Пример #1
// GetExtraOutputPath
void FunctionObjectList::GetExtraOutputPath( const AString * it, const AString * end, const char * option, AString & path ) const
    const char * bodyStart = it->Get() + strlen( option ) + 1; // +1 for - or /
    const char * bodyEnd = it->GetEnd();

    // if token is exactly matched then value is next token
    if ( bodyStart == bodyEnd )
        // handle missing next value
        if ( it == end )
            return; // we just pretend it doesn't exist and let the compiler complain

        bodyStart = it->Get();
        bodyEnd = it->GetEnd();

    // Strip quotes
    Args::StripQuotes( bodyStart, bodyEnd, path );

    // If it's not already a path (i.e. includes filename.ext) then
    // truncate to just the path
    const char * lastSlash = path.FindLast( '\\' );
    lastSlash = lastSlash ? lastSlash : path.FindLast( '/' );
    lastSlash  = lastSlash ? lastSlash : path.Get(); // no slash, means it's just a filename
    if ( lastSlash != ( path.GetEnd() - 1 ) )
        path.SetLength( uint32_t(lastSlash - path.Get()) );
Пример #2
// WriteHeader
void SLNGenerator::WriteHeader( const AString & solutionVisualStudioVersion,
                                const AString & solutionMinimumVisualStudioVersion )
    const char * defaultVersion         = "14.0.22823.1"; // Visual Studio 2015 RC
    const char * defaultMinimumVersion  = "10.0.40219.1"; // Visual Studio Express 2010

    const char * version = ( solutionVisualStudioVersion.GetLength() > 0 )
                           ? solutionVisualStudioVersion.Get()
                           : defaultVersion ;

    const char * minimumVersion = ( solutionMinimumVisualStudioVersion.GetLength() > 0 )
                                  ? solutionMinimumVisualStudioVersion.Get()
                                  : defaultMinimumVersion ;

    const char * shortVersionStart = version;
    const char * shortVersionEnd = version;
    for ( ; *shortVersionEnd && *shortVersionEnd != '.' ; ++shortVersionEnd );

    AStackString<> shortVersion( shortVersionStart, shortVersionEnd );

    // header
    Write( "\r\n" ); // Deliberate blank line
    Write( "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00\r\n" );
    Write( "# Visual Studio %s\r\n", shortVersion.Get() );
    Write( "VisualStudioVersion = %s\r\n", version );
    Write( "MinimumVisualStudioVersion = %s\r\n", minimumVersion );
Пример #3
// DirectoryCreate
/*static*/ bool FileIO::DirectoryCreate( const AString & path )
    #if defined( __WINDOWS__ )
        if ( CreateDirectory( path.Get(), nullptr ) )
            return true;

        // it failed - is it because it exists already?
        if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS )
            return true;
	#elif defined( __LINUX__ ) || defined( __APPLE__ )
        umask( 0 ); // disable default creation mask
        mode_t mode = S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO; // TODO:LINUX TODO:MAC Check these permissions
        if ( mkdir( path.Get(), mode ) == 0 )
            return true; // created ok
        // failed to create - already exists?
        if ( errno == EEXIST )
            return true;
        #error Unknown platform

	// failed, probably missing intermediate folders or an invalid name
	return false;
Пример #4
// GetFileInfo
/*static*/ bool FileIO::GetFileInfo( const AString & fileName, FileIO::FileInfo & info )
    #if defined( __WINDOWS__ )
        WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA fileAttribs;
        if ( GetFileAttributesEx( fileName.Get(), GetFileExInfoStandard, &fileAttribs ) ) 
            info.m_Name = fileName;
            info.m_Attributes = fileAttribs.dwFileAttributes;
            info.m_LastWriteTime = (uint64_t)fileAttribs.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime | ( (uint64_t)fileAttribs.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime << 32 );
            info.m_Size = (uint64_t)fileAttribs.nFileSizeLow | ( (uint64_t)fileAttribs.nFileSizeHigh << 32 );
            return true;
    #elif defined( __APPLE__ ) || defined( __LINUX__ )
        struct stat s;
        if ( stat( fileName.Get(), &s ) == 0 )
            info.m_Name = fileName;
            info.m_Attributes = s.st_mode;
            #if defined( __APPLE__ )
                info.m_LastWriteTime = ( ( (uint64_t)s.st_mtimespec.tv_sec * 1000000000ULL ) + (uint64_t)s.st_mtimespec.tv_nsec );
                info.m_LastWriteTime = ( ( (uint64_t)s.st_mtim.tv_sec * 1000000000ULL ) + (uint64_t)s.st_mtim.tv_nsec );
            info.m_Size = s.st_size;
            return true;
    return false;
Пример #5
// GetFolderIndexFor
uint32_t ProjectGeneratorBase::GetFolderIndexFor( const AString & path )
    // Get the path exluding the file file or dir
    const char * lastSlash = path.FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH );
    if ( ( lastSlash == nullptr ) || ( lastSlash == path.Get() ) )
        return 0; // no sub-path: put it in the root

    // Search for existing folder
    AStackString<> folderPath( path.Get(), lastSlash );
    for ( const Folder& folder : m_Folders )
        if ( folder.m_Path == folderPath )
            return (uint32_t)( &folder - m_Folders.Begin() ); // Found existing

    // Add new folder(s) recursively
    const uint32_t parentFolderIndex = GetFolderIndexFor( folderPath );

    // Create new folder
    Folder f;
    f.m_Path = folderPath;
    m_Folders.Append( f );
    const uint32_t folderIndex = (uint32_t)( m_Folders.GetSize() - 1 );

    // Add to parent folder
    m_Folders[ parentFolderIndex ].m_Folders.Append( folderIndex );

    return folderIndex;
Пример #6
/*explicit*/ CachePlugin::CachePlugin( const AString & dllName ) :
	#if defined( __WINDOWS__ )
		m_DLL( nullptr ),
		m_InitFunc( nullptr ),
		m_ShutdownFunc( nullptr ),
		m_PublishFunc( nullptr ),
		m_RetrieveFunc( nullptr ),
		m_FreeMemoryFunc( nullptr )
    #if defined( __WINDOWS__ )
        m_DLL = ::LoadLibrary( dllName.Get() );
        if ( !m_DLL )
            FLOG_WARN( "Cache plugin '%s' load failed (0x%x).", dllName.Get(), ::GetLastError() );

        m_InitFunc		= (CacheInitFunc)		GetFunction( "CacheInit",		"?CacheInit@@YA_NPEBD@Z" );
        m_ShutdownFunc	= (CacheShutdownFunc)	GetFunction( "CacheShutdown",	"?CacheShutdown@@YAXXZ"  );
        m_PublishFunc	= (CachePublishFunc)	GetFunction( "CachePublish",	"?CachePublish@@YA_NPEBDPEBX_K@Z" );
        m_RetrieveFunc	= (CacheRetrieveFunc)	GetFunction( "CacheRetrieve",	"?CacheRetrieve@@YA_NPEBDAEAPEAXAEA_K@Z" );
        m_FreeMemoryFunc= (CacheFreeMemoryFunc)	GetFunction( "CacheFreeMemory", "?CacheFreeMemory@@YAXPEAX_K@Z" );
    #elif defined( __APPLE__ )
        ASSERT( false ); // TODO:MAC Implement CachePlugin
    #elif defined( __LINUX__ )
        ASSERT( false ); // TODO:LINUX Implement CachePlugin
        #error Unknown platform
Пример #7
// GetFileLastWriteTime
/*static*/ uint64_t FileIO::GetFileLastWriteTime( const AString & fileName )
    #if defined( __WINDOWS__ )
        WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA fileAttribs;
        if ( GetFileAttributesEx( fileName.Get(), GetFileExInfoStandard, &fileAttribs ) ) 
            FILETIME ftWrite = fileAttribs.ftLastWriteTime; 
            uint64_t lastWriteTime = (uint64_t)ftWrite.dwLowDateTime | ( (uint64_t)ftWrite.dwHighDateTime << 32 ); 
            return lastWriteTime;
    #elif defined( __APPLE__ )
        struct stat st;
        if ( stat( fileName.Get(), &st ) == 0 )
            // OSX only supports setting filetimes at usec granularity
            // so if we ever receive times with sub-usec granularity
            // we will lose accuracy.
            ASSERT( ( st.st_mtimespec.tv_nsec % 1000 ) == 0 );

            return ( ( (uint64_t)st.st_mtimespec.tv_sec * 1000000000ULL ) + (uint64_t)st.st_mtimespec.tv_nsec );
	#elif defined( __LINUX__ )
        struct stat st;
        if ( stat( fileName.Get(), &st ) == 0 )
            return ( ( (uint64_t)st.st_mtim.tv_sec * 1000000000ULL ) + (uint64_t)st.st_mtim.tv_nsec );
        #error Unknown platform
	return 0;
Пример #8
// GetFolderPath
void VSProjectGenerator::GetFolderPath( const AString & fileName, AString & folder ) const
	const AString * const bEnd = m_BasePaths.End();
	for ( const AString * bIt = m_BasePaths.Begin(); bIt != bEnd; ++bIt )
		const AString & basePath = *bIt;
		const char * begin = fileName.Get();
		const char * end = fileName.GetEnd();

		if ( fileName.BeginsWithI( basePath ) )
			begin = fileName.Get() + basePath.GetLength();
			const char * lastSlash = fileName.FindLast( BACK_SLASH );
			end = ( lastSlash ) ? lastSlash : end;
			if ( begin < end )
				folder.Assign( begin, end );

	// no matching base path (use root)
Пример #9
bool ReflectedProperty::FromString( const AString & buffer, int64_t * value )
    #if defined( __LINUX__ )
        return ( sscanf_s( buffer.Get(), "%ld", value ) == 1 );
        return ( sscanf_s( buffer.Get(), "%lld", value ) == 1 );
Пример #10
// CompareI
int32_t AString::CompareI( const AString & other ) const
    #if defined( __WINDOWS__ )
        return _stricmp( m_Contents, other.Get() );
    #elif defined( __APPLE__ ) || defined( __LINUX__ )
        return strcasecmp( m_Contents, other.Get() );
        #error Unknown platform
Пример #11
// FileMove
/*static*/ bool FileIO::FileMove( const AString & srcFileName, const AString & dstFileName )
#if defined( __WINDOWS__ )
	return ( TRUE == ::MoveFileEx( srcFileName.Get(), dstFileName.Get(), MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING ) );
#elif defined( __LINUX__ ) || defined( __APPLE__ )
    return ( rename( srcFileName.Get(), dstFileName.Get() ) == 0 );
    #error Unknown platform
Пример #12
bool ReflectedProperty::FromString( const AString & buffer, bool * value )
    if ( AString::StrNCmpI( buffer.Get(), "true", 4 ) == 0 )
        *value = true;
        return true;
    if ( AString::StrNCmpI( buffer.Get(), "false", 5 ) == 0 )
        *value = false;
        return true;
    return false;
Пример #13
// StoreVariableStruct
bool BFFParser::StoreVariableStruct( const AString & name,
									 const BFFIterator & valueStart, const BFFIterator & valueEnd,
									 const BFFIterator & operatorIter,
									 BFFStackFrame * frame )
	// are we concatenating?
	if ( *operatorIter == BFF_VARIABLE_CONCATENATION )
		// concatenation of structs not supported
		Error::Error_1027_CannotModify( operatorIter, name, BFFVariable::VAR_STRUCT, BFFVariable::VAR_ANY );
		return false;

	// create stack frame to capture variables
	BFFStackFrame stackFrame;

	// parse all the variables in the scope
	BFFParser subParser;
	BFFIterator subIter( valueStart );
	subIter.SetMax( valueEnd.GetCurrent() ); // limit to closing token
	if ( subParser.Parse( subIter ) == false )
		return false; // error will be emitted by Parse

	// get variables defined in the scope
	const Array< const BFFVariable * > & structMembers = stackFrame.GetLocalVariables();

	// Register this variable
	BFFStackFrame::SetVarStruct( name, structMembers, frame ? frame : stackFrame.GetParent() );
	FLOG_INFO( "Registered <struct> variable '%s' with %u members", name.Get(), structMembers.GetSize() );

	return true;
Пример #14
    /*static*/ void FileIO::WorkAroundForWindowsFilePermissionProblem( const AString & fileName )
        // Sometimes after closing a file, subsequent operations on that file will
        // fail.  For example, trying to set the file time, or even another process
        // opening the file.
        // This seems to be a known issue in windows, with multiple potential causes
        // like Virus scanners and possibly the behaviour of the kernel itself.
        // A work-around for this problem is to attempt to open a file we just closed.
        // This will sometimes fail, but if we retry until it succeeds, we avoid the
        // problem on the subsequent operation.
        FileStream f;
        Timer timer;
        while ( f.Open( fileName.Get() ) == false )
            Thread::Sleep( 1 );

            // timeout so we don't get stuck in here forever
            if ( timer.GetElapsed() > 1.0f )
                ASSERT( false && "WorkAroundForWindowsFilePermissionProblem Failed!" );
Пример #15
// CreateTempFile
/*static*/ bool WorkerThread::CreateTempFile( const AString & tmpFileName,
										FileStream & file )
	ASSERT( tmpFileName.IsEmpty() == false );
	ASSERT( PathUtils::IsFullPath( tmpFileName ) );
	return file.Open( tmpFileName.Get(), FileStream::WRITE_ONLY );
Пример #16
// Error_1100_AlreadyDefined
/*static*/ void Error::Error_1100_AlreadyDefined( const BFFIterator & iter,
                                                 const Function * function,
                                                 const AString & name )
    FormatError( iter, 1100u, function, "Target '%s' already defined.",
                                       name.Get() );
Пример #17
// Error_1101_MissingProperty
/*static*/ void Error::Error_1101_MissingProperty( const BFFIterator & iter,
                                                  const Function * function,
                                                  const AString & name )
    FormatError( iter, 1101u, function, "Missing required property '%s'.",
                                       name.Get() );
Пример #18
// SetCurrentDir
/*static*/ bool FileIO::SetCurrentDir( const AString & dir )
	#if defined( __WINDOWS__ )
		// Windows can have upper or lower case letters in the path for the drive
		// letter.  The case may be important for the user, but setting the current 
		// dir with only a change in case is ignored.
		// To ensure we have the requested case, we have to change dir to another
		// location, and then the location we want.

		// get another valid location to set as the dir
		// (we'll use the windows directory)
		char otherFolder[ 512 ];
		otherFolder[ 0 ] = 0;
		UINT len = ::GetWindowsDirectory( otherFolder, 512 );
		if ( ( len == 0 ) || ( len > 511 ) )
			return false;

		// handle the case where the user actually wants the windows dir
		if ( _stricmp( otherFolder, dir.Get() ) == 0 )
			// use the root of the drive containing the windows dir
			otherFolder[ 3 ] = 0;

		// set "other" dir
		if ( ::SetCurrentDirectory( otherFolder ) == FALSE )
			return false;

		// set the actual directory we want
		if ( ::SetCurrentDirectory( dir.Get() ) == TRUE )
			return true;
	#elif defined( __LINUX__ ) || defined( __APPLE__ )
        if ( chdir( dir.Get() ) == 0 )
            return true;
        #error Unknown platform
	return false;
Пример #19
// Error_1033_ErrorReadingInclude
/*static*/ void Error::Error_1033_ErrorReadingInclude( const BFFIterator & iter,
                                                       const AString & include,
                                                       uint32_t errorCode )
    FormatError( iter, 1033u, nullptr, "Error reading include '%s' (Error: %u).",
                                       errorCode );
Пример #20
// Error_1029_VariableForSubstitutionIsNotAString
/*static*/ void Error::Error_1029_VariableForSubstitutionIsNotAString( const BFFIterator & iter,
                                                                     const AString & variableName,
                                                                     BFFVariable::VarType varType )
    FormatError( iter, 1029u, nullptr, "Variable for substitution '%s' is not a string (Type: <%s>).",
                                     BFFVariable::GetTypeName( varType ) );
Пример #21
// WritePGItem
void VSProjectGenerator::WritePGItem( const char * xmlTag, const AString & value )
    if ( value.IsEmpty() )
    Write( "    <%s>%s</%s>\n", xmlTag, value.Get(), xmlTag );
Пример #22
// Publish
/*virtual*/ bool CachePlugin::Publish( const AString & cacheId, const void * data, size_t dataSize )
	if ( m_PublishFunc )
		return (*m_PublishFunc)( cacheId.Get(), data, dataSize );
	return false;
Пример #23
bool ReflectedProperty::FromString( const AString & buffer, Mat44 * value )
    return ( sscanf_s( buffer.Get(), "%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f",
                    &value->col0.x, &value->col0.y, &value->col0.z, &value->col0.z,
                    &value->col1.x, &value->col1.y, &value->col1.z, &value->col1.z,
                    &value->col2.x, &value->col2.y, &value->col2.z, &value->col2.z,
                    &value->col3.x, &value->col3.y, &value->col3.z, &value->col3.z ) == 16 );
Пример #24
// StoreVariableInt
bool BFFParser::StoreVariableInt( const AString & name, int value, BFFStackFrame * frame )
	BFFStackFrame::SetVarInt( name, value, frame );

	FLOG_INFO( "Registered <int> variable '%s' with value '%i'", name.Get(), value );

	return true;
Пример #25
// GetRelativePath
/*static*/ void ToolManifest::GetRelativePath( const AString & mainExe, const AString & otherFile, AString & otherFileRelativePath )
	// determine primary root
	AStackString<> primaryPath( mainExe.Get(), mainExe.FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH ) + 1 ); // include backslash

	if ( otherFile.BeginsWithI( primaryPath ) )
		// file is in sub dir on master machine, so store with same relative location
		otherFileRelativePath += ( otherFile.Get() + primaryPath.GetLength() );
		// file is in some completely other directory, so put in same place as exe
		const char * lastSlash = otherFile.FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH );
		otherFileRelativePath += ( lastSlash ? lastSlash + 1 : otherFile.Get() );
Пример #26
// StoreVariableString
bool BFFParser::StoreVariableString( const AString & name,
									 const BFFIterator & valueStart, const BFFIterator & valueEnd,
									 const BFFIterator & operatorIter,
									 BFFStackFrame * frame )
	// unescape and subsitute embedded variables
	AStackString< 2048 > value;
	if ( PerformVariableSubstitutions( valueStart, valueEnd, value ) == false )
		return false;

	// are we concatenating?
	const BFFVariable * varToConcat = nullptr;
	if ( *operatorIter == BFF_VARIABLE_CONCATENATION )
		// find existing
		varToConcat = BFFStackFrame::GetVar( name, frame );
		if ( varToConcat == nullptr )
			Error::Error_1026_VariableNotFoundForConcatenation( operatorIter, name );
			return false;

		// make sure types are compatible
		if ( varToConcat->IsString() )
			// OK - can concat String to String
			AStackString< 1024 > finalValue( varToConcat->GetString() );
			finalValue += value;

			BFFStackFrame::SetVarString( name, finalValue, frame );
			FLOG_INFO( "Appended '%s' to <String> variable '%s' with result '%s'", value.Get(), name.Get(), finalValue.Get() );
			return true;
		else if ( varToConcat->IsArrayOfStrings() )
			// OK - can concat String to ArrayOfStrings
			Array< AString > finalValues( varToConcat->GetArrayOfStrings().GetSize() + 1, false );
			finalValues = varToConcat->GetArrayOfStrings();
			finalValues.Append( value );

			BFFStackFrame::SetVarArrayOfStrings( name, finalValues, frame );
			FLOG_INFO( "Appended '%s' to <ArrayOfStrings> variable '%s' with result of %i items", value.Get(), name.Get(), finalValues.GetSize() );
			return true;
			Error::Error_1027_CannotConcatenate( operatorIter, name, varToConcat->GetType(), BFFVariable::VAR_STRING );
			return false;

	// handle regular assignment of string
	BFFStackFrame::SetVarString( name, value, frame );
	FLOG_INFO( "Registered <string> variable '%s' with value '%s'", name.Get(), value.Get() );
	return true;
Пример #27
// Error_1104_MissingTarget
/*static*/ void Error::Error_1104_TargetNotDefined( const BFFIterator & iter,
                                                    const Function * function,
                                                    const char * propertyName,
                                                    const AString & name )
    FormatError( iter, 1104u, function, "'%s' ('%s') is not defined.",
                                       name.Get() );
Пример #28
// Error_1031_UnexpectedCharFollowingDirectiveName
/*static*/ void Error::Error_1031_UnexpectedCharFollowingDirectiveName( const BFFIterator & iter,
                                                                        const AString & directive,
                                                                        char expectedChar )
    FormatError( iter, 1031u, nullptr, "Unknown char '%c' following '%s' directive. (Expected '%c').",
                                     expectedChar );
Пример #29
FileNode::FileNode( const AString & fileName, uint32_t controlFlags )
: Node( fileName, Node::FILE_NODE, controlFlags )
	ASSERT( fileName.EndsWith( "\\" ) == false );
	ASSERT( ( fileName.FindLast( ':' ) == nullptr ) ||
			( fileName.FindLast( ':' ) == ( fileName.Get() + 1 ) ) );

	m_LastBuildTimeMs = 1; // very little work required
Пример #30
// BeginsWithI
bool AString::BeginsWithI( const AString & string ) const
	uint32_t otherLen = string.GetLength();
	if ( otherLen > GetLength() )
		return false;
	return ( StrNCmpI( m_Contents, string.Get(), otherLen ) == 0 );