Пример #1
    virtual void visit(AstArraySel* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	if (!m_assignp) return;
	if (nodep->user3()) return;  // Prevent recursion on just created nodes
	unsigned dim = explicitDimensions(nodep);
	AstVarRef* refp = nodep->user1p()->castNode()->castVarRef();
	pair<uint32_t,uint32_t> arrDim = refp->varp()->dtypep()->dimensions(false);
	uint32_t implicit = (arrDim.second) - dim;
	if (implicit > 0) {
	    AstArraySel* newp = insertImplicit(nodep->cloneTree(false), dim+1, implicit);
	    nodep->replaceWith(newp); nodep = newp;
	int clones = countClones(nodep);
	if (m_assignp->user2() > 0 && m_assignp->user2() != clones) {
	    m_assignp->v3error("Slices of arrays in assignments must have the same unpacked dimensions");
	} else if (!m_assignp->user2()) {
	    if (m_extend && clones > 1 && !m_assignError) {
		m_assignp->v3error("Unsupported: Assignment between unpacked arrays of different dimensions");
		m_assignError = true;
	    if (clones > 1 && !refp->lvalue() && refp->varp() == m_lhsVarRefp->varp()
		&& !m_assignp->castAssignDly() && !m_assignError) {
		// LHS Var != RHS Var for a non-delayed assignment
		m_assignp->v3error("Unsupported: Slices in a non-delayed assignment with the same Var on both sides");
		m_assignError = true;
Пример #2
    virtual void visit(AstConst* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	m_extend = true;
	if (m_assignp && m_assignp->user2() > 1 && !m_assignError) {
	    m_assignp->v3error("Unsupported: Assignment between a constant and an array slice");
	    m_assignError = true;
Пример #3
    virtual void visit(AstSel* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	m_extend = true;
	if (m_assignp && m_assignp->user2() > 1 && !m_assignError) {
	    m_assignp->v3error("Unsupported: Assignment between unpacked arrays of different dimensions");
	    m_assignError = true;
    virtual void visit(AstSenItem* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	// Remove bit selects, and bark if it's not a simple variable
	if (nodep->isClocked()) {
	    // If it's not a simple variable wrap in a temporary
	    // This is a bit unfortunate as we haven't done width resolution
	    // and any width errors will look a bit odd, but it works.
	    AstNode* sensp = nodep->sensp();
	    if (sensp
		&& !sensp->castNodeVarRef()
		&& !sensp->castConst()) {
		// Make a new temp wire
		string newvarname = "__Vsenitemexpr"+cvtToStr(++m_senitemCvtNum);
		AstVar* newvarp = new AstVar (sensp->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, newvarname,
					      VFlagLogicPacked(), 1);
		// We can't just add under the module, because we may be inside a generate, begin, etc.
		// We know a SenItem should be under a SenTree/Always etc, we we'll just hunt upwards
		AstNode* addwherep = nodep;  // Add to this element's next
		while (addwherep->castSenItem()
		       || addwherep->castSenTree()) {
		    addwherep = addwherep->backp();
		if (!addwherep->castAlways()) {  // Assertion perhaps?
		    sensp->v3error("Unsupported: Non-single-bit pos/negedge clock statement under some complicated block");
		    addwherep = m_modp;

		sensp->replaceWith(new AstVarRef (sensp->fileline(), newvarp, false));
		AstAssignW* assignp = new AstAssignW
		     new AstVarRef(sensp->fileline(), newvarp, true),
	} else {  // Old V1995 sensitivity list; we'll probably mostly ignore
	    bool did=1;
	    while (did) {
		if (AstNodeSel* selp = nodep->sensp()->castNodeSel()) {
		    AstNode* fromp = selp->fromp()->unlinkFrBack();
		    selp->replaceWith(fromp); selp->deleteTree(); selp=NULL;
		// NodeSel doesn't include AstSel....
		if (AstSel* selp = nodep->sensp()->castSel()) {
		    AstNode* fromp = selp->fromp()->unlinkFrBack();
		    selp->replaceWith(fromp); selp->deleteTree(); selp=NULL;
		if (AstNodePreSel* selp = nodep->sensp()->castNodePreSel()) {
		    AstNode* fromp = selp->lhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
		    selp->replaceWith(fromp); selp->deleteTree(); selp=NULL;
	if (!nodep->sensp()->castNodeVarRef()
	    && !nodep->sensp()->castEnumItemRef()) {  // V3Const will cleanup
	    if (debug()) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-tree: ");
	    nodep->v3error("Unsupported: Complex statement in sensitivity list");