Пример #1
be_component::gen_skel_inheritance (TAO_OutStream *os)
  AST_Component *base = this->base_component ();

  if (base != 0)
      *os << "public virtual POA_" << base->name ();
      *os << "public virtual POA_Components::CCMObject";

  long nsupports = this->n_inherits ();
  AST_Type **supports = this->supports ();
  AST_Type *supported = 0;

  for (long i = 0; i < nsupports; ++i)
      supported = supports[i];

      if (supported->is_abstract ())

      *os << "," << be_nl;
      *os << "public virtual POA_" << supported->name ();
Пример #2
// OBV_ class must be in OBV_ namespace.
be_visitor_valuetype_obv_ch::visit_valuetype (be_valuetype *node)
  // Only visit non-abstract non-imported valuetype.
  if (node->is_abstract () || node->imported ())
      return 0;

  TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream ();

  *os << be_nl_2 << "// TAO_IDL - Generated from" << be_nl
      << "// " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ ;

  // OBV_ class maps only to a typedef if we are optimizing accessors.
  if (node->opt_accessor ())
      *os << be_nl_2 << "typedef " << node->full_name () << " ";

      if (!node->is_nested ())
          *os << "OBV_";

      *os << node->local_name () << ";" << be_nl;
      *os << be_nl_2 << "// OBV_ class" << be_nl;
      *os << "class " << be_global->stub_export_macro() << " ";

      if (!node->is_nested())
          *os << "OBV_";

      *os << node->local_name () << be_idt_nl
          << ": public virtual "
          << node->full_name ();

      // STEP 1 (about which previous implementer forgot ):
      // Generate inheritance from corresponding OBV_ classes.


      // Here we need to be careful. There are few cases to consider:
      // (1) We have VT with concrete factory and no inhereted VT with
      //     concrete factory then we need to mix-in RefCounter
      // (2) We have VT with concerete factory and inheretence from
      //     another (not abstract or empty abstract <would like to
      //     know how to go there>) then its OBV_ already has mix-in
      // (3) We have VT that supports an abstract interface. In this case,
      //     we will add implementations of _add_ref and _remove_ref that
      //     call this->DefaultValueRefCountBase and so it must be mixed in
      // (4) The rest. Don't need to bother about anything, just inherit
      //     whatever there is.

      int i = 0;
      AST_Type *inherited = 0;

      for (; i < node->n_inherits (); ++i)
          inherited = node->inherits ()[i];

          // We need only concrete valuetypes.
          if (inherited->is_abstract ())

          *os << "," << be_nl;

          // dump the scoped name.
          *os << "  public virtual OBV_";
          *os << inherited->full_name();
        }  // end of for loop

      if (this->obv_need_ref_counter (node))
          *os << "," << be_nl;

          // dump the scoped name.
          *os << "  public virtual ::CORBA::DefaultValueRefCountBase";

      *os << be_uidt_nl;


      // STEP 2: Generate the body ==

      *os << "{";

      // Generate code for the OBV_ class definition.
      if (this->visit_valuetype_scope (node) == -1)
                             "(%N:%l) be_visitor_valuetype_obv_ch::"
                             "visit_valuetype - "
                             "codegen for scope failed\n"),

      // If we inherit from CORBA::Object and/or CORBA::AbstractBase
      // (in addition to CORBA::ValueBase) we have to add these
      // to avoid ambiguity.
      if (node->n_supports () > 0)
          *os << be_nl_2 << "// TAO_IDL - Generated from" << be_nl
              << "// " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ ;

          *os << be_nl_2 << "virtual void _add_ref (void);" << be_nl;
          *os << "virtual void _remove_ref (void);";

      if (node->have_operation ())
          this->begin_private ();
          this->begin_public ();

      *os << be_nl;

      // Default constructor.
      if (! node->is_nested ())
          *os << "OBV_";

      *os << node->local_name () << " (void);";

      // Initializing constructor.
      if (node->has_member ())
          *os << be_nl;

          if (! node->is_nested ())
              *os << "OBV_";

          *os << node->local_name () << " (" << be_idt << be_idt;

          unsigned long index = 0;
          this->gen_obv_init_constructor_args (node, index);

          *os << be_uidt_nl
              << ");" << be_uidt;

      // Virtual destructor.
      *os << be_nl << "virtual ~";
      if (! node->is_nested ())
          *os << "OBV_";
      *os << node->local_name () << " (void);";

      // Virtual _copy_value() only provided in OBV_* class when
      // ::CORBA::DefaultValueRefCountBase has been included.
      // The OBV_ class is concrete in this case and so requires
      // a _copy_value definition.
      // Otherwise, the end user derives from this abstract
      // OBV_* class and it is up to them to provide the correct
      // implimentation of the _copy_value() there.
      if (this->obv_need_ref_counter (node))
          *os << be_uidt_nl << be_nl << "public:" << be_idt_nl
              << "virtual ::CORBA::ValueBase *_copy_value (void);";

      // Map fields to private data.
      if (!node->opt_accessor ())
          *os << be_nl << be_uidt_nl << "protected:" << be_idt_nl;

          *os << "virtual ::CORBA::Boolean" << be_nl
              << "_tao_marshal__" << node->flat_name ()
              << " (TAO_OutputCDR &, TAO_ChunkInfo &) const;" << be_nl_2;

          *os << "virtual ::CORBA::Boolean" << be_nl
              << "_tao_unmarshal__" << node->flat_name ()
              << " (TAO_InputCDR &, TAO_ChunkInfo &);" << be_nl_2;

          *os << "::CORBA::Boolean "
              << "_tao_marshal_state (TAO_OutputCDR &, TAO_ChunkInfo &) const;"
              << be_nl
              << "::CORBA::Boolean "
              << "_tao_unmarshal_state (TAO_InputCDR &, TAO_ChunkInfo &);"
              << be_nl
              << "virtual void "
              << "truncation_hook (void);"
              << be_uidt_nl << be_nl;

          *os << "private:" << be_idt;

          this->gen_pd (node);

      *os << be_nl
          << "CORBA::Boolean require_truncation_;" << be_uidt_nl
          << "};";

  return 0;