AstVar* createEnableVar(AstNode* outp, AstVarRef* outrefp, AstNode* enrhsp, int width, string suffix="") { // this function creates an __en Var that corresponds to // the outp and outrefp and creates an assignw to enrhsp AstVar* enp = new AstVar (outrefp->varp()->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, outrefp->name() + "__en" + suffix + cvtToStr(m_unique++), AstLogicPacked(), width); enp->varType2Out(); if (enp->width() != enrhsp->width()) { if (enrhsp->width1()) { // it seems from my futzing that the linter guarantees this condition enrhsp = new AstReplicate(enrhsp->fileline(), enrhsp, new AstConst(enrhsp->fileline(), V3Number(enrhsp->fileline(), 32, enp->width()))); enrhsp->width(enp->width(), enp->width()); //minwidth==width } else { enrhsp->v3error("Don't know how to deal with selection logic wider than 1 bit"); } } AstNode* newassp = new AstAssignW (enp->fileline(), new AstVarRef (enp->fileline(), enp, true), enrhsp); if (debug()>=9) enp->dumpTreeAndNext(cout,"- cev-out: "); if (debug()>=9) newassp->dumpTreeAndNext(cout,"- cev-out: "); m_modp->addStmtp(enp); m_modp->addStmtp(newassp); outrefp->user1p(enp); // put __en signal into varref for later usage outrefp->varp()->user1p(enp); // put __en signal into var as well in the event this is a single lhs driver and this needs passed up one level return enp; }
virtual void visit(AstVar* nodep, AstNUser*) { if (nodep->user2p()) { // Make an assignment, so we'll trace it properly // user2p is either a const or a var. AstConst* exprconstp = nodep->user2p()->castNode()->castConst(); AstVarRef* exprvarrefp = nodep->user2p()->castNode()->castVarRef(); UINFO(8,"connectto: "<<nodep->user2p()->castNode()<<endl); if (!exprconstp && !exprvarrefp) { nodep->v3fatalSrc("Unknown interconnect type; pinReconnectSimple should have cleared up\n"); } if (exprconstp) { m_modp->addStmtp(new AstAssignW(nodep->fileline(), new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), nodep, true), exprconstp->cloneTree(true))); } else if (nodep->user3()) { // Public variable at the lower module end - we need to make sure we propagate // the logic changes up and down; if we aliased, we might remove the change detection // on the output variable. UINFO(9,"public pin assign: "<<exprvarrefp<<endl); if (nodep->isInput()) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Outputs only - inputs use AssignAlias"); m_modp->addStmtp(new AstAssignW(nodep->fileline(), new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), exprvarrefp->varp(), true), new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), nodep, false))); } else if (nodep->isIfaceRef()) { m_modp->addStmtp(new AstAssignVarScope(nodep->fileline(), new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), nodep, true), new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), exprvarrefp->varp(), false))); AstNode* nodebp=exprvarrefp->varp(); nodep ->fileline()->modifyStateInherit(nodebp->fileline()); nodebp->fileline()->modifyStateInherit(nodep ->fileline()); } else { // Do to inlining child's variable now within the same module, so a AstVarRef not AstVarXRef below m_modp->addStmtp(new AstAssignAlias(nodep->fileline(), new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), nodep, true), new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), exprvarrefp->varp(), false))); AstNode* nodebp=exprvarrefp->varp(); nodep ->fileline()->modifyStateInherit(nodebp->fileline()); nodebp->fileline()->modifyStateInherit(nodep ->fileline()); } } // Variable under the inline cell, need to rename to avoid conflicts // Also clear I/O bits, as it is now local. string name = m_cellp->name() + "__DOT__" + nodep->name(); if (!nodep->isFuncLocal()) nodep->inlineAttrReset(name); if (debug()>=9) { nodep->dumpTree(cout,"varchanged:"); } if (debug()>=9) { nodep->valuep()->dumpTree(cout,"varchangei:"); } // Iterate won't hit AstIfaceRefDType directly as it is no longer underneath the module if (AstIfaceRefDType* ifacerefp = nodep->dtypep()->castIfaceRefDType()) { // Relink to point to newly cloned cell if (ifacerefp->cellp()) { if (AstCell* newcellp = ifacerefp->cellp()->user4p()->castNode()->castCell()) { ifacerefp->cellp(newcellp); ifacerefp->cellName(newcellp->name()); } } } nodep->iterateChildren(*this); }
virtual void visit(AstNodeModule* nodep, AstNUser*) { // Create required blocks and add to module string scopename; if (!m_aboveScopep) scopename = "TOP"; else scopename = m_aboveScopep->name()+"."+m_aboveCellp->name(); UINFO(4," MOD AT "<<scopename<<" "<<nodep<<endl); AstNode::user1ClearTree(); m_scopep = new AstScope((m_aboveCellp?(AstNode*)m_aboveCellp:(AstNode*)nodep)->fileline(), nodep, scopename, m_aboveScopep, m_aboveCellp); // Now for each child cell, iterate the module this cell points to for (AstNode* cellnextp = nodep->stmtsp(); cellnextp; cellnextp=cellnextp->nextp()) { if (AstCell* cellp = cellnextp->castCell()) { AstScope* oldScopep = m_scopep; AstCell* oldAbCellp = m_aboveCellp; AstScope* oldAbScopep = m_aboveScopep; { m_aboveCellp = cellp; m_aboveScopep = m_scopep; AstNodeModule* modp = cellp->modp(); if (!modp) cellp->v3fatalSrc("Unlinked mod"); modp->accept(*this); // Recursive call to visit(AstNodeModule) } // Done, restore vars m_scopep = oldScopep; m_aboveCellp = oldAbCellp; m_aboveScopep = oldAbScopep; } } // Create scope for the current usage of this module UINFO(4," back AT "<<scopename<<" "<<nodep<<endl); AstNode::user1ClearTree(); m_modp = nodep; if (m_modp->isTop()) { AstTopScope* topscp = new AstTopScope(nodep->fileline(), m_scopep); m_modp->addStmtp(topscp); } else { m_modp->addStmtp(m_scopep); } // Copy blocks into this scope // If this is the first usage of the block ever, we can simply move the reference nodep->iterateChildren(*this); // ***Note m_scopep is passed back to the caller of the routine (above) }
virtual void visit(AstRepeat* nodep, AstNUser*) { // So later optimizations don't need to deal with them, // REPEAT(count,body) -> loop=count,WHILE(loop>0) { body, loop-- } // Note var can be signed or unsigned based on original number. AstNode* countp = nodep->countp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext(); string name = string("__Vrepeat")+cvtToStr(m_repeatNum++); // Spec says value is integral, if negative is ignored AstVar* varp = new AstVar(nodep->fileline(), AstVarType::BLOCKTEMP, name, nodep->findSigned32DType()); varp->usedLoopIdx(true); m_modp->addStmtp(varp); AstNode* initsp = new AstAssign(nodep->fileline(), new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), varp, true), countp); AstNode* decp = new AstAssign(nodep->fileline(), new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), varp, true), new AstSub(nodep->fileline(), new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), varp, false), new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), 1))); V3Number zero (nodep->fileline(), 32, 0); zero.isSigned(true); AstNode* zerosp = new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), zero); AstNode* condp = new AstGtS(nodep->fileline(), new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), varp, false), zerosp); AstNode* bodysp = nodep->bodysp(); if (bodysp) bodysp->unlinkFrBackWithNext(); AstNode* newp = new AstWhile(nodep->fileline(), condp, bodysp, decp); initsp = initsp->addNext(newp); newp = initsp; nodep->replaceWith(newp); nodep->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep); }
virtual void visit(AstPin* nodep, AstNUser*) { // Check to see if any output pins have __en pins and create the __en pins to match AstVarRef* refp = findVarRef(nodep); if (refp && refp->lvalue() && nodep->modVarp()->user1p()) { AstVar* enchildp = (AstVar*)nodep->modVarp()->user1p(); UINFO(9, " Pulling __en var" << enchildp << endl); AstVar* enp = new AstVar(enchildp->fileline(), AstVarType::OUTPUT, enchildp->name()+cvtToStr(m_unique++), enchildp); enp->user2(enchildp->user2()); m_modp->addStmtp(enp); AstPin* pinp = new AstPin(nodep->fileline(), nodep->pinNum(), enp->name(), new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), enp, true)); AstVarRef *rp = findVarRef(pinp); rp->replaceWith(new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), enp, true)); rp->deleteTree(); rp=NULL; pinp->width(enp->width(),enp->width()); // minwidth==width pinp->modVarp(enchildp); m_cellp->addPinsp(pinp); refp->user1p(enp); refp->varp()->user1p(enp); } // Simplify interconnect in preperation for V3Inst // (This could be a separate visitor, but we're in the neighborhood) V3Inst::pinReconnectSimple(nodep, m_cellp, m_modp); }
virtual void visit(AstUdpTable* nodep, AstNUser*) { UINFO(5,"UDPTABLE "<<nodep<<endl); if (!v3Global.opt.bboxUnsup()) { // We don't warn until V3Inst, so that UDPs that are in libraries and // never used won't result in any warnings. } else { // Massive hack, just tie off all outputs so our analysis can proceed AstVar* varoutp = NULL; for (AstNode* stmtp = m_modp->stmtsp(); stmtp; stmtp=stmtp->nextp()) { if (AstVar* varp = stmtp->castVar()) { if (varp->isInput()) { } else if (varp->isOutput()) { if (varoutp) { varp->v3error("Multiple outputs not allowed in udp modules"); } varoutp = varp; // Tie off m_modp->addStmtp(new AstAssignW(varp->fileline(), new AstVarRef(varp->fileline(), varp, true), new AstConst(varp->fileline(), AstConst::LogicFalse()))); } else { varp->v3error("Only inputs and outputs are allowed in udp modules"); } } } nodep->unlinkFrBack(); pushDeletep(nodep); nodep=NULL; } }
AstVarScope* getCreateLastClk(AstVarScope* vscp) { if (vscp->user1p()) return ((AstVarScope*)vscp->user1p()); AstVar* varp = vscp->varp(); if (!varp->width1()) varp->v3error("Unsupported: Clock edge on non-single bit signal: "<<varp->prettyName()); string newvarname = ((string)"__Vclklast__"+vscp->scopep()->nameDotless()+"__"+varp->name()); AstVar* newvarp = new AstVar(vscp->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, newvarname, VFlagLogicPacked(), 1); newvarp->noReset(true); // Reset by below assign m_modp->addStmtp(newvarp); AstVarScope* newvscp = new AstVarScope(vscp->fileline(), m_scopep, newvarp); vscp->user1p(newvscp); m_scopep->addVarp(newvscp); // Add init AstNode* fromp = new AstVarRef(newvarp->fileline(), vscp, false); if (v3Global.opt.xInitialEdge()) fromp = new AstNot(fromp->fileline(), fromp); AstNode* newinitp = new AstAssign(vscp->fileline(), new AstVarRef(newvarp->fileline(), newvscp, true), fromp); addToInitial(newinitp); // At bottom, assign them AstAssign* finalp = new AstAssign(vscp->fileline(), new AstVarRef(vscp->fileline(), newvscp, true), new AstVarRef(vscp->fileline(), vscp, false)); m_evalFuncp->addFinalsp(finalp); // UINFO(4,"New Last: "<<newvscp<<endl); return newvscp; }
virtual void visit(AstCFunc* nodep, AstNUser*) { if (!nodep->user1()) { m_needThis = false; nodep->iterateChildren(*this); nodep->user1(true); if (m_needThis) { nodep->v3fatalSrc("old code"); // Really we should have more node types for backend optimization of this stuff string text = v3Global.opt.modPrefix() + "_" + m_modp->name() +"* thisp = &("+m_scopep->nameVlSym()+");\n"; nodep->addInitsp(new AstCStmt(nodep->fileline(), text)); } // If it's under a scope, move it up to the top if (m_scopep) { nodep->unlinkFrBack(); m_modp->addStmtp(nodep); if (nodep->funcPublic()) { // There may be multiple public functions by the same name; // record for later correction or making of shells m_modFuncs.insert(make_pair(nodep->name(), nodep)); nodep->name(m_scopep->nameDotless() +"__" + nodep->name()); } } } }
AstVarScope* createVarSc(AstVarScope* oldvarscp, string name, int width/*0==fromoldvar*/) { // Because we've already scoped it, we may need to add both the AstVar and the AstVarScope if (!oldvarscp->scopep()) oldvarscp->v3fatalSrc("Var unscoped"); AstVar* varp; AstNodeModule* addmodp = oldvarscp->scopep()->modp(); // We need a new AstVar, but only one for all scopes, to match the new AstVarScope VarMap::iterator iter = m_modVarMap.find(make_pair(addmodp,name)); if (iter != m_modVarMap.end()) { // Created module's AstVar earlier under some other scope varp = iter->second; } else { if (width==0) { varp = new AstVar (oldvarscp->fileline(), AstVarType::BLOCKTEMP, name, oldvarscp->varp()); varp->widthSignedFrom(oldvarscp); } else { // Used for vset and dimensions, so can zero init varp = new AstVar (oldvarscp->fileline(), AstVarType::BLOCKTEMP, name, AstBitPacked(), width); } addmodp->addStmtp(varp); m_modVarMap.insert(make_pair(make_pair(addmodp, name), varp)); } AstVarScope* varscp = new AstVarScope (oldvarscp->fileline(), oldvarscp->scopep(), varp); oldvarscp->scopep()->addVarp(varscp); return varscp; }
virtual void visit(AstPin* nodep, AstNUser*) { // PIN(p,expr) -> ASSIGNW(VARXREF(p),expr) (if sub's input) // or ASSIGNW(expr,VARXREF(p)) (if sub's output) UINFO(4," PIN "<<nodep<<endl); if (!nodep->exprp()) return; // No-connect if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout," Pin_oldb: "); if (nodep->modVarp()->isOutOnly() && nodep->exprp()->castConst()) nodep->v3error("Output port is connected to a constant pin, electrical short"); // Use user1p on the PIN to indicate we created an assign for this pin if (!nodep->user1SetOnce()) { // Simplify it V3Inst::pinReconnectSimple(nodep, m_cellp, m_modp, false); // Make a ASSIGNW (expr, pin) AstNode* exprp = nodep->exprp()->cloneTree(false); if (exprp->width() != nodep->modVarp()->width()) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Width mismatch, should have been handled in pinReconnectSimple\n"); if (nodep->modVarp()->isInout()) { nodep->v3fatalSrc("Unsupported: Verilator is a 2-state simulator"); } else if (nodep->modVarp()->isOutput()) { AstNode* rhsp = new AstVarXRef (exprp->fileline(), nodep->modVarp(), m_cellp->name(), false); AstAssignW* assp = new AstAssignW (exprp->fileline(), exprp, rhsp); m_modp->addStmtp(assp); } else if (nodep->modVarp()->isInput()) { // Don't bother moving constants now, // we'll be pushing the const down to the cell soon enough. AstNode* assp = new AstAssignW (exprp->fileline(), new AstVarXRef(exprp->fileline(), nodep->modVarp(), m_cellp->name(), true), exprp); m_modp->addStmtp(assp); if (debug()>=9) assp->dumpTree(cout," _new: "); } else if (nodep->modVarp()->isIfaceRef()) { // Create an AstAssignVarScope for Vars to Cells so we can link with their scope later AstNode* lhsp = new AstVarXRef (exprp->fileline(), nodep->modVarp(), m_cellp->name(), false); AstVarRef* refp = exprp->castVarRef(); if (!refp) exprp->v3fatalSrc("Interfaces: Pin is not connected to a VarRef"); AstAssignVarScope* assp = new AstAssignVarScope(exprp->fileline(), lhsp, refp); m_modp->addStmtp(assp); } else { nodep->v3error("Assigned pin is neither input nor output"); } } // We're done with the pin nodep->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree(); nodep=NULL; }
virtual void visit(AstVar* nodep, AstNUser*) { if (m_unnamedScope != "") { // Rename it nodep->name(m_unnamedScope+"__DOT__"+nodep->name()); // Move to module nodep->unlinkFrBack(); if (m_ftaskp) m_ftaskp->addStmtsp(nodep); // Begins under funcs just move into the func else m_modp->addStmtp(nodep); } }
void V3LinkLevel::wrapTopCell(AstNetlist* netlistp) { AstNodeModule* newmodp = netlistp->modulesp(); if (!newmodp || !newmodp->isTop()) netlistp->v3fatalSrc("No TOP module found to process"); AstNodeModule* oldmodp = newmodp->nextp()->castNodeModule(); if (!oldmodp) netlistp->v3fatalSrc("No module found to process"); // Add instance AstCell* cellp = new AstCell(newmodp->fileline(), ((v3Global.opt.l2Name()!="") ? v3Global.opt.l2Name() : oldmodp->name()), oldmodp->name(), NULL, NULL, NULL); cellp->modp(oldmodp); newmodp->addStmtp(cellp); // Add pins for (AstNode* subnodep=oldmodp->stmtsp(); subnodep; subnodep = subnodep->nextp()) { if (AstVar* oldvarp=subnodep->castVar()) { UINFO(8,"VARWRAP "<<oldvarp<<endl); if (oldvarp->isIO()) { AstVar* varp = oldvarp->cloneTree(false); newmodp->addStmtp(varp); varp->sigPublic(true); // User needs to be able to get to it... if (oldvarp->isIO()) { oldvarp->primaryIO(true); varp->primaryIO(true); } if (varp->isIO() && v3Global.opt.systemC()) { varp->sc(true); // User can see trace one level down from the wrapper // Avoids packing & unpacking SC signals a second time varp->trace(false); } AstPin* pinp = new AstPin(oldvarp->fileline(),0,oldvarp->name(), new AstVarRef(varp->fileline(), varp, oldvarp->isOutput())); // Skip length and width comp; we know it's a direct assignment pinp->modVarp(oldvarp); cellp->addPinsp(pinp); } } } }
virtual void visit(AstCell* nodep, AstNUser*) { UINFO(8," CELL "<<nodep<<endl); if (m_namedScope != "") { // Rename it nodep->name(m_namedScope+"__DOT__"+nodep->name()); UINFO(8," rename to "<<nodep->name()<<endl); // Move to module nodep->unlinkFrBack(); m_modp->addStmtp(nodep); } }
AstVarScope* getCreateLocalVar(FileLine* fl, const string& name, AstVar* examplep, int width) { AstVar* newvarp; if (width) { newvarp = new AstVar (fl, AstVarType::BLOCKTEMP, name, VFlagLogicPacked(), width); } else { newvarp = new AstVar (fl, AstVarType::BLOCKTEMP, name, examplep); // No range; 1 bit. } m_modp->addStmtp(newvarp); AstVarScope* newvscp = new AstVarScope(fl, m_scopep, newvarp); m_scopep->addVarp(newvscp); return newvscp; }
void walkReplace(AstNode* node1p, AstNode* node2p, AstNode* last1p, AstNode* last2p) { // Final node in linked list, maybe null if all statements to be grabbed // Make new function string oldname = m_funcp->name(); string::size_type pos; if ((pos=oldname.find("_common")) != string::npos) { oldname.erase(pos); } if ((pos=oldname.find("__")) != string::npos) { oldname.erase(pos); } AstCFunc* newfuncp = new AstCFunc(node1p->fileline(), oldname+"_common"+cvtToStr(++m_modNFuncs), NULL); m_modp->addStmtp(newfuncp); // Create calls AstCCall* call1p = new AstCCall(node1p->fileline(), newfuncp); AstCCall* call2p = new AstCCall(node2p->fileline(), newfuncp); // Grab statement bodies AstNRelinker relink1Handle; AstNRelinker relink2Handle; for (AstNode* nextp, *walkp = node1p; 1; walkp = nextp) { nextp = walkp->nextp(); if (walkp==node1p) walkp->unlinkFrBack(&relink1Handle); else { walkp->unlinkFrBack(); node1p->addNext(walkp); } if (walkp==last1p) break; } for (AstNode* nextp, *walkp = node2p; 1; walkp = nextp) { nextp = walkp->nextp(); if (walkp==node2p) walkp->unlinkFrBack(&relink2Handle); else { walkp->unlinkFrBack(); node2p->addNext(walkp); } if (walkp==last2p) break; } // Move node1 statements to new function newfuncp->addStmtsp(node1p); //newfuncp->dumpTree(cout," newfunctree: "); // Mark node2 statements as dead CombMarkVisitor visitor(node2p); pushDeletep(node2p); // Delete later // Link in new function relink1Handle.relink(call1p); relink2Handle.relink(call2p); // Hash the new function hashFunctions(newfuncp); m_call.addCall(call1p); m_call.addCall(call2p); // If either new statement makes a func with only a single call, replace // the above callers to call it directly replaceOnlyCallFunc(call1p); VL_DANGLING(call1p); replaceOnlyCallFunc(call2p); VL_DANGLING(call2p); }
void genChangeDet(AstVarScope* vscp) { #ifdef NEW_ORDERING vscp->v3fatalSrc("Not applicable\n"); #endif AstVar* varp = vscp->varp(); vscp->v3warn(IMPERFECTSCH,"Imperfect scheduling of variable: "<<vscp); AstUnpackArrayDType* arrayp = varp->dtypeSkipRefp()->castUnpackArrayDType(); AstStructDType *structp = varp->dtypeSkipRefp()->castStructDType(); bool isArray = arrayp; bool isStruct = structp && structp->packedUnsup(); int elements = isArray ? arrayp->elementsConst() : 1; if (isArray && (elements > DETECTARRAY_MAX_INDEXES)) { vscp->v3warn(E_DETECTARRAY, "Unsupported: Can't detect more than "<<cvtToStr(DETECTARRAY_MAX_INDEXES) <<" array indexes (probably with UNOPTFLAT warning suppressed): "<<varp->prettyName()<<endl <<vscp->warnMore() <<"... Could recompile with DETECTARRAY_MAX_INDEXES increased to at least "<<cvtToStr(elements)); } else if (!isArray && !isStruct && !varp->dtypeSkipRefp()->castBasicDType()) { if (debug()) varp->dumpTree(cout,"-DETECTARRAY-"); vscp->v3warn(E_DETECTARRAY, "Unsupported: Can't detect changes on complex variable (probably with UNOPTFLAT warning suppressed): "<<varp->prettyName()); } else { string newvarname = "__Vchglast__"+vscp->scopep()->nameDotless()+"__"+varp->shortName(); // Create: VARREF(_last) // ASSIGN(VARREF(_last), VARREF(var)) // ... // CHANGEDET(VARREF(_last), VARREF(var)) AstVar* newvarp = new AstVar (varp->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, newvarname, varp); m_topModp->addStmtp(newvarp); AstVarScope* newvscp = new AstVarScope(vscp->fileline(), m_scopetopp, newvarp); m_scopetopp->addVarp(newvscp); for (int index=0; index<elements; ++index) { AstChangeDet* changep = new AstChangeDet (vscp->fileline(), aselIfNeeded(isArray, index, new AstVarRef(vscp->fileline(), vscp, false)), aselIfNeeded(isArray, index, new AstVarRef(vscp->fileline(), newvscp, false)), false); m_chgFuncp->addStmtsp(changep); AstAssign* initp = new AstAssign (vscp->fileline(), aselIfNeeded(isArray, index, new AstVarRef(vscp->fileline(), newvscp, true)), aselIfNeeded(isArray, index, new AstVarRef(vscp->fileline(), vscp, false))); m_chgFuncp->addFinalsp(initp); } } }
virtual void visit(AstVar* nodep, AstNUser*) { if (m_state == CONVERT_VARS) { if (nodep->isTristate() && !m_ftaskp) { // create the input var and leave the original as the output var AstVar* varinp = nodep->cloneTree(false)->castVar(); varinp->name(varinp->name() + "__in"); varinp->varType2In(); nodep->combineType(AstVarType::OUTPUT); nodep->varType2Out(); m_modp->addStmtp(varinp); nodep->user1p(varinp); } } }
void V3LinkLevel::wrapTopPackages(AstNetlist* netlistp) { // Instantiate all packages under the top wrapper // This way all later SCOPE based optimizations can ignore packages AstNodeModule* newmodp = netlistp->modulesp(); if (!newmodp || !newmodp->isTop()) netlistp->v3fatalSrc("No TOP module found to process"); for (AstNodeModule* modp = netlistp->modulesp(); modp; modp=modp->nextp()->castNodeModule()) { if (modp->castPackage()) { AstCell* cellp = new AstCell(modp->fileline(), // Could add __03a__03a="::" to prevent conflict // with module names/"v" modp->name(), modp->name(), NULL, NULL, NULL); cellp->modp(modp); newmodp->addStmtp(cellp); } } }
AstCFunc* createDeepFunc(AstNode* nodep) { AstNRelinker relinkHandle; nodep->unlinkFrBack(&relinkHandle); // Create function string name = m_funcp->name()+"__deep"+cvtToStr(++m_deepNum); AstCFunc* funcp = new AstCFunc(nodep->fileline(), name, NULL); funcp->argTypes(EmitCBaseVisitor::symClassVar()); funcp->symProlog(true); funcp->slow(m_funcp->slow()); funcp->addStmtsp(nodep); m_modp->addStmtp(funcp); // Call it at the point where the body was removed from AstCCall* callp = new AstCCall(nodep->fileline(), funcp); callp->argTypes("vlSymsp"); UINFO(6," New "<<callp<<endl); // relinkHandle.relink(callp); return funcp; }
virtual void visit(AstBind* nodep, AstNUser*) { // Bind: Has cells underneath that need to be put into the new module, and cells which need resolution // TODO this doesn't allow bind to dotted hier names, that would require // this move to post param, which would mean we do not auto-read modules // and means we cannot compute module levels until later. UINFO(4,"Link Bind: "<<nodep<<endl); AstNodeModule* modp = resolveModule(nodep,nodep->name()); if (modp) { AstNode* cellsp = nodep->cellsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext(); // Module may have already linked, so need to pick up these new cells AstNodeModule* oldModp = m_modp; { m_modp = modp; modp->addStmtp(cellsp); // Important that this adds to end, as next iterate assumes does all cells cellsp->iterateAndNext(*this); } m_modp = oldModp; } pushDeletep(nodep->unlinkFrBack()); }
// METHODS AstVarScope* genInpClk(AstVarScope* vscp) { if (vscp->user2p()) { return VN_CAST(vscp->user2p(), VarScope); } else { AstVar* varp = vscp->varp(); string newvarname = "__VinpClk__"+vscp->scopep()->nameDotless()+"__"+varp->name(); // Create: VARREF(inpclk) // ... // ASSIGN(VARREF(inpclk), VARREF(var)) AstVar* newvarp = new AstVar(varp->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, newvarname, varp); m_topModp->addStmtp(newvarp); AstVarScope* newvscp = new AstVarScope(vscp->fileline(), m_scopetopp, newvarp); m_scopetopp->addVarp(newvscp); AstAssign* asninitp = new AstAssign(vscp->fileline(), new AstVarRef(vscp->fileline(), newvscp, true), new AstVarRef(vscp->fileline(), vscp, false)); m_scopetopp->addFinalClkp(asninitp); // vscp->user2p(newvscp); return newvscp; } }
virtual void visit(AstCell* nodep, AstNUser*) { if (nodep->modp()->user1()) { // Marked with inline request UINFO(5," Inline CELL "<<nodep<<endl); UINFO(5," To MOD "<<m_modp<<endl); ++m_statCells; // Before cloning simplify pin assignments // Better off before, as if module has multiple instantiations // we'll save work, and we can't call pinReconnectSimple in // this loop as it clone()s itself. for (AstPin* pinp = nodep->pinsp(); pinp; pinp=pinp->nextp()->castPin()) { if (!pinp->exprp()) continue; V3Inst::pinReconnectSimple(pinp, nodep, m_modp, false); } // Clone original module if (debug()>=9) { nodep->dumpTree(cout,"inlcell:"); } //if (debug()>=9) { nodep->modp()->dumpTree(cout,"oldmod:"); } AstNodeModule* newmodp = nodep->modp()->cloneTree(false); if (debug()>=9) { newmodp->dumpTree(cout,"newmod:"); } // Clear var markings and find cell cross references AstNode::user2ClearTree(); AstNode::user4ClearTree(); { InlineCollectVisitor(nodep->modp()); } // {} to destroy visitor immediately // Create data for dotted variable resolution AstCellInline* inlinep = new AstCellInline(nodep->fileline(), nodep->name(), nodep->modp()->origName()); m_modp->addInlinesp(inlinep); // Must be parsed before any AstCells // Create assignments to the pins for (AstPin* pinp = nodep->pinsp(); pinp; pinp=pinp->nextp()->castPin()) { if (!pinp->exprp()) continue; UINFO(6," Pin change from "<<pinp->modVarp()<<endl); // Make new signal; even though we'll optimize the interconnect, we // need an alias to trace correctly. If tracing is disabled, we'll // delete it in later optimizations. AstVar* pinOldVarp = pinp->modVarp(); AstVar* pinNewVarp = pinOldVarp->clonep()->castVar(); AstNode* connectRefp = pinp->exprp(); if (!connectRefp->castConst() && !connectRefp->castVarRef()) { pinp->v3fatalSrc("Unknown interconnect type; pinReconnectSimple should have cleared up\n"); } if (pinNewVarp->isOutOnly() && connectRefp->castConst()) { pinp->v3error("Output port is connected to a constant pin, electrical short"); } // Propagate any attributes across the interconnect pinNewVarp->propagateAttrFrom(pinOldVarp); if (connectRefp->castVarRef()) { connectRefp->castVarRef()->varp()->propagateAttrFrom(pinOldVarp); } // One to one interconnect won't make a temporary variable. // This prevents creating a lot of extra wires for clock signals. // It will become a tracing alias. UINFO(6,"One-to-one "<<connectRefp<<endl); UINFO(6," -to "<<pinNewVarp<<endl); pinNewVarp->user2p(connectRefp); // Public output inside the cell must go via an assign rather than alias // Else the public logic will set the alias, loosing the value to be propagated up // (InOnly isn't a problem as the AssignAlias will create the assignment for us) pinNewVarp->user3(pinNewVarp->isSigUserRWPublic() && pinNewVarp->isOutOnly()); } // Cleanup var names, etc, to not conflict { InlineRelinkVisitor(newmodp, m_modp, nodep); } // Move statements to top module if (debug()>=9) { newmodp->dumpTree(cout,"fixmod:"); } AstNode* stmtsp = newmodp->stmtsp(); if (stmtsp) stmtsp->unlinkFrBackWithNext(); if (stmtsp) m_modp->addStmtp(stmtsp); // Remove the cell newmodp->deleteTree(); newmodp=NULL; // Clear any leftover ports, etc nodep->unlinkFrBack(); pushDeletep(nodep); nodep = NULL; if (debug()>=9) { m_modp->dumpTree(cout,"donemod:"); } } }
virtual void visit(AstConst* nodep) { if (m_constXCvt && nodep->num().isFourState()) { UINFO(4," CONST4 "<<nodep<<endl); if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout," Const_old: "); // CONST(num) -> VARREF(newvarp) // -> VAR(newvarp) // -> INITIAL(VARREF(newvarp, OR(num_No_Xs,AND(random,num_1s_Where_X)) V3Number numb1 (nodep->fileline(), nodep->width()); numb1.opBitsOne(nodep->num()); V3Number numbx (nodep->fileline(), nodep->width()); numbx.opBitsXZ(nodep->num()); if (v3Global.opt.xAssign()!="unique") { // All X bits just become 0; fastest simulation, but not nice V3Number numnew (nodep->fileline(), numb1.width()); if (v3Global.opt.xAssign()=="1") { numnew.opOr(numb1, numbx); } else { numnew.opAssign(numb1); } AstConst* newp = new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), numnew); nodep->replaceWith(newp); nodep->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep); UINFO(4," -> "<<newp<<endl); } else { // Make a Vxrand variable // We use the special XTEMP type so it doesn't break pure functions if (!m_modp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("X number not under module"); string newvarname = ((string)"__Vxrand" +cvtToStr(m_modp->varNumGetInc())); AstVar* newvarp = new AstVar (nodep->fileline(), AstVarType::XTEMP, newvarname, VFlagLogicPacked(), nodep->width()); ++m_statUnkVars; AstNRelinker replaceHandle; nodep->unlinkFrBack(&replaceHandle); AstNodeVarRef* newref1p = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), newvarp, false); replaceHandle.relink(newref1p); // Replace const with varref AstInitial* newinitp = new AstInitial( nodep->fileline(), new AstAssign( nodep->fileline(), new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), newvarp, true), new AstOr(nodep->fileline(), new AstConst(nodep->fileline(),numb1), new AstAnd(nodep->fileline(), new AstConst(nodep->fileline(),numbx), new AstRand(nodep->fileline(), nodep->dtypep(), true))))); // Add inits in front of other statement. // In the future, we should stuff the initp into the module's constructor. AstNode* afterp = m_modp->stmtsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext(); m_modp->addStmtp(newvarp); m_modp->addStmtp(newinitp); m_modp->addStmtp(afterp); if (debug()>=9) newref1p->dumpTree(cout," _new: "); if (debug()>=9) newvarp->dumpTree(cout," _new: "); if (debug()>=9) newinitp->dumpTree(cout," _new: "); nodep->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep); } } }
void replaceBoundLvalue(AstNode* nodep, AstNode* condp) { // Spec says a out-of-range LHS SEL results in a NOP. // This is a PITA. We could: // 1. IF(...) around an ASSIGN, // but that would break a "foo[TOO_BIG]=$fopen(...)". // 2. Hack to extend the size of the output structure // by one bit, and write to that temporary, but never read it. // That makes there be two widths() and is likely a bug farm. // 3. Make a special SEL to choose between the real lvalue // and a temporary NOP register. // 4. Assign to a temp, then IF that assignment. // This is suspected to be nicest to later optimizations. // 4 seems best but breaks later optimizations. 3 was tried, // but makes a mess in the emitter as lvalue switching is needed. So 4. // SEL(...) -> temp // if (COND(LTE(bit<=maxlsb))) ASSIGN(SEL(...)),temp) if (m_assignwp) { // Wire assigns must become always statements to deal with insertion // of multiple statements. Perhaps someday make all wassigns into always's? UINFO(5," IM_WireRep "<<m_assignwp<<endl); m_assignwp->convertToAlways(); pushDeletep(m_assignwp); m_assignwp=NULL; } bool needDly = (m_assigndlyp != NULL); if (m_assigndlyp) { // Delayed assignments become normal assignments, // then the temp created becomes the delayed assignment AstNode* newp = new AstAssign(m_assigndlyp->fileline(), m_assigndlyp->lhsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext(), m_assigndlyp->rhsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext()); m_assigndlyp->replaceWith(newp); pushDeletep(m_assigndlyp); m_assigndlyp=NULL; } AstNode* prep = nodep; // Scan back to put the condlvalue above all selects (IE top of the lvalue) while (prep->backp()->castNodeSel() || prep->backp()->castSel()) { prep=prep->backp(); } FileLine* fl = nodep->fileline(); VL_DANGLING(nodep); // Zap it so we don't use it by mistake - use prep // Already exists; rather than IF(a,... IF(b... optimize to IF(a&&b, // Saves us teaching V3Const how to optimize, and it won't be needed again. if (AstIf* ifp = prep->user2p()->castIf()) { if (needDly) prep->v3fatalSrc("Should have already converted to non-delay"); AstNRelinker replaceHandle; AstNode* earliercondp = ifp->condp()->unlinkFrBack(&replaceHandle); AstNode* newp = new AstLogAnd (condp->fileline(), condp, earliercondp); UINFO(4, "Edit BOUNDLVALUE "<<newp<<endl); replaceHandle.relink(newp); } else { string name = ((string)"__Vlvbound"+cvtToStr(m_modp->varNumGetInc())); AstVar* varp = new AstVar(fl, AstVarType::MODULETEMP, name, prep->dtypep()); m_modp->addStmtp(varp); AstNode* abovep = prep->backp(); // Grab above point before lose it w/ next replace prep->replaceWith(new AstVarRef(fl, varp, true)); AstNode* newp = new AstIf(fl, condp, (needDly ? static_cast<AstNode*> (new AstAssignDly(fl, prep, new AstVarRef(fl, varp, false))) : static_cast<AstNode*> (new AstAssign (fl, prep, new AstVarRef(fl, varp, false)))), NULL); if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout," _new: "); abovep->addNextStmt(newp,abovep); prep->user2p(newp); // Save so we may LogAnd it next time } }