Пример #1
 *  l_autodecode_137()
 *      Input:  index into array of functions
 *      Return: data struct (e.g., pixa) in memory
void *
l_autodecode_137(l_int32 index)
l_uint8  *data1, *data2;
l_int32   size1;
size_t    size2;
void     *result = NULL;
l_int32   nfunc = 2;


    if (index < 0 || index >= nfunc) {
        L_ERROR("invalid index = %d; must be less than %d\n", procName,
                index, nfunc);
        return NULL;


        /* Unencode selected string, write to file, and read it */
    switch (index) {
    case 0:
        data1 = decodeBase64(l_strdata_0, strlen(l_strdata_0), &size1);
        data2 = zlibUncompress(data1, size1, &size2);
        l_binaryWrite("/tmp/lept/auto/data.bin","w", data2, size2);
        result = (void *)pixaRead("/tmp/lept/auto/data.bin");
    case 1:
        data1 = decodeBase64(l_strdata_1, strlen(l_strdata_1), &size1);
        data2 = zlibUncompress(data1, size1, &size2);
        l_binaryWrite("/tmp/lept/auto/data.bin","w", data2, size2);
        result = (void *)pixaRead("/tmp/lept/auto/data.bin");
        L_ERROR("invalid index", procName);

    return result;
Пример #2
 * \brief   l_bootnum_gen2()
 * \return   pixa  of labelled digits
 * <pre>
 * Call this way:
 *      PIXA  *pixa = l_bootnum_gen2();   (C)
 *      Pixa  *pixa = l_bootnum_gen2();   (C++)
 * </pre>
l_uint8  *data1, *data2;
l_int32   size1;
size_t    size2;
PIXA     *pixa;

        /* Unencode selected string, write to file, and read it */
    data1 = decodeBase64(l_bootnum2, strlen(l_bootnum2), &size1);
    data2 = zlibUncompress(data1, size1, &size2);
    pixa = pixaReadMem(data2, size2);
    return pixa;
Пример #3
 *  l_bootnum_gen()
 *      Return: the bootnum pixa
 *  Call this way:
 *      PIXA  *pixa = (PIXA *)l_bootnum_gen();   (C)
 *      Pixa  *pixa = (Pixa *)l_bootnum_gen();   (C++)
void *
l_uint8  *data1, *data2;
l_int32   size1;
size_t    size2;
void     *result;

        /* Unencode selected string, write to file, and read it */
    data1 = decodeBase64(l_bootnum, strlen(l_bootnum), &size1);
    data2 = zlibUncompress(data1, size1, &size2);
    l_binaryWrite("/tmp/data.bin", "w", data2, size2);
    result = (void *)pixaRead("/tmp/data.bin");
    return result;
 *  \brief   l_bootnum_gen3()
 * \return   pixa  of labelled digits
 * <pre>
 * Call this way:
 *      PIXA  *pixa = l_bootnum_gen3();   (C)
 *      Pixa  *pixa = l_bootnum_gen3();   (C++)
 * </pre>
l_uint8  *data1, *data2;
l_int32   size1;
size_t    size2;
PIXA     *pixa;


        /* Unencode selected string, uncompress it, and read it */
    data1 = decodeBase64(l_strdata_0, strlen(l_strdata_0), &size1);
    data2 = zlibUncompress(data1, size1, &size2);
    pixa = pixaReadMem(data2, size2);
    return pixa;
Пример #5
 *  l_bootnum_gen2()
 *      Return: the bootnum2 pixa
 *  Call this way:
 *      PIXA  *pixa = (PIXA *)l_bootnum_gen2();   (C)
 *      Pixa  *pixa = (Pixa *)l_bootnum_gen2();   (C++)
void *
l_uint8  *data1, *data2;
l_int32   size1;
size_t    size2;
void     *result;


        /* Unencode selected string, write to file, and read it */
    data1 = decodeBase64(l_bootnum2, strlen(l_bootnum2), &size1);
    data2 = zlibUncompress(data1, size1, &size2);
    l_binaryWrite("/tmp/lept/auto/data.bin", "w", data2, size2);
    result = (void *)pixaRead("/tmp/lept/auto/data.bin");
    return result;
Пример #6
    DataBuf PngChunk::parsePngChunk(const byte* pData, long size, long& index, int keysize)
        DataBuf arr;

        if(!strncmp((char*)PNG_CHUNK_TYPE(pData, index), "zTXt", 4))
            // Extract a deflate compressed Latin-1 text chunk

#ifdef DEBUG
            std::cerr << "Exiv2::PngChunk::parsePngChunk: We found a zTXt field\n";
            // we get the compression method after the key
            const byte* compressionMethod = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+1);
            if ( *compressionMethod != 0x00 )
                // then it isn't zlib compressed and we are sunk
#ifdef DEBUG
                std::cerr << "Exiv2::PngChunk::parsePngChunk: Non-standard zTXt compression method.\n";
                throw Error(14);

            // compressed string after the compression technique spec
            const byte* compressedText      = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+2);
            unsigned int compressedTextSize = getLong(&pData[index], bigEndian)-keysize-2;

            // security check, also considering overflow wraparound from the addition --
            // we may endup with a /smaller/ index if we wrap all the way around
            long firstIndex       = (long)(compressedText - pData);
            long onePastLastIndex = firstIndex + compressedTextSize;
            if ( onePastLastIndex > size || onePastLastIndex <= firstIndex)
                throw Error(14);

            zlibUncompress(compressedText, compressedTextSize, arr);
        else if (!strncmp((char*)PNG_CHUNK_TYPE(pData, index), "tEXt", 4))
            // Extract a non-compressed Latin-1 text chunk
#ifdef DEBUG
            std::cerr << "Exiv2::PngChunk::parsePngChunk: We found a tEXt field\n";
            // the text comes after the key, but isn't null terminated
            const byte* text = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+1);
            long textsize    = getLong(&pData[index], bigEndian)-keysize-1;

            // security check, also considering overflow wraparound from the addition --
            // we may endup with a /smaller/ index if we wrap all the way around
            long firstIndex       = (long)(text - pData);
            long onePastLastIndex = firstIndex + textsize;

            if ( onePastLastIndex > size || onePastLastIndex <= firstIndex)
                throw Error(14);

            arr = DataBuf(text, textsize);
        else if(!strncmp((char*)PNG_CHUNK_TYPE(pData, index), "iTXt", 4))
            // Extract a deflate compressed or uncompressed UTF-8 text chunk

            // we get the compression flag after the key
            const byte* compressionFlag = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+1);
            // we get the compression method after the compression flag
            const byte* compressionMethod = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+1);
            // language description string after the compression technique spec
            const byte* languageText      = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+1);
            unsigned int languageTextSize = getLong(&pData[index], bigEndian)-keysize-1;
            // translated keyword string after the language description
            const byte* translatedKeyText      = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+1);
            unsigned int translatedKeyTextSize = getLong(&pData[index], bigEndian)-keysize-1;

            if ( *compressionFlag == 0x00 )
                // then it's an uncompressed iTXt chunk
#ifdef DEBUG
                std::cerr << "Exiv2::PngChunk::parsePngChunk: We found an uncompressed iTXt field\n";

                // the text comes after the translated keyword, but isn't null terminated
                const byte* text = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+1);
                long textsize    = getLong(&pData[index], bigEndian)-keysize-1;

                // security check, also considering overflow wraparound from the addition --
                // we may endup with a /smaller/ index if we wrap all the way around
                long firstIndex       = (long)(text - pData);
                long onePastLastIndex = firstIndex + textsize;

                if ( onePastLastIndex > size || onePastLastIndex <= firstIndex)
                    throw Error(14);

                arr = DataBuf(text, textsize);
            else if ( *compressionMethod == 0x00 )
                // then it's a zlib compressed iTXt chunk
#ifdef DEBUG
                std::cerr << "Exiv2::PngChunk::parsePngChunk: We found a zlib compressed iTXt field\n";

                // the compressed text comes after the translated keyword, but isn't null terminated
                const byte* compressedText = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+1);
                long compressedTextSize    = getLong(&pData[index], bigEndian)-keysize-1;

                // security check, also considering overflow wraparound from the addition --
                // we may endup with a /smaller/ index if we wrap all the way around
                long firstIndex       = (long)(compressedText - pData);
                long onePastLastIndex = firstIndex + compressedTextSize;
                if ( onePastLastIndex > size || onePastLastIndex <= firstIndex)
                    throw Error(14);

                zlibUncompress(compressedText, compressedTextSize, arr);
                // then it isn't zlib compressed and we are sunk
#ifdef DEBUG
                std::cerr << "Exiv2::PngChunk::parsePngChunk: Non-standard iTXt compression method.\n";
                throw Error(14);
#ifdef DEBUG
            std::cerr << "Exiv2::PngChunk::parsePngChunk: We found a field, not expected though\n";
            throw Error(14);

    return arr;

    } // PngChunk::parsePngChunk
Пример #7
main(int    argc,
     char **argv)
char        *filein, *fileout;
l_uint8     *array1, *array2, *dataout, *dataout2;
l_int32      i, blocksize;
size_t       nbytes, nout, nout2;
BBUFFER     *bb, *bb2;
FILE        *fp;
static char  mainName[] = "buffertest";

    if (argc != 3)
	exit(ERROR_INT(" Syntax:  buffertest filein fileout", mainName, 1));

    filein = argv[1];
    fileout = argv[2];

    if ((array1 = l_binaryRead(filein, &nbytes)) == NULL)
	exit(ERROR_INT("array not made", mainName, 1));
    fprintf(stderr, " Bytes read from file: %ld\n", nbytes);

        /* Application of byte buffer ops: compress/decompress in memory */
#if 1
    dataout = zlibCompress(array1, nbytes, &nout);
    l_binaryWrite(fileout, "w", dataout, nout);

    dataout2 = zlibUncompress(dataout, nout, &nout2);
    l_binaryWrite("/tmp/junktest", "w", dataout2, nout2);

            "nbytes in = %ld, nbytes comp = %ld, nbytes uncomp = %ld\n",
            nbytes, nout, nout2);

        /* Low-level byte buffer read/write test */
#if 0
    bb = bbufferCreate(array1, nbytes);
    bbufferRead(bb, array1, nbytes);

    array2 = (l_uint8 *)lept_calloc(2 * nbytes, sizeof(l_uint8));

    fprintf(stderr, " Bytes initially in buffer: %d\n", bb->n);

    blocksize = (2 * nbytes) / NBLOCKS;
    for (i = 0; i <= NBLOCKS; i++) {
	bbufferWrite(bb, array2, blocksize, &nout);
	fprintf(stderr, " block %d: wrote %d bytes\n", i + 1, nout);

    fprintf(stderr, " Bytes left in buffer: %d\n", bb->n);

    bb2 = bbufferCreate(NULL, 0);
    bbufferRead(bb2, array1, nbytes);
    fp = lept_fopen(fileout, "wb");
    bbufferWriteStream(bb2, fp, nbytes, &nout);
    fprintf(stderr, " bytes written out to fileout: %d\n", nout);


    return 0;