Пример #1
/* Compute A = B * C * D where A, B, C, D are square matrices of the
   same dimension, and C is diagonal.  Allow B, C, D to be complex
   valued but assume their product is real valued (as when B,C,D
   represent diagonalization of A).  C is described by a vector
   representing its diagonal elements.  A temp matrix can optionally
   be passed in to improve efficiency.  */
void zmat_mult_real_diag(Matrix *A, Zmatrix *B, Zvector *C, Zmatrix *D,
                         Zmatrix *scratch) {
  int i, j;
  int size = C->size;
  Zmatrix *tmp;

  if (!(A->nrows == A->ncols && A->nrows == B->nrows &&
	B->nrows == B->ncols && B->nrows == C->size &&
	C->size == D->nrows && D->nrows == D->ncols))
    die("ERROR zmat_mult_real_diag: bad dimensions\n");

  if (scratch == NULL)
    tmp= zmat_new(size, size);
  else {
    if (!(scratch->nrows == size && scratch->ncols == size))
      die("ERROR zmat_mult_real_diag: scratch has wrong size\n");
    tmp = scratch;

  /* first compute tmp = C*D */
  for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < size; j++)
      zmat_set(tmp, i, j, z_mul(zvec_get(C, i), zmat_get(D, i, j)));

  /* now compute A = B*tmp */
  zmat_mult_real(A, B, tmp);

  if (scratch == NULL)
Пример #2
void zmat_build(void)
gint i, j, k, n, type;
gdouble r, a, d, x[4][3], v[3];
gdouble  zaxis[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
gchar *line;
GSList *list, *species;
struct zmat_pak *zmat;
struct core_pak *core[4] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
struct model_pak *model;

model = sysenv.active_model;
if (!model)

/* CURRENT - using selection as our list of cores to generate a zmatrix from */
if (!model->selection)
  gui_text_show(WARNING, "ZMATRIX: please select a molecule.\n");

/* destroy old zmatrix */
/* TODO - prompt if non null */
zmat = model->zmatrix = zmat_new();
zmat_angle_units_set(model->zmatrix, DEGREES);

/* setup SIESTA species type */
species = fdf_species_build(model);

/* sort the list so it follows molecular connectivity */
model->selection = zmat_connect_sort(model->selection);

for (list=model->selection ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list))
/* current atom/zmatrix line init */
  core[0] = list->data;
  type = fdf_species_index(core[0]->atom_label, species);
  line = NULL;

  zmat->zcores = g_slist_append(zmat->zcores, core[0]);

/* build a ZMATRIX line for processing */
  switch (n)
    case 0:
      if (core[0])
        ARR3SET(x[0], core[0]->x);
        vecmat(model->latmat, x[0]);
      line = g_strdup_printf("%d  0 0 0  %f %f %f  0 0 0\n", type, x[0][0], x[0][1], x[0][2]);

    case 1:
      if (core[0])
        ARR3SET(x[0], core[0]->x);
        vecmat(model->latmat, x[0]);
      if (core[1])
        ARR3SET(x[1], core[1]->x);
        vecmat(model->latmat, x[1]);

      r = measure_distance(x[0], x[1]);

/* angle with z axis */
      ARR3SET(v, x[0]);
      ARR3SUB(v, x[1]);
      a = R2D * via(v, zaxis, 3);

/* angle between xy projection and x axis */
      d = R2D * angle_x_compute(v[0], v[1]);

      line = g_strdup_printf("%d  1 0 0  %f %f %f 0 0 0\n", type, r, a, d);

    case 2:
/* coords init */
  for (i=3 ; i-- ; )
    if (core[i])
      ARR3SET(x[i], core[i]->x);
      vecmat(model->latmat, x[i]);

      r = measure_distance(x[0], x[1]);
      a = measure_angle(x[0], x[1], x[2]);

/* create a fake core -> 1 unit displaced in the z direction */
      g_assert(core[3] == NULL);
      core[3] = core_new("x", NULL, model);
      ARR3SET(core[3]->rx, core[2]->rx);
      ARR3ADD(core[3]->rx, zaxis); 
      d = measure_torsion(core);

      line = g_strdup_printf("%d  2 1 0  %f %f %f 0 0 0\n", type,r,a,d);


/* connectivity test */
      if (!zmat_bond_check(core[0], core[1]))
printf("[%d] non-connected atoms [%f]\n", n, measure_distance(x[0], x[1]));
/* need to build a new connectivity chain starting from core[0] */
        core[1] = core[2] = core[3] = NULL;
        if (!zmat_connect_find(n, core, zmat))
          gui_text_show(WARNING, "ZMATRIX: bad connectivity (molecule will be incomplete)\n");
          goto zmat_build_done;

/* coords init */
      for (i=3 ; i-- ; )
        if (core[i])
          ARR3SET(x[i], core[i]->x);
          vecmat(model->latmat, x[i]);

      r = measure_distance(x[0], x[1]);
      a = measure_angle(x[0], x[1], x[2]);
      d = measure_torsion(core);

/* NB: indexing starts from 0, siesta starts from 1 (naturally) */
      i = 1+g_slist_index(zmat->zcores, core[1]);
      j = 1+g_slist_index(zmat->zcores, core[2]);
      k = 1+g_slist_index(zmat->zcores, core[3]);

      line = g_strdup_printf("%d  %d %d %d  %f %f %f 0 0 0\n", type,i,j,k,r,a,d);

/* process a successfully constructed ZMATRIX line */
  if (line)
    zmat_core_add(line, model->zmatrix);

/* shuffle */
  core[3] = core[2];
  core[2] = core[1];
  core[1] = core[0];



/* do the species typing */
zmat_type(model->zmatrix, species);
