, sizeof(MetaDataMarker));
    gdm.numSectors = gdsize / GRAINSECTORS;  /* this needs to be determined by number of GTs */
    gdm.type       = MARKER_GD;
    bytesWritten = _fwrite((void *)&gdm, sizeof(MetaDataMarker), 1, of);

    VPRINT("Writing Grain Directory\n");
    bytesWritten += _fwrite((void *) gd, sizeof(u_int32_t), gdsize, of);
    /* pad to a sector boundary */
    off_t padding = SECTORSIZE - bytesWritten % SECTORSIZE;
    if (padding != SECTORSIZE) {
        bytesWritten += zeropad(padding, of);
    return bytesWritten;
Пример #7
int main(int ac, char** av)
  if (ac != 2) error_macro("expecting 1 argument: CMAKE_BINARY_DIR")

    dir = string(av[1]) + "/tests/fig_a/",
    h5  = dir + "out_blk_1m";

  auto n = h5n(h5);

  for (int at = 0; at < n["t"]; ++at) // TODO: mark what time does it actually mean!
    for (auto &plt : std::set<std::string>({"rc", "rr"}))
      Gnuplot gp;
      init(gp, h5 + ".plot/" + plt + "/" + zeropad(at * n["outfreq"]) + ".svg", 1, 1, n); 

      if (plt == "rc")
	auto rc = h5load(h5, "rc", at * n["outfreq"]) * 1e3;
	gp << "set title 'cloud water mixing ratio r_c [g/kg]'\n";
	gp << "set cbrange [0:1.5]\n";
	plot(gp, rc);

      if (plt == "rr")
	auto rr = h5load(h5, "rr", at * n["outfreq"]) * 1e3;
	gp << "set logscale cb\n";
	gp << "set title 'rain water mixing ratio r_r [g/kg]'\n";
	gp << "set cbrange [1e-2:1]\n";
	plot(gp, rr);
Пример #8
int main(int ac, char** av)
  if (ac != 2) error_macro("expecting 1 argument: CMAKE_BINARY_DIR")

    dir = string(av[1]) + "/paper_GMD_2015/fig_a/",
    h5  = dir + "out_lgrngn",
    svg = dir + "out_lgrngn_spec.svg";

  Gnuplot gp;

  int off = 2; // TODO!!!
  float ymin = .4 * .01, ymax = .9 * 10000;
  const int at = 9000;

  gp << "set term svg dynamic enhanced fsize 15 size 900, 1500 \n";
  gp << "set output '" << svg << "'\n";
  gp << "set logscale xy\n";
  gp << "set xrange [.002:100]\n";
  gp << "set yrange [" << ymin << ":" << ymax << "]\n";
  gp << "set ylabel '[mg^{-1} μm^{-1}]'\n"; // TODO: add textual description (PDF?)
  gp << "set grid\n";
  gp << "set nokey\n";

  // FSSP range
  gp << "set arrow from .5," << ymin << " to .5," << ymax << " nohead\n";
  gp << "set arrow from 25," << ymin << " to 25," << ymax << " nohead\n";

  gp << "set xlabel offset 0,1.5 'particle radius [μm]'\n";
  gp << "set key samplen 1.2\n";
  gp << "set xtics rotate by 65 right (.01, .1, 1, 10, 100) \n";

// TODO: use dashed lines to allow printing in black and white... same in image plots

  assert(focus.first.size() == focus.second.size());
  gp << "set multiplot layout " << focus.first.size() << ",2 columnsfirst upwards\n";

  // focus to the gridbox from where the size distribution is plotted
  char lbl = 'i';
  for (auto &fcs : std::set<std::set<std::pair<int,int>>>({focus.first, focus.second}))
    for (auto it = fcs.begin(); it != fcs.end(); ++it)
      const int &x = it->first, &y = it->second;

      gp << "set label 1 '(" << lbl << ")' at graph -.15, 1.02 font ',20'\n";
      //gp << "set title 'x=" << x << " y=" << y << "'\n";

      std::map<float, float> focus_d;
      std::map<float, float> focus_w;

      //info on the number and location of histogram edges
      vector<quantity<si::length>> left_edges_rd = bins_dry();
      int nsd = left_edges_rd.size() - 1;
      vector<quantity<si::length>> left_edges_rw = bins_wet();
      int nsw = left_edges_rw.size() - 1;

      for (int i = 0; i < nsd; ++i)
	const string name = "rd_rng" + zeropad(i) + "_mom0";
	blitz::Array<float, 2> tmp_d(1e-6 * h5load(h5, name, at));

	focus_d[left_edges_rd[i] / 1e-6 / si::metres] = sum(tmp_d(
	  blitz::Range(x-1, x+1),
	  blitz::Range(y-1, y+1)
	/ 9  // mean over 9 gridpoints
	/ ((left_edges_rd[i+1] - left_edges_rd[i]) / 1e-6 / si::metres); // per micrometre

      for (int i = 0; i < nsw; ++i)
	const string name = "rw_rng" + zeropad(i + off) + "_mom0";
	blitz::Array<float, 2> tmp_w(1e-6 * h5load(h5, name, at));

	focus_w[left_edges_rw[i] / 1e-6 / si::metres] = sum(tmp_w(
	  blitz::Range(x-1, x+1),
	  blitz::Range(y-1, y+1)
	/ 9 
	/ ((left_edges_rw[i+1] - left_edges_rw[i]) / 1e-6 / si::metres); // per micrometre

      notice_macro("setting-up plot parameters");
      gp << "plot"
	 << "'-' with histeps title 'wet radius' lw 3 lc rgb 'blue'," 
	 << "'-' with histeps title 'dry radius' lw 1 lc rgb 'red' " << endl;

      lbl -= 2;
    lbl = 'j';