Пример #1
string usage(ArgProcessor args)

    bool show_advanced = args.isArgSet("--show_advanced");

    stringstream usage_info;

        << endl << endl
        << "Usage:" << endl
        << "  inchworm --reads <filename.fasta> --run_inchworm [opts] " << endl
        << "  inchworm --kmers <filename.fasta> --run_inchworm [opts] " << endl
        << "  inchworm --kmer_files_listing <kmer_file_list.txt> --run_inchworm [opts] " << endl << endl

        << "**Required" << endl
        << "  --reads  <str>             " << ":fasta file containing reads" << endl
        << "  --kmers  <str>             " << ":fasta file containing kmers" << endl
        << "  --kmer_files_listing <str> " << ":file listing filenames containing kmers" << endl
        << endl;

        << endl
        << "** Run modes:" << endl
        << "  --run_inchworm           " << ":run inchworm, report sequences" << endl;

    if (show_advanced) {
            << "    * advanced: " << endl
            << "    --describe_kmers         " << ":just describe kmers in the graph" << endl
            << "    --checkFastaPath <str>   " << ":check fastea seqs for path in kmer graph" << endl
            << "    --threadFasta <str>      " << ":thread sequences through the kmer graph, report kmer" << endl;


        << endl
        << "** General opts" << endl
        << "  -K <int>                         "
        << ":kmer length (default: 25, meaning 24mer overlaps)  max = 32 (stored as 64-bit integers, 2-base char encoding)"
        << endl
        << "  --minKmerCount <int>             "
        << ":min kmer count, lower abundant kmers are pruned from graph (default: 1)" << endl
        << "  -L <int>                         " << ":min contig length to be reported (default: 25)" << endl
        << "  --min_assembly_coverage  <int>   "
        << ":min kmer coverage of an assembled contig to be reported (default: 2)" << endl
        << "  --coverage_outfile <str>         " << ":file to store per-base kmer coverage for contigs" << endl
        << "  --DS                             " << ":double-stranded RNA-Seq mode (not strand-specific)" << endl
        << "  --no_prune_error_kmers           "
        << ":disable pruning of kmers that occur at below --min_ratio_non_error " << endl
        << "  --min_ratio_non_error <float>    "
        << ":min ratio for low/high alternative extension that is not an error (default: 0.05)" << endl
        << "  --num_threads <int>              "
        << ":number of threads to use. (by default, uses OMP_NUM_THREADS env var setting)" << endl
        << "  --PARALLEL_IWORM                 "
        << ":run the contig building in parallel; by default, only does parallel read parsing." << endl;

    if (show_advanced) {
            << "    * advanced opts:" << endl
            // << "    -R <int>                  " << ":maximum recursion length (default: 1)" << endl
            << "    --min_any_entropy <float> "
            << ":kmer must have at least this entropy to be added to the graph (default: 0)" << endl
            << "    --min_seed_entropy <float> " << ":min seed kmer entropy (default: 1.5)" << endl
            << "    --min_seed_coverage <int> " << ":min seed kmer coverage (default: 2)" << endl

            // << "    --crawl                   " << ":drag tail of inchworm by --crawl_length" << endl
            // << "    --crawl_length  <int>     " << ":length of tail end crawl (default: 1)" << endl
            // << "    --pacman                  " << ":exclude kmers as they're visited in descending order of counts" << endl
            // << "    --pruneSingletonKmersReadInterval <long> " << ":at num reads parsed interval, prune singleton kmers (default: 0)" << endl
            // << "    --min_con_ratio <float> " << ":minimum connectivity ratio (min/max) between neighboring kmers (default: 0)" << endl
            // << "    --reassembleIworm       " << ":redo assembly using previous inchworm outputs. Post-process to vary-K" << endl;

            << "    * developer flags: " << endl
            << "    --DEVEL_no_kmer_sort      "
            << ":no sorting of kmer by abundance values occurs. Kmer seeds chosen according to hash iterator order."
            << endl
            << "    --DEVEL_no_greedy_extend  "
            << ":instead of greedy contig extensions, any non-zero kmer is chosen to extend." << endl
            << "    --DEVEL_no_tie_breaking   " << ":if tie, choose either path randomly" << endl
            << "    --DEVEL_zero_kmer_on_use  " << ":zero kmer counts on use rather than after contig construction"
            << endl
            << "    --DEVEL_rand_fracture_prob <float>  "
            << " :probability of fracturing an inchworm contig at each extension (default: 0 (off)" << endl

            << "    --SINGLE_PHASE               "
            << ":in parallel mode, do a single iworm construction phase instead of default 2-phase" << endl
            << "    --keep_tmp_files             " << ":retain temporary files." << endl;


        << endl
        << "** Misc opts." << endl
        << "  --help                   " << ":produce this menu." << endl
        << "  --monitor <int>          " << ":verbosity. ( '1': recommended, '2': for debugging ) " << endl
        << "  --show_advanced          " << ":more advanced options (mostly experimental)" << endl

        << endl << endl << endl;

    return (usage_info.str());

Пример #2
string usage (ArgProcessor args) {
    bool show_advanced = args.isArgSet("--show_advanced");
    stringstream usage_info;
        << endl << endl
        << "Usage:" << endl
        << "  inchworm --reads <filename.fasta> --run_inchworm [opts] " << endl
        << "  inchworm --kmers <filename.fasta> --run_inchworm [opts] " << endl 
        << "  inchworm --kmer_files_listing <kmer_file_list.txt> --run_inchworm [opts] " << endl << endl

        << "**Required" << endl
        << "  --reads  <str>             " << ":fasta file containing reads" << endl
        << "  --kmers  <str>             " << ":fasta file containing kmers" << endl
        << "  --kmer_files_listing <str> " << ":file listing filenames containing kmers" << endl
        << endl;
        << endl
        << "** Run modes:" << endl
        << "  --run_inchworm           " << ":run inchworm, report sequences" << endl;
    if (show_advanced) {
            << "    * advanced: " << endl
            // << "    --describe_kmers         " << ":just describe kmers in the graph" << endl
            << "    --checkFastaPath <str>   " << ":check fastea seqs for path in kmer graph" << endl
            << "    --threadFasta <str>      " << ":thread sequences through the kmer graph, report kmer" << endl;
        << endl
        << "** General opts" << endl
        << "  -K <int>                         " << ":kmer length (default: 25, meaning 24mer overlaps)  max = 32 (stored as 64-bit integers, 2-base char encoding)" << endl
        << "  --minKmerCount <int>             " << ":min kmer count, lower abundant kmers are pruned from graph (default: 1)" << endl
        << "  -L <int>                         " << ":min contig length to be reported (default: 25)" << endl
        << "  --min_assembly_coverage  <int>   " << ":min kmer coverage of an assembled contig to be reported (default: 2)" << endl
        << "  --coverage_outfile <str>         " << ":file to store per-base kmer coverage for contigs" << endl
        << "  --DS                             " << ":double-stranded RNA-Seq mode (not strand-specific)" << endl
        << "  --no_prune_error_kmers           " << ":disable pruning of kmers that occur at below --min_ratio_non_error " << endl
        << "  --min_ratio_non_error <float>    " << ":min ratio for low/high alternative extension that is not an error (default: 0.05)" << endl
        << "  --num_threads <int>              " << ":number of threads to use." << endl

    if (show_advanced) {
            << "    * advanced opts:" << endl
            // << "    -R <int>                  " << ":maximum recursion length (default: 1)" << endl
            << "    --min_any_entropy <float> " << ":kmer must have at least this entropy to be added to the graph (default: 0)" << endl
            << "    --min_seed_entropy <float> " << ":min seed kmer entropy (default: 1.5)" << endl
            << "    --min_seed_coverage <int> " << ":min seed kmer coverage (default: 2)" << endl
            // << "    --crawl                   " << ":drag tail of inchworm by --crawl_length" << endl
            // << "    --crawl_length  <int>     " << ":length of tail end crawl (default: 1)" << endl
            // << "    --pacman                  " << ":exclude kmers as they're visited in descending order of counts" << endl
            // << "    --pruneSingletonKmersReadInterval <long> " << ":at num reads parsed interval, prune singleton kmers (default: 0)" << endl
            // << "    --min_con_ratio <float> " << ":minimum connectivity ratio (min/max) between neighboring kmers (default: 0)" << endl
            // << "    --reassembleIworm       " << ":redo assembly using previous inchworm outputs. Post-process to vary-K" << endl;
        << endl
        << "** Misc opts." << endl
        << "  --help                   " << ":produce this menu." << endl
        << "  --monitor <int>          " << ":verbosity. ( '1': recommended, '2': for debugging ) " << endl
        << "  --show_advanced          " << ":more advanced options (mostly experimental)" << endl 
        << endl << endl << endl;