Пример #1
AMScanConfiguration *AMScanActionInfo::getConfigurationFromDb() const
    // no need to bother if we don't have a scan id to use
    if(scanID_ == -1)
        return 0; //NULL

    // turn off automatic raw-data loading for scans... This will make loading the scan to access it's config much faster.
    bool scanAutoLoadingOn = AMScan::autoLoadData();
    // Dynamically create and load a detailed subclass of AMDbObject from the database... whatever type it is.
    AMDbObject* dbo = AMDbObjectSupport::s()->createAndLoadObjectAt(AMDatabase::database("user"), AMDbObjectSupport::s()->tableNameForClass<AMScan>(), scanID_);
    if(!dbo) {

        AMErrorMon::alert(this, AMSCANACTIONINFO_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_DB, "Could not load scan from the database.");
        return 0; //NULL

    // restore AMScan's auto-loading of data to whatever it was before.
    // Is it a scan?
    AMScan* scan = qobject_cast<AMScan*>( dbo );
    if(!scan) {

        AMErrorMon::alert(this, AMSCANACTIONINFO_DB_OBJECT_NOT_A_SCAN, "Object loaded from the database was not a scan.");
        return 0; //NULL
    // Does the scan have a configuration?
    AMScanConfiguration* config = scan->scanConfiguration();
    if(!config) {

        AMErrorMon::alert(this, AMSCANACTIONINFO_SCAN_HAS_NO_CONFIGURATION, "Scan does not have a valid scan configuration.");
        return 0; //NULL
    // need to create a copy of the config so we can delete the scan (and hence the config instance owned by the scan). The view will take ownership of the copy.
    config = config->createCopy();

    if(!config) {

        AMErrorMon::alert(this, AMSCANACTIONINFO_CREATE_CONFIGURATION_COPY_FAILED, "Failed to create a copy of the scan configuration.");

    return config;
Пример #2
void AMExportController::continueScanExport()
	if(state_ != Exporting)
		return;	// done, or paused. Don't keep going.

	// 0. emit progress and signals
	emit progressChanged(exportScanIndex_, scanCount());

	// 1. Check for finished:
	if(exportScanIndex_ >= scanCount()) {
		emit stateChanged(state_ = Finished);

		// Reset whether the exporter should overwrite files with matching filenames.

		QString message = "Exported " % QString::number(succeededCount()) % " scans.";
			message.append("  (" % QString::number(failedCount()) % " scans could not be exported.)");
		AMErrorMon::report(AMErrorReport(this, AMErrorReport::Information, 0, message));


		return; // We're done!

	try {
		// 2. Load scan from db and check loaded successfully

		AMScan* scan = 0;
		AMDbObject* databaseObject = 0;
			const QUrl& url = scanURLsToExport_.at(exportScanIndex_);
			AMDatabase* db = 0;
			QStringList path;
			QString tableName;
			int id = 0;
			bool idOkay = false;

			// parse the URL and make sure it's valid
			if(!( url.scheme() == "amd" &&
				  (db = AMDatabase::database(url.host())) &&
				  (path = url.path().split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts)).count() == 2 &&
				  (id = path.at(1).toInt(&idOkay)) > 0 &&
				  idOkay == true &&
				  (tableName = path.at(0)).isEmpty() == false
				throw QString("The export system couldn't understand the scan URL '" % url.toString() % "', so this scan has not been exported.");
			emit statusChanged(status_ = "Opening: " % url.toString());

			databaseObject = AMDbObjectSupport::s()->createAndLoadObjectAt(db, tableName, id);
			scan = qobject_cast<AMScan*>(databaseObject);

			if(!scan) {
				throw QString("The export system couldn't load a scan out of the database (" % url.toString() % "), so this scan has not been exported.");

		else if(usingScanObjects_) {
			scan = scanObjectsToExport_.at(exportScanIndex_);
				throw QString("An invalid scan reference was provided, so this scan has not been exported.");

		emit statusChanged(status_ = "Opening: " % scan->name());	// this is kinda pointless...
		emit statusChanged(status_ = "Writing: " % scan->fullName());

		// 3. Check that it can be exported with the exporter and option selected
		if(!exporter_->isValidFor(scan, option_)) {
			QString err("The exporter '" % exporter_->description() % "' and the template '" % option_->name() % "' are not compatible with this scan (" % scan->fullName() % "), so it has not been exported.");
			emit statusChanged(status_ = err);

			if (usingScanURLs_)

			throw err;

		// 4. Export
		//    4.1 check and create the export folder for the current run
		QString destinationFolderPathWithRun = destinationFolderPath_;

		exporter_->setCurrentScan(scan); // we must set this, otherwise we can't get the name of the current run
		QString currentRunExportFilePath = exporter_->currentRunExportFilePath();
		if(currentRunExportFilePath.length() > 0) {
			QDir exportDir;
			if  (!exportDir.entryList(QDir::AllDirs).contains(currentRunExportFilePath)) {
					QString err("Could not create the export folder." % exportDir.absolutePath());
					emit statusChanged(status_ = err);
					throw err;

			destinationFolderPathWithRun = destinationFolderPathWithRun % "/" % currentRunExportFilePath;

		//    4.2 export
		QString writtenFile = exporter_->exportScan(scan, destinationFolderPathWithRun, option_, exportScanIndex_);
		if(writtenFile.isNull()) {
			QString err("Export failed for scan '" % scan->fullName() % " to " % destinationFolderPathWithRun % "'.");
			emit statusChanged(status_ = err);

			if (usingScanURLs_)

			throw err;

		emit statusChanged(status_ = "Wrote: " % writtenFile);

		if (usingScanURLs_)

	catch(QString errMsg) {
		AMErrorMon::report(AMErrorReport(this, AMErrorReport::Alert, -1, errMsg));

	// 5. increment exportScanIndex_ and re-schedule next one
	QTimer::singleShot(5, this, SLOT(continueScanExport()));
