Пример #1
zyre_event_t *
zyre_event_new (zyre_t *node)
    zmsg_t *msg = zyre_recv (node);
    if (!msg)
        return NULL;            //  Interrupted

    zyre_event_t *self = (zyre_event_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (zyre_event_t));
    assert (self);

    char *type = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    self->sender = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    self->name = zmsg_popstr (msg);

    if (streq (type, "ENTER")) {
        self->type = ZYRE_EVENT_ENTER;
        zframe_t *headers = zmsg_pop (msg);
        if (headers) {
            self->headers = zhash_unpack (headers);
            zframe_destroy (&headers);
        self->address = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    if (streq (type, "EXIT"))
        self->type = ZYRE_EVENT_EXIT;
    if (streq (type, "JOIN")) {
        self->type = ZYRE_EVENT_JOIN;
        self->group = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    if (streq (type, "LEAVE")) {
        self->type = ZYRE_EVENT_LEAVE;
        self->group = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    if (streq (type, "WHISPER")) {
        self->type = ZYRE_EVENT_WHISPER;
        self->msg = msg;
        msg = NULL;
    if (streq (type, "SHOUT")) {
        self->type = ZYRE_EVENT_SHOUT;
        self->group = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        self->msg = msg;
        msg = NULL;
    if (streq (type, "STOP")) {
        self->type = ZYRE_EVENT_STOP;
        zsys_warning ("bad message received from node: %s\n", type);
    free (type);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);
    return self;
Пример #2
zyre_event_t *
zyre_event_new (zyre_t *node)
    zmsg_t *msg = zyre_recv (node);
    if (!msg)
        return NULL;            //  Interrupted

    zyre_event_t *self = (zyre_event_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (zyre_event_t));
    assert (self);

    self->type = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    self->peer_uuid = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    self->peer_name = zmsg_popstr (msg);

    if (streq (self->type, "ENTER")) {
        zframe_t *headers = zmsg_pop (msg);
        if (headers) {
            self->headers = zhash_unpack (headers);
            zframe_destroy (&headers);
        self->peer_addr = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    if (streq (self->type, "JOIN"))
        self->group = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    if (streq (self->type, "LEAVE"))
        self->group = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    if (streq (self->type, "WHISPER")) {
        self->msg = msg;
        msg = NULL;
    if (streq (self->type, "SHOUT")) {
        self->group = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        self->msg = msg;
        msg = NULL;
    if (streq (self->type, "LEADER")) {
        self->group = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);
    return self;
Пример #3
zhash_test (int verbose)
    printf (" * zhash: ");

    //  @selftest
    zhash_t *hash = zhash_new ();
    assert (hash);
    assert (zhash_size (hash) == 0);

    //  Insert some items
    int rc;
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "DEADBEEF", "dead beef");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "ABADCAFE", "a bad cafe");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "C0DEDBAD", "coded bad");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "DEADF00D", "dead food");
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (zhash_size (hash) == 4);

    //  Look for existing items
    char *item;
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "ABADCAFE");
    assert (streq (item, "a bad cafe"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "C0DEDBAD");
    assert (streq (item, "coded bad"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADF00D");
    assert (streq (item, "dead food"));

    //  Look for non-existent items
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "foo");
    assert (item == NULL);

    //  Try to insert duplicate items
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "DEADBEEF", "foo");
    assert (rc == -1);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));

    //  Some rename tests

    //  Valid rename, key is now LIVEBEEF
    rc = zhash_rename (hash, "DEADBEEF", "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (rc == 0);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));

    //  Trying to rename an unknown item to a non-existent key
    rc = zhash_rename (hash, "WHATBEEF", "NONESUCH");
    assert (rc == -1);

    //  Trying to rename an unknown item to an existing key
    rc = zhash_rename (hash, "WHATBEEF", "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (rc == -1);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));

    //  Trying to rename an existing item to another existing item
    rc = zhash_rename (hash, "LIVEBEEF", "ABADCAFE");
    assert (rc == -1);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "ABADCAFE");
    assert (streq (item, "a bad cafe"));

    //  Test keys method
    zlist_t *keys = zhash_keys (hash);
    assert (zlist_size (keys) == 4);
    zlist_destroy (&keys);

    //  Test dup method
    zhash_t *copy = zhash_dup (hash);
    assert (zhash_size (copy) == 4);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (copy, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item);
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    zhash_destroy (&copy);

    //  Test pack/unpack methods
    zframe_t *frame = zhash_pack (hash);
    copy = zhash_unpack (frame);
    zframe_destroy (&frame);
    assert (zhash_size (copy) == 4);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (copy, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item);
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    zhash_destroy (&copy);

    // Test foreach
    rc = zhash_foreach (hash, test_foreach, hash);
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_foreach (hash, test_foreach_error, hash);
    assert (rc == -1);

    //  Test save and load
    zhash_comment (hash, "This is a test file");
    zhash_comment (hash, "Created by %s", "czmq_selftest");
    zhash_save (hash, ".cache");
    copy = zhash_new ();
    zhash_load (copy, ".cache");
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (copy, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item);
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    zhash_destroy (&copy);
    zsys_file_delete (".cache");

    //  Delete a item
    zhash_delete (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item == NULL);
    assert (zhash_size (hash) == 3);

    //  Check that the queue is robust against random usage
    struct {
        char name [100];
        bool exists;
    } testset [200];
    memset (testset, 0, sizeof (testset));
    int testmax = 200, testnbr, iteration;

    srandom ((unsigned) time (NULL));
    for (iteration = 0; iteration < 25000; iteration++) {
        testnbr = randof (testmax);
        if (testset [testnbr].exists) {
            item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, testset [testnbr].name);
            assert (item);
            zhash_delete (hash, testset [testnbr].name);
            testset [testnbr].exists = false;
        else {
            sprintf (testset [testnbr].name, "%x-%x", rand (), rand ());
            if (zhash_insert (hash, testset [testnbr].name, "") == 0)
                testset [testnbr].exists = true;
    //  Test 10K lookups
    for (iteration = 0; iteration < 10000; iteration++)
        item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEFABADCAFE");

    //  Destructor should be safe to call twice
    zhash_destroy (&hash);
    zhash_destroy (&hash);
    assert (hash == NULL);

    // Test autofree; automatically copies and frees string values
    hash = zhash_new ();
    zhash_autofree (hash);
    char value [255];
    strcpy (value, "This is a string");
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "key1", value);
    assert (rc == 0);
    strcpy (value, "Ring a ding ding");
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "key2", value);
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (streq ((char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "key1"), "This is a string"));
    assert (streq ((char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "key2"), "Ring a ding ding"));
    zhash_destroy (&hash);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Пример #4
Файл: zyre.c Проект: VanL/zyre
zyre_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zyre: ");

    //  @selftest
    //  We'll use inproc gossip discovery so that this works without networking
    int major, minor, patch;
    zyre_version (&major, &minor, &patch);
    assert (major == ZYRE_VERSION_MAJOR);
    assert (minor == ZYRE_VERSION_MINOR);
    assert (patch == ZYRE_VERSION_PATCH);
    //  Create two nodes
    zyre_t *node1 = zyre_new ("node1");
    assert (node1);
    assert (streq (zyre_name (node1), "node1"));
    zyre_set_header (node1, "X-HELLO", "World");
    zyre_set_verbose (node1);
    //  Set inproc endpoint for this node
    zyre_set_endpoint (node1, "inproc://zyre-node1");
    //  Set up gossip network for this node
    zyre_gossip_bind (node1, "inproc://gossip-hub");
    int rc = zyre_start (node1);
    assert (rc == 0);

    zyre_t *node2 = zyre_new ("node2");
    assert (node2);
    assert (streq (zyre_name (node2), "node2"));
    zyre_set_verbose (node2);
    //  Set inproc endpoint for this node
    //  First, try to use existing name, it'll fail
    zyre_set_endpoint (node2, "inproc://zyre-node1");
    assert (streq (zyre_endpoint (node2), ""));
    //  Now use available name and confirm that it succeeds
    zyre_set_endpoint (node2, "inproc://zyre-node2");
    assert (streq (zyre_endpoint (node2), "inproc://zyre-node2"));
    //  Set up gossip network for this node
    zyre_gossip_connect (node2, "inproc://gossip-hub");
    rc = zyre_start (node2);
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (strneq (zyre_uuid (node1), zyre_uuid (node2)));
    zyre_join (node1, "GLOBAL");
    zyre_join (node2, "GLOBAL");

    //  Give time for them to interconnect
    zclock_sleep (100);

    //  One node shouts to GLOBAL
    zyre_shouts (node1, "GLOBAL", "Hello, World");

    //  Second node should receive ENTER, JOIN, and SHOUT
    zmsg_t *msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    char *command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "ENTER"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    assert (zmsg_size (msg) == 4);
    char *peerid = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    zstr_free (&peerid);
    char *name = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (name, "node1"));
    zstr_free (&name);
    zframe_t *headers_packed = zmsg_pop (msg);
    char *peeraddress = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    zstr_free (&peeraddress);

    assert (headers_packed);
    zhash_t *headers = zhash_unpack (headers_packed);
    assert (headers);
    zframe_destroy (&headers_packed);
    assert (streq ((char*)zhash_lookup (headers, "X-HELLO"), "World"));
    zhash_destroy (&headers);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "JOIN"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    assert (zmsg_size (msg) == 3);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "SHOUT"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);
    zyre_stop (node1);
    zyre_stop (node2);
    zyre_destroy (&node1);
    zyre_destroy (&node2);
    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Пример #5
zyre_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zyre: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    //  We'll use inproc gossip discovery so that this works without networking

    uint64_t version = zyre_version ();
    assert ((version / 10000) % 100 == ZYRE_VERSION_MAJOR);
    assert ((version / 100) % 100 == ZYRE_VERSION_MINOR);
    assert (version % 100 == ZYRE_VERSION_PATCH);

    //  Create two nodes
    zyre_t *node1 = zyre_new ("node1");
    assert (node1);
    assert (streq (zyre_name (node1), "node1"));
    zyre_set_header (node1, "X-HELLO", "World");
    if (verbose)
        zyre_set_verbose (node1);

    //  Set inproc endpoint for this node
    int rc = zyre_set_endpoint (node1, "inproc://zyre-node1");
    assert (rc == 0);
    //  Set up gossip network for this node
    zyre_gossip_bind (node1, "inproc://gossip-hub");
    rc = zyre_start (node1);
    assert (rc == 0);

    zyre_t *node2 = zyre_new ("node2");
    assert (node2);
    assert (streq (zyre_name (node2), "node2"));
    if (verbose)
        zyre_set_verbose (node2);

    //  Set inproc endpoint for this node
    //  First, try to use existing name, it'll fail
    rc = zyre_set_endpoint (node2, "inproc://zyre-node1");
    assert (rc == -1);
    //  Now use available name and confirm that it succeeds
    rc = zyre_set_endpoint (node2, "inproc://zyre-node2");
    assert (rc == 0);

    //  Set up gossip network for this node
    zyre_gossip_connect (node2, "inproc://gossip-hub");
    rc = zyre_start (node2);
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (strneq (zyre_uuid (node1), zyre_uuid (node2)));

    zyre_join (node1, "GLOBAL");
    zyre_join (node2, "GLOBAL");

    //  Give time for them to interconnect
    zclock_sleep (250);
    if (verbose)
        zyre_dump (node1);

    zlist_t *peers = zyre_peers (node1);
    assert (peers);
    assert (zlist_size (peers) == 1);
    zlist_destroy (&peers);

    zyre_join (node1, "node1 group of one");
    zyre_join (node2, "node2 group of one");

    // Give them time to join their groups
    zclock_sleep (250);

    zlist_t *own_groups = zyre_own_groups (node1);
    assert (own_groups);
    assert (zlist_size (own_groups) == 2);
    zlist_destroy (&own_groups);

    zlist_t *peer_groups = zyre_peer_groups (node1);
    assert (peer_groups);
    assert (zlist_size (peer_groups) == 2);
    zlist_destroy (&peer_groups);

    char *value = zyre_peer_header_value (node2, zyre_uuid (node1), "X-HELLO");
    assert (streq (value, "World"));
    zstr_free (&value);

    //  One node shouts to GLOBAL
    zyre_shouts (node1, "GLOBAL", "Hello, World");

    //  Second node should receive ENTER, JOIN, and SHOUT
    zmsg_t *msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    char *command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "ENTER"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    assert (zmsg_size (msg) == 4);
    char *peerid = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    char *name = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (name, "node1"));
    zstr_free (&name);
    zframe_t *headers_packed = zmsg_pop (msg);

    char *address = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    char *endpoint = zyre_peer_address (node2, peerid);
    assert (streq (address, endpoint));
    zstr_free (&peerid);
    zstr_free (&endpoint);
    zstr_free (&address);

    assert (headers_packed);
    zhash_t *headers = zhash_unpack (headers_packed);
    assert (headers);
    zframe_destroy (&headers_packed);
    assert (streq ((char *) zhash_lookup (headers, "X-HELLO"), "World"));
    zhash_destroy (&headers);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "JOIN"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    assert (zmsg_size (msg) == 3);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "JOIN"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    assert (zmsg_size (msg) == 3);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "SHOUT"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    zyre_stop (node2);

    msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "STOP"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    zyre_stop (node1);

    zyre_destroy (&node1);
    zyre_destroy (&node2);

    printf ("OK\n");

    if (zsys_has_curve()){

        printf (" * zyre-curve: ");
        if (verbose)
            printf ("\n");

        if (verbose)
            zsys_debug("----------------TESTING CURVE --------------");

        zactor_t *speaker = zactor_new (zbeacon, NULL);
        assert (speaker);
        if (verbose)
            zstr_sendx (speaker, "VERBOSE", NULL);

        // ensuring we have a broadcast address
        zsock_send (speaker, "si", "CONFIGURE", 9999);
        char *hostname = zstr_recv (speaker);
        if (!*hostname) {
            printf ("OK (skipping test, no UDP broadcasting)\n");
            zactor_destroy (&speaker);
            freen (hostname);
        freen (hostname);
        zactor_destroy (&speaker);

        // zap setup
        zactor_t *auth = zactor_new(zauth, NULL);
        assert (auth);

        if (verbose) {
            zstr_sendx(auth, "VERBOSE", NULL);

        zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, NULL);
        zsock_wait (auth);

        zyre_t *node3 = zyre_new ("node3");
        zyre_t *node4 = zyre_new ("node4");

        assert (node3);
        assert (node4);

        zyre_set_verbose (node3);
        zyre_set_verbose (node4);

        zyre_set_zap_domain(node3, "TEST");
        zyre_set_zap_domain(node4, "TEST");

        zsock_set_rcvtimeo(node3->inbox, 10000);
        zsock_set_rcvtimeo(node4->inbox, 10000);

        zcert_t *node3_cert = zcert_new ();
        zcert_t *node4_cert = zcert_new ();

        assert (node3_cert);
        assert (node4_cert);

        zyre_set_zcert(node3, node3_cert);
        zyre_set_zcert(node4, node4_cert);

        zyre_set_header(node3, "X-PUBLICKEY", "%s", zcert_public_txt(node3_cert));
        zyre_set_header(node4, "X-PUBLICKEY", "%s", zcert_public_txt(node4_cert));

        // test beacon
        if (verbose)
            zsys_debug ("----------------TESTING BEACON----------------");

        rc = zyre_start(node3);
        assert (rc == 0);

        rc = zyre_start(node4);
        assert (rc == 0);

        zyre_join (node3, "GLOBAL");
        zyre_join (node4, "GLOBAL");

        zclock_sleep (1500);

        if (verbose) {
            zyre_dump (node3);
            zyre_dump (node4);

        zyre_shouts (node3, "GLOBAL", "Hello, World");

        //  Second node should receive ENTER, JOIN, and SHOUT
        msg = zyre_recv (node4);
        assert (msg);
        command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (streq (command, "ENTER"));
        zstr_free (&command);

        char *peerid = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (peerid);
        name = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (streq (name, "node3"));
        zmsg_destroy (&msg);

        msg = zyre_recv (node4);
        assert (msg);
        command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (streq (command, "JOIN"));
        zstr_free (&command);

        msg = zyre_recv (node4);
        assert (msg);
        command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (streq (command, "SHOUT"));
        zstr_free (&command);

        zyre_leave(node3, "GLOBAL");
        zyre_leave(node4, "GLOBAL");

        zstr_free (&name);
        zstr_free (&peerid);
        zstr_free (&command);

        zyre_stop (node3);
        zyre_stop (node4);

        // give things a chance to settle...
        zclock_sleep (250);



        // test gossip
        if (verbose)
            zsys_debug ("----------------TESTING GOSSIP----------------");

        zyre_t *node5 = zyre_new ("node5");
        zyre_t *node6 = zyre_new ("node6");

        assert (node5);
        assert (node6);

        if (verbose) {
            zyre_set_verbose (node5);
            zyre_set_verbose (node6);

        // if it takes more than 10s, something probably went terribly wrong
        zsock_set_rcvtimeo(node5->inbox, 10000);
        zsock_set_rcvtimeo(node6->inbox, 10000);

        zcert_t *node5_cert = zcert_new ();
        zcert_t *node6_cert = zcert_new ();

        assert (node5_cert);
        assert (node6_cert);

        zyre_set_zcert(node5, node5_cert);
        zyre_set_zcert(node6, node6_cert);

        zyre_set_header(node5, "X-PUBLICKEY", "%s", zcert_public_txt(node5_cert));
        zyre_set_header(node6, "X-PUBLICKEY", "%s", zcert_public_txt(node6_cert));

        const char *gossip_cert = zcert_public_txt (node5_cert);

        // TODO- need to add zyre_gossip_port functions to get port from gossip bind(?)
        zyre_gossip_bind(node5, "tcp://");
        zyre_gossip_connect_curve(node6, gossip_cert, "tcp://");


        zyre_join (node5, "GLOBAL");
        zyre_join (node6, "GLOBAL");

        // give things a chance to settle...
        zclock_sleep (1500);

        if (verbose) {
            zyre_dump (node5);
            zyre_dump (node6);

        zyre_shouts (node5, "GLOBAL", "Hello, World");

        //  Second node should receive ENTER, JOIN, and SHOUT
        msg = zyre_recv (node6);
        assert (msg);
        command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (streq (command, "ENTER"));
        zstr_free (&command);

        peerid = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (peerid);
        name = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        zmsg_destroy (&msg);

        assert (streq (name, "node5"));
        zstr_free (&name);

        zyre_leave(node5, "GLOBAL");
        zyre_leave(node6, "GLOBAL");

        zyre_stop (node5);
        zyre_stop (node6);

        // give things a chance to settle...
        zclock_sleep (250);

        zstr_free (&peerid);

        zcert_destroy (&node5_cert);
        zcert_destroy (&node6_cert);


        printf ("OK\n");

Пример #6
//  Unpack binary frame into a new hash table. Packed data must follow format
//  defined by zhash_pack. Hash table is set to autofree. An empty frame     
//  unpacks to an empty hash table.                                          
QZhash* QZhash::unpack (QZframe *frame, QObject *qObjParent)
    return new QZhash (zhash_unpack (frame->self), qObjParent);
Пример #7
//  Unpack binary frame into a new hash table. Packed data must follow format
//  defined by zhash_pack. Hash table is set to autofree. An empty frame     
//  unpacks to an empty hash table.                                          
QZhash * QZhash::unpack (QZframe *frame)
    QZhash *rv = new QZhash (zhash_unpack (frame->self));
    return rv;