Пример #1
static inline int ___query(ZMAP * zm, char *query, char *value, int value_len, int timeout)
	int ok, i, ret;
	ZBUF *qb;
	MYSQL_RES *res = 0;
	int numrows;
	char *p;

	db = (ZMAP_MYSQL *) (zm->db);
	qb = db->qb;

	zmap_query_expand(db->query_expand, db->query_format, query, 0);
	query = ZBUF_DATA(db->query_expand);
	ok = 0;
	res = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		if (i) {
		if (___connect(zm) < 0) {
			return Z_ERR;
		if (mysql_query(db->sql_db, query)) {
		if ((res = mysql_store_result(db->sql_db)) == 0) {
		ok = 1;

	if (!ok) {
		return Z_ERR;

	numrows = mysql_num_rows(res);
	if (numrows == 0) {
		return Z_NONE;
	for (i = 0; i < numrows; i++) {
		row = mysql_fetch_row(res);
		zbuf_put(qb, '\n');
		zbuf_strcat(qb, row[0]);


	p = ZBUF_DATA(qb);
	ret = zstr_strncpy(value, p + 1, value_len);

	return ret;
int CAuthorization::Parse( const char* hvalue )
	const char* space;
	const char* next = NULL;

	space = strchr(hvalue, ' '); /* SEARCH FOR SPACE */
	if (space == NULL)
		return -1;

	if (space - hvalue < 1)
		return -1;
	this->auth_type = (char *) mm_malloc(space - hvalue + 1);
	zstr_strncpy(this->auth_type, hvalue, space - hvalue);

	for (; ;)
		int parse_ok = 0;

		if (zstr_quoted_string_set("username", space, &(this->username),
			return -1;
		if (next == NULL)
			return 0;   			/* end of header detected! */
		else if (next != space)
			space = next;
		if (zstr_quoted_string_set("realm", space, &(this->realm), &next))
			return -1;
		if (next == NULL)
			return 0;
		else if (next != space)
			space = next;
		if (zstr_quoted_string_set("nonce", space, &(this->nonce), &next))
			return -1;
		if (next == NULL)
			return 0;   			/* end of header detected! */
		else if (next != space)
			space = next;
		if (zstr_quoted_string_set("uri", space, &(this->uri), &next))
			return -1;
		if (next == NULL)
			return 0;   			/* end of header detected! */
		else if (next != space)
			space = next;
		if (zstr_quoted_string_set("response", space, &(this->response),
			return -1;
		if (next == NULL)
			return 0;   			/* end of header detected! */
		else if (next != space)
			space = next;
		if (zstr_quoted_string_set("digest", space, &(this->digest), &next))
			return -1;
		if (next == NULL)
			return 0;   			/* end of header detected! */
		else if (next != space)
			space = next;
		if (zstr_token_set("algorithm", space, &(this->algorithm), &next))
			return -1;
		if (next == NULL)
			return 0;   			/* end of header detected! */
		else if (next != space)
			space = next;
		if (zstr_quoted_string_set("cnonce", space, &(this->cnonce), &next))
			return -1;
		if (next == NULL)
			return 0;   			/* end of header detected! */
		else if (next != space)
			space = next;
		if (zstr_quoted_string_set("opaque", space, &(this->opaque), &next))
			return -1;
		if (next == NULL)
			return 0;   			/* end of header detected! */
		else if (next != space)
			space = next;
		if (zstr_token_set("qop", space, &(this->message_qop), &next))
			return -1;
		if (next == NULL)
			return 0;   			/* end of header detected! */
		else if (next != space)
			space = next;
		if (zstr_token_set("nc", space, &(this->nonce_count), &next))
			return -1;
		if (next == NULL)
			return 0;   			/* end of header detected! */
		else if (next != space)
			space = next;
		/* nothing was recognized:
		   here, we should handle a list of unknown tokens where:
		   token1 = ( token2 | quoted_text ) */
		/* TODO */

		if (0 == parse_ok)
			const char* quote1, * quote2, * tmp;

			/* CAUTION */
			/* parameter not understood!!! I'm too lazy to handle IT */
			/* let's simply bypass it */
			if (strlen(space) < 1)
				return 0;
			tmp = strchr(space + 1, ',');
			if (tmp == NULL)	  /* it was the last header */
				return 0;
			quote1 = zstr_quote_find(space);
			if ((quote1 != NULL) && (quote1 < tmp)) 	  /* this may be a quoted string! */
				quote2 = zstr_quote_find(quote1 + 1);
				if (quote2 == NULL)
					return -1;  	/* bad header format... */
				if (tmp < quote2) /* the comma is inside the quotes! */
					space = strchr(quote2, ',');
					space = tmp;
				if (space == NULL)  	  /* it was the last header */
					return 0;
				space = tmp;
			/* continue parsing... */
	return 0;   				  /* ok */
Пример #3
int CFrom::Parse( const char *hvalue )
	const char* displayname;
	const char* url;
	const char* url_end;
	const char* gen_params;

	/* How to parse:
	   we'll place the pointers:
	   displayname  =>  beginning of displayname
	   url  		=>  beginning of url
	   url_end  	=>  end 	  of url
	   gen_params  =>  beginning of params
	   jack <sip:[email protected]>;tag=34erZ
	   ^	 ^  			  ^ ^
	   sip:[email protected];tag=34erZ
	   ^				^^  	

	displayname = strchr(hvalue, '"');

	url = strchr(hvalue, '<');
	if (url != NULL)
		url_end = strchr(url, '>');
		if (url_end == NULL)
			return -1;

	/* SIPit day2: this case was not supported
	   first '"' is placed after '<' and after '>'
	   <sip:[email protected];method=INVITE>;description="OPEN";expires=28800
	   if the fisrt quote is after '<' then
	   this is not a quote for a displayname.
	if (displayname != NULL)
		if (displayname > url)
			displayname = NULL;

	if ((displayname == NULL) && (url != NULL))
		/* displayname IS A '*token' (not a quoted-string) */
		if (hvalue != url)  	  /* displayname exists */
			if (url - hvalue + 1 < 2)
				return -1;
			this->displayname = (char *) mm_malloc(url - hvalue + 1);
			if (this->displayname == NULL)
				return -1;
			zstr_clrncpy(this->displayname, hvalue, url - hvalue);
		url++;  				  /* place pointer on the beginning of url */
		if ((displayname != NULL) && (url != NULL))
			/* displayname IS A quoted-string (not a '*token') */
			const char* first;
			const char* second = NULL;

			/* search for quotes */
			first = zstr_quote_find(hvalue);
			if (first == NULL)
				return -1;  		/* missing quote */
			second = zstr_quote_find(first + 1);
			if (second == NULL)
				return -1;  		/* missing quote */
			if ((first > url))
				return -1;

			if (second - first + 2 >= 2)
				this->displayname = (char *) mm_malloc(second - first + 2);
				if (this->displayname == NULL)
					return -1;
				zstr_strncpy(this->displayname, first, second - first + 1);
				/* osip_clrspace(from->displayname); *//*should we do that? */

				/* special case: "<sip:[email protected]>" <sip:[email protected]> */
			}   				/* else displayname is empty? */
			url = strchr(second + 1, '<');
			if (url == NULL)
				return -1;  		/* '<' MUST exist */
			url = hvalue;   		/* field does not contains '<' and '>' */


	url_end = strchr(url, '>');

	if (url_end == NULL)		  /* sip:[email protected];tag=023 */
		/* We are sure ';' is the delimiter for from-parameters */
		char* host = strchr(url, '@');

		if (host != NULL)
			gen_params = strchr(host, ';');
			gen_params = strchr(url, ';');
		if (gen_params != NULL)
			url_end = gen_params - 1;
			url_end = url + strlen(url);
	else						/* jack <sip:[email protected];user=phone>;tag=azer */
		gen_params = strchr(url_end, ';');
		url_end--;  			  /* place pointer on the beginning of url */

	if (gen_params != NULL) 	  /* now we are sure a param exist */
		if (GenericParamParseAll(&this->gen_params, gen_params) == -1)
			return -1;

	/* set the url */
		char* tmp;
		int i = 0;

		if (url_end - url + 2 < 7)
			return -1;
		tmp = (char *) mm_malloc(url_end - url + 2);
		if (tmp == NULL)
			return -1;
		zstr_strncpy(tmp, url, url_end - url + 1);
		if (this->url == NULL)
			this->url = new CUrl;
		if (this->url != NULL)
		if (i != 0)
			return -1;
	return 0;
Пример #4
int CVia::Parse( const char *hvalue )
	const char* version;
	const char* protocol;
	const char* host;
	const char* ipv6host;
	const char* port;
	const char* via_params;
	const char* comment;

	version = strchr(hvalue, '/');
	if (version == NULL)
		return -1;

	protocol = strchr(version + 1, '/');
	if (protocol == NULL)
		return -1;

	/* set the version */
	if (protocol - version < 2)
		return -1;
	m_pcVersion = (char *) MallocAndZero(protocol - version);
	if (m_pcVersion == NULL)
		return -1;
	zstr_clrncpy(m_pcVersion, version + 1, protocol - version - 1);

	/* Here: we avoid matching an additionnal space */
	host = strchr(protocol + 1, ' ');
	if (host == NULL)
		return -1;  				/* fixed in 0.8.4 */
	if (host == protocol + 1)     /* there are extra SPACE characters */
		while (0 == strncmp(host, " ", 1))
			if (strlen(host) == 1)
				return -1;  		/* via is malformed */
		/* here, we match the real space located after the protocol name */
		host = strchr(host + 1, ' ');
		if (host == NULL)
			return -1;  			/* fixed in 0.8.4 */

	/* set the protocol */
	if (host - protocol < 2)
		return -1;
	m_pcProtocol = (char *) MallocAndZero(host - protocol);
	if (m_pcProtocol == NULL)
		return -1;
	zstr_clrncpy(m_pcProtocol, protocol + 1, host - protocol - 1);

	/* comments in Via are not allowed any more in the latest draft (09) */
	comment = strchr(host, '(');

	if (comment != NULL)
		char* end_comment;

		end_comment = strchr(host, ')');
		if (end_comment == NULL)
			return -1;  			/* if '(' exist ')' MUST exist */
		if (end_comment - comment < 2)
			return -1;
		m_pcComment = (char *) MallocAndZero(end_comment - comment);
		if (m_pcComment == NULL)
			return -1;
		zstr_clrncpy(m_pcComment, comment + 1, end_comment - comment - 1);
		comment = host + strlen(host);

	via_params = strchr(host, ';');

	if ((via_params != NULL) && (via_params < comment))
		/* via params exist */
		char* tmp;

		if (comment - via_params + 1 < 2)
			return -1;
		tmp = (char *) MallocAndZero(comment - via_params + 1);
		if (tmp == NULL)
			return -1;
		zstr_strncpy(tmp, via_params, comment - via_params);
		if (GenericParamParseAll(&(m_listVia_params), tmp))
			return -1;


	if (via_params == NULL)
		via_params = comment;

	/* add ipv6 support (0.8.4) */
	/* Via: SIP/2.0/UDP [mlke::zeezf:ezfz:zef:zefzf]:port;.... */
	ipv6host = strchr(host, '[');
	if (ipv6host != NULL && ipv6host < via_params)
		port = strchr(ipv6host, ']');
		if (port == NULL || port > via_params)
			return -1;

		if (port - ipv6host < 2)
			return -1;
		m_pcHost = (char *) MallocAndZero(port - ipv6host);
		if (m_pcHost == NULL)
			return -1;
		zstr_clrncpy(m_pcHost, ipv6host + 1, port - ipv6host - 1);

		port = strchr(port, ':');
		port = strchr(host, ':');
		ipv6host = NULL;

	if ((port != NULL) && (port < via_params))
		if (via_params - port < 2)
			return -1;
		m_pcPort = (char *) MallocAndZero(via_params - port);
		if (m_pcPort == NULL)
			return -1;
		zstr_clrncpy(m_pcPort, port + 1, via_params - port - 1);
		port = via_params;

	/* host is already set in the case of ipv6 */
	if (ipv6host != NULL)
		return 0;

	if (port - host < 2)
		return -1;
	m_pcHost = (char *) MallocAndZero(port - host);
	if (m_pcHost == NULL)
		return -1;
	zstr_clrncpy(m_pcHost, host + 1, port - host - 1);

	return 0;		