Int_t printDigits() { AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root"); AliPHOSLoader *prl = (AliPHOSLoader*)rl->GetDetectorLoader("PHOS"); prl->LoadDigits("READ"); //prl->LoadDigits(); Int_t nDigits = 0; Int_t nSimEvents = rl->GetNumberOfEvents(); for (Int_t ev = 0; ev < nSimEvents; ev++) { rl->GetEvent(ev); Int_t nPhosDigits = prl->Digits()->GetEntries(); //Int_t nDigsFound = 0; std::cout << "Number of digits found: " << nPhosDigits << std::endl; TClonesArray *phosDigits = prl->Digits(); for (Int_t iDig = 0; iDig < nPhosDigits; iDig++) { //const AliPHOSDigit *digit = prl->Digit(iDig); AliPHOSDigit *digit = (AliPHOSDigit*)phosDigits->At(iDig); nDigits++; //if(digit->GetTime() > 1.4e-08 && digit->GetTime() < 1.6e-08) std::cout <<"#: " << iDig << " ID: " << digit->GetId() << " " << "Energy: " << digit->GetEnergy() << " Time: " << digit->GetTime() << " N_prim: " << digit->GetNprimary() << " " << digit->GetTimeR() << std::endl; } } return 0; }
void CountPrimaries(TH1F *hMultCount) { if (hMultCount==0) hMultCount = new TH1F("mult","averaged multiplicity (charg. prim)",80,-4.,4.); AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root"); rl->SetKineFileName("Kinematics.root"); rl->LoadHeader(); rl->LoadKinematics(); Int_t nEvents = rl->GetNumberOfEvents(); cout<< "N events "<<nEvents<<endl; for(Int_t iEv=0; iEv<nEvents; iEv++){ rl->GetEvent(iEv); AliStack *s = rl->Stack(); for(Int_t iP=0; iP<s->GetNtrack(); iP++ ){ TParticle *p = s->Particle(iP); if (!(s->IsPhysicalPrimary(iP))) continue; Float_t eta = p->Eta(); if (p->Pt()>0.06) { hMultCount->Fill(eta); } } } hMultCount->DrawCopy(); rl->UnloadHeader(); rl->UnloadKinematics(); delete rl; }
void Kin2Txt() { AliRunLoader* rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root"); rl->LoadKinematics(); rl->LoadHeader(); TH1* hM = new TH1D("hM", "TreeK;M#(){#pi^{+}#pi^{-}} #(){GeV/#it{c}^{2}}", 100, 0., 2.); TH1* hPt = new TH1D("hPt", "TreeK;P_{T}#(){#pi^{+}#pi^{-}} #(){GeV/#it{c}}", 100, 0., 1.); TH1* hY = new TH1D("hY", "TreeK;Y#(){#pi^{+}#pi^{-}}", 160,-8., 8.); std::ofstream ofs("rho0.txt"); AliStack *stack = NULL; TParticle *part = NULL; TLorentzVector v[2], vSum; for (Int_t i=0, n(rl->GetNumberOfEvents()); i<n; ++i) { rl->GetEvent(i); stack = rl->Stack(); Int_t nPrimary(0); for (Int_t j(0), m(stack->GetNtrack()); j<m; ++j) { part = stack->Particle(j); if (part->IsPrimary()) part->Momentum(v[nPrimary++]); } if (nPrimary != 2) { Printf("Error: nPrimary=%d != 2", nPrimary); continue; } vSum = v[0] + v[1]; hM->Fill(vSum.M()); hPt->Fill(vSum.Perp()); hY->Fill(vSum.Rapidity()); ofs << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << vSum.M() << " " << vSum.Perp() << " " << vSum.Rapidity() << " " << v[0].Eta() << " " << v[0].Px() << " " << v[0].Py() << " " << v[0].Pz() << " " << v[1].Eta() << " " << v[1].Px() << " " << v[1].Py() << " " << v[1].Pz() << std::endl; } hM->Draw(); c1->SaveAs("TreeK.pdf("); hPt->Draw(); c1->SaveAs("TreeK.pdf"); hY->Draw(); c1->SaveAs("TreeK.pdf)"); }
void ExtractOutputHistos(Bool_t onlyPrims=0,Bool_t onlyPion=0,Int_t plotFlag=0) { // gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetPalette(1); const Int_t nbins=20; Double_t ptmin=0.06;//04; Double_t ptmax=2.0;//GeV Double_t logxmin = TMath::Log10(ptmin); Double_t logxmax = TMath::Log10(ptmax); Double_t binwidth = (logxmax-logxmin)/(nbins+1); enum {nb=nbins+1}; Double_t xbins[nb]; xbins[0] = ptmin; for (Int_t i=1;i<=nbins;i++) { xbins[i] = ptmin + TMath::Power(10,logxmin+(i)*binwidth); // cout<<xbins[i]<<endl; } // TH1F *h = new TH1F("h","hist with log x axis",nbins,xbins); TH1F *hMultCount = new TH1F("mult","averaged multiplicity (charg. prim)",80,-4.,4.); hMultCount->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("eta"); hMultCount->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("N/d#eta"); TH1F *hAllMC = new TH1F("allMC","All Tracks MC primaries",nbins,xbins); TH1F *hAllFound = new TH1F("allFound","All Tracks found",nbins,xbins); TH1F *hImperfect = new TH1F("imperfect","Imperfect tracks",nbins,xbins); TH1F *hPerfect = new TH1F("perfect","Perfect tracks",nbins,xbins); TH1F *hEff = new TH1F("efficiency","Efficiency (Perfect tracks in \"ALL MC\")",nbins,xbins); TH1F *hFake = new TH1F("fake","Fake tracks (Inperfect tracks in \"ALL MC\")",nbins,xbins); TH1F *hPurity = new TH1F("purity","Purity (Perfect tracks in \"All Found\")",nbins,xbins); TH1F *hAnna = new TH1F("annaEff","AnnalisaEff ",nbins,xbins); TH1F *hNoMCTrack = new TH1F("noMCtrack","noMCtrack ",nbins,xbins); TH1F *hEta = new TH1F("","",50,-2,2); // TH1F *hEtaMC = new TH1F("","",50,-2,2); TH2D *h2Ddca = new TH2D("dca2D","DCAvsPt2D",nbins,xbins,50,-0.05,0.05); TH2D *h2Dpt = new TH2D("dPt2D","dPtdvsPt2D",nbins,xbins,50,-25,25); // open run loader and load gAlice, kinematics and header AliRunLoader* runLoader = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root"); if (!runLoader) { Error("Check kine", "getting run loader from file %s failed", "galice.root"); return; } runLoader->LoadgAlice(); gAlice = runLoader->GetAliRun(); if (!gAlice) { Error("Check kine", "no galice object found"); return; } runLoader->LoadHeader(); runLoader->LoadKinematics(); TFile* esdFile = TFile::Open("AliESDs.root"); if (!esdFile || !esdFile->IsOpen()) { Error("CheckESD", "opening ESD file %s failed", "AliESDs.root"); return; } AliESDEvent *esd = new AliESDEvent(); TTree* tree = (TTree*) esdFile->Get("esdTree"); if (!tree) { Error("CheckESD", "no ESD tree found"); return; } esd->ReadFromTree(tree); Int_t nTrackTotalMC = 0; Int_t nTrackFound = 0; Int_t nTrackImperfect = 0; Int_t nTrackPerfect = 0; Int_t nNoMCTrack = 0; for(Int_t iEv =0; iEv<tree->GetEntries(); iEv++){ tree->GetEvent(iEv); runLoader->GetEvent(iEv); printf("+++ event %i (of %lld) +++++++++++++++++++++++ # ESDtracks: %d \n",iEv,tree->GetEntries()-1,esd->GetNumberOfTracks()); Int_t nESDtracks = esd->GetNumberOfTracks(); for (Int_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < nESDtracks; iTrack++) { AliESDtrack* track = esd->GetTrack(iTrack); if (!(iTrack%1000)) printf("event %i: ESD track count %d (of %d)\n",iEv,iTrack,nESDtracks); Int_t label = track->GetLabel(); Int_t idx[12]; // Int_t ncl = track->GetITSclusters(idx); if(label<0) { // cout<< " ESD track label " << label; // cout<<" ---> imperfect track (label "<<label<<"<0) !! -> track Pt: "<< track->Pt() << endl; } AliStack* stack = runLoader->Stack(); // nTrackTotalMC += stack->GetNprimary(); TParticle* particle = stack->Particle(TMath::Abs(label)); Double_t pt = track->Pt(); if(particle) { if (TMath::Abs(particle->Eta())>etaCut) continue; Double_t ptMC = particle->Pt(); // Efficiencies if (onlyPion && TMath::Abs(particle->GetPdgCode())!=211) continue; if ( (!onlyPrims) || stack->IsPhysicalPrimary(TMath::Abs(label))) { // cout<<" # clusters "<<ncl<<endl; nTrackFound++; hAllFound->Fill(ptMC); hEta->Fill(track->Eta()); if (label<0) { nTrackImperfect++; hImperfect->Fill(ptMC); } else { nTrackPerfect++; hPerfect->Fill(ptMC); } } // following only for "true tracks, pions if(particle->Pt() < 0.001)continue; if (TMath::Abs(particle->GetPdgCode())!=211) continue; if (label>0) { // Impact parameters for Pions only Double_t dca = track->GetD(0,0,0.5); h2Ddca->Fill(ptMC,dca); // Pt resolution for Pions only Double_t dPt = (pt-ptMC)/ptMC*100; h2Dpt->Fill(ptMC,dPt); } } else { nNoMCTrackFound++; hNoMCTrack->Fill(pt); cout<<" according MC particle not found"<<endl; } } //entries track esd }//entries tree runLoader->UnloadHeader(); runLoader->UnloadKinematics(); delete runLoader; // Count trackable MC tracks CountTrackableMCs(hAllMC, onlyPrims, onlyPion); // Count trackable MC tracks CountPrimaries(hMultCount); // Get Errors right hMultCount->Sumw2(); hAllMC->Sumw2(); hAllFound->Sumw2(); hPerfect->Sumw2(); hImperfect->Sumw2(); h2Dpt->Sumw2(); h2Ddca->Sumw2(); // -- Global efficienies nTrackTotalMC = hAllMC->GetEntries(); Double_t eff = ((Double_t)nTrackPerfect)/nTrackTotalMC; printf("-> Total number of events: %lld -> MCtracks %d -> nPerfect %d -> Eff: %3.2lf \n", tree->GetEntries(),nTrackTotalMC,nTrackPerfect,eff); Double_t purity = ((Double_t)nTrackPerfect)/nTrackFound; printf("-> Total number of events: %lld -> FoundTracks %d -> nPerfect %d -> Purity: %3.2lf \n", tree->GetEntries(),nTrackFound,nTrackPerfect,purity); // Efficiencies - and normalize to 100% TF1 f1("f1","100+x*0",0.,1.e3); hPurity->Divide(hPerfect,hAllFound,1,1,"b"); hPurity->Multiply(&f1); hPurity->SetMarkerColor(kGreen); hPurity->SetMarkerStyle(21); hPurity->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("transverse momentum p_{t} (GeV)"); hPurity->SetStats(0); hPurity->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,100); hPurity->SetTitle("Efficiency & Purity"); hEff->Divide(hPerfect,hAllMC,1,1,"b"); hEff->Multiply(&f1); hEff->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("transverse momentum p_{t} (GeV)"); hEff->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); hEff->SetMarkerStyle(21); hEff->SetStats(0); hFake->Divide(hImperfect,hAllMC,1,1,"b"); hFake->Multiply(&f1); hFake->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("transverse momentum p_{t} (GeV)"); hFake->SetMarkerColor(kRed); hFake->SetMarkerStyle(21); hFake->SetStats(0); hAnna->Divide(hAllFound,hAllMC,1,1,"b"); hAnna->Multiply(&f1); hAnna->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("transverse momentum p_{t} (GeV)"); hAnna->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); hAnna->SetMarkerStyle(21); hAnna->SetStats(0); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","NoMCTrackFound");//,200,10,900,900); TVirtualPad *pad = c1->cd(); pad->SetGridx(); pad->SetGridy(); hNoMCTrack->Draw(); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","Eff&Purity");//,200,10,900,900); TVirtualPad *pad = c2->cd(); pad->SetGridx(); pad->SetGridy(); // pad->SetLogx(); hPurity->Draw("E"); hEff->Draw("Same E"); hFake->Draw("Same E"); hAnna->Draw("Same E"); TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.1,0.8,0.6,0.9);leg->SetFillColor(0); leg->AddEntry(hPurity,"Purity (\"Perfect tracks\" within \"Found Tracks\")","PE"); leg->AddEntry(hEff,"Efficiency (\"Perfect tracks\" within \"MC findable Tracks\")","PE"); leg->AddEntry(hFake,"Fake (\"Inperfect tracks\" within \"MC findable Tracks\")","PE"); leg->AddEntry(hAnna,"AnnaLisa - Efficiency (\"Found tracks\" within \"MC findable Tracks\")","PE"); leg->Draw(); if (plotFlag==1){ hAllMC->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("transverse momentum p_{t} (GeV)"); hAllMC->Draw(); // MC pt distribution hAllFound->SetLineColor(2); hAllFound->Draw("same"); // MC pt distribution } /* .L ~/ITSupgrade/BuildDetector/DetectorK.cxx+ // All NEW DetectorK its("ALICE","ITS"); its.MakeAliceAllNew(0); its.SetMaxRadiusOfSlowDetectors(0.01); its.SolveViaBilloir(0); TGraph *c = its.GetGraphRecoEfficiency(0,3,2); c->Draw("C"); // Current DetectorK its("ALICE","ITS"); its.MakeAliceCurrent(0,0); its.SetMaxRadiusOfSlowDetectors(0.01); its.SolveViaBilloir(0); TGraph *c = its.GetGraphRecoEfficiency(0,4,2); c->Draw("C"); */ TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3","impact");//,200,10,900,900); c3->Divide(2,1); c3->cd(1); // Impact parameter // Impact parameter resolution --------------- h2Ddca->Draw("colz"); h2Ddca->FitSlicesY() ; TH2D *dcaM = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("dca2D_1"); dcaM->Draw("same"); TH2D *dcaRMS = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("dca2D_2"); //dcaRMS->Draw(); TGraphErrors *d0 = new TGraphErrors(); for (Int_t ibin =1; ibin<=dcaRMS->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ibin++) { d0->SetPoint( ibin-1,dcaRMS->GetBinCenter(ibin),dcaRMS->GetBinContent(ibin)*1e4); // microns d0->SetPointError(ibin-1,0,dcaRMS->GetBinError(ibin)*1e4); // microns } d0->SetMarkerStyle(21); d0->SetMaximum(200); d0->SetMinimum(0); d0->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("transverse momentum p_{t} (GeV)"); d0->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("R-#phi Pointing Resolution (#mum)"); d0->SetName("dca"); d0->SetTitle("DCAvsPt"); c3->cd(1); h2Ddca->Draw("surf2"); c3->cd(2); d0->Draw("APE"); // PT RESOLUTION ------------ TCanvas *c4 = new TCanvas("c4","pt resolution");//,200,10,900,900); c4->Divide(2,1); c4->cd(1); // Impact parameter h2Dpt->Draw("colz"); h2Dpt->FitSlicesY() ; TH2D *dPtM = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("dPt2D_1"); dPtM->Draw("same"); TH2D *dPtRMS = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("dPt2D_2"); // dPtRMS->Draw(""); TGraphErrors *gPt = new TGraphErrors(); for (Int_t ibin =1; ibin<=dPtRMS->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ibin++) { gPt->SetPoint( ibin-1,dPtRMS->GetBinCenter(ibin),dPtRMS->GetBinContent(ibin)); gPt->SetPointError(ibin-1,0,dPtRMS->GetBinError(ibin)); } gPt->SetMarkerStyle(21); gPt->SetMaximum(20); gPt->SetMinimum(0); gPt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("transverse momentum p_{t} (GeV)"); gPt->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("relative momentum resolution (%)"); gPt->SetName("dPt"); gPt->SetTitle("DPTvsPt"); c4->cd(1); h2Dpt->Draw("surf2"); c4->cd(2); gPt->Draw("APE"); // EXPORT -------- TFile f("histos.root","RECREATE"); hMultCount->Write(); hAllMC->Write(); hAllFound->Write(); hImperfect->Write(); hPerfect->Write(); hNoMCTrack->Write(); hPurity->Write(); hEff->Write(); hFake->Write(); hAnna->Write(); h2Ddca->Write(); d0->Write(); h2Dpt->Write(); gPt->Write(); f.Close(); return; }
void CountTrackableMCs(TH1F *hAllMC, Bool_t onlyPrims,Bool_t onlyPion) { gSystem->Load("libITSUpgradeBase"); gSystem->Load("libITSUpgradeSim"); // open run loader and load gAlice, kinematics and header AliRunLoader* runLoader = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root"); if (!runLoader) { Error("Check kine", "getting run loader from file %s failed", "galice.root"); return; } runLoader->LoadHeader(); runLoader->LoadKinematics(); runLoader->LoadTrackRefs(); AliLoader *dl = runLoader->GetDetectorLoader("ITS"); //Trackf TTree *trackRefTree = 0x0; TClonesArray *trackRef = new TClonesArray("AliTrackReference",1000); // TH1F *hRef = new TH1F("","",100,0,100); TH1F *hR = new TH1F("","",100,0,100); if (hAllMC==0) hAllMC = new TH1F("","",100,0.1,2); Float_t ptmin = hAllMC->GetBinCenter(1)-hAllMC->GetBinWidth(1)/2; Float_t ptmax = hAllMC->GetBinCenter(hAllMC->GetNbinsX())+hAllMC->GetBinWidth(hAllMC->GetNbinsX())/2; // Int_t nAllMC = 0; // Detector geometry TArrayD rmin(0); TArrayD rmax(0); GetDetectorRadii(&rmin,&rmax); TArrayI nLaySigs(rmin.GetSize()); printf("Counting trackable MC tracks ...\n"); for(Int_t iEv =0; iEv<runLoader->GetNumberOfEvents(); iEv++){ Int_t nTrackableTracks = 0; runLoader->GetEvent(iEv); AliStack* stack = runLoader->Stack(); printf("+++ event %i (of %d) +++++++++++++++++++++++ # total MCtracks: %d \n",iEv,runLoader->GetNumberOfEvents()-1,stack->GetNtrack()); trackRefTree=runLoader->TreeTR(); TBranch *br = trackRefTree->GetBranch("TrackReferences"); if(!br) { printf("no TR branch available , exiting \n"); return; } br->SetAddress(&trackRef); // init the trackRef tree trackRefTree=runLoader->TreeTR(); trackRefTree->SetBranchAddress("TrackReferences",&trackRef); // Count trackable MC tracks for (Int_t iMC=0; iMC<stack->GetNtrack(); iMC++) { TParticle* particle = stack->Particle(iMC); if (TMath::Abs(particle->Eta())>etaCut) continue; if (onlyPrims && !stack->IsPhysicalPrimary(iMC)) continue; if (onlyPion && TMath::Abs(particle->GetPdgCode())!=211) continue; Bool_t isTrackable = 0; nLaySigs.Reset(0); trackRefTree->GetEntry(stack->TreeKEntry(iMC)); Int_t nref=trackRef->GetEntriesFast(); for(Int_t iref =0; iref<nref; iref++){ AliTrackReference *trR = (AliTrackReference*)trackRef->At(iref); if(!trR) continue; if(trR->DetectorId()!=AliTrackReference::kITS) continue; Float_t radPos = trR->R(); hR->Fill(radPos); for (Int_t il=0; il<rmin.GetSize();il++) { if (radPos>=rmin.At(il)-0.1 && radPos<=rmax.At(il)+0.1) { // cout<<" in Layer "<<il<<" "<<radPos; nLaySigs.AddAt(1.,il); // cout<<" "<<nLaySigs.At(il)<<endl; } } } if (nLaySigs.GetSum()>=3) { isTrackable =1; // cout<<nLaySigs.GetSum()<<endl; } if (isTrackable) { Double_t ptMC = particle->Pt(); // Double_t etaMC = particle->Eta(); // if (ptMC>ptmin&&ptMC<ptmax) {nTrackableTracks++;hAllMC->Fill(ptMC);} if (ptMC>ptmin) {nTrackableTracks++;hAllMC->Fill(ptMC);} } } // entries tracks MC printf(" -> trackable MC tracks: %d (%d)\n",nTrackableTracks,hAllMC->GetEntries()); }//entries Events hR->DrawCopy(); hAllMC->DrawCopy(); runLoader->UnloadHeader(); runLoader->UnloadKinematics(); delete runLoader; }
int getSimulatedDigits(TString digitdir) { AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open(digitdir+TString("/galice.root")); AliPHOSLoader *prl = (AliPHOSLoader*)rl->GetDetectorLoader("PHOS"); prl->LoadSDigits(); prl->LoadDigits(); Int_t nSimEvents = rl->GetNumberOfEvents(); TFile *mydigitsFile = new TFile("mydigits.root", "RECREATE"); TTree *mydigitTree = new TTree("mydigitTree", "mydigitTree"); TClonesArray * mydigits = new TClonesArray(AliPHOSDigit::Class()); mydigitTree->Branch("Digits", &mydigits); for (Int_t ev = 0; ev < nSimEvents; ev++) { rl->GetEvent(ev); Int_t nPhosDigits = prl->SDigits()->GetEntries(); Int_t nDigsFound = 0; for (Int_t iDig = 0; iDig < nPhosDigits; iDig++) { const AliPHOSDigit *digit = prl->SDigit(iDig); Int_t id = digit->GetId(); if (id > 3*geom->GetNPhi()*geom->GetNZ()) continue; for (Int_t n = 0; n < nDigsFound; n++) { AliPHOSDigit *tmpDig = (AliPHOSDigit*)mydigits->At(n); if (id == tmpDig->GetId()) { *tmpDig += *digit; digit = 0; break; } } if (digit) { AliPHOSDigit *newDig = new((*mydigits)[nDigsFound]) AliPHOSDigit(-1, id, (float)0.0, (float)0.0); *newDig += *digit; nDigsFound++; } } for(int i = 0; i <nDigsFound; i++) { AliPHOSDigit *tmpDig = (AliPHOSDigit*)mydigits->At(i); Int_t relId[4]; geom->AbsToRelNumbering(tmpDig->GetId(), relId); // Some necessary ugly hacks needed at the moment, need to get these numbers from OCDB tmpDig->SetEnergy((float)((int)(tmpDig->GetEnergy()/phosCalibData->GetADCchannelEmc(relId[0], relId[3], relId[2])))); //std::cout << "Sample time step: " << phosCalibData->GetSampleTimeStep() << " " << phosCalibData->GetTimeShiftEmc(relId[0], relId[3], relId[2]) << geom << std::endl; tmpDig->SetTime(1.5e-8); tmpDig->SetTimeR(1.5e-8); } mydigitTree->Fill(); mydigits->Clear("C"); } mydigitsFile->Write(); simTree = mydigitTree; //mydigit //mydigitsFile->Close(); return 0; }
Int_t RunHLTITS(Int_t nev=1,Int_t run=0) { // gSystem->Load("libAliHLTITS"); TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); if (gAlice) { delete gAlice->GetRunLoader(); delete gAlice; gAlice=0; } AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root"); if (rl == 0x0) { cerr<<"Can not open session"<<endl; return 1; } Int_t retval = rl->LoadgAlice(); if (retval) { cerr<<"AliESDtest.C : LoadgAlice returned error"<<endl; delete rl; return 1; } retval = rl->LoadHeader(); if (retval) { cerr<<"AliESDtest.C : LoadHeader returned error"<<endl; delete rl; return 2; } gAlice=rl->GetAliRun(); AliTracker::SetFieldMap(gAlice->Field()); AliITSLoader* itsl = (AliITSLoader*)rl->GetLoader("ITSLoader"); if (itsl == 0x0) { cerr<<"AliESDtest.C : Can not get the ITS loader"<<endl; return 3; } itsl->LoadRecPoints("read"); AliITS *dITS = (AliITS*)gAlice->GetDetector("ITS"); if (!dITS) { cerr<<"AliESDtest.C : Can not find the ITS detector !"<<endl; return 4; } // AliITSgeom *geom = dITS->GetITSgeom(); AliITSgeom *geom = new AliITSgeom(); geom->ReadNewFile("$ALICE_ROOT/ITS/ITSgeometry_vPPRasymmFMD.det"); //An instance of the HLT ITS tracker AliHLTITStracker itsTracker(geom); TFile *ef=TFile::Open("AliESDs.root"); if (!ef || !ef->IsOpen()) {cerr<<"Can't AliESDs.root !\n"; return 1;} AliESD* event = new AliESD; TTree* tree = (TTree*) ef->Get("esdTree"); if (!tree) {cerr<<"no ESD tree found\n"; return 1;}; tree->SetBranchAddress("ESD", &event); TFile *itsf=TFile::Open("AliESDits.root","RECREATE"); if ((!itsf)||(!itsf->IsOpen())) { cerr<<"Can't AliESDits.root !\n"; return 1; } Int_t rc=0; if (nev>rl->GetNumberOfEvents()) nev=rl->GetNumberOfEvents(); //The loop over events for (Int_t i=0; i<nev; i++) { cerr<<"\n\nProcessing event number : "<<i<<endl; tree->GetEvent(i); rl->GetEvent(i); TArrayF v(3); rl->GetHeader()->GenEventHeader()->PrimaryVertex(v); Double_t vtx[3]={v[0],v[1],v[2]}; Double_t cvtx[3]={0.005,0.005,0.010}; cout<<"MC vertex position: "<<v[2]<<endl; AliHLTITSVertexerZ vertexer("null"); AliESDVertex* vertex = NULL; TStopwatch timer2; timer2.Start(); TTree* treeClusters = itsl->TreeR(); // vertex = vertexer.FindVertexForCurrentEvent(i); // AliESDVertex *vertex = vertexer.FindVertexForCurrentEvent(geom,treeClusters); vertex = new AliESDVertex(vtx,cvtx); timer2.Stop(); timer2.Print(); if(!vertex){ cerr<<"Vertex not found"<<endl; vertex = new AliESDVertex(vtx,cvtx); } else { vertex->SetTruePos(vtx); // store also the vertex from MC } event->SetVertex(vertex); Double_t vtxPos[3]; Double_t vtxErr[3]; vertex->GetXYZ(vtxPos); vertex->GetSigmaXYZ(vtxErr); itsTracker.SetVertex(vtxPos,vtxErr); TTree *itsTree=itsl->TreeR(); if (!itsTree) { cerr<<"Can't get the ITS cluster tree !\n"; return 4; } itsTracker.LoadClusters(itsTree); rc+=itsTracker.Clusters2Tracks(event); // rc+=itsTracker.PropagateBack(event); itsTracker.UnloadClusters(); if (rc==0) { TTree* tree = new TTree("esdTree", "Tree with ESD objects"); tree->Branch("ESD", "AliESD", &event); tree->Fill(); itsf->cd(); tree->Write(); } if (rc) { cerr<<"Something bad happened...\n"; } } delete event; itsf->Close(); ef->Close(); // delete rl; timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); return rc; }
//_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDdisplayDigits3D(Int_t event = 0, Int_t thresh = 4 , Bool_t sdigits = kFALSE) { // // TRD digits display // // Input parameter: // <event> : Event number // <thresh> : Threshold to suppress the noise // <sdigits> : If kTRUE it will display summable digits, normal digits otherwise. // The signal event is displayed in yellow. // Char_t *inputFile = "galice.root"; // Define the objects AliTRDv1 *trd; AliTRDgeometry *geo; TString evfoldname = AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName(); AliRunLoader *runLoader = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(evfoldname); if (!runLoader) { runLoader = AliRunLoader::Open(inputFile ,AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName() ,"UPDATE"); } if (!runLoader) { printf("Can not open session for file %s.",inputFile); return kFALSE; } if (!runLoader->GetAliRun()) { runLoader->LoadgAlice(); } gAlice = runLoader->GetAliRun(); if (!gAlice) { printf("Could not find AliRun object.\n"); return kFALSE; } runLoader->GetEvent(event); AliLoader *loader = runLoader->GetLoader("TRDLoader"); if (!loader) { printf("Can not get TRD loader from Run Loader"); } loader->LoadDigits(); // Get the pointer to the detector object trd = (AliTRDv1*) gAlice->GetDetector("TRD"); // Get the pointer to the geometry object if (trd) { geo = trd->GetGeometry(); } else { printf("Cannot find the geometry\n"); return 1; } AliCDBManager *cdbManager = AliCDBManager::Instance(); cdbManager->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); AliTRDcalibDB *calibration = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); calibration->SetRun(0); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("digits","TRD digits display",0,0,700,730); TView *v = new TView(1); v->SetRange(-430,-560,-430,430,560,1710); v->SetParallel(); c1->Clear(); c1->SetFillColor(1); c1->SetTheta(90.0); c1->SetPhi(0.0); Int_t markerColorSignal = 2; Int_t markerColorBgnd = 7; Int_t markerColorMerged = 5; Int_t mask = 10000000; // Create the digits manager AliTRDdigitsManager *digitsManager = new AliTRDdigitsManager(); digitsManager->SetSDigits(sdigits); // Read the digits from the file if (sdigits) { digitsManager->ReadDigits(loader->TreeS()); } else { if (!loader->TreeD()) { printf("mist\n"); return kFALSE; } digitsManager->ReadDigits(loader->TreeD()); } Int_t totalsignal = 0; Int_t totalbgnd = 0; Int_t totalmerged = 0; Int_t timeMax = calibration->GetNumberOfTimeBins(); // Loop through all detectors for (Int_t idet = 0; idet < geo->Ndet(); idet++) { printf("<AliTRDdisplayDigits3D> Loading detector %d\n",idet); AliTRDdataArrayI *digits = digitsManager->GetDigits(idet); digits->Expand(); Int_t isec = geo->GetSector(idet); Int_t icha = geo->GetChamber(idet); Int_t ipla = geo->GetPlane(idet); AliTRDpadPlane *padPlane = new AliTRDpadPlane(ipla,icha); Int_t rowMax = padPlane->GetNrows(); Int_t colMax = padPlane->GetNcols(); Int_t ndigits = digits->GetOverThreshold(thresh); if (ndigits > 0) { TPolyMarker3D *pmSignal = new TPolyMarker3D(ndigits); Int_t isignal = 0; for (Int_t time = 0; time < timeMax; time++) { for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) { for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) { Int_t amp = digits->GetDataUnchecked(row,col,time); if (amp > thresh) { Double_t glb[3]; Double_t loc[3]; loc[0] = row; loc[1] = col; loc[2] = time; geo->Local2Global(idet,loc,glb); Double_t x = glb[0]; Double_t y = glb[1]; Double_t z = glb[2]; pmSignal->SetPoint(isignal,x,y,z); isignal++; totalsignal++; } } } } digits->Compress(1,0); pmSignal->SetMarkerSize(1); pmSignal->SetMarkerColor(markerColorSignal); pmSignal->SetMarkerStyle(1); pmSignal->Draw(); } } delete padPlane; TGeometry *geoAlice = gAlice->GetGeometry(); TNode *main = (TNode *) ((geoAlice->GetListOfNodes())->First()); TIter next(main->GetListOfNodes()); TNode *module = 0; while ((module = (TNode *) next())) { Char_t ch[100]; sprintf(ch,"%s\n",module->GetTitle()); if ((ch[0] == 'T') && ((ch[1] == 'R') || (ch[1] == 'P'))) { module->SetVisibility( 3); } else { module->SetVisibility(-1); } } geoAlice->Draw("same"); c1->Modified(); c1->Update(); return 0; }
void TestEMCALSDigit() { // Getting EMCAL Detector and Geometry. AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root",AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName(),"read"); if (rl == 0x0) cout<<"Can not instatiate the Run Loader"<<endl; rl->LoadgAlice();//Needed to get geometry AliEMCALLoader *emcalLoader = dynamic_cast<AliEMCALLoader*> (rl->GetDetectorLoader("EMCAL")); TGeoManager::Import("geometry.root"); AliRun * alirun = rl->GetAliRun(); // Needed to get Geometry AliEMCALGeometry * geom ; if(alirun){ AliEMCAL * emcal = (AliEMCAL*)alirun->GetDetector("EMCAL"); geom = emcal->GetGeometry(); } if (geom == 0) cout<<"Did not get geometry from EMCALLoader"<<endl; else geom->PrintGeometry(); //Load Digits rl->LoadSDigits("EMCAL"); //Get maximum number of events Int_t maxevent = rl->GetNumberOfEvents(); cout<<"Number of events "<<maxevent<<endl; //maxevent = 10 ; Int_t iEvent = -1 ; Float_t amp = -1 ; Float_t time = -1 ; Int_t id = -1 ; Int_t iSupMod = 0 ; Int_t iTower = 0 ; Int_t iIphi = 0 ; Int_t iIeta = 0 ; Int_t iphi = 0 ; Int_t ieta = 0 ; AliEMCALDigit * dig; for ( iEvent=0; iEvent<maxevent; iEvent++) { cout << " ======> Event " << iEvent << endl ; //Load Event rl->GetEvent(iEvent); //Fill array of digits TClonesArray *digits = emcalLoader->SDigits(); //Get digits from the list for(Int_t idig = 0; idig< digits->GetEntries();idig++){ //cout<<">> idig "<<idig<<endl; dig = static_cast<AliEMCALDigit *>(digits->At(idig)) ; if(dig != 0){ id = dig->GetId() ; //cell (digit) label amp = dig->GetAmplitude(); //amplitude in cell (digit) time = dig->GetTime();//time of creation of digit after collision cout<<"Cell ID "<<id<<" Amp "<<amp<<endl;//" time "<<time<<endl; //Geometry methods if(geom){ geom->GetCellIndex(id,iSupMod,iTower,iIphi,iIeta); //Gives SuperModule and Tower numbers geom->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(iSupMod,iTower, iIphi, iIeta,iphi,ieta); //Gives label of cell in eta-phi position per each supermodule cout<< "SModule "<<iSupMod<<"; Tower "<<iTower <<"; Eta "<<iIeta <<"; Phi "<<iIphi<<"; Cell Eta "<<ieta<<"; Cell Phi "<<iphi<<endl; } } else cout<<"Digit pointer 0x0"<<endl; } } }
void compClusHitsMod2(int nev=-1) { const int kSplit=0x1<<22; const int kSplCheck=0x1<<23; // gSystem->Load("libITSUpgradeBase"); gSystem->Load("libITSUpgradeSim"); gSystem->Load("libITSUpgradeRec"); gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); man->SetSpecificStorage("GRP/GRP/Data", Form("local://%s",gSystem->pwd())); man->SetSpecificStorage("ITS/Align/Data", Form("local://%s",gSystem->pwd())); man->SetSpecificStorage("ITS/Calib/RecoParam", Form("local://%s",gSystem->pwd())); man->SetRun(0); TH1F* hL0A = new TH1F("hL0A", "Layer 0, polar angle", 20, 0, TMath::PiOver2()); hL0A->SetDirectory(0); hL0A->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#alpha"); TH1F* hL0B = new TH1F("hL0B", "Layer 0, azimuthal angle", 20, 0, TMath::PiOver2()); hL0B->SetDirectory(0); hL0B->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#beta"); TH1F* hL1A = new TH1F("hL1A", "Layer 1, polar angle", 20, 0, TMath::PiOver2()); hL1A->SetDirectory(0); hL1A->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#alpha"); TH1F* hL1B = new TH1F("hL1B", "Layer 1, azimuthal angle", 20, 0, TMath::PiOver2()); hL1B->SetDirectory(0); hL1B->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#beta"); TH1F* hL2A = new TH1F("hL2A", "Layer 2, polar angle", 20, 0, TMath::PiOver2()); hL2A->SetDirectory(0); hL2A->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#alpha"); TH1F* hL2B = new TH1F("hL2B", "Layer 2, azimuthal angle", 20, 0, TMath::PiOver2()); hL2B->SetDirectory(0); hL2B->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#beta"); TH1F* hL3A = new TH1F("hL3A", "Layer 3, polar angle", 20, 0, TMath::PiOver2()); hL3A->SetDirectory(0); hL3A->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#alpha"); TH1F* hL3B = new TH1F("hL3B", "Layer 3, azimuthal angle", 20, 0, TMath::PiOver2()); hL3B->SetDirectory(0); hL3B->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#beta"); TH1F* hL4A = new TH1F("hL4A", "Layer 4, polar angle", 20, 0, TMath::PiOver2()); hL4A->SetDirectory(0); hL4A->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#alpha"); TH1F* hL4B = new TH1F("hL4B", "Layer 4, azimuthal angle", 20, 0, TMath::PiOver2()); hL4B->SetDirectory(0); hL4B->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#beta"); TH1F* hL5A = new TH1F("hL5A", "Layer 5, polar angle", 20, 0, TMath::PiOver2()); hL5A->SetDirectory(0); hL5A->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#alpha"); TH1F* hL5B = new TH1F("hL5B", "Layer 5, azimuthal angle", 20, 0, TMath::PiOver2()); hL5B->SetDirectory(0); hL5B->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#beta"); TH1F* hL6A = new TH1F("hL6A", "Layer 6, polar angle", 20, 0, TMath::PiOver2()); hL6A->SetDirectory(0); hL6A->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#alpha"); TH1F* hL6B = new TH1F("hL6B", "Layer 6, azimuthal angle", 20, 0, TMath::PiOver2()); hL6B->SetDirectory(0); hL6B->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#beta"); gAlice=NULL; AliRunLoader* runLoader = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root"); runLoader->LoadgAlice(); gAlice = runLoader->GetAliRun(); runLoader->LoadHeader(); runLoader->LoadKinematics(); runLoader->LoadRecPoints(); runLoader->LoadSDigits(); runLoader->LoadHits(); AliLoader *dl = runLoader->GetDetectorLoader("ITS"); AliGeomManager::LoadGeometry("geometry.root"); TObjArray algITS; AliGeomManager::LoadAlignObjsFromCDBSingleDet("ITS",algITS); AliGeomManager::ApplyAlignObjsToGeom(algITS); // AliITSUGeomTGeo* gm = new AliITSUGeomTGeo(kTRUE); AliITSMFTClusterPix::SetGeom(gm); // AliITSURecoDet *its = new AliITSURecoDet(gm, "ITSinterface"); its->CreateClusterArrays(); // Double_t xg1,yg1,zg1=0.,xg0,yg0,zg0=0.,tg0; Double_t xExit,yExit,zExit,xEnt,yEnt,zEnt,tof1; // TTree *cluTree = 0x0; TTree *hitTree = 0x0; TClonesArray *hitList=new TClonesArray("AliITSMFTHit"); // Float_t xyzClGloF[3]; Double_t xyzClGlo[3],xyzClTr[3]; Int_t labels[3]; int nLab = 0; int nlr=its->GetNLayersActive(); int ntotev = (Int_t)runLoader->GetNumberOfEvents(); printf("N Events : %i \n",ntotev); if (nev>0) ntotev = TMath::Min(nev,ntotev); // // output tree TFile* flOut = TFile::Open("clInfo.root","recreate"); TTree* trOut = new TTree("clitsu","clitsu"); clSumm cSum; trOut->Branch("evID", &cSum.evID ,"evID/I"); trOut->Branch("volID",&cSum.volID,"volID/I"); trOut->Branch("lrID", &cSum.lrID ,"lrID/I"); trOut->Branch("clID", &cSum.clID ,"clID/I"); trOut->Branch("nPix", &cSum.nPix ,"nPix/I"); trOut->Branch("nX" , &cSum.nX ,"nX/I"); trOut->Branch("nZ" , &cSum.nZ ,"nZ/I"); trOut->Branch("q" , &cSum.q ,"q/I"); trOut->Branch("pt" , & ,"pt/F"); trOut->Branch("eta" ,&cSum.eta ,"eta/F"); trOut->Branch("phi" , &cSum.phi ,"phi/F"); trOut->Branch("xyz",, "xyz[3]/F"); trOut->Branch("dX" , &cSum.dX ,"dX/F"); trOut->Branch("dY" , &cSum.dY ,"dY/F"); trOut->Branch("dZ" , &cSum.dZ ,"dZ/F"); trOut->Branch("split",&cSum.split,"split/O"); trOut->Branch("prim", &cSum.prim, "prim/O"); trOut->Branch("pdg", &cSum.pdg, "pdg/I"); trOut->Branch("ntr", &cSum.ntr, "ntr/I"); trOut->Branch("alpha", &cSum.alpha, "alpha/F"); trOut->Branch("beta", &cSum.beta, "beta/F"); trOut->Branch("nRowPatt", &cSum.nRowPatt, "nRowPatt/I"); trOut->Branch("nColPatt", &cSum.nColPatt, "nColPatt/I"); TopDatabase DB; for (Int_t iEvent = 0; iEvent < ntotev; iEvent++) { printf("\n Event %i \n",iEvent); runLoader->GetEvent(iEvent); AliStack *stack = runLoader->Stack(); cluTree=dl->TreeR(); hitTree=dl->TreeH(); hitTree->SetBranchAddress("ITS",&hitList); // // read clusters for (int ilr=nlr;ilr--;) { TBranch* br = cluTree->GetBranch(Form("ITSRecPoints%d",ilr)); if (!br) {printf("Did not find cluster branch for lr %d\n",ilr); exit(1);} br->SetAddress(its->GetLayerActive(ilr)->GetClustersAddress()); } cluTree->GetEntry(0); its->ProcessClusters(); // // read hits for(Int_t iEnt=0;iEnt<hitTree->GetEntries();iEnt++){//entries loop of the hits hitTree->GetEntry(iEnt); int nh = hitList->GetEntries(); for(Int_t iHit=0; iHit<nh;iHit++){ AliITSMFTHit *pHit = (AliITSMFTHit*)hitList->At(iHit); int mcID = pHit->GetTrack(); //printf("MCid: %d %d %d Ch %d\n",iEnt,iHit, mcID, pHit->GetChip()); TClonesArray* harr = arrMCTracks.GetEntriesFast()>mcID ? (TClonesArray*)arrMCTracks.At(mcID) : 0; if (!harr) { harr = new TClonesArray("AliITSMFTHit"); // 1st encounter of the MC track arrMCTracks.AddAtAndExpand(harr,mcID); } // new ( (*harr)[harr->GetEntriesFast()] ) AliITSMFTHit(*pHit); } } // return; // // compare clusters and hits // printf(" tree entries: %lld\n",cluTree->GetEntries()); // for (int ilr=0;ilr<nlr;ilr++) { AliITSURecoLayer* lr = its->GetLayerActive(ilr); TClonesArray* clr = lr->GetClusters(); int nClu = clr->GetEntries(); //printf("Layer %d : %d clusters\n",ilr,nClu); // for (int icl=0;icl<nClu;icl++) { AliITSMFTClusterPix *cl = (AliITSMFTClusterPix*)clr->At(icl); int modID = cl->GetVolumeId(); //------------ check if this is a split cluster int sInL = modID - gm->GetFirstChipIndex(ilr); if (!cl->TestBit(kSplCheck)) { cl->SetBit(kSplCheck); // check if there is no other cluster with same label on this module AliITSURecoSens* sens = lr->GetSensor(sInL); int nclSn = sens->GetNClusters(); int offs = sens->GetFirstClusterId(); // printf("To check for %d (mod:%d) N=%d from %d\n",icl,modID,nclSn,offs); for (int ics=0;ics<nclSn;ics++) { AliITSMFTClusterPix* clusT = (AliITSMFTClusterPix*)lr->GetCluster(offs+ics); // access to clusters if (clusT==cl) continue; for (int ilb0=0;ilb0<3;ilb0++) { int lb0 = cl->GetLabel(ilb0); if (lb0<=-1) break; for (int ilb1=0;ilb1<3;ilb1++) { int lb1 = clusT->GetLabel(ilb1); if (lb1<=-1) break; if (lb1==lb0) { cl->SetBit(kSplit); clusT->SetBit(kSplit); /* printf("Discard clusters of module %d:\n",modID); cl->Print(); clusT->Print(); */ break; } } } } } //------------ const AliITSMFTSegmentationPix* segm = gm->GetSegmentation(ilr); // cl->GetGlobalXYZ(xyzClGloF); int clsize = cl->GetNPix(); for (int i=3;i--;) xyzClGlo[i] = xyzClGloF[i]; const TGeoHMatrix* mat = gm->GetMatrixSens(modID); if (!mat) {printf("failed to get matrix for module %d\n",cl->GetVolumeId());} mat->MasterToLocal(xyzClGlo,xyzClTr); // int col,row; segm->LocalToDet(xyzClTr[0],xyzClTr[2],row,col); // effective col/row nLab = 0; for (int il=0;il<3;il++) { if (cl->GetLabel(il)>=0) labels[nLab++] = cl->GetLabel(il); else break; } // find hit info for (int il=0;il<nLab;il++) { TClonesArray* htArr = (TClonesArray*)arrMCTracks.At(labels[il]); //printf("check %d/%d LB %d %p\n",il,nLab,labels[il],htArr); if (!htArr) {printf("did not find MChits for label %d ",labels[il]); cl->Print(); continue;} // int nh = htArr->GetEntriesFast(); AliITSMFTHit *pHit=0; for (int ih=nh;ih--;) { AliITSMFTHit* tHit = (AliITSMFTHit*)htArr->At(ih); if (tHit->GetChip()!=modID) continue; pHit = tHit; break; } if (!pHit) { printf("did not find MChit for label %d on module %d ",il,modID); cl->Print(); htArr->Print(); continue; } // pHit->GetPositionG(xg1,yg1,zg1); pHit->GetPositionG0(xg0,yg0,zg0,tg0); // double txyzH[3],gxyzH[3] = { (xg1+xg0)/2, (yg1+yg0)/2, (zg1+zg0)/2 }; mat->MasterToLocal(gxyzH,txyzH); double rcl = TMath::Sqrt(xyzClTr[0]*xyzClTr[0]+xyzClTr[1]*xyzClTr[1]); double rht = TMath::Sqrt(txyzH[0]*txyzH[0]+txyzH[1]*txyzH[1]); // //Angles determination pHit->GetPositionL(xExit,yExit,zExit,gm); pHit->GetPositionL0(xEnt,yEnt,zEnt,tof1,gm); Double_t dirHit[3]={(xExit-xEnt),(yExit-yEnt),(zExit-zEnt)}; /*double PG[3] = {(double)pHit->GetPXG(), (double)pHit->GetPYG(), (double)pHit->GetPZG()}; //Momentum at hit-point in Global Frame double PL[3]; if (TMath::Abs(PG[0])<10e-7 && TMath::Abs(PG[1])<10e-7) { pHit->Dump(); int lb = pHit->GetTrack(); stack->Particle(lb)->Print(); continue; } mat->MasterToLocalVect(PG,PL); //Momentum in local Frame //printf(">> %e %e %e %e %e %e\n",PG[0],PL[0],PG[1],PL[1],PG[2],PL[2]);*/ Double_t alpha1 = TMath::ACos(TMath::Abs(dirHit[1])/TMath::Sqrt(dirHit[0]*dirHit[0]+dirHit[1]*dirHit[1]+dirHit[2]*dirHit[2])); //Polar Angle Float_t alpha2 = (Float_t) alpha1; //convert to float cSum.alpha = alpha2; Double_t beta1; beta1 = TMath::ATan2(dirHit[0],dirHit[2]); //Azimuthal angle, values from -Pi to Pi Float_t beta2 = (Float_t) beta1; cSum.beta = beta2; if(ilr==0){ hL0A->Fill(alpha2); hL0B->Fill(beta2); } if(ilr==1){ hL1A->Fill(alpha2); hL1B->Fill(beta2); } if(ilr==2){ hL2A->Fill(alpha2); hL2B->Fill(beta2); } if(ilr==3){ hL3A->Fill(alpha2); hL3B->Fill(beta2); } if(ilr==4){ hL4A->Fill(alpha2); hL4B->Fill(beta2); } if(ilr==5){ hL5A->Fill(alpha2); hL5B->Fill(beta2); } if(ilr==6){ hL6A->Fill(alpha2); hL6B->Fill(beta2); } GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDR,&histoArr)->Fill((rht-rcl)*1e4); if (cl->TestBit(kSplit)) { if (col%2) GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTXoddSPL,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[0]-xyzClTr[0])*1e4); else GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTXevenSPL,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[0]-xyzClTr[0])*1e4); GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTZSPL,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[2]-xyzClTr[2])*1e4); GetHistoClSize(0,kNPixSPL,&histoArr)->Fill(clsize); } if (col%2) GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTXodd,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[0]-xyzClTr[0])*1e4); else GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTXeven,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[0]-xyzClTr[0])*1e4); GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTZ,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[2]-xyzClTr[2])*1e4); GetHistoClSize(0,kNPixAll,&histoArr)->Fill(clsize); // cSum.evID = iEvent; cSum.volID = cl->GetVolumeId(); cSum.lrID = ilr; cSum.clID = icl; cSum.nPix = cl->GetNPix(); cSum.nX = cl->GetNx(); cSum.nZ = cl->GetNz(); cSum.q = cl->GetQ(); cSum.split = cl->TestBit(kSplit); cSum.dX = (txyzH[0]-xyzClTr[0])*1e4; cSum.dY = (txyzH[1]-xyzClTr[1])*1e4; cSum.dZ = (txyzH[2]-xyzClTr[2])*1e4; cSum.nRowPatt = cl-> GetPatternRowSpan(); cSum.nColPatt = cl-> GetPatternColSpan(); DB.AccountTopology(*cl, cSum.dX, cSum.dZ, cSum.alpha, cSum.beta); GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDR,&histoArr)->Fill((rht-rcl)*1e4); if (cl->TestBit(kSplit)) { if (col%2) GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTXoddSPL,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[0]-xyzClTr[0])*1e4); else GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTXevenSPL,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[0]-xyzClTr[0])*1e4); GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTZSPL,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[2]-xyzClTr[2])*1e4); GetHistoClSize(0,kNPixSPL,&histoArr)->Fill(clsize); } if (col%2) GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTXodd,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[0]-xyzClTr[0])*1e4); else GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTXeven,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[0]-xyzClTr[0])*1e4); GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTZ,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[2]-xyzClTr[2])*1e4); GetHistoClSize(0,kNPixAll,&histoArr)->Fill(clsize); // cSum.evID = iEvent; cSum.volID = cl->GetVolumeId(); cSum.lrID = ilr; cSum.clID = icl; cSum.nPix = cl->GetNPix(); cSum.nX = cl->GetNx(); cSum.nZ = cl->GetNz(); cSum.q = cl->GetQ(); cSum.split = cl->TestBit(kSplit); cSum.dX = (txyzH[0]-xyzClTr[0])*1e4; cSum.dY = (txyzH[1]-xyzClTr[1])*1e4; cSum.dZ = (txyzH[2]-xyzClTr[2])*1e4; cSum.nRowPatt = cl-> GetPatternRowSpan(); cSum.nColPatt = cl-> GetPatternColSpan(); int label = cl->GetLabel(0); TParticle* part = 0; if (label>=0 && (part=stack->Particle(label)) ) { cSum.pdg = part->GetPdgCode(); cSum.eta = part->Eta(); = part->Pt(); cSum.phi = part->Phi(); cSum.prim = stack->IsPhysicalPrimary(label); } cSum.ntr = 0; for (int ilb=0;ilb<3;ilb++) if (cl->GetLabel(ilb)>=0) cSum.ntr++; for (int i=0;i<3;i++)[i] = xyzClGloF[i]; // trOut->Fill(); /* if (clsize==5) { printf("\nL%d(%c) Mod%d, Cl:%d | %+5.1f %+5.1f (%d/%d)|H:%e %e %e | C:%e %e %e\n",ilr,cl->TestBit(kSplit) ? 'S':'N', modID,icl,(txyzH[0]-xyzClTr[0])*1e4,(txyzH[2]-xyzClTr[2])*1e4, row,col, gxyzH[0],gxyzH[1],gxyzH[2],xyzClGlo[0],xyzClGlo[1],xyzClGlo[2]); cl->Print(); pHit->Print(); // double a0,b0,c0,a1,b1,c1,e0; pHit->GetPositionL0(a0,b0,c0,e0); pHit->GetPositionL(a1,b1,c1); float cloc[3]; cl->GetLocalXYZ(cloc); printf("LocH: %e %e %e | %e %e %e\n",a0,b0,c0,a1,b1,c1); printf("LocC: %e %e %e | %e %e %e\n",cloc[0],cloc[1],cloc[2],xyzClTr[0],xyzClTr[1],xyzClTr[2]); } */ // } } } // layerClus.Clear(); // arrMCTracks.Delete(); }//event loop // DB.EndAndSort(); DB.SetThresholdCumulative(0.95); cout << "Over threshold: : "<< DB.GetOverThr()<<endl; DB.Grouping(10,10); DB.PrintDB("Database1.txt"); flOut->cd(); trOut->Write(); delete trOut; flOut->Close(); flOut->Delete(); DrawReport("",&histoArr); TFile* flDB = TFile::Open("TopologyDatabase.root", "recreate"); flDB->WriteObject(&DB,"DB","kSingleKey"); flDB->Close(); delete flDB; TCanvas* cnv123 = new TCanvas("cnv123","cnv123"); cnv123->Divide(1,2); cnv123->Print("anglesdistr.pdf["); cnv123->cd(1); hL0A->Draw(); cnv123->cd(2); hL0B->Draw(); cnv123->Print("anglesdistr.pdf"); cnv123->cd(1); hL1A->Draw(); cnv123->cd(2); hL1B->Draw(); cnv123->Print("anglesdistr.pdf"); cnv123->cd(1); hL2A->Draw(); cnv123->cd(2); hL2B->Draw(); cnv123->Print("anglesdistr.pdf"); cnv123->cd(1); hL3A->Draw(); cnv123->cd(2); hL3B->Draw(); cnv123->Print("anglesdistr.pdf"); cnv123->cd(1); hL4A->Draw(); cnv123->cd(2); hL4B->Draw(); cnv123->Print("anglesdistr.pdf"); cnv123->cd(1); hL5A->Draw(); cnv123->cd(2); hL5B->Draw(); cnv123->Print("anglesdistr.pdf"); cnv123->cd(1); hL6A->Draw(); cnv123->cd(2); hL6B->Draw(); cnv123->Print("anglesdistr.pdf"); cnv123->Print("anglesdistr.pdf]"); // }
Int_t TOFquickanal(Int_t eventNumber = 0) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This macro is a small example of a ROOT macro // illustrating how to read the output of GALICE // and fill some histograms concerning the TOF Hit Tree. // // Root > .L TOFquickanal.C //this loads the macro in memory // Root > TOFquickanal(); //by default process first event // Root > TOFquickanal(2); //process third event //Begin_Html /* <img src="picts/TOFquickanal.gif"> */ //End_Html // // Author: F. Pierella , Bologna University 12-04-2001 // Updated to the new I/O by: A. De Caro, C. Zampolli ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dynamically link some shared libs if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) { gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C"); loadlibs(); } Int_t rc = 0; AliRunLoader *rl =AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root",AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName(),"update"); if (!rl) { cerr << "Can't load RunLoader from file!\n"; rc = 1; return rc; } rl->LoadgAlice(); gAlice=rl->GetAliRun(); if (!gAlice) { cerr << "<TOFquickanal> AliRun object not found on file \n"; rc = 2; return rc; } // Get the pointer to the TOF detector AliLoader *tofl = rl->GetLoader("TOFLoader"); AliTOF * tof = (AliTOF*) gAlice->GetDetector("TOF"); if (tof == 0x0 || tofl == 0x0) { cerr << "<TOFquickanal> Can not find TOF or TOFLoader\n"; rc = 3; return rc; } //=======> Create histograms //---> Time of Flight for Primary Particles (ns) TH1F *htofprim = new TH1F("htofprim","Time of Flight for Primary Particles",100,0.,100.); //--->Time of Flight for Secondary Particles (ns) TH1F *htofsec = new TH1F("htofsec","Time of Flight for Secondary Particles",100,0.,100.); //---> r (radius) coordinate of production in the ALICE frame for secondary particles that produce at // least one TOF-hit (cm) - cylindrical coordinate system assumed, primary plus secondary- TH1F *hradius = new TH1F("hradius","r (radius) coordinate at the production vertex for secondary particles with at least one TOF-Hit",50,0.,500.); //---> Momentum of primary particles that produce (at least) one TOF-hit when the hit // is produced (Gev/c) TH1F *htofmom = new TH1F("htofmom","Momentum of primary particles when the Hit is produced",50,0.,5.); //---> Momentum of primary particles that produce (at least) one TOF-hit at the production vertex // (Gev/c) TH1F *hprodmom = new TH1F("hprodmom","Momentum of primary particles (with at least one TOF hit) at the production ",50,0.,5.); //---> Theta of production for primary particles that produce (at least) one TOF-hit (deg) TH1F *hprodthe = new TH1F("hprodthe","Theta of primary particles (with at least one TOF hit) at the production ",90,0.,180.); //---> Phi of production for primary particles that produce (at least) one TOF-hit (deg) TH1F *hprodphi = new TH1F("hprodphi","Phi of primary particles (with at least one TOF hit) at the production ",180,-180.,180.); //---> z Coordinate of the TOF Hit (z beam axis) - primary plus secondary - (cm) TH1F *hzcoor = new TH1F("hzcoor","z Coordinate of the TOF Hit",800,-400.,400.); //---> Incidence Angle of the particle on the pad (or strip) (deg) - primary plus secondary - TH1F *hincangle = new TH1F("hincangle","Incidence Angle of the particle on the strip",90,0.,180.); printf ("Processing event %d \n", eventNumber); rl->GetEvent(eventNumber); // Get pointers to Alice detectors and Hits containers tofl->LoadHits(); TTree *TH = tofl->TreeH(); tof->SetTreeAddress(); if (!TH) { cout << "<TOFquickanal> No hit tree found" << endl; rc = 4; return rc; } // Import the Kine Tree for the event eventNumber in the file rl->LoadHeader(); rl->LoadKinematics(); //AliStack * stack = rl->Stack(); Int_t ntracks = TH->GetEntries(); cout<<" ntracks = "<<ntracks<<endl; AliTOFhitT0 *tofHit; // Start loop on tracks in the hits containers for (Int_t track=0; track<ntracks;track++) { tof->ResetHits(); TH->GetEvent(track); for(tofHit=(AliTOFhitT0*)tof->FirstHit(track); tofHit; tofHit=(AliTOFhitT0*)tof->NextHit()) { Float_t toflight = tofHit->GetTof(); toflight *= 1.E+09; // conversion from s to ns Double_t tofmom = tofHit->GetMom(); Int_t ipart = tofHit->Track(); TParticle *particle = gAlice->Particle(ipart); if (particle->GetFirstMother() < 0) { htofprim->Fill(toflight); htofmom->Fill(tofmom); } else { htofsec->Fill(toflight); } Double_t zcoor = tofHit->Z(); hzcoor->Fill(zcoor); Double_t incangle = tofHit->GetIncA(); hincangle->Fill(incangle); Double_t xcoor = particle->Vx(); Double_t ycoor = particle->Vy(); Double_t radius = TMath::Sqrt(xcoor*xcoor+ycoor*ycoor); if (particle->GetFirstMother() >= 0) hradius->Fill(radius); Double_t prodmom = particle->P(); if (prodmom!=0.) { Double_t dummy = (particle->Pz())/prodmom; Double_t prodthe = TMath::ACos(dummy); prodthe *= 57.29578; // conversion from rad to deg if (particle->GetFirstMother() < 0) hprodthe->Fill(prodthe); } // theta at production vertex if (particle->GetFirstMother() < 0) { hprodmom->Fill(prodmom); Double_t dummypx = particle->Px(); Double_t dummypy = particle->Py(); Double_t prodphi = TMath::ATan2(dummypy,dummypx); prodphi *= 57.29578; // conversion from rad to deg hprodphi->Fill(prodphi); } // phi at production vertex } // close loop on TOF-hits } // close loop on tracks in the hits containers //Create canvas, set the view range, show histograms TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Alice TOF hits quick analysis",400,10,600,700); c1->cd(); hprodmom->Draw(); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","Alice TOF hits quick analysis",400,10,600,700); c2->cd(); hprodthe->Draw(); TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3","Alice TOF hits quick analysis",400,10,600,700); c3->cd(); hprodphi->Draw(); TCanvas *c4 = new TCanvas("c4","Alice TOF hits quick analysis",400,10,600,700); c4->cd(); hzcoor->Draw(); TCanvas *c5 = new TCanvas("c5","Alice TOF hits quick analysis",400,10,600,700); c5->cd(); hradius->Draw(); TCanvas *c6 = new TCanvas("c6","Alice TOF hits quick analysis",400,10,600,700); c6->cd(); htofprim->Draw(); TCanvas *c7 = new TCanvas("c7","Alice TOF hits quick analysis",400,10,600,700); c7->cd(); htofsec->Draw(); TCanvas *c8 = new TCanvas("c8","Alice TOF hits quick analysis",400,10,600,700); c8->cd(); htofmom->Draw(); TCanvas *c9 = new TCanvas("c9","Alice TOF hits quick analysis",400,10,600,700); c9->cd(); hincangle->Draw(); //tofl->UnloadHits(); //rl->UnloadHeader(); //rl->UnloadgAlice(); //rl->UnloadKinematics(); return rc; }
Int_t AliITSHits2SDigits(TString filename = "galice.root") { // Standard ITS Hits to SDigits. // Dynamically link some shared libs if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) { gROOT->ProcessLine(".x $(ALICE_ROOT)/macros/loadlibs.C"); }else if (gAlice){ delete AliRunLoader::Instance(); delete gAlice; gAlice=0; } // Connect the Root Galice file containing Geometry, Kine and Hits AliRunLoader* rl = AliRunLoader::Open(filename); if (rl == 0x0) { cerr<<"AliITSHits2SDigits.C : Can not open session RL=NULL" << endl; return 3; } Int_t retval = rl->LoadgAlice(); if (retval) { cerr<<"AliITSHits2SDigits.C : LoadgAlice returned error" << endl; return 3; } gAlice=rl->GetAliRun(); AliITSLoader* gime = (AliITSLoader*) rl->GetLoader("ITSLoader"); if (gime == 0x0) { cerr<<"AliITSHits2SDigits.C : can not get ITS loader" << endl; } AliITS *ITS = (AliITS*)gAlice->GetDetector("ITS"); if (!ITS) { cerr<<"AliITSHits2SDigits.C : AliITS object not found on file" << endl; return 3; } // end if !ITS if(!(ITS->GetITSgeom())){ cerr << " AliITSgeom not found. Can't digitize without it." << endl; return 4; } // end if TStopwatch timer; Int_t evNumber1 = 0; Int_t evNumber2 = AliRunLoader::GetNumberOfEvents(); timer.Start(); retval = gime->LoadHits(); if (retval) { cerr<<"AliITSHits2SDigits.C : ITSLoader::LoadHits returned error" << endl; return 3; } retval = gime->LoadSDigits("recreate"); if (retval) { cerr<<"AliITSHits2SDigits.C : ITSLoader::LoadSDigits returned error" << endl; return 3; } for(Int_t event = evNumber1; event < evNumber2; event++){ rl->GetEvent(event); if(!gime->TreeS()){ cout << "Having to create the SDigits Tree." << endl; gime->MakeTree("S"); } // end ITS->MakeBranch("S"); ITS->SetTreeAddress(); cout<<"Making ITS SDigits for event "<<event<<endl; ITS->Hits2SDigits(); } // end for event timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); delete rl; // sdigfile is closed by deleting gAlice if != hitfile. return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { TApplication theApp(srcName.Data(), &argc, argv); //============================================================================= for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) cout << i << ", " << argv[i] << endl; //============================================================================= if (argc<5) return -1; TString sPath = argv[1]; if (sPath.IsNull()) return -1; TString sFile = argv[2]; if (sFile.IsNull()) return -1; TString sJetR = argv[3]; if (sJetR.IsNull()) return -1; TString sSjeR = argv[4]; if (sSjeR.IsNull()) return -1; //============================================================================= sPath.ReplaceAll("#", "/"); //============================================================================= double dJetR = -1.; if (sJetR=="JetR02") dJetR = 0.2; if (sJetR=="JetR03") dJetR = 0.3; if (sJetR=="JetR04") dJetR = 0.4; if (sJetR=="JetR05") dJetR = 0.5; if (dJetR<0.) return -1; cout << "Jet R = " << dJetR << endl; //============================================================================= double dSjeR = -1.; if (sSjeR=="SjeR01") dSjeR = 0.1; if (sSjeR=="SjeR02") dSjeR = 0.2; if (sSjeR=="SjeR03") dSjeR = 0.3; if (sSjeR=="SjeR04") dSjeR = 0.4; if (dSjeR<0.) return -1; cout << "Sub-jet R = " << dSjeR << endl; //============================================================================= const double dJetsPtMin = 0.001; const double dCutEtaMax = 1.6; const double dJetEtaMax = 1.; const double dJetAreaRef = TMath::Pi() * dJetR * dJetR; fastjet::GhostedAreaSpec areaSpc(dCutEtaMax); fastjet::JetDefinition jetsDef(fastjet::antikt_algorithm, dJetR, fastjet::BIpt_scheme, fastjet::Best); //fastjet::AreaDefinition areaDef(fastjet::active_area,areaSpc); fastjet::AreaDefinition areaDef(fastjet::active_area_explicit_ghosts,areaSpc); //fastjet::JetDefinition bkgsDef(fastjet::kt_algorithm, 0.2, fastjet::BIpt_scheme, fastjet::Best); //fastjet::AreaDefinition aBkgDef(fastjet::active_area_explicit_ghosts, areaSpc); fastjet::Selector selectJet = fastjet::SelectorAbsEtaMax(dJetEtaMax); //fastjet::Selector selectRho = fastjet::SelectorAbsEtaMax(dCutEtaMax-0.2); //fastjet::Selector selecHard = fastjet::SelectorNHardest(2); //fastjet::Selector selectBkg = selectRho * (!(selecHard)); //fastjet::JetMedianBackgroundEstimator bkgsEstimator(selectBkg, bkgsDef, aBkgDef); //fastjet::Subtractor bkgSubtractor(&bkgsEstimator); fastjet::JetDefinition subjDef(fastjet::antikt_algorithm, dSjeR, fastjet::BIpt_scheme, fastjet::Best); //============================================================================= std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> fjInput; //============================================================================= TList *list = new TList(); TH1D *hPtHat = new TH1D("hPtHat", "", 1000, 0., 1000.); TH1D *hJet = new TH1D("hJet", "", 1000, 0., 1000.); hJet->Sumw2(); list->Add(hJet); TH2D *hJetNsj = new TH2D("hJetNsj", "", 1000, 0., 1000., 101, -0.5, 100.5); hJetNsj->Sumw2(); list->Add(hJetNsj); TH2D *hJetIsj = new TH2D("hJetIsj", "", 1000, 0., 1000., 1000, 0., 1000.); hJetIsj->Sumw2(); list->Add(hJetIsj); TH2D *hJet1sj = new TH2D("hJet1sj", "", 1000, 0., 1000., 1000, 0., 1000.); hJet1sj->Sumw2(); list->Add(hJet1sj); TH2D *hJet2sj = new TH2D("hJet2sj", "", 1000, 0., 1000., 1000, 0., 1000.); hJet2sj->Sumw2(); list->Add(hJet2sj); TH2D *hJetDsj = new TH2D("hJetDsj", "", 1000, 0., 1000., 1000, 0., 1000.); hJetDsj->Sumw2(); list->Add(hJetDsj); TH2D *hJetIsz = new TH2D("hJetIsz", "", 1000, 0., 1000., 120, 0., 1.2); hJetIsz->Sumw2(); list->Add(hJetIsz); TH2D *hJet1sz = new TH2D("hJet1sz", "", 1000, 0., 1000., 120, 0., 1.2); hJet1sz->Sumw2(); list->Add(hJet1sz); TH2D *hJet2sz = new TH2D("hJet2sz", "", 1000, 0., 1000., 120, 0., 1.2); hJet2sz->Sumw2(); list->Add(hJet2sz); TH2D *hJetDsz = new TH2D("hJetDsz", "", 1000, 0., 1000., 120, 0., 1.2); hJetDsz->Sumw2(); list->Add(hJetDsz); //============================================================================= AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open(Form("%s/galice.root",sPath.Data())); if (!rl) return -1; if (rl->LoadHeader()) return -1; if (rl->LoadKinematics("READ")) return -1; //============================================================================= for (Int_t iEvent=0; iEvent<rl->GetNumberOfEvents(); iEvent++) { fjInput.resize(0); if (rl->GetEvent(iEvent)) continue; //============================================================================= AliStack *pStack = rl->Stack(); if (!pStack) continue; AliHeader *pHeader = rl->GetHeader(); if (!pHeader) continue; //============================================================================= AliGenPythiaEventHeader *pHeadPy = (AliGenPythiaEventHeader*)pHeader->GenEventHeader(); if (!pHeadPy) continue; hPtHat->Fill(pHeadPy->GetPtHard()); //============================================================================= for (Int_t i=0; i<pStack->GetNtrack(); i++) if (pStack->IsPhysicalPrimary(i)) { TParticle *pTrk = pStack->Particle(i); if (!pTrk) continue; if (TMath::Abs(pTrk->Eta())>dCutEtaMax) { pTrk = 0; continue; } // TParticlePDG *pPDG = pTrk->GetPDG(); if (!pPDG) { pTrk = 0; continue; } fjInput.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(pTrk->Px(), pTrk->Py(), pTrk->Pz(), pTrk->P())); // pPDG = 0; pTrk = 0; } //============================================================================= fastjet::ClusterSequenceArea clustSeq(fjInput, jetsDef, areaDef); std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> includJets = clustSeq.inclusive_jets(dJetsPtMin); // std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> subtedJets = bkgSubtractor(includJets); std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> selectJets = selectJet(includJets); // std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> sortedJets = fastjet::sorted_by_pt(selectJets); for (int j=0; j<selectJets.size(); j++) { double dJet = selectJets[j].pt(); hJet->Fill(dJet); //============================================================================= fastjet::Filter trimmer(subjDef, fastjet::SelectorPtFractionMin(0.)); fastjet::PseudoJet trimmdJet = trimmer(selectJets[j]); std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> trimmdSj = trimmdJet.pieces(); double nIsj = 0.; double d1sj = -1.; int k1sj = -1; double d2sj = -1.; int k2sj = -1; for (int i=0; i<trimmdSj.size(); i++) { double dIsj = trimmdSj[i].pt(); if (dIsj<0.001) continue; hJetIsj->Fill(dJet, dIsj); hJetIsz->Fill(dJet, dIsj/dJet); if (dIsj>d1sj) { d2sj = d1sj; k2sj = k1sj; d1sj = dIsj; k1sj = i; } else if (dIsj>d2sj) { d2sj = dIsj; k2sj = i; } nIsj += 1.; } hJetNsj->Fill(dJet, nIsj); if (d1sj>0.) { hJet1sj->Fill(dJet, d1sj); hJet1sz->Fill(dJet, d1sj/dJet); } if (d2sj>0.) { hJet2sj->Fill(dJet, d2sj); hJet2sz->Fill(dJet, d2sj/dJet); } if ((d1sj>0.) && (d2sj>0.)) { double dsj = d1sj - d2sj; double dsz = dsj / dJet; hJetDsj->Fill(dJet, dsj); hJetDsz->Fill(dJet, dsz); } } //============================================================================= pStack = 0; pHeadPy = 0; pHeader = 0; } //============================================================================= rl->UnloadgAlice(); rl->UnloadHeader(); rl->UnloadKinematics(); rl->RemoveEventFolder(); //============================================================================= TFile *file = TFile::Open(Form("%s/pyxsec_hists.root",sPath.Data()), "READ"); TList *lXsc = (TList*)file->Get("cFilterList"); file->Close(); TH1D *hWeightSum = (TH1D*)lXsc->FindObject("h1Trials"); hWeightSum->SetName("hWeightSum"); TProfile *hSigmaGen = (TProfile*)lXsc->FindObject("h1Xsec"); hSigmaGen->SetName("hSigmaGen"); //============================================================================= file = TFile::Open(Form("%s.root",sFile.Data()), "NEW"); hPtHat->Write(); hWeightSum->Write(); hSigmaGen->Write(); list->Write(); file->Close(); //============================================================================= cout << "DONE" << endl; //============================================================================= return 0; }
void MatchComparison() { // // Initialize AliRun manager // // // Initialize run loader and load Kinematics // AliRunLoader *runLoader = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root"); if (!runLoader) return; runLoader->LoadgAlice(); gAlice = runLoader->GetAliRun(); runLoader->LoadKinematics(); // // Initialize histograms with their error computation // TH1D *hgood = new TH1D("hgood", "Well matched tracks", 40, 0.0, 40.0); TH1D *hfake = new TH1D("hfake", "Fake matched tracks", 40, 0.0, 40.0); TH1D *htrue = new TH1D("htrue", "True matches" , 40, 0.0, 40.0); TH1D *hfound = new TH1D("hfound","Found matches" , 40, 0.0, 40.0); hgood->Sumw2(); hfake->Sumw2(); htrue->Sumw2(); hfound->Sumw2(); // // Open file containing true matches, // retrieve the Tree and link to a cursor. // TFile *fileTrue = TFile::Open("true-matches.root"); match_t trueMatch; // // Open file of found matches, // link the modified ESD container. // TFile *fileFound = TFile::Open("matchESD.root"); TTree *treeFound = (TTree*)fileFound->Get("esdTree"); AliESDEvent* esd = new AliESDEvent(); esd->ReadFromTree(treeFound); Long64_t nEvents = treeFound->GetEntries(); // // Loop on all events // Int_t im, it, ic, nTrueMatches, nTracks; Int_t label, trkLabel, cluLabel; for (Long64_t iev = 0; iev < nEvents; iev++) { // get true matches tree of given event TTree *treeTrue = (TTree*)fileTrue->Get(Form("tm_%d", iev)); treeTrue->SetBranchAddress("matches", &trueMatch); nTrueMatches = treeTrue->GetEntries(); // set TTree pointers to selected event runLoader->GetEvent(iev); treeFound->GetEntry(iev); AliStack *stack = runLoader->Stack(); nTracks = esd->GetNumberOfTracks(); // read all true pairs for (im = 0; im < nTrueMatches; im++) { treeTrue->GetEntry(im); AliESDtrack *track = esd->GetTrack(trueMatch.indexT); if (!track) continue; label = TMath::Abs(track->GetLabel()); TParticle *p = stack->Particle(label); htrue->Fill(p->Pt()); cout <<"filling true"<< endl; } // compare found matches for (Int_t it = 0; it < nTracks; it++) { AliESDtrack *track = esd->GetTrack(it); ic = track->GetEMCALcluster(); if (ic == AliEMCALTracker::kUnmatched) continue; ic = TMath::Abs(ic); AliESDCaloCluster *cl = esd->GetCaloCluster(ic); if (!cl) continue; if (!cl->IsEMCAL()) continue ; trkLabel = TMath::Abs(track->GetLabel()); cluLabel = cl->GetLabel(); if (trkLabel == cluLabel && trkLabel >= 0) { TParticle *p = stack->Particle(TMath::Abs(trkLabel)); hgood->Fill(p->Pt()); hfound->Fill(p->Pt()); cout <<"filling GOOD, pt:" << p->Pt()<< endl; } else { TParticle *p = stack->Particle(TMath::Abs(trkLabel)); hfake->Fill(p->Pt()); hfound->Fill(p->Pt()); cout <<"filling FAKE" << endl; } } } cout << "True matches : " << htrue->GetEntries() << endl; cout << "Found matches: " << hfound->GetEntries() << endl; cout << "Good matches : " << hgood->GetEntries() << endl; cout << "Fake matches : " << hfake->GetEntries() << endl; TFile *fout = TFile::Open("match-comparison.root", "RECREATE"); hgood->Write(); hfake->Write(); htrue->Write(); hfound->Write(); fout->Close(); }
void MUONTrigger(const char* filename) { // Creating Run Loader and openning file containing Digits AliRunLoader * RunLoader = AliRunLoader::Open(filename,"MUONLoader","UPDATE"); if (RunLoader ==0x0) { printf(">>> Error : Error Opening %s file \n",filename); return; } // Loading AliRun master if (RunLoader->GetAliRun() == 0x0) RunLoader->LoadgAlice(); gAlice = RunLoader->GetAliRun(); // Loading MUON subsystem AliLoader* MUONLoader = RunLoader->GetDetectorLoader("MUON"); MUONLoader->LoadDigits("READ"); MUONLoader->LoadRecPoints("UPDATE"); // absolutely essential !!! // Creating MUONTriggerDecision AliCDBManager* cdbManager = AliCDBManager::Instance(); cdbManager->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); Int_t runnumber = 0; cdbManager->SetRun(runnumber); AliMpCDB::LoadDDLStore(); AliMUONCalibrationData *CalibrationData = new AliMUONCalibrationData(runnumber); AliMUONTriggerElectronics *TriggerProcessor = new AliMUONTriggerElectronics(CalibrationData); Int_t nevents = RunLoader->GetNumberOfEvents(); AliMUONVDigitStore* digitStore=0x0; AliMUONVTriggerStore* triggerStore=0x0; for(Int_t ievent = 0; ievent < nevents; ievent++) { printf(">>> Event %i out of %i \n",ievent,nevents); RunLoader->GetEvent(ievent); MUONLoader->LoadRecPoints("update"); MUONLoader->CleanRecPoints(); MUONLoader->MakeRecPointsContainer(); TTree* clustersTree = MUONLoader->TreeR(); TFile* cfile = clustersTree->GetCurrentFile(); if ( !cfile ) { cout << " could not find Cluster file " << endl; return; } MUONLoader->LoadDigits("read"); TTree* digitsTree = MUONLoader->TreeD(); TFile* dfile = digitsTree->GetCurrentFile(); if ( !dfile ) { cout << " could not find Digit file " << endl; return; } // here start reconstruction if (!digitStore) digitStore = AliMUONVDigitStore::Create(*digitsTree); if (!triggerStore) triggerStore = AliMUONVTriggerStore::Create(*digitsTree); // insure we start with empty stores if ( digitStore ) { digitStore->Clear(); Bool_t alone = ( triggerStore ? kFALSE : kTRUE ); Bool_t ok = digitStore->Connect(*digitsTree,alone); if (!ok) { cerr << "Could not connect digitStore to digitsTree \n"; return; } } else { cerr << "digitStore does not exist " << "\n"; return; } digitsTree->GetEvent(0); // process trigger response TriggerProcessor->Digits2Trigger(*digitStore,*triggerStore); //triggerStore->Print(); Bool_t ok(kFALSE); if ( triggerStore ) { ok = triggerStore->Connect(*clustersTree,kTRUE); if (!ok) { cerr << "Could not create triggerStore branches in TreeR " << "\n"; return; } } else { cerr << "triggerStore does not exist " << "\n"; return; } // fill TreeR clustersTree->Fill(); MUONLoader->UnloadDigits(); MUONLoader->WriteRecPoints("OVERWRITE"); MUONLoader->UnloadRecPoints(); } // loop on events }
Bool_t CheckESD(const char* gAliceFileName = "galice.root", const char* esdFileName = "AliESDs.root") { // open run loader and load gAlice, kinematics and header AliRunLoader* runLoader = AliRunLoader::Open(gAliceFileName); if (!runLoader) { Error("CheckESD", "getting run loader from file %s failed", gAliceFileName); return kFALSE; } runLoader->LoadgAlice(); gAlice = runLoader->GetAliRun(); if (!gAlice) { Error("CheckESD", "no galice object found"); return kFALSE; } runLoader->LoadKinematics(); runLoader->LoadHeader(); // open the ESD file TFile* esdFile = TFile::Open(esdFileName); if (!esdFile || !esdFile->IsOpen()) { Error("CheckESD", "opening ESD file %s failed", esdFileName); return kFALSE; } AliESDEvent * esd = new AliESDEvent; TTree* tree = (TTree*) esdFile->Get("esdTree"); if (!tree) { Error("CheckESD", "no ESD tree found"); return kFALSE; } esd->ReadFromTree(tree); // loop over events for (Int_t iEvent = 0; iEvent < runLoader->GetNumberOfEvents(); iEvent++) { runLoader->GetEvent(iEvent); // get the event summary data tree->GetEvent(iEvent); if (!esd) { Error("CheckESD", "no ESD object found for event %d", iEvent); return kFALSE; } } // write the output histograms to a file TFile* outputFile = TFile::Open("check.root", "recreate"); if (!outputFile || !outputFile->IsOpen()) { Error("CheckESD", "opening output file check.root failed"); return kFALSE; } outputFile->Close(); delete outputFile; delete esd; esdFile->Close(); delete esdFile; runLoader->UnloadHeader(); runLoader->UnloadKinematics(); delete runLoader; // result of check Info("CheckESD", "check of ESD was successfull"); return kTRUE; }
Bool_t CheckESD(const char* gAliceFileName = "galice.root", const char* esdFileName = "AliESDs.root") { // check the content of the ESD // check values Int_t checkNGenLow = 1; Double_t checkEffLow = 0.5; Double_t checkEffSigma = 3; Double_t checkFakeHigh = 0.5; Double_t checkFakeSigma = 3; Double_t checkResPtInvHigh = 5; Double_t checkResPtInvSigma = 3; Double_t checkResPhiHigh = 10; Double_t checkResPhiSigma = 3; Double_t checkResThetaHigh = 10; Double_t checkResThetaSigma = 3; Double_t checkPIDEffLow = 0.5; Double_t checkPIDEffSigma = 3; Double_t checkResTOFHigh = 500; Double_t checkResTOFSigma = 3; Double_t checkPHOSNLow = 5; Double_t checkPHOSEnergyLow = 0.3; Double_t checkPHOSEnergyHigh = 1.0; Double_t checkEMCALNLow = 50; Double_t checkEMCALEnergyLow = 0.05; Double_t checkEMCALEnergyHigh = 1.0; Double_t checkMUONNLow = 1; Double_t checkMUONPtLow = 0.5; Double_t checkMUONPtHigh = 10.; Double_t cutPtV0 = 0.3; Double_t checkV0EffLow = 0.02; Double_t checkV0EffSigma = 3; Double_t cutPtCascade = 0.5; Double_t checkCascadeEffLow = 0.01; Double_t checkCascadeEffSigma = 3; // open run loader and load gAlice, kinematics and header AliRunLoader* runLoader = AliRunLoader::Open(gAliceFileName); if (!runLoader) { Error("CheckESD", "getting run loader from file %s failed", gAliceFileName); return kFALSE; } runLoader->LoadgAlice(); gAlice = runLoader->GetAliRun(); if (!gAlice) { Error("CheckESD", "no galice object found"); return kFALSE; } runLoader->LoadKinematics(); runLoader->LoadHeader(); // open the ESD file TFile* esdFile = TFile::Open(esdFileName); if (!esdFile || !esdFile->IsOpen()) { Error("CheckESD", "opening ESD file %s failed", esdFileName); return kFALSE; } AliESDEvent * esd = new AliESDEvent; TTree* tree = (TTree*) esdFile->Get("esdTree"); if (!tree) { Error("CheckESD", "no ESD tree found"); return kFALSE; } esd->ReadFromTree(tree); // efficiency and resolution histograms Int_t nBinsPt = 15; Float_t minPt = 0.1; Float_t maxPt = 3.1; TH1F* hGen = CreateHisto("hGen", "generated tracks", nBinsPt, minPt, maxPt, "p_{t} [GeV/c]", "N"); TH1F* hRec = CreateHisto("hRec", "reconstructed tracks", nBinsPt, minPt, maxPt, "p_{t} [GeV/c]", "N"); Int_t nGen = 0; Int_t nRec = 0; Int_t nFake = 0; TH1F* hResPtInv = CreateHisto("hResPtInv", "", 100, -10, 10, "(p_{t,rec}^{-1}-p_{t,sim}^{-1}) / p_{t,sim}^{-1} [%]", "N"); TH1F* hResPhi = CreateHisto("hResPhi", "", 100, -20, 20, "#phi_{rec}-#phi_{sim} [mrad]", "N"); TH1F* hResTheta = CreateHisto("hResTheta", "", 100, -20, 20, "#theta_{rec}-#theta_{sim} [mrad]", "N"); // PID Int_t partCode[AliPID::kSPECIES] = {kElectron, kMuonMinus, kPiPlus, kKPlus, kProton}; const char* partName[AliPID::kSPECIES+1] = {"electron", "muon", "pion", "kaon", "proton", "other"}; Double_t partFrac[AliPID::kSPECIES] = {0.01, 0.01, 0.85, 0.10, 0.05}; Int_t identified[AliPID::kSPECIES+1][AliPID::kSPECIES]; for (Int_t iGen = 0; iGen < AliPID::kSPECIES+1; iGen++) { for (Int_t iRec = 0; iRec < AliPID::kSPECIES; iRec++) { identified[iGen][iRec] = 0; } } Int_t nIdentified = 0; // dE/dx and TOF TH2F* hDEdxRight = new TH2F("hDEdxRight", "", 300, 0, 3, 100, 0, 400); hDEdxRight->SetStats(kFALSE); hDEdxRight->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p [GeV/c]"); hDEdxRight->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("dE/dx_{TPC}"); hDEdxRight->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle); hDEdxRight->SetMarkerSize(0.4); TH2F* hDEdxWrong = new TH2F("hDEdxWrong", "", 300, 0, 3, 100, 0, 400); hDEdxWrong->SetStats(kFALSE); hDEdxWrong->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p [GeV/c]"); hDEdxWrong->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("dE/dx_{TPC}"); hDEdxWrong->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle); hDEdxWrong->SetMarkerSize(0.4); hDEdxWrong->SetMarkerColor(kRed); TH1F* hResTOFRight = CreateHisto("hResTOFRight", "", 100, -1000, 1000, "t_{TOF}-t_{track} [ps]", "N"); TH1F* hResTOFWrong = CreateHisto("hResTOFWrong", "", 100, -1000, 1000, "t_{TOF}-t_{track} [ps]", "N"); hResTOFWrong->SetLineColor(kRed); // calorimeters TH1F* hEPHOS = CreateHisto("hEPHOS", "PHOS", 100, 0, 50, "E [GeV]", "N"); TH1F* hEEMCAL = CreateHisto("hEEMCAL", "EMCAL", 100, 0, 50, "E [GeV]", "N"); // muons TH1F* hPtMUON = CreateHisto("hPtMUON", "MUON", 100, 0, 20, "p_{t} [GeV/c]", "N"); // V0s and cascades TH1F* hMassK0 = CreateHisto("hMassK0", "K^{0}", 100, 0.4, 0.6, "M(#pi^{+}#pi^{-}) [GeV/c^{2}]", "N"); TH1F* hMassLambda = CreateHisto("hMassLambda", "#Lambda", 100, 1.0, 1.2, "M(p#pi^{-}) [GeV/c^{2}]", "N"); TH1F* hMassLambdaBar = CreateHisto("hMassLambdaBar", "#bar{#Lambda}", 100, 1.0, 1.2, "M(#bar{p}#pi^{+}) [GeV/c^{2}]", "N"); Int_t nGenV0s = 0; Int_t nRecV0s = 0; TH1F* hMassXi = CreateHisto("hMassXi", "#Xi", 100, 1.2, 1.5, "M(#Lambda#pi) [GeV/c^{2}]", "N"); TH1F* hMassOmega = CreateHisto("hMassOmega", "#Omega", 100, 1.5, 1.8, "M(#LambdaK) [GeV/c^{2}]", "N"); Int_t nGenCascades = 0; Int_t nRecCascades = 0; // loop over events for (Int_t iEvent = 0; iEvent < runLoader->GetNumberOfEvents(); iEvent++) { runLoader->GetEvent(iEvent); // select simulated primary particles, V0s and cascades AliStack* stack = runLoader->Stack(); Int_t nParticles = stack->GetNtrack(); TArrayF vertex(3); runLoader->GetHeader()->GenEventHeader()->PrimaryVertex(vertex); TObjArray selParticles; TObjArray selV0s; TObjArray selCascades; for (Int_t iParticle = 0; iParticle < nParticles; iParticle++) { TParticle* particle = stack->Particle(iParticle); if (!particle) continue; if (particle->Pt() < 0.001) continue; if (TMath::Abs(particle->Eta()) > 0.9) continue; TVector3 dVertex(particle->Vx() - vertex[0], particle->Vy() - vertex[1], particle->Vz() - vertex[2]); if (dVertex.Mag() > 0.0001) continue; switch (TMath::Abs(particle->GetPdgCode())) { case kElectron: case kMuonMinus: case kPiPlus: case kKPlus: case kProton: { if (particle->Pt() > minPt) { selParticles.Add(particle); nGen++; hGen->Fill(particle->Pt()); } break; } case kK0Short: case kLambda0: { if (particle->Pt() > cutPtV0) { nGenV0s++; selV0s.Add(particle); } break; } case kXiMinus: case kOmegaMinus: { if (particle->Pt() > cutPtCascade) { nGenCascades++; selCascades.Add(particle); } break; } default: break; } } // get the event summary data tree->GetEvent(iEvent); if (!esd) { Error("CheckESD", "no ESD object found for event %d", iEvent); return kFALSE; } // loop over tracks for (Int_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < esd->GetNumberOfTracks(); iTrack++) { AliESDtrack* track = esd->GetTrack(iTrack); // select tracks of selected particles Int_t label = TMath::Abs(track->GetLabel()); if (label > stack->GetNtrack()) continue; // background TParticle* particle = stack->Particle(label); if (!selParticles.Contains(particle)) continue; if ((track->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kITSrefit) == 0) continue; if (track->GetConstrainedChi2() > 1e9) continue; selParticles.Remove(particle); // don't count multiple tracks nRec++; hRec->Fill(particle->Pt()); if (track->GetLabel() < 0) nFake++; // resolutions hResPtInv->Fill(100. * (TMath::Abs(track->GetSigned1Pt()) - 1./particle->Pt()) * particle->Pt()); hResPhi->Fill(1000. * (track->Phi() - particle->Phi())); hResTheta->Fill(1000. * (track->Theta() - particle->Theta())); // PID if ((track->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kESDpid) == 0) continue; Int_t iGen = 5; for (Int_t i = 0; i < AliPID::kSPECIES; i++) { if (TMath::Abs(particle->GetPdgCode()) == partCode[i]) iGen = i; } Double_t probability[AliPID::kSPECIES]; track->GetESDpid(probability); Double_t pMax = 0; Int_t iRec = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < AliPID::kSPECIES; i++) { probability[i] *= partFrac[i]; if (probability[i] > pMax) { pMax = probability[i]; iRec = i; } } identified[iGen][iRec]++; if (iGen == iRec) nIdentified++; // dE/dx and TOF Double_t time[AliPID::kSPECIES]; track->GetIntegratedTimes(time); if (iGen == iRec) { hDEdxRight->Fill(particle->P(), track->GetTPCsignal()); if ((track->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTOFpid) != 0) { hResTOFRight->Fill(track->GetTOFsignal() - time[iRec]); } } else { hDEdxWrong->Fill(particle->P(), track->GetTPCsignal()); if ((track->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTOFpid) != 0) { hResTOFWrong->Fill(track->GetTOFsignal() - time[iRec]); } } } // loop over muon tracks { for (Int_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < esd->GetNumberOfMuonTracks(); iTrack++) { AliESDMuonTrack* muonTrack = esd->GetMuonTrack(iTrack); Double_t ptInv = TMath::Abs(muonTrack->GetInverseBendingMomentum()); if (ptInv > 0.001) { hPtMUON->Fill(1./ptInv); } } } // loop over V0s for (Int_t iV0 = 0; iV0 < esd->GetNumberOfV0s(); iV0++) { AliESDv0* v0 = esd->GetV0(iV0); if (v0->GetOnFlyStatus()) continue; v0->ChangeMassHypothesis(kK0Short); hMassK0->Fill(v0->GetEffMass()); v0->ChangeMassHypothesis(kLambda0); hMassLambda->Fill(v0->GetEffMass()); v0->ChangeMassHypothesis(kLambda0Bar); hMassLambdaBar->Fill(v0->GetEffMass()); Int_t negLabel = TMath::Abs(esd->GetTrack(v0->GetNindex())->GetLabel()); if (negLabel > stack->GetNtrack()) continue; // background Int_t negMother = stack->Particle(negLabel)->GetMother(0); if (negMother < 0) continue; Int_t posLabel = TMath::Abs(esd->GetTrack(v0->GetPindex())->GetLabel()); if (posLabel > stack->GetNtrack()) continue; // background Int_t posMother = stack->Particle(posLabel)->GetMother(0); if (negMother != posMother) continue; TParticle* particle = stack->Particle(negMother); if (!selV0s.Contains(particle)) continue; selV0s.Remove(particle); nRecV0s++; } // loop over Cascades for (Int_t iCascade = 0; iCascade < esd->GetNumberOfCascades(); iCascade++) { AliESDcascade* cascade = esd->GetCascade(iCascade); Double_t v0q; cascade->ChangeMassHypothesis(v0q,kXiMinus); hMassXi->Fill(cascade->GetEffMassXi()); cascade->ChangeMassHypothesis(v0q,kOmegaMinus); hMassOmega->Fill(cascade->GetEffMassXi()); Int_t negLabel = TMath::Abs(esd->GetTrack(cascade->GetNindex()) ->GetLabel()); if (negLabel > stack->GetNtrack()) continue; // background Int_t negMother = stack->Particle(negLabel)->GetMother(0); if (negMother < 0) continue; Int_t posLabel = TMath::Abs(esd->GetTrack(cascade->GetPindex()) ->GetLabel()); if (posLabel > stack->GetNtrack()) continue; // background Int_t posMother = stack->Particle(posLabel)->GetMother(0); if (negMother != posMother) continue; Int_t v0Mother = stack->Particle(negMother)->GetMother(0); if (v0Mother < 0) continue; Int_t bacLabel = TMath::Abs(esd->GetTrack(cascade->GetBindex()) ->GetLabel()); if (bacLabel > stack->GetNtrack()) continue; // background Int_t bacMother = stack->Particle(bacLabel)->GetMother(0); if (v0Mother != bacMother) continue; TParticle* particle = stack->Particle(v0Mother); if (!selCascades.Contains(particle)) continue; selCascades.Remove(particle); nRecCascades++; } // loop over the clusters { for (Int_t iCluster=0; iCluster<esd->GetNumberOfCaloClusters(); iCluster++) { AliESDCaloCluster * clust = esd->GetCaloCluster(iCluster); if (clust->IsPHOS()) hEPHOS->Fill(clust->E()); if (clust->IsEMCAL()) hEEMCAL->Fill(clust->E()); } } } // perform checks if (nGen < checkNGenLow) { Warning("CheckESD", "low number of generated particles: %d", Int_t(nGen)); } TH1F* hEff = CreateEffHisto(hGen, hRec); Info("CheckESD", "%d out of %d tracks reconstructed including %d " "fake tracks", nRec, nGen, nFake); if (nGen > 0) { // efficiency Double_t eff = nRec*1./nGen; Double_t effError = TMath::Sqrt(eff*(1.-eff) / nGen); Double_t fake = nFake*1./nGen; Double_t fakeError = TMath::Sqrt(fake*(1.-fake) / nGen); Info("CheckESD", "eff = (%.1f +- %.1f) %% fake = (%.1f +- %.1f) %%", 100.*eff, 100.*effError, 100.*fake, 100.*fakeError); if (eff < checkEffLow - checkEffSigma*effError) { Warning("CheckESD", "low efficiency: (%.1f +- %.1f) %%", 100.*eff, 100.*effError); } if (fake > checkFakeHigh + checkFakeSigma*fakeError) { Warning("CheckESD", "high fake: (%.1f +- %.1f) %%", 100.*fake, 100.*fakeError); } // resolutions Double_t res, resError; if (FitHisto(hResPtInv, res, resError)) { Info("CheckESD", "relative inverse pt resolution = (%.1f +- %.1f) %%", res, resError); if (res > checkResPtInvHigh + checkResPtInvSigma*resError) { Warning("CheckESD", "bad pt resolution: (%.1f +- %.1f) %%", res, resError); } } if (FitHisto(hResPhi, res, resError)) { Info("CheckESD", "phi resolution = (%.1f +- %.1f) mrad", res, resError); if (res > checkResPhiHigh + checkResPhiSigma*resError) { Warning("CheckESD", "bad phi resolution: (%.1f +- %.1f) mrad", res, resError); } } if (FitHisto(hResTheta, res, resError)) { Info("CheckESD", "theta resolution = (%.1f +- %.1f) mrad", res, resError); if (res > checkResThetaHigh + checkResThetaSigma*resError) { Warning("CheckESD", "bad theta resolution: (%.1f +- %.1f) mrad", res, resError); } } // PID if (nRec > 0) { Double_t eff = nIdentified*1./nRec; Double_t effError = TMath::Sqrt(eff*(1.-eff) / nRec); Info("CheckESD", "PID eff = (%.1f +- %.1f) %%", 100.*eff, 100.*effError); if (eff < checkPIDEffLow - checkPIDEffSigma*effError) { Warning("CheckESD", "low PID efficiency: (%.1f +- %.1f) %%", 100.*eff, 100.*effError); } } printf("%9s:", "gen\\rec"); for (Int_t iRec = 0; iRec < AliPID::kSPECIES; iRec++) { printf("%9s", partName[iRec]); } printf("\n"); for (Int_t iGen = 0; iGen < AliPID::kSPECIES+1; iGen++) { printf("%9s:", partName[iGen]); for (Int_t iRec = 0; iRec < AliPID::kSPECIES; iRec++) { printf("%9d", identified[iGen][iRec]); } printf("\n"); } if (FitHisto(hResTOFRight, res, resError)) { Info("CheckESD", "TOF resolution = (%.1f +- %.1f) ps", res, resError); if (res > checkResTOFHigh + checkResTOFSigma*resError) { Warning("CheckESD", "bad TOF resolution: (%.1f +- %.1f) ps", res, resError); } } // calorimeters if (hEPHOS->Integral() < checkPHOSNLow) { Warning("CheckESD", "low number of PHOS particles: %d", Int_t(hEPHOS->Integral())); } else { Double_t mean = hEPHOS->GetMean(); if (mean < checkPHOSEnergyLow) { Warning("CheckESD", "low mean PHOS energy: %.1f GeV", mean); } else if (mean > checkPHOSEnergyHigh) { Warning("CheckESD", "high mean PHOS energy: %.1f GeV", mean); } } if (hEEMCAL->Integral() < checkEMCALNLow) { Warning("CheckESD", "low number of EMCAL particles: %d", Int_t(hEEMCAL->Integral())); } else { Double_t mean = hEEMCAL->GetMean(); if (mean < checkEMCALEnergyLow) { Warning("CheckESD", "low mean EMCAL energy: %.1f GeV", mean); } else if (mean > checkEMCALEnergyHigh) { Warning("CheckESD", "high mean EMCAL energy: %.1f GeV", mean); } } // muons if (hPtMUON->Integral() < checkMUONNLow) { Warning("CheckESD", "low number of MUON particles: %d", Int_t(hPtMUON->Integral())); } else { Double_t mean = hPtMUON->GetMean(); if (mean < checkMUONPtLow) { Warning("CheckESD", "low mean MUON pt: %.1f GeV/c", mean); } else if (mean > checkMUONPtHigh) { Warning("CheckESD", "high mean MUON pt: %.1f GeV/c", mean); } } // V0s if (nGenV0s > 0) { Double_t eff = nRecV0s*1./nGenV0s; Double_t effError = TMath::Sqrt(eff*(1.-eff) / nGenV0s); if (effError == 0) effError = checkV0EffLow / TMath::Sqrt(1.*nGenV0s); Info("CheckESD", "V0 eff = (%.1f +- %.1f) %%", 100.*eff, 100.*effError); if (eff < checkV0EffLow - checkV0EffSigma*effError) { Warning("CheckESD", "low V0 efficiency: (%.1f +- %.1f) %%", 100.*eff, 100.*effError); } } // Cascades if (nGenCascades > 0) { Double_t eff = nRecCascades*1./nGenCascades; Double_t effError = TMath::Sqrt(eff*(1.-eff) / nGenCascades); if (effError == 0) effError = checkV0EffLow / TMath::Sqrt(1.*nGenCascades); Info("CheckESD", "Cascade eff = (%.1f +- %.1f) %%", 100.*eff, 100.*effError); if (eff < checkCascadeEffLow - checkCascadeEffSigma*effError) { Warning("CheckESD", "low Cascade efficiency: (%.1f +- %.1f) %%", 100.*eff, 100.*effError); } } } // draw the histograms if not in batch mode if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) { new TCanvas; hEff->DrawCopy(); new TCanvas; hResPtInv->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; hResPhi->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; hResTheta->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; hDEdxRight->DrawCopy(); hDEdxWrong->DrawCopy("SAME"); new TCanvas; hResTOFRight->DrawCopy("E"); hResTOFWrong->DrawCopy("SAME"); new TCanvas; hEPHOS->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; hEEMCAL->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; hPtMUON->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; hMassK0->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; hMassLambda->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; hMassLambdaBar->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; hMassXi->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; hMassOmega->DrawCopy("E"); } // write the output histograms to a file TFile* outputFile = TFile::Open("check.root", "recreate"); if (!outputFile || !outputFile->IsOpen()) { Error("CheckESD", "opening output file check.root failed"); return kFALSE; } hEff->Write(); hResPtInv->Write(); hResPhi->Write(); hResTheta->Write(); hDEdxRight->Write(); hDEdxWrong->Write(); hResTOFRight->Write(); hResTOFWrong->Write(); hEPHOS->Write(); hEEMCAL->Write(); hPtMUON->Write(); hMassK0->Write(); hMassLambda->Write(); hMassLambdaBar->Write(); hMassXi->Write(); hMassOmega->Write(); outputFile->Close(); delete outputFile; // clean up delete hGen; delete hRec; delete hEff; delete hResPtInv; delete hResPhi; delete hResTheta; delete hDEdxRight; delete hDEdxWrong; delete hResTOFRight; delete hResTOFWrong; delete hEPHOS; delete hEEMCAL; delete hPtMUON; delete hMassK0; delete hMassLambda; delete hMassLambdaBar; delete hMassXi; delete hMassOmega; delete esd; esdFile->Close(); delete esdFile; runLoader->UnloadHeader(); runLoader->UnloadKinematics(); delete runLoader; // result of check Info("CheckESD", "check of ESD was successfull"); return kTRUE; }
void digitsSPD(Int_t nevents, Int_t nfiles) { TH1F * hadc = new TH1F ("hadc", "hadc",100, 0, 2); TH1F * hadclog = new TH1F ("hadclog", "hadclog",100, -1, 1); TDirectoryFile *tdf[100]; TDirectoryFile *tdfKine[100] ; TTree *ttree[100]; TTree *ttreeKine[100]; TClonesArray *arr= NULL; // //Run loader------------ TString name; name = "galice.root"; AliRunLoader* rlSig = AliRunLoader::Open(name.Data()); // gAlice rlSig->LoadgAlice(); gAlice = rlSig->GetAliRun(); // Now load kinematics and event header rlSig->LoadKinematics(); rlSig->LoadHeader(); cout << rlSig->GetNumberOfEvents()<< endl; //---------------------- //loop over events in the files for(Int_t event=0; event<nevents; event++){ //printf("###event= %d\n", event + file*100); printf("###event= %d\n", event); tdf[event] = GetDirectory(event, "ITS", nfiles); if ( ! tdf[event] ) { cerr << "Event directory not found in " << nfiles << " files" << endl; exit(1); } ttree[event] = (TTree*)tdf[event]->Get("TreeD"); arr = NULL; ttree[event]->SetBranchAddress("ITSDigitsSPD", &arr); // Runloader -> gives particle Stack rlSig->GetEvent(event); AliStack * stack = rlSig->Stack(); //stack->DumpPStack(); // loop over tracks Int_t NumberPrim=0; for(Int_t iev=0; iev<ttree[event]->GetEntries(); iev++){ ttree[event]->GetEntry(iev); for (Int_t j = 0; j < arr->GetEntries(); j++) { AliITSdigit* digit = dynamic_cast<AliITSdigit*> (arr->At(j)); if (digit){ hadc->Fill(digit->GetSignal()); hadclog->Fill(TMath::Log10(digit->GetSignal())); } } } } TFile fc("digits.ITS.SPD.root","RECREATE");; hadc->Write(); hadclog->Write(); fc.Close(); }
// analisi Bool_t CheckSingle(const char* esdFileName,Bool_t kGRID){ //inizializzo a zero ncluster (di tree T) //for (int ifc=0;ifc<10000;ifc++) ncluster[ifc]=0; // check the content of the ESD AliPIDResponse *pidr = new AliPIDResponse(); // open the ESD file TFile* esdFile = TFile::Open(esdFileName); if (!esdFile || !esdFile->IsOpen()){ Error("CheckESD", "opening ESD file %s failed", esdFileName); return kFALSE; } TString mctrkref(esdFileName); mctrkref.ReplaceAll("AliESDs.root","TrackRefs.root"); TString fgal(esdFileName); fgal.ReplaceAll("AliESDs.root","galice.root"); if(kGRID){ fgal.Insert(0,"alien://"); mctrkref.Insert(0,"alien://"); } TTree *trkref; printf("ESD = %s\n",esdFileName); TFile *ftrkref; if(isMC) ftrkref = TFile::Open(mctrkref.Data()); AliHeader *h = new AliHeader(); TFile *fgalice; if(isMC) fgalice = TFile::Open(fgal.Data()); TTree *tgalice; if(isMC){ tgalice = (TTree *) fgalice->Get("TE"); tgalice->SetBranchAddress("Header",&h); } AliRunLoader* runLoader = NULL; AliRun *gAlice; if(isMC) runLoader = AliRunLoader::Open(fgal.Data()); if(runLoader){ runLoader->LoadgAlice(); gAlice = runLoader->GetAliRun(); if (!gAlice) { Error("CheckESD", "no galice object found"); return kFALSE; } runLoader->LoadKinematics(); runLoader->LoadHeader(); } AliESDEvent * esd = new AliESDEvent; // printf("esd object = %x\n",esd); TTree* tree = (TTree*) esdFile->Get("esdTree"); if (!tree){ Error("CheckESD", "no ESD tree found"); return kFALSE; } esd->ReadFromTree(tree); // crea link tra esd e tree TClonesArray* tofcl; // array dinamico TClonesArray* tofhit; TClonesArray* tofmatch; Int_t nev = tree->GetEntries(); //ogni entries evento Float_t mag; printf("nev = %i\n",nev); //azzero il contatore delle tracce del TTree T //ntracks=0; AliStack* stack=NULL; Int_t trkassociation[1000000]; for(Int_t ie=0;ie < nev;ie++){ if(runLoader){ runLoader->GetEvent(ie); // select simulated primary particles, V0s and cascades stack = runLoader->Stack(); } if(isMC) trkref = (TTree *) ftrkref->Get(Form("Event%i/TreeTR",ie)); tree->GetEvent(ie); if(isMC) tgalice->GetEvent(ie); if(isMC) interactiontime = h->GenEventHeader()->InteractionTime()*1E+12; mag = esd->GetMagneticField(); AliTOFHeader *tofh = esd->GetTOFHeader(); ntofcl = tofh->GetNumberOfTOFclusters(); esd->ConnectTracks(); // Deve essere sempre chiamato dopo aver letto l'evento (non troverebbe l'ESDevent). Scrivo in tutte le tracce l origine dell evento così poi da arrivare ovunque(tipo al cluster e al tempo quindi). //Riempio variabile del tree "T" //nevento=ie; if(! esd->GetVertex()){ esd->ResetStdContent(); continue;// una volta fatto il connect manda un flag ; siccome qua c'era un continue(non si arriva in fondo al ciclo) bisogna resettarlo altrimenti lo trova già attivo. } tofcl = esd->GetESDTOFClusters(); // AliESDTOFCluster *cltof = tofcl->At(i); if(tofcl->GetEntries() == 0){ esd->ResetStdContent(); continue; } tofhit = esd->GetESDTOFHits(); // AliESDTOFHit *hittof = tofhit->At(i); tofmatch = esd->GetESDTOFMatches(); // AliESDTOFHit *mathctof = tofmatch->At(i); // loop over tracks pidr->SetTOFResponse(esd,AliPIDResponse::kTOF_T0); //per recuperare lo start time ("esd", "tipo start time"), tipo cioè o il TOF stesso o il T0 o il best, ovvero la combinazione dei 2 Int_t ntrk = esd->GetNumberOfTracks(); //printf("%i) TPC tracks = %i -- TOF cluster = %i - TOF hit = %i -- matchable info = %i\n",ie,ntrk,tofcl->GetEntries(),tofhit->GetEntries(),tofmatch->GetEntries()); Double_t time[AliPID::kSPECIESC]; if(isMC && stack){// create association trackref printf("nMC track = %i\n",stack->GetNtrack()); for(Int_t ist=0;ist < stack->GetNtrack();ist++){ trkassociation[ist]=-1; } for(Int_t iref=0;iref < trkref->GetEntries();iref++){ trkref->GetEvent(iref); Int_t trkreference = trkref->GetLeaf("TrackReferences.fTrack")->GetValue(); if(trkreference > -1 && trkreference < 1000000){ trkassociation[trkreference] = iref; } } } for (Int_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < ntrk; iTrack++){ AliESDtrack* track = esd->GetTrack(iTrack); // select tracks of selected particles if ((track->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kITSrefit) == 0) continue;//almeno un hit nell ITS if (track->GetConstrainedChi2() > 4) continue; //se brutto X^2 if ((track->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTOFout) == 0) continue; //se traccia matchata con tof if(track->GetNumberOfTPCClusters() < 70) continue; Float_t p =track->P(); itrig = 0; timetrig = 0; if(p > 0.9 && p < 1.1){ track->GetIntegratedTimes(time); itrig = iTrack; timetrig = track->GetTOFsignal() - time[2]; iTrack = ntrk; } } printf("real loop, ntrk = %i\n",ntrk); for (Int_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < ntrk; iTrack++){ AliESDtrack* track = esd->GetTrack(iTrack); // select tracks of selected particles if ((track->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kITSrefit) == 0) continue;//almeno un hit nell ITS if (track->GetConstrainedChi2() > 4) continue; //se brutto X^2 //if ((track->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTOFout) == 0) continue; //se traccia matchata con tof if(track->GetNumberOfTPCClusters() < 70) continue; TOFout = (track->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTOFout) > 0; track->GetIntegratedTimes(time); Float_t dx = track->GetTOFsignalDx(); //leggo i residui tra traccia e canale tof acceso Float_t dz = track->GetTOFsignalDz(); mism = 0; dedx = track->GetTPCsignal(); Int_t label = TMath::Abs(track->GetLabel()); if(stack){ TParticle *part=stack->Particle(label); pdg = part->GetPdgCode(); } Int_t TOFlabel[3]; track->GetTOFLabel(TOFlabel); // printf("%i %i %i %i\n",label,TOFlabel[0],TOFlabel[1],TOFlabel[2]); ChannelTOF[0] = track->GetTOFCalChannel(); // printf("geant time = %f\n",gtime); //getchar(); // if(TMath::Abs(dx) > 1.25 || TMath::Abs(dz) > 1.75) continue; // is inside the pad //riempio il numro di cludter e impulso trasverso per traccia del TTree T ncluster=track->GetNTOFclusters(); impulso_trasv=track->Pt(); impulso=track->P(); StartTime = pidr->GetTOFResponse().GetStartTime(track->P()); StartTimeRes = pidr->GetTOFResponse().GetStartTimeRes(track->P()); if(track->Pt() > 0.9 && track->Pt() < 1.5){ //impulso non troppo alto per separazione tra particelle Float_t dt = track->GetTOFsignal() - time[2] - pidr->GetTOFResponse().GetStartTime(track->P());//tempo TOF(è lo stesso di Gettime, solo che lo prendo dale tracce)(già calibrato) -ip del PI (posizione 0 e, posizione 1 mu, pos 2 PI, pos 3 K,pos 4 p) -start time Float_t dtKa = track->GetTOFsignal() - time[3] - pidr->GetTOFResponse().GetStartTime(track->P()); Float_t dtPr = track->GetTOFsignal() - time[4] - pidr->GetTOFResponse().GetStartTime(track->P()); hdt->Fill(dt); hdtKa->Fill(dtKa); hdtPr->Fill(dtPr); } charge = track->Charge(); phi = track->Phi(); eta = track->Eta(); GetPositionAtTOF(track,mag,coord); phiExt = TMath::ATan2(coord[1],coord[0]); etaExt = -TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(0.5*TMath::ATan2(sqrt(coord[0]*coord[0]+coord[1]*coord[1]),coord[2]))); for (int i=0;i<(track->GetNTOFclusters());i++){ int idummy=track->GetTOFclusterArray()[i]; AliESDTOFCluster *cl = (AliESDTOFCluster *) tofcl->At(idummy); tempo[i]=cl->GetTime(); tot[i]=cl->GetTOT(); ChannelTOF[i]=cl->GetTOFchannel(); if(i==0){ GetResolutionAtTOF(track,mag,ChannelTOF[i],res); } for(int im=cl->GetNMatchableTracks();im--;){ //o così o da n-1 a 0 //for(int im=cl->GetNMatchableTracks();im>0;im--) non andava bene perchè non prendeva mai lo 0 // if(track->GetNTOFclusters()==2) printf("-- %i) %f %f\n",im,cl->GetLength(im),cl->GetIntegratedTime(2,im)); if(cl->GetTrackIndex(im) == track->GetID()){ exp_time_el[i] = cl->GetIntegratedTime(0,im); // pi = 2 exp_time_mu[i] = cl->GetIntegratedTime(1,im); // pi = 2 exp_time_pi[i] = cl->GetIntegratedTime(2,im); // pi = 2 exp_time_ka[i] = cl->GetIntegratedTime(3,im); // pi = 2 exp_time_pr[i] = cl->GetIntegratedTime(4,im); // pi = 2 L[i] = cl->GetLength(im); // if(track->GetNTOFclusters()==2)printf("%i) %f %f\n",i,L[i],exp_time_pi[i]); DeltaX[i]=cl->GetDx(im); // mettendolo dentro questo if dovrei prendere i residui di una stessa traccia DeltaZ[i]=cl->GetDz(im); } } } //ReMatch(); Int_t jref=0; if(isMC){ if(TOFlabel[0] > -1 && TOFlabel[0] < 1000000){ trkref->GetEvent(trkassociation[TOFlabel[0]]); if(TOFlabel[0] == trkref->GetLeaf("TrackReferences.fTrack")->GetValue()){ // printf("trk -> %i (%i)\n",trkref->GetLeaf("TrackReferences.fTrack")->GetValue(),trkref->GetLeaf("TrackReferences.fTrack")->GetValue(jref)); while(jref > -1 && trkref->GetLeaf("TrackReferences.fTrack")->GetValue(jref) != 0){ //printf("det = %i\n",trkref->GetLeaf("TrackReferences.fDetectorId")->GetValue(jref)); if(trkref->GetLeaf("TrackReferences.fDetectorId")->GetValue(jref) == 4){ gtime=trkref->GetLeaf("TrackReferences.fTime")->GetValue(jref)*1E+12; xgl = trkref->GetLeaf("TrackReferences.fX")->GetValue(jref); ygl = trkref->GetLeaf("TrackReferences.fY")->GetValue(jref); zgl = trkref->GetLeaf("TrackReferences.fZ")->GetValue(jref); MakeTrueRes(); jref = 100; } jref++; } } } } if(TMath::Abs(label) != TOFlabel[0] && stack){ mism=2; while(TOFlabel[0] != -1 && TOFlabel[0] != label){ TOFlabel[0] = stack->Particle(TOFlabel[0])->GetMother(0); } if(label == TOFlabel[0]) mism=1; } //AddDelay(); T->Fill(); //cout<<"riempio il tree "<<endl; //Riempio tree "T" //incremento il contatore delle tracce del TTree T matchate e che superano i tagli //ntracks++; }//end of for(tracks) esd->ResetStdContent(); } //end of for(events) if(runLoader){ runLoader->UnloadHeader(); runLoader->UnloadKinematics(); delete runLoader; } esdFile->Close(); if(isMC) ftrkref->Close(); if(isMC) fgalice->Close(); }
int mergeDigits(TString digitdir, Int_t /*simEvOffset*/) { AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open(digitdir+TString("/galice.root")); AliPHOSLoader *prl = (AliPHOSLoader*)rl->GetDetectorLoader("PHOS"); prl->LoadDigits("UPDATE"); //prl->LoadDigits(); Int_t nEvents = rl->GetNumberOfEvents(); TClonesArray *mydigits = 0; simTree->SetBranchAddress("Digits", &mydigits); Int_t nDigits = 0; Int_t nEmbedDigits = 0; Int_t nOverlappingDigits = 0; Int_t nNewDigits = 0; Int_t nPhosDigits = prl->Digits()->GetEntries(); Int_t nMyEvents = simTree->GetEntries(); std::cout << "Number of real events: " << nEvents << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of sim events: " << nMyEvents << std::endl; nEvents = TMath::Min(nEvents, nMyEvents); std::cout << "Looping over: " << nEvents << std::endl; for (Int_t ev = 0; ev < nEvents; ev++) { rl->GetEvent(ev); simTree->GetEntry(ev); Int_t nMyDigits = mydigits->GetEntries(); //Int_t nDigsFound = 0; nEmbedDigits += nMyDigits; TClonesArray *phosDigits = prl->Digits(); nPhosDigits = prl->Digits()->GetEntries(); for (Int_t iDig = 0; iDig < nPhosDigits; iDig++) { //const AliPHOSDigit *digit = prl->Digit(iDig); AliPHOSDigit *digit = (AliPHOSDigit*)phosDigits->At(iDig); nDigits++; for (Int_t n = 0; n < nMyDigits; n++) { AliPHOSDigit *myDigit = (AliPHOSDigit*)mydigits->At(n); if (digit->GetId() == myDigit->GetId()) { nOverlappingDigits++; break; } } } if(nOverlappingDigits == nMyDigits) { std::cout << "Digits alredy embedded!" << std::endl; continue; } for (Int_t iDig = 0; iDig < nMyDigits; iDig++) { AliPHOSDigit *myDigit = (AliPHOSDigit*)mydigits->At(iDig); if (myDigit) { for (Int_t n = 0; n < nPhosDigits; n++) { //const AliPHOSDigit *digit = prl->Digit(n); AliPHOSDigit *digit = (AliPHOSDigit*)phosDigits->At(n); if (digit->GetId() == myDigit->GetId()) { digit->SetALTROSamplesHG(0, 0); digit->SetALTROSamplesLG(0, 0); *digit += *myDigit; myDigit = 0; break; } } if (myDigit) { TClonesArray *digArray = prl->Digits(); AliPHOSDigit *newDig = new((*digArray)[nPhosDigits+nNewDigits]) AliPHOSDigit(*myDigit); newDig->SetALTROSamplesHG(0, 0); newDig->SetALTROSamplesLG(0, 0); nNewDigits++; } } } phosDigits->Compress(); Int_t ndigits = phosDigits->GetEntries() ; phosDigits->Sort(); // Remove digits that are flagged bad in BCM. Then remove digits that are below threshold for (Int_t i = 0 ; i < ndigits ; i++) { AliPHOSDigit *digit = static_cast<AliPHOSDigit*>( phosDigits->At(i) ) ; //std::cout << digit->GetId() << std::endl; if(digit->GetId()) { vector<Int_t>::iterator it; it = std::find (badChannels.begin(), badChannels.end(), digit->GetId() ); if(*it) { digit->SetEnergy(0.0); } } if(digit->GetEnergy() <= recoParam->GetGlobalAltroThreshold()) { phosDigits->RemoveAt(i); } } //Set indexes in list of digits and make true digitization of the energy phosDigits->Compress(); phosDigits->Sort(); ndigits = phosDigits->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i = 0 ; i < ndigits ; i++) { AliPHOSDigit *digit = static_cast<AliPHOSDigit*>( phosDigits->At(i) ) ; digit->SetIndexInList(i) ; } // -- create Digits branch Int_t bufferSize = 32000 ; TObjArray *branchList = prl->TreeD()->GetListOfBranches(); branchList->RemoveAt(0); TBranch * digitsBranch = prl->TreeD()->Branch("PHOS","TClonesArray",&phosDigits,bufferSize); digitsBranch->Fill() ; prl->WriteDigits("OVERWRITE"); } prl->WriteDigits("OVERWRITE"); std::cout << "# Digits: " << nDigits << std::endl; std::cout << "# Embedded digits: " << nEmbedDigits << std::endl; std::cout << "# Overlapping digits: " << nOverlappingDigits << std::endl; std::cout << "# New digits: " << nNewDigits << std::endl; return 0; }
void plots() { gSystem->Load("libEVGEN"); // Needs to be! AliRunLoader* rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root"); rl->LoadKinematics(); rl->LoadHeader(); // 4pi histograms TH1* hM = new TH1D("hM", "DIME #rho#rho;M_{4#pi} #(){GeV/#it{c}^{2}}", 100, 1.0, 3.0); TH1* hPt = new TH1D("hPt", "DIME #rho#rho;p_{T}#(){4#pi} #(){GeV/#it{c}}", 100, 0.0, 3.0); // pi+- histograms TH1* hPt1 = new TH1D("hPt1", "DIME #rho#rho;p_{T}#(){#pi^{#pm}} #(){Gev/#it{c}}", 100, 0.0, 3.0); AliStack* stack = NULL; TParticle* part = NULL; TLorentzVector v[4]; TLorentzVector vSum; // Loop over events for (Int_t i = 0; i < rl->GetNumberOfEvents(); ++i) { rl->GetEvent(i); stack = rl->Stack(); Int_t nPrimary = 0; // Loop over all particles for (Int_t j = 0; j < stack->GetNtrack(); ++j) { part = stack->Particle(j); // Get particle part->Print(); // Print contents if (abs(part->GetPdgCode()) == 211 // Is pi+ or pi- & part->GetStatusCode() == 1 // Is stable final state & stack->IsPhysicalPrimary(j)) { // Is from generator level part->Momentum(v[nPrimary]); // Set content of v ++nPrimary; } } if (nPrimary != 4) { printf("Error: nPrimary=%d != 4 \n", nPrimary); continue; } // 4-vector sum vSum = v[0] + v[1] + v[2] + v[3]; // Fill 4pi histograms hM->Fill(vSum.M()); hPt->Fill(vSum.Perp()); // Fill pi+- histograms for (Int_t k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { hPt1->Fill(v[k].Perp()); } printf("\n"); } // Save plots as pdf hM->Draw(); c1->SaveAs("plotM.pdf"); hPt->Draw(); c1->SaveAs("plotPt.pdf"); hPt1->Draw(); c1->SaveAs("plotPt1.pdf"); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliITSDigitPlot(Int_t istart=0,Int_t iend=-1, const char *filename="galice.root"){ // Macro to plot digits from many events // Inputs: // Int_t istart Starting event number // Int_t iend Last event number, =-1 all // Outputs: // none. // Return: // none. if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) { gROOT->ProcessLine(".x $(ALICE_ROOT)/macros/loadlibs.C"); } if(gAlice){ delete AliRunLoader::Instance(); delete gAlice; gAlice=0; } // end if gAlice Int_t nevents=0,nmodules=0,retval=0; Int_t i,j,module,dig,ndig,row,column,signal,det; AliITS *its = 0; AliITSgeom *gm = 0; AliRunLoader *rl = 0; AliITSLoader *ld = 0; TTree *treeD = 0; TBranch *br = 0; TClonesArray *digits = 0; AliITSdigit *d = 0; TObjArray *digDet = 0; Char_t *branchname[3] = {"ITSDigitsSPD","ITSDigitsSDD","ITSDigitsSSD"}; // rl = AliRunLoader::Open(filename); if(!rl){ cerr<<"Error, can not open file "<<filename<<endl; return; } // end if !rl retval = rl->LoadgAlice(); if (retval){ cerr<<"Error, LoadgAlice returned error"<<endl; return; } gAlice = rl->GetAliRun(); retval = rl->LoadHeader(); if (retval){ cerr<<"Error, LoadHeader returned error"<<endl; return; } // end if ld = (AliITSLoader*) rl->GetLoader("ITSLoader"); if(!ld){ cerr<<"Error, ITS loader not found"<<endl; return; } // end if its = (AliITS*) gAlice->GetModule("ITS"); if(!its){ cerr <<"Error, No AliDetector ITS found on file"<<endl; return; } // end if gm = its->GetITSgeom(); if(!gm){ cerr <<"Error, AliITSgeom not initilized in module ITS"<<endl; return; } // end if nevents = rl->GetNumberOfEvents(); if(iend>nevents) iend = nevents; if(iend<0) iend = nevents; if(iend<=istart){delete rl; return;} nmodules = gm->GetIndexMax(); ld->GetDigitsDataLoader()->Load("read"); treeD = ld->TreeD(); if(!treeD){ cerr <<"Error, could not get TreeD="<<treeD << endl; return; } // end if !treeD digDet = new TObjArray(3); its->SetDefaults(); for(det=0;det<3;det++){ digDet->AddAt(new TClonesArray(its->GetDetTypeSim()-> GetDigitClassName(det),1000),det); br = treeD->GetBranch(branchname[det]); br->SetAddress(&((*digDet)[det])); } // end for det // SetUPHistograms(); // for(i=istart;i<iend;i++){ rl->GetEvent(i); treeD = ld->TreeD(); for(det=0;det<3;det++){ ((TClonesArray*)(digDet->At(det)))->Clear(); br = treeD->GetBranch(branchname[det]); br->SetAddress(&((*digDet)[det])); } // end for det for(module=0;module<nmodules;module++){ for(j=0;j<3;j++) ((TClonesArray*)(digDet->At(j)))->Clear(); treeD->GetEvent(module); digits = (TClonesArray*) (digDet->At(0)); // SPD only. ndig = digits->GetEntriesFast(); for(dig=0;dig<ndig;dig++){ d = (AliITSdigit*) digits->At(dig); row = d->GetCoord1(); column = d->GetCoord1(); signal = d->GetSignal(); //cout <<"event="<<i<< " ndig="<< ndig<< " mod=" //<<module<<" row="<<row<<" col="<<column<< " sig=" //<<signal<<endl; FillHistograms(module,row,column,signal); } // end for mod } // end for module } // end for i DisplayHistograms(); delete digits; return; }