bool Application::executeStartupBatchWizards() { vector<string> wizardFiles; ArgumentList* pArgumentList = ArgumentList::instance(); if (pArgumentList != NULL) { wizardFiles = pArgumentList->getOptions("input"); } if (wizardFiles.empty() == true) { return true; } return WizardUtilities::runBatchFiles(wizardFiles, mpProgress); }
bool Application::generateXml() { vector<string> files; ArgumentList* pArgumentList = ArgumentList::instance(); if (pArgumentList != NULL) { files = pArgumentList->getOptions("generate"); } for (vector<string>::iterator iter = files.begin(); iter != files.end(); ++iter) { string wizardFilename = *iter; auto_ptr<BatchWizard> pBatchWizard(WizardUtilities::createBatchWizardFromWizard(wizardFilename)); if (pBatchWizard.get() != NULL) { vector<BatchWizard*> batchWizards; batchWizards.push_back(pBatchWizard.get()); string outputFilename = WizardUtilities::deriveBatchWizardFilename(wizardFilename); if (!WizardUtilities::writeBatchWizard(batchWizards, outputFilename)) { reportError("Cannot write out batch wizard file: " + outputFilename); return false; } } else { reportError("Could not create the batch wizard. Make sure that the wizard file is valid, and that " "each value item in the wizard has a unique name."); return false; } } return true; }