Пример #1
// Draw DIB on caller's DC. Does stretching from source to destination
// rectangles.  Generally, it's OK to let the following default to zero:
//    bUseDrawDib = whether to use use DrawDib, default TRUE
//    pPalette    = palette, default = 0, (use DIB's palette)
//    bForeground = realize in foreground (default FALSE)
// If handling palette messages, use bForeground = FALSE, since the
// foreground palette will be realized in WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE.
ZDib::Draw( CDC& dc, const CRect *rectTgt, const CRect *rectSrc,
            zBOOL bUseDrawDib, CPalette *pPalette, zBOOL bForeground )
   if ( m_hObject == 0 )
      return( FALSE );

   // Select, realize palette.
   if ( pPalette == 0 )              // no palette specified:
      pPalette = GetPalette( );      // use default

   CPalette *pOldPal = dc.SelectPalette( pPalette, !bForeground );
   dc.RealizePalette( );

   if ( bUseDrawDib )
      // Compute rectangles where 0 specified.
      CRect rect( 0, 0, -1, -1 );  // default for ::DrawDibDraw
      if ( rectSrc == 0 )
         rectSrc = ▭

      if ( rectTgt == 0 )
         rectTgt = rectSrc;

      if ( m_hdd == 0 )
         VERIFY( (m_hdd = ::DrawDibOpen( )) != 0 );

      // Get BITMAPINFOHEADER/color table.  Copy into stack object each time.
      // This doesn't seem to slow things down visibly.
      DIBSECTION ds;
      VERIFY( GetObject( sizeof( ds ), &ds ) == sizeof( ds ) );
      char buf[ sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) + MAXPALCOLORS * sizeof( RGBQUAD ) ];
      RGBQUAD *colors = (RGBQUAD *) (&bmih + 1);
      zmemcpy( &bmih, &ds.dsBmih, sizeof( bmih ) );
      GetColorTable( colors, MAXPALCOLORS );

      // Let DrawDib do the work!
      bRC = ::DrawDibDraw( m_hdd, dc,
                           rectTgt->left, rectTgt->top,
                           rectTgt->Width( ), rectTgt->Height( ),
                           &bmih,        // ptr to BITMAPINFOHEADER + colors
                           m_bitmap.bmBits, // bits in memory
                           rectSrc->left, rectSrc->top,
                           rectSrc->Width( ), rectSrc->Height( ),
                           bForeground ? 0 : DDF_BACKGROUNDPAL );

      // Use normal draw function.
      bRC = DrawBitmap( dc, this, rectTgt, rectSrc );

   if ( pOldPal )
      dc.SelectPalette( pOldPal, TRUE );

   return( bRC );
Пример #2
/* ========================================================================= */
EXPORT_C int ZEXPORT deflateSetDictionary (
    z_streamp strm,
    const Bytef *dictionary,
    uInt  dictLength)
    // Line to stop compiler warning about unused mandatory global variable
    char __z=deflate_copyright[0];

    deflate_state *s;
    uInt length = dictLength;
    uInt n;
    IPos hash_head = 0;

    if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL || dictionary == Z_NULL ||
            strm->state->status != INIT_STATE) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;

    s = strm->state;
    strm->adler = adler32(strm->adler, dictionary, dictLength);

    if (length < MIN_MATCH) return Z_OK;
    if (length > MAX_DIST(s)) {
        length = MAX_DIST(s);
        dictionary += dictLength - length; /* use the tail of the dictionary */
    zmemcpy(s->window, dictionary, length);
    s->strstart = length;
    s->block_start = (long)length;

    /* Insert all strings in the hash table (except for the last two bytes).
     * s->lookahead stays null, so s->ins_h will be recomputed at the next
     * call of fill_window.
    s->ins_h = s->window[0];
    UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, s->window[1]);
    for (n = 0; n <= length - MIN_MATCH; n++) {
        INSERT_STRING(s, n, hash_head);
    if (hash_head) hash_head = 0;  /* to make compiler happy */
    return Z_OK;
Пример #3
/* copy as much as possible from the sliding window to the output area */
local void ZEXPORT inflate_flush(nsis_z_streamp z)
    inflate_blocks_statef *s = &z->blocks;
    uInt n;
    Bytef *q;

    /* local copies of source and destination pointers */
    q = s->read;

    /* compute number of bytes to copy as far as end of window */
    n = (uInt)((q <= s->write ? s->write : s->end) - q);
    n = min(n, z->avail_out);

    /* update counters */
    z->avail_out -= n;
    /* z->total_out += n; */

    /* copy as far as end of window */
    zmemcpy(z->next_out, q, n);
    z->next_out += n;
    q += n;

    /* see if more to copy at beginning of window */
    if (q == s->end)
        /* wrap pointers */
        q = s->window;
        if (s->write == s->end)
            s->write = s->window;

        /* do the same for the beginning of the window */
        goto again;

    /* update pointers */
    s->read = q;
Пример #4
/* Open a Zip file. path contain the full pathname (by example, on
   a Windows NT computer "c:\\test\\zlib109.zip" or on an Unix computer
	 If the zipfile cannot be opened (file don't exist or in not valid),
   the return value is NULL.
   Else, the return value is a HUNZFILE Handle, usable with other
   function of this unzip package. */
	int            err = UNZ_OK;
  int            iPathSize;
  BOOL           fPath;
  char           buf[4];
  LPSTR          pszName;

  // getting the full path to the file
  iPathSize = GetFullPathName(pszFileName, 0, buf, &pszName);
  { iPathSize = lstrlen(pszFileName);
    fPath = FALSE; }
  else fPath = TRUE;

  // alloc memory for the internal structure
	s = (LPUNZ_INTERNAL)ALLOCZ(sizeof(UNZ_INTERNAL) + iPathSize + 2);
  if(!s) return NULL;
  // copying the file path to the memory
    iPathSize = GetFullPathName(pszFileName, iPathSize + 1,
      s->pszFilePath, &pszName);
    if(!iPathSize) err = UNZ_ERRNO;
  { zmemcpy(s->pszFilePath, pszFileName, iPathSize);
    s->pszFilePath[iPathSize] = 0; }

  // opening the file
  if(err == UNZ_OK) err = unzLocal_OpenInternal(s);
  if(err != UNZ_OK)
  { TRYFREE(s); s = NULL; }

  return (HUNZFILE)s;
Пример #5
/* 将BUFFER的内容以十六进制的格式打印出来 */
fhlog(char *buf, int len)
	int	ret;
	int	i;
	int	j;
	char	temp1[100];
	char	temp2[100];
	char	*p;
	int	offset;
	int	t1;
	int	t2;

	FILE*	fp;

	/* 如果不打印,退出 */
	if (BUF_LEVEL == 0)

	/* 如果文件未打开 */
	if ((fp = fopen(BUF_FILE_NAME, "a")) == NULL)
		return ;

	/* 初始化 */
	i = 0; 
	j = 0;
	memset(temp1, 0, sizeof(temp1));
	memset(temp2, 0, sizeof(temp2));

	fprintf(fp, "时间:[%08d] 时间:[%06d]\n", 
		get_sys_date(), get_sys_time());

	for (i = 0; i < len; i ++) {
		if ((i + 1) % 10 == 0 && (i + 1) % 20 != 0)
			sprintf(temp2, "%02X-", (unsigned char)(*(buf + i)));
			sprintf(temp2, "%02X ", (unsigned char)(*(buf + i)));
		strcat(temp1, temp2);
		if ((i + 1) % 20 == 0 && i != 0) {
			fprintf(fp, "%s", temp1);
			memset(temp1, 0, sizeof(temp1));
			zmemcpy(temp1, buf + j, 20);
			for (t1 = 0; t1 < 20; t1 ++) {
				if (!isprint(*(temp1 + t1)))
					*(temp1 + t1) = '.';
				fprintf(fp, "%c", *(temp1 + t1));
			fprintf(fp, "\n");
			j = i + 1;
			memset(temp1, 0, sizeof(temp1));

	if ((i + 1) % 20 != 0) {
		fprintf(fp, "%-60s", temp1);
		zmemcpy(temp1, buf + j, len - j);
		for (t1 = 0; t1 < len - j; t1 ++) {
			if (!isprint(*(temp1 + t1)))
				*(temp1 + t1) = '.';
			fprintf(fp, "%c", *(temp1 + t1));
		fprintf(fp, "\n");

	fprintf(fp, "\n\n");


Пример #6
void fill_window_sse(deflate_state *s)
    z_const __m128i xmm_wsize = _mm_set1_epi16(s->w_size);

    register unsigned n;
    register Posf *p;
    unsigned more;    /* Amount of free space at the end of the window. */
    uInt wsize = s->w_size;

    Assert(s->lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD, "already enough lookahead");

    do {
        more = (unsigned)(s->window_size -(ulg)s->lookahead -(ulg)s->strstart);

        /* Deal with !@#$% 64K limit: */
        if (sizeof(int) <= 2) {
            if (more == 0 && s->strstart == 0 && s->lookahead == 0) {
                more = wsize;

            } else if (more == (unsigned)(-1)) {
                /* Very unlikely, but possible on 16 bit machine if
                 * strstart == 0 && lookahead == 1 (input done a byte at time)

        /* If the window is almost full and there is insufficient lookahead,
         * move the upper half to the lower one to make room in the upper half.
        if (s->strstart >= wsize+MAX_DIST(s)) {

            zmemcpy(s->window, s->window+wsize, (unsigned)wsize);
            s->match_start -= wsize;
            s->strstart    -= wsize; /* we now have strstart >= MAX_DIST */
            s->block_start -= (long) wsize;

            /* Slide the hash table (could be avoided with 32 bit values
               at the expense of memory usage). We slide even when level == 0
               to keep the hash table consistent if we switch back to level > 0
               later. (Using level 0 permanently is not an optimal usage of
               zlib, so we don't care about this pathological case.)
            n = s->hash_size;
            p = &s->head[n];
            p -= 8;
            do {
                __m128i value, result;

                value = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)p);
                result = _mm_subs_epu16(value, xmm_wsize);
                _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)p, result);

                p -= 8;
                n -= 8;
            } while (n > 0);

            n = wsize;
#ifndef FASTEST
            p = &s->prev[n];
            p -= 8;
            do {
                __m128i value, result;

                value = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)p);
                result = _mm_subs_epu16(value, xmm_wsize);
                _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)p, result);
                p -= 8;
                n -= 8;
            } while (n > 0);
            more += wsize;
        if (s->strm->avail_in == 0) break;

        /* If there was no sliding:
         *    strstart <= WSIZE+MAX_DIST-1 && lookahead <= MIN_LOOKAHEAD - 1 &&
         *    more == window_size - lookahead - strstart
         * => more >= window_size - (MIN_LOOKAHEAD-1 + WSIZE + MAX_DIST-1)
         * => more >= window_size - 2*WSIZE + 2
         * In the BIG_MEM or MMAP case (not yet supported),
         *   window_size == input_size + MIN_LOOKAHEAD  &&
         *   strstart + s->lookahead <= input_size => more >= MIN_LOOKAHEAD.
         * Otherwise, window_size == 2*WSIZE so more >= 2.
         * If there was sliding, more >= WSIZE. So in all cases, more >= 2.
        Assert(more >= 2, "more < 2");

        n = read_buf(s->strm, s->window + s->strstart + s->lookahead, more);
        s->lookahead += n;

        /* Initialize the hash value now that we have some input: */
        if (s->lookahead + s->insert >= MIN_MATCH) {
            uInt str = s->strstart - s->insert;
            s->ins_h = s->window[str];
            if (str >= 1)
                UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, str + 1 - (MIN_MATCH-1));
#if MIN_MATCH != 3
            Call UPDATE_HASH() MIN_MATCH-3 more times
            while (s->insert) {
                UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, str);
#ifndef FASTEST
                s->prev[str & s->w_mask] = s->head[s->ins_h];
                s->head[s->ins_h] = (Pos)str;
                if (s->lookahead + s->insert < MIN_MATCH)
        /* If the whole input has less than MIN_MATCH bytes, ins_h is garbage,
         * but this is not important since only literal bytes will be emitted.

    } while (s->lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && s->strm->avail_in != 0);

    /* If the WIN_INIT bytes after the end of the current data have never been
     * written, then zero those bytes in order to avoid memory check reports of
     * the use of uninitialized (or uninitialised as Julian writes) bytes by
     * the longest match routines.  Update the high water mark for the next
     * time through here.  WIN_INIT is set to MAX_MATCH since the longest match
     * routines allow scanning to strstart + MAX_MATCH, ignoring lookahead.
    if (s->high_water < s->window_size) {
        ulg curr = s->strstart + (ulg)(s->lookahead);
        ulg init;

        if (s->high_water < curr) {
            /* Previous high water mark below current data -- zero WIN_INIT
             * bytes or up to end of window, whichever is less.
            init = s->window_size - curr;
            if (init > WIN_INIT)
                init = WIN_INIT;
            zmemzero(s->window + curr, (unsigned)init);
            s->high_water = curr + init;
        else if (s->high_water < (ulg)curr + WIN_INIT) {
            /* High water mark at or above current data, but below current data
             * plus WIN_INIT -- zero out to current data plus WIN_INIT, or up
             * to end of window, whichever is less.
            init = (ulg)curr + WIN_INIT - s->high_water;
            if (init > s->window_size - s->high_water)
                init = s->window_size - s->high_water;
            zmemzero(s->window + s->high_water, (unsigned)init);
            s->high_water += init;

    Assert((ulg)s->strstart <= s->window_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD,
           "not enough room for search");
Пример #7
/* copy as much as possible from the sliding window to the output area */
int inflate_flush(inflate_blocks_statef *s, z_streamp z, int r)
  uInt n;
  Bytef *p;
  Bytef *q;

  /* local copies of source and destination pointers */
  p = z->next_out;
  q = s->read;

  /* compute number of bytes to copy as far as end of window */
  n = (uInt)((q <= s->write ? s->write : s->end) - q);
  if (n > z->avail_out) n = z->avail_out;
  if (n && r == Z_BUF_ERROR) r = Z_OK;

  /* update counters */
  z->avail_out -= n;
  z->total_out += n;

  /* update check information */
  if (s->checkfn != Z_NULL)
    z->adler = s->check = (*s->checkfn)(s->check, q, n);

  /* copy as far as end of window */
  zmemcpy(p, q, n);
  p += n;
  q += n;

  /* see if more to copy at beginning of window */
  if (q == s->end)
    /* wrap pointers */
    q = s->window;
    if (s->write == s->end)
      s->write = s->window;

    /* compute bytes to copy */
    n = (uInt)(s->write - q);
    if (n > z->avail_out) n = z->avail_out;
    if (n && r == Z_BUF_ERROR) r = Z_OK;

    /* update counters */
    z->avail_out -= n;
    z->total_out += n;

    /* update check information */
    if (s->checkfn != Z_NULL)
      z->adler = s->check = (*s->checkfn)(s->check, q, n);

    /* copy */
    zmemcpy(p, q, n);
    p += n;
    q += n;

  /* update pointers */
  z->next_out = p;
  s->read = q;

  /* done */
  return r;
Пример #8
//    OPERATION: CreateCommaSeparatedList
//    N.B.  The user is responsible for calling DeleteCommaSeparatedList
//          with the handle returned from this call.  If not, a memory
//          leak will occur!!!
//    lFlags - 0x00000001 ==> use only selected entities
//             0x00000002 ==> use only parent-selected entities
//             0x00000004 ==> use semi-colon to separate (rather than comma)
CreateCommaSeparatedList( zVIEW   v,
                          zCPCHAR cpcEntityName,
                          zCPCHAR cpcAttributeName,
                          zCPCHAR cpcContext,
                          zCPCHAR cpcScope,
                          zLONG   lFlags )
   zCHAR  szParentEntity[ 33 ];
   zPCHAR lpMemory;
   zLONG  lEntityCnt;
   zULONG ulAttributeLth;
   zLONG  lTotalSize;
   zLONG  lLth = 0;
   zCHAR  cSeparator;

   zSHORT nRC;

   if ( (lFlags & 0x00000002) )
      MiGetParentEntityNameForView( szParentEntity, v, cpcEntityName );
   // if ( szParentEntity[ 0 ] )
   //    SetCursorFirstEntity( v, szParentEntity, cpcScope );

   if ( (lFlags & 0x00000004) == 0 )
      cSeparator = ',';
      cSeparator = ';';

   lEntityCnt = CountEntitiesForView( v, cpcEntityName );
   GetAttributeDisplayLength( &ulAttributeLth, v, cpcEntityName,
                              cpcAttributeName, cpcContext );
   lTotalSize = lEntityCnt * (zLONG) ulAttributeLth;  // a starting point
   DrAllocTaskMemory( (zCOREMEM) &lpMemory, lTotalSize + 1 );

   // For each entity, append the specified data to the list.
// nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( v, cpcEntityName, cpcScope );
   nRC = SetEntityCursor( v, cpcEntityName, 0, zPOS_FIRST,
                          0, 0, 0, 0, cpcScope, 0 );
   while ( nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
      if ( (lFlags & 0x00000001) == 0 ||
           ((lFlags & 0x00000001) &&
            GetSelectStateOfEntity( v, cpcEntityName ) != 0) ||
           ((lFlags & 0x00000002) &&
            GetSelectStateOfEntity( v, szParentEntity ) != 0) )
         GetVariableFromAttribute( lpMemory + lLth, 0, zTYPE_STRING,
                                   lTotalSize - lLth - 1, v,
                                   cpcEntityName, cpcAttributeName,
                                   cpcContext && *cpcContext ?
                                      0: zUSE_DEFAULT_CONTEXT );
         lLth = zstrlen( lpMemory );
         while ( lLth > 0 && lpMemory[ lLth - 1 ] == ' ' )
            lpMemory[ lLth ] = 0;

   // nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( v, cpcEntityName, cpcScope );
      nRC = SetEntityCursor( v, cpcEntityName, 0, zPOS_NEXT,
                             0, 0, 0, 0, cpcScope, 0 );
      if ( nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
      // lLth = zstrlen( lpMemory );
         if ( lTotalSize - lLth < (zLONG) ulAttributeLth )
            zPCHAR lpTemp;

            lEntityCnt *= 2;
            lTotalSize = lEntityCnt * (zLONG) ulAttributeLth;

            DrAllocTaskMemory( (zCOREMEM) &lpTemp, lTotalSize + 1 );
            zmemcpy( lpTemp, lpMemory, lLth );
            DrFreeTaskMemory( lpMemory );
            lpMemory = lpTemp;

         if ( lLth > 0 && lpMemory[ lLth - 1 ] != cSeparator )
            lpMemory[ lLth++ ] = cSeparator;
            lpMemory[ lLth ] = 0;

   return( (zLONG) lpMemory );
Пример #9
cread(int fd, void *buf, size_t len)
	struct sd *s;
	unsigned char *start = buf; /* starting point for crc computation */

	s = ss[fd];

	if (s->z_err == Z_DATA_ERROR || s->z_err == Z_ERRNO)
		return (-1);
	if (s->z_err == Z_STREAM_END)
		return (0);  /* EOF */

	s->stream.next_out = buf;
	s->stream.avail_out = len;

	while (s->stream.avail_out != 0) {

		if (s->compressed == 0) {
			/* Copy first the lookahead bytes: */
			unsigned int n = s->stream.avail_in;
			if (n > s->stream.avail_out)
				n = s->stream.avail_out;
			if (n > 0) {
					s->stream.next_in, n);
				s->stream.next_out  += n;
				s->stream.next_in   += n;
				s->stream.avail_out -= n;
				s->stream.avail_in  -= n;
			if (s->stream.avail_out > 0) {
				int got;
				got = read(s->fd, s->stream.next_out,
				if (got == -1)
					return (got);
				s->stream.avail_out -= got;
			return (int)(len - s->stream.avail_out);

		if (s->stream.avail_in == 0 && !s->z_eof) {
			int got;
			errno = 0;
			got = read(fd, s->inbuf, Z_BUFSIZE);
			if (got <= 0) {
				s->z_eof = 1;
				if (errno) {
					s->z_err = Z_ERRNO;
			s->stream.avail_in = got;
			s->stream.next_in = s->inbuf;

		s->z_err = inflate(&(s->stream), Z_NO_FLUSH);

		if (s->z_err == Z_STREAM_END) {
			/* Check CRC and original size */
			s->crc = crc32(s->crc, start, (unsigned int)
					(s->stream.next_out - start));
			start = s->stream.next_out;

			if (getLong(s) != s->crc ||
			    getLong(s) != s->stream.total_out) {

				s->z_err = Z_DATA_ERROR;
			} else {
				/* Check for concatenated .gz files: */
				if (s->z_err == Z_OK) {
					s->crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
		if (s->z_err != Z_OK || s->z_eof)

	s->crc = crc32(s->crc, start,
		       (unsigned int)(s->stream.next_out - start));

	return (int)(len - s->stream.avail_out);