Пример #1
void DrawContext::updateTransforms(
    const AffineTransform3& head, 
    const AffineTransform3& view, 
    float eyeSeparation,
    float nearZ,
    float farZ)
    DisplaySystem* ds = renderer->getDisplaySystem();
    DisplayConfig& dcfg = ds->getDisplayConfig();
    Vector3f pa = tile->bottomLeft;
    Vector3f pb = tile->bottomRight;
    Vector3f pc = tile->topLeft;
        pa = head * pa;
        pb = head * pb;
        pc = head * pc;

    // half eye separation
    float hes = eyeSeparation / 2;
    Vector3f pe = Vector3f::Zero();
    case EyeLeft:
        pe[0] = -hes;
    case EyeRight:
        pe[0] = hes;

    // Transform eye with head position / orientation. After this, eye position
    // and tile coordinates are all in the same reference frame.
        // CAVE2 SIMPLIFICATION: We are just interested in adjusting the observer yaw
        AffineTransform3 ht = AffineTransform3::Identity();
        pe = ht.rotate(
            AngleAxis(-tile->yaw * Math::DegToRad, Vector3f::UnitY())) * pe;
        pe = head * pe;

    Vector3f vr = pb - pa;
    Vector3f vu = pc - pa;
    Vector3f vn = vr.cross(vu);

    Vector2f viewSize = viewMax - viewMin;

    // Update tile corners based on local view position and size
    pa = pa + vr * viewMin[0] + vu * viewMin[1];
    pb = pa + vr * viewSize[0];
    pc = pa + vu * viewSize[1];


    // Compute the screen corner vectors.
    Vector3f va = pa - pe;
    Vector3f vb = pb - pe;
    Vector3f vc = pc - pe;

    // Find distance from eye to screen plane.
    //Vector3f tm = pe - pa;
    float d = -(vn.dot(va));

    // Find the extent of the perpendicular projection.
    float l = vr.dot(va) * nearZ / d;
    float r = vr.dot(vb) * nearZ / d;
    float b = vu.dot(va) * nearZ / d;
    float t = vu.dot(vc) * nearZ / d;

    // Compute the projection matrix. 
    Transform3 oax;
    oax(0,0) = 2 * nearZ / (r - l);
    oax(0,2) = (r + l) / (r - l);
    oax(1,1) = 2 * nearZ / (t - b);
    oax(1,2) = (t + b) / (t - b);
    oax(2,2) = - (farZ + nearZ) / (farZ - nearZ);
    oax(2,3) = - (2 * farZ * nearZ) / (farZ - nearZ);
    oax(3,2) = - 1;
    oax(3,3) = 0;

    projection = oax; 
    // Compute the view matrix. The view matrix has two main components:
    // - the navigational component given by myViewTransform, converts points
    //   from world space to 'camera' space (origin is determined by camera position / orientation)
    // - the screen plane component, given by the current tile orientation and head position.
    //   this component converts points from camera space to screen-oriented eye space 
    //   (that is, origin is at eye position, and orientation is determined by the screen plane,
    //   with positive Y being screen up vector, X being screen right vector and Z being screen normal)
    AffineTransform3 newBasis;
    newBasis.data()[0] = vr[0];
    newBasis.data()[1] = vu[0];
    newBasis.data()[2] = vn[0];

    newBasis.data()[4] = vr[1];
    newBasis.data()[5] = vu[1];
    newBasis.data()[6] = vn[1];

    newBasis.data()[8] = vr[2];
    newBasis.data()[9] = vu[2];
    newBasis.data()[10] = vn[2];

    newBasis = newBasis.translate(-pe);

    modelview = newBasis * view;