Пример #1
GroupWithMorphisms compute_image(const mod_t p, const MatrixQ& f,
                                 const AbelianGroup& X, const AbelianGroup& Y)
  MatrixQRefList to_X_dummy;
  MatrixQList from_X = {MatrixQ::identity(f.width())};
  GroupWithMorphisms K = compute_kernel(p, f, X, Y, to_X_dummy, ref(from_X));

  MatrixQList to_X_2 =  {MatrixQ::identity(X.rank())};
  MatrixQList from_X_2 = {f,MatrixQ::identity(X.rank())};//hacky, since id:X->X doesn't vanish on K.
                                                         //but due to the implementation, the columns of this will contain
                                                         //representatives in X for the generators of img.
  GroupWithMorphisms img =
      compute_cokernel(p, K.maps_from[0], X, ref(to_X_2), ref(from_X_2));

  return img;