Пример #1
// Action_Grid::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Grid::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  debug_ = debugIn;
  nframes_ = 0;
  // Get output filename
  std::string filename = actionArgs.GetStringKey("out");
  // Get grid options
  grid_ = GridInit( "GRID", actionArgs, init.DSL() );
  if (grid_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
# ifdef MPI
  if (ParallelGridInit(init.TrajComm(), grid_)) return Action::ERR;
# endif
  // Get extra options
  max_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("max", 0.80);
  madura_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("madura", 0);
  smooth_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("smoothdensity", 0);
  invert_ = actionArgs.hasKey("invert");
  pdbfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("pdb"),"Grid PDB",DataFileList::PDB,true);
  density_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("density",0.033456);
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("normframe")) normalize_ = TO_FRAME;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("normdensity")) normalize_ = TO_DENSITY;
  else normalize_ = NONE;
  if (normalize_ != NONE && (smooth_ > 0.0 || madura_ > 0.0)) {
    mprinterr("Error: Normalize options are not compatible with smoothdensity/madura options.\n");
    init.DSL().RemoveSet( grid_ );
    return Action::ERR;
  // Get mask
  std::string maskexpr = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (maskexpr.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: GRID: No mask specified.\n");
    init.DSL().RemoveSet( grid_ );
    return Action::ERR;

  // Setup output file
  // For backwards compat., if no 'out' assume next string is filename
  if (filename.empty() && actionArgs.Nargs() > 1 && !actionArgs.Marked(1))
    filename = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(filename, actionArgs);
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet((DataSet*)grid_);

  // Info
  mprintf("    GRID:\n");
  GridInfo( *grid_ );
  if (outfile != 0) mprintf("\tGrid will be printed to file %s\n", outfile->DataFilename().full());
  mprintf("\tGrid data set: '%s'\n", grid_->legend());
  mprintf("\tMask expression: [%s]\n",mask_.MaskString());
  if (pdbfile_ != 0)
      mprintf("\tPseudo-PDB will be printed to %s\n", pdbfile_->Filename().full());
  if (normalize_ == TO_FRAME)
    mprintf("\tGrid will be normalized by number of frames.\n");
  else if (normalize_ == TO_DENSITY)
    mprintf("\tGrid will be normalized to a density of %g molecules/Ang^3.\n", density_);
  // TODO: print extra options

  return Action::OK;
Пример #2
// Action_VelocityAutoCorr::Init()
Action::RetType Action_VelocityAutoCorr::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("usevelocity")) {
    mprinterr("Error: The 'usevelocity' keyword is deprecated. Velocity information\n"
              "Error:   is now used by default if present. To force cpptraj to use\n"
              "Error:   coordinates to estimate velocities (not recommended) use the\n"
              "Error:   'usecoords' keyword.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  useVelInfo_ = !actionArgs.hasKey("usecoords");
  if (mask_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() )) return Action::ERR;
  DataFile* outfile =  init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  diffout_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("diffout"),
                                        "VAC diffusion constants", DataFileList::TEXT, true );
  maxLag_ = actionArgs.getKeyInt("maxlag", -1);
  tstep_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("tstep", 1.0);
  useFFT_ = !actionArgs.hasKey("direct");
  normalize_ = actionArgs.hasKey("norm");
  // Set up output data set
  VAC_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, actionArgs.GetStringNext(), "VAC");
  if (VAC_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  // TODO: This should just be a scalar
  diffConst_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE,
                                 MetaData(VAC_->Meta().Name(), "D", MetaData::NOT_TS));
  if (diffConst_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( VAC_ );
# ifdef MPI
  trajComm_ = init.TrajComm(); 
  if (trajComm_.Size() > 1 && !useVelInfo_)
    mprintf("\nWarning: When calculating velocities between consecutive frames,\n"
            "\nWarning:   'velocityautocorr' in parallel will not work correctly if\n"
            "\nWarning:   coordinates have been modified by previous actions (e.g. 'rms').\n\n");
  diffConst_->SetNeedsSync( false );
# endif
  mprintf("    VELOCITYAUTOCORR:\n"
          "\tCalculate velocity auto-correlation function for atoms in mask '%s'\n",
  if (useVelInfo_)
    mprintf("\tUsing velocity information present in frames.\n");
    mprintf("\tCalculating velocities between consecutive frames from coordinates.\n");
  if (outfile != 0)
    mprintf("\tOutput velocity autocorrelation function '%s' to '%s'\n", VAC_->legend(), 
  mprintf("\tWriting diffusion constants to '%s'\n", diffout_->Filename().full());
  if (maxLag_ < 1)
    mprintf("\tMaximum lag will be half total # of frames");
    mprintf("\tMaximum lag is %i frames", maxLag_);
  mprintf(", time step between frames is %f ps\n", tstep_);
  if (useFFT_)
    mprintf("\tUsing FFT to calculate autocorrelation function.\n");
    mprintf("\tUsing direct method to calculate autocorrelation function.\n");
  if (normalize_)
    mprintf("\tNormalizing autocorrelation function to 1.0\n");
  return Action::OK;
Пример #3
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Action_Jcoupling::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Jcoupling::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  debug_ = debugIn;
  outfile_ = 0;
  // Get Keywords
  outputfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("outfile"), "J-coupling");
  outfile_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  std::string karpluspath = actionArgs.GetStringKey("kfile");
  setname_ = actionArgs.GetStringKey("name");
  // Get Masks
  if (Mask1_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() )) return Action::ERR;

  // If no Karplus params specified check environment vars. 
  if (karpluspath.empty()) {
    // Check if the KARPLUS env var is set.
    const char* env = getenv("KARPLUS");
    if (env != 0) {
      mprintf("Info: Using parameter file defined by $KARPLUS environment variable.\n");
    } else {
      // If KARPLUS not set check for $AMBERHOME/dat/Karplus.txt
      env = getenv("AMBERHOME");
      if (env == 0) {
        mprinterr("Error: Either AMBERHOME must be set or KARPLUS must point\n"
                  "Error:   to the file containing Karplus parameters.\n");
        return Action::ERR;
      mprintf("Info: Using parameter file in '$AMBERHOME/dat/'.\n");
      karpluspath += "/dat/Karplus.txt";
  // Load Karplus parameters
  if (loadKarplus(karpluspath)) 
    return Action::ERR;

  mprintf("    J-COUPLING: Searching for dihedrals in mask [%s].\n"
          "\tUsing Karplus parameters in \"%s\"\n"
          "\t%i parameters found for %zu residues.\n",
          Mask1_.MaskString(), karpluspath.c_str(), Nconstants_, KarplusConstants_.size());
  if (outfile_ != 0)
    mprintf("\tDataSets will be written to %s\n", outfile_->DataFilename().full());
  if (outputfile_ != 0)
    mprintf("\tWriting fixed-format output to %s\n",outputfile_->Filename().full());
  mprintf("# Citations: Chou et al. JACS (2003) 125 p.8959-8966\n"
          "#            Perez et al. JACS (2001) 123 p.7081-7093\n");
  masterDSL_ = init.DslPtr();
  return Action::OK;
Пример #4
Action::RetType Action_MultiVector::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  debug_ = debugIn;
  // Get keywords
  outfile_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs);
  std::string resrange_arg = actionArgs.GetStringKey("resrange");
  if (!resrange_arg.empty())
    if (resRange_.SetRange( resrange_arg )) return Action::ERR;
  ired_ = actionArgs.hasKey("ired");
  // Get atom names
  if (SetName(name1_, actionArgs.GetStringKey("name1"), "name1")) return Action::ERR;
  if (SetName(name2_, actionArgs.GetStringKey("name2"), "name2")) return Action::ERR;
  // Setup DataSet(s) name
  dsetname_ = actionArgs.GetStringNext();

  mprintf("    MULTIVECTOR: Calculating");
  if (ired_) mprintf(" IRED");
  if (!resRange_.Empty())
    mprintf(" vectors for residues in range %s\n", resRange_.RangeArg());
    mprintf(" vectors for all solute residues.\n");
  mprintf("\tName1='%s' (origin)  Name2='%s'\n", *name1_, *name2_);
  if (!dsetname_.empty())
    mprintf("\tDataSet name: %s\n", dsetname_.c_str());
  if (outfile_ != 0) mprintf("\tOutput to %s\n", outfile_->DataFilename().base());
  masterDSL_ = init.DslPtr();
  return Action::OK;
Пример #5
/** Called once before traj processing. Set up reference info. */
Action::RetType Action_DistRmsd::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  // Check for keywords
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  // Reference keywords
  // TODO: Can these just be put in the InitRef call?
  bool first = actionArgs.hasKey("first");
  ReferenceFrame REF = init.DSL().GetReferenceFrame( actionArgs );
  std::string reftrajname = actionArgs.GetStringKey("reftraj");
  Topology* RefParm = init.DSL().GetTopology( actionArgs );
  // Get the RMS mask string for target 
  std::string mask0 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  // Get the RMS mask string for reference
  std::string mask1 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (mask1.empty())
    mask1 = mask0;

  // Initialize reference
  if (refHolder_.InitRef(false, first, false, false, reftrajname, REF, RefParm,
                         mask1, actionArgs, "distrmsd"))
    return Action::ERR;
  // Set up the RMSD data set
  drmsd_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, actionArgs.GetStringNext(),"DRMSD");
  if (drmsd_==0) return Action::ERR;
  // Add dataset to data file list
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( drmsd_ );

  mprintf("    DISTRMSD: (%s), reference is %s\n",TgtMask_.MaskString(),

  return Action::OK;
Пример #6
// Action_Esander::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Esander::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
# ifdef MPI
  trajComm_ = init.TrajComm();
# endif
  SANDER_.SetDebug( debugIn );
  Init_ = init;
  // Get keywords
  outfile_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  save_forces_ = actionArgs.hasKey("saveforces");
  ReferenceFrame REF = init.DSL().GetReferenceFrame( actionArgs );
  if (REF.error()) return Action::ERR;
  if (!REF.empty()) {
    refFrame_ = REF.Coord();
    currentParm_ = REF.ParmPtr();
  if (SANDER_.SetInput( actionArgs )) return Action::ERR;
  // DataSet name and array
  setname_ = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
  if (setname_.empty())
    setname_ = init.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("ENE");
  Esets_.resize( (int)Energy_Sander::N_ENERGYTYPES, 0 );

  mprintf("    ESANDER: Calculating energy using Sander.\n");
  mprintf("\tTemporary topology file name is '%s'\n", SANDER_.TopFilename().full());
  if (save_forces_) mprintf("\tSaving force information to frame.\n");
  mprintf("\tReference for initialization");
  if (!REF.empty())
    mprintf(" is '%s'\n", REF.refName());
    mprintf(" will be first frame.\n");
  return Action::OK;
Пример #7
// Action_Angle::init()
Action::RetType Action_Angle::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  // Get keywords
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  useMass_ = actionArgs.hasKey("mass");

  // Get Masks
  std::string mask1 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  std::string mask2 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  std::string mask3 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (mask1.empty() || mask2.empty() || mask3.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: angle: Requires 3 masks\n");
    return Action::ERR;

  // Dataset to store angles
  ang_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE,
  if (ang_==0) return Action::ERR;
  // Add dataset to data file list
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( ang_ );

  mprintf("    ANGLE: [%s]-[%s]-[%s]\n",Mask1_.MaskString(), Mask2_.MaskString(), 
  if (useMass_)
    mprintf("\tUsing center of mass of atoms in masks.\n");

  return Action::OK;
Пример #8
Action::RetType Action_Channel::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  // Keywords.
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  dxyz_[0] = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("dx", 0.35);
  dxyz_[1] = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("dy", dxyz_[0]);
  dxyz_[2] = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("dz", dxyz_[1]);
  // solute mask
  std::string sMask = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (sMask.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: No solute mask specified.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  soluteMask_.SetMaskString( sMask );
  // solvent mask
  sMask = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (sMask.empty())
  solventMask_.SetMaskString( sMask );

  // Grid Data Set
  grid_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::GRID_FLT, actionArgs.GetStringNext(), "Channel");
  if (grid_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( grid_ );

  mprintf("    CHANNEL: Solute mask [%s], solvent mask [%s]\n",
          soluteMask_.MaskString(), solventMask_.MaskString());
  mprintf("\tSpacing: XYZ={ %g %g %g }\n", dxyz_[0], dxyz_[1], dxyz_[2]);
  return Action::OK;
Пример #9
// Action_FilterByData::Init()
Action::RetType Action_FilterByData::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  maxmin_ = init.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::INTEGER, actionArgs.GetStringKey("name"), "Filter" );
  if (maxmin_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  DataFile* maxminfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  if (maxminfile != 0)
    maxminfile->AddDataSet( maxmin_ );
  // Get min and max args.
  while (actionArgs.Contains("min"))
    Min_.push_back( actionArgs.getKeyDouble("min", 0.0) );
  while (actionArgs.Contains("max"))
    Max_.push_back( actionArgs.getKeyDouble("max", 0.0) );
  if (Min_.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: At least one 'min' arg must be specified.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  if (Max_.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: At least one 'max' arg must be specified.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  if (Min_.size() != Max_.size()) {
    mprinterr("Error: # of 'min' args (%zu) != # of 'max' args (%zu)\n",
              Min_.size(), Max_.size());
    return Action::ERR;
  // Get DataSets from remaining arguments
  Dsets_.AddSetsFromArgs( actionArgs.RemainingArgs(), init.DSL() );

  if (Dsets_.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: No data sets specified.\n");
    return Action::ERR;

  if ( Dsets_.size() < Min_.size() ) {
    mprinterr("Error: More 'min'/'max' args (%zu) than data sets (%zu).\n",
              Min_.size(), Dsets_.size());
    return Action::ERR;
  if ( Dsets_.size() > Min_.size() ) {
    unsigned int Nremaining = Dsets_.size() - Min_.size();
    double useMin = Min_.back();
    double useMax = Max_.back();
    mprintf("Warning: More data sets than 'min'/'max' args.\n"
            "Warning:  Using min=%f and max=%f for last %zu data sets.\n",
            useMin, useMax, Nremaining);
    for (unsigned int ds = 0; ds < Nremaining; ++ds) {
      Min_.push_back( useMin );
      Max_.push_back( useMax );

  mprintf("    FILTER: Filtering out frames using %zu data sets.\n", Dsets_.size());
  for (unsigned int ds = 0; ds < Dsets_.size(); ds++)
    mprintf("\t%.4f < '%s' < %.4f\n", Min_[ds], Dsets_[ds]->legend(), Max_[ds]);
  if (maxminfile != 0)
    mprintf("\tFilter frame info will be written to %s\n", maxminfile->DataFilename().full());

  return Action::OK;
Пример #10
// Action_Energy::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Energy::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  ENE_.SetDebug( debugIn );
  // Get keywords
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  // Which terms will be calculated?
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("bond"))     Ecalcs_.push_back(BND);
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("angle"))    Ecalcs_.push_back(ANG);
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("dihedral")) Ecalcs_.push_back(DIH);
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("nb14"))     Ecalcs_.push_back(N14);
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("nonbond"))  Ecalcs_.push_back(NBD);
  // If nothing is selected, select all.
  if (Ecalcs_.empty()) {
    for (int c = 0; c <= (int)NBD; c++)
      Ecalcs_.push_back( (CalcType)c );

  // Get Masks
  Mask1_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );

  // DataSet
  std::string setname = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
  if (setname.empty())
    setname = init.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("ENE");
  Energy_.resize( (int)TOTAL + 1, 0 );
  for (calc_it calc = Ecalcs_.begin(); calc != Ecalcs_.end(); ++calc)
    switch (*calc) {
      case BND: if (AddSet(BOND, init.DSL(), outfile, setname)) return Action::ERR; break;
      case ANG: if (AddSet(ANGLE, init.DSL(), outfile, setname)) return Action::ERR; break;
      case DIH: if (AddSet(DIHEDRAL, init.DSL(), outfile, setname)) return Action::ERR; break;
      case N14:
        if (AddSet(V14, init.DSL(), outfile, setname)) return Action::ERR;
        if (AddSet(Q14, init.DSL(), outfile, setname)) return Action::ERR;
      case NBD:
        if (AddSet(VDW, init.DSL(), outfile, setname)) return Action::ERR;
        if (AddSet(ELEC, init.DSL(), outfile, setname)) return Action::ERR;
//  if (Ecalcs_.size() > 1) {
    if (AddSet(TOTAL, init.DSL(), outfile, setname)) return Action::ERR;
//  }
  mprintf("    ENERGY: Calculating energy for atoms in mask '%s'\n", Mask1_.MaskString());
  mprintf("\tCalculating terms:");
  for (calc_it calc = Ecalcs_.begin(); calc != Ecalcs_.end(); ++calc)
    mprintf(" %s", Cstring[*calc]);

  return Action::OK;
Пример #11
// Action_SymmetricRmsd::Init()
Action::RetType Action_SymmetricRmsd::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  // Check for keywords
  bool fit = !actionArgs.hasKey("nofit");
  bool useMass = actionArgs.hasKey("mass");
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs);
  remap_ = actionArgs.hasKey("remap");
  // Reference keywords
  bool previous = actionArgs.hasKey("previous");
  bool first = actionArgs.hasKey("first");
  ReferenceFrame REF = init.DSL().GetReferenceFrame( actionArgs );
  std::string reftrajname = actionArgs.GetStringKey("reftraj");
  Topology* RefParm = init.DSL().GetTopology( actionArgs );
  // Get the RMS mask string for target
  std::string tMaskExpr = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (tgtMask_.SetMaskString( tMaskExpr )) return Action::ERR;
  // Initialize Symmetric RMSD calc.
  if (SRMSD_.InitSymmRMSD( fit, useMass, debugIn )) return Action::ERR;
  // Initialize reference
  std::string rMaskExpr = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (rMaskExpr.empty())
    rMaskExpr = tMaskExpr;
  if (REF_.InitRef(previous, first, useMass, fit, reftrajname, REF, RefParm,
                   rMaskExpr, actionArgs, "symmrmsd"))
    return Action::ERR;
  // Set up the RMSD data set.
  MetaData md(actionArgs.GetStringNext(), MetaData::M_RMS); 
  rmsd_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, md, "RMSD");
  if (rmsd_==0) return Action::ERR;
  // Add dataset to data file list
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( rmsd_ );
  if (remap_ || SRMSD_.Fit())
    action_return_ = Action::MODIFY_COORDS;
    action_return_ = Action::OK;
  mprintf("    SYMMRMSD: (%s), reference is %s", tgtMask_.MaskString(),
  if (!SRMSD_.Fit())
    mprintf(", no fitting");
    mprintf(", with fitting");
  if (SRMSD_.UseMass())
    mprintf(", mass-weighted");
  if (remap_) mprintf("\tAtoms will be re-mapped for symmetry.\n");
  return Action::OK;
Пример #12
// Action_AtomicCorr::Init()
Action::RetType Action_AtomicCorr::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  debug_ = debugIn;
  outfile_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  cut_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("cut", 0.0);
  if (cut_ < 0.0 || cut_ > 1.0) {
    mprinterr("Error: cut value must be between 0 and 1.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  min_ = actionArgs.getKeyInt("min",0);
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("byatom"))
    acorr_mode_ = ATOM;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("byres"))
    acorr_mode_ = RES;
  mask_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );
  // Set up DataSet
  dset_ = init.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::MATRIX_FLT, actionArgs.GetStringNext(), "ACorr" );
  if (dset_ == 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: Could not allocate output data set.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  // Add DataSet to output file
  if (outfile_ != 0) outfile_->AddDataSet( dset_ );

  mprintf("    ATOMICCORR: Correlation of %s motions will be calculated for\n",
  mprintf("\tatoms in mask [%s]", mask_.MaskString());
  if (outfile_ != 0) mprintf(", output to file %s", outfile_->DataFilename().full());
  mprintf("\n\tData saved in set '%s'\n", dset_->legend());
  if (cut_ != 0)
    mprintf("\tOnly correlations greater than %.2f or less than -%.2f will be printed.\n",
  if (min_!=0)
    mprintf("\tOnly correlations for %ss > %i apart will be calculated.\n",
# ifdef MPI
  trajComm_ = init.TrajComm();
  if (trajComm_.Size() > 1)
    mprintf("\nWarning: 'atomiccorr' in parallel will not work correctly if coordinates have\n"
              "Warning:   been modified by previous actions (e.g. 'rms').\n\n");
  // Since matrix calc only happens in Print(), no sync needed.
  dset_->SetNeedsSync( false );
# endif
  return Action::OK;
Пример #13
// Action_CheckStructure::Init()
Action::RetType Action_CheckStructure::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  // Get Keywords
  std::string around = actionArgs.GetStringKey("around");
  SeparateInit( !(actionArgs.hasKey("noimage")), actionArgs.GetMaskNext(),
                around, actionArgs.GetStringKey("reportfile"),
                actionArgs.hasKey("silent"), init.DFL() );
  // DoAction-only keywords.
  bondcheck_ = !actionArgs.hasKey("nobondcheck");
  skipBadFrames_ = actionArgs.hasKey("skipbadframes");

  mprintf("    CHECKSTRUCTURE: Checking atoms in mask '%s'",Mask1_.MaskString());
  if (Mask2_.MaskStringSet())
    mprintf(" around mask '%s'", Mask2_.MaskString());
  if (!image_.UseImage())
    mprintf(", imaging off");
  if (outfile_ != 0)
    mprintf(", output to %s", outfile_->Filename().full());
  if (!bondcheck_) {
    mprintf("\tChecking inter-atomic distances only.\n");
    mprintf("\tWarnings will be printed for non-bond distances < %.2f Ang.\n", sqrt(nonbondcut2_));
  } else {
    mprintf("\tChecking inter-atomic and bond distances.\n");
    mprintf("\tWarnings will be printed for bond lengths > eq + %.2f Ang\n",
    mprintf("\tand non-bond distances < %.2f Ang.\n", sqrt(nonbondcut2_));
  if (skipBadFrames_)
    mprintf("\tFrames with problems will be skipped.\n");
  if (silent_)
    mprintf("\tWarning messages will be suppressed.\n");
# ifdef _OPENMP
# pragma omp parallel
#   pragma omp master
    mprintf("\tParallelizing calculation with %i threads.\n", omp_get_num_threads());
# endif
  return Action::OK;
Пример #14
// Action_Distance::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Distance::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  AssociatedData_NOE noe;
  // Get Keywords
  image_.InitImaging( !(actionArgs.hasKey("noimage")) );
  useMass_ = !(actionArgs.hasKey("geom"));
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  MetaData::scalarType stype = MetaData::UNDEFINED;
  std::string stypename = actionArgs.GetStringKey("type");
  if ( stypename == "noe" ) {
    stype = MetaData::NOE;
    if (noe.NOE_Args( actionArgs )) return Action::ERR;
  // Get Masks
  std::string mask1 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  std::string mask2 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (mask1.empty() || mask2.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: distance requires 2 masks\n");
    return Action::ERR;

  // Dataset to store distances TODO store masks in data set?
  dist_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(actionArgs.GetStringNext(),
                                                MetaData::M_DISTANCE, stype), "Dis");
  if (dist_==0) return Action::ERR;
  if ( stype == MetaData::NOE ) {
    dist_->AssociateData( &noe );
    dist_->SetLegend(Mask1_.MaskExpression() + " and " + Mask2_.MaskExpression());
  // Add dataset to data file
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( dist_ );

  mprintf("    DISTANCE: %s to %s",Mask1_.MaskString(), Mask2_.MaskString());
  if (!image_.UseImage()) 
    mprintf(", non-imaged");
  if (useMass_) 
    mprintf(", center of mass");
    mprintf(", geometric center");

  return Action::OK;
Пример #15
// Action_Principal::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Principal::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  debug_ = debugIn;
  // Keywords
  std::string dsname = actionArgs.GetStringKey("name");
  doRotation_ = actionArgs.hasKey("dorotation");
  // CPPTRAJ always uses mass no matter what this keyword says.
  useMass_ = actionArgs.hasKey("mass");
  std::string filename = actionArgs.GetStringKey("out");
  if (!doRotation_ && filename.empty() && dsname.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: At least one of 'dorotation', 'out <filename>', or 'name <dsname>' must be specified.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  // Masks
  mask_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );
  // Set up data
  if (!dsname.empty()) {
     vecData_ = (DataSet_Mat3x3*)init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::MAT3X3, MetaData(dsname, "evec"));
     valData_ = (DataSet_Vector*)init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::VECTOR, MetaData(dsname, "eval"));
     if (vecData_ == 0 || valData_ == 0) return Action::ERR;

  mprintf("    PRINCIPAL:");
  if (!filename.empty()) {
    outfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(filename, "Eigenvectors/Eigenvalues");
    if (outfile_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    mprintf(" output eigenvectors/eigenvalues to %s,", outfile_->Filename().full());
  if (doRotation_)
    mprintf(" with rotation by");
    mprintf(" without rotation by");
  if (useMass_)
    mprintf(" center of mass");
    mprintf(" center of geometry");
  mprintf(", atoms selected by [%s]\n", mask_.MaskString());
  if (vecData_ != 0)
    mprintf("\tSaving eigenvectors to '%s' (in rows of 3x3 matrices).\n"
            "\tSaving eigenvalues to '%s'\n", vecData_->legend(), valData_->legend());

  return Action::OK;
Пример #16
// Action_VelocityAutoCorr::Init()
Action::RetType Action_VelocityAutoCorr::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  useVelInfo_ = actionArgs.hasKey("usevelocity");
  mask_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );
  DataFile* outfile =  init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  maxLag_ = actionArgs.getKeyInt("maxlag", -1);
  tstep_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("tstep", 1.0);
  useFFT_ = !actionArgs.hasKey("direct");
  normalize_ = actionArgs.hasKey("norm");
  // Set up output data set
  VAC_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, actionArgs.GetStringNext(), "VAC");
  if (VAC_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( VAC_ );
# ifdef MPI
  trajComm_ = init.TrajComm(); 
  if (trajComm_.Size() > 1 && !useVelInfo_)
    mprintf("\nWarning: When calculating velocities between consecutive frames,\n"
            "\nWarning:   'velocityautocorr' in parallel will not work correctly if\n"
            "\nWarning:   coordinates have been modified by previous actions (e.g. 'rms').\n\n");
# endif
  mprintf("    VELOCITYAUTOCORR:\n"
          "\tCalculate velocity auto-correlation function for atoms in mask '%s'\n",
  if (useVelInfo_)
    mprintf("\tUsing velocity information present in frames.\n");
    mprintf("\tCalculating velocities between consecutive frames.\n");
  if (outfile != 0)
    mprintf("\tOutput data set '%s' to '%s'\n", VAC_->legend(), 
  if (maxLag_ < 1)
    mprintf("\tMaximum lag will be half total # of frames");
    mprintf("\tMaximum lag is %i frames", maxLag_);
  mprintf(", time step is %f ps\n", tstep_);
  if (useFFT_)
    mprintf("\tUsing FFT to calculate autocorrelation function.\n");
    mprintf("\tUsing direct method to calculate autocorrelation function.\n");
  if (normalize_)
    mprintf("\tNormalizing autocorrelation function to 1.0\n");
  return Action::OK;
Пример #17
// Action_GridFreeEnergy::init()
Action::RetType Action_GridFreeEnergy::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  // Get output filename
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringNext(), actionArgs);
  if (outfile == 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: GridFreeEnergy: no output filename specified.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  // Get grid options (<nx> <dx> <ny> <dy> <nz> <dz> [box|origin] [negative])
  grid_ = GridInit( "GridFreeEnergy", actionArgs, init.DSL() );
  if (grid_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
# ifdef MPI
  if (ParallelGridInit(init.TrajComm(), grid_)) return Action::ERR;
# endif
  //grid_.PrintXplor( filename_, "", "REMARKS Change in Free energy from bulk solvent with bin normalisation of " + integerToString(currentLargestVoxelOccupancyCount) );

  // Get mask
  std::string maskexpr = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (maskexpr.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: GridFreeEnergy: No mask specified.\n");
    init.DSL().RemoveSet( grid_ );
    return Action::ERR;

  // Get extra args
  tempInKevin_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("temp", 293.0);
  outfile->AddDataSet( grid_ );

  // Info
  mprintf("Warning: DNAIONTRACKER is experimental code!\n");
  mprintf("    GridFreeEnergy\n");
  GridInfo( *grid_ );
  mprintf("\tGrid will be printed to file %s\n",outfile->DataFilename().full());
  mprintf("\tMask expression: [%s]\n",mask_.MaskString());
  mprintf("\tTemp is : %f K\n",tempInKevin_);

  // Allocate grid
  //if (GridAllocate()) return 1;

  return Action::OK;
Пример #18
// Action_Surf::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Surf::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  // Get keywords
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs);

  // Get Masks
  Mask1_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );

  // Dataset to store surface area 
  surf_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, actionArgs.GetStringNext(), "SA");
  if (surf_==0) return Action::ERR;
  // Add dataset to data file list
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( surf_ );

  mprintf("    SURF: Calculating surface area for atoms in mask [%s]\n",Mask1_.MaskString());
  mprintf("#Citation: Weiser, J.; Shenkin, P. S.; Still, W. C.; \"Approximate atomic\n"
          "#          surfaces from linear combinations of pairwise overlaps (LCPO).\"\n"
          "#          J. Comp. Chem. (1999), V.20, pp.217-230.\n");

  return Action::OK;
Пример #19
// Action_AtomicCorr::Init()
Action::RetType Action_AtomicCorr::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  debug_ = debugIn;
  outfile_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  cut_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("cut", 0.0);
  if (cut_ < 0.0 || cut_ > 1.0) {
    mprinterr("Error: cut value must be between 0 and 1.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  min_ = actionArgs.getKeyInt("min",0);
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("byatom"))
    acorr_mode_ = ATOM;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("byres"))
    acorr_mode_ = RES;
  mask_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );
  // Set up DataSet
  dset_ = init.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::MATRIX_FLT, actionArgs.GetStringNext(), "ACorr" );
  if (dset_ == 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: Could not allocate output data set.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  // Add DataSet to output file
  if (outfile_ != 0) outfile_->AddDataSet( dset_ );

  mprintf("    ATOMICCORR: Correlation of %s motions will be calculated for\n",
  mprintf("\tatoms in mask [%s]", mask_.MaskString());
  if (outfile_ != 0) mprintf(", output to file %s", outfile_->DataFilename().full());
  mprintf("\n\tData saved in set '%s'\n", dset_->legend());
  if (cut_ != 0)
    mprintf("\tOnly correlations greater than %.2f or less than -%.2f will be printed.\n",
  if (min_!=0)
    mprintf("\tOnly correlations for %ss > %i apart will be calculated.\n",

  return Action::OK;
Пример #20
// Action_Radial::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Radial::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  debug_ = debugIn;
  // Get Keywords
  image_.InitImaging( !(actionArgs.hasKey("noimage")) );
  std::string outfilename = actionArgs.GetStringKey("out");
  // Default particle density (mols/Ang^3) for water based on 1.0 g/mL
  density_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("density",0.033456);
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("center1"))
    rmode_ = CENTER1;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("center2"))
    rmode_ = CENTER2;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("nointramol"))
    rmode_ = NO_INTRAMOL;
    rmode_ = NORMAL;
  useVolume_ = actionArgs.hasKey("volume");
  DataFile* intrdfFile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("intrdf"));
  DataFile* rawrdfFile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("rawrdf"));
  spacing_ = actionArgs.getNextDouble(-1.0);
  if (spacing_ < 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: Radial: No spacing argument or arg < 0.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  double maximum = actionArgs.getNextDouble(-1.0);
  if (maximum < 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: Radial: No maximum argument or arg < 0.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  // Store max^2, distances^2 greater than max^2 do not need to be
  // binned and therefore do not need a sqrt calc.
  maximum2_ = maximum * maximum;

  // Get First Mask
  std::string mask1 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (mask1.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: Radial: No mask given.\n");
    return Action::ERR;

  // Check for second mask - if none specified use first mask
  std::string mask2 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (!mask2.empty()) 
  // If filename not yet specified check for backwards compat.
  if (outfilename.empty() && actionArgs.Nargs() > 1 && !actionArgs.Marked(1))
    outfilename = actionArgs.GetStringNext();

  // Set up output dataset. 
  Dset_ = init.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, actionArgs.GetStringNext(), "g(r)");
  if (Dset_ == 0) return RDF_ERR("Could not allocate RDF data set.");
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(outfilename, actionArgs);
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( Dset_ );
  // Make default precision a little higher than normal
  // Set DataSet legend from mask strings.
  Dset_->SetLegend(Mask1_.MaskExpression() + " => " + Mask2_.MaskExpression());
  // TODO: Set Yaxis label in DataFile
  // Calculate number of bins
  one_over_spacing_ = 1 / spacing_;
  double temp_numbins = maximum * one_over_spacing_;
  temp_numbins = ceil(temp_numbins);
  numBins_ = (int) temp_numbins;
  // Setup output datafile. Align on bin centers instead of left.
  // TODO: Use Rdim for binning?
  Dimension Rdim( spacing_ / 2.0, spacing_, "Distance (Ang)" ); 
  Dset_->SetDim(Dimension::X, Rdim);
  // Set up output for integral of mask2 if specified.
  if (intrdfFile != 0) {
    intrdf_ = init.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(Dset_->Meta().Name(), "int" ));
    if (intrdf_ == 0) return RDF_ERR("Could not allocate RDF integral data set.");
    intrdf_->SetLegend("Int[" + Mask2_.MaskExpression() + "]");
    intrdf_->SetDim(Dimension::X, Rdim);
    intrdfFile->AddDataSet( intrdf_ );
  } else
    intrdf_ = 0;
  // Set up output for raw rdf
  if (rawrdfFile != 0) {
    rawrdf_ = init.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(Dset_->Meta().Name(), "raw" ));
    if (rawrdf_ == 0) return RDF_ERR("Could not allocate raw RDF data set.");
    rawrdf_->SetLegend("Raw[" + Dset_->Meta().Legend() + "]");
    rawrdf_->SetDim(Dimension::X, Rdim);
    rawrdfFile->AddDataSet( rawrdf_ );
  } else
    rawrdf_ = 0;

  // Set up histogram
  RDF_ = new int[ numBins_ ];
  std::fill(RDF_, RDF_ + numBins_, 0);
# ifdef _OPENMP
  // Since RDF is shared by all threads and we cant guarantee that a given
  // bin in RDF wont be accessed at the same time by the same thread,
  // each thread needs its own bin space.
#pragma omp parallel
  if (omp_get_thread_num()==0)
    numthreads_ = omp_get_num_threads();
  rdf_thread_ = new int*[ numthreads_ ];
  for (int i=0; i < numthreads_; i++) {
    rdf_thread_[i] = new int[ numBins_ ];
    std::fill(rdf_thread_[i], rdf_thread_[i] + numBins_, 0);
# endif
  mprintf("    RADIAL: Calculating RDF for atoms in mask [%s]",Mask1_.MaskString());
  if (!mask2.empty()) 
    mprintf(" to atoms in mask [%s]",Mask2_.MaskString());
  if (outfile != 0)
    mprintf("            Output to %s.\n", outfile->DataFilename().full());
  if (intrdf_ != 0)
    mprintf("            Integral of mask2 atoms will be output to %s\n",
  if (rawrdf_ != 0)
    mprintf("            Raw RDF bin values will be output to %s\n",
  if (rmode_==CENTER1)
    mprintf("            Using center of atoms in mask1.\n");
  else if (rmode_==CENTER2)
    mprintf("            Using center of atoms in mask2.\n");
  mprintf("            Histogram max %f, spacing %f, bins %i.\n",maximum,
  if (useVolume_)
    mprintf("            Normalizing based on cell volume.\n");
    mprintf("            Normalizing using particle density of %f molecules/Ang^3.\n",density_);
  if (!image_.UseImage()) 
    mprintf("            Imaging disabled.\n");
  if (numthreads_ > 1)
    mprintf("            Parallelizing RDF calculation with %i threads.\n",numthreads_);

  return Action::OK;
Пример #21
// Action_Contacts::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Contacts::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)

  byResidue_ = actionArgs.hasKey("byresidue");
  double dist = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("distance", 7.0);
  dt_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("time", 1.0);
  // Square the cutoff
  distance_ = dist * dist;
  first_ = actionArgs.hasKey("first");
  // Get reference
  ReferenceFrame REF = init.DSL().GetReferenceFrame( actionArgs );
  if (REF.error()) return Action::ERR;
  std::string outfilename = actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"); 
  outfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(outfilename, "Contacts", DataFileList::TEXT, true);
  if (outfile_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  if (byResidue_) {
    if (outfilename.empty()) {
      mprinterr("Error: Contacts 'byresidue' requires output filename.\n");
      return Action::ERR;
    outfile2_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(outfilename + ".native", "Contacts by residue");
    if (outfile2_ == 0) return Action::ERR;

  // Get Mask
  std::string mask0 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (mask0.empty() && byResidue_)
    Mask_.SetMaskString( mask0 );
  // Initialize reference. If no reference mask is given mask0 will be used.
  // First arg 'nofit' set to true, no fitting with contacts. Allows last arg
  // 'RefTrans' to be null.
  //if (RefInit(true, false, Mask_.MaskString(), actionArgs, FL, PFL, 0)!=0)
  //  return 1;
  if (!first_ && REF.empty()) {
    mprintf("\tNo reference structure specified. Defaulting to first.\n");
    first_ = true;

  if (!first_) {
    // TODO: Convert FrameList to return frame reference?
    // Set up atom mask for reference frame
    if (REF.Parm().SetupIntegerMask(Mask_, REF.Coord())) return Action::ERR;
    // Set up reference contacts 
    SetupContacts(REF.Coord(), REF.Parm());

  // Output file header - only if not byresidue
  if (!byResidue_) {
    outfile_->Printf("#time\tContacts\tnative Contacts ");
    if (!first_)
      outfile_->Printf("(number of natives: %zu)", nativecontacts_.size());

  mprintf("    CONTACTS: [%s] Calculating current contacts and comparing results to",
  if (first_)
    mprintf(" first frame.\n");
    mprintf(" reference structure.\n");
  mprintf("\tDistance cutoff is %g angstroms.\n", dist);
  mprintf("\tWriting results to %s\n", outfile_->Filename().full());
  if (byResidue_)
    mprintf("\tResults are output on a per-residue basis to %s.\n", outfile2_->Filename().full());

  return Action::OK;
Пример #22
// Action_Pairwise::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Pairwise::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  // Get Keywords
  DataFile* dataout = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  DataFile* vmapout = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("vmapout"), actionArgs );
  DataFile* emapout = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("emapout"), actionArgs );
  avgout_ = actionArgs.GetStringKey("avgout");
  std::string eout = actionArgs.GetStringKey("eout");
  cut_eelec_ = fabs(actionArgs.getKeyDouble("cuteelec",1.0));
  cut_evdw_ = fabs(actionArgs.getKeyDouble("cutevdw",1.0));
  mol2Prefix_ = actionArgs.GetStringKey("cutout");
  std::string pdbout = actionArgs.GetStringKey("pdbout");
  ReferenceFrame REF = init.DSL().GetReferenceFrame( actionArgs );
  // Get Masks
  Mask0_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );
  std::string refmask = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (!refmask.empty())
    RefMask_.SetMaskString( Mask0_.MaskString() );

  // Datasets
  std::string ds_name = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
  if (ds_name.empty())
    ds_name = init.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("PW");
  ds_vdw_  = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(ds_name, "EVDW"));
  ds_elec_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(ds_name, "EELEC"));
  if (ds_vdw_ == 0 || ds_elec_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  // Add DataSets to data file list
  if (dataout != 0) {
  vdwMat_ = (DataSet_MatrixDbl*)init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::MATRIX_DBL, MetaData(ds_name, "VMAP"));
  eleMat_ = (DataSet_MatrixDbl*)init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::MATRIX_DBL, MetaData(ds_name, "EMAP"));
  if (vdwMat_ == 0 || eleMat_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  if (vmapout != 0) vmapout->AddDataSet(vdwMat_);
  if (emapout != 0) emapout->AddDataSet(eleMat_);

  // Get reference structure
  if (REF.error()) return Action::ERR;
  if (!REF.empty()) { 
    // Set up reference mask
    if ( REF.Parm().SetupIntegerMask(RefMask_) ) return Action::ERR;
    if (RefMask_.None()) {
      mprinterr("Error: No atoms selected in reference mask.\n");
      return Action::ERR;
    // Set up nonbonded params for reference
    if ( (N_ref_interactions_=SetupNonbondParm( RefMask_, REF.Parm() )) == -1 ) 
      return Action::ERR;
    // Calculate energy for reference
    nb_calcType_ = SET_REF;
    NonbondEnergy(REF.Coord(), REF.Parm(), RefMask_);
    nb_calcType_ = COMPARE_REF;

  // Output for individual atom energy | dEnergy
  if (!eout.empty()) {
    Eout_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(eout, "Atom Energies");
    if (Eout_ == 0) {
      mprinterr("Error: Could not set up file %s for eout.\n",eout.c_str());
      return Action::ERR;

  // Set up output pdb
  if (!pdbout.empty()) {
    if (PdbOut_.OpenWrite( pdbout )) return Action::ERR;

  // Action Info
  mprintf("    PAIRWISE: Atoms in mask [%s].\n",Mask0_.MaskString());
  if (!eout.empty())
    mprintf("\tEnergy info for each atom will be written to %s\n",eout.c_str());
  if (nb_calcType_ == COMPARE_REF) { 
    mprintf("\tReference %s, mask [%s]\n", REF.refName(), RefMask_.MaskString());
    mprintf("\tReference energy (kcal/mol): EVDW= %12.5e  EELEC= %12.5e\n", ELJ_, Eelec_);
    mprintf("\tSize of reference energy array is %zu elements (%s)\n",
            ByteString(ref_nonbondEnergy_.size() * 2 * sizeof(double), BYTE_DECIMAL).c_str());
  mprintf("\tEelec absolute cutoff (kcal/mol): %.4f\n", cut_eelec_);
  mprintf("\tEvdw absolute cutoff (kcal/mol) : %.4f\n", cut_evdw_);
  if (!mol2Prefix_.empty())
    mprintf("\tAtoms satisfying cutoff will be printed to %s.e<type>.mol2\n",
  if (PdbOut_.IsOpen())
    mprintf("\tPDB with evdw/eelec in occ/b-fac columns will be written to %s\n",
  return Action::OK;
Пример #23
// Action_NativeContacts::Init()
Action::RetType Action_NativeContacts::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
# ifdef MPI
  trajComm_ = init.TrajComm();
# endif
  masterDSL_ = init.DslPtr();
  debug_ = debugIn;
  // Get Keywords
  image_.InitImaging( !(actionArgs.hasKey("noimage")) );
  double dist = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("distance", 7.0);
  byResidue_ = actionArgs.hasKey("byresidue");
  resoffset_ = actionArgs.getKeyInt("resoffset", 0) + 1;
  if (resoffset_ < 1) {
    mprinterr("Error: Residue offset must be >= 0\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  includeSolvent_ = actionArgs.hasKey("includesolvent");
  series_ = actionArgs.hasKey("series");
  saveNonNative_ = actionArgs.hasKey("savenonnative");
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("skipnative"))
    determineNativeContacts_ = false;
  if (!determineNativeContacts_ && !saveNonNative_) {
    mprintf("Warning: 'skipnative' specified; implies 'savenonnative'.\n");
    saveNonNative_ = true;
# ifdef MPI
  if (saveNonNative_) {
    mprinterr("Error: Saving non-native contact data not yet supported for MPI\n");
    return Action::ERR;
# endif
  distance_ = dist * dist; // Square the cutoff
  first_ = actionArgs.hasKey("first");
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  Rseries_ = NO_RESSERIES;
  if (series_) {
    seriesout_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("seriesout"), actionArgs);
    init.DSL().SetDataSetsPending( true );
    if (saveNonNative_)
      seriesNNout_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("seriesnnout"), actionArgs);
    std::string rs_arg = actionArgs.GetStringKey("resseries");
    if (!rs_arg.empty()) {
      if (rs_arg == "present")
        Rseries_ = RES_PRESENT;
      else if (rs_arg == "sum")
        Rseries_ = RES_SUM;
      else {
        mprinterr("Error: '%s' is not a valid 'resseries' keyword.\n", rs_arg.c_str());
        return Action::ERR;
      seriesRout_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("resseriesout"), actionArgs);
  } else {
    if (KeywordError(actionArgs,"seriesout")) return Action::ERR;
    if (KeywordError(actionArgs,"seriesnnout")) return Action::ERR;
    if (KeywordError(actionArgs,"resseries")) return Action::ERR;
    if (KeywordError(actionArgs,"resseriesout")) return Action::ERR;
  cfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("writecontacts"), "Native Contacts",
                               DataFileList::TEXT, true);
  pfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("contactpdb"), "Contact PDB",
  if (saveNonNative_)
    nfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("nncontactpdb"),
                                       "Non-native Contact PDB", DataFileList::PDB);
  rfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("resout"), "Contact Res Pairs",
                               DataFileList::TEXT, true);
  if (cfile_ == 0 || rfile_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  pdbcut_ = (float)actionArgs.getKeyDouble("pdbcut", -1.0);
  usepdbcut_ = (pdbcut_ > -1.0);
  // Get reference for native contacts. Do this even if we wont be
  // determining native contacts in order to set up contact lists.
  ReferenceFrame REF = init.DSL().GetReferenceFrame( actionArgs );
  if (!first_) {
    if (REF.error()) return Action::ERR;
    if (REF.empty()) {
      mprintf("Warning: No reference structure specified. Defaulting to first.\n");
      first_ = true;
  } else {
    if (!REF.empty()) {
      mprinterr("Error: Must only specify 'first' or a reference structure, not both.\n");
      return Action::ERR;
  // Create data sets
  std::string name = actionArgs.GetStringKey("name");
  if (name.empty())
    name = init.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("Contacts");
  numnative_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::INTEGER, MetaData(name, "native"));
  nonnative_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::INTEGER, MetaData(name, "nonnative"));
  if (outfile != 0) {
  if (numnative_ == 0 || nonnative_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("mindist")) {
    mindist_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(name, "mindist"));
    if (mindist_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet(mindist_);
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("maxdist")) {
    maxdist_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(name, "maxdist"));
    if (maxdist_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet(maxdist_);
  DataFile *natmapfile = 0, *nonmapfile = 0;
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("map")) {
    nativeMap_ = (DataSet_MatrixDbl*)init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::MATRIX_DBL, MetaData(name, "nativemap"));
    if (nativeMap_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    nonnatMap_ = (DataSet_MatrixDbl*)init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::MATRIX_DBL, MetaData(name, "nonnatmap"));
    if (nonnatMap_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    FileName mapFilename;
    mapFilename.SetFileName( actionArgs.GetStringKey("mapout") );
    if (!mapFilename.empty()) {
      natmapfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(mapFilename.PrependFileName("native."));
      if (natmapfile != 0) natmapfile->AddDataSet(nativeMap_);
      nonmapfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(mapFilename.PrependFileName("nonnative."));
      if (nonmapfile != 0) nonmapfile->AddDataSet(nonnatMap_);
  // Get Masks
  if (Mask1_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() )) return Action::ERR;
  std::string mask2 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (!mask2.empty()) {
    if (Mask2_.SetMaskString( mask2 )) return Action::ERR;
  mprintf("    NATIVECONTACTS: Mask1='%s'", Mask1_.MaskString());
  if (Mask2_.MaskStringSet())
    mprintf(" Mask2='%s'", Mask2_.MaskString());
  if (determineNativeContacts_) {
    mprintf(", native contacts set up based on");
    if (first_)
      mprintf(" first frame.\n");
      mprintf("'%s'.\n", REF.refName());
  } else {
    mprintf(", skipping native contacts set up.\n");
  if (byResidue_) {
    mprintf("\tContacts will be ignored for residues spaced < %i apart.\n", resoffset_);
    if (nativeMap_ != 0)
      mprintf("\tMap will be printed by residue.\n");
  if (saveNonNative_)
    mprintf("\tSaving non-native contacts as well (may use a lot of memory).\n");
  mprintf("\tDistance cutoff is %g Angstroms,", sqrt(distance_));
  if (!image_.UseImage())
    mprintf(" imaging is off.\n");
    mprintf(" imaging is on.\n");
  if (includeSolvent_)
    mprintf("\tMask selection will including solvent.\n");
    mprintf("\tMask selection will not include solvent.\n");
  mprintf("\tData set name: %s\n", name.c_str());
  if (maxdist_ != 0)
    mprintf("\tSaving maximum observed distances in set '%s'\n", maxdist_->legend());
  if (mindist_ != 0)
    mprintf("\tSaving minimum observed distances in set '%s'\n", mindist_->legend());
  if (outfile != 0)
    mprintf("\tOutput to '%s'\n", outfile->DataFilename().full());
  mprintf("\tContact stats will be written to '%s'\n", cfile_->Filename().full());
  mprintf("\tContact res pairs will be written to '%s'\n", rfile_->Filename().full());
  if (pfile_ != 0) {
    mprintf("\tContact PDB will be written to '%s'\n", pfile_->Filename().full());
    if (usepdbcut_) mprintf("\tOnly atoms with values > %g will be written to PDB.\n", pdbcut_);
  if (nfile_ != 0) {
    mprintf("\tNon-native contact PDB will be written to '%s'\n", nfile_->Filename().full());
    if (usepdbcut_) mprintf("\tOnly atoms with values > %g will be written to PDB.\n", pdbcut_);
  if (nativeMap_ != 0) {
    mprintf("\tNative contacts map will be saved as set '%s'\n"
            "\tNon-native contacts map will be saved as set '%s'\n",
            nativeMap_->legend(), nonnatMap_->legend());
    if (natmapfile!=0) mprintf("\tNative map output to '%s'\n",natmapfile->DataFilename().full());
    if (nonmapfile!=0) mprintf("\tNative map output to '%s'\n",nonmapfile->DataFilename().full());
  if (series_) {
    mprintf("\tSaving native contact time series %s[NC].\n", name.c_str());
    if (seriesout_ != 0) mprintf("\tWriting native contact time series to %s\n",
    if (saveNonNative_) {
      mprintf("\tSaving non-native contact time series %s[NN]\n", name.c_str());
      if (seriesNNout_ != 0) mprintf("\tWriting non-native contact time series to %s\n",
    if (Rseries_ != NO_RESSERIES) {
      if (Rseries_ == RES_PRESENT)
        mprintf("\tResidue contact time series will reflect presence of individual contacts.\n");
      else if (Rseries_ == RES_SUM)
        mprintf("\tResidue contact time series will reflect sum of individual contacts.\n");
      if (seriesRout_ != 0) mprintf("\tWriting residue contact time series to %s\n",
  // Set up reference if necessary.
  if (!first_) {
    // Set up imaging info for ref parm
    image_.SetupImaging( REF.CoordsInfo().TrajBox().Type() );
    if (image_.ImageType() == NONORTHO)
      REF.Coord().BoxCrd().ToRecip(ucell_, recip_);
    if (DetermineNativeContacts( REF.Parm(), REF.Coord() )) return Action::ERR;
  return Action::OK;
Пример #24
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Action_NMRrst::Init()
Action::RetType Action_NMRrst::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
# ifdef MPI
  if (init.TrajComm().Size() > 1) {
    mprinterr("Error: 'nmrrst' action does not work with > 1 thread (%i threads currently).\n",
    return Action::ERR;
# endif
  debug_ = debugIn;
  // Get Keywords
  Image_.InitImaging( !(actionArgs.hasKey("noimage")) );
  useMass_ = !(actionArgs.hasKey("geom"));
  findNOEs_ = actionArgs.hasKey("findnoes");
  findOutput_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("findout"), "Found NOEs",
                                    DataFileList::TEXT, true);
  specOutput_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("specout"), "Specified NOEs",
                                    DataFileList::TEXT, true);
  if (findOutput_ == 0 || specOutput_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  resOffset_ = actionArgs.getKeyInt("resoffset", 0);
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  max_cut_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("cut", 6.0);
  strong_cut_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("strongcut", 2.9);
  medium_cut_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("mediumcut", 3.5);
  weak_cut_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("weakcut", 5.0);
  series_ = actionArgs.hasKey("series");
  std::string rstfilename = actionArgs.GetStringKey("file");
  viewrst_ = actionArgs.GetStringKey("viewrst");
  setname_ = actionArgs.GetStringKey("name");
  if (setname_.empty())
    setname_ = init.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("NMR");
  nframes_ = 0;

  // Atom Mask
  Mask_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );

  // Pairs specified on command line.
  std::string pair1 = actionArgs.GetStringKey("pair");
  while (!pair1.empty()) {
    std::string pair2 = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
    if (pair2.empty()) {
      mprinterr("Error: Only one mask specified for pair (%s)\n", pair1.c_str());
      return Action::ERR;
    Pairs_.push_back( MaskPairType(AtomMask(pair1), AtomMask(pair2)) );
    pair1 = actionArgs.GetStringKey("pair");

  // Check that something will be done
  if (!findNOEs_ && rstfilename.empty() && Pairs_.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: Must specify restraint file, 'pair', and/or 'findnoes'.\n");
    return Action::ERR;

  // Read in NMR restraints.
  if (!rstfilename.empty()) {
    if (ReadNmrRestraints( rstfilename )) return Action::ERR;

  // Set up distances.
  int num_noe = 1;
  for (noeDataArray::iterator noe = NOEs_.begin(); noe != NOEs_.end(); ++noe, ++num_noe) {
    // Translate any ambiguous atom names
    TranslateAmbiguous( noe->aName1_ ); 
    TranslateAmbiguous( noe->aName2_ );
    // Create mask expressions from resnum/atom name
    noe->dMask1_.SetMaskString( MaskExpression( noe->resNum1_, noe->aName1_ ) ); 
    noe->dMask2_.SetMaskString( MaskExpression( noe->resNum2_, noe->aName2_ ) ); 
    // Dataset to store distances
    AssociatedData_NOE noeData(noe->bound_, noe->boundh_, noe->rexp_);
    MetaData md(setname_, "NOE", num_noe);
    md.SetLegend( noe->dMask1_.MaskExpression() + " and " + noe->dMask2_.MaskExpression());
    md.SetScalarMode( MetaData::M_DISTANCE );
    md.SetScalarType( MetaData::NOE );
    noe->dist_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, md);
    if (noe->dist_==0) return Action::ERR;
    noe->dist_->AssociateData( &noeData );
    // Add dataset to data file
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( noe->dist_ );

  masterDSL_ = init.DslPtr();
  mprintf("Warning: *** THIS ACTION IS EXPERIMENTAL. ***\n");
  mprintf("    NMRRST: %zu NOEs from NMR restraint file.\n", NOEs_.size());
  mprintf("\tShifting residue numbers in restraint file by %i\n", resOffset_);
  // DEBUG - print NOEs
  for (noeDataArray::const_iterator noe = NOEs_.begin(); noe != NOEs_.end(); ++noe)
    mprintf("\t'%s'  %f < %f < %f\n", noe->dist_->legend(),
            noe->bound_, noe->rexp_, noe->boundh_);
  if (findNOEs_) {
    mprintf("\tSearching for potential NOEs. Max cutoff is %g Ang.\n", max_cut_);
    mprintf("\tNOE distance criteria (Ang.): S= %g, M= %g, W= %g\n",
            strong_cut_, medium_cut_, weak_cut_);
    if (series_)
      mprintf("\tDistance data for NOEs less than cutoff will be saved as '%s[foundNOE]'.\n",
    mprintf("\tFound NOEs will be written to '%s'\n", findOutput_->Filename().full());
  if (!Pairs_.empty()) {
    mprintf("\tSpecified NOE pairs:\n");
    for (MaskPairArray::const_iterator mp = Pairs_.begin(); mp != Pairs_.end(); ++mp)
      mprintf("\t\t[%s] to [%s]\n", mp->first.MaskString(), mp->second.MaskString());
    mprintf("\tSpecified NOE data will be written to '%s'\n", specOutput_->Filename().full());
  if (!Image_.UseImage()) 
  if (useMass_) 
    mprintf(", center of mass.\n");
    mprintf(", geometric center.\n");
  if (!viewrst_.empty())
    mprintf("\tTopologies corresponding to found NOEs will be written to '%s'\n", viewrst_.c_str());

  return Action::OK;
Пример #25
// Action_LIE::init()
Action::RetType Action_LIE::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  // Always use imaged distances

  double cut;
  // Get Keywords
  doelec_ = !(actionArgs.hasKey("noelec"));
  dovdw_ = !(actionArgs.hasKey("novdw"));
  DataFile* datafile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs);
  dielc_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("diel", 1.0);
  cut = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("cutvdw", 12.0);
  cut2vdw_ = cut * cut; // store square of cut for computational efficiency
  cut = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("cutelec", 12.0);
  cut2elec_ = cut * cut; // store square of cut for computational efficiency
  onecut2_ = 1 / cut2elec_;
  bool has_mask2 = false;

  if (!doelec_ && !dovdw_) {
    mprinterr("Error: LIE: Cannot skip both ELEC and VDW calcs\n");
    return Action::ERR;

  // Get Masks
  Mask1_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );
  std::string refmask = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (!refmask.empty()) {
    has_mask2 = true;
  else {
    Mask2_ = Mask1_;
  // Get data set name
  std::string ds_name = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
  if (ds_name.empty())
    ds_name = init.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("LIE");

  // Datasets
  if (doelec_) {
    elec_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(ds_name, "EELEC"));
    if (elec_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    if (datafile != 0) datafile->AddDataSet(elec_);
  if (dovdw_) {
    vdw_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(ds_name, "EVDW"));
    if (vdw_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    if (datafile != 0) datafile->AddDataSet(vdw_);

  mprintf("    LIE: Ligand mask is %s. Surroundings are ", Mask1_.MaskString());
  if (!has_mask2)
    mprintf("everything else. ");
    mprintf("atoms in mask %s. ", Mask2_.MaskString());
  mprintf("Cutoff is %.3lf Ang. ", cut);
  if (!doelec_)
    mprintf("Skipping Electrostatic Calc. ");
  if (!dovdw_)
    mprintf("Skipping VDW Calc. ");

  return Action::OK;
Пример #26
// Action_Diffusion::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Diffusion::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
# ifdef MPI
  trajComm_ = init.TrajComm();
# endif
  debug_ = debugIn;
  image_.InitImaging( !(actionArgs.hasKey("noimage")) );
  // Determine if this is old syntax or new.
  if (actionArgs.Nargs() > 2 && actionArgs.ArgIsMask(1) && validDouble(actionArgs[2]))
    // Old syntax: <mask> <time per frame> [average] [<prefix>]
    printIndividual_ = !(actionArgs.hasKey("average"));
    calcDiffConst_ = false;
    mprintf("Warning: Deprecated syntax for 'diffusion'. Consider using new syntax:\n");
    mask_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );
    time_ = actionArgs.getNextDouble(1.0);
    if (CheckTimeArg(time_)) return Action::ERR;
    std::string outputNameRoot = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
    // Default filename: 'diffusion'
    if (outputNameRoot.empty())
    // Open output files
    ArgList oldArgs("prec 8.3 noheader");
    DataFile::DataFormatType dft = DataFile::DATAFILE;
    outputx_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(outputNameRoot+"_x.xmgr", dft, oldArgs);
    outputy_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(outputNameRoot+"_y.xmgr", dft, oldArgs);
    outputz_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(outputNameRoot+"_z.xmgr", dft, oldArgs);
    outputr_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(outputNameRoot+"_r.xmgr", dft, oldArgs);
    outputa_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(outputNameRoot+"_a.xmgr", dft, oldArgs);
  } else {
    // New syntax: [{separateout <suffix> | out <filename>}] [time <time per frame>]
    //             [<mask>] [<set name>] [individual] [diffout <filename>] [nocalc]
    printIndividual_ = actionArgs.hasKey("individual");
    calcDiffConst_ = !(actionArgs.hasKey("nocalc"));
    std::string suffix = actionArgs.GetStringKey("separateout");
    std::string outname = actionArgs.GetStringKey("out");
    if (!outname.empty() && !suffix.empty()) {
      mprinterr("Error: Specify either 'out' or 'separateout', not both.\n");
      return Action::ERR;
    diffout_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("diffout"));
    time_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("time", 1.0);
    if (CheckTimeArg(time_)) return Action::ERR;
    mask_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );
    // Open output files.
    if (!suffix.empty()) {
      FileName FName( suffix );
      outputx_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(FName.PrependFileName("x_"), actionArgs);
      outputy_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(FName.PrependFileName("y_"), actionArgs);
      outputz_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(FName.PrependFileName("z_"), actionArgs);
      outputr_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(FName.PrependFileName("r_"), actionArgs);
      outputa_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(FName.PrependFileName("a_"), actionArgs);
      if (diffout_ == 0 && calcDiffConst_)
        diffout_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(FName.PrependFileName("diff_"), actionArgs);
    } else if (!outname.empty()) {
      outputr_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile( outname, actionArgs );
      outputx_ = outputy_ = outputz_ = outputa_ = outputr_;
  if (diffout_ != 0) calcDiffConst_ = true;
  // Add DataSets
  dsname_ = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
  if (dsname_.empty())
    dsname_ = init.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("Diff");
  avg_x_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(dsname_, "X"));
  avg_y_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(dsname_, "Y"));
  avg_z_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(dsname_, "Z"));
  avg_r_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(dsname_, "R"));
  avg_a_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(dsname_, "A"));
  if (avg_x_ == 0 || avg_y_ == 0 || avg_z_ == 0 || avg_r_ == 0 || avg_a_ == 0)
    return Action::ERR;
  if (outputr_ != 0) outputr_->AddDataSet( avg_r_ );
  if (outputx_ != 0) outputx_->AddDataSet( avg_x_ );
  if (outputy_ != 0) outputy_->AddDataSet( avg_y_ );
  if (outputz_ != 0) outputz_->AddDataSet( avg_z_ );
  if (outputa_ != 0) outputa_->AddDataSet( avg_a_ );
  // Set X dim
  Xdim_ = Dimension(0.0, time_, "Time");
  avg_x_->SetDim(Dimension::X, Xdim_);
  avg_y_->SetDim(Dimension::X, Xdim_);
  avg_z_->SetDim(Dimension::X, Xdim_);
  avg_r_->SetDim(Dimension::X, Xdim_);
  avg_a_->SetDim(Dimension::X, Xdim_);
  // Add DataSets for diffusion constant calc
  if (calcDiffConst_) {
    MetaData::tsType ts = MetaData::NOT_TS;
    diffConst_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(dsname_, "D", ts));
    diffLabel_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::STRING, MetaData(dsname_, "Label", ts));
    diffSlope_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(dsname_, "Slope", ts));
    diffInter_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(dsname_, "Intercept", ts));
    diffCorrl_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(dsname_, "Corr", ts));
    if (diffConst_ == 0 || diffLabel_ == 0 || diffSlope_ == 0 || diffInter_ == 0 ||
        diffCorrl_ == 0)
      return Action::ERR;
#   ifdef MPI
    // No sync needed since these are not time series
    diffConst_->SetNeedsSync( false );
    diffLabel_->SetNeedsSync( false );
    diffSlope_->SetNeedsSync( false );
    diffInter_->SetNeedsSync( false );
    diffCorrl_->SetNeedsSync( false );
#   endif
    if (diffout_ != 0) {
      diffout_->AddDataSet( diffConst_ );
      diffout_->AddDataSet( diffSlope_ );
      diffout_->AddDataSet( diffInter_ );
      diffout_->AddDataSet( diffCorrl_ );
      diffout_->AddDataSet( diffLabel_ );
    Dimension Ddim( 1, 1, "Set" );
    diffConst_->SetDim(Dimension::X, Ddim);
    diffLabel_->SetDim(Dimension::X, Ddim);
    diffSlope_->SetDim(Dimension::X, Ddim);
    diffInter_->SetDim(Dimension::X, Ddim);
    diffCorrl_->SetDim(Dimension::X, Ddim);
  // Save master data set list, needed when printIndividual_
  masterDSL_ = init.DslPtr();

  mprintf("    DIFFUSION:\n");
  mprintf("\tAtom Mask is [%s]\n", mask_.MaskString());
  if (printIndividual_)
    mprintf("\tBoth average and individual diffusion will be calculated.\n");
    mprintf("\tOnly average diffusion will be calculated.\n");
  mprintf("\tData set base name: %s\n", avg_x_->Meta().Name().c_str());
  if (image_.UseImage())
    mprintf("\tCorrections for imaging enabled.\n");
    mprintf("\tCorrections for imaging disabled.\n");
  // If one file defined, assume all are.
  if (outputx_ != 0) {
    mprintf("\tOutput files:\n"
            "\t  %s: (x) Mean square displacement(s) in the X direction (in Ang.^2).\n"
            "\t  %s: (y) Mean square displacement(s) in the Y direction (in Ang.^2).\n"
            "\t  %s: (z) Mean square displacement(s) in the Z direction (in Ang.^2).\n"
            "\t  %s: (r) Overall mean square displacement(s) (in Ang.^2).\n"
            "\t  %s: (a) Total distance travelled (in Ang.).\n",
            outputx_->DataFilename().full(), outputy_->DataFilename().full(),
            outputz_->DataFilename().full(), outputr_->DataFilename().full(),
  mprintf("\tThe time between frames is %g ps.\n", time_);
  if (calcDiffConst_) {
    mprintf("\tCalculating diffusion constants by fitting slope to MSD vs time\n"
            "\t  and multiplying by 10.0/2*N (where N is # of dimensions), units\n"
            "\t  are 1x10^-5 cm^2/s.\n");
    if (diffout_ != 0)
      mprintf("\tDiffusion constant output to '%s'\n", diffout_->DataFilename().full());
      mprintf("\tDiffusion constant output to STDOUT.\n");
  } else
    mprintf("\tTo calculate diffusion constant from mean squared displacement plots,\n"
            "\t  calculate the slope of MSD vs time and multiply by 10.0/2*N (where N\n"
            "\t  is # of dimensions); this will give units of 1x10^-5 cm^2/s.\n");
  return Action::OK;
Пример #27
// Action_Vector::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Vector::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  DataFile* df = 0;
  std::string filename = actionArgs.GetStringKey("out");
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("trajout")) return DeprecatedErr( "trajout" );
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("trajfmt")) return DeprecatedErr( "trajfmt" );
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("parmout")) return DeprecatedErr( "parmout" );
  ptrajoutput_ = actionArgs.hasKey("ptrajoutput");
  if (ptrajoutput_) {
    if (filename.empty()) {
      mprinterr("Error: 'ptrajoutput' specified but no 'out <filename>' arg given.\n");
      return Action::ERR;
    outfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(filename, "Vector (PTRAJ)");
    if (outfile_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  } else
    df = init.DFL().AddDataFile( filename, actionArgs );
  bool calc_magnitude = actionArgs.hasKey("magnitude");
  if (calc_magnitude && ptrajoutput_) {
    mprinterr("Error: 'ptrajoutput' and 'magnitude' are incompatible.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  needBoxInfo_ = false;
  // Deprecated: corrired, corr, ired
  if ( actionArgs.hasKey("principal") ) {
    mode_ = PRINCIPAL_X;
    if ( actionArgs.hasKey("x") ) mode_ = PRINCIPAL_X;
    if ( actionArgs.hasKey("y") ) mode_ = PRINCIPAL_Y;
    if ( actionArgs.hasKey("z") ) mode_ = PRINCIPAL_Z;
  } else if (actionArgs.hasKey("center"))
    mode_ = CENTER;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("dipole"))
    mode_ = DIPOLE;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("box"))
    mode_ = BOX;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("corrplane"))
    mode_ = CORRPLANE;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("corrired"))
    return WarnDeprecated();
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("corr"))
    return WarnDeprecated();
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("mask"))
    mode_ = MASK;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("ucellx"))
    mode_ = BOX_X;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("ucelly"))
    mode_ = BOX_Y;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("ucellz"))
    mode_ = BOX_Z;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("boxcenter"))
    mode_ = BOX_CTR;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("minimage"))
    mode_ = MINIMAGE; 
    mode_ = MASK;
  if (mode_ == BOX || mode_ == BOX_X || mode_ == BOX_Y || mode_ == BOX_Z ||
      mode_ == BOX_CTR || mode_ == MINIMAGE)
    needBoxInfo_ = true;
  // Check if IRED vector
  bool isIred = actionArgs.hasKey("ired"); 
  // Vector Mask
  if (mode_ != BOX && mode_ != BOX_X && mode_ != BOX_Y && mode_ != BOX_Z)
    mask_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );
  // Get second mask if necessary
  if (mode_ == MASK || mode_ == MINIMAGE) {
    std::string maskexpr = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
    if (maskexpr.empty()) {
      mprinterr("Error: Specified vector mode (%s) requires a second mask.\n",
                ModeString[ mode_ ]);
      return Action::ERR;
    mask2_.SetMaskString( maskexpr );
  // Set up vector dataset and IRED status
  MetaData md(actionArgs.GetStringNext(), MetaData::M_VECTOR);
  if (isIred) md.SetScalarType( MetaData::IREDVEC );
  Vec_ = (DataSet_Vector*)init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::VECTOR, md, "Vec");
  if (Vec_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  // Add set to output file if not doing ptraj-compatible output
  if (!ptrajoutput_ && df != 0)
    df->AddDataSet( Vec_ );
  // Set up magnitude data set.
  if (calc_magnitude) {
    Magnitude_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::FLOAT, MetaData(Vec_->Meta().Name(), "Mag"));
    if (Magnitude_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    if (df != 0) df->AddDataSet( Magnitude_ );
  mprintf("    VECTOR: Type %s", ModeString[ mode_ ]);
  if (calc_magnitude)
    mprintf(" (with magnitude)");
  if (isIred)
    mprintf(", IRED");
  if (mask_.MaskStringSet())
     mprintf(", mask [%s]", mask_.MaskString());
  if (mask2_.MaskStringSet())
    mprintf(", second mask [%s]", mask2_.MaskString());
  if (!filename.empty()) {
    if (ptrajoutput_)
      mprintf(", ptraj-compatible output to");
      mprintf(", output to");
    mprintf(" %s", filename.c_str());

  return Action::OK;
Пример #28
// Action_AtomMap::Init()
Action::RetType Action_AtomMap::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
    DataFile* rmsout = 0;
    int refatom,targetatom;
    debug_ = debugIn;

    // Get Args
    CpptrajFile* outputfile = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("mapout"), "Atom Map");
    maponly_ = actionArgs.hasKey("maponly");
    rmsfit_ = actionArgs.hasKey("rmsfit");
    if (rmsfit_)
        rmsout = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("rmsout"), actionArgs );
    std::string targetName = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
    std::string refName = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
    if (targetName.empty()) {
        mprinterr("Error: No target specified.\n");
        return Action::ERR;
    if (refName.empty()) {
        mprinterr("Error: No reference specified.\n");
        return Action::ERR;
    // Get Reference
    RefFrame_ = (DataSet_Coords_REF*)init.DSL().FindSetOfType( refName, DataSet::REF_FRAME );
    if (RefFrame_ == 0) {
        mprinterr("Error: Could not get reference frame %s\n",refName.c_str());
        return Action::ERR;
    // Get Target
    TgtFrame_ = (DataSet_Coords_REF*)init.DSL().FindSetOfType( targetName, DataSet::REF_FRAME );
    if (TgtFrame_ == 0) {
        mprinterr("Error: Could not get target frame %s\n",targetName.c_str());
        return Action::ERR;

    mprintf("    ATOMMAP: Atoms in trajectories associated with parm %s will be\n",
    mprintf("             mapped according to parm %s.\n",RefFrame_->Top().c_str());
    if (outputfile != 0)
        mprintf("             Map will be written to %s\n",outputfile->Filename().full());
    if (maponly_)
        mprintf("             maponly: Map will only be written, not used in trajectory read.\n");
    if (!maponly_ && rmsfit_) {
        mprintf("             rmsfit: Will rms fit mapped atoms in tgt to reference.\n");
        if (rmsout != 0) {
            rmsdata_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, actionArgs.GetStringNext(), "RMSD");
            if (rmsdata_==0) return Action::ERR;

    // For each map, set up (get element for each atom, initialize map mem),
    // determine what atoms are bonded to each other via simple distance
    // cutoffs, the give each atom an ID based on what atoms are bonded to
    // it, noting which IDs are unique for that map.

    if (RefMap_.Setup(RefFrame_->Top())!=0) return Action::ERR;
    //RefMap_.WriteMol2((char*)"RefMap.mol2\0"); // DEBUG

    if (TgtMap_.Setup(TgtFrame_->Top())!=0) return Action::ERR;
    //TgtMap_.WriteMol2((char*)"TgtMap.mol2\0"); // DEBUG

    // Check if number of atoms in each map is equal
    if (RefMap_.Natom() != TgtMap_.Natom()) {
        mprintf("Warning: # atoms in reference (%i) not equal\n",
        mprintf("Warning:\tto # atoms in target (%i).\n",TgtMap_.Natom());

    // Set up RMS frames to be able to hold max # of possible atoms

    // Allocate memory for atom map
    //   AMap_[reference]=target
    AMap_.resize( RefMap_.Natom(), -1);
    // Map unique atoms
    int numMappedAtoms = MapUniqueAtoms(RefMap_, TgtMap_);
    if (debug_>0)
        mprintf("*         MapUniqueAtoms: %i atoms mapped.\n",numMappedAtoms);
    // If no unique atoms mapped system is highly symmetric and needs to be
    // iteratively mapped. Otherwise just map remaining atoms.
    if (numMappedAtoms==0) {
        if (MapWithNoUniqueAtoms(RefMap_,TgtMap_)) return Action::ERR;
    } else {
        if (MapAtoms(RefMap_,TgtMap_)) return Action::ERR;

    // Print atom map and count # mapped atoms
    numMappedAtoms = 0;
    outputfile->Printf("%-6s %4s %6s %4s\n","#TgtAt","Tgt","RefAt","Ref");
    for (refatom=0; refatom < RefMap_.Natom(); refatom++) {
        targetatom = AMap_[refatom];
        if (targetatom < 0)
            outputfile->Printf("%6s %4s %6i %4s\n","---","---",refatom+1,RefMap_[refatom].c_str());
            outputfile->Printf("%6i %4s %6i %4s\n",targetatom+1,TgtMap_[targetatom].c_str(),
                               refatom+1, RefMap_[refatom].c_str());
        if (targetatom>=0) {
            //mprintf("* TargetAtom %6i(%4s) maps to RefAtom %6i(%4s)\n",
            //                targetatom,TgtMap_.P->names[targetatom],
            //                refatom,RefMap_.P->names[refatom]);
        } //else {
        //  mprintf("* Could not map any TargetAtom to RefAtom %6i(%4s)\n",
        //                  refatom,RefMap_.P->names[refatom]);
    mprintf("      %i total atoms were mapped.\n",numMappedAtoms);
    if (maponly_) return Action::OK;

    // If rmsfit is specified, an rms fit of target to reference will be
    // performed using all atoms that were successfully mapped from
    // target to reference.
    if (rmsfit_) {
        // Set up a reference frame containing only mapped reference atoms
        rmsRefFrame_.StripUnmappedAtoms(RefFrame_->RefFrame(), AMap_);
        mprintf("      rmsfit: Will rms fit %i atoms from target to reference.\n",numMappedAtoms);
        return Action::OK;

    // Check if not all atoms could be mapped
    if (numMappedAtoms != RefMap_.Natom()) {
        // If the number of mapped atoms is less than the number of reference
        // atoms but equal to the number of target atoms, can modify the reference
        // frame to only include mapped atoms
        if (numMappedAtoms<RefMap_.Natom() && numMappedAtoms==TgtMap_.Natom()) {
            // Create mask that includes only reference atoms that could be mapped
            AtomMask M1;
            for (refatom = 0; refatom < RefMap_.Natom(); refatom++) {
                if (AMap_[refatom] != -1) M1.AddAtom(refatom);
            // Strip reference parm
            mprintf("    Modifying reference '%s' topology and frame to match mapped atoms.\n",
            if (RefFrame_->StripRef( M1 )) return Action::ERR;
            // Since AMap[ ref ] = tgt but ref is now missing any stripped atoms,
            // the indices of AMap must be shifted to match
            int refIndex = 0; // The new index
            for (refatom = 0; refatom < RefMap_.Natom(); refatom++) {
                targetatom = AMap_[refatom];
                if (targetatom<0)
        } else {
            mprintf("Warning: AtomMap: Not all atoms were mapped. Frames will not be modified.\n");

    if (!maponly_) {
        // Set up new Frame
        newFrame_ = new Frame();
        newFrame_->SetupFrameM( TgtFrame_->Top().Atoms() );

        // Set up new Parm
        newParm_ = TgtFrame_->Top().ModifyByMap(AMap_);

    return Action::OK;
Пример #29
// Action_DSSP::Init()
Action::RetType Action_DSSP::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  debug_ = debugIn;
  Nframe_ = 0;
  // Get keywords
  outfile_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  std::string temp = actionArgs.GetStringKey("sumout");
  if (temp.empty() && outfile_ != 0) 
    temp = outfile_->DataFilename().Full() + ".sum";
  dsspFile_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile( temp );
  DataFile* totalout = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("totalout"), actionArgs );
  assignout_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("assignout"), "SS assignment");
  printString_ = actionArgs.hasKey("ptrajformat");
  temp = actionArgs.GetStringKey("namen");
  if (!temp.empty()) BB_N_ = temp;
  temp = actionArgs.GetStringKey("nameh");
  if (!temp.empty()) BB_H_ = temp;
  temp = actionArgs.GetStringKey("namec");
  if (!temp.empty()) BB_C_ = temp;
  temp = actionArgs.GetStringKey("nameo");
  if (!temp.empty()) BB_O_ = temp;
  temp = actionArgs.GetStringKey("nameca");
  if (!temp.empty()) BB_CA_ = temp;
  // Get masks
  Mask_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );

  // Set up the DSSP data set
  dsetname_ = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
  // Set default name if none specified
  if (dsetname_.empty())
    dsetname_ = init.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("DSSP");
  // Set up Z labels
  if (outfile_ != 0)
    outfile_->ProcessArgs("zlabels None,Para,Anti,3-10,Alpha,Pi,Turn,Bend");
  // Create data sets for total fraction SS vs time.
  for (int i = 0; i < NSSTYPE; i++) {
    totalDS_[i] = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::FLOAT, MetaData(dsetname_, SSname[i]));
    if (totalDS_[i] == 0) {
      mprinterr("Error: Could not create DSSP total frac v time data set.\n");
      return Action::ERR;
    // For now dont add 'None' so colors match up.
    if (totalout != 0 && i > 0) totalout->AddDataSet( totalDS_[i] );

  mprintf( "    SECSTRUCT: Calculating secondary structure using mask [%s]\n",Mask_.MaskString());
  if (outfile_ != 0) 
    mprintf("\tDumping results to %s\n", outfile_->DataFilename().full());
  if (dsspFile_ != 0)
    mprintf("\tSum results to %s\n", dsspFile_->DataFilename().full());
  if (printString_) { 
    mprintf("\tSS data for each residue will be stored as a string.\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < NSSTYPE; i++)
      mprintf("\t\t%s = %s\n", SSchar[i], SSname[i]);
  } else {
    mprintf("\tSS data for each residue will be stored as integers.\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < NSSTYPE; i++)
      mprintf("\t\t%i = %s\n", i, SSname[i]);
  if (assignout_ != 0)
    mprintf("\tOverall assigned SS will be written to %s\n", assignout_->Filename().full());
  mprintf("\tBackbone Atom Names: N=[%s]  H=[%s]  C=[%s]  O=[%s]  CA=[%s]\n",
          *BB_N_, *BB_H_, *BB_C_, *BB_O_, *BB_CA_ );
  mprintf("# Citation: Kabsch, W.; Sander, C.; \"Dictionary of Protein Secondary Structure:\n"
          "#           Pattern Recognition of Hydrogen-Bonded and Geometrical Features.\"\n"
          "#           Biopolymers (1983), V.22, pp.2577-2637.\n" );
  Init_ = init;
  return Action::OK;
Пример #30
// Action_Density::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Density::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
# ifdef MPI
  trajComm_ = init.TrajComm();
# endif
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs);

  std::string dsname = actionArgs.GetStringKey("name");

  if (actionArgs.hasKey("x") ) {
    axis_ = DX;
    area_coord_[0] = DY;
    area_coord_[1] = DZ;
  } else if (actionArgs.hasKey("y") ) {
    axis_ = DY;
    area_coord_[0] = DX;
    area_coord_[1] = DZ;
  } else if (actionArgs.hasKey("z") ) {
    axis_ = DZ;
    area_coord_[0] = DX;
    area_coord_[1] = DY;

  property_ = NUMBER;
  if      (actionArgs.hasKey("number") )   property_ = NUMBER;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("mass") )     property_ = MASS;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("charge") )   property_ = CHARGE;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("electron") ) property_ = ELECTRON;

  binType_ = CENTER;
  if      (actionArgs.hasKey("bincenter")) binType_ = CENTER;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("binedge")  ) binType_ = EDGE;

  delta_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("delta", 0.01);
  if (delta_ <= 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: Delta must be > 0.0\n");
    return Action::ERR;

  // for compatibility with ptraj, ignored because we rely on the atom code to
  // do the right thing, see Atom.{h,cpp}
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("efile"))
    mprintf("Warning: The 'efile' keyword is deprecated.\n");

  // read the rest of the command line as a series of masks
  std::string maskstr;

  unsigned int idx = 1;
  while ( (maskstr = actionArgs.GetMaskNext() ) != emptystring) {
    masks_.push_back( AtomMask(maskstr) );
    if (dsname.empty())
      dsname = init.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("DENSITY");
    MetaData MD(dsname, "avg", idx);
    MD.SetTimeSeries( MetaData::NOT_TS );
    // Hold average density
    DataSet* ads = init.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, MD );
    if (ads == 0) return Action::ERR;
    ads->SetLegend( NoWhitespace(masks_.back().MaskExpression()) );
    AvSets_.push_back( ads );
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( ads );
    // Hold SD density
    DataSet* sds = init.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, MD );
    if (sds == 0) return Action::ERR;
    sds->SetLegend( NoWhitespace("sd(" + masks_.back().MaskExpression() + ")") );
    SdSets_.push_back( sds );
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( sds );
#   ifdef MPI
    ads->SetNeedsSync( false ); // Populated in Print()
    sds->SetNeedsSync( false );
#   endif
  if (masks_.empty()) {
    // If no masks assume we want total system density.
    if (dsname.empty())
      dsname = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
    density_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, dsname, "DENSITY");
    if (density_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( density_ );
    image_.InitImaging( true );
    // Hijack delta for storing sum of masses
    delta_ = 0.0;
  } else {
    // Density selected by mask(s) along an axis
    density_ = 0;
    histograms_.resize(masks_.size() );

  mprintf("    DENSITY:");
  if (density_ == 0) {
    const char* binStr[] = {"center", "edge"};
    mprintf(" Determining %s density for %zu masks.\n", PropertyStr_[property_], masks_.size());
    mprintf("\troutine version: %s\n", ROUTINE_VERSION_STRING);
    mprintf("\tDelta is %f\n", delta_);
    mprintf("\tAxis is %s\n", AxisStr_[axis_]);
    mprintf("\tData set name is '%s'\n", dsname.c_str());
    mprintf("\tData set aspect [avg] holds the mean, aspect [sd] holds standard deviation.\n");
    mprintf("\tBin coordinates will be to bin %s.\n", binStr[binType_]);
  } else {
    mprintf(" No masks specified, calculating total system density in g/cm^3.\n");
    mprintf("\tData set name is '%s'\n", density_->legend());
  if (outfile != 0)
    mprintf("\tOutput to '%s'\n", outfile->DataFilename().full());

  return Action::OK;