int RunAESDemo() { AES aes; vector<unsigned char> key; aes.GenerateKey( 256, key ); printf( "key.size(): %d\n", (int)key.size() ); // unsigned char buffer[50000]; // 50KB size_t read_bytes = 0; vector<unsigned char> plaintext; plaintext.resize(50000,0); // string plaintext_file = "input_data/plaintext/plaintext_example.txt"; // string plaintext_file = "input_data/plaintext/0s.txt"; string plaintext_file = "input_data/plaintext/more0s.txt"; FILE *fp = fopen( plaintext_file.c_str(), "rb" ); if(fp) { // read_bytes = fread(buffer,sizeof(buffer),1,fp); read_bytes = fread(&plaintext[0], sizeof(unsigned char), plaintext.size(), fp); printf( "read_bytes: %d\n", (int)read_bytes ); fclose(fp); } vector<unsigned char> ciphertext; aes.Encrypt( plaintext, ciphertext ); printf( "ciphertext.size(): %d\n", (int)ciphertext.size() ); if( 0 < ciphertext.size() ) { fp = fopen( string(plaintext_file + ".encrypted").c_str(), "wb" ); if(fp) { size_t written_bytes = fwrite(&ciphertext[0], sizeof(unsigned char), ciphertext.size(), fp); printf( "written_bytes: %d\n", (int)written_bytes ); fclose(fp); } } return 0; }
Mikey_Payloads* Mikey_Payload_KEMAC::decode_payloads( int firstPayloadType, byte_t * encrKey, int encrKeyLength, byte_t * iv ) { byte_t * decrData = new byte_t[ encr_data_length_value ]; AES * aes; switch( encr_alg_value) { case MIKEY_PAYLOAD_KEMAC_ENCR_AES_CM_128: aes = new AES( encrKey, encrKeyLength ); aes->ctr_encrypt( encr_data_ptr, encr_data_length_value, decrData, iv ); delete aes; break; case MIKEY_PAYLOAD_KEMAC_ENCR_NULL: memcpy( decrData, encr_data_ptr, encr_data_length_value ); break; case MIKEY_PAYLOAD_KEMAC_ENCR_AES_KW_128: //TODO default: delete [] decrData; throw Mikey_Exception( "Unknown encryption algorithm" ); break; } Mikey_Payloads *output = new Mikey_Payloads( firstPayloadType, decrData, encr_data_length_value ); // decrData is owned and deleted by MikeyPayloads return output; }
int main(char* args[]) { // instantiate classes InOut* io = new InOut(); AES* aes; // delete output files if (OUTPUTKEYEXP) { remove(FOUT_KEYEXP); } if (OUTPUTENCRYPT) { remove(FOUT_ENCRYPT); } if (OUTPUTDECRYPT) { remove(FOUT_DECRYPT); } // run for all three key sizes for(int keySize = 128; keySize <= 256; keySize = keySize + 64) { // title cout<<"AES (Rijndael) - w/ "<<dec<<keySize<<" Bit Key"; // get key and create cryptographic class byte* key = io->getKey(keySize); aes = new AES(keySize, key); // get message byte* plaintext = io->get16BytesOfMessage(); // print original message cout<<"\n\nOriginal Message:\n"; for(int i=0; i<16; i++) { cout<<hex<<setfill('0')<<setw(2); cout<<int(plaintext[i]); } // run encryption byte* ciphertext = new byte[16]; ciphertext = aes->encrypt(plaintext); // print ciphertext cout<<"\n\nEncrypted Message:\n"; for(int i=0; i<16; i++) { cout<<hex<<setfill('0')<<setw(2); cout<<int(ciphertext[i]); } // run decryption byte* decrypttext = aes->decrypt(ciphertext); // recovered plaintext cout<<"\n\nDecrypted Message:\n"; for(int i=0; i<16; i++) { cout<<hex<<setfill('0')<<setw(2); cout<<int(decrypttext[i]); } cout<<"\n\n"; } return 0; }
uint8_t transportReceive(void* data) { uint8_t len = _rf24.getDynamicPayloadSize();, len); #if defined(MY_RF24_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION) _aes.set_IV(0);//not sure if necessary _aes.cbc_decrypt((byte*)(data), (byte*)(data), len>16?2:1); // decrypt #endif return len; }
uint8_t transportReceive(void* data) { uint8_t len = RF24_readMessage(data); #if defined(MY_RF24_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION) // has to be adjusted, WIP! _aes.set_IV(0); // decrypt data _aes.cbc_decrypt((byte*)(data), (byte*)(data), len>16?2:1); #endif return len; }
void GenWzKey(const uint8_t* IV, uint8_t* key) { uint8_t BigIV[16]; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i += 4) { memcpy(BigIV+i, IV, 4); } AESGen.SetParameters(256, 128); AESGen.StartEncryption(AESKey2); AESGen.EncryptBlock(BigIV, key); for (int i = 16; i < 0x10000; i += 16) { AESGen.EncryptBlock(key+i-16, key+i); } }
/** * Encrypts the actual text using the password * @param password Password * @return Encrypted text */ QByteArray MainWindow::encrypt(QString password) { AES crypto; QString hashedPassword = QString( QCryptographicHash::hash(( password.toUtf8() ),QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex() ); QByteArray key = crypto.hexStringToByte(hashedPassword); QByteArray data = ui->textEdit_mainWindow_surface->toHtml().toUtf8(); QByteArray encrypted = crypto.encrypt(data, key); return encrypted; }
/** * Decrypts the actual text using the password * @param password Password * @return Decrypted text */ QByteArray MainWindow::decrypt(QString password) { AES crypto; QString hashedPassword = QString( QCryptographicHash::hash(( password.toUtf8() ),QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex() ); QByteArray key = crypto.hexStringToByte(hashedPassword); QByteArray data = QByteArray::fromBase64( ui->textEdit_mainWindow_surface->toPlainText().toUtf8() ); QByteArray decrypted = crypto.decrypt(data, key); return decrypted; }
bool transportInit() { #if defined(MY_RF24_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION) hwReadConfigBlock((void*)_psk, (void*)EEPROM_RF_ENCRYPTION_AES_KEY_ADDRESS, 32); //set up AES-key _aes.set_key(_psk, 32); // Make sure it is purged from memory when set memset(_psk, 0, 32); //set up AES IV hwReadConfigBlock((void*)IVCl,(void*)EEPROM_RF_ENCRYPTION_AES_IV_ADDRESS,8); _aes.set_IV(IVCl); #endif return RF24_initialize(); }
bool transportSend(const uint8_t to, const void *data, const uint8_t len, const bool noACK) { #if defined(MY_RF24_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION) // copy input data because it is read-only (void)memcpy(RF24_dataenc,data,len); // has to be adjusted, WIP! RF24_aes.set_IV(0); const uint8_t finalLength = len > 16 ? 32 : 16; //encrypt data RF24_aes.cbc_encrypt(RF24_dataenc, RF24_dataenc, finalLength / 16); return RF24_sendMessage(to, RF24_dataenc, finalLength, noACK); #else return RF24_sendMessage(to, data, len, noACK); #endif }
bool transportInit() { // Start up the radio library _rf24.begin(); if (!_rf24.isPVariant()) { return false; } _rf24.setAutoAck(1); _rf24.setAutoAck(BROADCAST_PIPE,false); // Turn off auto ack for broadcast _rf24.enableAckPayload(); _rf24.setChannel(MY_RF24_CHANNEL); _rf24.setPALevel(_paLevel); if (!_rf24.setDataRate(MY_RF24_DATARATE)) { return false; } _rf24.setRetries(5,15); _rf24.setCRCLength(RF24_CRC_16); _rf24.enableDynamicPayloads(); // All nodes listen to broadcast pipe (for FIND_PARENT_RESPONSE messages) _rf24.openReadingPipe(BROADCAST_PIPE, TO_ADDR(BROADCAST_ADDRESS)); #if defined(MY_RF24_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION) _aes.set_key(_psk, 16); //set up AES-key #endif //_rf24.printDetails(); return true; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 2) { printf("USAGE: benchmark FILE\n"); return 1; } byte key[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; uint keySize = 16; uint *ct, *pt; FILE *f = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); if(f == NULL) { printf("File not found.\n"); return 1; } fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); uint f_size = ftell(f); rewind(f); if(f_size % 4*sizeof(uint) != 0) { printf("Plaintext size must be a multiple of AES block size.\n"); return 1; } uint ptSize = f_size / sizeof(uint); pt = (uint*)malloc(f_size); fread(pt, sizeof(uint), ptSize, f); fclose(f); ct = (uint *)malloc(ptSize*sizeof(uint)); AES *aes = new AES(); aes->makeKey(key, keySize << 3, DIR_ENCRYPT); clock_t start = clock(); for(uint i = 0; i < ptSize; i += 4) { aes->encrypt(pt + i, ct + i); } clock_t end = clock(); printf("%d blocks encrypted in %d/%d seconds.\n", ptSize >> 2, end-start, CLOCKS_PER_SEC); return 0; }
void CDialogOption::OnOK() { USES_CONVERSION; if (!UpdateData(TRUE)) { return; } AES aes; CString ak; CString sk; if (m_strAK.Trim().IsEmpty()) { MessageBox(_T("ÇëÊäÈë'AK'¡£")); return; } if (m_strSK.Trim().IsEmpty()) { MessageBox(_T("ÇëÊäÈë'SK'¡£")); return; } if (m_strHost.Trim().IsEmpty()) { MessageBox(_T("ÇëÊäÈë'·þÎñÆ÷µØÖ·'¡£")); return; } lc_bce_access_key_t key = { 0 }; strncpy_s(key.access_key_id, T2A(m_strAK), -1); strncpy_s(key.secret_access_key, T2A(m_strSK), -1); if (m_pParent->DoAuth(&key, m_strHost, FALSE)) { aes.Encrypt(m_strAK, ak); aes.Encrypt(m_strSK, sk); ConfigMgr::Instance().SetAk(ak); ConfigMgr::Instance().SetSk(sk); ConfigMgr::Instance().SetHost(m_strHost); m_pParent->UpdateLiveCaptureData(); EndDialog(IDOK); DestroyWindow(); } }
BOOL CDialogOption::OnInitDialog() { CString ak; CString sk; CString host; ConfigMgr::Instance().GetAk(ak); ConfigMgr::Instance().GetSk(sk); ConfigMgr::Instance().GetHost(host); AES aes; aes.Decrypt(ak, ak); aes.Decrypt(sk, sk); m_strAK = m_strAKbak = ak; m_strSK = m_strSKbak = sk; m_strHost = m_strHostbak = host; CDialog::OnInitDialog(); return TRUE; }
bool transportSend(uint8_t recipient, const void* data, uint8_t len) { #if defined(MY_RF24_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION) // copy input data because it is read-only memcpy(_dataenc,data,len); len = len > 16 ? 32 : 16; #if defined(MY_GATEWAY_FEATURE) SdReadNodeData(RF24_getNodeID(), nd); _aes.set_key(nd.AES_256,32); _aes.set_IV(nd.IV); #else #endif //encrypt data _aes.set_IV(IVCl); _aes.cbc_encrypt(_dataenc, _dataenc, len/16); bool status = RF24_sendMessage( recipient, _dataenc, len ); #else bool status = RF24_sendMessage( recipient, data, len ); #endif return status; }
bool transportSend(uint8_t to, const void* data, uint8_t len) { #if defined(MY_RF24_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION) memcpy(_dataenc,data,len); // copy input data because it is read-only _aes.set_IV(0);//not sure if necessary len = len > 16 ? 32 : 16; _aes.cbc_encrypt(_dataenc, _dataenc, len/16); //encrypt #endif // Make sure radio has powered up _rf24.powerUp(); _rf24.stopListening(); _rf24.openWritingPipe(TO_ADDR(to)); #if defined(MY_RF24_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION) bool ok = _rf24.write(_dataenc, len, to == BROADCAST_ADDRESS); #else bool ok = _rf24.write(data, len, to == BROADCAST_ADDRESS); #endif _rf24.startListening(); return ok; }
uint8_t transportReceive(void *data) { uint8_t len = 0; #if defined(MY_RX_MESSAGE_BUFFER_FEATURE) transportQueuedMessage* msg = transportRxQueue.getBack(); if (msg) { len = msg->m_len; (void)memcpy(data, msg->m_data, len); (void)transportRxQueue.popBack(); } #else len = RF24_readMessage(data); #endif #if defined(MY_RF24_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION) // has to be adjusted, WIP! RF24_aes.set_IV(0); // decrypt data if (RF24_aes.cbc_decrypt((uint8_t *)data, (uint8_t *)data, len > 16 ? 2 : 1) != AES_SUCCESS) { len = 0; } #endif return len; }
void Crypto::TransformData(uint8_t* IV, uint8_t* data, uint32_t len) { uint8_t BigIV[16]; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i += 4) { memcpy(BigIV+i, IV, 4); } uint32_t pos = 0; uint8_t first = 1; int32_t tpos = 0; while (len > pos) { AESGen.SetParameters(256, 128); AESGen.StartEncryption(AESKey2); tpos = 1460 - first * 4; if (len > pos + tpos) { AESGen.TransformOFB(data + pos, BigIV, tpos); } else { AESGen.TransformOFB(data + pos, BigIV, len - pos); } pos += tpos; if (first) first = 0; } }
bool transportInit(void) { #if defined(MY_RF24_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION) uint8_t RF24_psk[16]; #ifdef MY_ENCRYPTION_SIMPLE_PASSWD (void)memset(RF24_psk, 0, 16); (void)memcpy(RF24_psk, MY_ENCRYPTION_SIMPLE_PASSWD, strnlen(MY_ENCRYPTION_SIMPLE_PASSWD, 16)); #else hwReadConfigBlock((void *)RF24_psk, (void *)EEPROM_RF_ENCRYPTION_AES_KEY_ADDRESS, 16); #endif //set up AES-key RF24_aes.set_key(RF24_psk, 16); // Make sure it is purged from memory when set (void)memset(RF24_psk, 0, 16); #endif #if defined(MY_RX_MESSAGE_BUFFER_FEATURE) RF24_registerReceiveCallback( transportRxCallback ); #endif return RF24_initialize(); }
unsigned int AES_get_encrypted_array_size(unsigned int user_array_size) { return Crypt.get_encrypted_array_size(user_array_size); }
void AES_decryption(char *key, char * encrypted_array, char* decrypted_array, unsigned int encrypted_array_size, unsigned int* data_size) { Crypt.decryption(key, encrypted_array, decrypted_array, encrypted_array_size, data_size); }
void AES_encryption(char* chain, char *key, char * user_array, char* encrypted_array, unsigned int user_array_size) { Crypt.encryption(chain, key, user_array, encrypted_array, user_array_size); }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { AES* AESCipher = NULL; string msg; string key; char* temp_msg_hex; char* temp_key_hex; int mode = -1; while (mode != 0 && mode != 1) { cout << "Please choose the AES mode (0 for CBC, 1 for CTR): "; cin >> mode; switch (mode) { case 0: AESCipher = new AES128CBC(); break; case 1: AESCipher = new AES128CTR(); break; } cin.clear(); cin.ignore(numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); } if (NULL == AESCipher) { cout << "Error allocating memory for cipher engine, program exiting...\n"; return 0; } cout << "please provide the key: "; cin >> key; cout << "please provide the message text: "; cin >> msg; temp_key_hex = new char[key.length() + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < key.length(); i++) { temp_key_hex[i] = key.c_str()[i]; } temp_key_hex[key.length()] = 0; temp_msg_hex = new char[msg.length() + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < msg.length(); i++) { temp_msg_hex[i] = msg.c_str()[i]; } temp_msg_hex[msg.length()] = 0; AESCipher->setKey(temp_key_hex); mode = -1; while (/* mode != 0 && */ mode != 1) { cout << "Please choose whether you want to encrypt or decrypt (1 for decrypt, encrypt is not ready): "; cin >> mode; switch (mode) { case 0: AESCipher->setPT(temp_msg_hex); AESCipher->Encrypt(); break; case 1: AESCipher->setCT(temp_msg_hex); AESCipher->Decrypt(); break; } cin.clear(); cin.ignore(numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); } return 0; }
/** testing. */ int mainCryptopp(const char* encryptPath, const char* decryptPath) { printf("/***************************************************************************\n"); printf("C++ crypto, wrap cryptopp interface, reference to\n"); printf("[email protected] 2006-5-25\n"); printf("***************************************************************************/\n"); // base64 testing. { printf("\n=======================base64=====================\n"); // input data. const char * indata = "bsmith is a good guy."; int inlen = (int)strlen(indata); printf("inlen=%d\n", inlen); printf("indata(hex)="); dump(indata, inlen); // encoding ... int maxoutlen = Base64::getCipherLen(inlen); printf("maxoutlen=%d\n", maxoutlen); char * outdata = new char[maxoutlen]; int outlen = Base64::encode(indata, inlen, outdata); printf("outlen=%d\n", outlen); printf("outdata(hex)="); dump(outdata, outlen); // encoded base64 string. char * outstr = new char[outlen+1]; memcpy(outstr, outdata, outlen); outstr[outlen] = 0x00; printf("outstr=%s\n", outstr); // decoding ... int maxinlen = Base64::getPlainLen(outlen); printf("maxinlen=%d\n", maxinlen); char * orgdata = new char[maxinlen]; int orglen = Base64::decode(outdata, outlen, orgdata); printf("orglen=%d\n", orglen); printf("orgdata(hex)="); dump(orgdata, orglen); delete[] outdata; delete[] outstr; delete[] orgdata; } // base16 testing. { printf("\n=======================base16=====================\n"); // input data. const char * indata = "bsmith is a good guy."; int inlen = (int)strlen(indata); printf("inlen=%d\n", inlen); printf("indata(hex)="); dump(indata, inlen); // encoding ... int maxoutlen = Base16::getCipherLen(inlen); printf("maxoutlen=%d\n", maxoutlen); char * outdata = new char[maxoutlen]; int outlen = Base16::encode(indata, inlen, outdata); printf("outlen=%d\n", outlen); printf("outdata(hex)="); dump(outdata, outlen); // encoded base16 string. char * outstr = new char[outlen+1]; memcpy(outstr, outdata, outlen); outstr[outlen] = 0x00; printf("outstr=%s\n", outstr); // decoding ... int maxinlen = Base16::getPlainLen(outlen); printf("maxinlen=%d\n", maxinlen); char * orgdata = new char[maxinlen]; int orglen = Base16::decode(outdata, outlen, orgdata); printf("orglen=%d\n", orglen); printf("orgdata(hex)="); dump(orgdata, orglen); delete[] outdata; delete[] outstr; delete[] orgdata; } // RSA testing. { printf("\n=======================RSA PKCS #1=====================\n"); // key // N factor in RSA, aslo called modulus. const char * N = "90755611487566208138950675092879865387596685014726501531250157258482495478524769456222913843665634824684037468817980814231054856125127115894189385717148934026931120932481402379431731629550862846041784305274651476086892165805223719552575599962253392248079811268061946102234935422772131475340988882825043233323"; // e factor in RSA, aslo called public exponent. const char * e = "65537"; // d factor in RSA, aslo called private exponent const char * d = "17790520481266507102264359414044396762660094486842415203197747383916331528947124726552875080482359744765793816651732601742929364124685415229452844016482477236658413327331659722342187036963943428678684677279032263501011143882814728160215380051287503219732737197808611144507720521201393129692996926599975297921"; // input data. const char * indata = "bsmith is a good guy."; int inlen = (int)strlen(indata); printf("inlen=%d\n", inlen); printf("indata(hex)="); dump(indata, inlen); // init RSA public key encryptor. RSA enc; enc.initPublicKey(N, e); // encrypt. int maxoutlen = enc.getCipherLen(inlen); printf("maxoutlen=%d\n", maxoutlen); char * outdata = new char[maxoutlen]; int outlen = enc.encrypt(indata, inlen, outdata); printf("outlen=%d\n", outlen); printf("outdata(hex)="); dump(outdata, outlen); // init private for RSA decryptor. RSA dec; dec.initPrivateKey(N, e, d); // decrypt. int maxinlen = dec.getPlainLen(outlen); printf("maxinlen=%d\n", maxinlen); char * orgdata = new char[maxinlen]; int orglen = dec.decrypt(outdata, outlen, orgdata); printf("orglen=%d\n", orglen); printf("orgdata(hex)="); dump(orgdata, orglen); delete[] outdata; delete[] orgdata; } // AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding testing. { printf("\n=======================AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding=====================\n"); // key const char * key = "0123456789abcdef"; // iv const char * iv = "fedcba9876543210"; // init AES. AES aes; aes.init(key, 16, iv); // input data. // const char * indata = "bsmith is a good guy."; // const char * indata = "bsmith."; const char * indata = "I am a good guy."; int inlen = (int)strlen(indata); printf("inlen=%d\n", inlen); printf("indata(hex)="); dump(indata, inlen); // encrypt. int maxoutlen = aes.getCipherLen(inlen); printf("maxoutlen=%d\n", maxoutlen); char * outdata = new char[maxoutlen]; int outlen = 0; { outlen = aes.encrypt(indata, inlen, outdata); printf("outlen=%d\n", outlen); printf("outdata(hex)="); dump(outdata, outlen); } { outlen = aes.encrypt(indata, inlen, outdata); printf("outlen=%d\n", outlen); printf("outdata(hex)="); dump(outdata, outlen); } // decrypt. int maxinlen = aes.getPlainLen(outlen); printf("maxinlen=%d\n", maxinlen); char * orgdata = new char[maxinlen]; { int orglen = aes.decrypt(outdata, outlen, orgdata); printf("orglen=%d\n", orglen); printf("orgdata(hex)="); dump(orgdata, orglen); } { int orglen = aes.decrypt(outdata, outlen, orgdata); printf("orglen=%d\n", orglen); printf("orgdata(hex)="); dump(orgdata, orglen); } delete[] outdata; delete[] orgdata; } // SHA1 testing. { printf("\n=======================SHA1=====================\n"); SHA1 sha1; // input data. const char * indata = "bsmith is a good guy."; int inlen = (int)strlen(indata); printf("inlen=%d\n", inlen); printf("indata(hex)="); dump(indata, inlen); // one time digest. { char * outdata = new char[sha1.getCipherLen(inlen)]; int outlen = sha1.digest(indata, inlen, outdata); printf("outlen=%d\n", outlen); printf("outdata(hex)="); dump(outdata, outlen); delete[] outdata; } // serval times { char * outdata = new char[sha1.getCipherLen(inlen)]; sha1.update(indata, 5); sha1.update(indata+5, inlen-5); int outlen =; printf("outlen=%d\n", outlen); printf("outdata(hex)="); dump(outdata, outlen); delete[] outdata; } // one time digest. { char * outdata = new char[sha1.getCipherLen(inlen)]; int outlen = sha1.digest(indata, inlen, outdata); printf("outlen=%d\n", outlen); printf("outdata(hex)="); dump(outdata, outlen); delete[] outdata; } // serval times { char * outdata = new char[sha1.getCipherLen(inlen)]; sha1.update(indata, 5); sha1.update(indata+5, inlen-5); int outlen =; printf("outlen=%d\n", outlen); printf("outdata(hex)="); dump(outdata, outlen); delete[] outdata; } } // RSA-SHA1 Sign testing. { printf("\n=======================RSA-SHA1 Sign=====================\n"); // key // N factor in RSA, aslo called modulus. const char * N = "90755611487566208138950675092879865387596685014726501531250157258482495478524769456222913843665634824684037468817980814231054856125127115894189385717148934026931120932481402379431731629550862846041784305274651476086892165805223719552575599962253392248079811268061946102234935422772131475340988882825043233323"; // e factor in RSA, aslo called public exponent. const char * e = "65537"; // d factor in RSA, aslo called private exponent const char * d = "17790520481266507102264359414044396762660094486842415203197747383916331528947124726552875080482359744765793816651732601742929364124685415229452844016482477236658413327331659722342187036963943428678684677279032263501011143882814728160215380051287503219732737197808611144507720521201393129692996926599975297921"; // input data. const char * indata = "bsmith is a good guy."; int inlen = (int)strlen(indata); printf("inlen=%d\n", inlen); printf("indata(hex)="); dump(indata, inlen); Sign sign; // private key for signer. sign.initPrivateKey(N, e, d); // sign. int maxoutlen = sign.getCipherLen(inlen); printf("maxoutlen=%d\n", maxoutlen); char * outdata = new char[maxoutlen]; int outlen = sign.sign(indata, inlen, outdata); printf("outlen=%d\n", outlen); printf("outdata(hex)="); dump(outdata, outlen); // public key for verifier. sign.initPublicKey(N, e); // verify. { bool res = sign.verify(indata, inlen, outdata, outlen); printf("result <?> true : %s\n", res?"true":"false"); } // another data. const char * indata1 = "bsmith is not a good guy."; int inlen1 = (int)strlen(indata1); { bool res = sign.verify(indata1, inlen1, outdata, outlen); printf("result <?> false : %s\n", res?"true":"false"); } delete[] outdata; } //printf("press any key to exit!"); //getchar(); { //my test unsigned long decryptSize = 0; char* decryptBuffer = (char*)getFileData(decryptPath, &decryptSize); unsigned long encryptSize = 0; char* encryptBuffer = (char*)getFileData(encryptPath, &encryptSize); printf("decryptBuffer(hex)="); dump(decryptBuffer, decryptSize); // key const char * key = "0123456789abcdef"; // iv const char * iv = "fedcba9876543210"; // init AES. AES aes; aes.init(key, 16, iv); { // decrypt. int maxinlen = aes.getPlainLen(encryptSize); char * orgdata = new char[maxinlen]; { int orglen = aes.decrypt(encryptBuffer, encryptSize, orgdata); printf("decryptWithCrypto++(hex)="); dump(orgdata, orglen); } delete [] orgdata; } printf("encryptBuffer(hex)="); dump(encryptBuffer, encryptSize); { // encrypt. int maxoutlen = aes.getCipherLen(decryptSize); char * outdata = new char[maxoutlen]; int outlen = 0; { outlen = aes.encrypt(decryptBuffer, decryptSize, outdata); printf("encryptWithCrypto++(hex)="); dump(outdata, outlen); } delete [] outdata; } delete [] decryptBuffer; delete [] encryptBuffer; } return 0; }
TEST(AESTest, aes_test) { static const struct { int keylen; unsigned char key[32], pt[16], ct[16]; } tests[] = { { 16, { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f }, { 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff }, { 0x69, 0xc4, 0xe0, 0xd8, 0x6a, 0x7b, 0x04, 0x30, 0xd8, 0xcd, 0xb7, 0x80, 0x70, 0xb4, 0xc5, 0x5a } }, { 24, { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17 }, { 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff }, { 0xdd, 0xa9, 0x7c, 0xa4, 0x86, 0x4c, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0x6e, 0xaf, 0x70, 0xa0, 0xec, 0x0d, 0x71, 0x91 } }, { 32, { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f }, { 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff }, { 0x8e, 0xa2, 0xb7, 0xca, 0x51, 0x67, 0x45, 0xbf, 0xea, 0xfc, 0x49, 0x90, 0x4b, 0x49, 0x60, 0x89 } } }; AES *tf; unsigned char tmp[2][16]; size_t i; int y; for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(tests) / sizeof(tests[0])); i++) { tf = new AES(tests[i].key, tests[i].keylen); tf->Encrypt(tests[i].pt, tmp[0]); tf->Decrypt(tmp[0], tmp[1]); if (memcmp(tmp[0], tests[i].ct, 16) != 0 || memcmp(tmp[1], tests[i].pt, 16) != 0) { delete tf; FAIL() << "Test vector " << i; } /* now see if we can encrypt all zero bytes 1000 times, decrypt and come back where we started */ for (y = 0; y < 16; y++) tmp[0][y] = 0; for (y = 0; y < 1000; y++) tf->Encrypt(tmp[0], tmp[0]); for (y = 0; y < 1000; y++) tf->Decrypt(tmp[0], tmp[0]); for (y = 0; y < 16; y++) if (tmp[0][y] != 0) {delete tf; FAIL() << "Encrypt/Decrypt zeros failed";} delete tf; } SUCCEED(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 3) { printf("USAGE: aes KEY PLAINTEXT\n"); return 1; } byte *key; uint *ct, *pt; uint keySize = stringToByteArray(argv[1], &key); uint ptSize = stringToByteArray(argv[2], &pt); if(keySize != 16 && keySize != 24 && keySize != 32) { printf("Invalid AES key size.\n"); return 1; } if(ptSize % 4 != 0) { printf("Plaintext size must be a multiple of AES block size.\n"); return 1; } ct = (uint *)malloc(ptSize*sizeof(uint)); AES *aes = new AES(); aes->makeKey(key, keySize << 3, DIR_ENCRYPT); for(uint i = 0; i < ptSize; i += 4) { aes->encrypt(pt + i, ct + i); } printHexArray(ct, ptSize); return 0; }