Пример #1
Main test driver to be used on any muscle model (derived from Muscle) so new
cases should be easy to add currently, the test only verifies that the work
done by the muscle corresponds to the change in system energy.

TODO: Test will fail wih prescribe motion until the work done by this
constraint is accounted for.
void simulateMuscle(
    const Muscle &aMuscModel,
    double startX,
    double act0,
    const Function *motion,  // prescribe motion of free end of muscle
    const Function *control, // prescribed excitation signal to the muscle
    double integrationAccuracy,
    int testType,
    double testTolerance,
    bool printResults)
    string prescribed = (motion == NULL) ? "." : " with Prescribed Motion.";

    cout << "\n******************************************************" << endl;
    cout << "Test " << aMuscModel.getConcreteClassName()
        << " Model" << prescribed << endl;
    cout << "******************************************************" << endl;
    using SimTK::Vec3;

    // 0. SIMULATION SETUP: Create the block and ground

    // Define the initial and final simulation times
    double initialTime = 0.0;
    double finalTime = 4.0;

    //Physical properties of the model
    double ballMass = 10;
    double ballRadius = 0.05;
    double anchorWidth = 0.1;

    // Create an OpenSim model
    Model model;

    double optimalFiberLength = aMuscModel.getOptimalFiberLength();
    double pennationAngle = aMuscModel.getPennationAngleAtOptimalFiberLength();
    double tendonSlackLength = aMuscModel.getTendonSlackLength();

    // Use a copy of the muscle model passed in to add path points later
    PathActuator *aMuscle = aMuscModel.clone();

    // Get a reference to the model's ground body
    Ground& ground = model.updGround();
        ->setScaleFactors(Vec3(anchorWidth, anchorWidth, 2 * anchorWidth));

    OpenSim::Body * ball = new OpenSim::Body("ball",

    ball->updDisplayer()->setScaleFactors(Vec3(2 * ballRadius));
    // ball connected  to ground via a slider along X
    double xSinG = optimalFiberLength*cos(pennationAngle) + tendonSlackLength;

    SliderJoint* slider = new SliderJoint("slider",
        Vec3(anchorWidth / 2 + xSinG, 0, 0),

    CoordinateSet& jointCoordinateSet = slider->upd_CoordinateSet();

    if (motion != NULL){
    // add ball to model

    // 1. SIMULATION SETUP: Add the muscle

    //Attach the muscle
    const string &actuatorType = aMuscle->getConcreteClassName();
    aMuscle->addNewPathPoint("muscle-box", ground, Vec3(anchorWidth / 2, 0, 0));
    aMuscle->addNewPathPoint("muscle-ball", *ball, Vec3(-ballRadius, 0, 0));

    ActivationFiberLengthMuscle_Deprecated *aflMuscle
        = dynamic_cast<ActivationFiberLengthMuscle_Deprecated *>(aMuscle);
    if (aflMuscle){
        // Define the default states for the muscle that has 
        //activation and fiber-length states
        ActivationFiberLengthMuscle *aflMuscle2
            = dynamic_cast<ActivationFiberLengthMuscle *>(aMuscle);
        if (aflMuscle2){
            // Define the default states for the muscle 
            //that has activation and fiber-length states


    // Create a prescribed controller that simply 
    //applies controls as function of time
    PrescribedController * muscleController = new PrescribedController();
    if (control != NULL){
        // Set the indiviudal muscle control functions 
        //for the prescribed muscle controller
        muscleController->prescribeControlForActuator("muscle", control->clone());

        // Add the control set controller to the model

    // Set names for muscles / joints.
    Array<string> muscNames;
    Array<string> jointNames;

    // 2. SIMULATION SETUP: Instrument the test with probes

    Array<string> muscNamesTwice = muscNames;
    cout << "------------\nPROBES\n------------" << endl;
    int probeCounter = 1;

    // Add ActuatorPowerProbe to measure work done by the muscle 
    ActuatorPowerProbe* muscWorkProbe = new ActuatorPowerProbe(muscNames, false, 1);
    SimTK::Vector ic1(1);
    ic1 = 9.0;      // some arbitary initial condition.
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added ActuatorPowerProbe to measure work done by the muscle" << endl;

    // Add ActuatorPowerProbe to measure power generated by the muscle 
    ActuatorPowerProbe* muscPowerProbe = new ActuatorPowerProbe(*muscWorkProbe);    // use copy constructor
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added ActuatorPowerProbe to measure power generated by the muscle" << endl;

    // Add ActuatorPowerProbe to report the muscle power MINIMUM
    ActuatorPowerProbe* powerProbeMinimum = new ActuatorPowerProbe(*muscPowerProbe);            // use copy constructor
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added ActuatorPowerProbe to report the muscle power MINIMUM" << endl;

    // Add ActuatorPowerProbe to report the muscle power ABSOLUTE MINIMUM
    ActuatorPowerProbe* powerProbeMinAbs = new ActuatorPowerProbe(*muscPowerProbe);         // use copy constructor
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added ActuatorPowerProbe to report the muscle power MINABS" << endl;

    // Add ActuatorPowerProbe to report the muscle power MAXIMUM
    ActuatorPowerProbe* powerProbeMaximum = new ActuatorPowerProbe(*muscPowerProbe);            // use copy constructor
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added ActuatorPowerProbe to report the muscle power MAXIMUM" << endl;

    // Add ActuatorPowerProbe to report the muscle power MAXABS
    ActuatorPowerProbe* powerProbeMaxAbs = new ActuatorPowerProbe(*muscPowerProbe);         // use copy constructor
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added ActuatorPowerProbe to report the muscle power MAXABS" << endl;

    // Add ActuatorPowerProbe to measure the square of the power generated by the muscle 
    ActuatorPowerProbe* muscPowerSquaredProbe = new ActuatorPowerProbe(*muscPowerProbe);    // use copy constructor
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added ActuatorPowerProbe to measure the square of the power generated by the muscle" << endl;

    // Add JointInternalPowerProbe to measure work done by the joint 
    JointInternalPowerProbe* jointWorkProbe = new JointInternalPowerProbe(jointNames, false, 1);
    jointWorkProbe->setInitialConditions(SimTK::Vector(1, 0.0));
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added JointPowerProbe to measure work done by the joint" << endl;

    // Add JointPowerProbe to measure power generated by the joint 
    JointInternalPowerProbe* jointPowerProbe = new JointInternalPowerProbe(*jointWorkProbe);    // use copy constructor
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added JointPowerProbe to measure power generated by the joint" << endl;

    // Add ActuatorForceProbe to measure the impulse of the muscle force 
    ActuatorForceProbe* impulseProbe = new ActuatorForceProbe(muscNames, false, 1);
    impulseProbe->setInitialConditions(SimTK::Vector(1, 0.0));
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added ActuatorForceProbe to measure the impulse of the muscle force" << endl;

    // Add ActuatorForceProbe to report the muscle force 
    ActuatorForceProbe* forceProbe = new ActuatorForceProbe(*impulseProbe);         // use copy constructor
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added ActuatorForceProbe to report the muscle force" << endl;

    // Add ActuatorForceProbe to report the square of the muscle force 
    ActuatorForceProbe* forceSquaredProbe = new ActuatorForceProbe(*forceProbe);            // use copy constructor
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added ActuatorForceProbe to report the square of the muscle force " << endl;

    // Add ActuatorForceProbe to report the square of the muscle force for the same muscle repeated twice
    ActuatorForceProbe* forceSquaredProbeTwice = new ActuatorForceProbe(*forceSquaredProbe);            // use copy constructor
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added ActuatorForceProbe to report the square of the muscle force for the same muscle repeated twice" << endl;

    // Add ActuatorForceProbe to report the square of the muscle force for the same muscle repeated twice, SCALED BY 0.5
    ActuatorForceProbe* forceSquaredProbeTwiceScaled = new ActuatorForceProbe(*forceSquaredProbeTwice);         // use copy constructor
    double gain1 = 0.5;
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added ActuatorForceProbe to report the square of the muscle force for the same muscle repeated twice, SCALED BY 0.5" << endl;

    // Add ActuatorForceProbe to report -3.5X the muscle force 
    double gain2 = -3.50;
    ActuatorForceProbe* forceProbeScale = new ActuatorForceProbe(*impulseProbe);        // use copy constructor
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added ActuatorForceProbe to report -3.5X the muscle force" << endl;

    // Add ActuatorForceProbe to report the differentiated muscle force 
    ActuatorForceProbe* forceProbeDiff = new ActuatorForceProbe(*impulseProbe);     // use copy constructor
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added ActuatorForceProbe to report the differentiated muscle force" << endl;

    // Add SystemEnergyProbe to measure the system KE+PE
    SystemEnergyProbe* sysEnergyProbe = new SystemEnergyProbe(true, true);
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added SystemEnergyProbe to measure the system KE+PE" << endl;

    // Add SystemEnergyProbe to measure system power (d/dt system KE+PE)
    SystemEnergyProbe* sysPowerProbe = new SystemEnergyProbe(*sysEnergyProbe);  // use copy constructor
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added SystemEnergyProbe to measure system power (d/dt system KE+PE)" << endl;

    // Add ActuatorForceProbe to report the muscle force value, twice -- REPORTED INDIVIDUALLY AS VECTORS
    ActuatorForceProbe* forceSquaredProbeTwiceReportedIndividually1 = new ActuatorForceProbe(*forceProbe);          // use copy constructor
    forceSquaredProbeTwiceReportedIndividually1->setSumForcesTogether(false);    // report individually
    //cout << forceSquaredProbeTwiceReportedIndividually1->getActuatorNames().size() << endl;
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added ActuatorForceProbe to report the muscle force value, twice - REPORTED INDIVIDUALLY" << endl;

    // Add ActuatorForceProbe to report the differentiated muscle force value, twice -- REPORTED INDIVIDUALLY AS VECTORS
    ActuatorForceProbe* forceSquaredProbeTwiceReportedIndividually2 = new ActuatorForceProbe(*forceSquaredProbeTwiceReportedIndividually1);         // use copy constructor
    forceSquaredProbeTwiceReportedIndividually2->setSumForcesTogether(false);    // report individually
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added ActuatorForceProbe to report the differentiated muscle force value, twice - REPORTED INDIVIDUALLY" << endl;

    // Add ActuatorForceProbe to report the integrated muscle force value, twice -- REPORTED INDIVIDUALLY AS VECTORS
    ActuatorForceProbe* forceSquaredProbeTwiceReportedIndividually3 = new ActuatorForceProbe(*forceSquaredProbeTwiceReportedIndividually1);         // use copy constructor
    forceSquaredProbeTwiceReportedIndividually3->setSumForcesTogether(false);    // report individually
    SimTK::Vector initCondVec(2);
    initCondVec(0) = 0;
    initCondVec(1) = 10;
    cout << probeCounter++ << ") Added ActuatorForceProbe to report the integrated muscle force value, twice - REPORTED INDIVIDUALLY" << endl;
    cout << "initCondVec = " << initCondVec << endl;

    /* Since all components are allocated on the stack don't have model
    own them (and try to free)*/
    //  model.disownAllComponents();
    cout << "Saving model... " << endl;
    cout << "Re-loading model... " << endl;
    Model reloadedModel = Model("testProbesModel.osim");

    /* Setup analyses and reporters. */
    ProbeReporter* probeReporter = new ProbeReporter(&model);
    ForceReporter* forceReporter = new ForceReporter(&model);
    MuscleAnalysis* muscleReporter = new MuscleAnalysis(&model);

    // 3. SIMULATION Initialization

    // Initialize the system and get the default state    
    SimTK::State& si = model.initSystem();
    SimTK::Vector testRealInitConditions = forceSquaredProbeTwiceReportedIndividually3->getProbeOutputs(si);

    model.getMultibodySystem().realize(si, SimTK::Stage::Dynamics);

    CoordinateSet& modelCoordinateSet = model.updCoordinateSet();

    // Define non-zero (defaults are 0) states for the free joint
    // set x-translation value
    modelCoordinateSet[0].setValue(si, startX, true);

    //Copy the initial state
    SimTK::State initialState(si);

    // Check muscle is setup correctly 
    const PathActuator &muscle
        = dynamic_cast<const PathActuator&>(model.updActuators().get("muscle"));
    double length = muscle.getLength(si);
    double trueLength = startX + xSinG - anchorWidth / 2;

    ASSERT_EQUAL(length / trueLength, 1.0, testTolerance, __FILE__, __LINE__,
        "testMuscles: path failed to initialize to correct length.");

    model.getMultibodySystem().realize(si, SimTK::Stage::Acceleration);

    double Emuscle0 = muscWorkProbe->getProbeOutputs(si)(0);
    //cout << "Muscle initial energy = " << Emuscle0 << endl;
    double Esys0 = model.getMultibodySystem().calcEnergy(si);
    Esys0 += (Emuscle0 + jointWorkProbe->getProbeOutputs(si)(0));
    double PEsys0 = model.getMultibodySystem().calcPotentialEnergy(si);
    //cout << "Total initial system energy = " << Esys0 << endl; 

    // 4. SIMULATION Integration

    // Create the integrator
    SimTK::RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integrator(model.getMultibodySystem());

    // Create the manager
    Manager manager(model, integrator);

    // Integrate from initial time to final time
    cout << "\nIntegrating from " << initialTime << " to " << finalTime << endl;

    // Start timing the simulation
    const clock_t start = clock();
    // simulate

    // how long did it take?
    double comp_time = (double)(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    // 5. SIMULATION Reporting

    double realTimeMultiplier = ((finalTime - initialTime) / comp_time);
    printf("testMuscles: Realtime Multiplier: %f\n"
        "           :  simulation duration / clock duration\n"
        "              > 1 : faster than real time\n"
        "              = 1 : real time\n"
        "              < 1 : slower than real time\n",

    ASSERT(comp_time <= (finalTime-initialTime));
    printf("testMuscles: PASSED Realtime test\n"
    "             %s simulation time: %f with accuracy %f\n\n",
    actuatorType.c_str(), comp_time , accuracy);

    //An analysis only writes to a dir that exists, so create here.
    if (printResults == true){
        Storage states(manager.getStateStorage());
        cout << "\nDone with printing results..." << endl;

    double muscleWork = muscWorkProbe->getProbeOutputs(si)(0);
    cout << "Muscle work = " << muscleWork << endl;

    // Test the resetting of probes
    cout << "Resetting muscle work probe..." << endl;
    muscleWork = muscWorkProbe->getProbeOutputs(si)(0);
    cout << "Muscle work = " << muscleWork << endl;
    ASSERT_EQUAL(muscleWork, ic1(0), 1e-4, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Error resetting (initializing) probe.");

    // 6. SIMULATION Tests
    model.getMultibodySystem().realize(si, SimTK::Stage::Acceleration);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(forceSquaredProbeTwiceScaled->getProbeOutputs(si)(0), gain1*forceSquaredProbeTwice->getProbeOutputs(si)(0), 1e-4, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Error with 'scale' operation.");
    ASSERT_EQUAL(forceProbeScale->getProbeOutputs(si)(0), gain2*forceProbe->getProbeOutputs(si)(0), 1e-4, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Error with 'scale' operation.");
    ASSERT_EQUAL(forceSquaredProbe->getProbeOutputs(si)(0), forceSquaredProbeTwiceScaled->getProbeOutputs(si)(0), 1e-4, __FILE__, __LINE__, "forceSquaredProbeTwiceScaled != forceSquaredProbe.");
    ASSERT_EQUAL(forceSquaredProbe->getProbeOutputs(si)(0), pow(forceProbe->getProbeOutputs(si)(0), 2), 1e-4, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Error with forceSquaredProbe probe.");
    ASSERT_EQUAL(forceSquaredProbeTwice->getProbeOutputs(si)(0), 2 * pow(forceProbe->getProbeOutputs(si)(0), 2), 1e-4, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Error with forceSquaredProbeTwice probe.");
    for (int i = 0; i<initCondVec.size(); ++i)  {
        stringstream myError;
        //myError << "Initial condition[" << i << "] for vector integration is not being correctly applied." << endl;
        //ASSERT_EQUAL(testRealInitConditions(i), initCondVec(i), 1e-4, __FILE__, __LINE__, myError.str());
        //if (testRealInitConditions(i) != initCondVec(i))
        //    cout << "WARNING: Initial condition[" << i << "] for vector integration is not being correctly applied.\nThis is actually an error, but I have made it into a warning for now so that the test passes..." << endl;

Пример #2
    inline bool zsuper(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame, intptr_t literal) {
      Object* block = stack_pop();
      Object* const recv = call_frame->self();

      VariableScope* scope = call_frame->method_scope(state);

      MachineCode* mc = scope->method()->machine_code();
      Object* splat_obj = 0;
      Array* splat = 0;

      size_t arg_count = mc->total_args;

      if(mc->splat_position >= 0) {
        splat_obj = scope->get_local(state, mc->splat_position);
        splat = try_as<Array>(splat_obj);
        if(splat) {
          arg_count += splat->size();
        } else {

      Tuple* tup = Tuple::create(state, arg_count);
      native_int tup_index = 0;

      native_int fixed_args;
      if(splat) {
        fixed_args = mc->splat_position;
      } else if(mc->keywords) {
        fixed_args = mc->total_args - 1;
      } else {
        fixed_args = mc->total_args;
      for(native_int i = 0; i < fixed_args; i++) {
        tup->put(state, tup_index++, scope->get_local(state, i));

      if(splat) {
        for(native_int i = 0; i < splat->size(); i++) {
          tup->put(state, tup_index++, splat->get(state, i));
      } else if(splat_obj) {
        tup->put(state, tup_index++, splat_obj);

      if(mc->post_args) {
        native_int post_position = mc->splat_position + 1;
        for(native_int i = post_position; i < post_position + mc->post_args; i++) {
          tup->put(state, tup_index++, scope->get_local(state, i));

      if(mc->keywords) {
        native_int placeholder_position = splat_obj ? mc->total_args : mc->total_args - 1;
        native_int keywords_position = placeholder_position + 1;

        Object* placeholder = scope->get_local(state, placeholder_position);
        Array* ary = Array::create(state, 2);

        for(native_int i = keywords_position; i <= mc->keywords_count; i++) {
          ary->set(state, 0, as<Symbol>(call_frame->compiled_code->local_names()->at(state, i)));
          ary->set(state, 1, scope->get_local(state, i));

          placeholder->send(state, state->symbol("[]="), ary);

        tup->put(state, tup_index++, scope->get_local(state, placeholder_position));

      CallSite* call_site = reinterpret_cast<CallSite*>(literal);

      Arguments new_args(call_site->name(), recv, block, arg_count, 0);
      new_args.use_tuple(tup, arg_count);

      Object* ret;

      Symbol* current_name = call_frame->original_name();
      if(call_site->name() != current_name) {
        call_site->name(state, current_name);

      ret = call_site->execute(state, new_args);


Пример #3
Array<T> fftconvolve(Array<T> const& signal, Array<T> const& filter,
                     const bool expand, ConvolveBatchKind kind)
    const af::dim4 sd = signal.dims();
    const af::dim4 fd = filter.dims();

    dim_t fftScale = 1;

    af::dim4 packed_dims;
    int fft_dims[baseDim];
    af::dim4 sig_tmp_dims, sig_tmp_strides;
    af::dim4 filter_tmp_dims, filter_tmp_strides;

    // Pack both signal and filter on same memory array, this will ensure
    // better use of batched cuFFT capabilities
    for (dim_t k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
        if (k < baseDim)
            packed_dims[k] = nextpow2((unsigned)(sd[k] + fd[k] - 1));
        else if (k == baseDim)
            packed_dims[k] = sd[k] + fd[k];
            packed_dims[k] = 1;

        if (k < baseDim) {
            fft_dims[baseDim-k-1] = (k == 0) ? packed_dims[k] / 2 : packed_dims[k];
            fftScale *= fft_dims[baseDim-k-1];

    Array<convT> packed = createEmptyArray<convT>(packed_dims);
    convT *packed_ptr = packed.get();

    const af::dim4 packed_strides = packed.strides();

    sig_tmp_dims[0]    = filter_tmp_dims[0] = packed_dims[0];
    sig_tmp_strides[0] = filter_tmp_strides[0] = 1;

    for (dim_t k = 1; k < 4; k++) {
        if (k < baseDim) {
            sig_tmp_dims[k]    = packed_dims[k];
            filter_tmp_dims[k] = packed_dims[k];
        else {
            sig_tmp_dims[k]    = sd[k];
            filter_tmp_dims[k] = fd[k];

        sig_tmp_strides[k]    = sig_tmp_strides[k - 1] * sig_tmp_dims[k - 1];
        filter_tmp_strides[k] = filter_tmp_strides[k - 1] * filter_tmp_dims[k - 1];

    // Calculate memory offsets for packed signal and filter
    convT *sig_tmp_ptr    = packed_ptr;
    convT *filter_tmp_ptr = packed_ptr + sig_tmp_strides[3] * sig_tmp_dims[3];

    // Number of packed complex elements in dimension 0
    dim_t sig_half_d0 = divup(sd[0], 2);

    // Pack signal in a complex matrix where first dimension is half the input
    // (allows faster FFT computation) and pad array to a power of 2 with 0s
    packData<convT, T>(sig_tmp_ptr, sig_tmp_dims, sig_tmp_strides, signal);

    // Pad filter array with 0s
    padArray<convT, T>(filter_tmp_ptr, filter_tmp_dims, filter_tmp_strides, filter);

    // Compute forward FFT
    if (isDouble) {
        fftw_plan plan = fftw_plan_many_dft(baseDim,
                                            packed_strides[baseDim] / 2,
                                            packed_strides[baseDim] / 2,

    else {
        fftwf_plan plan = fftwf_plan_many_dft(baseDim,
                                              packed_strides[baseDim] / 2,
                                              packed_strides[baseDim] / 2,


    // Multiply filter and signal FFT arrays
    if (kind == ONE2MANY)
        complexMultiply<convT>(filter_tmp_ptr, filter_tmp_dims, filter_tmp_strides,
                               sig_tmp_ptr, sig_tmp_dims, sig_tmp_strides,
                               filter_tmp_ptr, filter_tmp_dims, filter_tmp_strides,
        complexMultiply<convT>(sig_tmp_ptr, sig_tmp_dims, sig_tmp_strides,
                               sig_tmp_ptr, sig_tmp_dims, sig_tmp_strides,
                               filter_tmp_ptr, filter_tmp_dims, filter_tmp_strides,

    // Compute inverse FFT
    if (isDouble) {
        fftw_plan plan = fftw_plan_many_dft(baseDim,
                                            packed_strides[baseDim] / 2,
                                            packed_strides[baseDim] / 2,

    else {
        fftwf_plan plan = fftwf_plan_many_dft(baseDim,
                                              packed_strides[baseDim] / 2,
                                              packed_strides[baseDim] / 2,


    // Compute output dimensions
    dim4 oDims(1);
    if (expand) {
        for(dim_t d=0; d<4; ++d) {
            if (kind==ONE2ONE || kind==ONE2MANY) {
                oDims[d] = sd[d]+fd[d]-1;
            } else {
                oDims[d] = (d<baseDim ? sd[d]+fd[d]-1 : sd[d]);
    } else {
        oDims = sd;
        if (kind==ONE2MANY) {
            for (dim_t i=baseDim; i<4; ++i)
                oDims[i] = fd[i];

    Array<T> out = createEmptyArray<T>(oDims);
    T* out_ptr = out.get();
    const af::dim4 out_dims = out.dims();
    const af::dim4 out_strides = out.strides();

    const af::dim4 filter_dims = filter.dims();

    // Reorder the output
    if (kind == ONE2MANY) {
        reorderOutput<T, convT, roundOut>
            (out_ptr, out_dims, out_strides,
             filter_tmp_ptr, filter_tmp_dims, filter_tmp_strides,
             filter_dims, sig_half_d0, baseDim, fftScale, expand);
    else {
        reorderOutput<T, convT, roundOut>
            (out_ptr, out_dims, out_strides,
             sig_tmp_ptr, sig_tmp_dims, sig_tmp_strides,
             filter_dims, sig_half_d0, baseDim, fftScale, expand);

    return out;
Пример #4
void SubImage::init (void) {


    copy(img);                    // copy current cut-out to (double) working copy.

    stats.getStats( img.get(), imgSize*imgSize, ST_VALUES );

    double avg = stats.mean;
    size_t nEl = img.nElements();
    double* imgPtr = img.get();
    const double* winPtr = window.get();
    if( object.fittedPlane.nElements() == nEl ) {
        const float* planePtr = object.fittedPlane.get();
        for( size_t i=0; i<nEl; ++i) {
            // Note: mean(plane) = 0, so subtracting it will not affect the mean value.
            imgPtr[i] = (imgPtr[i]-avg-planePtr[i])*winPtr[i]+avg;
    } else {
        transform(imgPtr, imgPtr+nEl, window.get(), imgPtr,
        [avg](const double& a, const double& b) {
            return (a-avg)*b+avg;
    stats.getStats( img.get(), imgSize*imgSize, ST_VALUES|ST_RMS );     // TODO test if this is necessary or if the stats for the larger area is sufficient
    string str = "Initializing image " + to_string(object.ID) + ":" + to_string(channel.ID) + ":" + to_string(index)
                 + "   mean=" + to_string (stats.mean) + " stddev=" + to_string (stats.stddev);

    transpose(img.get(),imgSize,imgSize);                                                       // to match MvN

    size_t noiseSize = noiseWindow.dimSize(0);
    if (imgSize == noiseSize) {
        transform(tmpImg.get(), tmpImg.get()+tmpImg.nElements(), noiseWindow.get(), tmpImg.get(),
        [&](const double& a, const double& b) {
            return (a-stats.mean)*b;
        imgFT.reset(tmpImg.get(), imgSize, imgSize, FT_FULLCOMPLEX);
        stats.noise = imgFT.noise(-1,-1);
    } else {
        size_t offset = (imgSize-noiseSize) / 2;
        Array<double> tmp(img, offset, offset+noiseSize-1, offset ,offset+noiseSize-1);
        transform(tmp.get(), tmp.get()+tmp.nElements(), noiseWindow.get(), tmp.get(),
        [&](const double& a, const double& b) {
            return (a-stats.mean)*b;
        imgFT.reset(tmp.get(), imgSize, imgSize, FT_FULLCOMPLEX);
        stats.noise = imgFT.noise(-1,-1);

    if (imgSize == otfSize) {                                                                   // imgSize = 2*pupilSize
        imgFT.reset(img.get(), imgSize, imgSize, FT_FULLCOMPLEX); //|FT_NORMALIZE );                 // full-complex for now, perhaps half-complex later for performance
    } else {                                                                                    // imgSize > 2*pupilSize should never happen (cf. calculatePupilSize)
        int offset = (otfSize - imgSize) / 2;
        Array<double> tmp (otfSize, otfSize);
        double* imgPtr = img.get();
        double* tmpPtr = tmp.get();
        for (int i = 0; i < imgSize; ++i) {
            memcpy (tmpPtr + offset * (otfSize + 1) + i * otfSize, imgPtr + i * imgSize, imgSize * sizeof (double));
        imgFT.reset (tmp.get(), otfSize, otfSize, FT_FULLCOMPLEX); //|FT_NORMALIZE );               // full-complex for now, perhaps half-complex later for performance

    FourierTransform::reorder(imgFT);                                                          // keep FT in centered form
    stats.noise *= channel.noiseFudge;
    double rg = stats.noise/stats.stddev;
    str += " noise=" + to_string (stats.noise) + " rg=" + to_string(rg);
    object.addRegGamma( rg );
    object.addToFT( imgFT );

    LOG_DEBUG << str << "  initial shift=" << (string)offsetShift << ende;

Пример #5
void ExtendedException::computeBacktrace(bool skipFrame /* = false */) {
  Array bt = createBacktrace(BacktraceArgs()
  m_btp = bt.get();
Пример #6
FatalErrorException::FatalErrorException(const std::string &msg,
                                         const Array& backtrace) {
  m_msg = msg;
  m_btp = backtrace.get();
Пример #7
Array<T> matmul(const Array<T> &lhs, const Array<T> &rhs,
                af_mat_prop optLhs, af_mat_prop optRhs)
    if(OpenCLCPUOffload(false)) {   // Do not force offload gemm on OSX Intel devices
        return cpu::matmul(lhs, rhs, optLhs, optRhs);
    const auto lOpts = toBlasTranspose(optLhs);
    const auto rOpts = toBlasTranspose(optRhs);

    const auto aRowDim = (lOpts == OPENCL_BLAS_NO_TRANS) ? 0 : 1;
    const auto aColDim = (lOpts == OPENCL_BLAS_NO_TRANS) ? 1 : 0;
    const auto bColDim = (rOpts == OPENCL_BLAS_NO_TRANS) ? 1 : 0;

    const dim4 lDims = lhs.dims();
    const dim4 rDims = rhs.dims();
    const int M = lDims[aRowDim];
    const int N = rDims[bColDim];
    const int K = lDims[aColDim];

    dim_t d2 = std::max(lDims[2], rDims[2]);
    dim_t d3 = std::max(lDims[3], rDims[3]);
    dim4 oDims = af::dim4(M, N, d2, d3);
    Array<T> out = createEmptyArray<T>(oDims);

    const auto alpha = scalar<T>(1);
    const auto beta  = scalar<T>(0);

    const dim4 lStrides = lhs.strides();
    const dim4 rStrides = rhs.strides();
    const dim4 oStrides = out.strides();

    int batchSize = oDims[2] * oDims[3];

    bool is_l_d2_batched = oDims[2] == lDims[2];
    bool is_l_d3_batched = oDims[3] == lDims[3];
    bool is_r_d2_batched = oDims[2] == rDims[2];
    bool is_r_d3_batched = oDims[3] == rDims[3];

    for (int n = 0; n < batchSize; n++) {
        int w = n / oDims[2];
        int z = n - w * oDims[2];

        int loff = z * (is_l_d2_batched * lStrides[2]) + w * (is_l_d3_batched * lStrides[3]);
        int roff = z * (is_r_d2_batched * rStrides[2]) + w * (is_r_d3_batched * rStrides[3]);

        dim_t lOffset = lhs.getOffset() + loff;
        dim_t rOffset = rhs.getOffset() + roff;
        dim_t oOffset = out.getOffset() + z * oStrides[2] + w * oStrides[3];

        cl::Event event;
        if(rDims[bColDim] == 1) {
            dim_t incr = (optRhs == AF_MAT_NONE) ? rStrides[0] : rStrides[1];
            gpu_blas_gemv_func<T> gemv;
                gemv(lOpts, lDims[0], lDims[1],
                     (*lhs.get())(), lOffset, lStrides[1],
                     (*rhs.get())(), rOffset, incr,
                     (*out.get())(), oOffset, 1,
                     1, &getQueue()(), 0, nullptr, &event())
        } else {
            gpu_blas_gemm_func<T> gemm;
                gemm(lOpts, rOpts, M, N, K,
                     (*lhs.get())(), lOffset, lStrides[1],
                     (*rhs.get())(), rOffset, rStrides[1],
                     (*out.get())(), oOffset, out.dims()[0],
                     1, &getQueue()(), 0, nullptr, &event())

    return out;
Пример #8
 * Apply the wrap objects to the current path.
void GeometryPath::
applyWrapObjects(const SimTK::State& s, Array<PathPoint*>& path) const 
    if (get_PathWrapSet().getSize() < 1)

    WrapResult best_wrap;
    Array<int> result, order;


    // Set the initial order to be the order they are listed in the path.
    for (int i = 0; i < get_PathWrapSet().getSize(); i++)
        order[i] = i;

    // If there is only one wrap object, calculate the wrapping only once.
    // If there are two or more objects, perform up to 8 iterations where
    // the result from one wrap object is used as the starting point for
    // the next wrap.
    const int maxIterations = get_PathWrapSet().getSize() < 2 ? 1 : 8;
    double last_length = SimTK::Infinity;
    for (int kk = 0; kk < maxIterations; kk++)
        for (int i = 0; i < get_PathWrapSet().getSize(); i++)
            result[i] = 0;
            PathWrap& ws = get_PathWrapSet().get(order[i]);
            const WrapObject* wo = ws.getWrapObject();
            double min_length_change = SimTK::Infinity;

            // First remove this object's wrapping points from the current path.
            for (int j = 0; j <path.getSize(); j++) {
                if( path.get(j) == &ws.getWrapPoint1()) {
                    path.remove(j); // remove the first wrap point
                    path.remove(j); // remove the second wrap point

            if (wo->get_active()) {
                // startPoint and endPoint in wrapStruct represent the 
                // user-defined starting and ending points in the array of path 
                // points that should be considered for wrapping. These indices 
                // take into account via points, whether or not they are active. 
                // Thus they are indices into mp_orig[], not mp[] (also, mp[] 
                // may contain wrapping points from previous wrap objects, which
                // would mess up the starting and ending indices). But the goal 
                // is to find starting and ending indices in mp[] to consider
                // for wrapping over this wrap object. Here is how that is done:

                // 1. startPoint and endPoint are 1-based, so subtract 1 from 
                // them to get indices into get_PathPointSet(). -1 (or any value
                // less than 1) means use the first (or last) point.
                const int wrapStart = (ws.getStartPoint() < 1
                                            ? 0 
                                            : ws.getStartPoint() - 1);
                const int wrapEnd   = (ws.getEndPoint() < 1
                                            ? get_PathPointSet().getSize() - 1 
                                            : ws.getEndPoint() - 1);

                // 2. Scan forward from wrapStart in get_PathPointSet() to find 
                // the first point that is active. Store a pointer to it (smp).
                int jfwd = wrapStart;
                for (; jfwd <= wrapEnd; jfwd++)
                    if (get_PathPointSet().get(jfwd).isActive(s))
                if (jfwd > wrapEnd) // there are no active points in the path
                const PathPoint* const smp = &get_PathPointSet().get(jfwd);

                // 3. Scan backwards from wrapEnd in get_PathPointSet() to find 
                // the last point that is active. Store a pointer to it (emp).
                int jrev = wrapEnd;
                for (; jrev >= wrapStart; jrev--)
                    if (get_PathPointSet().get(jrev).isActive(s))
                if (jrev < wrapStart) // there are no active points in the path
                const PathPoint* const emp = &get_PathPointSet().get(jrev);

                // 4. Now find the indices of smp and emp in _currentPath.
                int start=-1, end=-1;
                for (int j = 0; j < path.getSize(); j++) {
                    if (path.get(j) == smp)
                        start = j;
                    if (path.get(j) == emp)
                        end = j;
                if (start == -1 || end == -1) // this should never happen

                // You now have indices into _currentPath (which is a list of 
                // all currently active points, including wrap points) that 
                // represent the used-defined range of points to consider for 
                // wrapping over this wrap object. Check each path segment in 
                // this range, choosing the best wrap as the one that changes 
                // the path segment length the least:
                for (int pt1 = start; pt1 < end; pt1++)
                    const int pt2 = pt1 + 1;

                    // As long as the two points are not auto wrap points on the
                    // same wrap object, check them for wrapping.
                    if (   path.get(pt1)->getWrapObject() == NULL 
                        || path.get(pt2)->getWrapObject() == NULL 
                        || (   path.get(pt1)->getWrapObject() 
                            != path.get(pt2)->getWrapObject()))
                        WrapResult wr;
                        wr.startPoint = pt1;
                        wr.endPoint   = pt2;

                        result[i] = wo->wrapPathSegment(s, *path.get(pt1), 
                                                        *path.get(pt2), ws, wr);
                        if (result[i] == WrapObject::mandatoryWrap) {
                            // "mandatoryWrap" means the path actually 
                            // intersected the wrap object. In this case, you 
                            // *must* choose this segment as the "best" one for
                            // wrapping. If the path has more than one segment 
                            // that intersects the object, the first one is
                            // taken as the mandatory wrap (this is considered 
                            // an ill-conditioned case).
                            best_wrap = wr;
                            // Store the best wrap in the pathWrap for possible 
                            // use next time.
                        }  else if (result[i] == WrapObject::wrapped) {
                            // "wrapped" means the path segment was wrapped over
                            // the object, but you should consider the other 
                            // segments as well to see if one
                            // wraps with a smaller length change.
                            double path_length_change = 
                                calcPathLengthChange(s, *wo, wr, path);
                            if (path_length_change < min_length_change)
                                best_wrap = wr;
                                // Store the best wrap in the pathWrap for 
                                // possible use next time
                                min_length_change = path_length_change;
                            } else {
                                // The wrap was not shorter than the current 
                                // minimum, so just free the wrap points that 
                                // were allocated.
                        } else {
                            // Nothing to do.

                // Deallocate previous wrapping points if necessary.

                if (best_wrap.wrap_pts.getSize() == 0) {
                } else {
                    // If wrapping did occur, copy wrap info into the PathStruct.

                    Array<SimTK::Vec3>& wrapPath = ws.updWrapPoint2().getWrapPath();
                    wrapPath = best_wrap.wrap_pts;

                    // In OpenSim, all conversion to/from the wrap object's 
                    // reference frame will be performed inside 
                    // wrapPathSegment(). Thus, all points in this function will
                    // be in their respective body reference frames.
                    // for (j = 0; j < wrapPath.getSize(); j++){
                    //    convert_from_wrap_object_frame(wo, wrapPath.get(j));
                    //    convert(ms->modelnum, wrapPath.get(j), wo->segment, 
                    //            ms->ground_segment);
                    // }



                    // Now insert the two new wrapping points into mp[] array.
                    path.insert(best_wrap.endPoint, &ws.updWrapPoint1());
                    path.insert(best_wrap.endPoint + 1, &ws.updWrapPoint2());

        const double length = calcLengthAfterPathComputation(s, path); 
        if (std::abs(length - last_length) < 0.0005) {
        } else {
            last_length = length;

        if (kk == 0 && get_PathWrapSet().getSize() > 1) {
            // If the first wrap was a no wrap, and the second was a no wrap
            // because a point was inside the object, switch the order of
            // the first two objects and try again.
            if (   result[0] == WrapObject::noWrap 
                && result[1] == WrapObject::insideRadius)
                order[0] = 1;
                order[1] = 0;

                // remove wrap object 0 from the list of path points
                PathWrap& ws = get_PathWrapSet().get(0);
                for (int j = 0; j < path.getSize(); j++) {
                    if (path.get(j) == &ws.updWrapPoint1()) {
                        path.remove(j); // remove the first wrap point
                        path.remove(j); // remove the second wrap point
Пример #9
void writeDeviceDataArray(Array<T> &arr, const void *const data,
                          const size_t bytes) {
    if (!arr.isOwner()) { arr = copyArray<T>(arr); }
    memcpy(arr.get(), (const T *const)data, bytes);
Пример #10
  /* Look at this class and it's superclass contents (which includes
   * included modules) and calculate out how to allocate the slots.
   * This locks the class so that construction is serialized.
  void Class::auto_pack(STATE, GCToken gct, CallFrame* call_frame) {
    Class* self = this;
    OnStack<1> os(state, self);

    hard_lock(state, gct, call_frame);

    // If another thread did this work while we were waiting on the lock,
    // don't redo it.
    if(self->type_info_->type == PackedObject::type) {
      self->hard_unlock(state, gct, call_frame);

    size_t slots = 0;

    LookupTable* lt = LookupTable::create(state);

    // If autopacking is enabled, figure out how many slots to use.
    if(state->shared().config.gc_autopack) {
      Module* mod = self;

      int slot = 0;

      while(!mod->nil_p()) {
        Array* info = 0;

        if(Class* cls = try_as<Class>(mod)) {
          info = cls->seen_ivars();
        } else if(IncludedModule* im = try_as<IncludedModule>(mod)) {
          info = im->module()->seen_ivars();

        if(info && !info->nil_p()) {
          for(native_int i = 0; i < info->size(); i++) {
            if(Symbol* sym = try_as<Symbol>(info->get(state, i))) {
              bool found = false;
              lt->fetch(state, sym, &found);

              if(!found) {
                lt->store(state, sym, Fixnum::from(slot++));

            // Limit the number of packed ivars to 25.
            if(slot > 25) break;

        mod = mod->superclass();
      slots = lt->entries()->to_native();

    self->set_packed_size(sizeof(Object) + (slots * sizeof(Object*)));
    self->packed_ivar_info(state, lt);

    self->set_object_type(state, PackedObject::type);

    self->hard_unlock(state, gct, call_frame);
Пример #11
unsigned orb(Array<float> &x, Array<float> &y,
             Array<float> &score, Array<float> &ori,
             Array<float> &size, Array<uint> &desc,
             const Array<T>& image,
             const float fast_thr, const unsigned max_feat,
             const float scl_fctr, const unsigned levels,
             const bool blur_img)

    unsigned patch_size = REF_PAT_SIZE;

    const af::dim4 idims = image.dims();
    unsigned min_side = std::min(idims[0], idims[1]);
    unsigned max_levels = 0;
    float scl_sum = 0.f;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
        min_side /= scl_fctr;

        // Minimum image side for a descriptor to be computed
        if (min_side < patch_size || max_levels == levels) break;

        scl_sum += 1.f / (float)std::pow(scl_fctr,(float)i);

    std::vector<float*> h_x_pyr(max_levels);
    std::vector<float*> h_y_pyr(max_levels);
    std::vector<float*> h_score_pyr(max_levels);
    std::vector<float*> h_ori_pyr(max_levels);
    std::vector<float*> h_size_pyr(max_levels);
    std::vector<unsigned*> h_desc_pyr(max_levels);

    std::vector<unsigned> feat_pyr(max_levels);
    unsigned total_feat = 0;

    // Compute number of features to keep for each level
    std::vector<unsigned> lvl_best(max_levels);
    unsigned feat_sum = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < max_levels-1; i++) {
        float lvl_scl = (float)std::pow(scl_fctr,(float)i);
        lvl_best[i] = ceil((max_feat / scl_sum) / lvl_scl);
        feat_sum += lvl_best[i];
    lvl_best[max_levels-1] = max_feat - feat_sum;

    // Maintain a reference to previous level image
    Array<T> prev_img = createEmptyArray<T>(af::dim4());
    af::dim4 prev_ldims;

    af::dim4 gauss_dims(9);
    T* h_gauss = nullptr;
    Array<T> gauss_filter = createEmptyArray<T>(af::dim4());

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < max_levels; i++) {
        af::dim4 ldims;
        const float lvl_scl = (float)std::pow(scl_fctr,(float)i);
        Array<T> lvl_img = createEmptyArray<T>(af::dim4());

        if (i == 0) {
            // First level is used in its original size
            lvl_img = image;
            ldims = image.dims();

            prev_img = image;
            prev_ldims = image.dims();
        else {
            // Resize previous level image to current level dimensions
            ldims[0] = round(idims[0] / lvl_scl);
            ldims[1] = round(idims[1] / lvl_scl);

            lvl_img = resize<T>(prev_img, ldims[0], ldims[1], AF_INTERP_BILINEAR);

            prev_img = lvl_img;
            prev_ldims = lvl_img.dims();

        Array<float> x_feat = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4());
        Array<float> y_feat = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4());
        Array<float> score_feat = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4());

        // Round feature size to nearest odd integer
        float size = 2.f * floor(patch_size / 2.f) + 1.f;

        // Avoid keeping features that might be too wide and might not fit on
        // the image, sqrt(2.f) is the radius when angle is 45 degrees and
        // represents widest case possible
        unsigned edge = ceil(size * sqrt(2.f) / 2.f);

        unsigned lvl_feat = fast(x_feat, y_feat, score_feat,
                                 lvl_img, fast_thr, 9, 1, 0.15f, edge);

        if (lvl_feat == 0) {

        float* h_x_feat = x_feat.get();
        float* h_y_feat = y_feat.get();

        float* h_x_harris = memAlloc<float>(lvl_feat);
        float* h_y_harris = memAlloc<float>(lvl_feat);
        float* h_score_harris = memAlloc<float>(lvl_feat);

        // Calculate Harris responses
        // Good block_size >= 7 (must be an odd number)
        unsigned usable_feat = 0;
        harris_response<T, false>(h_x_harris, h_y_harris, h_score_harris, nullptr,
                                  h_x_feat, h_y_feat, nullptr,
                                  lvl_feat, &usable_feat,
                                  7, 0.04f, patch_size);

        if (usable_feat == 0) {


        // Sort features according to Harris responses
        af::dim4 usable_feat_dims(usable_feat);
        Array<float> score_harris = createHostDataArray(usable_feat_dims, h_score_harris);
        Array<float> harris_sorted = createEmptyArray<float>(af::dim4());
        Array<unsigned> harris_idx = createEmptyArray<unsigned>(af::dim4());

        sort_index<float, false>(harris_sorted, harris_idx, score_harris, 0);


        usable_feat = std::min(usable_feat, lvl_best[i]);

        if (usable_feat == 0) {


        float* h_x_lvl = memAlloc<float>(usable_feat);
        float* h_y_lvl = memAlloc<float>(usable_feat);
        float* h_score_lvl = memAlloc<float>(usable_feat);

        // Keep only features with higher Harris responses
        keep_features<T>(h_x_lvl, h_y_lvl, h_score_lvl, nullptr,
                         h_x_harris, h_y_harris, harris_sorted.get(), harris_idx.get(),
                         nullptr, usable_feat);


        float* h_ori_lvl = memAlloc<float>(usable_feat);
        float* h_size_lvl = memAlloc<float>(usable_feat);

        // Compute orientation of features
        centroid_angle<T>(h_x_lvl, h_y_lvl, h_ori_lvl, usable_feat,
                          lvl_img, patch_size);

        Array<T> lvl_filt = createEmptyArray<T>(dim4());

        if (blur_img) {
            // Calculate a separable Gaussian kernel, if one is not already stored
            if (!h_gauss) {
                h_gauss = memAlloc<T>(gauss_dims[0]);
                gaussian1D(h_gauss, gauss_dims[0], 2.f);
                gauss_filter = createHostDataArray(gauss_dims, h_gauss);

            // Filter level image with Gaussian kernel to reduce noise sensitivity
            lvl_filt = convolve2<T, convAccT, false>(lvl_img, gauss_filter, gauss_filter);

        // Compute ORB descriptors
        unsigned* h_desc_lvl = memAlloc<unsigned>(usable_feat * 8);
        memset(h_desc_lvl, 0, usable_feat * 8 * sizeof(unsigned));
        if (blur_img)
            extract_orb<T>(h_desc_lvl, usable_feat,
                           h_x_lvl, h_y_lvl, h_ori_lvl, h_size_lvl,
                           lvl_filt, lvl_scl, patch_size);
            extract_orb<T>(h_desc_lvl, usable_feat,
                           h_x_lvl, h_y_lvl, h_ori_lvl, h_size_lvl,
                           lvl_img, lvl_scl, patch_size);

        // Store results to pyramids
        total_feat += usable_feat;
        feat_pyr[i] = usable_feat;
        h_x_pyr[i] = h_x_lvl;
        h_y_pyr[i] = h_y_lvl;
        h_score_pyr[i] = h_score_lvl;
        h_ori_pyr[i] = h_ori_lvl;
        h_size_pyr[i] = h_size_lvl;
        h_desc_pyr[i] = h_desc_lvl;


    if (h_gauss != nullptr)

    if (total_feat > 0 ) {

        // Allocate feature Arrays
        const af::dim4 total_feat_dims(total_feat);
        const af::dim4 desc_dims(8, total_feat);

        x     = createEmptyArray<float>(total_feat_dims);
        y     = createEmptyArray<float>(total_feat_dims);
        score = createEmptyArray<float>(total_feat_dims);
        ori   = createEmptyArray<float>(total_feat_dims);
        size  = createEmptyArray<float>(total_feat_dims);
        desc  = createEmptyArray<uint >(desc_dims);

        float* h_x = x.get();
        float* h_y = y.get();
        float* h_score = score.get();
        float* h_ori = ori.get();
        float* h_size = size.get();

        unsigned* h_desc = desc.get();

        unsigned offset = 0;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < max_levels; i++) {
            if (feat_pyr[i] == 0)

            if (i > 0)
                offset += feat_pyr[i-1];

            memcpy(h_x+offset, h_x_pyr[i], feat_pyr[i] * sizeof(float));
            memcpy(h_y+offset, h_y_pyr[i], feat_pyr[i] * sizeof(float));
            memcpy(h_score+offset, h_score_pyr[i], feat_pyr[i] * sizeof(float));
            memcpy(h_ori+offset, h_ori_pyr[i], feat_pyr[i] * sizeof(float));
            memcpy(h_size+offset, h_size_pyr[i], feat_pyr[i] * sizeof(float));

            memcpy(h_desc+(offset*8), h_desc_pyr[i], feat_pyr[i] * 8 * sizeof(unsigned));


    return total_feat;
Пример #12
void harris_response(
    float* x_out,
    float* y_out,
    float* score_out,
    float* size_out,
    const float* x_in,
    const float* y_in,
    const float* scl_in,
    const unsigned total_feat,
    unsigned* usable_feat,
    const Array<T>& image,
    const unsigned block_size,
    const float k_thr,
    const unsigned patch_size)
    const af::dim4 idims = image.dims();
    const T* image_ptr = image.get();
    for (unsigned f = 0; f < total_feat; f++) {
        unsigned x, y;
        float scl = 1.f;
        if (use_scl) {
            // Update x and y coordinates according to scale
            scl = scl_in[f];
            x = (unsigned)round(x_in[f] * scl);
            y = (unsigned)round(y_in[f] * scl);
        else {
            x = (unsigned)round(x_in[f]);
            y = (unsigned)round(y_in[f]);

        // Round feature size to nearest odd integer
        float size = 2.f * floor((patch_size * scl) / 2.f) + 1.f;

        // Avoid keeping features that might be too wide and might not fit on
        // the image, sqrt(2.f) is the radius when angle is 45 degrees and
        // represents widest case possible
        unsigned patch_r = ceil(size * sqrt(2.f) / 2.f);
        if (x < patch_r || y < patch_r || x >= idims[1] - patch_r || y >= idims[0] - patch_r)

        unsigned r = block_size / 2;

        float ixx = 0.f, iyy = 0.f, ixy = 0.f;
        unsigned block_size_sq = block_size * block_size;
        for (unsigned k = 0; k < block_size_sq; k++) {
            int i = k / block_size - r;
            int j = k % block_size - r;

            // Calculate local x and y derivatives
            float ix = image_ptr[(x+i+1) * idims[0] + y+j] - image_ptr[(x+i-1) * idims[0] + y+j];
            float iy = image_ptr[(x+i) * idims[0] + y+j+1] - image_ptr[(x+i) * idims[0] + y+j-1];

            // Accumulate second order derivatives
            ixx += ix*ix;
            iyy += iy*iy;
            ixy += ix*iy;

        unsigned idx = *usable_feat;
        *usable_feat += 1;
        float tr = ixx + iyy;
        float det = ixx*iyy - ixy*ixy;

        // Calculate Harris responses
        float resp = det - k_thr * (tr*tr);

        // Scale factor
        // TODO: improve response scaling
        float rscale = 0.001f;
        rscale = rscale * rscale * rscale * rscale;

        x_out[idx] = x;
        y_out[idx] = y;
        score_out[idx] = resp * rscale;
        if (use_scl)
            size_out[idx] = size;
Пример #13
bool EngineTimerHandler::received(Message &msg)
	String query;
	query = "SELECT registro as enabled, protocol, usuario as username, interval, codecs as formats, usuario as authname, senha as password, enderecoip  || ':' || porta as server, domain, outbound , localaddress, modified, enderecoip as account, id as gateway_id, status, TRUE AS gw FROM provedores WHERE registro IS TRUE AND modified IS TRUE AND usuario IS NOT NULL";

//	Output("Query:'%s'",query.c_str());	
	Message *m = new Message("database");
	if (Engine::dispatch(m))
		int rows = m->getIntValue("rows");
		if (rows>0)
			int j;
			for (int i=1 ; i<=rows ; i++) 
				Message *msg= new Message("user.login");
				Array* a = static_cast<Array*>(m->userObject("Array"));
				for (j = 0; j < a->getColumns(); j++) 
					String* s = YOBJECT(String,a->get(j,0));
					if (!(s && *s))
					String name = *s;
					s = YOBJECT(String,a->get(j,i));
					if (!s)
					Output("Retornou: '%s' = '%s'",name.c_str(), s->c_str());	
	query = "UPDATE ramais SET location=NULL,expires=NULL WHERE expires IS NOT NULL AND expires<=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; UPDATE provedores SET modified='f' WHERE modified='t' AND usuario IS NOT NULL";
	//	Output("Query:'%s'",query.c_str());	
	m = new Message("database");
	if (!Engine::dispatch(m))
		Output("Error Dispatch!!!");	
		return false;
	return true;
Пример #14
xdebug_xml_node* xdebug_var_export_xml_node(const char* name,
        const char* fullName,
        const char* facet,
        const Variant& var,
        XDebugExporter& exporter) {
    // Setup the node. Each const cast is necessary due to xml api
    xdebug_xml_node* node = xdebug_xml_node_init("property");
    if (name != nullptr) {
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "name", const_cast<char*>(name), 0, 1);
    if (fullName != nullptr) {
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "fullname", const_cast<char*>(fullName),
                                    0, 1);
    if (facet != nullptr) {
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "facet", const_cast<char*>(facet), 0, 1);
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "address",
                                xdebug_sprintf("%ld", (long) &var), 0, 1);

    // Case on the type for the rest
    if (var.isBoolean()) {
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "bool");
        xdebug_xml_add_text(node, xdebug_sprintf("%d",  var.toBoolean()));
    } else if (var.isNull()) {
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "null");
    } else if (var.isInteger()) {
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "int");
        xdebug_xml_add_text(node, xdebug_sprintf("%ld", var.toInt64()));
    } else if (var.isDouble()) {
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "float");
        xdebug_xml_add_text(node, xdebug_sprintf("%lG", var.toDouble()));
    } else if (var.isString()) {
        // Add the type and the original size
        String str = var.toString();
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "string");
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "size",
                                    xdebug_sprintf("%d", str.size()), 0, 1);

        // Possibly shrink the string, then add it to the node
        if (exporter.max_data != 0 && str.size() > exporter.max_data) {
            str = str.substr(0, exporter.max_data);
        xdebug_xml_add_text_encodel(node, xdstrdup(str.data()), str.size());
    } else if (var.isArray()) {
        Array arr = var.toArray();
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "array");
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "children",
                                 const_cast<char*>(arr.size() > 0 ? "1" : "0"));

        // If we've already seen this object, return
        if (exporter.counts[arr.get()]++ > 0) {
            xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "recursive", "1");
            return node;

        // Write the # of children then short-circuit if we are too deep
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "numchildren",
                                    xdebug_sprintf("%d", arr.size()), 0, 1);
        if (exporter.level++ >= exporter.max_depth) {
            return node;

        // Compute the page and the start/end indices
        // Note that php xdebug doesn't support pages except for at the top level
        uint32_t page = exporter.level == 0 ? exporter.page : 0;
        uint32_t start = page * exporter.max_children;
        uint32_t end = (page + 1) * exporter.max_children;
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "page", xdebug_sprintf("%d", page), 0, 1);
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "pagesize",
                                    xdebug_sprintf("%d", exporter.max_children),
                                    0, 1);
        // Add each child
        ArrayIter iter(arr);
        for (uint32_t i = start; i < end && iter; i++, ++iter) {
            xdebug_array_element_export_xml_node(*node, name,

        // Done at this level
    } else if (var.isObject()) {
        // TODO(#4489053) This could be merged into the above array code. For now,
        // it's separate as this was pulled originally from xdebug
        ObjectData* obj = var.toObject().get();
        Class* cls = obj->getVMClass();
        Array props = get_object_props(obj);

        // Add object info
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "object");
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "classname",
                                    xdstrdup(cls->name()->data()), 0, 1);
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "children",
                                 const_cast<char*>(props.size() ? "1" : "0"));

        // If we've already seen this object, return
        if (exporter.counts[obj]++ > 0) {
            return node;

        // Add the # of props then short circuit if we are too deep
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "numchildren",
                                    xdebug_sprintf("%d", props.size()), 0, 1);
        if (exporter.level++ >= exporter.max_depth) {
            return node;

        // Compute the page and the start/end indices
        // Note that php xdebug doesn't support pages except for at the top level
        uint32_t page = exporter.level == 1 ? exporter.page : 0;
        uint32_t start = page * exporter.max_children;
        uint32_t end = (page + 1) * exporter.max_children;
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "page", xdebug_sprintf("%d", page), 0, 1);
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "pagesize",
                                    xdebug_sprintf("%d", exporter.max_children),
                                    0, 1);

        // Add each property
        ArrayIter iter(props);
        for (uint32_t i = start; i < end && iter; i++, ++iter) {
            xdebug_object_element_export_xml_node(*node, name, obj,

        // Done at this level
        exporter.counts[(void*) obj]--;
    } else if (var.isResource()) {
        ResourceData* res = var.toResource().get();
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "resource");
        const char* text = xdebug_sprintf("resource id='%ld' type='%s'",
        xdebug_xml_add_text(node, const_cast<char*>(text));
    } else {
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "null");
    return node;
Пример #15
Error encode_variant(const Variant &p_variant, uint8_t *r_buffer, int &r_len, bool p_object_as_id) {

	uint8_t *buf = r_buffer;

	r_len = 0;

	uint32_t flags = 0;

	switch (p_variant.get_type()) {

		case Variant::INT: {
			int64_t val = p_variant;
			if (val > 0x7FFFFFFF || val < -0x80000000) {
				flags |= ENCODE_FLAG_64;
		} break;
		case Variant::REAL: {

			double d = p_variant;
			float f = d;
			if (double(f) != d) {
				flags |= ENCODE_FLAG_64; //always encode real as double
		} break;
		case Variant::OBJECT: {
			if (p_object_as_id) {
		} break;

	if (buf) {
		encode_uint32(p_variant.get_type() | flags, buf);
		buf += 4;
	r_len += 4;

	switch (p_variant.get_type()) {

		case Variant::NIL: {

			//nothing to do
		} break;
		case Variant::BOOL: {

			if (buf) {
				encode_uint32(p_variant.operator bool(), buf);

			r_len += 4;

		} break;
		case Variant::INT: {

			int64_t val = p_variant;
			if (val > 0x7FFFFFFF || val < -0x80000000) {
				//64 bits
				if (buf) {
					encode_uint64(val, buf);

				r_len += 8;
			} else {
				if (buf) {
					encode_uint32(int32_t(val), buf);

				r_len += 4;
		} break;
		case Variant::REAL: {

			double d = p_variant;
			float f = d;
			if (double(f) != d) {
				if (buf) {
					encode_double(p_variant.operator double(), buf);

				r_len += 8;

			} else {

				if (buf) {
					encode_float(p_variant.operator float(), buf);

				r_len += 4;

		} break;
		case Variant::NODE_PATH: {

			NodePath np = p_variant;
			if (buf) {
				encode_uint32(uint32_t(np.get_name_count()) | 0x80000000, buf); //for compatibility with the old format
				encode_uint32(np.get_subname_count(), buf + 4);
				uint32_t flags = 0;
				if (np.is_absolute())
					flags |= 1;
				if (np.get_property() != StringName())
					flags |= 2;

				encode_uint32(flags, buf + 8);

				buf += 12;

			r_len += 12;

			int total = np.get_name_count() + np.get_subname_count();
			if (np.get_property() != StringName())

			for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {

				String str;

				if (i < np.get_name_count())
					str = np.get_name(i);
				else if (i < np.get_name_count() + np.get_subname_count())
					str = np.get_subname(i - np.get_subname_count());
					str = np.get_property();

				CharString utf8 = str.utf8();

				int pad = 0;

				if (utf8.length() % 4)
					pad = 4 - utf8.length() % 4;

				if (buf) {
					encode_uint32(utf8.length(), buf);
					buf += 4;
					copymem(buf, utf8.get_data(), utf8.length());
					buf += pad + utf8.length();

				r_len += 4 + utf8.length() + pad;

		} break;
		case Variant::STRING: {

			_encode_string(p_variant, buf, r_len);

		} break;
		// math types

		case Variant::VECTOR2: {

			if (buf) {
				Vector2 v2 = p_variant;
				encode_float(v2.x, &buf[0]);
				encode_float(v2.y, &buf[4]);

			r_len += 2 * 4;

		} break; // 5
		case Variant::RECT2: {

			if (buf) {
				Rect2 r2 = p_variant;
				encode_float(r2.position.x, &buf[0]);
				encode_float(r2.position.y, &buf[4]);
				encode_float(r2.size.x, &buf[8]);
				encode_float(r2.size.y, &buf[12]);
			r_len += 4 * 4;

		} break;
		case Variant::VECTOR3: {

			if (buf) {
				Vector3 v3 = p_variant;
				encode_float(v3.x, &buf[0]);
				encode_float(v3.y, &buf[4]);
				encode_float(v3.z, &buf[8]);

			r_len += 3 * 4;

		} break;
		case Variant::TRANSFORM2D: {

			if (buf) {
				Transform2D val = p_variant;
				for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
					for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {

						copymem(&buf[(i * 2 + j) * 4], &val.elements[i][j], sizeof(float));

			r_len += 6 * 4;

		} break;
		case Variant::PLANE: {

			if (buf) {
				Plane p = p_variant;
				encode_float(p.normal.x, &buf[0]);
				encode_float(p.normal.y, &buf[4]);
				encode_float(p.normal.z, &buf[8]);
				encode_float(p.d, &buf[12]);

			r_len += 4 * 4;

		} break;
		case Variant::QUAT: {

			if (buf) {
				Quat q = p_variant;
				encode_float(q.x, &buf[0]);
				encode_float(q.y, &buf[4]);
				encode_float(q.z, &buf[8]);
				encode_float(q.w, &buf[12]);

			r_len += 4 * 4;

		} break;
		case Variant::RECT3: {

			if (buf) {
				Rect3 aabb = p_variant;
				encode_float(aabb.position.x, &buf[0]);
				encode_float(aabb.position.y, &buf[4]);
				encode_float(aabb.position.z, &buf[8]);
				encode_float(aabb.size.x, &buf[12]);
				encode_float(aabb.size.y, &buf[16]);
				encode_float(aabb.size.z, &buf[20]);

			r_len += 6 * 4;

		} break;
		case Variant::BASIS: {

			if (buf) {
				Basis val = p_variant;
				for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
					for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {

						copymem(&buf[(i * 3 + j) * 4], &val.elements[i][j], sizeof(float));

			r_len += 9 * 4;

		} break;
		case Variant::TRANSFORM: {

			if (buf) {
				Transform val = p_variant;
				for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
					for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {

						copymem(&buf[(i * 3 + j) * 4], &val.basis.elements[i][j], sizeof(float));

				encode_float(val.origin.x, &buf[36]);
				encode_float(val.origin.y, &buf[40]);
				encode_float(val.origin.z, &buf[44]);

			r_len += 12 * 4;

		} break;

		// misc types
		case Variant::COLOR: {

			if (buf) {
				Color c = p_variant;
				encode_float(c.r, &buf[0]);
				encode_float(c.g, &buf[4]);
				encode_float(c.b, &buf[8]);
				encode_float(c.a, &buf[12]);

			r_len += 4 * 4;

		} break;
		/*case Variant::RESOURCE: {

			ERR_EXPLAIN("Can't marshallize resources");
			ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_INVALID_DATA); //no, i'm sorry, no go
		} break;*/
		case Variant::_RID: {

		} break;
		case Variant::OBJECT: {

			if (p_object_as_id) {

				if (buf) {

					Object *obj = p_variant;
					ObjectID id = 0;
					if (obj && ObjectDB::instance_validate(obj)) {
						id = obj->get_instance_id();

					encode_uint64(id, buf);

				r_len += 8;

			} else {
				Object *obj = p_variant;
				if (!obj) {
					if (buf) {
						encode_uint32(0, buf);
						buf += 4;
						r_len += 4;
				} else {
					_encode_string(obj->get_class(), buf, r_len);

					List<PropertyInfo> props;

					int pc = 0;
					for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) {

						if (!(E->get().usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE))

					if (buf) {
						encode_uint32(pc, buf);
						buf += 4;

					r_len += 4;

					for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) {

						if (!(E->get().usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE))

						_encode_string(E->get().name, buf, r_len);

						int len;
						Error err = encode_variant(obj->get(E->get().name), buf, len, p_object_as_id);
						if (err)
							return err;
						ERR_FAIL_COND_V(len % 4, ERR_BUG);
						r_len += len;
						if (buf)
							buf += len;

		} break;
		case Variant::DICTIONARY: {

			Dictionary d = p_variant;

			if (buf) {
				encode_uint32(uint32_t(d.size()), buf);
				buf += 4;
			r_len += 4;

			List<Variant> keys;

			for (List<Variant>::Element *E = keys.front(); E; E = E->next()) {

				CharString utf8 = E->->utf8();

				if (buf) {

				while (r_len%4)
					r_len++; //pad
				int len;
				encode_variant(E->get(), buf, len, p_object_as_id);
				ERR_FAIL_COND_V(len % 4, ERR_BUG);
				r_len += len;
				if (buf)
					buf += len;
				encode_variant(d[E->get()], buf, len, p_object_as_id);
				ERR_FAIL_COND_V(len % 4, ERR_BUG);
				r_len += len;
				if (buf)
					buf += len;

		} break;
		case Variant::ARRAY: {

			Array v = p_variant;

			if (buf) {
				encode_uint32(uint32_t(v.size()), buf);
				buf += 4;

			r_len += 4;

			for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {

				int len;
				encode_variant(v.get(i), buf, len, p_object_as_id);
				ERR_FAIL_COND_V(len % 4, ERR_BUG);
				r_len += len;
				if (buf)
					buf += len;

		} break;
		// arrays
		case Variant::POOL_BYTE_ARRAY: {

			PoolVector<uint8_t> data = p_variant;
			int datalen = data.size();
			int datasize = sizeof(uint8_t);

			if (buf) {
				encode_uint32(datalen, buf);
				buf += 4;
				PoolVector<uint8_t>::Read r = data.read();
				copymem(buf, &r[0], datalen * datasize);

			r_len += 4 + datalen * datasize;
			while (r_len % 4)

		} break;
		case Variant::POOL_INT_ARRAY: {

			PoolVector<int> data = p_variant;
			int datalen = data.size();
			int datasize = sizeof(int32_t);

			if (buf) {
				encode_uint32(datalen, buf);
				buf += 4;
				PoolVector<int>::Read r = data.read();
				for (int i = 0; i < datalen; i++)
					encode_uint32(r[i], &buf[i * datasize]);

			r_len += 4 + datalen * datasize;

		} break;
		case Variant::POOL_REAL_ARRAY: {

			PoolVector<real_t> data = p_variant;
			int datalen = data.size();
			int datasize = sizeof(real_t);

			if (buf) {
				encode_uint32(datalen, buf);
				buf += 4;
				PoolVector<real_t>::Read r = data.read();
				for (int i = 0; i < datalen; i++)
					encode_float(r[i], &buf[i * datasize]);

			r_len += 4 + datalen * datasize;

		} break;
		case Variant::POOL_STRING_ARRAY: {

			PoolVector<String> data = p_variant;
			int len = data.size();

			if (buf) {
				encode_uint32(len, buf);
				buf += 4;

			r_len += 4;

			for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {

				CharString utf8 = data.get(i).utf8();

				if (buf) {
					encode_uint32(utf8.length() + 1, buf);
					buf += 4;
					copymem(buf, utf8.get_data(), utf8.length() + 1);
					buf += utf8.length() + 1;

				r_len += 4 + utf8.length() + 1;
				while (r_len % 4) {
					r_len++; //pad
					if (buf)

		} break;
		case Variant::POOL_VECTOR2_ARRAY: {

			PoolVector<Vector2> data = p_variant;
			int len = data.size();

			if (buf) {
				encode_uint32(len, buf);
				buf += 4;

			r_len += 4;

			if (buf) {

				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {

					Vector2 v = data.get(i);

					encode_float(v.x, &buf[0]);
					encode_float(v.y, &buf[4]);
					buf += 4 * 2;

			r_len += 4 * 2 * len;

		} break;
		case Variant::POOL_VECTOR3_ARRAY: {

			PoolVector<Vector3> data = p_variant;
			int len = data.size();

			if (buf) {
				encode_uint32(len, buf);
				buf += 4;

			r_len += 4;

			if (buf) {

				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {

					Vector3 v = data.get(i);

					encode_float(v.x, &buf[0]);
					encode_float(v.y, &buf[4]);
					encode_float(v.z, &buf[8]);
					buf += 4 * 3;

			r_len += 4 * 3 * len;

		} break;
		case Variant::POOL_COLOR_ARRAY: {

			PoolVector<Color> data = p_variant;
			int len = data.size();

			if (buf) {
				encode_uint32(len, buf);
				buf += 4;

			r_len += 4;

			if (buf) {

				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {

					Color c = data.get(i);

					encode_float(c.r, &buf[0]);
					encode_float(c.g, &buf[4]);
					encode_float(c.b, &buf[8]);
					encode_float(c.a, &buf[12]);
					buf += 4 * 4;

			r_len += 4 * 4 * len;

		} break;
		default: { ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_BUG); }

	return OK;
Fracture* VertPositionMutation::mutate(Fracture* fracture) {
  // get all verts that are not corners
  Array<Vertex*>* nonCorner = new Array<Vertex*>();
  for(int i=0;i<fracture->getVerts()->getSize();i++)
  int numVerts = nonCorner->getSize();
  if(!numVerts) // if only corners return the original fracture
    return fracture;
  // get a random non-boundary vert
  int randVert = RNG::RandomInt(numVerts);
  Vertex* ranVert = nonCorner->get(randVert);
  // get the move amount and distance before making a jump
  real moveLimit = EvolutionSettings::getInstance()->getMaxMovePercent();
  real distBeforeJump = EvolutionSettings::getInstance()->getDistBeforeJump();
  if(ranVert->getBoundary()) {
    // move along boundary line
    Array<Edge*>* boundaryEdges = new Array<Edge*>();
    for(int i=0;i<ranVert->getEdges()->getSize();i++)
    // choose a random edge to move by
    int randDir = RNG::RandomInt(boundaryEdges->getSize());
    Edge* edgeToMoveBy = boundaryEdges->get(randDir);
    // get the edge length
    real length = edgeToMoveBy->length();
    // if the length is too small move the other direction
    // in the future this is going to check if it can jump i.e
    // it will jump around a corner.
    if(length < distBeforeJump) {
      for(int i=0;i<boundaryEdges->getSize();i++) {
        // this should always work since there should be at least
        // two boundary edges attached
        if(boundaryEdges->get(i)!=edgeToMoveBy) {
          edgeToMoveBy = boundaryEdges->get(i);
          i = boundaryEdges->getSize();
      // recheck length and abort if the check fails
      real length = edgeToMoveBy->length();
      if(length < distBeforeJump)
        return fracture;
    // get a random mutation value
    real mutateScale = RNG::RandomFloat(moveLimit);
    // Get the two points on the edge to move on
    Point2 firstPoint = ranVert->getLocation();
    Point2 secondPoint = edgeToMoveBy->getOtherPoint(ranVert->getID());
    // calculate the vert's new location
    Point2 slope = secondPoint.minus(firstPoint);
    Point2 newLoc = firstPoint.add(slope);
    // set the new location
    // tell the verts edges about its new location
    // clean up
    delete boundaryEdges;
  } else {
    // maybe implement move along edges ???
    // move about faces using barycentric coordinates
    // get the faces containing the point
    Array<Face*>* facesWithVert = fracture->getFacesWithVertex(ranVert);
    // create a face containing all points around the vert
    Face* faceToMutateAround = new Face();
    for(int i=0;i<facesWithVert->getSize();i++) {
      Face* tmp = facesWithVert->get(i);
      for(int j=0;j<tmp->getEdges()->getSize();j++)
      for(int j=0;j<tmp->getVerts()->getSize();j++)
        if(tmp->getVerts()->get(j)->getID() != ranVert->getID())
    // create the container for the generated Tris
    Array<Tri*>* generatedTris = new Array<Tri*>();
    // detect if the face is convex or not
    if(faceToMutateAround->getIsConvex()) {
      // TODO :: Do this the more efficient way
      // convex case mutation (easy)
      // generate tris
      for(int i=0;i<faceToMutateAround->getEdges()->getSize();i++)
        generatedTris->add(new Tri(faceToMutateAround->getEdges()->get(i),ranVert->getLocation(),ranVert->getID()));
      // create barycentric coordinates for mutation (2 * #tris)
      // TODO :: Combine this with the case below
      int numBarys = generatedTris->getSize()*2;
      real barys[numBarys];
      for(int i=0;i<numBarys;i++)
        barys[i] = RNG::RandomFloat(moveLimit);
      // apply mutations
      Point2 newPos;
      newPos.xpos = 0.0;
      newPos.ypos = 0.0;
      int pointID = ranVert->getID();
      for(int i=0;i<generatedTris->getSize();i++) {
        // get new position
        real baryOne = barys[i*2];
        real baryTwo = barys[i*2-1];
        real baryThree = 1.0 - baryOne - baryTwo;
        newPos = generatedTris->get(i)->interpolatePosition(baryOne,baryTwo,baryThree);
        // update the position in all the remaining tris
        for(int j=i;j<generatedTris->getSize();j++)
      // set new position of vert
      // update edges
      // clean up
    } else {
      // concave case mutation (harder)
      // create collection for trimesh shell
      Array<Vertex*>* vertsInView = new Array<Vertex*>();
      Array<Vertex*>* sortedVertsInView = new Array<Vertex*>();
      Array<Edge*>* trimeshShell = new Array<Edge*>();
      // get all verts in view
      for(int i=0;i<faceToMutateAround->getVerts()->getSize();i++) {
        Vertex* vert = faceToMutateAround->getVerts()->get(i);
        // create a temp edge to check for intersections
        Edge* tmpEdge = new Edge(ranVert->getLocation(),vert->getLocation());
        bool noIntersection = true;
        // check if intersections
        for(int i=0;i<faceToMutateAround->getEdges()->getSize();i++)
            noIntersection = false;
        // if no intersections add it to the list of verts in view
        // Note :: vert is still a copy
        // clean up
        delete tmpEdge;
      // sort verts
      Array<Integer>* sortedIDs = faceToMutateAround->sortVertIDsByPath();
      for(int i=0;i<sortedIDs->getSize();i++)
        for(int j=0;j<vertsInView->getSize();i++)
          if(vertsInView->get(j)->getID() == sortedIDs->get(i).val) {
            j = vertsInView->getSize();
      // create shell from verts
      for(int i=0;i<sortedVertsInView->getSize();i++) {
        Vertex* one = sortedVertsInView->get(i);
        Vertex* two = i==sortedVertsInView->getSize()-1
          ? sortedVertsInView->get(0) : sortedVertsInView->get(i+1);
        Edge* newEdge = new Edge(one->getLocation(),two->getLocation(),one->getID(),two->getID());
      // generate tris
      for(int i=0;i<trimeshShell->getSize();i++)
        generatedTris->add(new Tri(trimeshShell->get(i),ranVert->getLocation(),ranVert->getID()));
      // create barycentric coordinates for mutation (Only 2 for this case)
      // TODO :: Combine this with the case above
      //int numBarys = generatedTris->getSize()*2;
      int numBarys = 2;
      real barys[numBarys];
      for(int i=0;i<numBarys;i++)
        barys[i] = RNG::RandomFloat(moveLimit);
      // apply mutations
      Point2 newPos;
      newPos.xpos = 0.0;
      newPos.ypos = 0.0;

      int pointID = ranVert->getID();
      int ranTri = RNG::RandomInt(generatedTris->getSize());

      //for(int i=0;i<generatedTris->getSize();i++) {

      // get new position
      //real baryOne = barys[i*2];
      //real baryTwo = barys[i*2-1];
      real baryOne = barys[0];
      real baryTwo = barys[1];
      real baryThree = 1.0 - baryOne - baryTwo;
      newPos = generatedTris->get(ranTri)->interpolatePosition(baryOne,baryTwo,baryThree);

      // update the position in all the remaining tris (skip for this step)
      //  for(int j=i;j<generatedTris->getSize();j++)
      //    generatedTris->get(j)->updatePosition(pointID,newPos);


      // set new position of vert
      // update edges
      // clean up
        delete trimeshShell->removeLast();
      delete vertsInView;
      delete trimeshShell;
      delete sortedVertsInView;
      delete sortedIDs;
    // clean up
      delete generatedTris->removeLast();
      delete faceToMutateAround->getVerts()->removeLast();
      delete faceToMutateAround->getEdges()->removeLast();
    delete faceToMutateAround;
    delete generatedTris;
    delete facesWithVert;
    delete nonCorner;
  return fracture;
Пример #17
void clfft_common(Array<T> &arr)
    const dim4 dims    = arr.dims();
    const dim4 strides = arr.strides();
    size_t io_strides[]= {(size_t)strides[0],

    size_t rank_dims[3] = {(size_t)dims[0], (size_t)dims[1], (size_t)dims[2]};

    clfftPlanHandle plan;

    find_clfft_plan(plan, (clfftDim)rank, rank_dims,
                    io_strides, io_strides[rank],
                    io_strides, io_strides[rank],

    CLFFT_ERROR_CHECK( clfftEnqueueTransform(plan, direction, 1, &(getQueue()()), 0, NULL, NULL, &((*arr.get())()), NULL, NULL) );
Пример #18
  void test_aset() {
    Array* ary = Array::create(state, 2);
    ary->aset(state, Fixnum::from(1), Fixnum::from(4));

    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(4, as<Fixnum>(ary->get(state, 1))->to_native());
Пример #19
 Array<T> copyArray(const Array<T> &A)
     Array<T> out = createEmptyArray<T>(A.dims());
     copyData(out.get(), A);
     return out;
Пример #20
FatalErrorException::FatalErrorException(const std::string& msg,
                                         const Array& backtrace,
                                         bool isRecoverable /* = false */)
  : ExtendedException(msg, backtrace.get()), m_recoverable(isRecoverable)
Пример #21
Array<T> * meanshift(const Array<T> &in, const float &s_sigma, const float &c_sigma, const unsigned iter)
    const dim4 dims     = in.dims();
    const dim4 istrides = in.strides();

    Array<T>* out       = createEmptyArray<T>(dims);
    const dim4 ostrides = out->strides();

    const dim_type bIndex   = (is_color ? 3 : 2);
    const dim_type bCount   = dims[bIndex];
    const dim_type channels = (is_color ? dims[2] : 1);

    // clamp spatical and chromatic sigma's
    float space_          = std::min(11.5f, s_sigma);
    const dim_type radius = std::max((dim_type)(space_ * 1.5f), 1);
    const float cvar      = c_sigma*c_sigma;

    vector<float> means(channels);
    vector<float> centers(channels);
    vector<float> tmpclrs(channels);

    for(dim_type batchId=0; batchId<bCount; ++batchId) {

        T *outData       = out->get() + batchId*ostrides[bIndex];
        const T * inData = in.get()   + batchId*istrides[bIndex];

        for(dim_type j=0; j<dims[1]; ++j) {

            dim_type j_in_off  = j*istrides[1];
            dim_type j_out_off = j*ostrides[1];

            for(dim_type i=0; i<dims[0]; ++i) {

                dim_type i_in_off  = i*istrides[0];
                dim_type i_out_off = i*ostrides[0];

                // clear means and centers for this pixel
                for(dim_type ch=0; ch<channels; ++ch) {
                    means[ch] = 0.0f;
                    // the expression ch*istrides[2] will only effect when ch>1
                    // i.e for color images where batch is along fourth dimension
                    centers[ch] = inData[j_in_off + i_in_off + ch*istrides[2]];

                // scope of meanshift iterationd begin
                for(unsigned it=0; it<iter; ++it) {

                    int count   = 0;
                    int shift_x = 0;
                    int shift_y = 0;

                    for(dim_type wj=-radius; wj<=radius; ++wj) {

                        int hit_count = 0;

                        for(dim_type wi=-radius; wi<=radius; ++wi) {

                            dim_type tj = j + wj;
                            dim_type ti = i + wi;

                            // clamps offsets
                            tj = clamp(tj, 0ll, dims[1]-1);
                            ti = clamp(ti, 0ll, dims[0]-1);

                            // proceed
                            float norm = 0.0f;
                            for(dim_type ch=0; ch<channels; ++ch) {
                                tmpclrs[ch] = inData[ tj*istrides[1] + ti*istrides[0] + ch*istrides[2]];
                                norm += (centers[ch]-tmpclrs[ch]) * (centers[ch]-tmpclrs[ch]);

                            if (norm<= cvar) {
                                for(dim_type ch=0; ch<channels; ++ch)
                                    means[ch] += tmpclrs[ch];
                                shift_x += wi;

                        count+= hit_count;
                        shift_y += wj*hit_count;

                    if (count==0) { break; }

                    const float fcount = 1.f/count;
                    const int mean_x = (int)(shift_x*fcount+0.5f);
                    const int mean_y = (int)(shift_y*fcount+0.5f);
                    for(dim_type ch=0; ch<channels; ++ch)
                        means[ch] *= fcount;

                    float norm = 0.f;
                    for(dim_type ch=0; ch<channels; ++ch)
                        norm += ((means[ch]-centers[ch])*(means[ch]-centers[ch]));
                    bool stop = ((abs(shift_y-mean_y)+abs(shift_x-mean_x)) + norm) <= 1;
                    shift_x = mean_x;
                    shift_y = mean_y;
                    for(dim_type ch=0; ch<channels; ++ch)
                        centers[ch] = means[ch];
                    if (stop) { break; }
                } // scope of meanshift iterations end

                for(dim_type ch=0; ch<channels; ++ch)
                    outData[j_out_off + i_out_off + ch*ostrides[2]] = centers[ch];


    return out;