Пример #1
bool ALSBL8XASFileLoader::loadFromFile(const QString& filepath, bool setMetaData, bool setRawDataSources, bool createDefaultAnalysisBlocks) {

	// not initialized to have a scan target, or scan target is not an AMXASScan...
	AMXASScan* scan = qobject_cast<AMXASScan*>(scan_);
		return false;

	// Clear the old scan axes to ensure we don't have any extras.
	scan->rawData()->addScanAxis( AMAxisInfo("eV", 0, "Incident Energy", "eV") );

	// information about the scan we hope to locate:
	QString comments;
	double integrationTime;

	// used in parsing the data file
	QString line;
	QStringList lp;

	// names of the columns, taken from headers in the data file.
	QStringList colNames1;

	// open the file:
	QFile f(filepath);
	if(!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
		AMErrorMon::report(AMErrorReport(0, AMErrorReport::Serious, -1, "ALSBL8XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan data from file. Missing file."));
		return false;
	QTextStream fs(&f);

	if(setMetaData) {
		// Start reading the file. look for the count-time line.
		while( !fs.atEnd() && !(line = fs.readLine()).startsWith("Count Time (s):") )
		if(fs.atEnd()) {
			AMErrorMon::report(AMErrorReport(0, AMErrorReport::Debug, -2, "ALSBL8XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan data from file. Could not find the count time (integration time)."));
			// return false;	// bad format; missing the count time string
		else {
			// read it
			integrationTime = line.split(':').at(1).trimmed().toDouble();

		// Keep reading the file. look for the comment line.
		while( !fs.atEnd() && !(line = fs.readLine()).startsWith("Description Length:") )
		if(fs.atEnd()) {
			AMErrorMon::report(AMErrorReport(0, AMErrorReport::Debug, -2, "ALSBL8XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan data from file. Could not find the description."));
			// return false;	// bad format; missing the comment string
		else {

			// read the comment
			bool descriptionLengthOk;
			int descriptionLength = line.split(':').at(1).trimmed().toInt(&descriptionLengthOk);
			// read this many characters now...
				comments = fs.read(descriptionLength);

	// find out what columns exist. Looking for line starting with 'Time (s)'
	while(!fs.atEnd() && !line.startsWith("Time (s)"))
		line = fs.readLine();
	if(fs.atEnd()) {
		AMErrorMon::report(AMErrorReport(0, AMErrorReport::Serious, -2, "ALSBL8XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan data from file. Missing the Column Header line."));
		return false;	// bad format; missing the column header
	colNames1 = line.split(QChar('\t'));

	// translate header names into meaningful column names (ex: "Counter 0" ---> "I0".... "Counter1"--->"tey")
	for(int i=0; i<colNames1.count(); i++)

	// ensure that we have the basic "eV" column
	int eVIndex = colNames1.indexOf("eV");
	if(eVIndex < 0) {
		AMErrorMon::report(AMErrorReport(0, AMErrorReport::Serious, -3, "ALSBL8XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan data from file. I couldn't find the energy (eV) column."));
		return false;	// bad format; no primary column


	// clear the existing raw data (and raw data sources, if we're supposed to)

	// There is a rawData scan axis called "eV" created in the constructor.  AMAxisInfo("eV", 0, "Incident Energy", "eV")
	/// \todo What if there isn't? Should we check, and create the axis if none exist? What if there's more than one scan axis? Can't remove from AMDataStore... [The rest of this code assumes a single scan axis]

	// add scalar (0D) measurements to the raw data store, for each data column.  Also add raw data sources to the scan, which expose this data.
	foreach(QString colName, colNames1) {
		if(colName != "eV" && colName != "Event-ID") {
			scan->rawData()->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(colName, colName));	/// \todo nice descriptions for the common column names; not just 'tey' or 'tfy'.

	int eVAxisIndex = 0;	// counter for each datapoint along the scan axis.

	// read all the data. Add to data columns or scan properties depending on the event-ID.
	while(!fs.atEnd()) {

		line = fs.readLine();

		// Data line. If there are the correct number of columns:
		if( (lp = line.split('\t', QString::SkipEmptyParts)).count() == colNames1.count() ) {

			// append a new datapoint to the data tree (supply primary eV value here)
			scan->rawData()->beginInsertRows(1, -1);
			scan->rawData()->setAxisValue(0, eVAxisIndex, lp.at(eVIndex).toDouble());	// insert eV

			// add all columns (but ignore the eV column)
			int measurementId = 0;
			for(int i=1; i<colNames1.count(); i++) {
					scan->rawData()->setValue(eVAxisIndex, measurementId++, AMnDIndex(), lp.at(i).toDouble());

	if(setMetaData) {
		// for a date-time, there is no information saved inside the file format, so the best we can do is look at the file's creation date-time...
		QFileInfo fi(filepath);
		/// \todo integration time... do what with?

	// If we need to create the raw data sources...
	if(setRawDataSources) {
		// expose the raw data that might be useful to the users
		foreach(QString visibleColumn, defaultUserVisibleColumns_) {
			int measurementId = scan->rawData()->idOfMeasurement(visibleColumn);
			if(measurementId >= 0)
				scan->addRawDataSource(new AMRawDataSource(scan->rawData(), measurementId));
Пример #2
bool VESPERSXASDataLoader::loadFromFile(const QString &filepath, bool setMetaData, bool setRawDataSources, bool createDefaultAnalysisBlocks)
    // Currently don't have meta data.

    AMXASScan *scan = qobject_cast<AMXASScan *>(scan_);

    if (!scan) {

        AMErrorMon::alert(0, 0, "VESPERS XAS File Loader: Could not load XAS data into a non-XAS scan.");
        return false;

    // Clear the old scan axes to ensure we don't have any extras.
    scan->rawData()->addScanAxis( AMAxisInfo("eV", 0, "Incident Energy", "eV") );

    QFile file(filepath);
    if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
        AMErrorMon::error(0, -1, "XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan data from file.");
        return false;

    QFile spectra;
    QVector<int> data;

    QTextStream in(&file);
    QString line;
    QStringList lineTokenized;

    // Need to determine if the single element or four element vortex detector was used.  Also need to determine which ion chambers were used for I0 and It.
    // First two lines are useless.
    line = in.readLine();
    line = in.readLine();

    line = in.readLine();

    if (line.contains("#(2)"))
        line = in.readLine();

    bool usingVortex = line.contains("IOC1607-004") || line.contains("dxp1607-B21-04");

    if (usingVortex) {

        QString temp(filepath);

        if(!spectra.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
            AMErrorMon::error(0, -1, QString("XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan spectra data from %1.").arg(spectra.fileName()));
            return false;

    QTextStream spectraStream(&spectra);
    QString spectraLine;
    QStringList spectraTokenized;

    while ((line = in.readLine()).contains("#")) {
        //Do nothing

    // Clear any old data so we can start fresh.

    // Some setup variables.
    int axisValueIndex = 0;

    if (usingVortex) {

        for (int i = 0; i < scan_->rawDataSourceCount()-1; i++)
            scan_->rawData()->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan_->rawDataSources()->at(i)->name(), scan_->rawDataSources()->at(i)->description()));

        QList<AMAxisInfo> axisInfo;
        AMAxisInfo ai("Energy", 2048, "Energy", "eV");
        ai.increment = 10;
        ai.start = AMNumber(0);
        ai.isUniform = true;
        axisInfo << ai;

        scan_->rawData()->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan_->rawDataSources()->at(scan_->rawDataSourceCount()-1)->name(), scan_->rawDataSources()->at(scan_->rawDataSourceCount()-1)->description(), "eV", axisInfo));

    else {

        for (int i = 0; i < scan_->rawDataSourceCount(); i++)
            scan_->rawData()->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan_->rawDataSources()->at(i)->name(), scan_->rawDataSources()->at(i)->description()));

    while (!in.atEnd()) {

        lineTokenized << line.split(", ");

        scan->rawData()->beginInsertRows(1, -1);

        scan_->rawData()->setAxisValue(0, axisValueIndex, lineTokenized.at(1).toDouble());

        // This isn't the most efficient way of putting the spectra data in, but it will do for the time being.
        if (usingVortex) {

            // Only going to rawDataSourceCount-1 because the last raw data source is the 2D spectra scan and requires its own method of entering the data.
            for (int i = 0; i < scan_->rawDataSourceCount()-1; i++)
                scan_->rawData()->setValue(axisValueIndex, i, AMnDIndex(), lineTokenized.at(i+2).toDouble());

            spectraLine = spectraStream.readLine();
            spectraTokenized << spectraLine.split(",");

            for (int j = 0; j < 2048; j++)
                data[j] = spectraTokenized.at(j).toInt();

            scan_->rawData()->setValue(axisValueIndex, scan_->rawDataSourceCount()-1, data.constData());

        else {

            // In transmission, there is no 2D spectra.  Go through all the data sources.
            for (int i = 0; i < scan_->rawDataSourceCount(); i++)
                scan_->rawData()->setValue(axisValueIndex, i, AMnDIndex(), lineTokenized.at(i+2).toDouble());


        line = in.readLine();


    if (usingVortex)

    return true;