Пример #1
/// mergeAliasSetsForPointer - Given a pointer, merge all alias sets that may
/// alias the pointer. Return the unified set, or nullptr if no set that aliases
/// the pointer was found. MustAliasAll is updated to true/false if the pointer
/// is found to MustAlias all the sets it merged.
AliasSet *AliasSetTracker::mergeAliasSetsForPointer(const Value *Ptr,
                                                    LocationSize Size,
                                                    const AAMDNodes &AAInfo,
                                                    bool &MustAliasAll) {
  AliasSet *FoundSet = nullptr;
  AliasResult AllAR = MustAlias;
  for (iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E;) {
    iterator Cur = I++;
    if (Cur->Forward)

    AliasResult AR = Cur->aliasesPointer(Ptr, Size, AAInfo, AA);
    if (AR == NoAlias)

    AllAR =
        AliasResult(AllAR & AR); // Possible downgrade to May/Partial, even No

    if (!FoundSet) {
      // If this is the first alias set ptr can go into, remember it.
      FoundSet = &*Cur;
    } else {
      // Otherwise, we must merge the sets.
      FoundSet->mergeSetIn(*Cur, *this);

  MustAliasAll = (AllAR == MustAlias);
  return FoundSet;
Пример #2
AliasSet *AliasSetTracker::findAliasSetForUnknownInst(Instruction *Inst) {
  AliasSet *FoundSet = 0;
  for (iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E; ++I) {
    if (I->Forward || !I->aliasesUnknownInst(Inst, AA))
    if (FoundSet == 0)        // If this is the first alias set ptr can go into.
      FoundSet = I;           // Remember it.
    else if (!I->Forward)     // Otherwise, we must merge the sets.
      FoundSet->mergeSetIn(*I, *this);     // Merge in contents.
  return FoundSet;
Пример #3
AliasSet *AliasSetTracker::findAliasSetForUnknownInst(Instruction *Inst) {
  AliasSet *FoundSet = nullptr;
  for (iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E;) {
    iterator Cur = I++;
    if (Cur->Forward || !Cur->aliasesUnknownInst(Inst, AA))
    if (!FoundSet)            // If this is the first alias set ptr can go into.
      FoundSet = &*Cur;       // Remember it.
    else   // Otherwise, we must merge the sets.
      FoundSet->mergeSetIn(*Cur, *this);     // Merge in contents.
  return FoundSet;
AliasSet *AliasSetTracker::findAliasSetForCallSite(CallSite CS) {
  AliasSet *FoundSet = 0;
  for (iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E; ++I)
    if (!I->Forward && I->aliasesCallSite(CS, AA)) {
      if (FoundSet == 0) {  // If this is the first alias set ptr can go into.
        FoundSet = I;       // Remember it.
      } else if (!I->Forward) {     // Otherwise, we must merge the sets.
        FoundSet->mergeSetIn(*I, *this);     // Merge in contents.

  return FoundSet;
/// findAliasSetForPointer - Given a pointer, find the one alias set to put the
/// instruction referring to the pointer into.  If there are multiple alias sets
/// that may alias the pointer, merge them together and return the unified set.
AliasSet *AliasSetTracker::findAliasSetForPointer(const Value *Ptr,
                                                  unsigned Size) {
  AliasSet *FoundSet = 0;
  for (iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E; ++I)
    if (!I->Forward && I->aliasesPointer(Ptr, Size, AA)) {
      if (FoundSet == 0) {  // If this is the first alias set ptr can go into.
        FoundSet = I;       // Remember it.
      } else {              // Otherwise, we must merge the sets.
        FoundSet->mergeSetIn(*I, *this);     // Merge in contents.

  return FoundSet;
Пример #6
/// findAliasSetForPointer - Given a pointer, find the one alias set to put the
/// instruction referring to the pointer into.  If there are multiple alias sets
/// that may alias the pointer, merge them together and return the unified set.
AliasSet *AliasSetTracker::findAliasSetForPointer(const Value *Ptr,
                                                  uint64_t Size,
                                                  const MDNode *TBAAInfo) {
  AliasSet *FoundSet = 0;
  for (iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E; ++I) {
    if (I->Forward || !I->aliasesPointer(Ptr, Size, TBAAInfo, AA)) continue;
    if (FoundSet == 0) {  // If this is the first alias set ptr can go into.
      FoundSet = I;       // Remember it.
    } else {              // Otherwise, we must merge the sets.
      FoundSet->mergeSetIn(*I, *this);     // Merge in contents.

  return FoundSet;
Пример #7
/// mergeAliasSetsForPointer - Given a pointer, merge all alias sets that may
/// alias the pointer. Return the unified set, or nullptr if no set that aliases
/// the pointer was found.
AliasSet *AliasSetTracker::mergeAliasSetsForPointer(const Value *Ptr,
                                                    LocationSize Size,
                                                    const AAMDNodes &AAInfo) {
  AliasSet *FoundSet = nullptr;
  for (iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E;) {
    iterator Cur = I++;
    if (Cur->Forward || !Cur->aliasesPointer(Ptr, Size, AAInfo, AA)) continue;

    if (!FoundSet) {      // If this is the first alias set ptr can go into.
      FoundSet = &*Cur;   // Remember it.
    } else {              // Otherwise, we must merge the sets.
      FoundSet->mergeSetIn(*Cur, *this);     // Merge in contents.

  return FoundSet;