Пример #1
	dprintf(D_FULLDEBUG,"in ScriptProc::StartJob()\n");

	if ( !JobAd ) {
		dprintf ( D_ALWAYS, "No JobAd in ScriptProc::StartJob()!\n" );
		return 0;

	MyString attr;

	attr = name;
	attr += ATTR_JOB_CMD;
	char* tmp = NULL;
	if( ! JobAd->LookupString( attr.Value(), &tmp ) ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "%s not found in JobAd.  Aborting StartJob.\n", 
				 attr.Value() );
		return 0;

		// // // // // // 
		// executable
		// // // // // // 

		// TODO: make it smart in cases we're not the gridshell and/or
		// didn't transfer files so that we don't prepend the wrong
		// path to the binary, and don't try to chmod it.
	MyString exe_path = Starter->GetWorkingDir();
	exe_path += DIR_DELIM_CHAR;
	exe_path += tmp;
	free( tmp ); 
	tmp = NULL;

	if( Starter->isGridshell() ) {
			// if we're a gridshell, chmod() the binary, since globus
			// probably transfered it for us and left it with bad
			// permissions...
		priv_state old_priv = set_user_priv();
		int retval = chmod( exe_path.Value(), 0755 );
		set_priv( old_priv );
		if( retval < 0 ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "Failed to chmod %s: %s (errno %d)\n", 
					 exe_path.Value(), strerror(errno), errno );
			return 0;

		// // // // // // 
		// Args
		// // // // // // 

	char *args1 = NULL;
	char *args2 = NULL;
	MyString args1_attr;
	MyString args2_attr;
	args1_attr = name;
	args1_attr += ATTR_JOB_ARGUMENTS1;
	args2_attr = name;
	args2_attr += ATTR_JOB_ARGUMENTS2;

	JobAd->LookupString(args1_attr.Value(), &args1);
	JobAd->LookupString(args2_attr.Value(), &args2);

	ArgList args;

		// Since we are adding to the argument list, we may need to deal
		// with platform-specific arg syntax in the user's args in order
		// to successfully merge them with the additional args.

		// First, put "condor_<name>script" at the front of Args,
		// since that will become argv[0] of what we exec(), either
		// the wrapper or the actual job.
	MyString arg0;
	arg0 = "condor_";
	arg0 += name;
	arg0 += "script";

	MyString args_error;
	if(args2 && *args2) {
	else if(args1 && *args1) {
	else {
		dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "neither %s nor %s could be found in JobAd\n",
				 args1_attr.Value(), args2_attr.Value());

	free( args1 );
	free( args2 );

		// // // // // // 
		// Environment 
		// // // // // // 

	char *env1 = NULL;
	char *env2 = NULL;
	MyString env1_attr;
	MyString env2_attr;
	env1_attr = name;
	env1_attr += ATTR_JOB_ENVIRONMENT1;
	env2_attr = name;
	env2_attr += ATTR_JOB_ENVIRONMENT2;
	JobAd->LookupString( env1_attr.Value(), &env1 );
	JobAd->LookupString( env2_attr.Value(), &env2 );
			// TODO do we want to use the regular ATTR_JOB_ENVIRONMENT
			// if there's nothing specific for this script?

		// Now, instantiate an Env object so we can manipulate the
		// environment as needed.
	Env job_env;
	MyString env_errors;
	if( env2 && *env2 ) { 
		if( ! job_env.MergeFromV2Raw(env2,&env_errors) ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "Invalid %s found in JobAd (%s).  "
					 "Aborting ScriptProc::StartJob.\n",
					 env2_attr.Value(),env_errors.Value() );  
			free( env1 );
			free( env2 );
			return 0;
	else if( env1 && *env1 ) { 
		if( ! job_env.MergeFromV1Raw(env1,&env_errors) ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "Invalid %s found in JobAd (%s).  "
					 "Aborting ScriptProc::StartJob.\n",
					 env1_attr.Value(),env_errors.Value() );  
			free( env1 );
			free( env2 );
			return 0;


		// Now, let the starter publish any env vars it wants to add
	Starter->PublishToEnv( &job_env );

		// TODO: Deal with port regulation stuff?

		// Grab the full environment back out of the Env object 
	if(IsFulldebug(D_FULLDEBUG)) {
		MyString env_str;
		dprintf(D_FULLDEBUG, "%sEnv = %s\n", name, env_str.Value() );

		// // // // // // 
		// Standard Files
		// // // // // // 

		// TODO???

		// // // // // // 
		// Misc + Exec
		// // // // // // 

		// TODO?
		// Starter->jic->notifyJobPreSpawn( name );

		// compute job's renice value by evaluating the machine's
		// JOB_RENICE_INCREMENT in the context of the job ad...
		// TODO?
	int nice_inc = 10;

		// in the below dprintfs, we want to skip past argv[0], which
		// is sometimes condor_exec, in the Args string. 

	MyString args_string;
	dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "About to exec %s script: %s %s\n", 
			 name, exe_path.Value(), 
			 args_string.Value() );
	// If there is a requested coresize for this job, enforce it.
	// It is truncated because you can't put an unsigned integer
	// into a classad. I could rewrite condor's use of ATTR_CORE_SIZE to
	// be a float, but then when that attribute is read/written to the
	// job queue log by/or shared between versions of Condor which view the
	// type of that attribute differently, calamity would arise.
	int core_size_truncated;
	size_t core_size;
	size_t *core_size_ptr = NULL;
	if ( JobAd->LookupInteger(ATTR_CORE_SIZE, core_size_truncated) ) {
		core_size = (size_t)core_size_truncated;
		core_size_ptr = &core_size;

	JobPid = daemonCore->Create_Process(exe_path.Value(), 
	                                    core_size_ptr );

	//NOTE: Create_Process() saves the errno for us if it is an
	//"interesting" error.
	char const *create_process_error = NULL;
	int create_process_errno = errno;
	if( JobPid == FALSE && errno ) {
		create_process_error = strerror( errno );

	if( JobPid == FALSE ) {
		JobPid = -1;

		if( create_process_error ) {
			MyString err_msg = "Failed to execute '";
			err_msg += exe_path.Value();
			err_msg += "'";
			if(!args_string.IsEmpty()) {
				err_msg += " with arguments ";
				err_msg += args_string.Value();
			err_msg += ": ";
			err_msg += create_process_error;
			Starter->jic->notifyStarterError( err_msg.Value(), true, CONDOR_HOLD_CODE_FailedToCreateProcess, create_process_errno );

		EXCEPT( "Create_Process(%s,%s, ...) failed",
				exe_path.Value(), args_string.Value() );
		return 0;

	dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "Create_Process succeeded, pid=%d\n", JobPid );


	return 1;
Пример #2
int JavaProc::StartJob()
	MyString java_cmd;
	char* jarfiles = NULL;
	ArgList args;
	MyString arg_buf;

	// Since we are adding to the argument list, we may need to deal
	// with platform-specific arg syntax in the user's args in order
	// to successfully merge them with the additional java VM args.

	// Construct the list of jar files for the command line
	// If a jar file is transferred locally, use its local name
	// (in the execute directory)
	// otherwise use the original name

	StringList jarfiles_orig_list;
	StringList jarfiles_local_list;
	StringList* jarfiles_final_list = NULL;

	if( JobAd->LookupString(ATTR_JAR_FILES,&jarfiles) ) {
		jarfiles_orig_list.initializeFromString( jarfiles );
		free( jarfiles );
		jarfiles = NULL;

		char * jarfile_name;
		const char * base_name;
		struct stat stat_buff;
		if( Starter->jic->iwdIsChanged() ) {
				// If the job's IWD has been changed (because we're
				// running in the sandbox due to file transfer), we
				// need to use a local version of the path to the jar
				// files, not the full paths from the submit machine. 
			while( (jarfile_name = jarfiles_orig_list.next()) ) {
					// Construct the local name
				base_name = condor_basename( jarfile_name );
				MyString local_name = execute_dir;
				local_name += DIR_DELIM_CHAR;
				local_name += base_name; 

				if( stat(local_name.Value(), &stat_buff) == 0 ) {
						// Jar file exists locally, use local name
					jarfiles_local_list.append( local_name.Value() );
				} else {
						// Use the original name
					jarfiles_local_list.append (jarfile_name);
			} // while(jarfiles_orig_list)

				// jarfiles_local_list is our real copy...
			jarfiles_final_list = &jarfiles_local_list;

		} else {  // !iwdIsChanged()

				// just use jarfiles_orig_list as our real copy...
			jarfiles_final_list = &jarfiles_orig_list;


	if( !java_config(java_cmd,&args,jarfiles_final_list) ) {
		dprintf(D_FAILURE|D_ALWAYS,"JavaProc: Java is not configured!\n");
		return 0;

	JobAd->Assign(ATTR_JOB_CMD, java_cmd.Value());


	char *jvm_args1 = NULL;
	char *jvm_args2 = NULL;
	MyString jvm_args_error;
	bool jvm_args_success = true;
	JobAd->LookupString(ATTR_JOB_JAVA_VM_ARGS1, &jvm_args1);
	JobAd->LookupString(ATTR_JOB_JAVA_VM_ARGS2, &jvm_args2);
	if(jvm_args2) {
		jvm_args_success = args.AppendArgsV2Raw(jvm_args2, &jvm_args_error);
	else if(jvm_args1) {
		jvm_args_success = args.AppendArgsV1Raw(jvm_args1, &jvm_args_error);
	if (!jvm_args_success) {
		dprintf(D_ALWAYS, "JavaProc: failed to parse JVM args: %s\n",
		return 0;


	MyString args_error;
	if(!args.AppendArgsFromClassAd(JobAd,&args_error)) {
		dprintf(D_ALWAYS,"JavaProc: failed to read job arguments: %s\n",
		return 0;

	// We are just talking to ourselves, so it is fine to use argument
	// syntax compatible with this current version of Condor.
	CondorVersionInfo ver_info;
	if(!args.InsertArgsIntoClassAd(JobAd,&ver_info,&args_error)) {
		dprintf(D_ALWAYS,"JavaProc: failed to insert java job arguments: %s\n",
		return 0;

	dprintf(D_ALWAYS,"JavaProc: Cmd=%s\n",java_cmd.Value());
	MyString args_string;
	dprintf(D_ALWAYS,"JavaProc: Args=%s\n",args_string.Value());

	return VanillaProc::StartJob();