Пример #1
Route::Route( Airport from, Airport to ) {
    this->from = from.getPoint();
    this->from_id = from.getId();
    this->to = to.getPoint();
    this->to_id = to.getId();
    this->complete = false;
    this->parity = true;

    this->current = this->from;
    this->via_pacific = false;
    this->lon_range = fabs( this->from.y - this->to.y );
    this->sign = ( ( this->from.y - this->to.y ) > 0 ) ? -1 : 1;
    this->step_lon = 1.0f;

    this->lat1 = this->from.x * M_PI / 180;
    this->lat2 = this->to.x * M_PI / 180;
    // маршрут надо строить через тихий океан
    if ( ( ( this->lon_range ) > ( 360 - this->lon_range ) ) && ( this->from.y * this->to.y < 0 ) ) {
        this->via_pacific = true;
        this->sign *= -1;
        this->lon_range = 360 - this->lon_range;
        this->lon1 = ( ( this->from.y > 0 ) ? ( -180 + this->from.y ) : ( 180 + this->from.y ) ) * M_PI / 180;
        this->lon2 = ( ( this->to.y > 0 ) ? ( -180 + this->to.y ) : ( 180 + this->to.y ) ) * M_PI / 180;
        this->current = Vec2f( this->from.x, this->lon1 * 180 / M_PI );
    } else {
        this->lon1 = this->from.y * M_PI / 180;
        this->lon2 = this->to.y * M_PI / 180;
    this->step_parity = 0;
    this->max_steps = round( lon_range / step_lon );
    this->steps = 0;
    this->step_cycle = 0;
bool ChartElemNavaids::addAirport(const Airport& airport,
                                  QDomElement& element, 
                                  QDomDocument& dom_doc,
                                  QString& err_msg)
    QString leaf_id = getLeafID(airport);

    // check for double entries
    if (containsLeaf(leaf_id)) 
        err_msg = QString("Double Aiport entry detected: (%1)").arg(airport.getId());
        return false;

    // process the AIRPORT

    ChartElemAirport* chart_elem_airport = new ChartElemAirport(this, m_chart_model, airport);

    if (!chart_elem_airport->loadFromDomElement(element, dom_doc, err_msg)) 
        delete chart_elem_airport;
        return false;

    addLeaf(leaf_id, chart_elem_airport);
    return true;