Пример #1
bool AssetContract::AddAccountRecord(const Account& theAccount) const // adds
                                                                      // the
// account
// to the
// list.
// (When
// account
// is
// created.)
    //  Load up account list StringMap. Create it if doesn't already exist.
    //  See if account is already there in the map. Add it otherwise.
    //  Save the StringMap back again. (The account records list for a given
    // instrument definition.)

    const char* szFunc = "OTAssetContract::AddAccountRecord";

    if (theAccount.GetInstrumentDefinitionID() != m_ID) {
        otErr << szFunc << ": Error: theAccount doesn't have the same asset "
                           "type ID as *this does.\n";
        return false;

    const Identifier theAcctID(theAccount);
    const String strAcctID(theAcctID);

    String strInstrumentDefinitionID, strAcctRecordFile;
    strAcctRecordFile.Format("%s.a", strInstrumentDefinitionID.Get());

    OTDB::Storable* pStorable = nullptr;
    std::unique_ptr<OTDB::Storable> theAngel;
    OTDB::StringMap* pMap = nullptr;

    if (OTDB::Exists(OTFolders::Contract().Get(),
                     strAcctRecordFile.Get())) // the file already exists; let's
                                               // try to load it up.
        pStorable = OTDB::QueryObject(OTDB::STORED_OBJ_STRING_MAP,
    else // the account records file (for this instrument definition) doesn't
         // exist.
        pStorable = OTDB::CreateObject(
            OTDB::STORED_OBJ_STRING_MAP); // this asserts already, on failure.

    pMap = (nullptr == pStorable) ? nullptr
                                  : dynamic_cast<OTDB::StringMap*>(pStorable);

    // It exists.
    if (nullptr == pMap) {
        otErr << szFunc
              << ": Error: failed trying to load or create the account records "
                 "file for instrument definition: " << strInstrumentDefinitionID
              << "\n";
        return false;

    auto& theMap = pMap->the_map;
    auto map_it = theMap.find(strAcctID.Get());

    if (theMap.end() != map_it) // we found it.
    {                           // We were ADDING IT, but it was ALREADY THERE.
        // (Thus, we're ALREADY DONE.)
        // Let's just make sure the right instrument definition ID is associated
        // with this
        // account
        // (it better be, since we loaded the account records file based on the
        // instrument definition ID as its filename...)
        const std::string& str2 = map_it->second; // Containing the instrument
                                                  // definition ID. (Just in
                                                  // case
        // someone copied the wrong file here,
        // --------------------------------          // every account should map
        // to the SAME instrument definition id.)

        if (false == strInstrumentDefinitionID.Compare(str2.c_str())) // should
                                                                      // never
                                                                      // happen.
            otErr << szFunc << ": Error: wrong instrument definition found in "
                               "account records "
                               "file...\n For instrument definition: "
                  << strInstrumentDefinitionID << "\n "
                                                  "For account: " << strAcctID
                  << "\n Found wrong instrument definition: " << str2 << "\n";
            return false;

        return true; // already there (no need to add.) + the instrument
                     // definition ID
                     // matches.

    // it wasn't already on the list...

    // ...so add it.
    theMap[strAcctID.Get()] = strInstrumentDefinitionID.Get();

    // Then save it back to local storage:
    if (!OTDB::StoreObject(*pMap, OTFolders::Contract().Get(),
                           strAcctRecordFile.Get())) {
        otErr << szFunc
              << ": Failed trying to StoreObject, while saving updated "
                 "account records file for instrument definition: "
              << strInstrumentDefinitionID
              << "\n to contain account ID: " << strAcctID << "\n";
        return false;

    // Okay, we saved the updated file, with the account added. (done, success.)
    return true;